Muck’s Minute #37

Trump is Toast

Well here I am, still packing up to move, but I can’t resist another short Minute..

Over the last two weeks, I have been observing – with great interest – how the massive bureaucracy of  the Federal Government and the combined forces of the bought-and-paid-for media and liberal pundits slowly start ripping Trump and his Administration apart..

It very much like watching a small, scrappy but very inept chihuahua take on Jabba the Hutt.  For every bite The Donald takes out of Jabba’s rear end, another gob of slobber falls from Jabba’s mouth and slimes The Donald.  Hilarious to watch – not much fun for The Donald I suspect.

Both Houses of Congress are managing to rip The Donald’s Cabinet picks into little chunks and getting them tossed out one at at time for minuscule or over reaching reasons. A phone call here and an illegal maid there and next thing thing you know, The Donald will have no Cabinet left except for “Acting” members..

I don’t know about all you TBP readers but I’d be very much surprised if, at some point in the past, each and every one of you hasn’t done something a bit off key – surely sufficient to prevent you from serving on The Donald’s team..

Such as Mr. Andy Puzder – the nominee for Secretary of Labor – who also is the CEO of the outfit that owns CKE Restaurants, Carl’s and Hardee’s chain of fast food outlets.  No small potatoes, Mr. Puzder (although, if it was me, I’d have had a court change my last name to something less likely to cause my employees to burst into laughter!) but he fell foul of using (horrors) an undocumented alien as a maid at sometime in the past..  Now I’m sure the CEO of such a large multi-tentacled company spent simply hours and hours making the decision on a single maid for his mansion – right?  Hell, I’d take a bet with 2 to 10 odds he never even knew the woman, much less that she might be a Mexican without a green card.  It’s not that he had other things to do, you know..

But the fact that this alien was in his employ is sufficient for the bureaucrats of Congress – no make that con-gress, no caps – to disqualify him for the job.  The media leaped on board and another blob of slime fell heavily upon The Donald’s back.

Of course Pudzer didn’t want to raise the minimum wage either which is frosting on the great candy mountain of bull shit causes the government foists on people to make them believe they are getting ahead of inflation – which it doesn’t – it just increases “wage push” to rising prices which adds to money printing “pull” and inflation still stays ahead of us all.

Ol’Muck especially since I’m one of those sucking the hind Federal tit with Social Security after 50 years of working and paying SS Taxes.  Hell, I got one half of one percent raise in 2017.  Not enough to buy extra package of toilet paper just for safety’s sake…

Don’t forget Lt. General Flynn, either.  Did anyone ever ask him if taking to a Russian was to GET information instead of give it?  Not that I can see.  Besides, things like that – since he was a private citizen at the time and not National Security Advisor – seems a bit nasty as far as a Constitutional guarantee of free speech is concerns.  Now, if he were already the National Security Advisor, perhaps a few questions could have been asked but to sack a Lt. General who is 100% America First over a private conversation with a Russian as a civilian seems to me to be a bit of an over-reach on the part of a number of congresscritters and media – but what do they care about Constitutional Rights anyhow.

Oh, well, he’s still has his grand pension as a retired military poo-bah and I’m sure some military-industrial complex outfit will suck him up for a few hundred grand a year.  I should be so unlucky..

Back to the subject at hand.

Then we get to some really important tweets – like when The Donald tweeted the word “honer” instead of “honor”..  The media is acting like a misspelled word (and after all, he did it twice) is equal too, if not worse than, burning all the dictionaries in the White House!

And then when he says something like, “I’m looking at a two country and a one country solution – what  ever makes everyone happy!”, when referring to the ongoing hassle twixt Israel and the poor, misunderstood and brow-beaten Palestinians.  The same Palestinians who happened to pick the wrong side in four (count them – 1,2,3,4) wars against Israel and still think they get to choose anything at all!

Now just think a few seconds about that statement “what ever will make everyone happy”.  Does that sound Presidential?  Does it reflect the fact that the only thing that will make the Palestinians (and every other Muslim) happy is for Israel to become a large green glass pit?

So here I am, acting like another media outlet – making fun of a non-presidential President who I would love to see actually be a President.

