Hypocrite-In-Chief Obama Still Behaving Like He’s President, And Undermining The Real President In The Process

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter

Free Market Shooter’s recent article exposing former President Obama’s “bullshit” included a notable claim from PEOPLE Magazine, courtesy of Obama’s long-time pal David Axelrod:

But the former president has been meticulous since the election about not publicly violating that unwritten code of conduct among ex-presidents that bars criticizing whoever’s currently in the Oval Office.

“He’s very respectful of the appropriate role of a former president and that ex-presidents should not be looking over the shoulder of their successors and commenting on every decision,” says Obama’s long-time friend and political strategist David Axelrod, now director of the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics, noting how George W. Bush refrained from criticizing Obama.

Even The Washington Post, king of fake news, knew this almost four years ago; Obama was always planning to stay in Washington DC after his term as President ended:

Now, though, Obama has raised the possibility that he might remain a resident of the capital after his lease on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. expires in January 2017.

In an interview this week with Barbara Walters of ABC News, Obama and the first lady, Michelle, said they may live in Washington beyond their time in the White House to allow their younger daughter, Sasha, to graduate from Sidwell Friends School.

Indeed, in May of last year, Obama planned to (and later did) rent a mansion in DC to move in to after he left office, even when Hillary was predicted to win.  But be sure to take note of something else WaPo pointed out in its article:

Obama would be the first former president to remain in Washington post-presidency since the dying Woodrow Wilson more than nine decades ago.

Woodrow Wilson left office in 1921, and his post-presidency political actions were limited to campaigning for Democratic candidates in the 1922 elections.  In fact, he spent more time practicing law and publishing books than he did campaigning, prior to his death at 67 years of age in 1924. 

And, you’ll soon see (if you didn’t already realize) that Wilson’s actions pale in comparison to Obama’s.  Even about a century after the fact, Wilson isn’t even a historical precedent Obama can realistically cite to defend what he’s doing to undermine President Trump. 

So when Trump finally took office, absolutely no one should have been surprised that it took less than ten days for Obama to go after President Trump:

President George W. Bush stayed out of President Barack Obama’s business for the eight years Mr. Obama ruled the country. It took a little more than one week for Mr. Obama to criticize President Donald Trump.

Through his spokesman, Mr. Obama said he was “heartened” by all of the anti-Trump protests that have erupted throughout the nation.

Of course, many (including this author) were not surprised at all; Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA) spoke at length about Obama’s actions in March:

A YouTube video shows the Pennsylvania lawmaker expressing his suspicion about the fact that after leaving the White House the Obama family moved into the Kalorama neighborhood in Washington, D.C., to “to run a shadow government.”

“I think we ought to pitch in to let him go someplace else, because he is there for one purpose and for one purpose only,” Kelly said. “And that is to run a shadow government that is going to totally upset the new agenda. It just doesn’t make sense. And people sit back and say, my gosh, why can’t you guys get this done?”

Shortly after his post-inauguration subversion of Trump, Obama jetted off (almost certainly via private aircraft) to talk business with his pal Warren Buffett, met the next day with tech leaders in Silicon Valley, before dropping off the radar for a bit… only to re-emerge in April meeting with “young leaders” at the University of Chicago.  Of course, these are meetings/actions that are usually reserved for the sitting President.

Still, all of that pales in comparison to Obama’s May moves; in early May, he (very publicly) endorsed French Presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, following Macron’s publication of a phone endorsement Obama gave him in April:


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l5HLdPMuDs]

Take note, even President Trump offered less of an “endorsement” in the French election than Obama did:

In an interview with The Associated Press, Trump said although he was not offering an endorsement, he thinks Le Pen is “strongest on borders, and she’s the strongest on what’s been going on in France.”

It almost seems as if Obama, just to oppose President Trump’s tepid endorsement and Le Pen’s parallels as the Brexit/Trump candidate, decided to re-emerge for the sole purpose of countering that trend.  Couldn’t this be constituted as “election interference”, far more so than the allegations being lobbed at Trump’s alleged “links” to Russia?

He wasn’t even the only Obama to criticize Trump’s agenda; again, as Free Market Shooter covered, his wife Michelle even got in on the act

Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up “eating crap” instead.

