See the Light…

I love the smell of nihilist/marxist fear in the morning.


God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. – Genesis 1:4

When I was a kid, growing up on the edge of the great boreal forest that stretches the better part of east to west through the northern latitudes of North America, my best friend and I had a trapline. It ran a few miles along the length of the Saskatchewan river east of the forks where the north and south tributaries meet after a thousand kilometres of travel from their headwaters in the Rockies.

It wasn’t fancy or complex. There was no mink or marten and even weasels were scarce. But we had squirrels in abundance. So we trapped them until until our hands, saturated by the oil from their pelts, smelled like them.

Squirrels are funny creatures. They talk a lot and we quickly learned their chatter served two purposes: one, to alert other creatures to our presence and two, to give up their position to enterprising young trappers.

The beauty of the squirrel is that its penchant for sweet food makes it lose all sense of caution. It chatters incessantly as you get near but once a snare is set and baited with a bit of apple it loses any and all sense of good judgement.

We noticed early on that we could catch an entire scurry of them on one pole with multiple snares. The little tree rats would literally trip over the corpses of their buddies to get to a piece of apple on the other side of the next trap. It wasn’t unusual for us to set a group of snares then return an hour later and find two, three or four kills hanging from a fresh set on a single pole.

Liberal behaviour is similar in nature. They talk a lot, mostly virtue signalling to one another, and in the process make themselves vulnerable to simple things like the truth. They become particularly vulnerable at higher levels where power and money are involved. Like the proverbial apple used to bait our snares they will literally trip over one another to get to what’s on the other side. Snare be damned.

Indeed, money and power are like a drug to these people. They’ll do almost anything to obtain it: lie, steal, cheat, whatever it takes. But mostly they’ll just lie.

The ‘fake news’ controversy reminds me of this panicked and disorganized type of dishonest behaviour. The liberal media and their handlers, having gone after the apple with zeal, now find their necks stuck in a piece of brass wire. Unsure of what to do they struggle. What they don’t understand is that it is not the wire that necessarily does them in but rather, the panic and the struggle that ensues when they realize what has happened in the first place. You see, the apple is on the other side of that wire. In order to get to it they must go through. And since they cannot live without the apple then there is only one possible outcome.

Indeed, the left and their bought and paid for whores in the media could make all of this stop tomorrow by doing one simple thing: give up the apple. But they won’t because they cannot. They are driven in a sort of pathological way towards their own destruction. They are unable to stop because they are addicted and fearful of what might be revealed if their power is lost.

I won’t go into the nature of this behaviour too deeply because Brandon Smith did an exemplary job of doing so here. But I will say this. The light is being shone on some very dark places that heretofore have never been held to the light of day. The ruling elite would be well advised, if they can find a way to remove their necks from the brass wire, to read the graffiti on the colosseum walls before it is too late.

“Light and darkness exists within each one of us. Each of us has the capacity to see and understand the difference and so we are given the ability to choose upon which path we will walk. Thus all of us would do well to remember as we choose our route that the truth, which these days is written on the subterranean tunnels of the web, will be illuminated one way or the other. There is no stopping it now.”

The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls. – Simon & Garfunkel






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December 9, 2016 2:28 pm

Well said FM. I stand in awe of the march and pace of the light approaching.

Old Guy
Old Guy
December 9, 2016 2:47 pm

FWIW, squirrel is quite tasty. Like a more flavorful chicken meat.

December 9, 2016 3:08 pm

Frog legs are to( tasty).Just saying.
Liberals , Leftist , can be some of the most arrogant son of a bitches on this planet.They hate truth ,They hate traditional Christian culture.

Francis Marion ,I know we have never met personally but every time I’m near the Canadian border I think about you .I’m currently in North Bend , Washington right now stuck in a snow storm.Snoqualmie pass ( I -90 )can be very dangerous so I’m just going to wait it out.Cheers.

December 9, 2016 3:33 pm

“Snoqualmie pass ( I -90 )can be very dangerous ”

Drive safe BB! Serious question though – how would you rate that pass compared to any of the Colorado high passes, or for that matter the Blue Mountains in NE Oregon? I have driven all over the west – really just about all of it – and good chunks of the Appalachians, and I would not have ranked Snoqualmie pass in my top 25 of dangerous passes in winter. I have driven Snoqualmie pass in winter, on ice, and it still seemed easier than many others. I’m NOT criticizing, just curious your opinions from driving all over. FWIW I would rate Black Mountain in western NC as a significantly scarier pass than Snoqualmie.

