Question of the Day, Nov 29 – Illegals

Is it possible to gain control of the illegal invasion / immigration scourge? If so, how should President Trump go about it? Secondly, if we remove welfare and the illegals, will folks who were on welfare take those lower paying jobs, or choose to turn to crime / starve?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 29, 2016 10:43 am

Turning to crime is harder than you’d think these days. Most people outside the hood don’t carry cash, so mugging is no good. Car security is so much tougher that it’s hard to steal a car and hard to get money for it. All stores have security cams, so armed robbery will put you on TV the next night. You could try to sell drugs, but there’s an oversupply of dealers. Also, once you’re known as a dealer you’re a target for armed home invasion because aside from some “preppers”, the only people who have cash (and drugs and guns) are drug dealers. Most upper middle class people don’t have anything in their houses worth stealing.

November 29, 2016 10:43 am

1. Amend the Constitution so that birthright citizenship only applies to those who were born in the U.S by a mother who was here legally or to those born overseas to a U.S. citizen parent. The way it is written now was to ensure freed slaves became citizens. That is no longer applicable. Change it to reflect reality.
2. Cut off all federal funding to any city that proclaims itself to be a ‘sanctuary city’. No money for roads, schools, welfare, federal contracts, etc. Cut it all off. They will come around in short order or they will burn down by their residents’ own hands if they try to hold out.
3. There is no practical way to go around and try to round up millions of people so don’t try to do so. When people are imprisoned/jailed, make it ok to ask them about their nationality and if they cannot produce documentation that shows they are a citizen or allowed to be here, then send them home. This could easily devolve into a “show me your papers” type of deal, and is a bit of a slippery slope. Not sure if there is a way to do this without going overboard.
4. With those steps in place, the invasion will at least slow. If people do not want to do the work, then wages will rise until the work gets done. Let the market deal with labor issues.

November 29, 2016 10:50 am

5. Crack down on employers who knowingly use illegals. Obviously fake SS cards/ID cards, or just not having any of that info on file. Make the fines punitive enough that they aren’t worth risking, but don’t shut down facilities with them. The point is to remove yet another attractive nuisance.

November 29, 2016 4:06 pm

I generally agree with your basic suggestions. I would add: end all immigration to the U.S. for ten years then see where we are. End ALL welfare of every kind to anyone who is not a legal U.S. citizen and to ALL immigrants including legal. If they come here they have to be able to support themselves, otherwise they need to go home. Who wouldn’t move here; or to the EU, for a free ticket to ride? [on the backs of taxpayers]

November 29, 2016 8:15 pm

Good, but you missed a big one….
5. Enforce the E Verify laws and give businesses 6 weeks to rid themselves of their illegal workforces. Once word gets around the illegals will self-deport and the jobs available for citizens will multiply.

November 29, 2016 10:54 am

There is absolutely no reason to “round up” or “deport” anybody. Cut off all benefits and fine anyone caught employing illegals $10,000 a day for each and every invader found that they employ. Every thing these people have done since they crossed the border illegally, including having children, is illegal. They will leave the country on their own when the money dries up. Donations could be taken up for one way bus tickets back to the border. I’ll chip in and so will millions of others. Just call it sponsoring an illegal. What is so hard to understand?

November 29, 2016 11:02 am

Yes. If we ‘dry up’ the jobs – without proper ID or Green Card – they will go back home (where ever that it), we won’t have to deport them.

I would give the governors 3 months, to rein in the sanctuary cities in their state. Or we cut off all Federal Funds to the STATE!!

No drivers license without a Green Card.

Pete H
Pete H
November 29, 2016 11:21 am

Quite simply; if you want to get rid of mice, you need to remove the cheese. Relocating the mice won’t work; they’ll just come back. Trapping the mice won’t work; mice reproduce faster than you can trap them. Building a wall around the cheese won’t work; mice are quite adept at both climbing walls and digging under them.

No; to get rid of illegal immigrants, you need to deny them what they come here for. Do that, and the problem will take care of itself, for the most part. Trump needn’t do anything out of the ordinary for the executive of the nation. He needs only to tell ICE to enforce immigration laws to the letter, and require adherence to those laws by the citizenry…

November 29, 2016 11:35 am

Oh, by the way it’s quite easy to spot illegals: They are the ones who paint their brick houses ghastly colors – and then paint the mortar white. Looks real sharp, in the snow, here in Minnesota. Then there were the Somali’s who painted a brick home with aluminum radiator paint – just lovely.

