Thoughts from Below the Rio Bravo: A Preliminary to Going into Hiding

Guest Post by Fred Reed

To understand of many Mexican attitudes toward the United States and immigration, you have to go back to the Mexican-American War of 1846-48, of which most Americans have never heard. The United States attacked Mexico in a war of  territorial acquisition, occupied Texas, California, New Mexico, and Arizona, and drove south to conquer Mexico City. It did it because it could.

The attitude of Americans who have heard of the war is usually, “Get over it.” Mexicans have not gotten over it. People get over things they have done to others more easily than they get over things others have done to them.  Tell Americans to “get over” Nine-Eleven, or Jews to get over Germany.

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There is in Guadalajara a large and prominent monument to Los Niños Heroes, the adolescent cadets who marched out to defend Chapultepec as the Americans conquered Mexico City, much as the VMI cadets tried to defend Virginia in the Civil War. Countless Mexican towns have a street called Niños Heroes. They remember.

The base of the monument to Los Niñoes Heroes in Guadalajara. It reads, “Died for their country.” You know, like Iwo Jima and all.

This does not make for a keen appreciation of the Exceptional Nation. Nor does memory of the conquest arouse sympathy about immigration–or, as Mexicans see it, emigration. It explains the occasionally heard phrase, “La Reconquista.”

Throw in the drumbeat from racialist sites to the effect that Mexicans are stupid, filthy, criminal, and parasitic, and Trump’s asserting that they are rapists and what all, which resonates in Mexico as Hillary’s Deplorables speech did in Middle America. And of course there was the bombardment of Veracruz, of which Americans have never heard, and  Pershing’s Incursion, and Washington’s history of attacks, invasion, installation of dictators in Latin America and support for others.

For Mexico, as for most of the world, the US is not the shining city on a hill that it thinks it is. Over and over it attacks other countries and invariably is surprised when they don’t like it. Note that America and its vassals in Europe kill huge numbers of people in Muslim cities,  yet express outrage when Muslims kill people in their countries.

In America, conservatives will erupt in fury on reading the foregoing. Well, bully for them. The behavior of Mexicans  is determined by their history and what they think, not by what others think they ought to think.

These days, people often want a philosophical framework to justify their aggression. Among the better educated of Mexico, emigration is sometimes intellectualized by saying that flows of population have occurred all through history, Rome and such. These flows, they say, are inevitable and perhaps favored by Divine Providence. They don’t quite say, “Get over it.”

This reasoning is self-serving. If twenty million Haitians swam ashore in Veracruz, Mexicans would not regard it as a natural and inevitable flow. Note, though, that the Mexican inevitable-flow  theory precisely parallels the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, which held that that America’s expansion across the continent was inevitable.  It was an early form of American Exceptionalism, the idea that America is special and need not follow norms of decent behavior. Now it seems that Manifest Destiny is reversible. This notion too will anger many Americans, but then, the invasion of Mexico angered many Mexicans.

American attitudes toward Latinos, chiefly contempt, do not get a rousing welcome here. Americans both north and south of the border tend to see Mexicans only as gardeners, waiters, maids and, here, a few English-speaking doctors. Typically they have no idea of the lands between the Rio Bravo and Tierra del Fuego. They have not been there, do not speak or read Spanish. Americans, increasingly losing their own intellectual tradition,  are unaware that Latin America has its own rich intellectual history going back for centuries. Fortifying this blankness is the charming view that Latinos are stupid and so, obviously, cannot have an intellectual anything. This annoys Mexicans.

Latin America has in fact produced a great many writers of the first rank, not ot mention philosophy, architecture, and music. Pick a few: Vargas Llosa, Garcia Marquez, Juan Rulfo, Pablo Neruda, Borges, Ortega y Gasset, Octavio Paz, Carlos Monsivais, Mario Benedetti, on and on. I didn’t know most of them either, but my wife Violeta, a Mexicana, does.  All of this ties in with the literature and art of Spain, the mother country, just as ours does with that of England. There is a major civilization down here, despite the views of internet louts.

While there is much discussion of immigrants in the US, it consists mostly of ideology, of impractical hostility on the Right and moral preening on the Left. Neither seems to have much interest in knowing what it is talking about.

For example, the illegals, a source of horror, are mostly not diseased, drug-dealing rapists with drooping IQs and psychopathic murderousness.  This will come as a disappointment to many. Actually, come in flavors. They are not one thing.

At the negative end are the MS 13 types, tattooed killers. These could profitably be taken up in a helicopter and allowed to come down independently.  Then you have the kid brought over at age two and who now, at nineteen, speaks perfect California English and horrible Spanish and thinks he is an American, never having been to Mexico. You have the guys who come for two, three, four years, save money, and return to Mexico to buy a house for their families.

You have our friend Rosa, I will call her, who came over illegally after high school, worked dirt jobs, found free English lessons, went briefly on welfare, and finally worked her way up to be head of food-services at a high school. (Incidentally, it annoys her that her kids do not speak Spanish, but, she says in flawless English, this is America, what do you expect. Many immigrants favor bilingual schooling so that their children can learn Spanish.) Anyway, after a few years she went to whoever you go to, said she wanted legal residence, was told she had to pay back the welfare, did, and is now a permanent resident in in line for citizenship if Trump doesn’t stop her.

Finally you have those illegals who live permanently on welfare and never learn English. When Rosa speaks of them, she sounds like Breitbart News: “I work. I pay taxes. Who do these damned….”

Now permit me once more to infuriate conservatives. It is a service. It will keep their blood flowing briskly: Consider Eduardo and Maria, Salvadorans living in San Salvador in a dirt-floored cinderblock hut. They have little money, not because they are stupid or lazy but because there are no jobs. Their two kids cry at night because they are hungry. Their only hope, they decide, is for Eduardo to try to get to the US, a ballsy and dangerous idea, send money back, and try to figure out how to get Maria and the kids into the US.

So he and Maria scrimp and do without–more without–and lean on relatives to get the money for a pollero to get him across the US border should he get that far. Eduardo sets off hitchhiking, which he has never done, up Central America to the Mexican border where the police or los maras are likely to beat and rob him. Mexico enforces its immigration laws more vigorously than does the US.  He rides the Train of Death, well named, to the US frontier, where he doesn’t know anybody or anything and, if he is not robbed, finds himself in a country whose language he does not speak. Somehow he gets to Kentucky, picks tobacco, and sends money back.