Two things scare me in Seattle: the local looney liberals, and the traffic on I-5 any evening.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 9, 2016 4:02 pm

i think hillary is most uncomfortable since power protected her from the light. failing in that, getting her head from the snare will be difficult. enjoy your posts

December 9, 2016 4:08 pm

I simply do not possess
the skills to understand the Liberal mind. But I have made a few observations based on experience dealing with them. Not one Liberal has ever been able to defend their stated doctrine or any particular favored program. I’ve been able to leave them speechless every time by pulling up two charts and asking them how will we pay for it when we can’t pay for the programs we have now, hence Obama doubled our debt. I simply ask them how will we pay off this debt, much less start another program? They go speechless and walk off every time. They’ve never stopped and considered paying for something. So the bottom line is, Liberals are infected with magical thinking, any exposure to reality sends them scurrying back to their clan where their delusions are never challenged. [imgcomment image[/img]
I think Admin might have first posted both these charts

December 9, 2016 5:54 pm

I always love depictions of the lauded “Clinton Surplus”. With all of that DEBT piled up under the magical surplus, just what do you have a surplus of?

December 9, 2016 11:27 pm

IS,don’t let the Republicans skate on this.They puffed out their chests & ran on the “surplus”also.

December 10, 2016 2:24 am

I just remember it being called the Clinton Surplus, not playing favorites.

December 10, 2016 1:44 am

And just where does that label “dot com surplus” come from? I always considered it a surplus from gutting the military and closing of all the bases BJ shuttered around the world cuz of peace dividend and all.

December 10, 2016 2:22 am

If a govt has a surplus of money it can only be because they taxed you too much.

I guess I’m just old school but in my finances if I have $10k in savings, $10k in IRA’s, $10k in home equity and $150k in combined mortgage, credit card, auto and student loan debt, the only thing I have a surplus of is debt.

Perhaps one or more govt. depts. might have a surplus of unspent money in their dept. budgets but that never happens due to the de facto policy of Use It or Lose It. In the govts’ case the debt increased while they claim to have had a surplus. That’s just ginned up, political psychobabble to feed the Useful Idiots.

December 10, 2016 3:18 am

There were some hidden costs to the closing of those bases and military downsizing too. For instance they had to pay a huge number of military members some significant money to voluntarily leave the service under their reduction plans. My wife was one that received well over $100k under the Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI) program.

In addition, many of the closed US bases overseas had to be upgraded and improved significantly upon closure due to lease agreements. I was at Torrejon AB Spain just before it closed and taxpayers had to rebuild that runway (the longest in Europe) before closure. Many buildings were replaced or built new as well.

I was among the last 100 families to leave the twin US bases of RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge. At both bases taxpayers had to rebuild both runways and replace a bunch of buildings in addition to building housing for a couple hundred families. Most of it sat derelict for so long after closure it was razed to the ground. Part of the brand new Bentwaters runway was even torn out having never been used. There were massive costs involved in moving everything out, and I mean everything, right down to mop buckets and brooms. Many bases even had to be decontaminated like mini Super Fund sites.

It was rather surreal to be at those two bases in the UK as the skies went quiet and most of the people had decamped. Truck after truck loaded with “stuff” was moved to sea ports. I remember taking a slow driving tour of both bases looking at rec centers, hangers, houses, the base movie theater, , post office and all the places where so many memories had been formed and lives lived and thinking about how it was……..just over. So many historic moments fading into the ether. Two ghost towns just formed in a matter of months right in front of my eyes.

Bentwaters was especially bittersweet. It was right on the coast of the English Channel. During WWII it was called Cripple Creek because it was the first opportunity for crippled bombers and fighters to touch down on dry land after being pummeled in the skies over Europe. I’m sure many an aircrew wept for joy at sighting that runway while still wondering if they would make it.

The twin bases were also the site of one of the most bizzare UFO encounters ever documented known as The Rendlesham Forest Incident. One of the base policeman supposedly even jumped on top of the UFO hovering under the tree canopy moving between the trees.

December 11, 2016 1:36 pm


You absolutely!! understand the liberal mind.

“So the bottom line is, Liberals are infected with magical thinking, any exposure to reality sends them scurrying back to their clan where their delusions are never challenged.”

The most obnoxious part is the endless virtue signaling, (formerly called playing,
“I am more liberal than you are.”) as VS is the endless quest to prove one is the
most “caring” of all. And the “caring people” are so superior over all others.
And it is transparently phony.

December 9, 2016 4:19 pm

Good question Penn Head ,I’m not sure about the most dangerous but my most scariest moments were in the Rockies Mountains on i70 just beyond Denver Colorado.It was at night and I hit a patch of black ice which is hard to see. Started sliding down part of one of the mountain.Then the truck went into a jack knife .I slid into a guard rail which straighten out the jack knife.The guard rail is what saved me from going off the mountain.I sit there for about 15 minutes holding little bb .That guard rail saved our lives that night.

December 9, 2016 7:38 pm

“I sit there for about 15 minutes holding little bb”

The cat, or the thing you stick in Trixie at the Flying J?