M. I. A.
M. I. A.
November 29, 2016 12:21 pm

Dutchman – Of course we will need proof of this, preferably post lots of pictures of this anomaly.

  M. I. A.
November 29, 2016 12:58 pm

I’m going to have to get some pictures.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 29, 2016 11:49 am

Hunger is a powerful motivator.

The FSA of today will feel entitled to steal anything that is not tied down which will land most of them in the contract prison cells that Trump has decided to keep available. These non-producers will then become producers for a dollar an hour or less as slave/prison labor which is highly desirable to the corporations and the government. Upon working for slave wages for the duration of their sentence, a job making $10 per hour out in society will seem very attractive to the former FSA member.

It’s entirely their choice which way they want to go.

November 29, 2016 11:56 am

Things have to be done in order.

First get rid of Democrats and the other leftists, then get rid of the illegals.

November 29, 2016 4:24 pm

You are shooting far to low and off the mark. Political parties and labels are theater for the masses; the only ‘party’ in DC is the “MONEY” party and it works for the Global Central Banking system. They are the propagandists and money behind the so-called liberal shitshow.

There is only ONE bank; the Rothschild Bank for International Settlements located in Basel, Switzerland. This ONE bank has branch banks in virtually every country of the world. The branch banks are disguised so the People won’t realize what they are; in the U.S. we call that private, for-profit BIS branch bank the Fed. The BIS owns/controls every bank globally and therefore every government/legislation/institutions, all fiat [fake] currencies and most of the real money; gold/silver. They control the mass media and the propaganda narrative turning our youth into mindless morons. If you cut off the “tail” it will grow a new one; you have to cut off the head. If not the BIS, then the Fed. Once the payoffs stop so will the propaganda. As noted above, stop paying people to move to the U.S. and they will stop immigrating.

November 29, 2016 12:04 pm

Check this link:

Hoover, Truman & Ike: Mass Deporters?

As with most history these days, this “article” has been “whitewashed”.
However, as with all stories, “There are (at least) two sides to ever story and the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle”.
So this HAS been done a couple times with enough success to make it worthwhile. (Keep in mind that in those days, anyone with a valid id and not “wanted” could walk or drive across to or from Mexico or Canada without much hassle.) Also keep in mind that American Citizens (women and 4Fs in this case) could be employed in aircraft and munitions factories while those undocumented could not.
Should we attempt to clean up the wreckage of our past in this present instance, a wall should be built of troops returning from our Middle Eastern adventures and the best hired by ICE and Border Patrol as their enlistments run out. (Posse Comitatus would not necessarily be violated.)
Take it from one who has served for a year recently as deputy foreman on a federal grand jury, an illegal Mexican or central American arrested today for a crime (other than just being here) gets his trial, his appeals and does his time in an American jail or prison before being deported. They are frequently back where they were arrested before the agents accompanying them on the deportation trip back home have returned.
As for welfare? Those truly disabled would keep it. Those able bodied would have 4 months to find employment before the “sittin’ home” benefits cease. ‘Nuff said.

Note from Idaho
Note from Idaho
November 29, 2016 12:11 pm

You hire, house or assist an individual in this country illegally you go to prison.

November 29, 2016 12:23 pm

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November 29, 2016 12:28 pm

All of the above.Legal immigration is also A big problem.Over a million a year so far.

My solution would be to stop all illegal and legal immigration immediately.

November 29, 2016 12:44 pm

Much like the war on drugs the illegal roundup will be used to loot the treasury.

Not saying does not need to be done. Am saying governments suck.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 29, 2016 1:12 pm

Impossible. It is a well known fact that once a human being has moved from point A to point B they can never move again. It is immoral to even consider the possibility.

November 29, 2016 1:14 pm

The solutions are obvious. The courage to implement them is nonexistent. So the invasion continues until its natural end…the splintering of the US.

I. C.
I. C.
November 29, 2016 1:27 pm

Build the fucking wall. Taxpayers were bilked for it and the promise was made. Let Trump build it once-and-for-all.
Change the Constitutional Amendment that allows for ‘birthright’ citizenship to be specifically stated for American citizens only.
Eliminate any and all ‘entitlement’ money.
End all funding for “sanctuary” cities or places claiming such nonsense.
Legislate harsh punishments for businesses who hire illegals.
Halt all immigration for a period of time.
Severely cut back on VISAS; improve VISA requirements and touch-backs.
Prohibit bilingual translations/wording on any and all government documents, signage, etc.

Great read over at
That post should be here!

