The Book of Exodus: TBP (The Big Picture)

Thanks to Charlton Heston as Moses, Exodus is still familiar territory to most people. People who make this vow; “This year I’m reading the entire Bible!” – are still going strong.  But, they start to waver when they get to Chapter 20 (the 10 commandments), which is the start of many chapters of rules and regulations. Chapter 40, the last chapter, talks about arranging furniture in the Tabernacle. By then, most people have already given up on their New Year’s resolution.

Let me see if I understand this. God creates all that exists. He wants to communicate things to us about Him. So, he inspires some chosen folk to record His Word in a holy book. Isiah tells us that grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of God will stand forever.

So, why would God choose to include such enormous minutiae?  How is our knowledge of God improved by knowing that a goat shouldn’t be boiled in its mother’s milk? That’s what He wants us to know about Him? One would think there is much more useful information to preserve forever. On the other hand, count the many instances God is willing to kill people in this chapter for breaking various rules He instituted; such as, stoning to death children if they curse their parents (in which case I would have been dead by age 7). Perhaps the less we know about this angry God, the better?

I don’t have good answers. Maybe after you read Exodus, you can tell me.

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========= EXODUS: The Big Picture ==========

(Ch. 1)  The twelve brothers and the generation of the original 70 who went to Egypt are all dead. However, the Israelites became “exceedingly fruitful; they multiplied greatly”, and they filled the whole land.

Egypt has a new king to whom Joseph means nothing.  He sees how numerous the Israelites have become and decides to treat them harshly.  The reason for this is political – “if war breaks out, (they) will join our enemies, fight against us and leave the country.

[The idea of Israelites being slaves in Egypt is introduced for the first time.] The Hebrew slaves build the store cities of Pithom and Rameses. Twice the text states that the slave masters treated the Israelites “ruthlessly”   But, the more they were oppressed, the more they spread and multiplied.

So, the king of Egypt ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill – manner unspecified – all the Hebrew boys. They didn’t. They told Pharaoh that Hebrew women are “vigorous”, and gave birth before they arrived. So, God gave the midwives families of their own.

Then Pharaoh gave an order to “all his people” to throw every newborn Hebrew boy into the Nile.

 (Ch. 2)  A Levite woman gives birth to a son. She is able to hide him from Pharaoh for three months. Afterwards, she places the child in a papyrus basket which she places among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. The child’s sister watches. Along comes Pharaoh’s daughter. The child’s sister asks if she should get one of the Hebrew woman to nurse the child. Pharaoh’s daughter agrees to this. So, the sister went to get the child’s mother, who nursed the child until he grew older. She named him ‘Moses’ which means “I drew him out of the water.”  When Moses was weaned, the mother took him to Pharaoh’s daughter, and he became the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. 

Moses grows up.  One day he ventures out to where his own people were, and he sees an Egyptian beating a Hebrew. Moses checks his surroundings, sees no one, and kills the Egyptian. The next day Moses tries to break up a fight between two Hebrews.  The man doing the pummeling asks Moses if Moses intends to kill him also. This freaks out Moses … who then flees Pharaoh to live in Midian.

Moses is in Midian sitting by a well when seven shepherd women — daughters of a priest of Midian – stop by to water their sheep.  Other shepherds chased the women away but, then Moses chased those shepherds away, and he watered her flock. The daughters tell their story to dad, and he tells them to invite Moses over for dinner. It must have been an awesome dinner because the next thing we know is that Moses marries the daughter, Zipporah. Eventually, she gave birth to a son, Gershom which means – “I have become a foreigner in a foreign land.

A long time passes. Pharaoh dies. The Israelites groan under their burden of slavery, and cry out to God for help.

(Ch. 3)  Moses is tending his father-in-law’s (Jethro) flocks when he comes to Horeb – the mountain of God.  The “angel of the Lord” appears to Moses in the form of flames of fire from a bush –but, the bush was not consumed. Moses is curious about the bush not burning up, and walks over when God calls out from the bush, “Moses! Moses!”

God commands Moses to take off his sandals for Moses is standing on holy ground. Moses is informed that this is the God of his father, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses hides his face in fear. Then God tells Moses that He has heard the cry of help from His people, and He’s here to help. Moses is not sure if he’s up to the task.

—Moses: Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”

—God:  “I am who I am.  This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation.

God then assures Moses that the elders of Israel will listen to him. Also, that Pharaoh will not let the Israelites go “unless a mighty hand compels him”, and that God will “strike the Egyptians.” When the time to leave does occur, then every woman will ask her Egyptian neighbor for silver, gold, and clothing … and the neighbor will give it to them. “And so you will plunder the Egyptians.

(Ch. 4)  Moses is still afraid people won’t believe the Lord appeared to him.  So, the Lord gives Moses three visual aids.

First, when Moses throws his staff on the ground it will turn into a snake, and when he picks it up by the tail it will turn back into his staff.  Second, when Moses sticks his hand in his cloak his skin will be leprous, and when he sticks his hand in a second time it will become normal again. Then the Lord said, “If they do not believe you or pay attention to the first sign, they may believe the second.” But, just in case they still don’t believe, then there is a third visual aid. Moses is to take water from the Nile, pour it on the ground, and it will turn to blood.

Moses has another concern about his abilities; he claims he is slow of speech and tongue. The Lord assures Moses that He will help Moses speak and will teach him what to say. Moses responds with “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.”. This makes the Lord angry. Nevertheless, the Lord will allow Moses’ brother, Aaron, to speak for Moses.

The Lord tells Moses to take his family from Midian and back to Egypt because everyone who wanted to kill him is dead. The Lord also tells Moses to perform all the wonders God gave him the power to do … the snake and leprosy thing.  It won’t actually work because God himself will harden Pharaoh’s heart, keeping him from letting the Israelites go. Then Moses is to say to Pharaoh that because he would not let the people go – “I will kill your firstborn son.

On the way to Egypt, “the Lord met Moses and was about to kill him.” But, Moses’ wife, Zipporah, cut off her son’s foreskin and touched Moses’ feet with it. So, the Lord left Moses alone.

Aaron meets Moses at the mountain of God. Later, they gather all the elders of the Israelites, and Aaron tells them everything God told Moses previously. Moses performs the visual aids God gave him the power to do, and the people bowed down and worshiped.

(Ch. 5)  Moses and Aaron meet with Pharaoh. They tell him that the God of Israel says – “Let my people go.” Pharaoh refuses the request because he doesn’t know this God of Israel. Moses and Aaron repeat their request. This ticks off Pharaoh. He believes it’s just a ploy to keep the people from working. He accuses the people of being lazy. So, he orders the slave drivers to stop supplying straw for bricks … the Israelites are to gather their own straw. But, the quota of bricks still remains the same. Of course, the quota isn’t met, and the slave drivers beat and abuse the Israelites. The people complain to Moses who, in turn, complains to God accusing Him of “not rescuing your people at all.”

(Ch. 6)  The Lord basically responds — just wait and see what I’m going to do to Pharaoh! God reminds Moses about all the promises He made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God tells Moses to let the Israelites know that God will free them from the yoke of the Egyptians, and He will bring them to the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses does as commanded but, the people do not listen to him. God instructs Moses to once again tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave the country. Moses says he has faltering lips, and that Pharaoh won’t listen to him.

The chapter concludes with a list of the heads of the Israelite families in Egypt, and also their offspring.

(Ch. 7)  God reassures Moses and lays out the plan [formula]; Moses and Aaron will meet with Pharaoh to tell him to let the people go, but God will harden Pharaoh’s heart, then God will lay His hand on Egypt with various mighty acts of judgment.

Pharaoh demands a miracle. Aaron throws down his staff and it becomes a snake. Pharaoh is not impressed. He calls his sorcerers and they perform the same miracle. However, Aaron’s snakes eat Pharaoh’s snakes. Pharaoh is still not impressed. Rather, his heart became hard.

[Plague 1: Water to blood] One morning Pharaoh is by the Nile where he is confronted. Moses informs Pharaoh that because he did not let the people go that some bad stuff is about to happen. This way Pharaoh will know who is Lord. Aaron strikes the Nile with his staff and the water “was changed to blood”. This killed the fish.  All the waters of Egypt; streams, canals, ponds, and reservoirs also turned to blood. The Egyptians had to dig along the Nile to get drinking water.

Pharaoh wasn’t concerned. He turns and goes back to his palace. Seven days pass.

(Ch. 8)  [Plague 2: Frogs] Moses again sees Pharaoh, tells him to let the people go but, if he does not, that frogs will cover Pharaoh’s palace, and in his bedroom and bed, and even into the ovens and kneading troughs.

And that’s exactly what happens. Frogs, frogs, everywhere. The text states that Pharaoh’s magicians also made frogs appear throughout Egypt [but, does not give the reason why they would do that]. Pharaoh asks Moses to make the frogs go away and then he will let the people go.  Moses agrees to getting rid of all the frogs … except the frogs in the Nile, they stay.  The Lord gets rid of all the frogs, but Pharaoh’s heart hardens and he reneges on the deal.

[Plague 3: Gnats] Then the Lord tells Moses to tell Aaron to stretch out his staff and strike the dust of the ground. He did so, and all the dust throughout Egypt became gnats. They landed on people and animals everywhere.  The magicians tried to produce gnats but, could not. So, they said to Pharaoh – “This is the finger of God.” Pharaoh’s heart continued to harden.

[Plague 4: Flies] The Lord then sends dense swarms of flies throughout the land; even the ground was covered with them. But, flies were not sent to Goshen, where the Israelites lived.  Pharaoh summons Moses and Aaron and lets them know the Israelites can offer sacrifices to God. Moses said that since their sacrifices are detestable to Egyptians, that they must make sacrifices three days journey from there. Pharaoh agrees and asks Moses to pray for him. The next day the flies leave; “not a fly remained”.  But, Pharaoh again hardened his heart and reneged on the deal.

(Ch. 9)  [Same formula:] God tells Moses to go to Pharaoh and tell him to let the people go and, if he refuses, another plague will come. 

[Plague 5: Dead livestock] This time it’s livestock; horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep and goats. All the Egyptian livestock died, while none of the Israelite livestock died.  Pharaoh’s heart was unyielding.

[Plague 6: Boils] Then Moses and Aaron stood before Pharaoh. They had handfuls of soot from a furnace, and threw it in the air. This became fine dust over the whole land of Egypt. Festering boils appeared on people and animals throughout the land. The Lord continued to harden Pharaoh’s heart. 