It is not an undertaking for someone who has feathers for balls.

Yes, it is illegal. No, it is not good for the United States. Yes, immigration should be stopped. But–if you were Eduardo, which would matter more to you, your wife and children, or some law in a remote country where, in any event, a lot of people want you to come and work? What would you do? Would it not be irresponsible not to do it?

I will now go into hiding.

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kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
September 1, 2017 9:05 am

Eduardo should have thought about being poor with a wife and children BEFORE he had a wife and children.

Luck has a major influence on all lives – you don’t get the job cuz you weren’t in the social mix; you lost your head cuz you were a Christian in the Middle East; you were born in a place that offered no visible means to increase your standard of living, etc.

This has been the way of the world for a long, long, long time.


Or they could do what we did and just work hard to build a better future for their nation.

September 1, 2017 9:24 am

WORK is a four letter word.

September 1, 2017 9:16 am

“The attitude of Americans who have heard of the war is usually, “Get over it.” Mexicans have not gotten over it. ”

Then settle it once and for all.

Face off again and one side or the other dies with no one on the losing side left to get over it.

That’s the way wars are settled forever with no easily predictable future hostilities involved.

September 1, 2017 9:36 am

It is very much in vogue to bring up past ‘injustices’ (that none of us can do anything about) that somehow justify the other side feeling continually hurt / dysfunctional.

Neegrows and slavery – 150 years and they’re still bitching.
Changing Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. After 100 years the Indians still bitching.
Now Mexicans bitching about a war they lost 200 years ago.

September 1, 2017 9:51 am

Speaking of slavery:

Won’t be hearing the Negro’s bitching about that, though.

September 1, 2017 9:22 pm

Sorry to disappoint, but I’m still complaining about the Civil War, which the South hasn’t fully recovered from yet.

Mike Murray
Mike Murray
September 1, 2017 11:01 am

The history of the world consists of those who are too weak to defend their land and culture having it overrun by others who are not. These “United States” are facing that situation once again, but most of us are too weak and stupid to see it.

September 1, 2017 9:24 am

There is so much bullshit here I don’t know where to start.

I really don’t give a fuck what Mexicans think of the US. If Mexicans were so great they wouldn’t want to leave their country. As far as intelligent – that’s why they hang sheet rock, and wash dishes. And needy children – don’t make ’em if you can’t feed ’em.

It’s a Turd World country.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
September 1, 2017 9:33 am

Fred looks at this issue from the ground level and that’s fine. But looking at it from the top-down, it’s pretty clear that the Elites of Mexico and the US have engineered this “migration” crisis for their benefit, not ours.

The Mexican elite enjoy having a safety valve to the north so they can release the pressure of domestic malcontents. That way, they don’t have to worry about actually increasing wages and living standards in Mexico. It’s a little-known fact that NAFTA since inception has produced very little wage growth in the US, Canada and Mexico. All workers have lost across the Continent and only the Elite have benefitted.

The US Chamber of Commerce types enjoy the low wages brought by unfettered immigration. The Democrats enjoy having a permanently aggrieved minority to support continued government graft. The US middle class is the “bologna in the sandwich”: wages are suppressed, schools and hospitals crowded, kids disadvantaged by affirmative action etc.

Finally, he vastly oversimplifies the feelings of Mexicans toward their central government. As someone who knows so much, Fred surely understands the complexities of Mexican history, the enormous current and historical tension between the Mexico City elites (Zapata came from a southern rural state after all, not the DF; Pancho Villa from the rural north) and the rural populations and the dominance of white/European Mexican elites over indigenous and mixed-race Mexicans. If there’s a current case for affirmative action anywhere in North American, it would be strongest for indigenous Mexican peoples in their own country!

Nothing is funnier than watching the blue-eyed, elitist asshole Jorge Ramos lecture Americans about our treatment of Mexicans. Carlos Slim didn’t buy control over the NY Times on a whim.

Since I’m perhaps the only person of Mexican heritage who comments on this site, I suggest that Fred and his faithful readers look to more obvious explanations for social tension than latent racism or ignorance. Average Americans may not understand US or Mexican history, but they shop, send their kids to school, work, and go to the hospital. The push-back against unfettered immigration has its roots in collective wisdom as much as in nativism.

My grandparents came from rural Yucatan. I assure you they disliked the DF Elites and loved the idea of becoming Americans, which they did. The echo of the famed “Grito de Dolores” had barely died before the Mexican Elites had hijacked the Mexican independence movement. They found it convenient to put up statues for the “ninos heroes” to dupe the rubes into thinking they were fighting Yankee aggression when the real enemy of the Mexican people has always been their domestic elites.

  Captain Willard
September 1, 2017 10:35 am

Great comment Captain. Don’t forget about El Coyote who comments on this site as well. As a conservative American, I wish we could take all of the leftist snowflakes and antifa crowd up in helicopters and let them come down independently. Then replace them with Rosa’s, Eduardo’s and Maria’s, legally. Although it is easier to think in straight lines and broad categories, Fred reminds us there are deeper, more intricate, and complex, threads of humanity involved.

September 1, 2017 11:37 am

Don’t put me in the same category as that coconut Captain Willard. I don’t deny my heritage, I admit it, announce it and advertise it so that folks know who the idiot is that is writing the crap I write. I do not have a stepping stone white wife so you know my comments are mine alone and not trying to justify my lifestyle.

Capt Willy reflects the same anti-government, anti-elitist attitude of the Mexican masses. The Mexican revolution was won by the people and a communist government ruled as the PRI for decades after. Why do you suppose Trotsky sought asylum there?

When Americanos decry Mexicans as ‘wetbacks’ or illegals, they mean us poor people, not the white Mexicans in charge of industry, the media and government. In Mexico, the more brown you are, the more down you are.

That explains why Mexicans love white people. They do. A guy I know and dislike came over illegally. Brought his whole family. Worked in construction. He had been a street kid somewhere in Mexico, an orphan, he didn’t like me because I’m a pocho. Mexicans despise pochos. I saw him years later, big smile on his face but that means nothing as Mexicans have a tendency to express joy in public. Anyway, his daughter married a white kid. It was his ticket to legitimacy. I don’t know that for a fact, but then, I read minds and I know it’s true.