November 29, 2016 1:50 pm

Why over-think this? A simple cash bounty worked marvelously for controlling the gopher and rattlesnake populations when I was a kid. Many could use the extra income. It would be a win-win.

November 29, 2016 2:06 pm

illegal isn’t the only problem. obama has helped bring the Somali population in U.S. to about 100,000 legally, or 1% of Somalia’s population. unemployable welfare slugs sucking off a broke country’s tits. and these cocksuckers are almost all illiterate, misogynistic sunni fundamentalist pieces of human shit. we just pissed one of them off at OSU by not giving him enough prayer rooms on campus in addition to a free ride on tuition. i, taxpayer, paid one hundred fucking grand to put two kids through college. fuck mohammed and the fake-ass white horse he supposedly flew to jerusalem on!

November 29, 2016 2:18 pm

First, deport any illegal in our prisons or court system. If they’ve served their time and are clean, they can apply for citizenship (if they meet the requirements below). Any further incarceration could lead to revocation of citizenship.

Then, set a nine-month timeframe for those here illegally to apply for citizenship. If they can prove they have a job, pay their taxes and have the ability to communicate in English, they can apply to become citizens.

Once the timeframe is up, anyone here illegally (even outstaying a visa) is subject to deportation with all assets and property confiscated. Begin by requiring proof of citizenship to get a job, apply for benefits, voting privileges, etc. in order to end entitlements to illegals. Pull all federal funding from cities or states who do not comply with these rules. Fine companies who do not require proof of citizenship for employment.

November 29, 2016 7:58 pm

So douchebag, amnesty

November 29, 2016 2:42 pm

Stop providing these law breaking parasites with any social services including EBT, welfare, social security, education for their children, hospital services and sanctuary of any kind. No drivers licenses, no right to buy or rent property, anyone hiring an illegal gets hard time. They will deport themselves.

November 29, 2016 2:52 pm

The problem isn’t finding solutions; it’s finding the balls to initiate them. There are laws already, but we don’t try to enforce them cuz’ the Repubes’ owners at the Chamber of Commerce wants cheap labor and the DNC wants to offshore voting to South America.

Want to solve the illegal problem? Put me in charge-I got nothing to lose and a nation to gain. The solution is simple:

1. Change the Federal interpretation of RICO to include illegal aliens. Since they are breaking the law every single day they are here, announce they are engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise. Therefore, declare ALL property, bank accounts, vehicles, cars, businesses, etc possessed by illegals is forfeit. Sic law enforcement at all levels on them. The cops and feds will have a field day seizing all their stuff. Anyone who aids a criminal illegal alien is also in for a thorough anal exam.

2. Offer rewards for citizens who turn in illegals. For every illegal successfully captured and deported, the citizen will get a reward. Make it 1/100th of the value of the items seized under #1 and you’ll have people falling all over themselves to find and turn in the criminal illegal aliens. Call it the Pokemon Plan cuz’ you gotta catch em’ all!

3. You’ll never get the country to swallow changing the constitution/interpretation of the constitution regarding citizenship, so ignore anchor babies. Children are obviously minors and incapable of making their own decisions, so deport them with their criminal parents unless they can find a legal guardian OR until they’re 18 and legally able to live on their own.

4. Declare ALL public spending, welfare, workfare, public education, free heating, Barry Phones, etc etc etc to be citizenship-tested and illegal for illegals. NO NOTHING FOR CRIMINALS. Criminality should not be rewarded, so being a criminal illegal alien shouldn’t be rewarded.

5. ALL jobs in the US are for citizens and/or LEGAL aliens. Criminalize hiring illegals or assisting them in any way as aiding and abetting a federal criminal and punish the violators. Increase the punishment for each violation. Seize business assets in proportion to the # of illegals hired. Also, cancel ANY current government contracts and blacklist those businesses and owners from any future government contracts. Seize assets of repeat offenders. Oh, and sic the IRS on everyone at all levels who uses illegals in any capacity. Full anal exams and audits for everyone involved. The IRS is the most terrible agency of the US and it’s time we used it against our enemies for a change.
5A- PENALIZE BANKS! Fuck the banks hard when they’re caught assisting illegals and illegal businesses. Claw back every possible penny of profit from their assistance to criminal enterprises. Seize bank assets when they refuse to support law and order.

6. Cut off federal funding to sanctuary cities. For those who consider breaking the laws of the USA and bucking the government in the name of politics, use the Federal control of the power grid (under interstate commerce clause) and cut off electric supply to the city(ies) in question. Declare this criminal behavior insurrection and deploy the national guard/army to quell this insurrection by placing the city leaders under arrest using any and all necessary force. If necessary, seize the city administration and put it under martial law.

