I’m Not Racist, I’m Culturist

Guest Post by Gayle

I have been accused of being a racist more than once. I don’t like to think of myself as one of those, but I notice I am unable to relate a story about a non-Caucasian person or persons without specifying their racial identification as a matter of course in describing what happened. More than likely, the story has nothing to do with their race or the expression of it. As a matter of fact, I was posting a response to a thread on TBP the other day and found myself doing it again, so I just stopped the comment. I am trying to break this habit. Honestly, that’s about as far as my racism goes. I think.

The increase in the number of posts relating to the superiority of the white race over other races has not escaped my attention. People from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East are favorite subjects of comparative derision. Then there are the Jews, who are in a class all by themselves, often identified as “the tribe.” The accomplishments of white people over the past 120 or so centuries are impressive, generally speaking, although some of the other groups who have had the pleasure of interacting with us may not fully agree. At any rate, a world neatly compartmentalized by race and tribe is a relic of the long-distant past. As forced racial mixing increases, so does the tension within societies.

I think about my dear friend Rita. She is an educated professional and a long-married wife and the mother of some kids. She makes me laugh and laugh. We share similar values. For the purposes of this post, I have to tell you she is a beautiful black lady. I could care less what color she is. Green would be fine. The magic of Rita lies in the fact that she and I share the same culture. That culture is what I would classify as “traditional American.” It is Euro-centric, Christian, and open. It values mutual respect, hard work, thrift, and fair play. It speaks the same language. It believes in redemption and is generous with second chances. It appreciates order and creativity and is tolerant. You get the idea. It is my culture and I love it and want to protect it even though it is far from perfect.

I realize that I am very fearful about what is happening to my culture. Mr. Quinn in his Civil War II posts does a fine job of enumerating the long list of assaults upon it. A few people in positions of power have decided to change the culture to something more to their liking. They have devised a brilliant strategy for shutting down objections to their efforts by defining those who disagree as racists and all the other terms that describe those in Hillary’s basket of deplorables. If you disagree with their plan, you are indeed a terrible person and you’d better adjust your attitude. It has worked like a charm to stifle dissent for a long time.

The men and women behind the curtain are now starting to experience some serious pushback. Unfortunately, in my view, too many are pushing back by trying to defend the white race and getting caught up in the very type of conflict the Evil Ones are trying to promote. Their need for societal disorder is why Black Lives Matter is roaming about, why Muslims are the most numerous immigrants, why the southern border is wide open. The smokescreen of racial conflict effectively hides their surreptitious attempts to destroy our liberties and other cultural traditions.
Do you really think it is from hearts of mercy that TPTB are bringing in all those Syrians (no Christian ones to speak of, only Muslim ones)?

I do have my deep prejudices. I am a culturist. I don’t like people who deny and try to weaken my culture. Their race is absolutely irrelevant. The white people I see in the WalMart piece every Saturday are objects of my scorn because they weaken my culture. The rich Jews who run Hollywood earn my distate because they weaken my culture. The WASP congresspeople who buy votes by financially rewarding people for irreponsible behavior are my targets. The blacks who choose to raise fatherless, illiterate, loudmouth children are deplorable to me. Muslims who demand that their customs take precedence over American legal standards are worthy of my culturism. Need I go on?

Clearly, the ascendancy of Donald Trump is in response to the pressure felt by my fellow culturists.We are sick of the phony posturing, the arrogant lying, the twisted worldview of those trying to shove a new culture down our throats. He seems to be universally despised by TPTB for his defense of our traditions, which is probably his most attractive quality. He must be doing something right. We look to Europe to see what our future holds if he is defeated.

I thought about a culture that seems impervious to destruction. Afghanistan seems to fit the bill. No one has been able to ever rearrange the culture there, though many have tried including the same folks who want to change ours. Unfortunately, the qualities that keep it so strong are the same one that keep it from the progress that would make life a little easier for the people. Maybe our freedoms make us ripe for the exploitation that they are able to resist.

Anyway, Bill Clinton was wrong. It’s not the economy – it’s the culture, stupid.

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November 6, 2016 10:26 am

The term “racism” was invented by communists, and is used to destroy cultures and defuse (and render impotent) those with differing points-of-view on “racial” issues.

That being said . . .
True “racism” is desirable as it merely cements cultural and social bonds that are necessary for a society to function and flourish.

True “racism” merely denotes commonality of purpose and advancement within each respective racial group.

Blacks have the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus, Hispanics have La Raza and Mecha, Jews have the $PLC, ACLU and ADL. These are all “racist” organizations that serve to promote the interests (and political power) of their respective races.