September 1, 2017 1:25 pm

El Coyonymous makes interesting points. But he’s about as pocho as I am gangsta. Deeper, more intricate, and complex, threads of humanity involved fo sure, y’all. Ya feel me? And, yes, plausible deniability is awesome. Ideas shine.

September 1, 2017 3:53 pm

You want papers? I’m from El Paso, as pocho as pocho gets, moran.

September 1, 2017 8:05 pm

Wait. You’re American? But you didn’t vote for Trump. Do you mean El Paso, Mexico?

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
September 1, 2017 10:06 pm

OK, so blacks want to guilt you for their agenda and now you want to slime me with your agenda. Your momma.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
September 1, 2017 11:43 am

We don’t need to get rid of anyone or replace anyone by force. Let’s first get rid of the Welfare State and the Federal Reserve banking cartel. After that, my guess is we will get exactly the number of immigrants we need for the economy and society to grow and function.

  Captain Willard
September 1, 2017 10:11 pm

This attempt, especially the second half…

“Let’s first get rid of the Welfare State and the Federal Reserve banking cartel.”

…will motivate certain people to use force to prevent it. Which renders this…

“We don’t need to get rid of anyone or replace anyone by force.”

…a fantasy dream.

  Captain Willard
September 1, 2017 11:33 am

Well said, sir! I lived in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, for a year while working as a financial advisor for persons of means, among whom was an unacknowledged (by the US investment bank) non-elite individual with whom you may be familiar: Hector “el guero” (sorry, no diacritical mark available) Palma . Two blocks from the building in which I lived, popularly known as “Torre Traficante”, all the squalor you’d ever wish to see was rampant. Carlos Slim, meanwhile, is in reality a Lebanese, hardly an actual Mexican, as you undoubtedly know.

“The push-back against unfettered immigration has its roots in collective wisdom as much as in nativism.” Bingo!

Your comment is perhaps the best I’ve read with respect to the reality of the Mexican migration situation. Fred means well, I believe, but he’s a bit out of his depth with respect to understanding the more subtle nuances of the situation and circumstances. One year of Mexico was enough for me, because I strongly believe that sooner or later things there will have to change big-time, although it’ll likely take longer than I believed way back when. Meanwhile, I still have hopes!

  Captain Willard
September 1, 2017 1:05 pm

Ramos has the green eyes that are frequently seen in people from Chihuahua.
He has that hot girlfriend Chiquinquirá. That’s mostly why I despise him.

  Captain Willard
September 1, 2017 2:58 pm

Wonderful reply, Captain Willard. Those who haven’t spent time south of the border really don’t understand the vast differences not only between the US & Mexico, but each Latin American country which has a different history, different culture, and even a different attitude towards the US.

The “big dogs” in Mexico City (DF) are at least as disliked by many as the Washington elite are here.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 1, 2017 9:39 am

Reed does a great job of explaining why Mexicans feel the way they feel. I don’t fucking care. We stole California from Mexico only a few short years after they stole it from the Indians. We’re just better at stealing. Murica. Does anyone think the American Southwest would be better now if it had been run by Mexico for the last 170 years? People vote with their feet – or try to when there’s no Wall. I don’t see a lot of Americans trying to sneak into Mexico in the middle of the night.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 1, 2017 9:48 am

“People get over things they have done to others more easily than they get over things others have done to them.”

That can only apply to living beings and current events.

Fred must be smoking the cartels finest if he thinks centuries old blood feuds have any validity in the current era.

I give this one a -2

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  hardscrabble farmer
September 1, 2017 10:32 am

Sunni/Shia, Catholic/Protestant (far as I know the Orangemen still march), Muslims against everyone for hundreds of years…? Americans are happy enough to erase history as inconvenient, or better, as a hindrance to corporate consumerism.

When I first moved to Italy, I was invited to a party by our landlady, who lived in a castle. One of her other guests, a lawyer, was bloviating about something and at one point said, “we’ve been here since 1323”, and like a good democratic American I thought to myself, “who the fuck is ‘we’?” It bugs me when people take credit for things for which they aren’t personally responsible. At this party, I also got the stink eye for talking to “the help”, Rosetta, a lady I recognized from the committee that ran the local fair. Anywhoo, more recently I’ve come to envy that gentleman, and Rosetta, because they belong to a place whose history they know intimately; the land doesn’t belong to them so much as they belong to it.

The idea of complete freedom, to reinvent social ties and to create new families wherever one goes… That works in fat times, not so much in lean. In lean times, old wounds will show they haven’t healed and tribal affiliations will become more important for survival. Humans are animals, and animals are territorial.

  hardscrabble farmer
September 1, 2017 11:03 am

Yes HardScrabble.

It’s so stupid for someone to apologize (for events in the past) to someone who was not alive when the events took place.

  hardscrabble farmer
September 1, 2017 11:48 am

Rarely do I disagree with your well-considered observations, but this is one time that I do. With all due respect, I suspect you don’t understand the Latino mindset, given that I imagine you haven’t had sufficient contact with it to do so. Resentment of past wrongs plays an important part in Latino thinking, just as it does with the Irish (among others, e.g., the Jewish people), the former a group to which I belong, as if I’m not mistaken do you as well. Please give some serious consideration to Captain Willard’s comment, one that expresses well the reality (at least as I perceive it) of Mexico’s past and present circumstances.

Unfettered migration is bad for both countries, no denying that, but unless and until Mexico’s circumstances change, and unless and until USA pressure groups are stopped from permitting it, the blame for this situation should be placed on those for whom it’s favorable. If Paco Pueblo weren’t being squeezed in an intolerable manner by the pathologically greedy, perhaps all those subsistence farmers not so terribly different from yourself would likely be content to stay at home.

September 1, 2017 1:00 pm

Resentment of past wrongs plays an important part in Latino thinking

That’s their fucking problem. Bad thought. Better to concentrate about more important things. Then maybe their country wouldn’t be a Turd World, drug infested, corrupt state.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
  hardscrabble farmer
September 1, 2017 12:41 pm

I’m usually right with you, HSF, but not on this one. A quote from an obscure blogger:

“Live and let live,” is, in American mythology, a benevolent and almost uniquely American attitude. We destroyed Japan and Germany in World War II and then helped rebuild them. Live and let live goes down well with the living, the winners. However, it’s often nothing more than balm for an uneasy conscience, hand sanitizer for bloodstained hands. A century and a half later, many Southerners lack this “unique” American attitude towards their conquerers in the War of Northern Aggression.