[Plague 7: Hail] [Same formula again:] But, this time God adds a little more vengeance; — “I could have stretched out my hand and struck you and your people with a plague that would have wiped you off the earth. ….. Therefore, at this time tomorrow I will send the worst hailstorm that has ever fallen on Egypt, from the day it was founded till now.”  And, so it happened.  The hail struck every growing thing in the fields, it stripped “every tree”, and struck down people and animals.  But, the hail did not strike Goshen, where the Israelites lived.

Pharaoh tells Moses he will let the people go if the hail stops. Moses stretched his hands towards the Lord. The hail stops. Pharaoh reneges again.

(Ch. 10)  [Plague 8: Locusts] [Same formula:]  This time its locusts. But, this time Pharaoh actually agrees to letting only the men go and make sacrifice in the wilderness. Not good enough, said Moses. So, the Lord sent so many locusts that they covered all the ground until it was black. “They devoured all that was left after the hail.

Pharaoh tells Moses he will let the people go if the locusts go away. Moses prays. The Lord sends a strong wind which blows the locusts into the Red Sea. “Not a locust is left.” Pharaoh reneges again.

[Plague 9: Darkness] Then God sends the plague of darkness for three days … except where the Israelites lived. It was so dark that it “could be felt”.  This time Pharaoh agrees to let the men, women and children go to worship in the wilderness.  But, Moses insists that all the livestock must also be allowed to go because they are needed for the sacrificial offerings. This ticks off Pharaoh who tells Moses to get lost … and that Moses will die the next time he appears before Pharaoh’s face.

(Ch. 11)  The Lord tells Moses about the next plague. That, around midnight, He will go throughout Egypt killing the firstborn son — from a slave’s son to Pharaoh’s son. Oh, and even the firstborn of the cattle. After that, Pharaoh will let the people go. But, before they go, the Israelites are to ask their neighbors for silver and gold. 

(Ch. 12)  [Interlude] The Lord institutes two new holidays; Passover and Festival of Unleavened Bread. Here are some of the details.


— one year old male sheep or goat without defect, slaughtered at midnight

— roast them, don’t boil the meat or eat it raw; include the head, legs, and organs

— also serve bitter herbs and unleavened bread

— wear a cloak tucked in the belt, sandals, and a staff in your hand

— leftovers must be burned

— foreigners may eat with them, but first they must be circumcised

— take the blood and schmear some on the sides and tops of the doorframes. When God comes to strike down every firstborn in Egypt, when he sees a doorframe with blood then this will be a sign to Him that He should “pass over” that house, and not kill anyone in it.

The next holiday, the Festival of Unleavened bread is celebrated because on that “very day” the Lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt. It lasts seven days. On the very first day all yeast must be removed from the house. On the first and last day, hold a sacred assembly. Except for preparing food, no work is to be done all week. Only eat bread made without yeast for seven days. Anyone who eats yeasted bread will be cut off from Israel.

[Plague 10: Firstborn Death]  Midnight arrives. God strikes down every firstborn human child in Egypt. For good measure, the firstborn of  “all the livestock” is also struck down. There is very loud wailing throughout Egypt.

Pharaoh summons Moses and Aaron and tells them to take all the people and livestock and to “worship the Lord” as they requested.  [Pharaoh fully expected them to come back after the worship service.] The Egyptians urged them to leave immediately lest “we all die”.  The people left so quickly that they “took their dough before the yeast was added, and carried it on their shoulders”. The Israelites also asked for silver, gold, and clothing … which the Egyptians “favorably” gave them. The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Sukkoth … about 600,000 men, not including women and children and “many other people”. They lived in Egypt exactly 430 years to the very day.

(Ch. 13)  The Lord tells Moses; — “Consecrate to me every firstborn male. The first offspring of every womb among the Israelites belongs to me, whether human or animal.” For example, every firstborn donkey is to be redeemed with a lamb … and if not, break the donkey’s neck. The day the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt is to be celebrated every year with a week-long feast … except they are not to eat bread made with yeast.

God led the people out of Egypt via the desert road by the Red Sea. The road through the Philistine country was shorter. But, God had a concern about the Israelites;  If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” During daytime, the Lord went ahead of the people “in a pillar of cloud” and, in the evening, “in a pillar of fire”.

(Ch. 14)  The Israelites make camp next to the Red Sea. Pharaoh is told that the Israelites have fled. This ticks him off because now the Egyptians have “lost their services”. He takes 600 of his best chariots, plus all the other chariots in Egypt, and all of his horses, horsemen, and troops and chases after the Israelites.

The Israelites are terrified and start criticizing and complaining to Moses saying such things as; “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die?”.  And, “Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians’?”  And, “It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!”

God assures Moses that he will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, that He will drown them, and He will do this for Pharaoh’s benefit; — “I will gain glory through Pharaoh and all his army …. the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I gain glory through Pharaoh, his chariots and his horsemen.” The angel of God and the pillar of cloud then moved between the armies of Egypt and Israel. God even “jammed  the wheels of their chariots so that they had difficulty driving.

So, Moses stretched out his hand over the sea. God sent a strong east wind all night long to turn the sea into dry land. Once the waters were divided – a wall of water on the right, and a wall of water on the left – the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground.  Moses stretched out his hand over the sea a second time, and the waters flowed back to their place. The entire army of Pharaoh drowns;  “Not one of them survived”. When the Israelites saw the mighty hand of God, and all the Egyptians lying dead on the shore, then they put their trust in God and Moses.

(Ch. 15)  Moses and Israel sing a song to the Lord. It goes on for 21 verses; celebrating the drowning of Pharaoh’s army, anticipating similar victories over all their enemies in the future, and extolling God’s awesome glory and power.

Moses leads them into the desert after the singing. Three days pass.  They can’t find water to drink. And the formerly happy people begin to grumble against Moses. The Lord shows Moses a piece of wood, Moses throws it in the water, and the water becomes fit to drink.  God than issues a ruling; if the people obey Him and do what is right, then God won’t strike the Israelites with the diseases He brought on the Egyptians.

(Ch. 16)  The community is now in another desert. It is a community of whiners and grumblers, saying; — “If only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.”

Then the Lord said he will rain down bread from heaven. Moses tells the people that when they grumble against him, they are really grumbling against the Lord. Nevertheless, they will see the glory of the Lord when he sends all the bread they can eat in the morning. Moses then adds that the Lord will also send meat in the evening. That very evening quail flew in and covered the camp.

In the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp. The dew turned into thin flakes like frost on the ground. Moses said this was bread from the Lord, and the people called it manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey. The rules regarding manna;

— for 5 days take only as much as you need for that day. No hoarding! Some people did hoard, and the next day the manna smelled rotten and was covered with maggots.

— on the sixth day take twice as much … because they may not work on the Sabbath. The manna won’t be covered with maggots or smell rotten.

— you can bake it or boil it

— put some in a jar so that future generations can see how the Lord provided

The people ate manna for the next forty years, until they reached the border of Canaan.

(Ch. 17)  The Israelite community moves to another part of the desert. Once again, they are grumbling and complaining … almost to the point of stoning Moses. “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst?” Moses tells God that he’s getting really sick and tired of these people. God provides water by having Moses strike the rock at Horeb.

The Amalekites attack the Israelites. We are introduced to Joshua.  Moses tells Joshua to take some men and fight the Amalekites while Moses stands on top a nearby hill. So, Joshua fought the Amalekites. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning. When Moses lowered his hands the Amalekites were winning. So, Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ hands until sunset.  Joshua wins the battle, and the Lord promises to wipe out the name of Amalek from under heaven.

(Ch. 18)  Moses send for his wife Zipporah, his father-in-law Jethro, and their two sons; Gershom and Eliezer. Moses tells his father-in-law all that happened; what happened to the Egyptians, the hardships along the way, and how the Lord saved them. Jethro was thrilled. They made sacrifices to God, and all the elders of Israel gathered for a big party.

The next day Moses took his seat to serve as judge for all the people’s disputes. He was there from morning until evening.  Jethro told him this was nuts … that Moses would wear himself out. Jethro said that Moses needs to appoint officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. And Moses did exactly that.

(Ch. 19)  It is three months to the day since the Israelites left Egypt. They are in the Desert of Sinai in front of the mountain.

The Lord called Moses from the mountain and made a covenant with him; —  “You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”

Moses goes down the mountain to tell the people. The people agree to obey the Lord; “So Moses brought their answer back to the Lord.” Then the Lord instructs Moses to tell the people that He is coming down Mount Sinai in three days.  In preparation they must wash their clothes. Also, they must not touch the mountain, or even approach it, until a ram’s horn sounds. People who disobey will be put to death; either by stoning or being shot with arrows. Moses tells all this to the people … and also adds that they may not have sex for the next three days.

Three days later, in the morning, there are severe weather conditions on the mountain. There is thunder, lightning, thick clouds, smoke like smoke from a furnace, and the entire mountain trembled violently. The Lord had descended like fire on top of the mountain.

 (Ch. 20)  God speaks [and gives the 10+ commandments].

  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make idols because God is a jealous God.  He will punish the children of parents who sin for up to four generations. But if a parent loves God, then God will return love for up to a thousand generations.
  3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet.

Also, when building an altar for the sacrifice of sheep, goats, and cattle – it is not to be built with dressed stones, because using a tool on the stone will defile it. Never go up to an alter on steps … because your “private  parts may be exposed”.

(Ch. 21)  [The rest of Exodus – 20 Chapters – will mostly deal with various rules, regulations, and building stuff. I will not include each and every minutiae law. I will include enough so that you get a “feel” for what is involved. It is tedious to read (imho) even in summary form.]

[Regs regarding Hebrew servants]

— Hebrew servants are to be set free in the seventh year

——– If he brings a wife, she goes free also.

——– However, if the master provides the wife while he was a servant, she does not go free, and neither do the children

—————- However, if the man loves his wife and children and does not want to go free, then the master will take him to a doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be a servant for the rest of his life.

— A daughter sold as a servant cannot be freed.  On the bright side, she can’t be sold to foreigners.

— If a man marries another woman, he must provide her with food, clothing, and sex. If he fails in any of these three things, she goes free.

[Personal Injury Regs]

— You kill someone, you die also.

——– However, if it was an accident, you can flee to a place which God will designate

— Attack your mom or dad, you die.

— Curse your mom or dad, you die.

— Kidnap someone, you die.

— If you beat a slave to death you must be punished.  However, if they recover within two days, there is no punishment at all, since you own them.

— If you punch someone out or hit them with a stone, you will not be held liable as long as they can still walk around with a staff

— If you smack around a pregnant woman, but there is no serious injury, you must pay a fine – whatever the husband wants and the court allows. However, if there is serious injury – “you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,  burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.”

