Halloween Nation

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

What was with James Comey’s Friday letter to congress? It looks to me like the FBI Director had to go nuclear against his parent agency, the Department of Justice, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, his boss, in particular. Why? Because the Attorney General refused to pursue the Clinton email case when more evidence turned up in the underage sexting case against Anthony Weiner, husband of Hillary’s chief of staff, Huma Abedin.

Over the weekend, the astounding news story broke that the FBI had not obtained a warrant to examine the emails on Weiner’s computer and other devices after three weeks of getting stonewalled by DOJ attorneys. What does it mean when the Director of the FBI can’t get a warrant in a New York minute? It must mean that the DOJ is at war with the FBI. Watergate is looking like thin gruel compared to this fantastic Bouillabaisse of a presidential campaign fiasco.

One way you can tell is that The New York Times is playing down the story Monday morning. Columnist Paul Krugman calls the Comey letter “cryptic.” Krugman’s personal cryptograph insinuates that Comey is trying to squash an investigation of “Russian meddling in American elections.” Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid chimed in with a statement that “it has become clear that you [Comey] possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisers and the Russian government.” How’s that for stupid and ugly? It’s the Russian’s fault that Hillary finds herself in trouble again?

Earlier this week, lawyers at the DOJ attempted to quash a parallel investigation of the Clinton Foundation. They must be out of their minds to think that story will go away. Isn’t it about time that a House or Senate committee subpoenaed Bill Clinton to testify under oath about his June airport meeting with Loretta Lynch. He doesn’t enjoy any special immunity in this case.

Speaking of immunity, when will we learn what kind of immunity Huma Abedin may have been granted in previous cycles of the email investigation? Plenty of other Clinton campaign associates got immunity from prosecution earlier this year, rendering bales of evidence on their own laptops inadmissible in the email server case.

Things as yet unknown: Where is US Attorney (for the Southern District of New York) Preet Bharara in this case? He works for the DOJ, but he is known to be an independent operator, and he must be already involved at least in the underage sexting case against Weiner, meaning he’s had access to an awful lot of collateral evidence from Weiner’s laptop, and must have obtained some kind of warrants of his own.

What appears to be unraveling is the AG Loretta Lynch’s effort to protect Hillary Clinton and now, in this Alfred Hitchcock movie of a presidential election, she’s trying to make it look like James Comey is stabbing Hillary in the shower. (Film buffs note: in Hitchcock’s Psycho the character played by Janet Leigh made off with a bundle of money from her place of employment before Norman Bates worked his hoodoo on her at the motel.)

Trump, of course, is playing the escapade up in his usual idiotic way. It would be unfortunate if it ended up getting him elected — but how would it not be unfortunate for Hillary to wind up in the White House under a cloud of possible indictment? She will be doing Chinese fire drills with a special prosecutor the whole time she is in office, tempted at every moment to start a war with the Russians to divert attention from her legal problems.

Soon we will learn what kind of tensions are roiling between the FBI and the DOJ, and internally within each of these agencies. There are too many pissed off people there to prevent leakage, and probably plenty of email memoranda among the officials that would nicely lay out a trail of incrimination leading into the Attorney General’s office itself.

What a fine mess. And anybody who thinks that any of it might be resolved before November 8 will be disappointed. This story has so many legs, it looks like a Amazonian centipede compared to the cockroach that was Watergate. The awful proceedings will grind on and on while the US economy and its vampire squid matrix of financial rackets implodes in 2017 along with the European Union and global trade. How do you like The Long Emergency now?

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October 31, 2016 9:27 am

Is it not true that the entire coastline of the USA ( within 100 miles of the shoreline ) is under Marshall Law? Thus, they don’t need no warrant to examine them emails. This whole thing is starting to look like bread and circus, Kabuki theater and Keystone cops. Possibly hiding the elite’s belief that their new sky-based directed-energy weapons will assure them victory? Either Putin is in on it or why else would US keep trying to provoke a war, unless of course they were sure they would win it?

Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
October 31, 2016 11:27 am

“Is it not true that the entire coastline of the USA ( within 100 miles of the shoreline ) is under Marshall Law?”

Who is this “Marshall Law”? Thurgood Marshall is gone, RIP.

Perhaps you mean “martial law”? It’s hard to discuss a concept if you can’t even spell it or decide whether it’s a proper noun or a common noun.