“Killing Them Is Killing Us,” by Robert Gore.

Killing Them is Killing Us, by Robert Gore

Many Americans are totally clueless about how we are perceived by the rest of the world. Fred’s column provides some enlightenment. It’s going up on SLL tonight. I’ll probably get the same proportion of negative to positive comments as Fred’s getting here on TBP. No matter, the truth sometimes hurts.

  Robert Gore
September 1, 2017 1:11 pm

What is this whiny bullshit about ‘blood on our hands’? Everyone, every race on this planet has been conquered some time or another. The Romans conquered by the Vandals, Saxons warring with the Anglo’s, the Nordic, Genghis Kahn….. the list goes on and on.

I’ll tell you – American’s (and some European’s) get things done. From prestigious universities, medicine, engineering, technology – none of those other pukes in Mexico, Latin America, Africa, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan do a fucking thing. The can’t get their shit together, if anything they are jealous of our accomplishments. If we’re so bad, how come 1/2 the planet wants to be here?

September 1, 2017 4:35 pm

1-2 million immigrants per year out of a world population of 7 and 1/2 billion is not half the planet. Yer brain is bone dry, old man.

  Robert Gore
September 1, 2017 4:10 pm

Robert, I think you misunderstand Hardscrabble’s point. Which is, “we care why?” Altruism will cost you everything you value, if that’s all you got.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
September 1, 2017 4:16 pm

I don’t dispute HSF that it’s often irrational to hold such grudges. My point is that people hold them, and not just Mexicans but some of our own stalwarts from the South.

It would also help Americans understand the world if they realized that there is a lot of bad blood in the world against them. It would at least cut down on the moronic “why do they hate us so?” questions. It never hurts to try to understand the other guy, even if you don’t agree with him.

  Robert Gore
September 1, 2017 4:23 pm

Good point. I don’t have a problem with them holding that grudge, DOWN THERE. But if you want to come here, and become part of the free shit army, your sense of grievance means nothing in my book. At some point, we need to start looking out for ourselves. This idea that we need to give up everything so that everyone in the world is equal it’s just pure socialism. Fuck that. I’m of the opinion, stay home and build your own country. Looking for a better life for you and yours, get busy

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
September 1, 2017 4:58 pm

I have no problem with that.

September 1, 2017 5:09 pm

That, to me, is why getting out of the Paris Climate Accords was so important. Obama and his globalists know that a nationalist U.S.A. presents one of the biggest impediments to their one world government with no nation states. The PCA was just another method of attempting to attain global egalitarianism. The method is to lift third world countries up by bringing down countries like the U.S.A. until we are all equal shitholes filled with 90 IQ mutts. Improve their economies by destroying ours.

  Robert Gore
September 1, 2017 9:37 pm

Robert Gore, that’s correct. People forget, as a Southerner, I’m part of the North’s U.S. by force, when I would prefer my state be outside of the fed gov.
And don’t tell me to move to another country. I love my state and the South. It’s the fed gov that’s the problem.

  Robert Gore
September 2, 2017 3:33 am

RG, you’re absolutely right that many Americans are clueless about how we are perceived overseas. Traveling in most places is one thing. After you live in foreign countries and make friends is when you learn what locals really think about Americans.

Most places were friendly enough if you knew where to avoid but I and my friends passed ourselves off as Canadians a time or two to narrowly avert conflict. Several times each year we had to run the guantlet of Communist or Socialist protestors to get on and off the military base where I went to school. Got stabbed once for *being an American* when taking a shortcut through known anti-American neighborhood to get home late one night.

In England the old timers and a few of their offspring would fawn all over Americans including me (age 27 at the time) and thank us profusely for what we “Yanks” did for them during the war. My father wasn’t even born until WWII got started. I wasn’t even a twinkle in his eye yet and I was being thanked. In remote areas of Spain adults would go out of their way to help Americans in the slightest way while their children would grill you with questions about how awesome it was to live in America. Had a Spanish shop owner in Toledo, Spain insist that my wife and I take several hundred dollars worth of merchandise home with us and pay him by wire transfer when we got home. We said yes and wired the money as soon as we got home. My experiences ran the gamut but were great overall. I’m not sure I’d like to repeat my travels again today.

Plenty of families and clans on this planet hold long term grudges too.

September 1, 2017 10:19 am

I was prompted to read the Monroe Doctrine not long ago. I am fascinated at how unreasonable “history” is at being ignored.

As for the idea of a historical feudal right to Texas, well, the Monroe Doctrine might help with that too. I am fairly positive a few of the Southwest Tribes also have a origin story that includes coming “up” from the underworld (South Central America) through the waters and the center (Central American migration) and into their current land above (Southwestern North America). Origin Myths are interesting things.

Look at this excerpt:

“When, however, President John Tyler used the doctrine in 1842 to justify seizing Texas, a Venezuelan newspaper responded with what would become an increasingly bitter theme throughout Latin America: ‘Beware, brothers, the wolf approaches the lambs.’…”

The next paragraph is how the Monroe Doctrine affected the Civil War.

Strange how Presidential Philosophical Comments become justification for acts of war against other countries.

Fred? My husband and I are getting this place ready for fight or flee. I’ve always wanted to see South America.

September 1, 2017 11:57 am

Hello, Maggie.

I’ve been in SA for 13 years now and have NO regrets, in spite of having to deal with a maddening bureaucracy at times, with high taxes (means available to avoid many), with an excessively “mañana” approach to completing tasks and so on.

Should you decide to make your wish a reality, know that my door is always open to you and your husband. We have similar lifestyles and we need more folks like y’all down here, so whenever you’re ready…!

September 1, 2017 1:29 pm


Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
September 1, 2017 5:09 pm

Depending on your circumstances, New Zealand is also a fantastic place to live… been here since late 2010.

September 1, 2017 10:34 am

Yup, I give intelligent Mexicans more credit than I give the liberal/progressives who are so easily worked up over statues and words.

Mexicans forget their history? I hope they never do.
Hold a grudge against present day Americans for something no one alive today was responsible for? Maybe a small few.