— If you knock out a slave’s tooth, you must free them.

[Bovine Bull Regs]

— If a bull gores someone to death, kill the bull, but don’t eat the meat.  The owner is not responsible.

——– However, if the bull is a multiple gorer, kill the bull, and the owner.

————— However, if the dead person’s family wants monetary payment, then the owner must pay, and he is not to be killed. The bull must be stoned to death.

— If a bull kills a slave, the payment is 30 shekels of silver to the slave’s owner. Stone the bull.

(Ch. 22)  [Thievery Regs]

— If you steal an ox and get caught, you must repay five oxen

— If you steal a sheep and get caught, you must repay four sheep

———– If you can’t make restitution, you must be sold to pay for your theft.

— If you are watching over your neighbor’s silver or other belongings and you steal it, you pay back double. If a thief stole it and is caught, they pay back double.

If you are watching over your neighbor’s animal, and it gets sick, or dies, or is torn apart by wild animals, you get off scott free. But, if it was stolen, you must pay restitution.

[Various Social Regs]

 — If you seduce a virgin who is not engaged, you must pay the bride-price, and marry her …. unless the father refuses to let you marry her, but you must still pay up.

— If you are a sorceress, you die.

— If you have sex with an animal, you die.

— If you make a sacrifice to other gods, you die.

— If you take advantage of a widow or the fatherless, and if they cry out to God, then God will hear and strike you down with the sword.

— Do not eat meat of an animal torn apart by wild animals. Feed it to the dogs.

— If you lend money to a fellow Israelite, do not charge interest.

(Ch. 23)  [Courtroom Regs]

 Don’t help a guilty person by being a malicious witness.

Don’t spread false reports.

—- When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd.

— Do not show favoritism to a poor person in a lawsuit.

— Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the innocent.

[Sabbath Regs]

— The fields, vineyards, and olive groves may be worked for six years. Leave the land unused in the seventh year.

— Work for six days, and take the seventh day off.

— Slaves should also get the seventh day off, so that they may be refreshed.

[Three New Festivals]

Celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread …  for seven days eat bread made without yeast.

— Celebrate the Festival of Harvest with the firstfruits of the crops you sow in your field.

— Celebrate the Festival of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you gather in your crops from the field.

— Don’t offer God anything made with yeast, and don’t cook a young goat in its mothers milk.

— Don’t appear before God empty handed.

[Interlude: God’s Angel]

God will send an angel to guard the people and bring them to the place God intends to give them. God’s Name is in the angel. Obey Him. Do not rebel. The angel will wipe out all the people living in the land. They will be struck with terror. But, the angel won’t drive everyone out in the first year because then the land would become desolate and wild animals would take over. Rather, they will be driven out “little by little” until the Israelites can fully possess the land. The borders of this land will be from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the desert to the Euphrates River.

 (Ch. 24) Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and the seventy elders of Israel are called to God’s mountain. They saw the God of Israel. Under God’s  feet was something like a pavement made of “lapis lazuli”. It was as blue as the sky.  They saw God, and they ate and drank, but God did not raise His hand against anyone. 

Then the Lord called Moses up the mountain, so that Moses can receive “tablets of stone with the law and commandments I have written”. Clouds covered the mountain for six days “and the glory of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai.”. The glory of the Lord looked like a consuming fire. Moses entered the cloud and stayed there for forty days and nights.

(Ch. 25)  [Imagine constructing a model airplane with 500 pieces. But, instead of pictures and diagrams you have only words. Imagine how long, detailed, and unwieldy that would be! This is the same situation we find ourselves in with most of the rest of Exodus; a detailed description of constructing the Ark of the Covenant and its utensils, and even the clothes the priests are to wear. It’s very difficult to summarize. Not to mention that in my humble opinion it really isn’t all that interesting, or even pertinent to what these Bible summaries hope to accomplish.  As such, I’ll be introducing a new format for these “building” sections;  I will sprinkle each chapter summary with some words and phrases from the text … just enough to give you a general feel of the contents.]

God tells Moses the people are to build a sanctuary for Him so that He can dwell among the people. God will give instructions on how to build the tabernacle, and they must be followed exactly.

These are the offerings for the tabernacle acceptable to God;  gold, silver, bronze; blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen; goat hair; ram skins dyed red and another type of durable leather, acacia wood; olive oil, spices, fragrant incense; and onyx stones and other gems.

[Building: Ark]

Image result for ark of the covenant

Made of acacia wood ….. 2.5 cubits x 1.5 cubits x 1.5 cubits ….. overlaid with pure gold inside and out ….. gold molding ….. gold rings ….. gold poles (poles are never to be removed) ….. add a covering of pure gold ….. make two golden cherubim, facing each other, with wings spread upward …………. the ten commandments are to be placed in the ark.

[Building: Table]

Made of acacia wood ….. 2 cubits x 1 cubits x 1.5 cubits ….. overlaid with pure gold inside and out ….. gold molding ….. gold rings …. gold plates, dishes, pitchers, and bowls ….. something called “the bread of the Presence” is to be on this table at all times.

[Building: Lampstand]

Image result for lampstand exodus 25

Made of a talent of pure hammered gold ….. has flowerlike cups, buds and blossoms ….. six branches are to extend from the sides of the lampstand ….. three cups shaped like almond flowers with buds and blossoms are to be on one branch, three on the next branch, and the same for all six branches.  [Following is from Chapter 27] Use clear oil of pressed olives ….. keep the lamps burning before the Lord from evening till morning, forever.

 (Ch. 26)  [Building: Tabernacle] 

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Made with ten curtains of finely twisted linen and blue, purple and scarlet yarn, with cherubim woven into them ….. 28 cubits x 4 cubits …. 50 loops of blue material along the edge of the end curtain ….. goat hair also used ….. the sixth curtain is to be folded double at the front of the tent ….. 50 loops and 50 bronze clasps ….. make a covering of ram skins dyed red ….. make upright frames of acacia wood ….. two projections set parallel to each other ….. also make crossbars of acacia wood ….. the curtain will separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place ….. place the table outside the curtain on the north side of the tabernacle and put the lampstand opposite it on the south side.

(Ch. 27)  [Building: Altar of Burnt Offering]   Acacia wood ….. “it is to be square, three cubits high, five cubits long and five cubits wide”  …. horns at each corner ….. pots to remove the ashes, and its shovels, sprinkling bowls, meat forks and firepans all made of bronze.

[Building: Courtyard] Courtyard to be 100 cubits x 50 cubits ….. curtains of finely twisted linen, with twenty posts and twenty bronze bases and with silver hooks and bands on the posts.

 (Ch. 28)  [Clothing: Priestly Garments]

The sacred garments are; a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, a woven tunic, a turban and a sash ….. made for Aaron and his sons ….. who serve as priests …… garments are made of gold, and blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and fine linen.

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[Clothing: The Ephod]

Made of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and of finely twisted linen ….. has two shoulder pieces attached to two of its corners, so it can be fastened …… and a waistband ….. has two onyx stones engraved with the names of the sons of Israel, in the order of their birth, six names on one stone and the remaining six on the other ….. mounted in gold filigree settings.

[Clothing: The Breastpiece]

 Fashion a breastpiece for making decisions” …… square, a span long by a span wide ….. four rows of precious stones … one for each son of Israel ….. first row; carnelian, chrysolite and beryl; …..  second row; turquoise, lapis lazuli and emerald ….. third row; jacinth, agate and amethyst; fourth row; topaz, onyx and jasper …… with chains of pure gold like rope ….. the rings of the breastpiece are to be tied to the rings of the ephod with blue cord, connecting it to the waistband, so that the breastpiece will not swing out from the ephod ….. it also has the Urim and the Thummim, so that Aaron “will always bear the means of making decisions for the Israelites over his heart before the Lord.”

[Clothing: Other Priestly Garments]

The robe of the ephod is to be made entirely of blue cloth ….. include pomegranates of blue, purple and scarlet yarn around the hem of the robe …. put gold bells between them. Aaron must wear this when he ministers. The gold bells are for is protection. — “The sound of the bells will be heard when he enters the Holy Place before the Lord and when he comes out, so that he will not die.”

Make tunics, sashes and caps for Aaron’s sons to give them dignity and honor.

Make a plate of pure gold to put on Aarons forehead …… engrave on it the words “holy to the Lord” ….. fastened with a blue cord and attached to the turban ….. this is done so that Aaron “will bear the guilt involved in the sacred gifts the Israelites consecrate, whatever their gifts may be.

Linen undergarments are to be worn as a covering for the body, reaching from the waist to the thigh. Aaron and his sons must wear them whenever they enter the tent of meeting or approach the altar to minister in the Holy Place, so that they will not incur guilt and die

(Ch. 29)  [The entire chapter is about consecrating priests.]  First make fat round loaves of bread without yeast … mix in some olive oil ….. then make thin loaves ….. but brush on the olive oil ….. put them in a basket ….. give them to the Lord ….. wave the bread around as a wave offering to the Lord.

Then there is the clothing. But, first Aaron and his sons must be washed at the entrance of the tent. Then dress Aaron with the tunic, the robe of the ephod, the ephod itself and the breastpiece. Fasten the ephod on him. Put the turban on his head and attach the sacred emblem to the turban. Pour anointing oil on his head.  Dress the sons in tunics, fasten caps on them, tie sashes on Aaron & Sons.

Then there is the sacrifice.  Slaughter a bull at the tent entrance ….. take your finger and rub some of the bull’s blood on the horns of the alter …… pour out the rest of the blood at the base of the alter ….. take all the fat on the internal organs, the long lobe of the liver, and both kidneys with the fat on them, and burn them on the altar ….. but burn the bull’s flesh and its hide and its intestines outside the camp …. for is a sin offering …… it is also a food offering because the Lord enjoys the pleasing aroma.

Do the same thing with the goat ….. except burn the whole goat …… splash the blood on the side of the alter …… take some of its blood and put it on the lobes of the right ears of Aaron and his sons, on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet.

(Ch. 30)  [Building: Altar of Incense]

Acacia wood …… horns made of pure gold …. gold rings, gold molding ….. fragrant incense to be burned on the altar every morning and at twilight …… don’t use the altar for anything else.

[Atonement money] At the time of the census each Israelite must pay the Lord a ransom for his life at the time he is counted ….. that way God won’t send a plague on them. Everyone over twenty years old, rich or poor is to give a half shekel and it is to be used for the service of the tent of meeting.