December 9, 2016 10:51 pm

Thanks BB. I’ve done I-70 and had some issues, but nothing too serious. Worst was actually fuel gelling in a diesel Jeep I used to have – late one night, heading east from Grand Junction but near the top of the pass at freezing, I started losing power bad, and finally could barely make 20mph with the pedal floored. Next morning it started and rain fine. I bought anti-gel additive and had no more problems that trip.

Scariest western driving I’ve had was in the Blue Mountains. Was driving east on I-84 one night and was in them with dense fog – visibility 200 yards or less – and a mix of freezing rain and snow. Oh that was fun. I was going 35-45mph while everyone else (not many!) were doing 60-70mph. Crazy. But I made it through and weather was perfect by La Grande.

There was also this one time heading west on I-94 between Fargo and Valley City, in early-October!, when I got into a windy whiteout blizzard. But it passed. I have plenty of winter experience, but those are scary conditions regardless.

Anyway, I was curious because I know that Snoqualmie pass is locally famous for bad conditions and gets closed somewhat regularly, but to me it seems like no big deal.

December 9, 2016 11:59 pm

Persnickety said:
“Scariest western driving I’ve had was in the Blue Mountains. Was driving east on I-84 one night and was in them with dense fog – visibility 200 yards or less – and a mix of freezing rain and snow. Oh that was fun. I was going 35-45mph while everyone else (not many!) were doing 60-70mph. Crazy. But I made it through and weather was perfect by La Grande.”

That hill headed up into the Blues east of Pendleton, OR can be brutal in winter. I was headed west going down that hill one winter day in a pickup. The wind was blowing so hard UP that hill that cars were literally being blown sideways off the road. I had chains on and was only doing about 20mph and more than once got blown sideways. Known locally as Cabbage Hill, you’re far better off to take the old Cabbage Hill grade in winter if the weather is bad. It’s slower going but much less stressful.

Another time I was on the same hill headed west again in a little Toyota truck with a four banger in it. In places I could floor the engine and only manage to go downhill at 20mph. There are a couple of natural venturis formed by the landscape that accelerate the winds to high speed and certain sections of that interstate pass right through the narrow portion of those venturis. There is a large, broad parking area at the top where smart truckers will park to wait out the wind. At the bottom I believe they have a gate that blocks the interstate.

Ladd Canyon, just east of LaGrande gets some brutal winter winds too. I pulled over to take a leak and literally could not push my door open. Had to climb out the other side just to get out! I realized the wind was too high to even attempt taking a leak so I dumped a bottle I had and pissed in that.

December 10, 2016 10:35 pm

In 2008 we were living in Boise and I took a job in Kennewick. For 4 months; November through February, I drove back and forth between the two cities on weekends since my wife and son were living in Boise and I was in corporate housing in WA.
I traversed the Blues many many times that winter. The worst part was the fog coming in to
Pendleton. Forget 200 yards visibility, try 20 yards. I had an all-wheel drive Volvo with studded tires at the time, so traction was pretty good. But I am glad those days are behind me.

December 11, 2016 1:50 pm

“No big deal” indeed…
I drove in a whiteout, 200 miles behind a semi with it’s lights flashing.
Max speed 25 mi….well it did go to 30 once or twice. Suddenly the truck
went abruptly into the L. lane and I followed but with difficulty keeping
control over my suburban. Another semi was merging from the right and
directly into the L. lane. I survived getting hit by maybe 10 feet. The reason?
Big spin out accident in the R lane. I couldn’t see it. Moral? Driving through
a snowstorm and icy road conditions is plenty dangerous on flat surfaces
let alone mountain passes.

December 9, 2016 6:07 pm

FM, I saw a documentary about how to find water in the African desert. This little african dude went down to a sandstone like wall and taking advantage of a watching baboon, dug a hole into the wall just barely big enough to fit his hand into. Then he created a hollow inside before putting on a bit of a show by placing something inside the hole. He then moved off some distance and watched. The baboon just couldn’t help himself and ran down to the wall and stuck his hand inside the hole trying to retrieve what was inside.

Unfortunately the baboon was too stupid or greedy to turn loose of what was in the hole and the black dude ran down, tied the baboon up to a tree and started feeding him rock salt. It seems that baboons always have a secret source of water even in the driest times but they are very careful about not giving away the location of the water. However, after and hour of eating rock salt that baboon doesn’t care who follows him to the water source so all the rughead has to do is cut the baboon loose and follow him to find water.

Liberals are about as dumb as baboons and their brazen ways regarding pizzagate are about to take them down.

December 11, 2016 1:53 pm

Wow, what a story!

December 9, 2016 6:27 pm

I think they just have a hard time understanding cause and effect and the concept of unintended consequences. Oh yeah, and coincidence, big believers in coincidence. As in it is just a coincidence that people with business before the government gave the Clintons a billion.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 9, 2016 7:17 pm

Also, it’s just a coincidence that black areas have the most crime and that rich people seem to have worked very hard and very smart their entire lives. Pure coincidence.