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
September 1, 2017 11:04 am


Here’s some advice…. stay down south with your greasy, rapist, drug-dealing taco-benders please.
We don’t need more criminals and welfare cheats in this country.

  Shinmen Takezo
September 1, 2017 11:47 am

Yeah, what Taketo said, this country is full of criminals and welfare cheats.

September 1, 2017 11:19 am

The main problems with Mexican / South American immigration is that most of them come to America and vote for the same socialist shit that ruined their own countries.They do this over and over never learning anything from their own history thus turning America into the same third world shit hole from which they just left. Another problem is that many go straight into the welfare racket becoming a burden on the rest of society.Why should I or any of us pay taxes to support people who are in our country illegally.

September 1, 2017 11:54 am

This is our dog, said the tick, why should we let fleas come over to bleed our dog dry? We’ve been here since he was born, practically. My grandparents and their grandparents lived on this dog and made it what it is today. We don’t need the diversity that fleas bring, nor their diseases. They should go back to their own mangey dog.

Sorry, Maggita

September 1, 2017 1:31 pm

Who are you calling a tick?

September 1, 2017 12:08 pm

Well, Beeb, I think you have a point, although you might want to learn a bit more about SA in particular. No illegals should be supported, you’ve got that 100% right. Where you go wrong, imho, is that all of SA is “third world shit hole” territory, ’cause it ain’t. Some of it is, sure, but so is a fair piece of the USA. I lived for a spell in Madison County, NC, and some of what I saw qualified as third world, which having lived for a longer spell in Africa and having sen a lot of the world, well…

SA is waking up from the false promises of socialism and the still-deluded will likely emigrate to the USA unless y’all grow the balls to stop ’em. Down here, we’re happy to see ’em go!

September 1, 2017 12:32 pm

I married a Colombian and have visited several places in Colombia as well as Mendoza, Argentina. What I have found, mostly, are beautiful places with rich history and warm, friendly people. Now, granted, I spent most of the time with my wife’s friends–to whom I am only half-gringo.

I have always spoken out against a wall, in favor of turning of the free shit spigot. If there is something people desperately want on the other side of any wall they will always find a way over, under, around or through it. The people most harmed by illegal immigration are the people trying to immigrate legally–the system is so cluttered with dealing with illegals trying to do it the right way is often a fucking nightmare.

My daughter (just turned 1) is learning Spanish and English, period. (Which of course means I’m going to have learn Spanish). I have no idea what the world may look like when she is a grown woman, but I can think of no knowledge that is better left unknown. I certainly wish I would have learned Spanish when I was young and learning a language was much easier.

September 1, 2017 2:05 pm

Ah, Colombia! First went there in ’66, made friends in La Guajira with whom I’m still in contact, at least those who are still alive. I returned in ´9o and again in ’93, thanks to the investment bank with which I worked, recruiting clients among others by the noveau riche, who made their money by earning it feeding the decadent habits of the decadent gringos who look down upon them. I’m a gringo myself, puro y duro, but I like to believe I’ve learned a thing or two along the way, among which was a language spoken by a growing part of the Western hemisphere. The “white” nationalists imho just don’t get it: either we unite with the Latinos or we’re doomed to be overwhelmed by the East. Our job is to educate and concentrate upon our fellow Westerners to the South, our hemispheric allies, fellow Christians and blood brothers to a greater degree than most “gringos” can imagine.

Your daughter and other children whom you may have will live with this reality: so must you. “Whites” like ourselves must recognize that the WASPS have condemned themselves to irrelevance in the world that they have permitted to evolve by reason of their misplaced belief in their well-earned but now obsolete vision of an eternal superiority that has for all practical purposes surrendered to a globalist policy that will be very, very hard to arrest. Become bilingual, but defend and promote our culture to make our descendants defenders of it for as long as we live.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 1, 2017 2:21 pm

$20B for the wall is fucking peanuts. Less than two days’ federal spending. Even if walls didn’t work – and they do – it’d be worth building just to show our resolve. Most of the people claiming the wall won’t work are really worried that it will.

  Iska Waran
September 1, 2017 3:22 pm

We’re going to need that and more for Houston and maybe Miami.
Iska Heaven will have to wait.

September 1, 2017 4:13 pm

Trajectory on that storm is too high. it goes out to the sea east of us. Curls right up around the Bermuda High, like always

  Iska Waran
September 1, 2017 10:54 pm

Lots cheaper and more effective would be shoot on sight orders. You have a right, an obligation even, to protect your nation’s borders. Being too precious and politically correct to enforce a basic obligation is beyond my understanding.

September 1, 2017 1:14 pm

SA is waking up from the false promises of socialism

Yeah, like Venezuela.

September 1, 2017 2:17 pm

Ecuador is splitting off from the Venezuela nonsense, Argentina has done so, Paraguay has done so, Colombia has done so… Pardon me, sir, but my guess is you know very little about what goes on down here. This is a large continent about which I’d venture to guess you are bone ignorant; if I’m wrong, I apologize in advance.

The Monroe Doctrine was a wise move. It’d be nice to see it enforced before the Chinese outmaneuver the USA once more, given the US indifference toward its most important potential partner.

Most of SA is on the upswing, something I doubt most would say of the USA.

September 1, 2017 12:01 pm

I visited a community of Mexican migrant workers, all native people.
The squalor was revolting: broken sanitation facilities meaning one outhouse served everybody, and human excrement littered the outside perimeter; one water source at a communal small tub, where babies and children were bathed, clothes were laundered, and dishes were washed; living accommodations had only cutouts for doors and windows; many barefoot raggedy children ran around and mothers of babies appeared to be about 15. The men worked long backbreaking days in the fields and arrived home as darkness was falling. This operation was the responsibility of a large agricultural concern.

I know there are worse-off in Mexico, the people who survive off the pickings at dumps, who would find the life at the place described above as luxurious.

For a country with such a “rich intellectual tradition,” plenty of resources, the ability to feed itself, seaports, and a booming tourism industry, I find little to feel guilty about, despite Fred’s arguments. Besides, he needs to chill. The southwest states are at least half Latino now. Mexicans should be grateful to the gringos who enforce immigration laws (wink, wink).

