Millennial International: Sponsor a Millennial Today

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 18, 2016 2:34 pm


November 18, 2016 3:00 pm

I am afraid I’m already sponsoring one.

November 18, 2016 3:05 pm

At least my millennial does make good grades in a field that has potential to make some real fiat money. However, I have had to incorporate something called Chia seeds into most of his snack food recipes.

Graf Zeppelin
Graf Zeppelin
November 18, 2016 8:56 pm

But…but…but chia seeds are very healthy, nutritious, and (still) 100% legal.

November 18, 2016 3:11 pm

Judging by the number of Sanders supporters this is less of a spoof and more a call to action.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
November 18, 2016 3:44 pm

While I thought the vid was amusing, the millennial jokes are getting old. Yeah, I laughed at the Hillary supporters meltdown but I am getting annoyed at all the Millennials getting lumped together. It’s starting to suck to be apart of the first wave of Millennials that were teenagers during 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, and graduated into the post 2008 job market; and have to see these whiney 90’s born crybabies.

Those brats having temper tantrums are Gen X’s kids. I didn’t think I’d ever eat my words about Baby Boomers being the worst parents.

  Stephanie Shepard
November 18, 2016 3:56 pm

It doesn’t suck, its fucking awesome. Those poor twats make me look so damned good in comparison its not even funny. I mean it is kinda funny.

I feel like I wished to be the “smartest man of my generation” and an evil genie heard me and granted my wish by turning all other millennials into women.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
November 18, 2016 4:00 pm

Bahahaha! Guess you have a point. I’ve noticed as Boomers start to retire the job competition amongst Millennials easily sways in the older Millennials favor.

  Stephanie Shepard
November 18, 2016 4:38 pm

Agreed. Xers are getting skipped over everywhere I see. Older Millennials (those who remember spankings and rotary phones) are ladder climbing sonsabitches.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
November 18, 2016 5:10 pm

I’ve had an easier time over the past two years freelancing because a large number my younger Millennial competition are vastly computer illiterate. Sure they know about social media and apps, but they’ve got no idea how to use technology that’s not heavy in user friendly UI/UX design. They don’t remember the pre social media or less user friendly internet. They don’t remember the early internet forum days or piracy days. They really don’t know how to navigate outside user friendliness.

November 18, 2016 5:17 pm

TPC, we’ve got a few go-getter millennials where I work and they are determined to get ahead. They hire and fire far more millennials than they keep though. Our site manager says they interview about ten to find one they want to hire. Unfortunately, many of the keepers turn out to be better interviewees than workers.

  Stephanie Shepard
November 18, 2016 5:12 pm

I read in Aviation Week a couple of weeks ago that Boeing is now paying incentives to Boomers to not retire because they are having serious issues hiring competent young people to do the detail oriented work they have available. I’m sure these jobs are paying a living wage to start plus tons of bennies since they are union. The only drag about Boeing is that their work is cyclical. You might work your ass off for five years straight and then get laid off for two.

The really scary part was the article that talked about starting salaries for regional commercial airline pilots being paid around $24,000/year. The people that build the planes get more than that. Hell, the company I work for pays about $36,000 to start with very minimal skills and no degree required. I’m not sure I’d want to fly with a pilot only making $24k.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
November 18, 2016 5:25 pm

“Boeing is now paying incentives to Boomers to not retire because they are having serious issues hiring competent young people to do the detail oriented work they have available”

They only have themselves to blame. The Boomer executives in most corporations didn’t plan on the reality of Boomers getting old and retiring. They didn’t set up proper mentorship programs or properly recruit Gen Xers or older Millennials into the fray. On top of it the Unions kept out younger talent during the Boomer bottleneck years.

  Stephanie Shepard
November 18, 2016 6:10 pm

Actually I think they relied on our education system….the one that educated them….to turn out citizens that would be capable of doing the jobs they had to offer. Apparently that was a mistake. I think they have plenty of X’ers but they are still far from retirement. It’s the entry level positions that are traditionally filled by the younger generation that they are having a hard time filling.

The biggest take-away I got from the article is that good, high paying jobs are available but the work force is too lazy or stupid to do the job, so much so that they are willing to pay boomers their higher pay plus incentives to stick around and do the job.

