Via Reason

Student’s Reaction to Trump Win: ‘Suck It Up, Pussies.’ Police Are Investigating This Hate Crime.

Edgewood College calls post-it-note a cowardly act of hate and intimidation

At Edgewood College, police are investigating a post-it-note that was deemed a “hate crime” by college officials.

The post-it-note says “Suck it up, pussies!” Whoever wrote it also drew a winking, tongue-out smiley face, like this:


The message is evidently one student’s response to the Madison, Wisconsin, college’s overwhelming dejection following Donald Trump’s election to the presidency.

Students had been invited to express their feelings about the election by writing them on post-it-notes and placing them on a designated table. The post-it-note in question appeared in the window of the Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion instead, according to Campus Reform.

College Vice President Tony Chambers sent a letter to campus condemning this “act of cowardly hatred” and “intimidation.” He wrote:

A group of cross-functional college staff representing campus security, student conduct, human resources, Title IX enforcement, and diversity and inclusion measures convened Tuesday morning to discuss how to address the hateful message. This group determined that the message constituted a Hate Crime…

College officials informed the Madison police, and now the cops are investigating. They are investigating a post-it-note. With a non-threatening message and a smiley face on it. After inviting students to express their feelings via post-it-note.

That’s hate for you, I guess.

Edgewood is asking anyone with knowledge of this hate crime to come forward and help the police catch the perpetrator, because it’s such a very serious matter.

Administrators did not respond to a request for comment.

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November 26, 2016 6:44 am

Fuck the snowflakes.Better to learn now you’re just not that important.

Hollow man
Hollow man
November 26, 2016 6:51 am


November 26, 2016 7:24 am

Times are going to get tough soon, really tough.

And when they do these people are going to die off.

A Darwinist thing, survival of the fittest and all that sort of stuff.

November 26, 2016 8:01 am

Sometimes, when I read stories like this one, I can’t figure out if they were written about actual events or if they were pieces written for The Onion that were rejected, so the author passed it along to the local paper who bought it and published it. God help us all.

November 26, 2016 11:45 am

Satire was my first thought also. But in view of what society has become, there’s still a question mark, could it be true?

November 26, 2016 8:14 am

They really have an Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion??

Does that include pussies?

Don’t hire college grads. Most of them are fucking morans.

November 26, 2016 8:22 am

I don’t know about the rest of you but I personally am very disturbed by all of this. My gawd, a post it note with…with writing on it! The horror. I’m just thankful that it wasn’t a full sheet of paper with pictures AND words.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 26, 2016 8:41 am

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November 26, 2016 11:34 am

It would be great if dozens or scores of students stood forth in the manner of the slave army under Sparatus:

“*I* posted the hateful dangerous post-it note!”

“No, it was *I* who posted the scary awful post-it note!!”

“*I* was the one who posted the criminal hate-crime post-it note!!!”

“Suck it up pussies! *I* posted the terrible hate-filled post-it note!!!!”

Oh, that would be so funny, and so much fun….

November 26, 2016 12:06 pm

Unfortunately “inclusion specialists” exist! This is what I refer to as the Specialedumacation of the Public School system. Everyone has learning disabilities and will have individualized educational plans and special rules tailored just for them. I used to work as a teacher’s aide in various special education classes in California. So I’m sure you can imagine some of the “theory” being put into action and how well it works in the classrooms! HAHA!
A caste system is being created right underneath our noses! and it isn’t funny because many of these Millenials are getting outstanding GPAs to puff up the graduation rates for the schools so it appears that “learning” is going on! This is not to say that there aren’t many brilliant young minds out there who go up and beyond what is asked of them. They will be the “priviledged” class because they “earned it” and the others…the worker class; either that or the school to prison pipeline will funnel them there!

November 26, 2016 4:25 pm


You can not fight these people on the terms that they set. The most you can do is troll them for your own amusement.

I tell every young person I meet to skip college and put everything they can get their hands on in to income producing assets.

These ignorant assclowns that have worthless degrees and are now miles deep in debt are the new permanent serf class.

Pieter in ZA
Pieter in ZA
November 27, 2016 1:21 am

I did it. Come and get me pussies.

  Pieter in ZA
November 27, 2016 7:06 am

Agge nee man Pieter, fokkit….