Challenges of the Baby Boomer Generation

Baby BoomerSome of my most enjoyable memories are when my youngest son Drew played baseball. How fortunate we were when an extraordinary coach, Gary Staab, asked him to play for the North Atlanta Mustangs.

We spent our summers driving terrific young men all over the southeast. I wish I had taken a photo of 15 teen-age boys sleeping in my motorhome as I drove home late on Sunday nights.

Gary and I are in our 70’s and feel blessed to still be in contact with many of them. My son’s group is now in there 50’s.

I’m delighted to introduce one of those men, E.J. Harof. EJ has raised a family and done well. He is at the time of life I call “racing to the finish line!” The economic and emotional pressures come from all directions – aging parents, getting children through college and funding their own retirement.

In 2008 EJ formed a consulting business (EJS Partner Network) working with Microsoft partners around the globe. He’s a world traveler and educator.

I asked EJ to discuss the generational differences that have come about over the last 30+ years.

DENNIS: EJ, on behalf of our readers, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Let’s get right to it. In my early 50’s my wife and I had an unforgettable “day of reckoning”. That was when we ran the retirement numbers. It wasn’t pretty!

We had to get serious about saving if we wanted to retire comfortably. Are you seeing your generation beginning to get serious about saving for retirement?

EJ: Thank you for inviting me. I had not looked at what my friends and family were doing in regards to savings until you asked. Since we started talking I found out some trends from employees and employers. Both bad.

The employees that have access to 401Ks are not using them as well as they could. Only 20-40% is what I was told by multiple contacts. Many companies administer plans with some company matching after a year on the job. I would encourage anyone who has these programs available to make full use of it. What’s not to like about a 100% return on your money the first year?

I have my own consulting company. There are also tax deferred plans available for those who are self-employed. Unfortunately there is no large company-matching program, we have to save it all and invest wisely.

One generational difference I see is many small companies can’t afford to offer employee healthcare or any kind of matching retirement funds. As a result, a lot of my generation became contract employees. At the end of the year they receive a 1099 instead of a W-2. We are responsible for all of our social security, Medicare, retirement savings and health care.

Many large companies I work with made drastic cuts to stay in business. They cite all the current political buzzwords; regulation, health care costs, you name it.

One example is employee training. In the past, companies would recruit and train a high potential new employee for as long as 1-2 years. Now its throw them in – sink or swim on the job. Why is that? Training provides long-term benefits and is considered a luxury. They can no longer afford to have less than full productive employees on the payroll for a couple years.

Everyone agreed the right strategy is to max out the 401k every year before you look at investing in other plans. So are people getting serious? Unfortunately I don’t think so.

One relative pointed out to me after they pay all their bills there is no money left for savings. If he does not want to work forever, he will eventually have to adjust his lifestyle, live below his means and get serious about saving. It’s a tough challenge for many.

I was in the apparel-manufacturing world in the 90’s. I recall the debate when Ross Perot talked about the “giant sucking sound”, stating if NAFTA is passed manufacturing will leave overnight. He was right; our industry flew south almost immediately. It forced me to move to a different tech industry. High costs and competitive markets seemed to fuel the rise of contract employees, who are really self-employed workers with no benefits.

DENNIS: What are the financial planners telling you as far as conservative, realistic projections for savings growth?

EJ: A lot of my age group work with planners, whether they are saving themselves or have a 401 (k). We are much too busy generating revenue to take on a new career, a do it yourself investor.

Where to invest seems to be the philosophy of the financial planner. Some are using Fixed-Income Securities because they don’t want to lose money; however they lose income potential when the market is good. In a good year they can still make 5%.

We were taught the rule of 72. We shoot for that and I use Mint to help. We diversify using Vanguard Mutual Funds, some averaging as high as a 22% return. I do not have time to study markets daily nor do I want to. Fortunately I work with a financial planner I trust.

DENNIS: I recently revised my report, “An Honest Person’s Guide to Social Security”. Social Security will exist when your generation retires; however it is likely to be means tested and have little, if any cost of living adjustments. When planning for retirement, how is your generation factoring social security into the picture?

EJ: It’s a bonus. Don’t count on it. With almost 50 % of the US not contributing how could it be substantial? You mentioned means tested. My biggest fear is not only providing for my retirement, but also for those who made bad choices and did not save.

I’m very fortunate. I’m sure you remember by dad. He was an excellent businessman and is a terrific mentor. Many of my friends are not so lucky to have a mentor constantly encouraging them to look down the road and see the big picture.

DENNIS: EJ, that is one reason I asked if you would agree to an interview. If your generation hears from one of their own, and you can motivate some to get serious, it is worth the time and effort.

Many in my generation made financial mistakes, or were divorced and started over financially. We had the benefit of time and a better economy to recover. What do you see happening in your peer group?

EJ: Bad stuff happens to all generations. One of the lessons you learn in sports is everyone messes up. It’s what you do afterward; picking yourself up and going forward that really matters.

One lesson transcends generations. To accumulate wealth you must live below your means, save and grow the remainder. Compounding still works today.

Dennis, a couple of weeks ago I went to our old ballpark and something hit me. While it seems like yesterday, it’s been 35 years since we played on the Mustangs. In less than half that time I will be 70 years old. We better get serious about saving for retirement or we will be working until we drop. It’s never too late to start saving.

DENNIS: EJ, it appears to me your generation is much more aware of these issues than we were in our 50’s. If I were to summarize your thoughts in bullet points, it might look like this.