[Building: Basin for Washing]  Make a bronze basin and stand. Whenever Aaron & Sons enter the tent of meeting, or present a food offering at the altar, they are to wash their hands and feet …. if they forget to wash, they will die.

[Anointing Oil]  This is how you make it; 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, 250 shekels of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant calamus, 500 shekels of cassia, and a gallon of olive oil. You pour it on pretty much everything in the tabernacle. Also pour it on Aaron & Sons. This formula is for sacred use only.  Those who make it and pour it on other people will be cut off from the people.

[Incense]  This is how you make it; Take fragrant spices—gum resin, onycha and galbanum—and pure frankincense, all in equal amounts, and add salt. This formula is for sacred use only. Whoever makes this incense for personal enjoyment will be cut off from the people.

(Ch. 31)  The Lord chooses Bezalel and Oholiab to be in charge of making everything. The Lord also provides them with skilled workers. Then the Lord said to Moses,Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy.”  Anyone who works on the Sabbath must be put to death. When the Lord finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the covenant law, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God.

 (Ch. 32)  Moses is on that mountain for a long time and the people are literally wondering – we don’t know what has happened to him”.  So, they ask Aaron to make gods. [Seems reasonable.]  So, Aaron tells the people to bring all the gold earrings. And he makes the calf; — “He took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool.”  After he fashioned the idol he built an altar in front of it, and then the people ate, drank, and “indulged in revelry.”

God sees this and is angry, calling the Israelites “a stiff necked people”, and He tell Moses that He is going to “destroy them all”.  Moses then reminds God of all the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses also informs God that the Egyptians will mock saying ‘Ha, God brought the Israelites out of Egypt just to kill them in the mountains!’.  It was a solid argument as God relented and decided not to bring disaster on His people.

So, Moses goes down the mountain with the two tablets – which were directly inscribed by God Himself, front and back. Moses became enraged when he saw all the partying going on. He threw the stone tablets out of his hands breaking them to pieces. Then he threw the calf in the fire, then he ground it into powder, then he threw the ashes in the water and then he made the people drink it.

Moses asks Aaron why he made the calf and led the people into such great sin. [Aaron then gives the most ridiculous excuse in all of Scripture;] “They said to me, ‘Make us gods who will go before us. ‘So I told them, ‘Whoever has any gold jewelry, take it off.’ Then they gave me the gold, and I threw it into the fire, and OUT CAME THIS CALF![Hilarious.]

Moses cries out; — “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me.” All the Levites came. He tells the Levites to strap on swords and to “Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.”. And, so they did, killing over 3,000 fellow Israelites. Moses said the Levites were “blessed” for what they did that day.  Then the Lord struck down more Israelites with a plague … and promised more punishment in the future “when the time comes”.

(Ch. 33)  The Lord tells Moses to head towards Canaan. However, the Lord won’t be with them because they are a “stiff necked” people, and I might destroy you on the way.”

Moses erects a tent outside the camp and calls it the “tent of meeting”. A pillar of cloud would hover in front of the tent whenever Moses went inside to talk with the Lord. Once again, Moses is afraid the people won’t believe him and, so, he asks for a sign. Moses tell God “Show me your glory.”. God answers that no one can see His face and live.  However, he tells Moses to go stand in the cleft of a nearby rock. God will pass by and cover Moses’ eyes with His hand. Then God will remove His hand when He passes so that Moses can at least see His backsides.

(Ch. 34)  Moses chisels two new stone tablets and goes back up Mt. Sinai. The Lord wrote on them the same words which were on the first stone tablets.  The Lord makes a covenant with Moses – the same terms as with Abraham and others – about wiping out all the inhabitants of the lands promised to Abraham. The Lord repeats some of the commands already given about; idolatry, celebrating festivals, dedicating the firstborn of flocks and humans to God, Sabbath, not presenting bread offerings with yeast, and even mentioning again not to cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.  God also has this to say about Himself;

The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.

Moses comes down from Mt. Sinai and his face is “radiant” from meeting with the Lord … which freaked out the people — so, he put on a veil.

(Ch. 35)  [Everything in this chapter is a repeat of something written in the other chapters.  Here is why; all the rules, regulations, and construction details written previously were given directly by God to Moses while he was on the mountain. Moses is now giving those same instructions to the people.  That is why there is nothing new in this chapter.  Specifically, this chapter goes over Sabbath regulations, Tabernacle construction, and the builders named Bezalel and Oholiab. ]

(Ch. 36)  Bezalel, Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the Lord had given skill and ability started the work of constructing the sanctuary. The people were bringing freewill offerings morning after much so that Moses had to order the people to stop giving.

[This rest of the chapter concerns Tabernacle construction.  Everything in this chapter is a repeat of something written in the other chapters.  See note in Ch. 35]

(Ch. 37)  [This chapter concerns construction of the Ark, the table, the lampstand, and the altar of incense.  Everything in this chapter is a repeat of something written in the other chapters.  See note in Ch. 35]

(Ch. 38)  [This first half of this chapter concerns construction of the altar of burnt offering, the basin for washing, and the courtyard.  All the instructions are a repeat of instructions written in the previous chapters.]

This is an accounting of materials used;

—– gold, 29 talents and 730 shekels

—– silver, 100 talents and 1,775 shekels ….. 603,550 men over the age of 20 contributed half a shekel each

—– bronze, 70 talents and 2,400 shekels

(Ch. 39)  [This chapter concerns construction of the ephod, the breastpiece, and other priestly garments All the instructions are a repeat of instructions written in the previous chapters.]

When the Israelites were finished Moses inspected the work and saw that they had done it just as the Lord had commanded. So Moses blessed them.

(Ch. 40)  It’s time to set up the Tabernacle.   

Image result for tabernacle exodus 40

Place the ark of the covenant law in it and shield the ark with the curtain …. bring in the table and set out what belongs on it … then bring in the lampstand and set up its lamps … then place the gold altar of incense in front of the ark of the covenant law and put the curtain at the entrance to the tabernacle. [It continues like this for most of the rest of the chapter.]

After all the work was finished then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. The Israelites traveled whenever the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle otherwise, they would stay put. Fire was in the cloud by night.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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December 9, 2016 8:04 am

Fuck this Jooooish horseshit. In the name of the Aeon Sophia archons out.

December 9, 2016 8:57 am


I will have to read up on the Aeon Sophia. Did a quick browse of internet for some readings. More Grist for the mill. Never a bad thing. I will read The Further Book of Stucky tonight. Might have a few things to add. Read the first bit and I am stuck at how much it resembles an afternoon Soap Opera. No doubt the thumpers are going to drop by flake of some bits of snow.

Should be another great weekend of shameless propaganda. I just thought I’d add this video as well. I like the song but the video not so much. Not the images that I framed. Sort of like the Bible in some ways.

December 9, 2016 12:35 pm


It is German.

The more I watch the video the more I like it. Song has a nice hook and video like you say has some great images. I do really like the bit where he is nailing the logo to door à la Edwitness’s man Martin Luther. Ed will more than likely object to him dressed in military uniform but so be it.

Today I am keeping things light.

The great thing is one can read into it whatever they want to satisfy whatever moral craving they desire.

The man been driven in car the chosen one.
The guard with the gun Judas.

It is the Passion Play updated using Neue Deutsche Härte by a group called Heldmaschine.

I will say I am enjoying reading this compendium. It does freshen things up a bit. Much as King James did in early 1600’s. Who knows this new translation might catch on. Become the go to book for the chosen word. You should think about licensing the use. You’d could make a killing just like James.

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I could be your agent…

December 13, 2016 5:58 pm

What do you think you are doing!!! Just kidding.
Like I said to anon, I liked it overall. Especially since you put that really good disclaimer at the start. The laws, consequences for disobedience to them, and rituals God gave to Israel ended with Jesus.
That is why some people think Christians believe in a different God than the one in the Old Testament. Or that they are two different Gods. But, nothing could be further from the truth.
Same God. Different covenant.


December 9, 2016 10:01 am

I have read the bible many times and know the Lord’s love and goodness. His word from cover to cover is a story about redemption by grace and mercy. He shows all through the old and new testament if man will humble his heart and trust the Lord his life will be saved.

December 9, 2016 10:30 am

Except for all the violence & bloodshed.

December 9, 2016 11:24 am

Perhaps it isn’t wise to question and judge God.

Man brings God’s judgement on himself, the wages of sin is death.

December 9, 2016 12:42 pm

I thought the Sky Daddy was a loving and forgiving dude. Why can’t we judge God. He has done a real good job fucking things up here on earth.

Please elaborate!

December 10, 2016 9:05 am

Free and easy makes one soft and stupid. It’s a test. Resist the power of the prince of earth and survive with your integrity and grace intact by adhering to the guidance of the game rules set up by the divine and win your souls freedom for all eternity. Choose Satan and be bound in damnation for all eternity. It’s a simple game really. Choose wisely.

Matthew 16:26
What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

[imgcomment image[/img]

Take a bite from this apple and see if your particular brand of truthism remains intact.

On the Existence of Gods Kindle Edition
by Vox Day
ON THE EXISTENCE OF GODS is the response to a public challenge posed by a militant atheist who claimed to have never encountered any good arguments for the existence of gods. It is a competitive discourse between a Christian and an atheist, each of whom argue for their position on the subject, after which the arguments are adjudicated by a team of three judges, a Christian, an agnostic, and an atheist, before additional arguments are presented.

The format is compelling and the results are at times surprising, as the discussion takes unexpected twists and turns, while the judges exhibit ruthless impartiality as they criticize the arguments without mercy or favor. Vox Day, the author of THE IRRATIONAL ATHEIST, presents the Christian perspective, while Dominic Saltarelli argues for the atheist position. The debate is wide-ranging and intelligent, but remains civil throughout, even as the momentum swings in favor of one side, and then the other.

ON THE EXISTENCE OF GODS is a compelling test of how open the reader’s mind is to the various possibilities of reality, and is a worthy addition to the long history of Man’s contemplation of his own existence in the face of the divine.

December 10, 2016 9:34 am

Flash you are boring me with so-called evidence disguised as threats of eternal damnation. Quoting scripture ain’t gonna make your case any more compelling. Being an expert at piling shit higher than most doesn’t make you worth listening to. All it does is make you the Head of the Ministry of Shitty arguments.

Why is it that people like you insist making it only a choice between God and Satan. An atheist that doesn’t embrace god is not a Satan whoreshopper. You are making one of those shitty arguments mein freund when you mention it. There are no supernatural spirits in my world good or bad.

The actions and intentions of humans on this rock are driven only by those who walk on it.

