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August 21, 2017 10:51 am

Because idiots will do anything for $$$ including selling their soul. That is what the news crews were there to film, that should tell you something.

August 21, 2017 1:12 pm

Put down the remote, leave NWO MSM, read “Variety.” Print, radio, and television news were often very good, not today. Sherman Antitrust, Clayton Act, anti-monopoly FCC media regulations, Glass-Steagall, GATT, NAFTA, … all serving to make America Third World owing tens of trillions of dollars and becoming groveling subjects of unelected Globalist tyrants.

August 21, 2017 4:17 pm

To broad a reply and an unproven result.

August 21, 2017 1:21 pm

Curiouser and Curiouser..

Antifa Acquires Intel Support And Training From Socialist Venezuela:

Antifa Acquires Intel Support And Training From Socialist Venezuela

Trump Convenes Emergency Meeting, Mobilizes NATO, After ANTIFA Leftists Confirmed Training In Venezuela:

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Venezuela trained ANTIFA “terror captain” (center right) wearing “Milicias Antifascistas” identifying t-shirt in Charlottesville, Virginia on 12 August 2017.

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 21, 2017 2:38 pm

If you think Antifa is Antifascist, I have a bridge I’ll sell you cheap.

August 21, 2017 3:56 pm

White is evil

Oppression applied equally is fairness

Truth is offensive

Antifa is Antifascist

Violent protesters are rioting in self defense

Yeah – just how much further down this road to insanity are we going to go?

August 21, 2017 11:02 pm

Oh the irony of what that ignorant dickhead is doing. He obviously can’t see it! Perhaps the collective intelligence of ‘Antifa’ will be enough to look up ‘fascism’ in a dictionary sometime, assuming there are any non burnt books left that is…

August 22, 2017 12:17 am

Here is my Antifa/Snowflake experience at an ACT for America – Against Sharia Law rally when about 10 or 15 of serious looking anti Nazi…Nazis’ (and about 180 collage age wannabes) tried to shut down Free Speech at my state capitol.

The main speaker was a young (26 years old) fearless former Muslim who was articulate and railed against having lived under strict Sharia Law as a boy and a teenager. Two young gay males followed who were also well spoken and made well rehearsed and factual cases against what Sharia Law has and is doing to homosexuals internationally. The Last formal speaker was an Oath Keeper who spoke on the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and Free Speech in general…there were about 8 Oath Keepers there in black Oath Keeper shirts & caps providing personal security for the speakers.

There were a few other small groups there in support of Free Speech for a total of about 100 to 125 older, mostly white people holding American flags, wearing patriotic shirts, many former military by their garb, and in general a polite crowd and many children and families.

Then the opposition showed up with the local police and State Police following them to form a barrier in-between us. We had a permit…they did not. They had 15 to 20 drums beating, almost all had a whistle they were blowing, many were screaming, lots of signs…many laced with profanity, a lot of them were flashing the sign that we were number 1….and the noise they made was drowning out the speaker. (The Fearless former Muslin took the mike back when they showed up).

They were mostly collage kids, about half girls (too young to call woman) but you could see the hard corps types sprinkled and moving among them.

There were no ALT Right groups or even individuals on our side. No insulting signs or nose makers but the there were about 50 men, most former military of multiple generations (including me a 67 year old Nam Vet) who went to the front and formed a line ready to bang a gong and get it on. Many had walking canes…but didn’t need them for walking…including me. We had been warned the Antifa would try to shut down Free Speech.

If the police would not have been there it would have been bloody ugly.

Then at the end of the Snowflake parade a tall shinny white 20 something dressed in Fidel Castro green military utilities, with an identical black beard, and a little blond came marching up with a huge Red Communist Hammer and Sickle Flag between them putting their free hand up in the air in a fist shouting. She was so petite and him so tall her end of the flag was dragging on the ground.

I lost it when the Hammer and sickle was waved in front of me! I experienced a visceral, violent reaction I did not expect as it erupted from me. I know 67 sounds old…because its getting there…but I am in rock hard shape…and have had a violent past before the brutality and gore of Vietnam…and then after when needed in a rough and tumble career. If there was going to be a fight…if our groups clashed and tangled…I was taking Hammer and Sickle down, hard and fast with a foot sweep…and that flag was going home with me to be thrown in the garbage. I keyed on him…and waited for an opportunity like a wolf.

After about 10 minutes of them drumming, whistling, shouting down the former Muslim they were slowly moved away by a line of troopers with long night sticks…I was personally backed off by a Cop who realized I was ready to mix and inching my way towards Hammer & Sickle.

Now, this was tame compared to Charlottesville but it was not tame to me. When I came home and realized what I was going to do, what I was capable of after seeing that flag, what could have happened if I would have gotten close to Fidel…I had a severe check in my spirit. I didn’t sleep well that night at all or the next.

I think I’m going to stay on my farm for now. I have to come to terms with myself and what I pray about and whats in my heart and what I’m capable of…in the moment.

August 22, 2017 11:19 am

Must see Antifa infiltration…we do need political & protest judo tactics.

Much to think about after you watch this.