He really doesn’t have a chance because he’s managed to piss off everyone including the pope and he will likely go down in history as (if there is a history after he gets through with it) a the President who wasn’t.  Won’t be all his fault because he now has almost everyone (even some of those who voted for him) slinging rocks, verbal bombs and criticism at him with the media leading the charge.  Each blunder he makes will be amplified and broadcast to the widest audience possible until the just the name “Trump” will cause hysterical laughter across the world and no one will take him seriously – if they still do now.

I imagine most now just think of him as a reckless pain in the ass.

And that is a real pity.

Author: MuckAbout

Retired Engineer and Scientist (electronic, optics, mechanical) lives in a pleasant retirement community in Central Florida. He is interested in almost everything and comments on most of it. A pragmatic libertarian at heart he welcomes comments on all that he writes.

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February 16, 2017 12:29 pm

I think I was had. Trump is sounding like a war-whore and still sucking zionist dick.

February 16, 2017 12:50 pm

You’re right – you’ve been had…by the Lying Lefties.

February 16, 2017 12:52 pm

Since Trump’s son-in-law is Jewish, you shouldn’t be yuugely surprised on the Jewish stuff.

His recent comments on Russia, particularly the Crimea, are perplexing, but he’s still not a neocon.

Important to remember: we didn’t choose Trump over Ron Paul. We chose him over 100% pure evil laced with incompetence and vanity.

February 16, 2017 12:57 pm

I agree with you D, troops to Syria and more troops to Afghanistan, WTF. It is like he is trying to gain the confidence of the neocons and does not worry too much about the deplorables. I am waiting to see how he gets rid of HC/O holdovers in the NSA and CIA.

February 16, 2017 1:08 pm

“the combined forces of the bought-and-paid-for media and liberal pundits”

You should include the Republicans in that.

They’re not only failing to give Trump the support that would be expected, they are actively working against him on such things as taxes, immigration, and Obamacare. Whether or not they’ll help push Gorsuch through is something I’m beginning to wonder about as well.

We have met the enemy and he is us, to quote Pogo.

February 16, 2017 1:09 pm

As I type this I’m watching Trump’s press conference. All I can say is this relentless gang banging is
tiresome to people like me. And make no mistake if Trump is not afforded a chance to right this ship of state, if anything should happen to him, you’ll see a shit storm of major proportions.

February 16, 2017 11:58 pm

I thought that shit was hilarious. He should do that every couple weeks or so. He skewered those people. That Al Smith dinner where he eviscerated Clinton and all the rest of them are what made up my mind to vote for him. To be clear, I wasn’t ever going to vote for anyone else, it was between him and not voting. But this was the best I’ve seen him since then. He needs to keep this up. No matter what he does, the hate and opposition will remain. Even if he was to do a complete 180 and govern like Jeb! would have, he will get the same treatment.

February 16, 2017 1:22 pm

You are not the first person to write Trump’s obituary. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has an article out today entitled “The Trump Presidency: RIP” ( But my assessment is that you are both wrong. There is no question that Trump is inexperienced, all the forces of the Deep State are aligned against him – Congress, banksters, corporate thieves, MSM, intelligence and security agencies, the courts, etc. – and there is no shortage of traitors who have infiltrated his administration. But what you forget is that this revolution is not about Trump but the growing millions of Americans who understand who the real enemy is and they are not about to allow the neocons and Deep State to overturn the will of the people with a coup d’état. In fact, those in the Deep State who are guilty of high treason and sedition are playing with fire and will be lucky not to be hung.