It is only whites who are castigated and threatened for attempting to show any signs of racial solidarity.

Let’s look at what us “evil, privileged” whites have done for Western society and the world:

1. “Civil-rights (for some)” laws (that effectively destroy “freedom of association” for whites, but not for other races) and do not apply to whites–only “people of color” are covered by these so-called “civil-rights (for some)” protections, (Ask “Attorney General” Loretta Lynch about that).

2. “Affirmative action” policies (that push better qualified whites out of positions and jobs that they would ordinarily qualify for) in favor of lesser-qualified minorities. In fact, “affirmative action” policies actually damage those minorities who are quite capable of “making it on their own” because they get “lumped in” with the groups that cannot make it on their own without “help”,

3. “Contract set-asides” (that are specifically targeted for minorities (that white people are prohibited from bidding on) and immigration policies (that specifically exclude whites, most of who have skills that would benefit the USA) in favor of those from the third-world (with no marketable skills).

4. Scholarships that specify particular ethnic groups are looked upon favorably by most people, save one–scholarships that are intended for whites only are looked upon as being “racist”, and therefore impermissible and improper in today’s racially-charged climate of “political correctness”.

NO OTHER RACE (BUT WHITES) HAS BENT OVER BACKWARDS to assure that all non-white races receive a “fair shake” in being a part of American life, even to the detriment and social well-being of “our own kind” (whites).

Whites are imbued with an externalized altruism possessed by no other race. This externalized altruism that “looks out for the other guy” will be the demise of the white race. This altruism needs to be internalized and focused inward, just as other races have done. There is NO SHAME in looking out for one’s own kind.

“Multiculturalism” and “diversity” are code-words for white genocide.

Since whites comprise approximately 6% of the world’s population, it is whites who are the true minority, on a worldwide basis. Being a true minority on a worldwide basis, it is whites who should be the most cherished and protected of minorities.

I blame those of the “greatest generation” for selling out our birthright with the passage of the “Civil-Rights Acts” of 1957 and 1964, and the “Hart-Cellar immigration act of 1965”.

Big Dick
Big Dick
November 6, 2016 11:02 am

There is a societal group that is pro white. It is called SPONGE. That is: the Society for the Prevention of Non-whites Getting Everything.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Big Dick
November 6, 2016 11:12 am

Biggie, you have been subverted by antichryst, now this thread will become exactly what Gayle was trying to escape; the incessant drumbeat of hate talk.

  EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 11:29 am

I have been pushing the “culturist” meme whenever an opportunity presented itself so I appreciate it.

However there is a genetic component to demographics and their development (subtle ways the unconscious reacts to color, tone, etc). It can’t be ignored entirely.

What this means however is that we have to stop pretending that it’s wrong for a majority culture to demand people who wish to join and more importantly benefit from the services the culture creates and supports… then they must integrate fully.

If Germans wanted to fly the German flag on American Soil and harrass anyone flying an American flag nearby… fine. However we are not of the same culture, we will always be at odds and therefore we can never build anything lasting.

White Euro tolerance is guaranteeing that we become “brothers” with people who will never integrate and who therefore will *always* be at odds putting an upper limit on how effectively we can work together ensuring we stay stuck at the lowest common denominator of both.

November 6, 2016 11:41 am


“Assimilation” is a beautiful word.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 11:06 am

Gayle attempts to move away from the racial epithets to a cultural definition of the problem and right away antichryst chimes in with a hate-filled litany of aggrieved self-pity.

Antichryst arrogates to himself all the wonderful works of white people by defining them as a race of a certain color and claims all their works as his own.

Try that logic on judgement day, antichryst. I read somewhere that all people will be judged by their own works, not the works of their race, creed or sexual orientation.

  EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 11:48 am

Those who are not Christian will be judged by their works, those who have truly repented and reconciled with the Father in Christ are forgiven their sins and are not judged since there is nothing to be judged.

It is an individual thing, not a racial one. It is open to all mankind without regard to race.

November 6, 2016 11:38 am

Unfortunately, white people do not hold moral superiority over other races. Many have fallen victim to the anti-American noise because immoral culture killers are in charge of journalism, entertainment, and education, and they do not choose to think hard enough to resist. They are excited to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton, a White, is a culture destroyer. She is a product of our culture and has enjoyed more than her share of its advantages. Sadly, she hates America and works tirelessly to ruin it. Evil is not racist.

