I Would Support Trump If He Decided To Become A Benevolent Dictator. So Should You.

It is crystal clear at this point that Trump has many enemies who are hell-bent on thwarting him at every possible turn.  A small sampling;

— The entire Democrat party is already gearing up to turn Trump into a Lame Duck starting from Day 1. I have heard various Democrat strategists saying that since Republicans have been “obstructionist” for the past eight years that they will do likewise.   There are probably a handful of Democrats willing to give Trump at least his First 100 Days. However, I’m positive they don’t have the testicular fortitude (nads) to stand up to their party’s Hate Machine.

— A huge chunk of the Republican Party.  Let’s start with this list HERE of over 450 Backstabbers who left the Republican Party during the 2016 presidential election, or Republicans who endorsed a different candidate.  NOTE: It does not include Republicans who opposed Trump during the primaries but have not announced opposition to Trump as the nominee … wolves in sheep clothing such as that despicable opportunist, Paul Ryan and ilk, which are Legion in number. These people never had nads to start with.

— Virtually the entire MSM. It is crystal clear that they have no intention of even giving Mr. Trump a bare minimum 100 Days.  Actually, not even One Day! They are at war with Donald Trump.  Donald goes to dinner with his wife and doesn’t notify the media, and they criticize and mock him for that??!! They will continue to loathe him, abuse him, despise him, mock him, and criticize him and his Deplorable Followers come hell or high water, and without regard to how it affects the country. Their agenda is to make Trump irrelevant, May these people choke on their triggered nads.

— Of course, you have your usual array of Lobbyists, Bankers, One Percenters, Uber Wealthy, Wall Street, Neocons, Big Business, and Special Interests of Every Kind …. all of whom have different needs and desires and wants than the average American. Hang ‘em by their nads!

— Lastly, let’s not forget about the American people.  While Trump handily won the Electoral Vote, let’s not kid ourselves. The popular vote was basically split right down the middle.  (Hillary supposedly won the popular vote by tenths of a percent). In other words, if the ongoing protests by Butt Hurt Americans is any indication, then half the country loathes Trump.  Nads for brains.

Never before in history has a President Elect faced such an uphill battle before even spending one hour in office.

Now let me ask you to seriously ponder this question for at least a moment or two;  How in the world is it even possible for  Mr. Trump to get anything done .. anything at all … in such an environment?

Frankly, my dear, I don’t think it’s possible. If you’re an aforementioned enemy of Trump that’s exactly what you want to happen. Mission Accomplished. You want Trump to “reach across the aisle” and to “build consensus” because you know that these are just Red Herrings meant to mislead and distract. Empty words used to obfuscate and defeat, all with a smile on your face. Backstabbers.

But, we, who voted for Trump, don’t care about reaching-across-the-aisle, or consensus, or any other touchy-feely talky-words. We elected Trump to get sh*t done.

And, it’s becoming increasingly clearer by the day that that means Trump will have to bypass his long list of powerful enemies. Working  “with” them is not an option … by their own choice.

Trump needs to act as a Benevolent Dictator right out the gate.

Relax! I’m not talking about replacing the U.S. Constitution or, even amending it.  I simply said Trump needs to ACT as a Benevolent Dictator. Besides, being dictatorial is something American Presidents – both Democrat and Republican – have been doing for the past 100 years.  The issue at hand is the egregious misuse of the Executive Order …. of which there is no constitutional provision nor statute explicitly permitting such.  There is the term “executive power” in the Constitution.   The original intent of executive power was merely meant “to be a way for the president to direct executive agencies on the implementation of congressionally approved legislation..   But, instead, recent Presidents have used EOs to ignore the Constitution entirely. 

For example, Obama arrogantly stated that Congress’s unwillingness to pass his bills means that he would act unilaterally via Executive Order.  In the video below Obama unabashedly states that he will not be waiting for legislation (as the Constitution mandates) because he has a pen and phone!  So, please, don’t feel you need to retreat to a Safe Space with coloring books and teddy bears simply because I endorse Trump acting as a Benevolent Dictator.  Obama has been doing it for eight years.

I do NOT want Trump to start following the Constitution regarding EOs. Not now, not in this time and place.  What was good for Democrats in the past eight years should now be good for Trump. He might want to start with an EO regarding The Wall.  “Oh, no! That’s taking it too far!”, you might cry out.  Oh, really?  And using the EO to bomb sovereign nations to smithereens isn’t?  Sign, Donald, sign!

Besides all that, in a deeply fractured society such as ours, a Dictatorship really might become the only way to get things done.  

In the book “Democracy: The God That Failed” by  Hans-Hermann by Hoppe, he posits that that monarchy, even with all its failings, is a lesser evil than mass democracy. Rising levels of crime, degeneration of standards of conduct and morality, the decline in security and freedom, and the growth of the mega-state are much more likely to happen under democracies.

Plato in “The Republic” believes that the best form of government is one made up of Philosopher Kings … a sort of benign/benevolent dictatorship. He believed that the State can only be in harmony with the Universe when led by superior rulers. A superior ruler by definition would not rule for self-interest and therefore would not be a tyrant.  Citizens of the Republic follow the leadership of the best people — the Philosopher Kings — because they have the ability to see the universe and how the State, and its citizens, can be at harmony with it. There is no room in such a system for lobbyists, charlatans, and the dozens of other self-serving interests currently polluting our current form of government.  