7. Declare renters/sellers who rent/sell to illegals to be aiding and abetting federal criminals and threaten jail time and seizure of the property for ongoing/repeat offenders.

8. Any attempts by Mexico and other foreign governments to promote and support criminal immigration into the US, i.e. issuing maps and GPSs, food, water, etc will be treated as hostile actions by foreign governments to promote insurgency and crime in our nation. We know how to promote insurgencies, too. Actually, it would probably be cheaper for us to just train, arm, and redeploy illegal aliens as freedom fighters in their home nations, so those nations have a vested interest in controlling their populations. Also, if Mexico won’t be a good partner, just take all those captured illegals and push them (at bayonet point) back across the border for them to deal with. Also, cut off assistance and access to hostile nations, such as military support, training, educational visas for their people, etc.

9. Let’s negotiate a deal to send captured illegal alien criminals to prisons in Africa. The poor conditions, bad food, poor treatment, and the lack of access to the USA’s golden tits would make it an unpopular destination for criminals. Once the crooks serve their sentences, send them back to their shithole nations.

10. Defund all educational institutions which flout the law by inviting and accepting criminal illegal alien students. Cut off their funds, refuse student loan applications from their students, etc. Lean on the accrediting bodies to de-accredit them, as well. Also, cut off their Govt R&D funding-that’s BIG money for schools.

11. Law enforcement agencies that refuse to assist in this national crusade ALSO get defunded. Where possible, they can be de-accredited and shut down. (The DA did it in my home state when a local PD proved to be completely incompetent in a child rape/murder case. The Sheriff took over their patrols til’ they could be fully cleaned out and re-accredited to operate.) With no federal funding, training, and support, cops would be hard-pressed to maintain their recalcitrant attitude. When you threaten to cut off funding, a lot of things start to change fast.

That’s about all I can think of at this point.
With no right to own property here, work, no freebies, and no school, illegals would probably start to self-deport. It would end up being rather expensive at first, since a lot of our businesses and agriculture save on costs by hiring criminal illegals. At the same time, a tremendous amount of wealth would remain in this nation and a lot of jobs would suddenly be available for Americans to work. If we cut our own welfare rewards to the indolent and the lazy, perhaps they’ll fill some of those positions. I’m willing to pay more for my groceries if they’re being picked by Americans.

For those of you who say it can’t be done, I used to know a Private Investigator who made about 1000$ a head on illegals wanted by the US govt through a simple scheme. The govt released wanted lists, which they used to track down the criminals’ last known address. They would call for the criminal illegal, claiming to have a free TV they won down at their shop waiting for pickup. Every time, the person who picked up the phone would claim they had no idea who the person was, but invariably the wanted illegal would show up to get their free TV. The PI would rent an anonymous store front for a period of time, stick in some TVs and furniture, and just wait to arrest every dude who came in through the door. At 1000$ a head, it was a profitable sideline for him.

Imagine how wonderful it would be if 10-30 million illegals and their kids were suddenly gone? I dream of it every time I commute to work and I’m stuck in a sea of shitty cars and vans with mis-matched body panels, extensive body damage, out-of-state plates, and ladders strapped to the roof.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
November 29, 2016 5:43 pm

This deserves its own post!

November 29, 2016 6:29 pm

Welfare and illegals are two completely different predicaments that should not be conflated. The illegals predicament is much more easily solved. E-verify and deport. Problem solved. Oh, and make it absolutely impossible for any illegal to obtain any sort of welfare benefits. Solving the welfare predicament would be much more difficult, because of the little nuisances that would result… like, oh, rioting and martial law.

November 29, 2016 8:46 pm

Put the social security tax on consumption and remove from income.

$10 an hour becomes $12. And 12 becomes 14.

We need a lttle carrot to go along with the stick.

November 29, 2016 10:16 pm

1) Yes. Deport them or kill them.
2) Who cares?

November 29, 2016 11:39 pm

It’s the dire demographic situation in the rich world that serves as in impetus to immigration. Unless the former is addressed, successfully tackling the latter will inevitably lead to economic stagnation, if not outright collapse (economic growth, after all is “workforce growth plus productivity per worker growth”… if workforce declines, then the whole debt edifice comes crashing down ).

November 30, 2016 10:29 pm

Lots of great ideas and solutions here. Summed up perfectly by gilberts. If we only had the will.