I recall you railing against the boomers not retiring and passing on opportunities to the millennials. (maybe it was SAH) Well it seems that they want to but not enough millennials are rising to the occasion so they can’t. As TPC alluded to above, that’s great for people like me and him because opportunities abound for older farts like myself and go-getters like him. Companies are usually ready to turn 50 year olds away in favor of fresh blood but that is no longer the case. Now they need us to keep them in business.

I’m not sure but I think Boeing has built brand new non-union factories in other parts of the country so I’m not sure how much the unions pay into their current woes.

It’s not all the minnies fault of course. It’s fucking criminal what has been done to the last two generations of young Americans in this country.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
November 18, 2016 6:18 pm

I was mostly referring to the late 90’s and 2000s when boomers were in their prime earning years. Top management was short sighted about Boomers one day retiring. But I do agree about the education system. They had too much faith that Universities would turn out competent graduates. Unfortunately, the professors in these Universities are only interested in their own job security. The Universities need to drain the swamp of these professors who haven’t worked in the fields they teach. There should be no tenure.

November 18, 2016 10:45 pm

The entry level jobs I’m talking about at Boeing do not require a degree. Many probably don’t even require a trade school. They will train people and pay them north of $25k to start. Degrees were only required for engineers/management.

Part of the problem is the lie that has been promoted for 25-30 years that you *have* to have a degree to get a good job. That was a lie. A smart, self motivated millennial could land a pretty damn good job at a place like Boeing without a degree and the debt they now come with. Today everyone has a degree and there are no or few jobs in those fields but jobs that require some trade school or less are available but people with a degree aren’t willing to do them. If their degree says “Women’s Studies” they won’t consider anything other than a job in Women’s Studies.

I don’t think that Boeing ever envisioned a day when such a large part of the work force would be so unwilling to work or a day when so few would have trade skills. I’m not sure if that is their fault. Their business is to build aircraft, not education. The Dept. of Education should be churning out the workers that America needs.

  Stephanie Shepard
November 18, 2016 10:41 pm

Indeed, you are correct! It is worse…because the “every one
should go to college” card got played. Many of the first wave
only went “to school” long enough to cash their checks. Many
did that repeatedly for years…the administrators looked the
other way.
You seem to be very bright. Likely you will do well in any endeavor
you chose to undertake. Regardless though, I would advise you to
find a good man, a good provider, get married, have a family and stay
home. You will have a great life. Contribute and work from home…
keep your skills sharp. Sorry if I seem intrusive. I have your best
interest at heart, really.

November 21, 2016 11:17 am

Steph….Yeh, find a good man and hitch your wagon to him—even cement the commitment with a few kids here and there. Great advice you got from Suzanna there….make sure you keep I touch with her when things don’t work out in that dream relationship. UNBELIEVABLY CRAPPY ADVICE TO GIVE TO A WOMAN, unless, of course, you have a dependent personality and can’t maneuver life alone.

  Stephanie Shepard
November 18, 2016 6:23 pm

Actually probably at least half are Boomer’s kids as these kids are in their twenties. My Gen X peers overwhelmingly have toddlers up to HS, but no many have twenty-somethings.

November 18, 2016 5:01 pm

LOL! I predict that before too long the USMC and the US Army will be sponsoring a bunch of these special snowflakes by special invitation. I was reading the Army times the other day and they are set to relax rules on tattoos, obesity, single parents and certain non-violent crimes because enlistments are down and apparently our immigrants aren’t terribly interested in being all they can be. The wimmens are now required to register for the selective service too.

It seems the military has scraped the cream off the top and is now plumbing the depths of the enlistment pool. I wonder how this will all play out on the battlefield?

November 18, 2016 11:22 pm


The US Military depends on technology to an alarming degree. If our technology ever fails, our millennials will have to fight it out old school and I wonder, too, if they have it in them. After all, the French army was pretty badass in WWI. Read about Verdun if you want to know more but, anyway, by the 1940 they were easily brushed aside. Do we currently have a French army?

November 19, 2016 12:57 am

I worry that in basic, where they basically break you down and remold you in their image, they will just end up with two useless pieces.

That’s another angle Trump could take in educating the masses. Teach them how the military troops are just used as muscle for private interests. Make it a mandatory part of HS education. I’d give my right nut to see TPTB throw a war and no one show up.