The success of a democracy depends on the majority of the population. The success of a monarchy depends on a family. The success of a dictatorship depends on one person. So, which is easier to control for the greater good? The majority of a population or, just one person?

Perhaps one reason you’re repulsed by the idea of Dictatorship is because of all the BAD examples available. But, is that fair?  Do you judge a religion by the failure of its adherents?  Catholics have killed Protestants by the many thousands, and vice-versa yet, most people wouldn’t condemn Christianity. Besides that, I could counter with examples of good Dictatorships.  HERE are some examples for you to ponder. 

If you’re an average American you’re probably recoiling at this idea of Dictatorship. Because, freedom! Trust me, your American freedom is just an illusion. Don’t pay your property tax on a home you paid off twenty years ago, then tell me about your freedom. In my town I’m not even “free” enough to erect a small tool shed in the yard without asking government for permission.  Because, representative government!  Trust me, you have been deceived your entire life into believing this Big Lie.  I know it’s hard to let go of such a Delicious Morsel of Tasty Americana. But, what normal American today is in favor of having our sons and daughters die in some Middle East hellhole? Or, our other endles wars? What normal American today is in favor of this government spending One Trillion Dollars over the next decade to upgrade to even more powerful and destructive nuclear weaponry capable of wiping out humanity?  This is insanity.  Do they really represent you?

“Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.” —— Bastiat

Let me illustrate. Neocons hate all non-warmongers.  Leftists subjugate anyone who makes more money than them. The religious right believe Jesus was a Republican and secretly loathe those who would get in the way of their theocracy. Labor unions would cast into utter darkness anyone, rich and poor alike, who are not union members. Environmentalists hate humans who don’t love insects. Global warming people hare people who drive cars. Minorities call everyone else a racist and demand penance for events that happened long before their birth. All government workers look with scorn upon those they supposedly “serve”. Have you ever been to a DMV?  Banksters hate everyone above. Lawyers hate even themselves. I could go on like this for several paragraphs.

But, I think you get the point made by Bastiat. It’s a damned free-for-all in America today. Sharks of every ilk devouring each other as each creature lusts for ever increasing shares of an ever decreasing piece of the pie. And many of these people – half the country at a minimum – want to eat President Elect Donald Trump.

Have you thought about the question asked above?  That is, once again — “How in the world is it even possible for  Mr. Trump to get anything done .. anything at all … in such an environment?”. 

This is how.  Dictate, Donald. Dictate!!! The preservation of the Union depends on it.
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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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November 18, 2016 11:37 am

[imgcomment image[/img]
Well hopefully he selects General Betray-us for Secretary of State! That will make me feel like he is draining the swamp for real!

November 18, 2016 1:26 pm

You know why Patreus is smiling? Because he got to deploy his patriot missile between those twin bunkers.

November 18, 2016 1:41 pm

@ TC
Good one!

If you look at the picture and the handshake, She has got bigger hands than he does! Hilarious! I bet it was the other way around…strap on time….bunker buster!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 19, 2016 11:29 pm

TC, somebody said the best movie couples resemble each other. We see a lot of resemblance here between Petraeus and the reporter bitch.

Female reporters are sluts. Plato, as sickening as it is to think she was pulling his hair as she pounded his bunker, perhaps that is how she made him hand over the secret documents.

November 18, 2016 1:48 pm

And as far as even entertaining the notion of handing over a former Spook and Army General the reigns as top “diplomat” to the world, What kind of message would that send to the rest of the world?

November 19, 2016 12:59 pm

So what they don’t like us just the money

LaLa Blood
LaLa Blood
November 18, 2016 11:43 am

Bankers Celebrate Dawn of Trump Era

Christmas has arrived early for Wall Street in the early days of the Donald Trump era.

A populist candidate who railed against shady financial interests on the campaign trail is now putting together an administration that looks like an investment banker’s dream.

Former Goldman Sachs banker Steven Mnuchin has been seen at Trump Tower amid rumors that he’s the leading candidate for Treasury secretary. Billionaire investor Wilbur Ross appears headed to the Commerce Department. Steve Bannon, another Goldman alum, will work steps from the Oval Office. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon remains a possibility as Treasury secretary and will serve as an outside adviser if he doesn’t get the job.

It’s a restoration of Wall Street power — and a potential flip in the way the industry is regulated — perhaps unparalleled in American history.

“You would have to go back to the 1920s to see so much Wall Street influence coming to Washington,” said Charles Geisst, a Wall Street historian at Manhattan College. “It’s the most dramatic turnaround one could imagine. That’s the truly astonishing part.”


November 18, 2016 11:43 am

@ Stucky

Please don’t suggest that Trump is anything resembling what Plato referred to as a Philosopher King! That is an insult to Plato and true philosopher kings like King Solomon.

Of course Trump will utilize Executive Orders to get shit done just like past Presidents have done! Less we not forget another “philosopher king’s” own words:
‘If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier… as long as I’m the dictator. Hehehe.’ –The Decider!