As I said, I love my culture. However, I remember that it is the source of the first atomic bombing. It keeps the rest of the world awash in weaponry, pornography, and economic fraud. There is much we need to undo.

November 6, 2016 11:53 am

There would be very little in the world that the world deems valuable without the White culture.

It is the one that has produced the root of everything that sustains modern civilization, the majority of people in the rest of the world would not even be here without that.

You may want to apologize for being white, I do not as I see no need for it.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
November 6, 2016 10:49 am

Good article, I’ll repost it on SLL.

November 6, 2016 10:51 am

Thank you, Robert.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 6, 2016 11:32 am

“Anyway, Bill Clinton was wrong. It’s not the economy – it’s the culture, stupid.”

Right on the money Gayle. This line will go down in TBP history as one of the most pertinent I have ever read. I will be sharing it frequently. From a fellow ‘culturalist’ thanks for writing this.

November 6, 2016 11:45 am

Classical Christian culture can be destroyed. That’s what the
Moslems did in the middle East after their rise to power in the 7th century.Before Islam you had a flourishing Christian culture in Egypt.The Moslems came in and destroy everything including the great libraries of Alexandria and in the process committed mass murder.That was repeated everywhere the Moslems conquered.This was the beginning of the so called” dark ages”?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 12:10 pm

Bibi, just yesterday we read about the horrors of the Catholic church. It was she who shut down rational thought with religious fanaticism. The muzzies destroyed the cradle of Christianity in the east, the western roman empire was a pagan land many years before.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 11:58 am

I asked Stucky to define American culture. For boomers, the 50’s is the culmination of Americanism and the glory days of America. Yet, the 50’s were not universally popular. They were the culmination of industry brainwashing of the citizenry. Consumerism and anti-communism were the memes of that moment in time. Ethnic remnants of family cultures were replaced by American foods, product jingles, commercially promoted holidays, and profit generating pastimes. What is there today that is not a commercial enterprise?

American culture is; go to work, get paid, spend the money. Rinse, repeat. For those who don’t work; get money, spend it. Rinse, repeat.

The old values and practices are gone. Savings, gone. Work ethic, gone. Neighborliness, gone.
The federal government is now the national religion and folks choose presidents like they were choosing the messiah. As Maggie said, they always choose wrong. Maybe this time it will be different.

  EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 12:06 pm

Note… it should be clear that I’m in agreement with the culturist meme as the better and more realistic meme in practice. ESPECIALLY when talking to a “normy” that is still in instinctive mode of calling stereotypes and facts that aren’t pleasant racist.


The point of America is it USED to be able to handle multiple localized cultures. This is because the states had primary say over what life was like within them.

When it switched to a monolithic “one size fits all” top down “culture”, it ceased to be American.

The Germans who settled in Texas centuries ago have a legacy that is clearly German, Texan, and American. However their culture is not the same as the Hispanics in El Paso. So long as Central Texas has the ability to define its culture and El Paso can do its and the State and Federal governments keep their intrusion to a minimum… then fine.

However have Germans waving German flags and trying to prevent anyone from flying an American flag at their school… and you’ve got a guaranteed race to the bottom.

American exceptionalism is precisely because it had an American culture in terms of the role of government which was designed to improve the benefits of free association for many cultures. The explosion of various “utopia” experiments in the 1800’s and 1900’s is because of this built in understanding of the shared culture regarding government that permits and protects the diverse cultures engaged in free association.

Progressives and liberals should be free to pursue their utopia. I shouldn’t have to fund it.

When that association ceased to be free… again… race to the bottom. All of us regardless of race are being forced to live in a constant state of lowest common denominator because if anyone stands out according to whatever narrative is going on today they will beat down (unless they are selling sex to children through music which they will be elevated to godlike status).

When America became Federalized it stopped being American in culture.

  EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 12:18 pm

Further I would disagree with stucky. The 50’s are not an example of American culture. The 50’s are the pale shadows of the men who were killed off in the previous wars… made slick with marketing brochures.

By the time the 50’s hit the beast was already in play in full… it still had to work with the legacy it was slowly eating away at though. Which is why the 50’s are surreal combination of wholesome and horror. By the 60’s the horror was ready to be on full display.

American culture was founded almost entirely on the understanding of the dubious nature of government and the role it should serve. Everyone was allowed to develop their community culture so long as it didn’t threaten the nature of the government. That was of course always guaranteed to be a short lived thing… but *that’s* what defined the American culture from the vagrant to the pastor to the mogul.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 12:34 pm

razz, Stucky hasn’t said one thing today, he is still recovering from his noche de amor. Sorry I misled you.