  Many in your generation get it and are aware of the challenges. Some, as you said in our phone conversation, live in a bubble of kumbaya.

  Some know what they should be doing however are not being honest with themselves. You mentioned you might have 200 people that say they invest portions of their paycheck even though they really aren’t.

  Boomers should maximize their savings, particularly 401(k) or other retirement programs. If they work with a company that offers a 401(k) max it out then look to other investment opportunities.

  Don’t get fooled by social security promises. Anything from the government should be considered a bonus.

  It’s never to late to get the train back on the track. You are in the 5th inning of life and there is a lot of time left.

EJ: Great summary. I would like to add one thing. I am very concerned about the generation that follows. Many don’t seem to have a clue about finance, life or our country.

I have a very close relative who watched the election with approximately 200 people. They discovered 80% of them did not vote and 94% percent of them didn’t know how the Electoral College worked. All were juniors and seniors on a major college campus.

No one knows what the next generation will bring – some have very different core values. It reinforced my belief that we are responsible for our own behavior, including our retirement. No one is going to do it for us.

DENNIS: Well said EJ. On behalf of our readers, thank you for your time.

EJ: My pleasure Dennis.

Dennis again. Some things don’t change. Many work hard, play by the rules and hope to provide for their retirement. Others live from day to day not worrying about tomorrow. For most, being able to retire comfortably is still old-fashioned rules – live below your means – accumulate wealth and make good choices.

And Finally…

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.

– Thomas Jefferson

For more information, check out my website.

Download our FREE special report, “An Honest Person’s Guide to Social Security.”

Until next time…

Miller, On The Money

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February 16, 2017 6:22 pm

Dude never mentioned debt. Retiring with no debt is an absolute necessity. Also, if/when the FED stops putting trillions into the stock market, his financial planners will be dumpster diving along with the rest of these Masters of the Universe.

February 16, 2017 6:36 pm

I guess I will work till I can’t.Our house and land are already paid for in a good neighborhood for now so no worries there .Then i guess I will eat cat food but at least I’ll have a roof over my head . Hopefully I will still have my mom and little bb..Any of you ever look forward to dying ?Just to get out of this sin cursed world ?

February 16, 2017 9:25 pm

Morose much? I get it though.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 16, 2017 11:37 pm

BB, you fucker. Here we wasted all those prayers on you when you were in the hospital in Portland or Seattle and little BB had to rely on the kindness of strangers. Now, you want to die because Trump.
Why not just make a video where you whine, moan and snivel for folks to “leave Trump alone!”

mistaken one
mistaken one
February 16, 2017 9:32 pm

how do you stop those recurring charges on my credit card that I thought would stop once Trump was elected. Still being charged now 100 days after he was sworn in. called credit card co. they said they have no phone number for Trump Team and they can’t stop them. Any suggestions??

February 16, 2017 9:39 pm

A righteous man hath regard for the life of his beast.

Eduardo the Magnificent
Eduardo the Magnificent
February 16, 2017 11:06 pm

Boomers can’t die soon enough….

February 17, 2017 12:16 am

Being 50 makes you a gen x’er not a boomer. Not only does this guy not address eliminating debt but he doesn’t address the extreme risk that currently exists in paper. The big banks are all insolvent. Deutsche Bank continues to teeter on the brink. Toxic debt has grown exponentially since 2008. He also does not discuss the potential pitfalls of the govt stealing our private retirement accounts as they have already openly discussed in CSPAN recorded meetings between the Dept of Labor and the US Treasury. Their meetings, two that I know of, were held to discuss how, not if, they were going to steal them. As I recall phase one was to introduce a govt bond option to workers that “do not have access to retirement accounts” called MyRA which Obammy introduced in his 2014 SOTU speech. I think phase one was to sucker in more oblivious sheep before the sheering begins.

I’d love to be fully invested in multiple ways but IMO, the risk is just too high. I’m living below my means and saving money like a demon but there aren’t many options out there right now. Hell, my employer offers a share option bonus plan and a 401k with 4% matching but that means my 401k, share options AND my job are all lumped into one risk basket. My job is pretty secure but a big enough downturn will mean a significant hit to business which in turn puts everything at risk. I’m nervous enough that I’m exercising half of my share options this week because when the job dries up for ANY reason the share options expire.

Oh well, my retirement back up plan is to apply for and max out as many credit cards as possible using one (or more) to make minimum payments and my fail safe plan is to eat a bullet when the money runs out.

I had an old friend who went the credit card route for his final years. Guy had dozens of cards and lived quite well with many of his friends benefiting along the way. I’m sure he died many hundreds of thousands in debt. Makes me smile just thinking about it. 🙂

February 17, 2017 8:50 am

Didn’t you get the memo, us Gen-X’rs have been “folded” into the Boomer Generation in order to give them something to brag about. Boomers have been, as a generation, the most selfish, self-centered fk’s, they have a scorched-earth policy and left nothing for anyone else. The worse part….it was on purpose.

February 17, 2017 3:28 pm

I’m not foldable.

February 17, 2017 12:35 am

El Camino ,I get depressed thinking about this shit to much .I got to go back in the hospital next week.They found another tear in my stomach / ribs cage .That tear on the right side of my stomach is turning into a solf ball size lump sticking out.At least I’ll be home this time . Little bb will be in good hands.My mom loves that cat.
I have always liked Blood ,Sweat and Tears. That’s a good song El Camino .. Thanks