November 18, 2016 12:16 pm

Solomon’s input in the book of Psalms suggests that he learned many things in his long life; countless centuries, so I would hope he wasn’t stuck with the same puta for his entire life!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 19, 2016 3:52 am

David was a military man and he wrote Psalms wherein he praises God and speaks of war.
Solomon was smart and so he wrote Ecclesiastes. He also wrote Song of Songs in which he praises his beloved.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
November 19, 2016 12:37 pm

What exactly was Solomon’s input in the book of psalms?

November 18, 2016 11:45 am


November 18, 2016 12:11 pm

1. I don’t trust him to guide us through this turning. My hopes are limited. Some sort of tax reduction. Kill/shrink Obamacare. Avoid nuclear war.

2. I don’t trust his cabinet. He is not draining the swamp, he’s just sloshing some of the shit water around.

3. His policies tend to be founded on emotion first, and second, with reason/logic a distant third.

4. The Union in its current form is decreasingly worth preserving.

November 18, 2016 12:19 pm

As far as getting rid of aspects of ObamaCare…especially the fines for not having coverage….as far as I know the IRS hasn’t been enforcing that aspect of the Affordable Care Act anyways! So sure, for many ignorant followers, it will appear that he fought and won, albeit a small victory! HAHA

November 18, 2016 1:00 pm


He has been doing that all over the place. His fucking tweets remind me of N. Korean press releases. Long on praise, short on substance.

For example, the Ford plant he supposedly saved wasn’t on the chopping block.

I’m sure he will be able to get rid of the fines for Obamacare, and like you said people will be calling it a victory.

I’m so fucking sick of people painting a block of shit with yellow paint and trying to sell it to me as gold. I wasn’t born yesterday for fucks sake.

November 18, 2016 1:09 pm

The fines will be removed but the historic mandate that everyone needs to have health insurance will remain. TPTB don’t want people being self-sufficient or disconnected from the means in which they can be controlled. There are countless examples of this happening all across America like individuals in Florida being forced to hook up to the city water/sewer system even though they have their own source of clean water…Those who will not be part of the “Smart World” and not go along with a cashless society will be considered “enemies of the state” and labeled enemy combatants and afforded no constitutional protections!

BTW, loved this line so much I felt I needed to repeat it,
“I’m so fucking sick of people painting a block of shit with yellow paint and trying to sell it to me as gold. I wasn’t born yesterday for fucks sake.” TPC

November 18, 2016 1:18 pm

Trump is anti-libertarian, and will grow the government and the debt even further. He probably thinks Sam Brownback is a good governor (dumbass in charge of Kansas).

He doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing, he only knows that he looks cool as fuck while doing it.

PS: The gold thing is how I feel about our politics as a whole. The number one threat to our freedoms is our own government. Corruption is rampant, and people actually think a billionaire will do anything other than line his own pockets.

If we are lucky his fucking cabinet won’t keep trying to gut our liberties, but I doubt it. His CIA pick wants to prosecute Snowden, and is in favor of NSA surveillance. His AG pick loves harsh prison sentences and drug criminalization.

A den of vipers, across the board.

Gloriously Deplorable Paul
Gloriously Deplorable Paul
November 18, 2016 2:40 pm

“4. The Union in its present form is decreasingly worth preserving”.

That statement really struck me. So much to ponder there. Forebodings and possibilities. I need some time in my safe space.

  Gloriously Deplorable Paul
November 18, 2016 3:10 pm

Yeah, its open ended. Deal with it. I’m not co-opting Stuck’s thread with my own treatise on “Why the World Blows”.

We need another Constitutional Convention, and if the States cannot come to a consensus about what needs to stay/go, then it is time for them to break apart into something else.

MN Steel
MN Steel
November 20, 2016 12:56 am

Are you shitting me?!? A ConCon with a group of bought and paid-for sycophants? I’m sure that would go well, most likely ending up with a direct connection with Tel Aviv, so we don’t have to wait for marching orders to filter through 535 whores in D.C.

I’m for shooting all the traitors and starting over with a clean slate and the Bill of Rights. Plus one of the other original dozen in the BoR, the one with NO FUCKING LAWYERS IN GUBMINT!!!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 18, 2016 11:48 am

I don’t support Trump going outside the law, but even staying within the law, he can exert a lot of his will – which would be fine by me. To get the hard stuff done, he’ll have to be willing to shut down the government for an extended period – and I don’t mean 2 weeks. If he needs any congressional approval to build the wall, for example, cutting off the geezers’ Social Security is fine by me. If they want their money, they can start squeezing their congresscritter’s balls. Or they can drive down from Scottsdale and build the wall their damn selves.

  Iska Waran
November 18, 2016 11:54 am

Why cut “geezers” SS?

Just tax all money transfers being sent to Mexico by the illegals here.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 18, 2016 12:03 pm

Go ahead & do that, too. Any politician who’s not willing to shut the government down is a politician who can’t get anything done. It’s not that I’m in favor of cutting off the geezers, per se. I’m in favor of shutting the whole goddamned thing down – including the geezers, the parks, the military, you name it – until Trump accomplishes the things he was elected to do.

November 18, 2016 8:36 pm

Best idea I have heard all day.