Das ist alles!

Moar Deutsch Rock. Enjoy. I know it is completely off topic but I decided to throw it in so that I would make you look over there. Much as you did with that link above. I like my diversion better.

December 10, 2016 10:30 am


I chose that song for a reason.

Here it is again with Englisch translation.

December 10, 2016 11:11 am

I could care less whether you worship God or idols made of monkey dung. I’m merely pointing out that your arguments not only expose your ignorance of the subject but are childish in nature. I don’t think it’s truth you seek, but attention by trying to be cute. FWIW, You’re not.You’re jut another dipshit on the interwebs desperately seeking attention though pugnacity . Same as any two year old does when ignored for too long. Carry on.

December 10, 2016 11:16 am

BTW, I don’t have two minuutes to waste on pop culture bullshit.Do you have something substantial to add or is your big bag of unsubstantiated feelz all you have to offer?

[imgcomment image[/img]

December 10, 2016 12:22 pm

Who is being the asshole here flash. I find it hillarious that you say you don’t care. Accuse me of being closed minded yet frame the conversation with a starting point that God granted this. Created that.

Maybe I am a child. That in and of itself doesn’t preclude ability to wander the possibilities of my exsistence. What has always bothered me about modern christian religion is the insistence on group being more inportant than individual. If I have a relationship with higher being. It is a personal one. Not something I need to share with you or anyone else. When the day comes and I leave the world of the living I will be doing it by myself. Your self righteous insistence on being not only right but fucking Goddamn right will not matter one writ.

I don’t fucken get people like you. Call me a child a dipshit and an asshole if you want but if ditchner and edwitness are right you are headed straight to same pit of hellfire as me.

Hardly a great way the frame the conversation. Everyone traipses their supermodel of everything on the catwalk. They claim their latest fashion is not only right but fucking right.

Me I am just tired of how the clothes hang. These days it seems the models have no tits and a behind that falls flat.

[imgcomment image[/img]

I kinda hope Ditch and witness are right. Then I can laugh my ass off at you in purgatory for an eternity

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Just made the call. Two seats warm and reserved.

December 9, 2016 10:10 am

Why did the Jews wander through the desert for 40 years? Cause one of them dropped a quarter.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 9, 2016 10:35 am

Nor a dictionary containing the correct spelling.

That makes me a grammar nazi.

December 9, 2016 10:52 am

A Jew can squeeze a nickel so hard, that the Indian rides the buffalo.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 9, 2016 10:34 am

Finally, a topic that I have no understanding of, no opinion on, nothing to contribute to the discussion of and no interest in causing passive aggressive acts to be committed in the name of.

Carry on.

December 10, 2016 1:13 am

The Torah was written by the Jewish priests around 500 BC, about a thousand years after the Exodus story allegedly took place. For background, see “The Controversy of Zion” by Douglas Reed (1956). It’s a fascinating history of the Jews, from Babylon all the way to modern Israel, with a couple of World Wars thrown in.

“The achievement of the itinerant priests who mastered the tribe of Judah, so long ago, was to turn one small, captive people away from the rising idea of a God of all men, to reinstate a bloodthirsty tribal deity and racial law, and to send the followers of this creed on their way through the centuries with a destructive mission… The end was to be the triumphant consummation in Jerusalem, when world dominion was to be established on the ruins of the heathen and their kingdoms.” — Chapter 1

December 10, 2016 9:10 am

There’s a bestseller in a compilation of this series Stuck. Put together a few more and send to Vox Day. He always looking for interesting new talent. See here:

December 9, 2016 10:53 am

people will believe anything, God don’t give a shit. It’s sad if not the gov’t lieing or someone from god sent me telling you what to do makes one want to hide in a cave.

December 10, 2016 9:17 am

God set the rules of the game. You get to choose how you play. It’s called free will and it’s a gift from God.
Here’s another gift, but from me. Some free advice. Sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut and leave people wondering if you are as stupid as you look rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt. Try not to be such an overt idiot.

December 10, 2016 11:53 pm

Perhaps you should follow your own advice.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 9, 2016 10:58 am

I thought the diorama was cool. I always enjoyed them at the museums when I was a kid. I’d like to build a gate like that for the entrance to the farm.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 9, 2016 11:03 am

Not my intention to echo some of the other commenters but for the love of Mike……why is everything about Da Joos?

Watching tv you should notice that every news/financial show ONLY interviews Da Joos. Are gentile opinions not to be trusted? No matter the subject, they drag out some Joo to give the “written in stone” blah blah blah bullshit answer/opinion.

The only thing that is not about Joos are commercials which are almost entirely about kneegrows which is why I don’t watch them either. Even seed evangelists are now collecting money from Christians for Israel and blending the two religions together (not really sure if Judaism is a true religion).

Sorry about the rant , maybe someone can point out why I should care. I do believe the Ten Commandments are useful and good but TPTB sure don’t adhere to them which in turn makes the bulk of humanity wonder why they should play along.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Bea Lever
December 9, 2016 11:28 am

Bea, you love big Mike? I wonder why his question of the day is so sporadic, like maybe it should be called Bi-weekly Question.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  EL Coyote
December 9, 2016 1:31 pm

EC, Not you too…….

In the last week, I have been labeled a homo/girl who dresses up Yorkies in dog outfits who is now in love with “Big Mike”. Sheesh, no wonder I am so depressed. I just don’t get no respect around here. HuffPoo is starting to look attractive as I might as well become a special fukkin snowflake with the Froot Loop crowd. At least old Flash has not insulted me but it is early in the afternoon.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Bea Lever
December 9, 2016 2:52 pm

You said, for the love of Mike, that was funny. Next you might try, for the love of Stuck.

Don’t get depressed, man. We have to hit ’em hard on this thread.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Bea Lever
December 10, 2016 2:03 pm


There is an argument to be made that you only pull the hair of the ones you love. So take heart. That tugging sensation coming from your scalp is actually affection.

  Bea Lever
December 9, 2016 11:30 am

IF Judaism isn’t a true religion, Christianity isn’t either.

That leaves Islam.

December 9, 2016 12:46 pm

maybe Edwitness could explains how you are wrong. He is real good at ranking exclusions to path the pearly gates.

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 9, 2016 1:22 pm

Yes, Ed Witness seems to be the expert on religious matters so maybe he can turn my sorry heathen ass around. Perhaps he knows why only Da Joos have the lock on all of the trustworthy information (biblical and otherwise).

Thanks RiNS, maybe old Ed will pipe in and direct me in the right direction. Maybe he knows why Israel needs us to send them 3 TRILLION a year which seems like a lot for advice.

  Bea Lever
December 9, 2016 1:31 pm

Advice from Jews doesn’t come cheap.

December 10, 2016 12:25 pm

RiNS… you think about EW too much. It signifies an insecurity internally you need to deal with.


December 10, 2016 12:50 pm

Razzle you might be right but I won’t know for sure until I figure out what EW is..

But thanks for worrying enough to give me a hug.

Much appreciated.

December 10, 2016 1:29 pm


Thought a bit about it. I will presume you are taliing about ed. You would be correct in sensing my insecurity. Those things go hand in hand with being a skeptic.

Let’s just for sake of argument review the models on offer.

My own

Lead a good life.

The 10 commandments is a good start.
Be a good friend, father and husband.
Hope that when it is over and people gather a few nice things are said. Maybe a street or bridge named after you.

No hellfire, no suffering if you don’t agree with me.

Then you have flash, ditch and ed. All of them adamant that they and they alone have the true answer. Worse still they wish eternal damnation upon for not agreeing with them.

I do my best to ignore the abuse but I will be first to admit that a very tiny part of me wonders if maybe they are right.

Still it does seem ironic that the ones that preach morality have to resort to threats to get their way. Seems childish to me. And the irony on top of this cake is I am one being accused of being small. Anyways I am going cross country skiing with my lovely wife. Might as well make thebest of my days on earth cause if those nice christians get their way I am going to roast in a pit of fire soon.

Insecure or maybe just a little tired of abuse. I can’t make up my mind.

December 10, 2016 5:59 pm

There is a moment every single one of us are going to face. Some will face it by surprise, others will spend years watching it slowly march toward them.

This is the question of death and how we spend our days.

The positive role that people like EW and others with their fire and brimstone play is they force people like you to contemplate this in ways that you otherwise wouldn’t. They force you to be something more than an animal. They force you to look at yourself.

If you aren’t comfortable with ceasing to exist… AND… you aren’t comfortable with everything about yourself being shown to everyone still alive… you’ve squandered your humanity.

I don’t know if their theology or post-death ideas are correct. But I do know, without having died yet, that the questions they force on us are what truly differentiates us from animals.

To compare… leftism is all about making sure nobody feels bad about having sex with whoever or whatever they want. It is 100% animalism.

December 10, 2016 7:23 pm

By the way diptard. I have never mentioned eternal hellfire and damnation as punishment for not being a Christian and personally have found no scripture to justify it. I’m simply a believer that acknowledges that humans can not know the mind of God simply because our cognitive facilities are improperly equipped.

Anyway, including stupid and ignorant we can now add dishonesty to your list of character flaws.

December 10, 2016 7:27 pm

@flash – It’s not dishonesty if the person is being honest about how they perceive you even if their perception is in error.

December 10, 2016 7:57 pm

Geeze I really struck a nerve with old flash. Might end up hated even more than Lloph by him. This might come as a shock to some razzle but I do take everything under advisement. I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t. Right now I am unconvinced of my spoke in the greater scheme. Maybe it will change. But being threatened with hellfire is insulting. I respond in kind.

Razzle you seem like a nice person. Dare say Christian in outlook. If everyone else was like you I would have no problemo talking about existensional ideas on life and death.

But when a idealogue caught up in church dogma frames debate as God did this and God granted that and you have to believe what I say or else then I am prone to be as he describes. Insults are returned by me in kind and with extreme prejudice.

It is the First Commandment of TBP

Thou shalt hurl shit proportional to amount flung my way.

If flash doth not like it then he can suck on a bucket of dicks.

December 10, 2016 8:11 pm


I am 100% in agreement with Lloph. Not only are you full of shit but worse you are a liar.

No hellfire. What a load of horseshit

You wrote on Genesis thread this

flash says:
November 29, 2016 at 6:45 pm
Rintard, you know you’re going to hell , right. Stupid and on fire is no way to spend eternity my friend

How unchristian to not tell the truth

So go suck on a bucket of dicks. And you are boring. Even your insults have the depth of an 11 year old. Get back to what you are good at.

Cutting and pasting.