As an aside, many highly educated people in the west also thought the USSR could last for hundreds of years. However, after traveling through the USSR and talking to the Russian people in 1981, I concluded that the USSR would collapse very soon because no one believed the government propaganda anymore. The same is true in the US today. No one believes the propaganda and lies spewed forth daily by the MSM, the Federal Reserve, subversive think tanks, and other governmental sources of fake news and rigged statistics. The parasitic oligarchs have had a good run enriching themselves for over 100 years at the expense of honest workers and producers, but the gig is up. They should walk away and admit defeat but history teaches that is unlikely to happen. Therefore, we are looking at a violent revolution between we the people and the oligarchic Deep State. What Trump needs to do now is to mobilize the tens of millions of his supporters in mass rallies that clearly target the various appendages of the Deep State. Folks, this is war so get engaged because the future of your nation and therefore our future depend on it. The choices are stark – either you live as free men in a republic governed by laws and the will of the people or you live as serfs.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 17, 2017 10:35 pm

wedgie, It’s dishonest to claim that Trump’s movement is the will of the people. He won by a slim margin and only because he gamed the system to ensure an electoral college win. The electoral college is against the popular vote and therefore not “the will of the people” but the fault of the system.

You see the same shit happen when the public is rooting for their favorite boxer and the judges give the win to the palooka based on some obscure points system that ensures a remunerative re-match.

Imagine if the asshole promoter had the gall to call the judges’ unpopular decision “the will of the public”. They’d fucking riot.

  EL Coyote
February 17, 2017 10:59 pm

Your disgruntlement is showing.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 17, 2017 11:06 pm

Maggie, did you come back to harass me?
Didn’t you read the helpful guide on how to troll on TBP?
If I wanted to be agreeable, I would simply upvote everybody.

B Lever
B Lever
  EL Coyote
February 17, 2017 11:27 pm

Maggie- I was thinking of you the last few days, just wondering where you were hiding?
EC and I are still the UNcontrolled opposition. Being agreeable is just so pre-Trump.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  B Lever
February 17, 2017 11:39 pm

I may have to go pro-Trump, the anti-Trump movement is getting full of bandwagon posers.

Who would have thought Americans would one day embrace the KKK and Nazi-ism?

Of course, I would have to agitate for my own deportation.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
February 16, 2017 1:31 pm

Trump may be fighting a losing battle against today’s equivalent of Jabba the Hut, but his approval ratings are up today so he is doing something right. I suspect that even if he doesn’t win many battles with the Deep State, his continued fight will push his ratings higher.

An added benefit to all the commotion is that the public are becoming aware of the Deep State and how they are screwing the country.

  Trapped in Portlandia
February 16, 2017 1:58 pm

His approval ratings are up on Rasmussen which includes only likely voters but only at around 40% on Gallup which tracks a broader all Americans number in its poll.

By contrast, Obama was running around 60 percent at this point in his administration on Gallup. Rasmussen polling is difficult to research so I don’t know Obama’s popularity at this point on that poll.

February 17, 2017 6:19 am

STOP watching the fucking polls. They’re bullshit. You have to understand, EVERYTHING that the left dominated media puts out for our consumption is intended in some way to manipulate us.

It’s all lies. Every GD thing.

How in the world, especially after this past election, you can cite polling data and try and make a serious comment about it is a fucking mystery. Go to CNN right now and read their stories. DO IT. It’s an alternate universe.

Lord, what’s it gonna take?

  Trapped in Portlandia
February 16, 2017 8:12 pm

The Lib-Prog MSM is reporting that his approval ratings are way down, even among his previous supporters. But then they lie a lot.

February 17, 2017 12:03 am

Ya, its tough to believe any of them. Every single poll was deliberately skewed to achieve the result they wanted – killery with a commanding lead. Hard to imagine these aren’t skewed to give the result they want now – Trump’s poll numbers are sinking.

February 16, 2017 1:40 pm

Muck, you’re being silly. Trump is doing fine. Don’t mistake opposition noise for real wins of any sort. And your facts are wrong on Puzder. A housekeeper didn’t sink him. An old videotape of his ex wife on Oprah describing how abusive he was, did.

February 16, 2017 2:35 pm

KoMucking about ,all that snow and ice in Arizona has really messed your head around.
Starr is right .It has only been ONE month . Trump has not had time to do anything .Two years from will be the time for judgement.Be happy Trump got elected Mucking Around.

February 16, 2017 8:14 pm

We might not get two years of Trump the way things are going.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 16, 2017 10:09 pm

What the hell are you talking about? We are seeing Washington alive once more. Obama was a snooze like Carter. We finally have a President with the cajones to jawbone the press like Nixon did.