Andrew G.
Andrew G.
November 18, 2016 11:55 am

Make no mistake….

“The Donald” … is a New York developer/business man “top of the food chain” great white shark.

He will chew you up and spit you out for sport.

I’ve followed him for years and his business acumen , (I’m a developer too)… read all his books… several times… smart man. No doubt about it.

Like him or loathe him… what you have here is a continual contest of speculation and second guessing by “employees” and “government drones.”

When was the last time you had a “useful” conversation with any of the staff at the DMV or the Post Office? Hmm?

Everything “the Donald” does is carefully crafted and thoroughly planned.

The man has LOTS of axes to grind and he’s got a brand new sharpening stone and all his opponents know it… it’s gonna hurt.

He hasn’t even started yet and there’s panic…. wonder why?

So sit back and enjoy the show.. and if you’re not gonna do your part and help make our country great again..? Get the fuck out of the way..!

Yes… I’m a Navy Vet… I served…. with pride.

  Andrew G.
November 18, 2016 4:13 pm

I agree with Andrew G. Trump has not spent 1 minute in office yet and people are dissing him before he has had the chance to accomplish anything, unproductive imho. Best thing we can do, if you believe in a power higher than yourself, is to pray for Trump’s safety and that Trump and his cabinet choices make good decisions when they do take over the US government. I also agree with others and am concerned about recent Trump cabinet choices. What if Trump gets advice from these people then does the exact opposite? Kinda like a twist on an Obama speech where everything Obama says you can count on the opposite being true. ;o All I know is for the first time in many years there is a glimmer of hope for America, we must all do our best to hold their feet to the fire come January.

  Andrew G.
November 19, 2016 1:07 pm

I agree off this there heads

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 18, 2016 11:57 am

Good article, Stucky.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Rise Up
November 19, 2016 4:05 am

Riser, stick to posting titty pics. This is a horrible article. Stucky is proposing that we accept the enabling act because it’s only for 4 years. Umm, that was the Nazi’s proposal. They hooked up their anti-establishment party with the conservatives to give themselves an air of legitimacy and suppressed criticism.

They outlawed the opposition and established the Nazi party as the lone legal party. The conservatives have seen the future and are conveniently signing up on the Trump train to avoid getting whacked. Your excusing the peccadilloes of former racists but once David Duke comes aboard, you cannot continue to deny the obvious. But what kind of sentry are you when you have to wait until the truth is obvious to all?

Of course, since we effectively already have one-party rule, the patriot act, executive orders, militarized police, and Facebook, it’s only a matter of time when the right dictator shall act. The public is already clamoring for racial purity and the deportation of non-Aryans. As for the 10 cocksuckers who gave me thumbs down yesterday for my comment that Trump would rape Lady Liberty, well, let’s wait and see shall we? Benjamin Franklin once said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

The signs of the beginning of the end approach.

[Race] will go to war against [race], and [country] against [country]. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world.

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
  EL Coyote
November 19, 2016 10:26 am

Because at one point in my life I was majoring in the biological sciences rather than English, and because I take a keen interest in history (thanks to my history major husband — who started out a double major in law/business just so the audience perhaps understands any commentary on this forum) please indulge me by answering:

Just exactly what is an Aryan, really? And further still, what sort of racial purity are these Aryans demanding that supposedly coincides with their Aryan-ness?

  Jenny R.
November 19, 2016 1:11 pm

When your head is in the dirt every thing looks the same.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  EL Coyote
November 19, 2016 7:24 pm

EC, go eat some shit. Then write a counter-article if you think you can.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Rise Up
November 20, 2016 4:30 pm

Riser, Is that your new method? I don’t believe it’s working. Look, your a nice person and I hate that it’s come to this.

Here’s the deal, I didn’t like either candidate and if I’m picking on Trump now (unless you were defending Mr. Kilo of Salami, then it’s ok.) it’s because I learned from my old boss, to side with the underdog.

In TBPland, aka Trumpistan, the Donald is universally beloved. This tells me that I do not need to cob his knob as you guys are doing a fantastic job of it.

Maybe you have the urge to post Trump beefcake.

97 and counting. BTW, is it just me or has Maggie been chopping more bunny heads since the election?

November 18, 2016 11:58 am

For the leftists calling the Republicans “obstructionists”.

Just ask them exactly what they have specifically obstructed Obama from having during the last eight years.

Seems to me he’s been given just about everything he’s wanted with little or no real opposition to it.

They’ve even gone out of the way to give him more than he’s asked for as of late.

November 18, 2016 1:36 pm

Remember the Democrats had Obama in the White House plus a supermajority in Congress for 2 full years. They could have passed any fucking law they wanted, made any reform, change anything they wanted to change, and there wasn’t a single damn thing the GOP could do about it. What brilliant, world-changing legislation did they pass during that 2 years? Obamacare and Dodd-Frank. What a shitshow.

November 18, 2016 4:15 pm


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 18, 2016 11:59 am

I think Trump shows a lot of discipline in not giving up leverage. I think it’s fairly obvious that he doesn’t want to deport every last illegal alien here, but he doesn’t come right out and say so because he’d lose leverage that might be needed to build the wall or make sure that any illegals who are regularized don’t end up with US citizenship. Someone who hadn’t been in the negotiating business would show all of their cards upfront. My local priest tells me that the young children of illegals are staying up all night barfing, out of fear that they’re all going to be deported. Trump has the fortitude to let them barf their guts out if that’s what it takes to get the wall built and make sure that US citizenship isn’t given to people who snuck in here as adults.