The problem they have is rooted in the same reason tent cities and wandering homeless are becoming a fixture in our country: a corrupt elite who enrich themselves at the expense of the vitality of a whole society. As it has always been, so it will always be.

September 1, 2017 12:45 pm

It was unclear from the beginning that the place you described is a migrant worker farm. Things haven’t changed much from the days of the great depression. At that time, the workers were white.

The farmers also tried other nationals but they found docile workers in Mexicans. Mexicans have been bred over the centuries since Columbus to work like slaves. If you look at Diego Rivera’s murals, that is how he paints Mexicans. Gabriel Vargas, the cartoonist who created the comic La Familia Burron, said that Mexicans are burros, dumb workers who know little else.

I read somewhere that the word nice used to mean fool. The saying, nice guys finish last would mean that fools finish last. This interpretation is supported by the spanish meme: los vivos viven de los mensos – the shrewd live off the fools. A lot of Mexicans are mensos, dumbasses, but they know how to work hard, it’s almost all they know. A lot of Mexicans are vivos, shrewd, they find ways to avoid working like a fool.

September 1, 2017 1:01 pm

” …. and Trump’s asserting that they are rapists and what all …” from the article

This piece from Fred is overall so intellectually dishonest that one hardly knows where to start. Probably not even worth it as others have already pointed out much of his bullshit.

Just one more example is the above quote. Now, I KNOW that Fred is a smart guy. Therefore, I KNOW that HE knows that what he wrote is pure unadulterated horseshit. …. making it seem like Trump is referring to all Mexicans, when clearly Trump is talking only about the subset of Mexicans who ARE criminals, etc.

I’ve noticed that many of Fred’s lengthy articles, such as this one, are difficult to read due to all his erroneous thinking. I think Fred is great …. in small doses.

September 1, 2017 1:17 pm

Everybody has fallen into some writer’s pit once or twice. I got tired of the Texas-centric view of Texans long ago. Fred may be thus afflicted due to his environment.

While you defend Trump’s very specific charge, lots of listeners heard that all Mexicans are rapists.
While you are busy pointing the finger, the Hebdo cover paints all Americans as neo-Nazis.

September 1, 2017 1:22 pm

” Nor does memory of the conquest arouse sympathy about immigration–or, as Mexicans see it, emigration. It explains the occasionally heard phrase, “La Reconquista.” ——- Fred

Moar Bullshit!! Let me tell you about this immigrant “memory” thing …. it’s purely a tool used by immigrants to make people of the host nation feel guilty, and to extort free shit from them.

As a first generation Austrian immigrant I can assure you I know what I’m talking about. It works like this. When we first came to this country I truly identified more with my German heritage than American. What quickly comes to mind are TV shows like Hogans Heroes which depicted Germans as morons, or Rat Patrol and Combat where the general principle was that one American could wipe out an entire German battalion, inept as fucken Germans were portrayed. I always cheered for the German National Soccer team whenever they played the Americans. I could go on for several paragraphs but, that’s generally how it happened in the beginning .

Then, time happened.

I no longer give a shit about movies like Fury — where a 5 man tank crew defeats half the German army. Puhlease, how boringly predictable. Me and my dad are no longer German-cars-are-better snobs. I cheer for American soccer.

And, I surely no longer give a flying fuck about this memory thing Fred harps on. Sure, I appreciate and want to know about my heritage, and I even value it but not at the expense of America … for I am AMERICAN through and through!


Yet, these Mexicans living here want to go back to the 1800s??? Guilt. Extortion.

Blow me Fred, I ain’t falling for it.

September 1, 2017 1:44 pm

Yep Fred is just a snowflake with a sombrero.

September 1, 2017 4:48 pm

What’s the appropriate devastatingly denigrating label for you, one that will reduce your ego to a blob of mucus, Canuckie Rob, most of your compadres tend to make it big over here on a smidgen of talent.

September 1, 2017 5:04 pm

Geeze someone got triggered! Devastatingly denigrating label.

First of all I have to presume that you consider my label as being Devastatingly denigrating. So around here that is a complement! So thanks! You’re a peach!
Secondly you should get a handle so that I know who I am insulting. Fair is fair. So grab a pen, a pencil, or in your case a crayon and work on a handle.

[imgcomment image[/img]

I will help you with a few suggestions….

nah.. on second thought I am going to pass.

As for me insulting me get a hold of beebs. He has quite the repertoire of insults that he hurls my way every once in a while.

September 1, 2017 1:36 pm

Mexico has been overrun by the drug cartels. It used to be that the only people that wanted to come to America from there were the poor people that lived in shit-hole towns and were looking for a better life. If a person wants to assimilate, learn english, work hard, and not get on the welfare dime, more power to them. Unfortunately too many of the criminal element also wants their piece of the pie.

Now we have a large criminal element including MS13, 18th St Gang, Latin Kings, and many others. The La Raza followers wave Mexican flags and in spite of claiming to come here for a better life want to change things to be more like Mexico. If it is so great, why even come here to fight for a change that they already had?

My Grandparents came up from Mexico around 1912, worked hard, became productive citizens, and loved their community and town. That is the way it is supposed to be done and if it was, we wouldn’t be in this situation.

There are plenty of resources in Mexico that should support their population. It is the socialist ideas of the political class that makes it impossible. America isn’t Mexico’s welfare office and I don’t care about a war from 150 years ago, what annoys Mexicans, or trying to understand Mexican attitudes according to Fred. It’s Fred’s condescending attitude that deserve contempt.

September 1, 2017 2:28 pm

Hey, Tony, I thought Capt Coconut was the only Hispanic here.
I suspect there are more of us here but, as usual, we are undercover lest the migra.

September 1, 2017 1:38 pm

“But–if you were Eduardo, which would matter more to you, your wife and children, or some law in a remote country where, in any event, a lot of people want you to come and work? What would you do?” —–Fred

Well, Fred, thanks for asking. You’re just terrific and made a terrific observation.

1. In the first place, I would NOT start my stay in the new country by breaking the law . I would come here legally, or not at all.

2. Once here, I would learn English as quickly as humanly possible. I would never burden companies in the host country to overhaul their entire fucken telephone industry (“Press 1 for Eenglish”), or expect Spanish only classes in the public shools, etc etc.