Clinton had the press on his side. So did Uncle Ronnie.
Today we have a lot of deep throats.
Everybody is jockeying for position to be part of the new history-making crowd.
They are hoping Trump will have some deep dirty secret hidden in the folds of his tax return. Maybe a secret pact with Putin. Or an unreported gift of a puppy.

I read somewhere that people love to listen to familiar stories because they haven’t the interest in tackling a new story.

The Nixon debacle sounds like a fine story to replay. We already had Kanye meet and greet Trump, playing the part of Elvis meeting an unpopular president Nixon. Nixon came in with a secret plan to end nearly 10 years of war. Trump assured us of an end to 13 years of war.

We have a juicy scandal in the making, we should soon see an enemies list, a whistle-blower, a cover-up, perhaps the president will declare that he is not a ‘crook’.

We’ll need a rolling thunder carpet bombing strategy in action, a peace negotiator, a foreign trip to a communist country, a drug war, a major recession and an oil crisis. We have a replay of the early 70’s; an aging sexual revolution, a renascent conservative movement in colleges, a free-speech movement, All we lack is a horrible music trend like disco, wait, first we need to replace rap with country music.

B Lever
B Lever
  EL Coyote
February 16, 2017 10:53 pm

Hey EC, Trump not only rhymes with Jackson, he also is a repeat of Tricky Dick. What a cool eye you have El.

Hopefully he won’t bust a rhyme with Adolf and WWIII.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  B Lever
February 16, 2017 11:28 pm

There are plenty of differences, Nixon was middle-class, Trump rich boy. I read that JFK despised Nixon, Obama seems to have the same opinion of Trump.

I wasn’t really comparing them, but I wanted to emphasize how people love a good political drama even as the country goes in the toilet.

I’m reminded of the story of a scorned woman. She had the intention of sneaking into the newly-weds’ home to kill them or at least her rival. She tried every means of entry, the doors, the windows. Finally in her mania for revenge, she decided to force her way through the chimney, she got stuck and died there. End of the fury.

The Democrats will expend themselves in their rage. Fuck them. They did nothing on immigration reform when they had the majority. Too fucking late. Sometimes, you can make better deals with an enemy than you can with a false friend. And if you get screwed, at least you knew you were dealing with an enemy, you had no false illusions.

Hey, B, did you notice some of my prognostications came about? The mass deportations, Trump’s continuation in campaign mode, following the Obama script right down to continuing to blame his predecessor long after he has had the control joy-stick.

He is speaking out of both sides of his mouth, trying to have it both ways, fully in control of a smooth running machine while dealing with a governmental mess left by Obama.

  EL Coyote
February 17, 2017 12:31 pm

El Coyote: you’re right, were just watching the chaff and the wheat being separate; and after it’s done we’ll be throwing in some hops with that wheat and it’ll be Miller time for the good guys.

  EL Coyote
February 17, 2017 11:00 pm

You are an interesting enigma riding the horns of a dilemma, aren’t you?

February 16, 2017 2:58 pm

He still needs support of his base.
Lefty’s are show up at town halls all over the country and berating their congressmen.
Where are the Trump supporters.
Are they afraid?
Watch Jimmy Dore on Youtube. He’s a progressive but knows the democrats are terrible.

February 16, 2017 8:16 pm

If we become the “silent majority” again, the game is over in a hurry.

Miles Long
Miles Long
February 16, 2017 3:02 pm

If these folks can see the future so well how about sharing a winning lottery number.

The old man always told me… “Rome wasn’t built, nor did it die in 28 days.” or something similar.

B Lever
B Lever
February 16, 2017 3:05 pm

Muck- Puzder was the worst choice for Labor Sec. because he is downright hostile toward labor. A billionaire who made part of that money having low wage FF workers clock out before cleaning the restaurants at closing, a real nice guy.

Flynn was thrown under the bus to take one for the team only the team is still up to their eyeballs in stink.

Look for Trump to keep the ball rolling against the Russians by going after Crimea. The Ruskies have figured out they have been had by the Anglos and the Israelis. We will be damn lucky if Trump and NutterYahoo don’t get us into some serious shit before this year is up.