  Iska Waran
November 18, 2016 12:32 pm

Maybe we are being too literal regarding “the wall.” Some are picturing
a massive and turreted wall; picture the great wall of Israel.
Part of the “wall” is enabling border patrol workers to do their job.
Other areas may require a physical barrier with “tech” alerts.
There are alternatives/varieties of methods to deter people wandering over.
Remember O’Keeffe coming across the river dressed as Osama B-L? That
was hilarious.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 18, 2016 12:07 pm

Slightly off topic, but the second set of people who should be deported (after the violent criminals) is any illegals who can be shown to have voted. As soon as Trump’s in office, DOJ should confiscate the voting signature rolls in CA (for fingerprint evidence). Any illegal who voted should be permanently sent out of this country before sundown.

  Iska Waran
November 19, 2016 12:47 pm


You don’t go far enough. States that do not have systems in place to assure fraud-free voting should not be allowed to hold elections until they can prove that they do.

Of course, TPTB have not the slightest interest in solving this problem.

November 18, 2016 12:18 pm

Your treatise is brilliant. In order to “get things done” he must
become a benevolent dictator. (O is a dictator, but hardly benevolent)
We want a smartie in charge that tackles issues for the improvement
of all, and let the obstructionists, lobbyists, and special interest wither on
the vine.
The considered choices for cabinet and agency heads may sound contradictory
at first glance. Often one has picked the best (v intuition and work history) among the
opposition to be in their group. The concept is old and valued, and it works.
In other words, give a man a chance to do the right thing…shine a light on him,
and he may become a hero. Trump is smarter than he looks.
Remember above all, Trump won (albeit narrowly) over a woman that is undesirable
in many ways, more than can be listed here. A monster actually. We KNOW about 40%+
Americans are voting perceived best interest. So no surprise. Even if Trump teeters and
totters thru this next phase, we are still lucky. He is better able to manage the coming
changes than Mrs. HC. She would use a bad day or an “insult” to engage the launch keys.
She told us, four minutes, and off it goes.

So thank you Stucky, yours is one of the best analyses I have read. Thank you God!
Stucky is a smartie.

smoke Jensen
smoke Jensen
November 18, 2016 12:33 pm

What power you give to one president will be given to the next. The proper thing to do would be to strip the presidency and the congress off all of their power. Remember Hitler?

  smoke Jensen
November 18, 2016 12:45 pm

Obama has already been given these powers, declaring what will and not be allowed and what laws will be enforced and not be enforced and for whom.

And with the apparent blessing of the Federal courts all the way up to the Supremes.

November 18, 2016 12:53 pm

That’s because after the Great Purge of state Attorney Generals under the Bush administration (remember Alberto Gonzales? and the re-writing of our “torture rules”) the justice dept. is staffed with a bunch of NEO-CON fucks! Obama only continued this practice because he is a closet Neo-con himself!

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 20, 2016 7:32 pm

I think you’re confused.
STATE Att’y Gens are elected officials of each State. Bush could no more fire a state official than he could fire a Russian official – he doesn’t have the authority.
US Att’ys are political appointees, and serve at the pleasure of the President – and the last several (Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama) have all done this. Probably every President has done this, I don’t know. But Bush I did not fire any state officials, so you are confusing the two.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 18, 2016 12:49 pm

We should stick to the limits set forth in the Constitution. Edicts are for kings. All EO’s should be thrown out.

Remember the Constitution?

November 18, 2016 12:59 pm

Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct. (Thomas Jefferson 1820)

Think David & Solomon.

That is why we have a Republic and not a democratic dictatorship. Think Tyranny of the majority.

November 18, 2016 1:05 pm

The Romans knew that shit would eventually get so fucked up they created the temporary legal office of Dictator, appointed by the senate and empowered for a specific term of office with almost unlimited powers to root the deadwood from their republic and kick some asses. The most notable among them were Sulla and Caesar. I think it was a good idea.

November 18, 2016 1:08 pm

Protect the Supreme Court, Protect our second amendment . Build a wall / Fence of some sort. Start deporting illegal people.Put Hillary Clinton in jail which would put the fear of God into the ruling class and finally keep us out of a war with Russia he will be successful his first term.At least in my eyes.

Hollow man
Hollow man
November 18, 2016 1:38 pm

The collapse is so entertaining.

November 18, 2016 2:22 pm

Increasing presidential term to 6 years and introducing term limits for Congress (with complete prohibition of any lobbying afterwards) would be a good way to start.
“Benevolent dictatorship” is too hit-and-miss proposition, IMO. Might work with Trump, but would be a disaster with some spirit-cooking liberal narcissist with deep-seated insecurities.
I’d be reticent to roll the dice.