December 11, 2016 9:34 pm

RiNS… I deliberately waited until the chat had chilled. Haven’t read it all.

— “Geeze I really struck a nerve with old flash. Might end up hated even more than Lloph by him.”

Nah. They aren’t confident enough to hate. Fear not.

— “This might come as a shock to some razzle but I do take everything under advisement.”

I’m not just any other old some.

— “But being threatened with hellfire is insulting. I respond in kind.”

It’s only insulting if you are afraid. Otherwise it’s funny.

— “Razzle you seem like a nice person.”

Oh I can be quite deadly.

— “Dare say Christian in outlook.”


— “If everyone else was like you I would have no problemo talking about existensional ideas on life and death.”

Maybe everyone else isn’t Christian?

— “But when a idealogue caught up in church dogma frames debate as God did this and God granted that and you have to believe what I say or else then I am prone to be as he describes. Insults are returned by me in kind and with extreme prejudice.”

Hate begets hate.

Laugh at them.

— “It is the First Commandment of TBP”

Thou shalt not… not be funny.

— “Thou shalt hurl shit proportional to amount flung my way.”

Only if it’s funny.

— “If flash doth not like it then he can suck on a bucket of dicks.”

Flash will suck as many dicks as he likes. It’s not your business.

December 12, 2016 6:02 am

You made me smile razzle

Not going to go into great detail but my existential crisis happened over 20 years ago when faith was lost. There is still a tiny thread of it left but the rope is frayed and I suspect not worth saving. Before this all started on thread with flash I wrote a post that telegraphed what I intended to do. I kinda hoped someone else would play but instead I got old flash.

I am being quite honest when the skeptic in me questions the reasons why. If it matters I agree with everything you say.


December 12, 2016 9:47 am

— “You made me smile razzle”

Mission Accomplished.

— “Not going to go into great detail but my existential crisis happened over 20 years ago when faith was lost. ”

Gonna be honest… your existential crisis has yet to happen. You aren’t dead yet.

— “There is still a tiny thread of it left but the rope is frayed and I suspect not worth saving.”

Your thread is fine. You and I will both fray until the last thread. We may be only human… but we’re human,

— “I am being quite honest when the skeptic in me questions the reasons why. If it matters I agree with everything you say.”

It doesn’t matter. Why? Why not. What have you learned. What have you seen.


— “Danke”


james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
December 9, 2016 12:53 pm

Buddhism, which (at least lately) encourages self-awareness to extinguish the self.
Shinto, mostly ancestor worship I understand; not a practitioner myself, so not an authority.
[Scientology? (fake religion invented as a tax dodge scam)]
Statism (religion of D.C.)
Unfortunately, cannot locate adherents of Ra, Set, Baal, Aten for comment.
There are still a few of Thor’s followers to ask.
Unfortunately, Pizzagate shows that Satan has his minions among us as well.
[Edit: you’re right, I left out the Flying Spaghetti Monster! May he touch you with his noodly appendages!]
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  Bea Lever
December 10, 2016 11:38 am

A special Christmas gift for you and enjoy.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
December 9, 2016 11:27 am

“So that folks who don’t have understanding, can at least gain enough understanding, on their own ….. regarding God, or the nature of God without being told by someone else .”

This is a lot of effort for nothing. Any page of the babble taken at random would -objectively- be enough to set off anyone’s BS detector. There’s absolutely no “understanding” to be gained from it, only confusion and consternation.

Without being told by someone else? Does that include the writers and editors of the book? What makes this book “real” and Harry Potter fiction? Someone tells you! What makes the god character in the babble “true” and other God characters like Apollo or Ganesh “false”?Someone tells you. All religion is social pressure and conditioning, a kind of mass psychosis. Religion is a kind of organizational technology that helps us break down energy gradients faster than if we didn’t have it.

  Chubby Bubbles
December 9, 2016 11:34 am

Your mind seem to function like Windows 10 trying to run on an
Altair 8800.

You seem to be babbling while complaining about babble.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Chubby Bubbles
December 9, 2016 11:37 am

The Chubby has spoken. I read somewhere that there is nothing hidden that won’t come to light. Now we know Chubster is a moran who believes in Harry Potter. Diogenes might give you the world and its kingdoms if you worship him.

Rob, I am not prepared to flake out today but the idiocies abound. The commenters are so shallow, you could walk on this thin veneer of water. I thought for a second I was maybe on Zero Hedge. I swear, the morans are multiplying.

  EL Coyote
December 9, 2016 12:50 pm


You are right on with the ZH comment. Come on man we got to warm up some tropes to get the thumpers to play. I am counting on Edwitness or Ditchner to drop by and lay a big dookie.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Chubby Bubbles
December 9, 2016 1:38 pm

I mean this in the kindest way, if Gawd forbid you were laying up in the hospital dying of XYZ disease, your ass would be flipping the through the Bible looking for loopholes. It’s all fun and games til the fat lady sings.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Bea Lever
December 10, 2016 4:33 pm

That’s not true.
I have/had an often-fatal form of cancer.
Dying doesn’t phase me: I’ll survive or I won’t.
Mark Twain: “I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”

What’s truly irritating is the number of Jesus freaks infecting the cancer boards:
Holy Roller: “Praise Jesus! I just got this test/cure/PET scan that other people have to wait weeks for! Hallelujah!”
ME: “So God wants the other people to have shitty health care? It’s not a function of your insurance, your job, your income, your doctor’s pull, where you live, or just dumb luck?”

Guess who got banned?

Oh, and don’t ask them why God gave them cancer in the first place. The god character only does the good stuff, as far as most of them are concerned.. all the bad stuff is “Satan” or their own abject sinful nature (including little Johnny and his childhood leukemia).

Despite their total faith in this fictional god character, they do turn to the science-based high-tech universe to cure them*. They still pretend it’s the god character that “saves” them, though. (And save them from what? Saves them from death, which they should *look forward to* if it’s so fucking wonderful to be with their imaginary friend Jesus?? )

It’s all completely illogical.

*I have to credit the Christian Scientists and the JW’s who refuse medical intervention. Watching your child die slowly and in pain in front of your eyes, like the Twitchells, is indeed a test of faith. At least they are coherent.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
December 10, 2016 4:36 pm

I never said people should believe me.
It should be obvious that one’s own experience and one’s own exercise of logic and intellect should guide one, rather than some outlandish story.

There are plenty of outlandish stories about Zeus, Thor and Isis, why don’t you believe those? Why don’t you deem them equally worthy of investigation?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 9, 2016 1:50 pm

What’s up with Stucky leaving the “Thou Shalts” out of the commandments? It’s like some someone talking to a class of first graders…….” You can’t kill somebody, Mmmmkay”. When you leave out the authoritarian (God Words) like THOU SHALT it looses something.IMHO

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Bea Lever
December 9, 2016 2:57 pm

You can’t tell modern people they shall not because everything is relative to them and laws are but suggestions. It’s all about intent and how they feel about something. That’s the level Chubbs and Diogangrene operate on.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  EL Coyote
December 10, 2016 4:41 pm

No, everything is not relative to me. I’m just a speck. Religionists, rather, are the ones who think they are “chosen”, “special”, “redeemed”, “saved”, etc. Religionists will even mutilate their children’s genitals in order to identify themselves as such. It’s actually pretty fascinating, in a horrifying way.

What could be more narcissistic and self-regarding than an insistence on human life after death?

December 9, 2016 2:11 pm

What makes the Bible a confusing read by many is that they read it through the lens of sensual perceptions or rather understandings about the world obtained by their five senses.

Like an analog AM frequency broadcast on an RF carrier the message in the Bible is carried to us via literal names, places and events. For example: Egypt means darkness and ignorance. Pharaoh means “the Sun” the body consciousness ruling by sense perception. The Amalekites are the base desires of the individual.

For one to undertake the task of reading the Bible in totality and obtain understanding of the message, one must obtain a glossary of Word meanings of names of people and places in the verses of the song.

In addition the intellect must be cultivated to read the words outside the influence of the five senses. The intellect; like GOD, is immaterial. It can read the impressions on the five senses and it can also receive impressions from non sensual sources. The concept of the triangle and the trinity come from non sensual sources. The intellect is not a part of our brain. The brain is only an intellect support organ. The message in the Bible pertains to individuals who see the world as a transitory fantasy composed of pleasure & pain (good & evil) and are ready to adventure to the Kingdom of Heaven; our true home. This means purifying the intellect from it’s entanglement with sense perceptions that identify us with pleasure and pain; then to the various vices that stain our soul. In other words we must become dispassionate but not indifferent. When observing the sensual world dispassionately we can then contemplate created things and their essence In their true nature. We can learn to love in it’s true essence. Love is not an emotion… it is a presence.

The message in the Bible speaks to those who are ready and prepared to hear the truth. It is not about out there as our organs of sense would have us believe but rather within where our thoughts and predilections live like persons in a city. Our thoughts and opinions make up our inner world. These thoughts and opinions are made up from sensual perceptions obtained through our organs of sense. Our organs of sense show our intellect the nature of the visible world and we are able to create forms of substance in this world. But like our bodies these forms decay and die so in essence the visible world is mortal and the playground GOD has given us to hone our skills in world maintenance.

Not looking through the lens of good & evil isn’t it amazing what man can do and has done? We; that is our intellect is a creation of GOD. When it is cultivated properly then it becomes a tool for GOD’s will to be done on Earth as it is done in Heaven.

Peace be with you Stucky.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 9, 2016 3:05 pm

Probably why the visitors kept asking about the hardwood floor, they wondered where you hid it. Old bait and switch Stucky probably claimed his house has an indoor gym, recording studio and panic room.

God doesn’t ask you to fit his template before admitting you to the family of believers, he will change you to his liking after. Buyers should follow that practice.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 10, 2016 2:10 pm


Sell the house yourself. I have done it several times. It is less stressful than dealing with lazy, crooked, idiotic realtors who don’t give a shit about anything but their commission.

Yes. I am jaded – and have good reason to be.

December 11, 2016 3:11 am

As I mentioned to you before, your previous pictures were not professional pictures at all, they were CRAP!!. These are GREAT!!! This is a HUGE improvement!!! A far better presentation!!

This will make all the difference in the world, get ready to move.

December 9, 2016 5:01 pm

El Coyote you don’t know shit about me. You would be sadly mistaken on your assumptions. But Jeefus loves you

December 9, 2016 5:56 pm

Nice summary Stuck. Thanks for effort.
The ancient particulars of Hebrew protocols may not be that important to us today, but in the formation of early civilizations/state they were of the utmost importance.No tribal societies at any time , any where on earth have progressed very far sans strict ruled governing society and most important of all , the means to enforce them .

