“We’re Coming For You”: AP Accuses NRA Of “Inciting Violence” Against Journalists

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In a series of videos released earlier this month, the National Rifle Association declared war on mainstream media and their “globalists masters”, a sign of the group’s transformation into an advocate for conservative causes beyond protecting the second amendment.

Predictably, the Associated Press is not happy. In a story about the new campaign – which debuted on the NRA’s NRATV, a web-video platform run by the association – the AP accused the NRA of employing dangerous rhetoric that risked inciting violence against journalists.

“The election of President Donald Trump and Republican control of Congress meant the National Rifle Association could probably rest easy that gun laws wouldn’t change for at least four years. But the NRA has begun a campaign not against pending legislation but what it sees as liberal forces bent on undoing the progress it’s made — and the political powerhouse is resorting to language that some believe could incite violence.

Using the hashtags #counterresistance and #clenchedfistoftruth, the NRA has put out a series of videos that announce a “shot across the bow,” and say the gun-rights group is “coming for you” and that “elites … threaten our very survival,” terms that suggest opponents are enemy combatants.”

In a video published earlier this month, NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch warned the New York Times that the NRA would be “coming for you,” adding that the NRA “had re-dedicated itself to exposing the lies of the mainstream press” while shining an uncomfortable spotlight on the relationship between the MSM and “globalist, corporate elites” who oppose the agenda of President Donald Trump… at least until Steve Bannon’s departure, which has since been taken over by former Goldman bankers.

“The times are burning and the media elites have been caught holding the match” Loesch said.

We’ve had it with your narratives, your propaganda, your fake news. We’ve had it with your constant protection of your Democrat overlords, your refusal to acknowledge any truth that upsets the fragile construct that you believe is real life. And we’ve had it with your tone-deaf assertion that you are in any way truth or fact-based journalism,” Loesch says. “Consider this the shot across your proverbial bow. … In short? We’re coming for you.”

The AP countered with various “expert” soundbites who alleged the NRA could inspire an unstable person to incite violence. One of the AP’s sources, a director at the Annenberg Public Policy Center at UPenn, blamed the NRA for trying to incite violence with its videos.

“Kathleen Hall Jamieson, the director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, said the tone and language is “overwrought rhetoric” that, viewed by the wrong person, could lead to violence. The kicker on one of the videos — “We’re coming for you” — is straight out of the movies, she said, and “that phrase means that violence is imminent and we will perpetrate it.”

Another source, chairman of the political science department at the State University of New York at Cortland, said the NRA cribbed its “hyperangry” approach from – who else – President Trump.

“They’re not inventing this hyperangry, nasty partisan tone but piggybacking on Trump’s approach. Of course, NRA voters by and large are Trump voters, so they would be sympathetic to that kind of message,” said Robert Spitzer, chairman of the political science department at State University of New York at Cortland, who has examined the firearms industry and Second Amendment issues extensively.

Spitzer, a member of the NRA as well as the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said it’s a pattern the NRA has exhibited as the group evolved from an almost exclusive focus on gun safety into a political beacon for conservatives who fear changes to the Second Amendment and the gun industry.

“It was Bill Clinton in the 1990s. In the early 2000s, it was John McCain. It was Hillary Clinton. It was the United Nations. They’ve held up the U.N. as ready to swoop in and take everybody’s guns,” Spitzer said. “The focus of their ire has changed, but the basic message has been the same.”

In an interesting twist, the AP insinuated that the NRA’s aggressive rhetoric was a ploy to revive gun sales, which have stagnated since Trump took office.

“The friction between the gun lobby and the media isn’t new. But critics of the NRA contend the organization is relying on the “fake news” mantra started by Trump to whip up its followers after a dip in gun sales that has taken place since Trump succeeded President Barack Obama, who favored stricter gun-control laws.”

Joe Plenzler, a Marine veteran and NRA member, said the association had “gone well out of the bounds of any sort of sane responsible behavior.”

“Lately, it seems like they’ve gone well out of the bounds of any sort of sane responsible behavior. If you want to advocate for the Second Amendment, which I unapologetically believe in, that’s fine,” he said. “But I think at the point where you are going to demonize half the American population in a recruitment effort to get more members, I’ve got a big problem with that.”

So did the NRA cross a line by engaging in a similar – but opposite – campaign to that of the Trump “resistance” (hence dubbed #counterresistance) and has it gone too far by accusing the press of creating “narratives, propaganda, and fake news”, the same way the press accuses the “alt right” of doing the same, and who is – ultimately – right? Readers can decide for themselves after watching the video below:


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Aodh Mor MacRaynall
Aodh Mor MacRaynall
August 27, 2017 6:39 am

I’m joining th fukkin NRA. Sounds to me like they’re no longer just a bunch of old fat baby-boomers that luv “muh constitution”, “muh guns”, and “muh liburdy” Oh yeah and are suckers for “Big Boob” clickbait on Yahoo and TBP.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
  Aodh Mor MacRaynall
August 27, 2017 9:12 am

Aodh……….a closed mind is a wonderful thing to behold.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 27, 2017 9:40 am

I have considered re joining the SECOND AMMENDMENT FOUNDATION and joining the NRA for the first time because these groups are finally taking a solid argumentative stand against the left . Living in Maryland where every election for state control has only 3 districts that run every election and the rest don’t matter . Prince George’s & Montgomery counties and Baltimore city . These 3 voting areas are filled with government employees and welfare recipients and also have a higher percentage of blacks . So we are jammed with Antiguan foolishness and have been written off by both pro gun lobby groups for decades . As for the news media feeling threatened by NRA aids speaking out regarding their negative depiction of all gun owners and their rights as Americans . Just because a small portion of our society abuses those gun rights the MSM’s constant rhetoric regarding gun violence dishonestly identifies the real problem to push an agenda !
The Obama administration loved that agenda AGENDA 21 from the United Nations which is being implemented nationwide on a local level gradually creeping into every government controlled areas . Which is becoming everywhere and everything . Smart Growth , Sustainable Development , Common Core all cutesy unoffencisve sounding terms that strip out the BILL OF RIGHTS .
Let’s not forget the majority of henious gun violence has been committed by leftist dedicated mentally ill people .
With over 80 MILLON legal gun owners with 300 MILLON guns and a billon rounds of ammo if we were the problem , YOU WOULD KNOW IT “MSM”

  Boat Guy
August 27, 2017 10:41 am

Have you read Agenda 21 and the Common Core Standards? If not, see links below.

(we’re living in a time when everything must be fact-checked; always go to the primary source)



August 27, 2017 10:10 am

They’re not worried about violence against them from the NRA.

They’re worried about a growing and more effective opposition to their political agenda.

August 27, 2017 10:56 am
Miles Long
Miles Long
August 27, 2017 3:00 pm

I’ll believe it when I see the results. NRA wont kill the cash cow that gun-grabber paranoia has given it. Even the magazines have turned into political (send us more $$) rags with the few gun/shooting articles reading more like paid infomercials than real information. A long time member here who didn’t bother renewing last year. YMMV

Boat Guy… 2AF’s Alan Gottlieb seems a mix of a chicken snake & a weasel. Watch yer eggs.

If anyone nationally gets my $$ it might be GOA. Think locally too, VCDL is doing good things for everyone, but is firstly a Virginia state organization. Your own state may have a worthwhile group.

August 27, 2017 9:42 pm

I encourage all TBPers to be as informed as possible about the media. A free press is important to preserving our freedoms. We need to know these people very well. We need to know as much as we can about the people of the 4th estate. With such information we can make good decisions about their product and how to best respond to the issues of the day.

Dana is hot and right most of the time.