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
November 19, 2016 11:24 am

At this point let us all hope that Trump’s presidency will be in the fashion of benevolent despot for only so long as we can actually get people in a position to actually respect the Constitution and republican rule of law (as much as possible at least) — for far too many seem dangerously in love with the foolish notion of complete democracy, and that hasn’t worked ever — and then in a final act sweeps away or limits incredibly EO power…it would be hilarious if that was his last EO!
This may not happen, as governmental control is pretty well entrenched down to the municipal level, and conversely the idea that one should get everything one wants in regards to individual rights/freedoms at the expense of others and with no regard to future issues is pretty well entrenched with far too many Americans (we have really bought the “you can have it all” propaganda hook, line, sinker), which has created a situation where excessive governmental control is seen as beneficial (with that I would suggest revisiting the notion that a free, open society can only be maintained by a courageous, diffident (or stoic), and moral people…and we don’t have that at least not in the majority, now do we?).

November 18, 2016 2:32 pm

Well if you’re willing to support Trump as dictator you’ll have to support Nancy Pelosi, The First Wookie, Chelsea Clinton or any other fuck stick liberal who “wins” the office as dick tater too! It’s a slimy slope!

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
November 18, 2016 3:37 pm

I thought it was hilarious the media lost their shit over Trump not inviting them to dinner. I read a few headlines that said it proved his “lack of transparency”. Those idiots don’t know what to do when an elected president isn’t pandering to him.

But, about your original article. Trump is running the show. He’s purposely messing with the media to make them look like fools. He’s not playing their little game and that’s how you win the game. Cutting off access to the mainstream media and the lobbyist is showing them who’s in charge from the beginning.

November 18, 2016 5:15 pm

so as a dictator he would be no different than Obama ? do what I say or else ? fuck it I will take else….

November 18, 2016 5:30 pm

Sorry, but a systemic/internal fix is no longer possible for this republic. Hasn’t been since about 1865. Primarily for the reason that IndenturedServant brought up. We gonna have to go the Thomas Jefferson route and liberally water the tree of liberty with all 546 of our tyrants.
And We, the People, need to do it damn quick, because I ain’t getting no younger; Once on Social Security and Medicare, I don’t know that I will be as amenable.

Idaho Homesteader
Idaho Homesteader
November 18, 2016 5:39 pm

Good article, Stucky.

Given the stranglehold that TPTB have on every aspect of the U.S., it may be the only workable solution for Trump.

November 18, 2016 5:54 pm

“Have you thought about the question asked above? That is, once again — “How in the world is it even possible for Mr. Trump to get anything done .. anything at all … in such an environment?”. ”

I actually rubbed my three brain cells together and contemplated Trumps predicament in a couple of recent comments. With both D’s & R’s against him I would simply inform the house and senate what bills I would be willing to pass and explain that anything not meeting that criteria will not even be read much less signed by me. The R’s have majorities in both houses. If they want to piss that opportunity away it will be totally on them.

I too am against the EO’s but if the congress refuses to play ball I’d sign only minimal EO’s to keep the lights on and begin a massive campaign to educate the voters. Hire the most talented educators and Bernay’s propagandists to put together an education campaign that could run in 30-60 second TV commercial slots that educate people on how congress has abdicated the responsibilities, how the constitution, designed to protect and empower the people has instead been used against them and teach them about how the monetary system works to include precisely how we are held in debt slavery. Damn that was a log sentence. Anyway, use only facts with no hyperbole or bullshit that anyone can check fr themselves in any public library. Education is the gift that will keep on giving after Trump is gone.

Trump can do a lot change things but at the end of the day, the biggest changes will have to come from and be demanded by the people themselves. Trump has to empower the people and honest education is the only way to accomplish that. I believe that Trump could do enough damage with two years of education to run half the corrupt rats out of congress by the mid-terms.

I really don’t like the dick tater idea, benevolent or not. We’ve got enough problems without heading down that road.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
November 18, 2016 8:22 pm

“I actually am QUITE SURPRISED at how mild the opposition is regarding the topic. There’s hardly any at all!” —Stucky

I was gonna bus in some folks to protest in front of your house but we all have jobs.

November 18, 2016 11:21 pm

“Literally half the population doesn’t want change from Trump … they hate him. The demands of just half a population will go unheeded.”

He only needs to educate/convince a small part of the opposition to end up with a solid majority demanding the restoration of law. If he can effectively show people, how they are literally being systematically robbed 24/7/365 by the fed they would all reach the same conclusion Henry Ford did: “”It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

Everybody in this country is unhappy about quite a number of things regardless of which side of the aisle they worship or blame. Convince them that we are ALL being fucked by the same people and it will be game over for our owners.

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
November 19, 2016 9:50 am

Nearly half (perhaps more) of the population is taking a “he asks me, and I shall have him” stance vis a vis a tyrant.
What I personally wish is likely not to happen under these circumstances.
Like many, one can have ideals, but in the end one has to also consider reality. It is what it is; hope for the best but you’ll be lucky if you don’t wind up with the worst in this world.