For reference see: The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution by Francis Fukuyama

“Most people living in rich, stable developed countries have no idea how Denmark itself got to be Denmark—something that is true for many Danes as well. The struggle to create modern political institutions was so long and so painful that people living in industrialized countries now suffer from a historical amnesia regarding how their societies came to that point in the first place.”
― Francis Fukuyama, The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution

That said, I’ve read claims that the Hebrews were never slaves in Egypt , but actually guests invited in who first via trickery and then invasion waged war against their hosts , but where then defeated and forced out. For more see here:

The Expulsion of the Hyksos

The Hyksos are well known from ancient texts, and their expulsion was recorded in later ancient Egyptian historical narratives. The third-century B.C.E. Egyptian historian Manetho–whose semi-accurate histories stand out as valuable resources for cataloging Egyptian kingship–wrote of the Hyksos’ violent entry into Egypt from the north, and the founding of their monumental capital at Avaris, a city associated with the famous excavations at Tell ed-Dab’a. After the Hyksos were expelled from Egypt, Manetho reports that they wandered the desert before establishing the city of Jerusalem.

December 10, 2016 8:40 am

You’re a truly a most humble servant of the fece flingers, Stuck. May your rewards be manifold and your thumbs down few. Less than 30 anyway.
BTW, My commment was short and more hurried than I’d have liked, because my wife was pressuring em to go to mass.My very first one, I must admit. Two firsts actually. My first mass and the first time I’d been in a congregation of such diversity. Readings were first done in Spanish, then in English. Trying to process a foreign language, I quickly lost track of what was being said.
I don’t know that I’ll attend another.It all seemed so alien for someone who grew up in fundy churches. Also being around so much multicultural diversity, sans the comfort of my .45 tucked in my waistband, I felt almost naked.
Keep up the good work Stuck. Your are truly doing the work of the divine.

BTW 2 , something I’ve been pondering. Do you have nay idea of the number of flame war veterans that limped over here from the Raging Debate wars ares still left?

You, Loopy , Super Sleuth and who else? Just curious .No national emergency.

December 10, 2016 10:01 am

Flash you are making a mistake.

According to ditchner and Edwitness Catholics are not Christian. See my heathen tendency comes natural. I was raised a Mickey.

The choice is accept the Lord as your savior of burn in hell fire with an absolutely deplorable STM like me.

Turn back or end up like me.

Choose wisely mon ami.

December 10, 2016 11:19 am

Another useless comment by a full blown idiot. Carry on.

December 10, 2016 12:34 pm

So lemme get this straight

You threatening hellfire..


Me telling you that being a Catholic means embracing Satan…

Useless comment

Can you possibly see the double standard in your position. You are according to many leaving the church of God to join one that worships the Prince of Darkness.

I find that amusing.

December 9, 2016 6:08 pm

Try reading “Not in His Image” by John Lash to get a different take on yaweh (yaldaboath) and the Jooos.

December 9, 2016 9:51 pm

if it was total destruction… the suvivors would be surviving, not recording.

December 10, 2016 9:29 am

A friend asks me why do I think the Jews where God’s chosen people. Because they wrote the book ?
I truly don’t know. Maybe because of so much betrayal of God on their part, they are no longer in the grace of God. Time will tell.

December 9, 2016 7:36 pm

See why the Bible is so confusing when read in literal terms Stucky? It is not the letter that counts but rather the psychological meaning in the words. Try reading the Philokalia if you want to get some meaning of the Bible. Names today have no meaning. Back then they did. Same with Indian names.

December 10, 2016 12:30 am

Good Stucky ,I think .The furniture/clothing of the tabernacle were representative of the person / work of Christ .Read a book years ago written by a Jewish scholar .. Called Seeing Christ in the Tabernacle.Can’t remember his name but you could Google it.Also Judaism is not the religion of the Old Treatment.It is the Oral traditions of the Jewish Elders . Judaism and the old testament are completely at odds with each other. Google it.

December 10, 2016 12:43 am

It is helpful to recall that the rules handed down in Exodus were given to a people that had lived as slaves for 400 years, had only a dim
concept of the “God who saves,” were psychologically unprepared to be thrust into freedom, and were going to be living as nomads for 40 years in a harsh environment. The laws seem unnecessarily stern to us, but perhaps they were needed to help shape a social structure and religious life that could function in circumstances that were stressful on multiple levels.

You can read Exodus as a collection of entertaining stories, as revelation of God’s deliverance and care of those who trust him, or as an allegory of the depression (hopeless “wandering”) that humans struggle with at some point in life. It’s also a metaphor for leaving the values of secular life (Egypt) behind and setting out on the journey of faith and experiencing regular lapses and failures, as did the Israelites. I’m sure there are several other worthwhile ways to read it and be edified.

Onward to Leviticus, Stucky.

December 10, 2016 12:45 am

Stucky , Leviticus is one of the most important books of the Bible. Especially chapter 16 which explains the “Day of Atonement “.Slow down in this chapter.Go line by line so folks like Tinker Bell and Mad Dog Meathead can understand. They will be grateful and your reward will be heaven. Thanks.

December 10, 2016 3:50 pm

Hey Hernia Boy

No need to slow down I already have the book.

December 11, 2016 12:03 am

Hey, did ya ever get out of North Bend?

I never missed a day of skiing up at Snoqualmie due to bad roads since the age of 16 you pussy.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 10, 2016 11:37 am

It is my understanding that the Joos roamed the desert for forty years in order to cleanse the bloodline as they had intermingled with other races in Egypt. It took two generations/ 40 years of only mating within their race to accomplish that goal.

Stucky and I have both written many times that Joos are not a separate race of people and share basically the same DNA as the Palestinians/ Arabs. The whole racial cleansing thing may just be bunk but that theory is out there.

December 10, 2016 5:14 pm


Got around to reading your summary. There does seem to be a lot of killing and mayhem for a book written to profess the love of God for man. Anyways a few things kinda jumped out at me.

That Pharaoh reneged on his word quite a bit. I suppose he could be the archetype used by politicians ever since. Still if God can see into future why didn’t he just skip the frogs and locusts and get to the really nasty persuasion techniques. He strikes me as a big cat playing with a mouse. Pawing it a bit and deciding when to eat it. Hardly the kind of being I would like to see in charge of everything.

Reading Chapter 29 sounds a whole lot like that Spirit cooking thingy that was exposed recently via pizzagate.

The names Moses and Maria both start with the letter “M” could there be a connection. If you view both works, the spirit cooking and exodus plainly as art, there does seem a great transfiction with sacfricing sheep and rams horns.

Anyways I am really enjoying this ongoing compendium. I have to add that word for my little herniated buddy bb. I am hoping he can incorporate that mot du jour into his busy days ahead when he is delivering for xmas season.

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P.s. Glad you like the music. I really like it as well. It has substance and anger that is lacking in stuff on radio. Seems much more appropos for the world we live in. But that is just my opinion. Shouldn’t be any harm in that.

December 10, 2016 7:25 pm

Thanks for the enlightenment Stuck , but the comment was mostly in jest. But still …

December 10, 2016 7:52 pm

The OT God is dealing with animals.

The NT God is dealing with men.

Re-read it with this understanding.

December 11, 2016 9:23 am

FWIW, Stuck, I’m wondering if any Hebrews (of the biblical sort) still exist?
Today, the Ashkenazim constitute the majority of those who are known as Jews.

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

Since they are not Hebrews, it is very important to understand what the bible and history have to say about them, while bearing in mind that 1) Abraham was a descendant of Shem – hence the term Semite or Shemite 2) his scion Jacob and his twelve sons were the true biblical Hebraic Israelite nation with whom God had the Old Covenant (not with converted Jews) 3) the true Israelite nation no longer exists, and their land inheritance expired with them.

Today’s Ashkenazi Jews, or descendants of Ashkenaz, are some of the GENTILES the bible speaks of. Why then do Ashkenazim call Christians and other non-Jews Gentiles, while pinning on themselves the term Chosen People? Is it ignorance or deception? It’s definitely not ignorance. And if to those outside it looks like deception, to them it’s pure re-branding. The ultimate Chutzpah!

The Ashkenazim

And then of course, we have it on good authority that Jesus was no a Jew either , so why do Christians and Jews continue to make the claim that he is ?…to validate their parking ?

Jesus was a ‘Judean’, not a Jew.

During His lifetime, no persons were described as “Jews” anywhere. That fact is supported by theology, history and science. When Jesus was in Judea, it was not the “homeland” of the ancestors of those who today style themselves “Jews”. Their ancestors never set a foot in Judea. They existed at that time in Asia, their “homeland”, and were known as Khazars. In none of the manuscripts of the original Old or New Testament was Jesus described or referred to as a “Jew”. The term originated in the late eighteenth century as an abbreviation of the term Judean and refers to a resident of Judea without regard to race or religion, just as the term “Texan” signifies a person living in Texas.

In spite of the powerful propaganda effort of the so-called “Jews”, they have been unable to prove in recorded history that there is one record, prior to that period, of a race religion or nationality, referred to as “Jew”. The religious sect in Judea, in the time of Jesus, to which self-styled “Jews” today refer to as “Jews”, were known as “Pharisees”. “Judaism” today and “Pharisaism” in the time of Jesus are the same.

Jesus abhorred and denounced “Pharisaism”; hence the words, “Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, Ye Serpents, Ye Generation of Vipers”.

December 10, 2016 5:43 pm

The Jews were the only ones dumb enough to make a pact with the grumpy, old, archonic, vengeful storm god. They must enjoy pain.

December 10, 2016 7:15 pm

RiNS says : “Flash you are boring me with so-called evidence disguised as threats of eternal damnation.”
Then simply don’t read them tard. It’s pretty simple really. As master of my person I choose my leisurely reads with care. Apparently, you don’t possess the power of free will.

RiNS says: “Your self righteous insistence on being not only right but fucking Goddamn right will not matter one writ.”

Again free will tard. You can choose to ignore . BTW, you come blazing out onto the thread taking a huge shit on every comment made by a Christian, but then demand respect for your beliefs . You are a real piece of fucked up work. Traumatic childhood was it?

BTW, did you buy the apple farm in NS ? And,are you an evolutionist?

December 10, 2016 7:35 pm

Not at all childhood was quite pedestrian. Almost Leave it to Beaver in scope. For fuck sakes flash read for comprehension. I don’t have any beliefs.

Sorry to be hurting your feewings when it comes to you transitioning from being a Christian to Satanist. You could be making a big mistake. As far as taking a big shit. I could say the same about you.