3. I wouldn’t piss all over the host country’s culture … such as spitting on the flag, and threatening to take Texas back. I would learn respect. I’d do my best to assimilate.

4. I sure as fuck wouldn’t accept free shit that I didn’t earn. I’d show a little pride … not a hand stuck out.

How about that Fred?

September 1, 2017 2:54 pm

OMG, Stucky is triggered, calm down old man, Fred is talking about Mexican emotions not cold-blooded Austrians. Sheesh. Nice rant!

Mexicans love their women – Pangloss’ old lady

The sexy mulatta’s birthday is coming up. I’d like to dedicate a song to her.

The lady is my wife

The light that illuminates my mornings
When I awaken you come in thru my window
In the form of the sun

The prettiest flower of springtime
I’d like to show off to the world
All of this love

The governess of my emotions
The perfect muse for all my songs
Oxygen for my lungs

Because of you
The miracle I awaited all this time
Your touch can lift me up to heaven
It’s your arms that give me comfort

Because of you
The most beautiful prayer, you must know
Because of you I keep my faith
Proudly I proclaim to everybody
The lady is my wife

Repeat last two parts

September 1, 2017 3:16 pm

Banda: Oh, pleeeze! A mix of ranchero and oom-paa polka? Lawrence Welk on psilocybin with a couple of hits of mescal? Please tell me you’re joking!

If we’re going to give the gringos a taste of Mex music (banda is very sinaloense), let’s go with Ana Gabriel:


Por mejicana que sea, canta como asturiana! Te dejo con la canción de un “revoluconariu”:

September 1, 2017 3:30 pm

Monte -Cada loco con su tema. Haya tu con esa Ana Gabriel.
Nadie como Dulce, pero mi amor sigue siendo para Isabel Pantoja.
Despues de la Epoca de Oro, puros nacos empezando con Juan Gabriel
y para cerrar con broche de oro, Jenny Rivera. Odiosos nacos!

Pero que recuerdos!

Oye, Cervantes tiene una Asturiana en la fonda. Mirando los ejemplos, la India Maria habla ese tipo de idioma que senala su educacion rustica, como la de mi abuela.

September 1, 2017 4:45 pm

La Pantoja, antes vecina mía en Sevilla! Coño!

Lo de los narcocantantes del norte, pues, no es música sino una suerte de rap, nada más que canciones lumpen. Recomiendo por ejemplo, escuchas a Lola Betrán:

o hasta

No es para despreciar a la “educación rústica” como dices tú. Tu abuela era mujer de su época, y que Dios le bendiga. La influencia asturiana sigue en Sinaloa, o al menos seguió hace 20 años, cuando me fui de esa tierra apreciada pero aparentamente condenada a la desgracia por lo que sabes sigue ocuriendo.

La Gabriel tenía y tiene una voz emblemática de Sinaloa a mi apreciaión. La “norteña” es una aberración.

September 1, 2017 5:06 pm

Es que fui a Honduras y dije a uno, ‘me trasquilo’.
Me dijo, hablas como los viejos.
Me sorprendio que el idioma de mi abuela y palabras como esa, son de origen Asturias.
Sabia que unas palabras que usamos son arabes pero no sabia que vienen de esa region.

Mi impresion siempre fue que el español de el nuevo mundo es antiguo por ser heredado de los conquistadores.

Lola Beltran, Los Panchos, esos son de los tiempos de mis padres.

September 1, 2017 6:52 pm


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
September 1, 2017 6:49 pm

Stuck, all of those are good points but the fault is ours. We allowed it to happen we didn’t force them do what they should have on their own.
We did nothing when the progressives demanded a multi-linguel society, welfare for illegals, etc.

We are like parents who’s kids have run amuck because they never had to obey any rules.
Now they are totally out of control teenagers too big to discipline but the authorities won’t help because they “haven’t broken a law yet”. But if you smack them down you will go to jail.
Am I making sense?
It creeped up on us and by the time we realized how bad it is..well it’s really bad.
Ok now the beating may commence.

  Mary Christine
September 1, 2017 6:58 pm

I see what you are saying and second it.

My son is in his final year of engineering school. Is either Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering. He takes care of his own business now that he’s a young man and I’m proud of him. I’m also sure I could manage his diet for him better, which is why he has banned me from bringing him food.

I managed to raise a somewhat independent kid. But, trust me… with my tendency to mother and hover, the credit is mostly due to my Nick. Boys need fathers.

Uh oh. I’m sure that will need to be modified.

The Romulan
The Romulan
September 2, 2017 4:38 am

Bravo, Stucky. Well said.

As for immigrants, screw that. America should be closed. We don’t even have enough good jobs for our own, so never mind importing people to depress wages. Pelosi and Ryan can hire American gardeners and maids. Furthermore, I HATE people who jump the line. No one who is not a legal citizen should be allowed ANY of our goodies, including schooling, and anyone/any companies who hire illegals should be fined $100,000 per illegal. That would take care of that. I wish we could get rid of the “anchor baby” issue but that’s a law that will never be changed, unfortunately.

Plus I’m tired of the whining about the past wars and such. Slavery ended in the 1860s. No former slaves are still alive, nor are any former slaveholders. Mexico lost before that. How long do you keep bitching? Speaking of the 1860s, this goes for the South too. I don’t care about the statues or flags, but you lost over 150 years ago, so shaddup about it already.

September 1, 2017 3:21 pm

I’d like to start writing posts about South America and how we live down here. Is there any interest in such? If so, please let me know. If there is and Mr Q approves, I’ll take a shot at it. I sincerely believe that it’d be worth the effort in spite of the fact that I’ve never written anything without being paid for it. That’s how much I appreciate this community.

September 1, 2017 4:21 pm

Thank you, sir. I’ll do so. I may not be a Fourth Turning believer, but I’ve been following your site for many years and do believe that it’s one of the best–and my favorite– site on all the web. Your work is outstanding and you’ve drawn a wonderful group of commenters. I’d be pleased and proud to toss into the mix my grain of sand. Don’t know if my ideas will resonate, but I’d be glad to give it a shot. As a USA born and bred foreign national (Ireland) and permanent bilingual resident of Argentina, I’d like to contribute ideas I have as to how SA has more importance to the USA than I believe many up your way understand.

Thanks for offering the opportunity!

September 1, 2017 4:49 pm

I’d love to hear about life down there. Be awesome to get a birds eye view from the ground.