When I passed through Fredericksburg, TX I saw a tribute to the Mormons who saved the German colony in Texas from starvation. That colony gave us Tex-Mex music and delicious bbq sausage and quite a few great teachers.


  EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 1:09 pm

“The federal government is now the national religion.”

And by design, as the fraudulent theology of the Divine State is the slab upon which the fascists erect their temples from which they proselytize about all aspects of life (all for the common good, of course) while trying to impose uniformity of thought and action upon the unwashed masses. Any “heretic”, i.e. Trump supporter, to their “religion” is labeled, stigmatized, bird-dogged, often physically abused and referred to as a “battleground” enemy. This is the path of the totalitarian Third Way that Hillary will drag us down if elected as the High Priestess of this religion of idolatry. Yes, let us pray. Let us pray that her ascension to the almighty throne is derailed.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 2:21 pm
Maggie's phone
Maggie's phone
  EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 4:33 pm

EC I hope Admin turns that into a post.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Maggie's phone
November 6, 2016 4:47 pm

I hope not. I’m still waiting for Stucky to give us one of his three page pictorials with his unique commentary on the devolution of American culture.

I should go back and read the Little House on the Prairie series to capture the old America. The modern era came upon us fast right after 1900. It seems white folks really mashed on the pedal and brought us just about every thingamajig and doodad imaginable since that time.

While technology raced ahead, the human brain lagged, which sort of disproves evolution. Think about it, shouldn’t the weaker brains have gone extinct by now? And ugly people?

November 6, 2016 12:31 pm

Message to El Coyote…
If multicultural societies are so great, why is it that only majority white societies are being invaded?
I DO blame those of the “greatest generation” (WW2 generation) for foisting the well-meaning, but flawed “civil-rights” laws on us. Freedom of association has been outlawed by these misguided laws, BUT ONLY FOR WHITES.
Multiculturalism and diversity are code-words for white genocide. It is happening before our very eyes.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 12:38 pm

Sutton’s law is named after the bank robber Willie Sutton, who reputedly replied to a reporter’s inquiry as to why he robbed banks by saying “because that’s where the money is.”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 12:43 pm

The civil rights law was enacted by LBJ. Look, if you have a kid and you decide to save him from his decisions every time, you will never let him become a responsible adult. That is what LBJ accomplished when he intervened in a cultural war to save his own foreign war.

  EL Coyote
November 6, 2016 12:45 pm


November 6, 2016 6:06 pm

Whites are on the defensive because we seem to be a target
for derision and blame. I was not born in the USA/naturalized
citizen, age 15. I grew up in a “culture” of honesty, thrift, hard work,
and certain holiday traditions also, tied to the “old country.”

Gayle, your story is lovely. You are reminding us that getting along
and sharing the best of ourselves (laughter) is charming and classic.
I actually have no idea what the American culture is about right now.
Having been friendly with people from many walks/social classes/
political groups…I have found common ground. For me, when I found
success, it was always on a social and intellectual basis. People that have
good manners and are courteous and generous with kindness are always
a joy. In those cases, race and country of origin, religion too…all melt away,
and cease to matter. It is the common humanity and desire to treat people
with kindness that triumphs over all race and culture issues. And friendships
form with those qualities at the base.
I am glad you and you friend laugh and visit freely. It is what we do, not what
we say that most influence others. Much of learning is “copying.”
One thing that is a total drag is to see so many people, phone in hand, very
frequently immersed in their gadget, to the point of absurdity. And people
looking so sloppy and unkempt and dangerously overweight/also awful.
People that care about people can model good behavior. You are one of those
people. Thanks for telling us about your experiences and your thoughts.

PS: I am finding common ground now, in a tiny town, with people that
are farmers, loggers, trades people, shop owners, and keepers of “old-fashioned”
values and lifestyles. I am extremely lucky in this regard and ever so glad I have
made my home “in the sticks.” There are miles of forest between some homes…
it is fabulous.

November 6, 2016 10:58 pm


I am jealous of your sticks existence. I would rather live in the sticks and visit the city than vice-versa.

One thing I didn’t get to is an under-appreciated group: immigrants, legal and otherwise, from many countries who do enthusiastically and intentionally assimilate into the social fabric of America. They are honest, work hard, and are grateful for opportunities available to them. They truly love this country, and are culturists too.

November 6, 2016 7:07 pm

Excellent post Gayle.