You claim with 100% confidence that you are right. Time for another video/song. I think you will like this one. Titled Bück Dich so you should be able to relate.

As far as the farm idea I gave up on it cause I hate being poor. Been there done that. Might even write a book about it.

December 10, 2016 7:42 pm

Ok what about the evolutionist…swallow that balls and all too?

December 10, 2016 7:41 pm

OK, now we can add coward to the liar, stupid and ignorant. What other character flaws can you reveal?
BTW, You’re beginning to sound more like an SJW than not ….Cock swallower too?

December 10, 2016 8:24 pm

Sad pathetic man you are. Keep digging. Purgatory or worse awaits you..

As far as the insults you really need to up your game Bück Dich.

Did you like your song. I am guessing you would like it.

December 11, 2016 9:33 am

Why would I bother to click on any link a child would post. I see enough silly crap every day out and about town without actively pursing some silly shit a two year old on TBP is flinging as well.
I’m actively searching for answers to age old mysteries and have no time for those that infer that truth not only doesn’t exist, but can’t be known either. No go back to your stupid videos, junior.You’re not tall enough to ride this ride.

There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. This principle is, contempt prior to examination. – William Paley

December 11, 2016 9:57 am

Atta boy flash keep digging.

I slogged thru what you wrote. Compelling argument you made.
Except you took a big shit on it at end when you wrote

his principle is, contempt prior to examination.

Your hero from your cut and paste is somewhere right now shaking his head. Anyhoo so nice you could play. You lost the argument as soon as you resorted to name calling. As for the videos and you not liking them. Well no skin off my dick. You have a problem with them then take it up with the artists that created them.

Time to scoot off to Mass my precious snowflake. Try not to choke on the host.

December 11, 2016 10:23 am

Again with the nonsensical spew Robbie? Are you trying to say some other than look at wittle Wob making more noise than needed over nothing worth mentioning , again and again? If so please state it.

BTW, I’m no Catholic , but I thank God for inspiring the Catholic faith or most likely we’d all be living under Sharia law right now.

So take a minute off from slurping at your baba to thank a Catholic that Christianity is still practiced freely in most parts of the world today.

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December 11, 2016 10:37 am

Look I am with you on thanking The Catholics. Maybe you should try and convince Edwitness of the same.

As far as this butthurt you are suffering I know of no cure. Sometimes it is better to throw up one’s hands and say..

You just can’t cure stupid.

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In case you haven’t figured it out I am yanking your chain. AGAIN!

You talk about how childish I am and then proceed to directly prove that you are the one that is the child. You seem to have a selective memory and likely have forgotten that you called me an asshole first. It might be true but still you are the one that made this personal. And then you proceeded to lie. Talk about double standards. You are the epitome of my contempt for organized religion. We haven’t even got to the spicy bits of OT and you have already fallen on your sword. TWICE!

Bravo mein freund. Bravo.

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December 11, 2016 10:47 am

LOL…you’re yanking nothing but you own chain which BTW is secured fast to a foundation of ignorance , protected by the nine headed frothing mongrel of stupid, and surrounded by a shaky fence constructed of refined cowardice.

You go own about nothing, proving nothing but your inability to comprehend basic fact. Your the worst kind of stupid…the self-inflicted sort. Which detracts nothing from your status as wormy little yapping asshole. Care to try again?

December 11, 2016 11:09 am

You seem way more pissed off then me. You have manage to deconstruct my world view. NOT!

But please do inform on this basic fact that you seem to possess. Word of advice snowflake. If you are going to insult my intelligence you best get somebody to proofread your insult.

It ain’t you own chain


My own chain.

You’re welcome.

Lloph is right stick to Cut and paste. Right now you are out of your league.

December 11, 2016 10:10 am

It’s funny how so many Americans can be totally ignorant of something as well established as the Magna Carta ( drawn up by the church ) which in turn inspired the Declaration of Independence, leading directly to the Articles of Confederations and finally establishment of a national government as dictated by the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights and all giving credit to the creator for endowing US with God given rights.

It’s never happened anywhere in history. EVER! There has never been a more prosperous and freer nation on earth, and we have the Christian church to thank for that.
So even if you are a mentally deranged and unteachable igno-fucking- ramus , show a little respect and give credit where credit is due. If not for the Catholic Christian church there would be no United States of America nor any other democracy nywhere else in the world for that matter.
So take note and give God and Christians their historic due.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 10, 2016 9:49 pm


Damn. I’ve always wanted to that.

December 10, 2016 10:05 pm



My work is done.

December 11, 2016 10:25 am

Sowing seeds of stupid is not work. It’s just who you are.

December 11, 2016 10:27 am

You are a leafless tree with no purpose other than to block others view of the horizon.

“If you don’t know history, then you don’t know anything. You are a leaf that doesn’t know it is part of a tree. ”
― Michael Crichton

December 11, 2016 6:25 pm

Stuck, this is all Greek to me. I’ll defer to your superior understanding of the issue. nevertheless , it’s a pretty interesting subject and one I’ll pursue for awhile, just to see where it leads. Thanks for the 2 cents, I’ll keep it in mind. BTW, the meaning of words often change with time. Remember when gay used to mean happy ?
FWIW, I found on the subject here:

Jesus Was Not A Jew

In both the Old Testament Hebrew and the New Testament Greek the word to be translated is always meant to be Judah or Judahite(s), of the physical tribe and stock of Judah. And Jews today are not of the tribe of Judah.

Hebrew Words in the Old Testament Bible: 1) Yehuwdah: Jehudah or Judah 2) Yehuwdiy: Jehudite or Judahite.

Greek Words in the New Testament Bible: 1) Iouda: Jehudah or Judah 2) Ioudaios: Jehudite or Judahite, or belonging to Jehudah/Judah.

Prior to 1775, when the English language was still in its infancy, IEWE was used to translate these words. Unlike the word Jew it was pronounced Yee-hoo-wee, stretching its best to imitate the original Hebrew phonetic of Ye-hu-wdiy.

According to Jewish-born Historian Benjamin H. Freedman, author of Facts Are Facts:

“The best known 18th century editions of the New Testament in English are the Rheims (Douai) Edition and the King James Authorized Edition. The Rheims (Douai) translation of the New Testament into English was first printed in 1582 but the word ‘Jew’ did not appear in it.

“The King James Authorized translation of the New Testament into English was begun in 1604 and first published in 1611. The word ‘Jew’ did not appear in it either. The word ‘Jew’ appeared in both these well known editions in their 18th century revised versions for the first times.

“When the word ‘Jew’ was first introduced into the English language in the 18th century its one and only implication, inference and innuendo was ‘Judean’. However, during the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries a well-organized and well-financed international ‘pressure group’ created a so-called ‘secondary meaning’ for the word ‘Jew’ among the English-speaking peoples of the world. This so-called ‘secondary meaning’ for the word ‘Jew’ bears no relation whatsoever to the 18th century original connotation of the word ‘Jew’. It is a misrepresentation.

December 12, 2016 9:08 am

Regardless the noble humility ,truth is you have read and studied the scriptures. I have not, which by default makes your understanding of Hebrew/Christian theology/history superior to mine. That aside, the question of what constitutes a Jew is a complicated one and makes me wonder how many true genetic Hebrews actually still exist.

In the 6th century B.C.E., the kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyria and the ten tribes were exiled from the land (II Kings 17), leaving only the tribes in the kingdom of Judah remaining to carry on Abraham’s heritage. These people of the kingdom of Judah were generally known to themselves and to other nations as Yehudim (Jews), and that name continues to be used today.

In common speech, the word “Jew” is used to refer to all of the physical and spiritual descendants of Jacob/Israel, as well as to the patriarchs Abraham and Isaac and their wives, and the word “Judaism” is used to refer to their beliefs. Technically, this usage is inaccurate, just as it is technically inaccurate to use the word “Indian” to refer to the original inhabitants of the Americas. However, this technically inaccurate usage is common both within the Jewish community and outside of it, and is therefore used throughout this site.

I thinks I’ve posted this before but the Ashkenazis being “fake” Jews issue Gayle refers to is documented here:Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

December 12, 2016 11:33 am

Current scholarship confirms that Ashekanzi Jews have virtually no DNA relating to the Khazars, Gentiles who converted to Judaism and who are thus the foundation of the claim that most Jews are really Gentiles.

Your article shows that 50-80% of male Ashenazi DNA shows near-east heritage, and that female DNA comes from four European ancestors, presumably women who married Eastern men and converted to Judaism.

There may not be many pure Jews left, but you say there are no Jews at all. Those who like to blame the Jews for every evil that occurs in the world would have to argue with you.

December 12, 2016 9:31 am

BTW, my great,great, great grandmother was Creek Indian and my European ancestors hailed from Ireland neither of which , I believes, gives me any particular right to claim to be either Irish or Indian.

I’m 100% Southern American by birth and culture.
Racially diverse Jews can be Jews by cultures, but unless they were born to a full fledged ancestor of the kingdom of Judah they’ll never be Jews by race.

When I was a kid in grammar school, we used to stand for the Dixie and the flag every morning along with the Star Spangled banner before saying the Pledge of Allegiance , now neither occur. A kid without a heritage to secure him to tradition is left to form his on.

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December 12, 2016 1:58 am

Flash and Stucky

There is considerable disagreement about the Ashkenazi being “fake” Jews. DNA samples show they are more closely related to Middle Eastern heritage and other subgroups of Jewish people than to anyone else.

The claim that there are no Biblical Jews in today’s Israel is a handy dandy way to dismiss the importance of the fact that they have been regathered into their ancient homeland after a global dispersal that lasted 1900 years. The earliest prophecy of this regathering was given by Moses, and several similar prophecies occur throughout the OT prophetic books. Since Moses’ prophecy was given before the Hebrews split into the two nations of Judah and Israel, the promise is to all of them, and we just refer to all of their descendants as “Jews.”

It seems the promises to the Jews will be fulfilled whether they fit with our preferences or not, and whether we despise them or not. (I find it interesting that they were promised many things, but popularity was never one of them.)

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 12, 2016 10:33 am

Good luck with the house, Stucky.

Your first trip out of town better be up here to visit.

December 12, 2016 11:18 am

If you have time come along to Nova Scotia. Ma famille has a cottage on shore of Northumberland.

You’d love it!

December 12, 2016 11:51 am

Not quite sure. I’m thinking you can get across with valid drivers licence. The problem will be getting back. I went to Maine with some friends for a Def Leppard concert in summer and we needed Passport to get past Homeland Security. So best to carry it.