Will Trump Succeed? No!

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Trump Whtehouse There is no evidence that Trump is a racist. This is hype to cloud the real agenda and that is to stop any reform in Washington. As far as Trump succeeding, I remain skeptical. Everyone is really against him on Capitol Hill. That includes Republicans. There is no difference between Republicans and Democrats for they both love to spend other people’s money.This is really the left trying to sustain the status quo. Democrats talk a good game how they are for the poor, but then sell tax loopholes to special interests in return for financing their campaigns. Why would the bankers and hedge funds back Democrats if they were really against them?

The truth is nothing like the press and politicians try to project. We can see the trend toward this popular uprising because everyone knows something is wrong. I do not see the racism being alleged and Muslim is not a race anyhow. I have friends and staff who are Muslim and my staff work in Europe and come into the USA for meetings with no problem. If they were not allowed in because of their faith, I would be screaming loud myself. We have every race among our staff and female as well as male staff. So I have a vested interest in making sure there is no discrimination that would disrupt our staff or curtail business in any way.

The real issue is economics. I believe the election of Trump was a reflection of the uprising among the people and Trump happened to be at the right place at the right time. Do I support him personally? No. I am not naive nor a fool. I wish him well, but I doubt that his agenda will work for he lacks international trading and creating jobs in America with tariffs is not the answer. That will force the consumer to pay more – that is subsidizing manufacture and that goes against free trade where every country should pursue its comparative advantage (see David Ricardo).

Secondly, based upon my sources, I seriously doubt that Trump has the votes to get his Tax Agenda through. Plus we have the debt ceiling about to explode and that will hurt the dollar short-term defeating ultimately Trump for the press will turn this around and blame 50 years of spending on him.

What I do support is the people. They elected Trump because they want a change. This is the anti-establishment movement that is growing globally. This is what will bring the whole system crashing down. This is separate and distinct from Trump. So I am not a fool. Trump cannot reverse the inevitable. It would be nice to think he could, but he will fail, not for lack of trying, but because the system is the system. Yes I support that he was elected compared to Hillary. I also support that he has caused a lot of anxiety on Capitol Hill and has all the politicians talking about the rise in “populism” putting them on notice that everything is not just fine.


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March 12, 2017 12:08 pm

“I have friends and staff who are muslim…..if they were not allowed in because of their faith, I would be screaming loud myself”………………..

Gratuitous and ingratiating. Further it’s not a religion, it’s a political system masquerading as a religion; wholly incompatible with the Western values of individual liberty and self determination. Screw islam and screw you too martin for pimping it you little shit weasel.

March 12, 2017 1:33 pm

It’s common knowledge that Marty is retarded. He can’t write coherently either.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
March 12, 2017 2:19 pm

Ed….as much as it pains me: Martin does misspell, incomplete sentences, and incomplete thoughts within sentences but many people are very successful with those same traits.

I forgive him for those faults.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
March 13, 2017 10:59 am

“Further it’s not a religion, it’s a political system masquerading as a religion; wholly incompatible with the Western values of individual liberty and self determination.”

That pretty well sums it up. If there were Christian or Buddhist immigrants from Absurdistan who held the same ideas against western notions of secular government and natural rights, I would not want them to come in either.

The really truly bizarre part of the whole debate is the extraordinary number of so-called Progressives and feminists who favor bringing in people determined to destroy the last 300 years of progress toward equal rights. Crazy!

March 12, 2017 12:21 pm

“That will force the consumer to pay more – that is subsidizing manufacture and that goes against free trade where every country should pursue its comparative advantage”

That will make American workers competitive with foreign nations that aren’t saddled with everything from minimum wages to western standards of living and regulations ranging from workplace safety to environmental restraints and health standards. That is their “comparative advantage”.

It will also let American goods compete in our own markets and have the money being spent on them stay here and circulate in our economy where it benefits us and our workers instead of going there, circulating in their economies, and benefiting them and their workers.

But that’s assuming that protecting and promoting the well being of America and American workers is a good thing, many free traders do not consider that a worthwhile goal.

Big Dick
Big Dick
March 12, 2017 2:18 pm

What we have gotten from world trade is a lot of cheap shit from the Orient and a lot of expensive shit from Europe. America used to be pretty self sufficient from energy to food then the world trade like NAFTA and open borders to Asia brought in stuff we made only cheaper and crummy. Then Europe repaid us for saving their ass in WWII with more stuff we did not need. Ask the Hardscrapple Farmer how many items he buys from either direction. We need to stop buying crap, giving free shit away, and change our education system. WE don’t need 8 more years of international war and bombing. Let the rest of the world work it out for themselves. Lets look only what will make us better.

Miles Long
Miles Long
March 12, 2017 2:21 pm

Heh… middle of the last paragraph… Anyone who has to announce with certainty that they are not a fool is suspect.

Ricky Collins abused child
Ricky Collins abused child
March 12, 2017 4:02 pm

Trump may fail if he becomes just another politician. If he fails to ripe out Obamacare and attempts to foist RINOcare on us then he will fail.

Just as Bush tried to foist an amnesty on the American people.

March 12, 2017 6:25 pm

As far as banks funding the dems, even if you think Hillary is as amoral a psychopathic grifter that ever lived-and that is probably an insult to amoral psychopathic grifters, you better send her a few bucks in case she wins to make sure you survive. That is how bankers and big business see it. That is my perspective from 30 years in NYC finance.

March 12, 2017 10:08 pm

Martin…thank you for your self esteemed drivel, for without it I would not have been able to read “Big Dick’s” more poignant message!

Other annon
Other annon
March 13, 2017 5:44 am

Yes Christian Trump will succeed for one reason,God!The left is satanic Sodom and Gomorrah pizzagate protecting politicians and elite.Comey seems to age more as do Hillary and Bill with each inquiry .Or is it the spirit cooking rituals ?The painting o Archangel Michael with his sword in his RIGHT hand,and his LEFT foot on the head of evil depict Gods victory won over evil-AMEN!