No, it is not true that the area within 100 miles of the coastline is under martial law. I’m guessing you are confused with the issue that the area within 100 miles of US BORDERS (not just coastline) is deemed an area in which CBP is allowed to search any person or vehicle without a warrant, as part of its duty to protect our borders. This is a stupid and unconstitutional rule, but it is not martial law.

October 31, 2016 9:51 am

I can only speculate what is in those emails.

That being said, I am 99% certain that the FBI already looked, unofficially, anyway. But they need a warrant to make it official. Otherwise any evidence could be made inadmissible in court.

So….I highly think whatever is in those emails indicates serious felonies, if not outright treason.

October 31, 2016 10:00 am

Thank you JHK for taking a look at the balls of tangled string or the
Bouillabaisse “stew” of unidentifiable ingredients.
However, Trump is not idiotic, but the Hil. is clearly a corrupt and “careless”
individual. And ideology or $ is supporting a cast of characters scurrying about
trying to cover the mess.

October 31, 2016 10:03 am

Trump, of course, is playing the escapade up in his usual idiotic way. It would be unfortunate if it ended up getting him elected — but how would it not be unfortunate for Hillary to wind up in the White House under a cloud of possible indictment? She will be doing Chinese fire drills with a special prosecutor the whole time she is in office, tempted at every moment to start a war with the Russians to divert attention from her legal problems.

Not to worry. Even if Hitlery et alia scheme to defraud the electorate by way of Soros’ voting machines and other machinations and the Wicked Witch of Chappaqua slimes into the White House, she’s succumbing to Parkinson’s disease and possibly some other fatal central neurological degenerative disorders. She’s already UNFIT to serve in any post of responsibility owing to undeniable permanent medical disability.

Trump 2016, and Hitlery for the rest of her life in a secure hospice bed in the federal penal system.

October 31, 2016 11:48 am

Hey Tucci – How do you create the italicized quotes like in your comment above with the vertical bold line to the left? This seems to be common denominator on the internet where quotes are referenced and I was wondering how it was done. Please let me know. Thank you

October 31, 2016 1:59 pm

How do you create the italicized quotes like in your comment above with the vertical bold line to the left?

In some these comments systems use HTML coding. In this wise, what you want is the use of the caret characters enfolding the term “blockquote”

Some systems want “i” coding. In this Web site’s system, however, italicization happens with the “blockquote” mark-up automatically.

October 31, 2016 2:29 pm


October 31, 2016 2:43 pm

I mean thanks.

Some systems want “i” coding. In this Web site’s system, however, italicization happens with the “blockquote” mark-up automatically.

November 1, 2016 2:20 am

Now I can tell folks to blow me with italics. Another TBP first!

October 31, 2016 10:23 am

What if hilary is charged, loses the popular vote (of course) but neither candidate receives a majority of electoral votes.

“If no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most Electoral votes. Each state delegation has one vote. The Senate would elect the Vice President from the 2 Vice Presidential candidates with the most Electoral votes. Each Senator would cast one vote for Vice President. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House.”

October 31, 2016 11:56 am

Only Utah and McMullen could make that happen Although there a majority of states with Republican representative in the House, Paul Ryan will steer the vote to the Hag.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 31, 2016 12:06 pm

Even if Egg McMuffin doesn’t win Utah, there could be a 269-269 tie. Barring a rogue elector, it’d go to the House, where each state gets one vote, so Republicans would win. I’m sure Ryan would want someone more presidential than Trump, like… Paul Ryan, but if they chose anyone other than Trump, blood would be spilt.

harry p
harry p
October 31, 2016 10:53 am

This whole nonsense has a positive twist that CUNT-zler points out accidently.
If trump wins, good, hopefully he’s made good on some his promises and doesnt renig on the important ones.
But if hillary wins, she may be inaugurated into perpetual investigation. The positive here is that this may mean she’ll be too busy to get anything she wants done thru and the stress of office will kill her faster.

Sorry, i was hit by a moment of mild optimism…

October 31, 2016 10:56 am

I have my doubts that was “Weiner’s computer”. First of all what sort of idiot is going to be sexting other women on a computer he shares with his wife? Then why would Huma not have her own computers? She made big money at Teneo and as the Rodhamster’s deputy at the State Department to say nothing of the Rodhamster’s lavishly funded campaign. She could have bought a dozen top of the line lap tops out of her own or the campaign’s pocket.

October 31, 2016 11:53 pm

You are right to doubt, sounds really fishy. Everything is a lie
these days, why should this goofy story pass muster?
We could rationalize some quirky theory to explain this,
but why bother? It is obviously not the truth. It makes absolutely
no sense.