B Lever
B Lever
February 18, 2017 12:12 am

Muck- I hear ya! False flags seem to pop up out of nowhere which sends the poo flying into the fan. TPTB will have something ready to get the ball rolling and like you say Trump will be holding the bag.

February 16, 2017 3:07 pm

To be fair, Trump absolutely kicked ass and took names in today’s press conference. You could just feel the media’s weeping and gnashing of teeth.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 16, 2017 4:51 pm

The MSM is swinging wildly at Trump like a crazy man; if Trump took a pee and nobody saw him wash his hands, the MSM would act like he was a Typhoid Mary. Somebody is gonna go down but my money is it won’t be Trump.

February 16, 2017 6:27 pm

Let’s see: Trump has been president for all of 3 and a half weeks. And you miserable pukes are already counting him out? Give me a fuckin’ break!

February 16, 2017 7:03 pm

Trump is doing fine. Cabinet picks are all getting confirmed, they are good picks, SCOTUS nominee is in, even our company CEO mentioned the Trump corporate tax cuts in our quarterly meeting today in a very positive light. And RINOs are now even more clearly shown for the traitors they are. Wait til the midterms…

Lefties are beside themselves, and even better: have NO CLUE how to respond/stop the bleeding. Maybe they will set themselves alight like Buddhist Monks, can I donate to pay for some carbon credits for that?

Can’t wait to see how things are going by this summertime.

February 16, 2017 10:43 pm

“Maybe they will set themselves alight like Buddhist Monks”
From Leviticus: It is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the Lord.

Big Dick
Big Dick
February 16, 2017 7:12 pm

Sadly at work in the break troom I am forced to watch the CNN chicken shit news network. Every day I see them piss on Trump and his desire to clear the shit from the scene. I guess the small dog biting the big ass of the liberal government and media is a good description. I only wish these fuckers would tell some truth instead of the attack bullshit they put on the air everyday. Thankfully after lunch I go and take a CNN dump and flush it away.

February 16, 2017 8:17 pm

I see Trump as a symbol of all the pissed off folks in this country,perhaps not a total solution but a start and has done,or tried to get done a lot more in a month then many potus in a year.Trump is just a beginning in this country,we who got him in office need to keep at him but also all levels of govt. and be willing to fight if the potus has a “accident”,and by fight I mean by all means needed.

I look forward to the ride as rather go down fighting if necc. then begging for permissions.

February 16, 2017 8:21 pm

If Trump fails, partly due to lack of base support, we are really doomed, DOOMED!

February 16, 2017 9:46 pm

Damn it! Keep his back,they are liars!

February 16, 2017 9:48 pm

Kennedy is making waves. DeVoss is making Waves it seems like most of his ppl are going to be making waves. Big D seems to be making a lot of big waves. The deep state has people running around all over the white house. They are probably counting coup and bragging, and begging to be the one to take out Trump. It ain’t happened yet! Putin told little “o” he wasn’t going into Syria, and then the Saudi’s started picking up the tab and supplying the weapons. He tried to go in again and Syria refused any US intervention politely telling us to stay the ____out. Then US planes and british planes get caught on camera mistakenly dropping supplies to ISIS. We are still supposed to stay heck out, and now Trump waffles and gives in to whomever is pulling his strings. Ground Troops??? NATO and UN, authorizes crap for us to send in our troops. Crimean gov. gets overthrown by mercenaries, and they scramble back to Russia, because new regime that overthrew their duly elected guy with 80% approval sucked, and they voted overwhelmingly to annex into Russia and now MSM says Russia illegally annexed Crimea. Am I the only one smelling rodent?? Divide and conquer is still the name of the game. One Nuke on NY. NY. blame panama, and I think “o” Would have signed us over and we’d be Panamanians. (for instance) Trump is looking at a swamp filled with a pedophile scandal looming. A corporate takeover scandal, Media disinformation scandal. How about that lil ole military industrial complex scandal. Is it 70 or 170 countries where our soldiers are stationed. Leaving Putin alone and minding our own business were campaign promises. Accusing Putin of lies is not in our best interest. Lets not forget that “o” and Putin were shaking hands and smiling for the camera one day and “o” starts poking and goading war the next week. How long has our guv been working for us. If not then Who, the Pope, Saudi’s, Putin, XI, Wannabe joos, rothschild,Nazi’s, NWO. All we need to do is narrow it down, then we know who to set our sights on. Swords sharp powder dry. “windage and elevation Mrs Langdon windage and elevation”!!!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 17, 2017 12:18 am

Adams was right about people watching two different movies.