“You have to stop and think, ‘Why don’t you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?” Mrs. Obama said. “Why would that be political?”

…because why wouldn’t Obama let his wife get in on the fun?

Next, Obama jetted off to Milan, Italy (this time for sure, via private aircraft), to give a speech on “climate change” that Free Market Shooter previously covered:

The former US president met former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on Monday and will speak about climate change at a sold-out conference on Tuesday.

He arrived in Italy’s business capital by private jet with his entourage and reportedly took over two floors of the Park Hyatt hotel – where presidential suite rooms cost almost $10,000 a night.

Mr Obama seemed to be making the most of his post-presidential work routine as he was ferried through the city with a 14-car convoy on Monday.

Though Free Market Shooter more than adequately exposed the hypocrisy of Obama’s trip and speech combination…

Former President Barack Obama warned the world that more people on the planet were eating meat, causing a dramatic rise in climate emissions.

“As people want to increase meat consumption, that in turn is spiking the growth of greenhouse emissions coming out of the agricultural sector,” Obama said, pointing to countries that were consuming more meat.

The amount of cows, Obama explained, were contributing to global pollution, alluding to the amounts of methane gas emissions from cow herds.

Has anyone been informed on what exactly Obama’s diet was during this tour?  Did he eat any meat?  Is he a pescatarian all of a sudden?

In true Obama fashion, he made sure to decry the rest of the planet for spewing “harmful” carbon into the atmosphere, but only after traveling to Milan via private jet and being shuttled to a $20,000/night suite in the center of the city via a 14-car caravan:

…it appears no one asked why Obama was giving speeches on the world stage, just before President Trump’s foreign trip, that were the business of the President himself to make.  Remember Axelrod’s quote from PEOPLE Magazine?

“He’s very respectful of the appropriate role of a former president and that ex-presidents should not be looking over the shoulder of their successors and commenting on every decision,”

This must be Obama’s “respect” of the “appropriate role”: going on his own foreign tour to compete with President’s own.

Oh, you thought Obama’s foreign tour was over?  Nope; he made sure to drag it out, stopping in Germany to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.  Notably… President Trump was still on his own tour of foreign nations:

Former President Barack Obama will sit side-by-side with German Chancellor Angela Merkel Thursday in the first event of what will eventually become his worldwide program to inspire young people to create change.

Obama will join Merkel at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to highlight his foundation’s new global effort to inspire and support young people active in narrowing inequality, combating climate change, working on public health, empowering women and girls and boosting young entrepreneurs.

“He and Mrs. Obama have been pretty clear that the foundation will have a global reach. They want to be really involved in programing throughout the world,” an Obama Foundation official said.

Isn’t this the current President’s job to be meeting with foreign leaders on his foreign tour, not the ex-President’s on his own coincidentally coinciding foreign tour?  Is it any surprise that just days later, Merkel publicly rebuked President Trump and the entire US?

Speaking at a CDU election rally in Munich, Merkel said that Europe must take its fate into its own hands” or as the AFP put it, “Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners.”

Faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump’s presidency, Merkel said “die zeiten, in denen wir uns auf andere völlig verlassen konnten, sind ein Stück vorbei”, or loosely translated “the times in which we could completely depend on others are on the way out” and added that “I’ve experienced that in the last few days.”

If as ex-President, you’re not going to support the current President, maybe you should just go paint?  I mean… that is what George W. Bush did for Obama, after all. 

Obama’s tour had one more stop though; on his way home, Obama’s private jet made a pit stop in London to meet with Prince Harry; another “job” for the current President’s foreign tour, not the former one:

Former President Barack Obama paid a visit to Kensington Palace in London on Saturday where he met with Prince Harry.

“They discussed a range of shared interests including support for veterans, mental health, conservation, empowering young people and the work of their respective foundations,” Kensington Palace said in a statement, according to CNN.