November 3, 2016 1:37 pm

Wasn’t it a government computer which she used at home, treated casually as her own, and passed on to her husband, forgot about, and forgot to tell the authorities about it? Computer as banana skin. Delightful to think the whole rotten gang of them may slip on it.

October 31, 2016 11:03 am

Eventually criminals make mistakes. Apply as applicable.

October 31, 2016 11:19 am

Is it not true that the entire coastline of the USA ( within 100 miles of the shoreline ) is under Marshall Law? Thus, they don’t need no warrant to examine them emails.

Cops arrest other cops for breaking the law. Why doesn’t Comey arrest the AG for accessory to treason?

October 31, 2016 11:29 am

This is sickening shit. What a fucked up country. The laughingstock of the entire world. How can we endure this never-ending charade? Oh, yeah … over and OUT.

Crimson Avenger
Crimson Avenger
October 31, 2016 12:10 pm

I keep trying to come up with a word besides “shitshow” to explain it, but nothing else comes to mind. It’s like a hackneyed Law and Order script with uglier actors.

Miles Long
Miles Long
  Crimson Avenger
October 31, 2016 12:57 pm

Hahahahahahaha… 5 thumbs up Crimson.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 31, 2016 12:13 pm

Would you want to NOT be the laughingstock of the world? If we let the world pick the president, they’d pick some gun-grabbing, warmist, socialist Muslim born in Africa. Fuck the world.

Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
October 31, 2016 11:30 am

If Trump wins there will be widespread riots and political paralysis.

This is the better outcome.

If Killary wins there will be a constitutional crisis, government paralysis, foreign wars, mass invasion (“immigration”), likely serious talks about secession, and ultimately some form of civil war.

  Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
October 31, 2016 12:23 pm


I get the sense that there is an underlying desire for something like the movie Purge. It seems to me that we’ve gone past the point of settling our disagreements with one another with words and a good segment of the population would just love to finally put all those guns to use.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
October 31, 2016 1:35 pm

I may be a bit too docile — but my hope is that it does not come to shooting. The problem is that those who favor anything even approaching Constitutional government have been lied to, shouted down, discounted, and insulted every time they have tried to present their case. (Not to mention the numerous cases where Constitutional proponents have been assaulted, arrested, caged or murdered.) A large part of this nation’s populace have come to the conclusion that talking has been proven to be pointless.

If someone intent on harm breaks into your home, you might tell him to leave, you might order him to leave, you might threaten him if he does not leave. But if he shows no intention to get the H**l out, and instead comes at you with a knife, the time to talk is over.

  Jason Calley
November 3, 2016 1:40 pm

If push comes to shove, whom will those in control of the nukes obey? Will each side get some and deter each other?

  Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
November 1, 2016 12:08 am

If Soros the blow-fish spends more $$$ on agitators, community
organizers, and violent thugs, he may buy a riot or two or three.
That will be the end of it. Those inclined to “riot” will do it at the
drop of a hat for any old reason.
If Hil gets in by the vote/rigs the vote/whatever, all hell will break loose.
The only reason people in gov want Hil is because they fear they will
get fired or worse. Maybe get arrested, get sued, or get suicided?
We really need to prune that tree, and drain that swamp.

Edit: I would like to add that it would be best not to employ any
violence against anyone except in cases of self defense.

October 31, 2016 12:51 pm

It seems ironically comical that Kunstler rails about the very corruption he voted for twice (Barry Sorento). Personally I don’t buy his books, peruse his web page or care one iota what he thinks.

October 31, 2016 10:54 pm

He’s a shill to make the sheople feel ok about being too stupid grasp what is plainly obvious to those who use our brains to think.

November 1, 2016 12:21 am

I think he is really depressed. Everything he loved has gone to Shite.
The candidate he believed in 8 yrs. ago turned out to be a gay Muslim
married to what appears to be a man. Moreover, the candidate turned
out to be an evil flop for anything good or decent. He can be a charismatic
speaker and fooled many people. People liked the idea of him more than
the actual man. A man people have called an anti-Christ.
JHK loathes Trump and his giant plane and ego and his giant life in general.
Let us pity the man.

October 31, 2016 6:05 pm

Looks like I picked the perfect time to go George Carlin and simply be in it for the entertainment!

Bread and circuses indeed! I is entertained!!!

SMOD 2016!

November 1, 2016 12:22 am

IS, I have the SMOD 2016 mug.