And I’m of the opinion that our childish demands for ultimate and complete individual freedom (without remembering that with rights come co-commitment responsibilities and as though such a state could actually exist) has set the stage. It is what it is.
Probably the best thing one can do under such circumstances is be ok with chaos.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Jenny R.
November 19, 2016 10:07 am

Jenny r

This chaos is manufactured, we need to demand our representative government DO THEIR JOB under the guidelines of the Constitution. (Or vote the SOBs out)

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
  Bea Lever
November 19, 2016 11:10 am

Manufactured it may be, but there appear to be enough people who are willing to go along with it…and also there appear to be many willing to go along with a tyrannical state as long as said tyrant is “on their side”.
In such situations one should perhaps not get one’s hopes up that any sort of freedom, in its truest sense, can prevail. So, going from the standpoint of “you can have a little or get nothing”, I’ve based my own life decisions accordingly.
I’ll be happy if my own life gets to stay as free as it is now (it could be worse); I’ll be overjoyed if afforded a little bit more (because it could get worse)…and for now I’ll adopt a wait and see attitude (which I consider to be a much better position to be in, as it affords at least a little more time, than what I believe I would have gotten if the results of this election had turned out differently…which would likely have been far worse).

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 18, 2016 6:53 pm

tRump has been co-opted, already, by the Lie-O-Cons. All they had to do was stroke his ego. Trump is going to be more like Jorge Botch and his band of Scoop Jackson Cheneyesque nutjobs.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 18, 2016 7:26 pm

Nobody offered an opinion as to why we don’t stick with the constitution. Trump is a Rep. president with a Rep. house and Rep. controlled senate, how lame will it be (give examples)?

Why so eager to throw out the document that is the guideline for this 200+ year old experiment in freeing ourselves from the monarchy or thank goodness from a dictator. The checks and balances work if the nation demands it so. “We the People” have let this system become corrupt by not going full chimp when power is usurped.

We just demanded a new-style non-politician to clean up Dodge and get us back on track, did that not show the owners we don’t want the NWO. Or did we just order more of the same as in King Oreo and his royal court.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 18, 2016 7:35 pm

OT- But Janet Yellen has made it clear she will still be the Fed Chair to the end of her term in 2018. There is where the power lays, not in the WH.

  Bea Lever
November 18, 2016 9:25 pm

Best idea I have heard all day.

November 18, 2016 8:44 pm

Translation: “I won’t lose any of my liberties if Trump made good on all his election promises.”

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 19, 2016 10:59 am

Harvey Levin has a longtime partner Andrew Mauer. Levin was named in OUT Magazine as one of the “Power 50” homos. Also, a very powerful position controlling TMZ.

He is anything but “regyoulah”.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 18, 2016 11:23 pm

Stucky-Didn’t want to debate the CONSTITUTION? At least answer my first question.

America is NOT America without the Constitution and Bill of Rights. That is like asking Christianity to throw out the BIBLE.

November 19, 2016 3:06 am

Upon taking office, Trump will be faced with a Gordian Knot scenario. Obviously he cannot reforms government in the manner expected of him. He must think outside the box just as Alexander the Great did when he, according to legend, “untied” the Gordian Knot with his sword. So, likewise, Trump must somehow greatly leverage the power at his disposal to undo the Gordian Knot of central government.

For example, as Commander in Chief he can simply end the Empire during his first minutes in office by issuing an order for all troops overseas to dismantle their bases and come back home. That would save hundreds of billions of dollars from the defense budget which can be applied to an immediate tax cut. Next he can tackle the crime problem destroying inner city communities by pardoning everyone convicted for violating victimless crime laws. Scores of billions more dollars will be saved from what’s laughingly referred to as America’s criminal justice system which is obsessed with criminalizing what we willingly put in our bodies at the expense of fighting real crime. That’s more money added to the immediate tax cut. Next, just before lunch, President Trump can pardon everyone who has and will violate legal tender laws. This act will encourage competing private currencies – most likely gold and silver based ones to emerge – thus make the Federal Reserve Bank almost immediately irrelevant.

With the creative use of some powers at his disposal, President Trump can during his first morning in office turn the country around by dismantling the Empire, the war on liberty aka the war on drugs and the Federal Reserve system.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 19, 2016 1:55 pm

Stuck, it is you who abuses your authority, Sir. You got no opposition, if I had written this article, they would have torn me to shreds. Rightly so. Extremism in defense of Lady Liberty is no virtue.

Your assault on my self-esteem is as if you attacked me with wet noodles. It has no effect on me because I despise my own writing first. There are many times I wish I could write and remove myself from the words. Disembodied words that stand on their own like ‘We hold these truths…’ Still, you cut me to the quick, reminding me of my failure.

Besides, I wouldn’t want to be part of a club that includes me in it. I’m a different person late at night when the darkness affects my mood. In the daylight, I see the strange creepy objects return to pretending they are innocuous lamps and potted plants. Years of bitching and carping at typos and moranic statements has earned me credibility? Fuck that.

Nazi is a trigger word for you, same as Nigger is for other folks, I apologize for that. Uncola outlined the terror of the French revolution. The Germans had their own terror in the 30’s. They suspended representative government in an experiment to see what would happen. I read somewhere that was the thinking when they pulled the plug on the cooling system at Chernobyl. Somebody smart opined that many fuck-ups originate on the grave shift. Maybe it’s time for America’s own period of darkness. Did you notice I also said, let’s see, shall we?