Unsurprisingly, Obama returned home from his trip around the same time as President Trump did; just in time for him to (publicly, of course) respond to President Trump leaving the Paris Accord he signed, undoing more of his “legacy”…

With former president Barack Obama’s climate legacy in tatters, moments ago the ex-president issued a scathing statement, slammed the Trump administration for “rejecting the future”, and that “in the absence of American leadership”, unlike the “steady, principled American leadership ” under Obama, the former president urged “states, cities, and businesses” to “step up and do even more to lead the way, and help protect for future generations the one planet we’ve got.”

“The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created,” Obama said. “I believe the United States of America should be at the front of the pack.”

Trump announced on Thursday that the U.S would leave the 195-nation agreement, his firmest rebuke yet of Obama-era environmental policies and the fulfillment of a key campaign promise.


…because nothing says “undermining the current President” quite like conducting your own foreign tour at the same time as his, publicly rebuking his agenda at every turn, only to return home at the same time as him to keep doing the exact same thing. 

And if you think Obama is finished undermining President Trump, think again; remember that house he was “renting” in DC so the family could “remain in DC” just to allow his youngest daughter to graduate high school?

Barack and Michelle Obama have bought the home they’ve been renting in a tony D.C. neighborhood since the former president left office.

The Washington Post reports (http://wapo.st/2qHfREZ ) the Obamas bought the eight-bedroom, 9½-bath mansion for $8.1 million. Property records show the deed transfer was recorded Wednesday.

Just another Obama lie, of course; you don’t shell out $8.1 million for a mansion in DC if you plan on leaving.  Because that’s how you stand up for the disenfranchised American; in a massive, expensive DC mansion enclosed by a large wall, which is ironically just another Trump agenda item that Obama so publicly opposes:


So if you’re sick of hypocrite-in-chief Obama undermining President Trump at every turn, and you just want him to “go home” and be nothing but the celebrity-in-chief…

…too bad; he’s made himself right at home in DC, just like he planned to four years ago.  But with Trump around, he has all the more reason to keep on keepin’ on as the campaigner-in-chief. 

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Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
June 2, 2017 3:27 pm

Some things never change, as in I am sure he still sucks on Michale, yeah, the football player livin faggott. Total subhuman slim these creeps are.

June 2, 2017 3:41 pm

He’s working on a shadow government / slow motion coup.

Michelle get’s her dick out of her tuck under garage and reams his ass nightly.

Be Prepared
Be Prepared
June 2, 2017 4:18 pm

Didn’t he have an appointment at the I’m secretly Gay, but not really secret Gay club back in his old stomping grounds in Harvard and Columbia.

He stays because he can….because they are setting up Michelle to run in 2020…and she will because you can never have enough to be Bummin’ about when there’s an a Obama in front of you.

June 2, 2017 7:48 pm

Duane, a very well written article. Thanks. It made me consider my disgust for Barry and the depth of that disgust within me. He stands for most everything that I despise. His narcissism, his relentless evil and his hatred for the U.S. will be his legacy if history does not become perverted.
May his soul pay the eternal cost for his attempts and successes in the destruction and denigration of that part of America that stoked his internal fires of jealousy. That is all that it has ever been with that half breed white- hater.

Jack Crabb
Jack Crabb
June 2, 2017 8:53 pm

David Axlerod is a lying cocksucker and can just go fuck himself with a rusty chainsaw.

In fact, so can the former HNIC.

June 2, 2017 9:36 pm

Well, I’ve tried but somehow I can’t bring myself to give a fuck about what Obama does now. Duane gets all excited about shit that doesn’t mean anything. Duane, take it easy. Obama can’t do shit anymore.

California Jim
California Jim
June 2, 2017 9:51 pm

I’m done lurking here since 2008. I enjoy this site but have to speak out now.
It is now evident that Donald Trump is not fit to be president. Not by temperament, experience, training, or any other criteria. Nonetheless, he did get the Electorial College nod.
Bush gave Obama space to maneuver as he was complicit in tanking our economy in entering into unwinnable wars and kicking off the Great Recession. Both Republicans and Democrats were complicit in these ill-conceived actions.
Full disclosure: I’m a registered Republican but decades ago started voting for the best candidate running. I did not vote for Trump and will likely leave the GOP for allowing it to be hijacked by Mr. Trump and his low-information voters.

