Unhypnotizing a Clinton Supporter

Guest Post by Scott Adams

Today I teach you how to unhypnotize a Clinton supporter.

Keep in mind that the strongest form of persuasion is fear. Clinton’s team of persuaders has convinced her followers that Trump is dangerous. If you remove that part of her spell, Trump wins. Here’s how.

1. Trump’s Tough Talk Inspires violence: Ask Clinton supporters if they have seen the Project Veritas video of Clinton operatives talking about paying people to incite violence at Trump rallies. The people on the video have been fired, and we haven’t seen violence at Trump rallies since.

2. Temperament: Ask Clinton supporters if they have seen the video of Clinton ranting “Why aren’t I already fifty points ahead?” She looks either inebriated or deranged. Mention that the people who know Trump personally have reported that he is both smart and sane in person. Even his enemies who know him personally don’t claim he has a temperament problem. If he did, is there any chance we wouldn’t have heard about it by now?

3. Trump might insult foreign leaders into a war: Trump and Putin seem to get along fine. Netanyahu said he could work with Trump. Mexico isn’t likely to start a war over trade, or the wall. Trump says North Korea is China’s problem, which is literally the safest thing you could say. And China’s leaders are adults who know Trump says offensive things now and then. China will pursue its own interests, and none of those interests involve going to war over some words. Likewise, other leaders are adults too. They won’t change their foreign policy over some insults.

5. Trump might start a war: Trump owns buildings and property around the world. As a general rule, people who own a lot of real estate don’t start wars because their own assets are at risk. But Clinton is “sponsored” – via the Clinton Foundation and speaking fees  – by defense companies that profit from war. Likewise, Clinton is sponsored by foreign countries whose interests don’t align with American interests. Clinton supported war in Iraq and Libya, and she threatens Russia, just as the money trail suggests she would. Trump talks mostly about having a strong military to avoid war. He gains nothing by war.

6. Alcohol: Normally alcohol would not be a risk factor in picking a president because usually both candidates are social drinkers. But Trump has never had an alcoholic beverage while Clinton tells us she enjoys social drinking. Having a few social drinks is not a problem unless you plan to drive a car…or make a nuclear launch decision. If we don’t trust a social drinker to operate a motor vehicle, can we trust a social drinker to manage a nuclear arsenal?

If you have ever drunk-texted, or received a text from someone who has, you already know how much “social drinking” can influence decisions.

7. Group Violence versus Crazy Individuals: Have you noticed that when you see election-related violence from a group, it is always Clinton supporters? That happened at Trump’s San Jose rally, and it happened with the homeless woman protecting Trump’s star on the Walk of Fame. When Trump supporters do something violent they are usually acting alone, and crazy. When Clinton supporters get violent it comes in the form of mobs who are NOT crazy. That’s the dangerous kind of violence because they are literally Stronger Together.

8. Pacing and Leading: When normal politicians change their minds we label it flip-flopping or – more kindly – “evolving” in their thinking. When a Master Persuader does it, you are seeing pacing and leading, which is a major tool of persuasion. Pacing involves matching people – in this case emotionally – and later using that bond to lead them. We see Trump doing this often.

a. Trump paced his base by saying he would deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. Once he had his base on his side emotionally, he led to them to his current policy of deporting only the people who committed crimes while here. Have you heard any Trump supporters complain about it lately?

b. Trump paced his base by saying he would ban all Muslim immigration to stop terrorist infiltration. Once he had them on his side emotionally, he led them first to a ban on specific problem countries, and then again to “extreme vetting,” which is a lot like Clinton’s plan. Trump supporters followed, and you don’t hear them complaining.

c. Early in the primaries Trump paced the racists in the Republican party by not disavowing them as clearly and as loudly as even the racists thought he would. Since then he has led Republicans to think that some form of a “New Deal” for African-Americans might be worth a look.

d. At the Republican National Convention, Trump used his emotional connection to his supporters to declare he was the strongest voice to protect the LGBTQ community. Republicans stood and cheered.

Readers of this blog might recall that months ago I predicted that Trump would soften his immigration proposals. That’s because I saw him from the start as a Master Persuader, not a crazy person, and not a common flip-flopper.

In my opinion, Trump might be the safest president we have ever had. He can lead the dark parts of his base toward the light (as Nixon went to China) and he has no incentive for war. Claims about his “temperament” are mostly about his penchant for insults, and that isn’t a mortal danger to anyone.

And there you have your formula for unhypnotizing a Clinton supporter who is mostly worried about Trump being dangerous.

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Old Guy
Old Guy
November 5, 2016 2:35 pm

Never engage or argue with a leftist. An individual cannot be reasoned out of a position they were never reasoned into. Keep working at your preps. Hunker down. Stay alert. This whole thing could go sideways at anytime.

November 5, 2016 2:52 pm

Engaging a lib is dangerous, fangs come out and they hiss when challenged,
trust me please, I have seen it repeatedly. Then they will respond with, “that
is the most racist thing I have ever heard.” The response is hardwired in.

Sorry Scott, you are common sense. That does not exist in the far left. Really.

November 5, 2016 3:19 pm

What happened to point number four?

November 5, 2016 3:38 pm

Yeah, I thought of the Underpants Gnomes from SouthPark:

Step One. Collect underpants.
Step Three. Profit.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
November 5, 2016 4:19 pm

Point number four. Douse them liberally (Ha!) with pepper spray.

November 5, 2016 3:22 pm

If I am to believe what I hear, Hillary’s supporters are more educated. This means(?) higher intelligence(?).

Here are 3 reasons I don’t believe it.

1) It is the higher educated that run the world so they are to blame for the ills.
2)Intelligence increases the ability to fool yourself with elaborate stories about why something happened.
3) Intelligence pushes you toward the idea that complex problems require complex solutions.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
November 5, 2016 4:15 pm

High intelligence allows one to memorize more information, more quickly.

Unfortunately, it takes wisdom (not simple intelligence) to determine whether that information is true or is a lie.

November 5, 2016 3:49 pm

Cognitive dissonance is a bitch, and in my experience no matter HOW much evidence you present it will not change their mind.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 5, 2016 5:05 pm

I have heard the words”Hitler”and “Armageddon” at random in public from a variety of people when the talk is going political, it is never about one of the candidates.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
November 5, 2016 5:29 pm

Those creeps are in dire need of a big false flag. Say Monday the 7th??