February 17, 2017 4:36 am

Ol Trump needs to spend less time bitching about the media. He’s already said it, took questions about it so he should just award his questions to journalists he respects and never mention it again.

I have not had time to keep up with all the goings on. As usual I hit TBP for the highlights and lowlights of the truth. Arguing with the press is not very presidential and it’s definitely beneath him. I’m still giving him until April 10th at a minimum.

He and his team know how the leftists are going to attack and react so he should throw a few head fakes in one direction and get on with business in another.

And for fuck sake………..can someone teach the man how to speak in whole sentences???!!!

B Lever
B Lever
February 18, 2017 12:37 am

I/S- Is that some kind of New Yawk speaking brain fart affliction? I listened to this woman from NY speak and there was that same wandering, confused pattern. Rambling from one thought to another never making a complete sentence/thought. Yankees sound strange to a a southerner but damn, who the hell knows what he is talking about half of the time.

February 17, 2017 6:33 am

As usual, I’m late to the party – but here’s my two cents worth.

Make no mistake about it, the dark clouds of battle hover over the nation’s capital. Donald Trump’s minions are engaged in an all-out warfare with the U.S. Deep State version of the intelligence services. President Trump appears to be in conflict with the entrenched intelligence community on many levels.

The recent take-down of Lieutenant-General Michael Flynn, Trump’s National Security Advisor, based partly on unsubstantiated intelligence leaks along with reputedly lying about his interaction with Russian government sources appeared to be a soft “coup d’état” by dissident factions of the CIA, NSA and FBI. Aided and abetted by Trump’s brand of unscripted, haphazard and chaotic political tweets that flood the media, the battle rages on. But there’s more to the story than this.

The conventional Democratic and Republican parties have miserably failed their constituents. The pundits and political professionals all failed to properly read the pulse of the public. It is true that Hillary Clinton was clearly an uninspiring and compromised candidate, due to her ties to Wall Street and war mongering, but her loss went deeper than that.

Amidst this ongoing political conflict there is another crises at work, and it is both global and systemic. The Deep State factions world-wide, whether conservative or liberal, are being disrupted by mass protests of the disenfranchised. These storm clouds are bearing down not only in the U.S. but across Europe as well. And yet once again the political elites are tone deaf, failing to understand what is happening, Oh so sad.

February 17, 2017 1:55 pm

The one man alone,perhaps not much unless snake in escape from new york!That said,the man with nothing to lose has everything to gain,each man and women fight for their freedom tis not a lost cause by any means,will say though perhaps multi generation 4th gen though which if necc. would be worth it.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 17, 2017 10:21 pm

Muck, it takes character to go against the grain of public sentiment. I liked your assessment even if my nephew did not. It caused him to throw a hissy fit. I figure you know a thing or two cause you’ve seen a thing or two.

You have the TBP spirit alright. Admin knows how to yank a chain or two.

I wish Yohimbo would strap on some balls and go against the prevailing winds, his stuff is getting stale from its predictable theme. He said he was experimenting with the Alt Right.

Old Phil said that using a feather was experimenting, using the whole chicken is perverse.

His pedogate article was pretty good, though.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  EL Coyote
February 17, 2017 11:49 pm

OK, somebody didn’t like his pedogate article, sad.

EL Coyote goes rouge (I know, it's the new spelling)
EL Coyote goes rouge (I know, it's the new spelling)
February 17, 2017 11:47 pm

After an extended drought, today So Cal is cratering under the onslaught of Mother Nature like the Trump administration under the siege of the press.

February 18, 2017 6:14 am

“He won by a slim margin and only because he gamed the system to ensure an electoral college win.” —— El Coyote

I don’t mind at all your anti-Trumpy posts. They provide balance. Hopefully it makes the Trump-eteers stop and reflect … if even only for a few seconds.