“That culture is what I would classify as “traditional American.” It is Euro-centric, Christian, and open. It values mutual respect, hard work, thrift, and fair play. It speaks the same language. It believes in redemption and is generous with second chances. It appreciates order and creativity and is tolerant. You get the idea. It is my culture and I love it and want to protect it even though it is far from perfect.”

I don’t consider myself to be the slightest bit racist. Never have. I can simplify your culture even further. Basically as long as a person pulls their own weight, is productive or self sufficient and doesn’t interfere with others, I don’t care if they are white, black, arab, jew or asian.

The biggest problem with TPTB is that they are intentionally diluting the population that believes in this kind of culture with those who have no concept of it and the expect the former to not only accept it but to pay for it with their labor (taxes) and the destruction of their own culture.

The racist moniker, as you note, is just the bludgeon they use to accomplish their goal. Take way the thin air fiat money that finances it. End the fed.

November 6, 2016 11:07 pm


Agree. The “rugged individualist,” the one who pulls his or her own weight, is what is slated for destruction. Such an individual would only cause problems in the new improved culture that is being formed.

John K Press
John K Press
December 26, 2016 10:43 am

Hey All!

I have been writing about culturism and culturist thought for a decade! Please visit my website and watch my videos. Thanks for spreading the meme!


Safronis Wass
Safronis Wass
  John K Press
January 2, 2017 8:37 pm


I am an Englishman of Greek descent. I like and dislike all the same things as you. Am I eligible to be a culturist?

I am white and my whole family is whit. We are not slavs.

John Press
John Press
May 27, 2017 4:55 pm

Culturism is the opposite of multiculturalism. Learn more here: http://www.culturism.us

May 27, 2017 7:22 pm

The Internet is the last “Market Place or Farm Produce Auction” where we can sort these things out by shouting, kicking, biting, throwing eggs and tomatoes and calling each other names so we can get it out in the open and not kill each other because we let things fester until they become a silent rage that explodes into bloody riots.
I was born in 48 on a small truck farm in central Jersey in a tarpaper shack to shanty Irish parents with a touch of Scottish. We had every ethnic group on the planet in Jersey and had to get along but never mixed. The only “Culture” we knew was Family, Religion and Nationality or Ethnic Group. We were considered to be a notch above New York Jews who were a notch above Gypsies who were a notch above Irish Gypsies. We had 2 kinds of black people there. Colored People and migrant workers who were called Jigaboos. The blacks had as many rich and middle class as the rest of us but most of us didn’t have a pot to piss in. What we had was food and family. My big sisters cut wood and drove tractors and did laundry just like me and my brother did. Our parents just saw us as cheap labor and unless you were about to have a baby there was no division of labor.
All the women were what we called country big. They were allowed to be big because they had to be, life was hard as hell. They were also sweet, feminine and sexy as hell. When they put that honey in their voice we would go to hell and back for them.
A mans job was to protect them. No man ever gave anyone’s wife or family a ration of shit because the men of the family would be all over him. This wasn’t regional either. We weren’t from there. Dad came from E. Texas whose parents came from Kentucky and Tennessee. The women didn’t think they were slaves. My Dad died happily never knowing he wasn’t in charge. Mom made him feel like a king and she got everything he had to give gladly. She even told me late in life she felt guilty for letting him work himself to death for her. I was able to reassure her He wouldn’t have had it any other way. Not everyone had that but most of them had their own version of it. If that’s culture, then so be it.
Grown ups at the markets called each other names but they rarely did at home. I never used ethnic slurs till it became a crime. Now I do it to make fun of the people who do it. Like Camel Jockey or pig fucker or I do it to shock people who think it’s illegal.
All this start to disappear with the introduction of cheap TV’s. Our parents didn’t dress like the Cleavers at supper, They were too tired. They also didn’t say “Now Beaver” you shouldn’t do that. By the early sixties that was over except in some rural areas of the south.
Maybe you had a different upbringing and that’s fine but I don’t think we were any different than most.
As far as the 3 Races go they are equal in Gods eyes but not in the areas of building civilizations and empires and cultures. The Negroid Race has nothing that compares with the Mongoloid or Caucasian Races. That doesn’t mean they aren’t blessed by God equally or that I should treat them like dirt.
My 6 siblings all bought the diversity thing and their families are a mess except for the Jewish branch. I’m on my 4th generation of nieces and nephews which now number 50 or 60 and it hasn’t worked well.

John K Press
John K Press
January 9, 2018 2:22 am

Being culturist doesn’t mean you ignore race. http://www.culturism.us has videos on this.