September 2, 2017 7:14 am

Add me to the list of folks who would love to see Montefrio articles!

(In English please.) ?

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
September 1, 2017 5:15 pm

Yes, please do! Uruguay is a country I was seriously considering along with New Zealand which is where we ended up!

September 1, 2017 7:00 pm

Definitely. I am serious.

September 1, 2017 3:33 pm

“I don’t see a lot of Americans trying to sneak into Mexico in the middle of the night.”

What more needs to be said! Checkmate!

September 1, 2017 4:11 pm

You checkmate with that silly remark?
If they are sneaking in, by extension, you shouldn’t see them.
Monte’s term ‘bone ignernt’ applies to you, Diogeneric.

September 1, 2017 4:50 pm

I don’t see a lot of Americans trying to sneak into Mexico in the middle of the night.

Just criminals…. just sayin’


September 1, 2017 4:22 pm

Mr. Montefrio,
I have been considering moving to South American for several years. Been mostly a pipe dream, but finally decided to do it if I can. Looking for suggestions as to how to search for a good spot to settle.

Paraguay, especially the eastern part, seemed attractive, but I have started to think about other countries, like Bolivia, and maybe Columbia. I am more of a rural/small town person, so big cities do not appeal.

I know a little Spanish and a little German. Plan to use language training CD’s on my computer during the next year to boost my proficiency in both languages. Why German? I think I can become proficient in German faster, and may fit better with rural German colonies in SA.

Maybe travel around and get a feel for each country?

September 1, 2017 7:01 pm

I’d LOVE to see this response.

September 2, 2017 11:51 am

Your wish is granted!

September 2, 2017 11:50 am

First, thanks to all who’ve expressed interest in leaning more about the big continent down south. I’m late in responding because my lady friend showed up unexpectedly and we went out to dinner.

Max, I don’t like to be a wet blanket, but I strongly urge you to avoid eastern Paraguay and Bolivia. Colombia, on the other hand, has made great strides in making the country a more livable place.

Learn Spanish! German is fine in certain parts of Entre Ríos province in Argentina and in southern Chile, but its falling out of use everywhere.

I live in a rural area of central Argentina (Córdoba province) and on the other side of the sierra, there’s a village called Villa General Belgrano that has an Oktoberfest, given that it was settled by among others survivors of the Graf Spee after WW II. Nearby La Cumbresita was settled largely by Swiss. This region has a delightful and temperate climate, is apt for home food-growing, but is rapidly becoming very high-priced thanks largely to emigration from the Buenos Aires metroplex.

Chile (particularly the south) is becoming a destination of choice for expats, but it has a cool-to-cold damp climate that doesn’t appeal to me. Another growing favorite is the hill country of Ecuador. Last on the list is semi-rural Perú, a place I know well, but culture shock might be a bit much there. Uruguay is another popular choice and it’s pleasant enough.

Travel around and get a feel for places is a must! Now that I’m beginning to get an understanding of what may be of interest to some members of the TBP community, I’ll try to write about various places in greater detail, along with my personal ponitificating (of course!) about history, politics, peculiarities and such.

September 1, 2017 5:17 pm

Fred needs a banana shoved in his tailpipe.

September 1, 2017 7:24 pm

Mexico and the US had a war. Mexico lost. They signed a treaty granting land to the US for payment. Yes, they SHOULD get over it, unless they want to fight the war again. We can drop a nuke on Mexico City, see how they feel about that.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
September 1, 2017 10:14 pm

Kill and Destroy is back at it, now it’s a bigger bunch, the death of migrants wasn’t enough for this bloodthirsty American.Yeah, nuke everybody, that’s the ticket. I’m surprised Trump hasn’t called you up yet.

September 2, 2017 7:36 am

The Romulan

Thank you for the kind words. Now … let me disagree with you on just a couple of points … slightly.

1. I don’t think closing the door on immigration is a good thing. Immigrants from all over the world have made many tremendous contributions to America from our inception to the present time. We ought to continue seeking out the best and brightest the world has to offer …. especially in the STEM fields, but the arts also This benefits all Americans. What we NO LONGER need (although we did in the past) are boatloads upon boatloads of unskilled people.

2. Current anchor babies get to stay. What are we to do with a 5 heal old who is now 18 years old? Send them back? OK … to what, or where? This is really the only country they have ever known. Born on different soil, sure …. but American in every other sense. Bottom line; we ought not to punish children for the sins of their parents.

Please think about it. Thanks.

September 2, 2017 8:44 am

“5 heal old” should be “5 year old”

Damned autocorrect on this tablet!!!

September 4, 2017 10:29 am

Thanks for responding to my questions. I will accept your informed judgment as to the best places to relocate, and the ones to avoid. A person like yourself, who came in from the outside, usually has an unbiased prospective, unlike a native who sees the world through the lens of his own culture. So, I am trying to get information from people who have relocated successfully to South America. My current idea is to contact any satisfied transplant who posts on the internet sites I read.

Some of the worst mistakes of my life were not listening to advice from knowledgeable people. Other bad mistakes were from jumping into something without thorough evaluation. I would fall in love with an idea, and see what I wanted to see, instead of what was actually there to see for anyone with his eyes open.

Perhaps you could write a post, going into some detail as to why some countries are better places to relocate, and why some are not. For instance, I am curious as to why Paraguay or Bolivia are to be avoided. For private communication, for an opinion that you don’t want to publish to the whole world, you can ask the administrator for my email address.

Once I am settled in the place I like, I plan to think of myself as a local, not a relocated Norte Americano. Speak Spanish exclusively, even if poorly at first. Something that seems to work wonders is to say, “Lo siento, senor, me Espanol es no muy bueno.” Even considering changing my name to something Spanish.

I need to find a place that is not too expensive, a small village or rural area where I can buy a few acres, build an adobe house, plant a small orchard or grove for longterm income, and a garden for food. A temperate climate ranging to cold in winter works for me. Hot temperatures, especially combined with humidity makes me suffer too much. I can work outside when the temperature is well below freezing, but can’t handle hot, humid conditions.

Hey, I just had an idea!! How bout you write a series of posts on relocating to SA, then collect them into a book you can publish. Each post becomes a chapter in the book. Make some money off helping others. Do well by doing good.