However, at least tell the damned truth. Once you start lying or exaggerating to make your point you’ll start to lose credibility.

I’m talking about Trump “gaming” the system. Bull Fucken Shit! He played by the rules. And I know you know that cuz you’re a smart guy. Dr. Pangloss said you were his Brightest Star but prone to hyperbole from time to time and that it would keep you down, man.

Stop crying about the erectoral college. Without it every POTUS would be elected by the nation’s 20 largest cities. And the rest of Amerika would be fucked by morans in the city. Surely, you would not approve of such a thing.

February 18, 2017 7:43 am

EC misses me.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 18, 2017 7:29 pm

Maggie, you would have loved my comment on re-purposing Valentine’s day. I suggested folks use it to call up the beauty queen or jock who never had the time for them in HS. Let them know how wll your doing and commiserate with them about their life in a trailer with six kids from different dads. I ended it by suggesting I had to call you. So, you see, I was missing you even before VD day.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 18, 2017 7:38 pm

Stuck, I guess I was being a tad snarky by commenting that the 40% of voters who bothered to vote do not constitute the majority of eligible voters. Hence, even with his win by TKO, he can’t keep claiming a mandate, which is why he keeps repeating the politically correct line that ‘the people’ have spoken.

Trump is really taking to heart the press’ nattering on this point and he is showing remarkably thin skin.

I’m sure he could stir up a shitstorm here but now I’m afraid he would go nucular in a hurry if he got the TBP special treatment.

Although not a few would be offering to blow him, so that might make up for any butt-hurt he might endure.

Seriously, though, The press corps is doing its job with alacrity. Trump himself is no slacker and he has taken a page from Uncle Ronnie’s book, taking his message to the people. One thing about being an unconventional Republican is that he can use an eclectic approach to governance, he is using tactics from everybody’s playbook; Nixon’s jawboning, Truman’s give ’em hell tactic, Ronnie’s public appeal and Clinton’s shamelessness that his press secretary spun as an ability to compartmentalize.

Stuck, do you recall when Big Mike ragged you for stealing his idea about the QOTD? Shit comes around, I tell you. He got super pissed cause I told him that the “greatest guitar riff of all time” idea was my idea from a comment I made to some noob commenter when he suggested we listen to Hotel California for the guitar match-up.

B Lever
B Lever
February 18, 2017 7:37 pm

EC and Maggie ,,,,,Get a room! 🙂

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 20, 2017 6:26 pm

Stuck, this promised to be a regressive administration from the git go. MAGA implied a return to the Happy Days of the 50’s; white bread, big Cadillacs, jailhouse rock, nuclear hegemony and tract houses like the kind Daddy Trump built for the masses.

What furren policy we have consarning the world? America furst?
An internally we got tard states furst policywise. The big cities are gonna be de-funded. Trump arreddy dropping by the tards in South Carolina.

No wonner them tards liked what they heard. Pret soon, we shall all be installing mud holes in our backyard, raising chickens and hanging out the laundry.

The hard-drinking city bitches ain’t gonna like scrubbing clothes on a warsh board. They too uset to they warshing-machine and shit.

February 20, 2017 7:13 pm

EC – I’m not sure why but Mags informed me that I am not a real person, just bits and bytes. WTF?
I guess I must have hurt her feewings, sure didn’t mean to.
EC, why would someone think I am a bot or unreal……..asshole yes but bot?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 20, 2017 7:24 pm

She meant to deflect any butthurt by reminding herself that she doesn’t really know you except through communications via electronic media of bits and bytes. It’s a minor comforting idea. Don’t take it personal. Sometimes she misunderstands shit and gets offended. Women are like that.

Cervantes said that women and kids can not give offense and no retribution is necessary. He was adamant about defending a lady’s honor, though. Such things are passe’ maybe, but women are still flaky.

Limits of Human Wisdom
…27″Behold, I have discovered this,” says the Preacher, “adding one thing to another to find an explanation, 28which I am still seeking but have not found. I have found one man among a thousand, but I have not found a woman among all these. 29