Bonus track:

El Coyote reassuring the Sexy Mulatta who is attempting a new recipe; It it isn’t necessary to get things right the first time but, rather, to see what things you need to correct the next time.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  EL Coyote
November 19, 2016 6:52 pm

That was beau-ti-ful EL. Next time we barge in at the beginning and start a brawl, then Stuck can’t ignore the opposition.

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
November 19, 2016 9:43 am

At this point, and given the alternatives, a benevolent despot could be preferable to the alternative — which is either mob rule and then a not at all benevolent dictator (notice the switch 😉 ), or an anti-benevolent tyrant (which is what, imhao, we would have gotten with the hag).

I am in “wait and see” mode, and still dare to hope that at the end of it all we get some small bits more of individual freedom (complete freedom is a will o the wisp and utopianism in its own right, not happening)…but that is largely up to us, and so far a goodly portion of our country is making the case for a despot because they are showing that the people cannot govern themselves, may not even be governable by others without an iron fist.
It’s always best to remember the adage (although how historically accurate is debatable, nonetheless it is true): “a republic, if you can keep it”.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 19, 2016 9:50 am

Stucky- My question at 7:28pm…..

Trump will be a Rep. president with a Rep. house and Rep. controlled senate, how lame could it be (give examples)? Keep in mind that senators and house members will be shaking in their boots about being thrown out by the electorate if they don’t work with Trump SO I don’t think you have a strong enough argument.

Edit: If Trump ACTS as a dictator a large portion of the country will be up in arms just as this election was about Oreo acting as a monarch with his edicts (EOs).

November 19, 2016 10:20 am

Most here have or have had a job. In that job we experience Command and Control, and we freely accept it as necessary, vital. Without a corporate head, either a President or CEO, there is REAL danger of no fuckin paychecks on friday. The quality of corporate leadership translates directly to quality of paychecks, benefits, work environment.
I see very little difference.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 19, 2016 2:05 pm

Check out the brain on Otto! Unfortunately for the veteran GE employees that Enron swallowed, your observation proved to be right on. Ken Lay was acting as a benevolent dictator. Funny how that worked out. Kenny Boy fucked them over royally. They lost years of retirement savings that were converted to Enron stock they could not trade out of.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 19, 2016 10:25 am

Stucky-Just for the record, people have noticed that you ignored opposing comments until the the thread died out……………now why is that? hmmmmmmm

November 19, 2016 1:07 pm


I have been disillusioned with democracy for a while now. I have yearned for a wise and benevolent dictator. However, it’s the “wise” and “benevolent” parts that are tricky, because they run into the darker sides of the human soul, the ones that stimulate lusts for power and riches. You know, that whole “Power corrupts and absolute power…” thing. You mentioned Solomon, the perfect example.

Humankind has yet to discover the best way to govern itself.

It won’t matter what Trump does, he will daily be lambasted and mocked by the left half of the country. He may as well act like a dictator for a while, like his predecessor.

November 19, 2016 1:30 pm

Well if he had a night of the long knifes would be a great move, why because os the crooks. I’m sure people will scream but we have no country left Good luck Trump, My selfs we are too far gone and it will not end well, lock and load.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 19, 2016 2:18 pm

OMG!, larry, when will you stop insinuating that Trump is a sort of Hitler redux?
Hasn’t Stucky suffered enough? Now tie a scarf over your eyes, shut up and follow zee orders!
Do it for the fatherland.

(Patriot derives from the word Patria which derives from Pater or ‘father’.)

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  EL Coyote
November 19, 2016 6:44 pm

Bravo EC- You shoudda been a prof in one of dem univershities.

November 19, 2016 7:34 pm

Most of what Trump needs to do can be done without dictatorial moves. Ending medical monopoly pricing, cutting Federal funding to sanctuary cities, deporting illegals, gutting the IRS, and much more can be done without taking unprecedented executive action. For things like school choice that might require congress to combat the teachers unions, he can use his power to rally the people to force them to pass the bills he wants. Congress will pass whatever he wants if he can get enough people on them. Our system is far more powerful and efficient than any dictatorship with the right president.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 19, 2016 11:16 pm

Bea, did you see how quickly my stored up credibility crumbled to where now I am Burrito Boy?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 20, 2016 10:17 am

Burrito Boy- Typical, he knew he was going to lose a real debate so he wussed out. Now go suck off a hard burrito.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 20, 2016 12:42 pm

Well if you had asked if I could support tRUMP if he used his iron fist and scorching tongue to use the court of public opinion to reinstate the Constitution by repealing all of the police state legislation and EO’s since 2001, and push through a real election reform bill, I would say heck yeah.

It has to be done within the law which is the Constitution or it is more of the same.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 20, 2016 12:58 pm

OBTW- I did review the comments and the (fors) are slightly higher than the (againsts) with a few fence sitters who really don’t want a dictator. Just demand everything be done properly.

November 20, 2016 5:18 pm

Hay guyz… what’s goin on in here?!?!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 20, 2016 5:05 pm

Anybody who posts another comment is a dirty rotten egg. Except me and Bea.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
  EL Coyote
November 20, 2016 7:36 pm

I’m not a dirty rotten anything! I’m DEPLORABLE!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 20, 2016 6:14 pm

EC- Me thinks he just wants comment count, he don’t care about da truff.