  California Jim
June 2, 2017 10:09 pm

That’s funny as shit, Cal Jim. W left Obama alone because he went on a drunk for about 7 years. He wouldn’t have been able to think of anything to say about Obama anyway, so it’s just as well.

Anyway, Obama’s administration was just 8 more years of Bush. You’re right about Trump, so anything that would make anybody quit the GOP is fine with me.

  California Jim
June 2, 2017 10:27 pm

Trump IS fit to be POTUS by virtue of the fact that he met the requirements the Founders of the country put into the ratified constitution and which qualifications have never been changed by an amendment.
Since you started the rock throwing by calling many of us low info voters,who did you vote for?

June 2, 2017 11:27 pm

Dennis Prager On Never Trumpers


June 2, 2017 11:31 pm

Red, don’t you know a Hillary voter when you see one? 😉

June 3, 2017 9:51 am

In reality Ed,I think we just got trolled by a master.

  California Jim
June 2, 2017 10:36 pm

California Jim. You have my permission to go “phuque” yourself.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  California Jim
June 2, 2017 11:04 pm

Oh shit. California Jim’s about to leave the GOP.

June 2, 2017 10:01 pm

Dude needs to just fuckin go away like all former presidents. Retire. Leave. Shut the fuck up. We took your shit for 8 years and you are out, gone. Buh bye. People need to rally against that jackass and shut him up….where the hell is GW Bush and why is he not supporting Trump, oh because he and like many or the refuckigans are in on it, after all he did give is the “un”Patriot Act and more endless bullshit fake wars. These people will understand citizens have had enough when they cause the collapse…..

June 2, 2017 10:47 pm

Bush and Obunghole are cousins remember? And Slick Willy is Ma Bush’s “adopted son.” They are all Ivy League shitheads pushing a New World Order with them in charge. Now that Trump is in, the Bush twins are pimping for the baby butchers at Planned nonParenthood and voting for Hitlary and we find out Laura hates conservatives, pro-lifers and private schools.
It gets better. Trump has actually kept some of his campaign promises! They can’t have that. I can’t get enough of it. So much winning and much more to come I fervently pray.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 2, 2017 11:14 pm

This is actually fantastic news. Hillary was head-faked into thinking people liked her by the polls that were done in 2014. She forgot that absence makes the heart grow fonder and her popularity is inversely related to her visibility. Let Obama jet around the world and hector us about non-existent problems like global warming, the wage gap and bathrooms for trannies. California Jim will be suitably impressed, while white people in the Midwest, NC and Florida will have their current confusion about what’s left of the party of JFK gel into a deep and abiding hatred. Let Hillary use her union goons and death squads to install her as the titular head of #TheResistance and spend the next three years babbling incoherently about Russians. Meanwhile the Dems may even forget to scrape up a candidate for 2020. Enter Martin O’Malley.

June 2, 2017 11:17 pm

What do you expect from a racially confused rascist whose run as president coincides with the low water mark of American history? Its amazing how perverted our society has become since 2008. Everywhere I look now in pop culture the founders, creators, and sustainers of this country (i.e. hard working, innovative, civilized white people) are denigrated and put down as haters and oppressors. Now due in large part to Obama and his ilk it is now fashionable to call for the outright genocide of the white race. Its sickening now seeing ignorant blacks self segregate on college campuses, having blacks only days, then watching as these thugs attack whites for wanting the same thing, which is actually a biological imperative of self preservation. Their racial jealousy and resentment runs deep. All that the “educated” blacks know is that no matter what they become in a society and culture they could never have created is that they still are a long way removed from the beauty, honor, and intelligence of the average European American. Their great obsession is miscgeneation to try and pervert and dumb down those who are superior to them in every way. Obama was the herald of these dark desires of the simple negro and the malevolent “frankfurt school” jew coming to fruition against the white race.

June 3, 2017 10:03 am

When the investigation of Trump over Russia (nothing illegal having been claimed, of course) starts bringing up the Obama spying on Trump and his campaign for Hillary I wonder what the Left is going to do to respond to it?

How will they deflect any attention, and especially any blame for the illegal use of intelligence agency and FISA obtained information, from Obama?

Maybe they can suppress the information, but I don’t see how they can avoid it coming into play during the investigation they have demanded.