December 9, 2016 6:28 pm

IS: under clinton we had a surplus of bullshit.

December 9, 2016 7:43 pm

We almost had another surplus of it too! I guess we still might depending on how the 12-19-16 (s)election goes.

December 11, 2016 1:57 pm

The media is going all out with the Russian collusion angle.
If that wasn’t so pathetic and scary also, it would be very very funny.

Stucky isn’t here. I am guessing he is helping his parents. He is a
good man to be doing that. It creates a respect for him, for sure.

December 9, 2016 7:14 pm

Yep, the Joos are traped with their White Privalage non sense. Many Jews have had enormous success through their own merit and aptitude.

But, you see the paradox of White Privalage becoming Jewish Privalage don’t you?

Oh, what a terrible web we weave when we first practice to deceive.

December 9, 2016 7:40 pm


December 9, 2016 7:49 pm

That’s right Privalage. Who do you think came up with that?

You see how it can easily be turned around? Look the Jews have achieved much and I say they deserved it. But why they had to go one step further no one knows?

It’s the apple they can’t resist I suppose.

  Francis Marion
December 11, 2016 2:03 pm

The MSM is toast for many of us. The Powers will have to tie
us up and strap us in if they ever hope to have us “watch” again.
The 80 yrs.+ crowd still watch the Fox cable news. That stellar
Krautmeyer, don’t you know. The man published a book containing
page long mini speeches from his entire career. What a genius.

Edit: Krauthammer

December 10, 2016 7:01 pm

This really concerns me FM. I agree with all you’ve written. Check out this link for additional details about my comment below:

Liberals are not rational. They’re in a panic and are also enraged at the loss of their power and position, a complete repudiation of everything they stand for which will likely go on for decades. Trump has indicated in word and deed that he will drain the swamp, and that means rooting the deep state out of their positions in the alphabet agencies. I believe that he’s already asked for the names of all those who have pushed the “Climate Change” agenda, as an example of his determination. He’s also calling into question the reliability of the CIA with his most excellent response to the intelligence report that alleged Russian hacking.

There is corruption at every level of the party on the left. Pizzagate should slowly leak into the public consciousness via alt-media, revealing the incomprehensible level of evil and depravity of the ruling elite around the globe, and shining a light on the master they really serve. Globalists and globalism is falling all over the West. If they have any hope of holding onto power, it has to happen prior to Trump being elected (see the link posted for the details of this argument). The media and the establishment are banging the drum of Russian influence in the election, and all the lemming are screaming that Trump is not their president, waiting for the opportunity to cause trouble. Obama has requested an investigation on the so-called Russian tampering prior to his exiting the presidency. That would be prior to the inauguration in January. There’s also a very large move afoot, supported by such luminaries as Michael Moore, to disrupt Trump’s inauguration. They will simply not go away or back down at all forever. They have too much to lose and no capacity for self-reflection, humility or tolerance of Truth. Top off your preps. The shit is about to hit the fan. Cherish your families and friends this Christmastime and patch-up relationships frayed over the years. I hope I’m wrong. You can all laugh at me if I am. I’ll take it with a smile on my face.

December 11, 2016 2:11 pm

I appreciate your passion. There are days where I am filled with
real dread for what can happen here in USA and elsewhere. The
libs are having a status epileptic seizure, meaning constant.
Another metaphor…we are infected with MRSA sepsis. The patient
could die. I am hopeful tho, with enough antibiotics, rest and a
good diet, we will get past it. However, regardless, there will be
pain and regret. Stay away from crowds and large population centers.

December 10, 2016 7:26 pm

Assuming for the sake of argument that this “report” by the CIA is correct.Why would Russia want Trump instead of Hillary?
Do they believe that she is serious about imposing a no fly zone in Syria & shooting down planes that violate said no fly zone?Since Russia is in Syria at the request of the lawful govt. in Syria,would that be an act of war?Or is that just campaign rhetoric to draw hawks to her side?
On the domestic front Hillary has allegedly stated that she would stop all fracking & would stop oil drilling on public lands.If true,Russia would most probably favor Hillary since that would drastically raise the price of oil,which is Russia’s most profitable export.
So why wouldn’t Russia stay out of the election or even try to help Hillary win?
Could it be because the Russian leadership does not trust Hillary & wants to avoid war?
If that’s the case,can you blame Russia for interfering in our election?

December 11, 2016 2:15 pm

That Russian hacking/election interference is just BS.
How desperate is the gov/media for promoting that?
Maybe covering for their endless incompetence.
Remember, fangs were (are) out for Trump on both
the D and R sides of the aisle.

December 10, 2016 9:32 pm

The Burning Post is a special place on the internet, glad I found it.