Absentee Strangers

Guest Post by The Zman

Walking through the residential neighborhoods of Bethesda, where many of our managerial class luminaries live, it is common to see little brown men working the business end of a leaf blower. Over many years, I’ve never spotted a black working on one of these landscaping crews. In fact, I’ve never spotted a college boy doing this sort of work either. It is always Atahualpa and his men. Today, even the Conquistador Americans prefer to have Amerinds raking their lawns, rather than Americans.

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The other thing I’ve noticed is that the housekeepers and nannies are never black or white. Instead, you see East Asian nannies and Mexican housekeepers. The housekeepers don’t look like Incas. They look like the Cholo girls, but paunchy and middle-aged. The nannies are mostly Koreans, but there is an increasing number of Chinese. The hunch here is the subconscious math of crime is at work. Asian women are considered the safest so they can be trusted with kids.

I have this theory that some of what drives this desire for Amerind labor and Asian servants is a weird manifestation of white guilt. A crew of blacks, singing spirituals, while raking leaves would set off mass panic is a place like Bethesda. A thick black women, kitted out like Mammy, dotting on the youngins, would probably kill the typical SWPL in Cloud Country. Ruling class whites simply have no will to face up to the reality of black America, so they systematically exclude it from their lives, with the use of foreigners.

This denial of reality also would explain the lack of whites working as domestics. There are plenty of unemployed white girls who could be trained to clean houses and tend to small children. The same is true for landscaping and residential work. The presence of working class whites, however, would fill the Cloud People with angst. It would be a daily reminder that for all but the grace of the void where God used to exist, that could be the life of the lady of the house. Who needs to be reminded of class reality in their own home!

I was reminded of this when I saw this Noah Millman post on the American Conservative website. It’s a post about the death of free speech in India, of all places. The idea that speech was ever open in India, or anywhere outside the English speaking world, is ludicrous on its face. It’s just another example of the blinkered universalism that prevents our elites from understanding much about the world. The point of the post is that free speech is under assault, even in bastions of liberalism like India.

I looked for his twitter feed, but came up empty. I was going to suggest he perform the same analysis on another foreign country, by delving into the tech giant’s efforts to suppress political speech in America. While the snake charmers and call center staffers in Tamil Nadu are important, most readers of Millman care more about what’s happening in civilization. Exactly nothing changes about the world if Indians lose whatever civil liberties they enjoy at the moment. It does matter if the lights go out in the West.

It is much easier to be pious and self-righteous about the world when you focus on problems beyond the horizon. You get to fret over the state of civil liberties in a place like India, without ever being expected to do anything about it. Of course, criticizing some foreign potentate brings no risk. Millman writing a broadside against the Washington Post’s proselytizing for Progressive causes risks future employment. Going after Google for sand-boxing alt-right videos is a bit too dangerous, so he focuses on the foreign.

This deliberate self-alienation by our elites is probably what drives their zeal for open borders. Those Cloud People in their seven figure homes don’t know any working class whites. They’ve never met a man who makes a living driving a truck or running a tow motor in a warehouse. They do know Garbonzo, the guy they see cutting their grass in the summer. Their kid’s Korean nanny, whose daughter plays the flute, is someone they know and bond with across class lines. The Dirt People, on the other hand, are strangers.

This would also explain why our political class has such a tin ear about economics. The Cloud People think smoke stacks and industrial parks are ugly. They think office parks are ugly, which is why they are building their compounds to look like the college campus or the lair of a super villain. Logically, they just assume that getting rid of these hideous eyesores is what everyone wants. The fact that it results in the white working class falling to pieces goes unnoticed. It’s how this guy is considered an expert on the working class.

Our modern form of  bureaucratic capitalism, which tries to bend the marketplace to the whims of the central planners, may end up having a defect similar to what plagued English authority in Ireland. Prior to the Irish Land Acts, the bulk of Irish farmland was owned by English landlords, who did not live in Ireland. Therefore, they had no stake in the local economy, beyond what they could extract. The result was that Ireland was a net exporter of food during the Irish Famine. This system is largely blamed for The Troubles.

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carnac the insignificant
carnac the insignificant
September 13, 2017 7:41 am

Meh. Never seen a black landscaper . Ever . Always white or mexican. Women who shit kids for a living dont take care of their own kids, much less anyone elses. Asian women are ambitious hard workers. Black women are not. Mammy no longer exists. Author is a bit of a cloudperson also. Little white girls feel entitled to something better. People who will do the work, those are the ones who get the work. Because they will do it. Has nothing to do with the employer, and everything to do with the people who are willing to do the job. Merry maids is almost entirely white women. More regular and structured cleaning job attracts middle aged women. Live a little more, judge a little less, and observe.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  carnac the insignificant
September 13, 2017 9:25 am

I don’t think his point is that Mexicans are crowding blacks out of the landscaping business, but that white “cloud people” are glad they don’t have to hire blacks, since it would make them uncomfortable. To test his theory, there’d have to be some black landscapers trying to drum up business, and – as you point out – there aren’t any (and won’t be).

September 13, 2017 8:19 am

Where would a black kid even learn what a rake is or what it’s for? Even if you showed them they’d dismiss it out of hand. White liberals ruined black people.

I don’t know why Americans think they’re too good for some of these jobs. I’ve been a landscaper. If you hustle you can do quite well. If you’re a go-getter you can start your own biz and do really well.

I’m paying a 16 year old kid in the Boise area to take care of the routine landscaping needs at my parents home before I sell it. I was his first customer and now he’s got about ten more.

September 13, 2017 9:03 am

In the urban grade school, the teacher was showing the children common gardening tools.

For the test, she held up a tool, and said: “Mary what is this called?” Mary responded: “A hoe”.

With that little Rufus replied: “Hey, my sista, she’s a hoe, an she shore don’t look like that.”

September 13, 2017 8:35 pm

IS, howz the Ozone Generator business going?

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 13, 2017 8:21 am

Wealthy whites regardless of how they reached their status in life are not operating businesses where they hire blue collar skilled people . They do however invest in industries and fund political campaigns that diminish or destroy the white blue collar middle class and what was the emerging black middle class . Government jobs brought forth to bolster the minority population and boost those numbers into the middle class are now bankrupting the nation . In the combined infinite wisdom of the liberal mind and the conservitive investor class these actions have had a cascading effect . Take home pay won’t take people home anymore and the blue collar union wages are not paid to Manuel the landscaper or your maid . Domestic help brought in thru some bull shit visa plan or illegally is the only way the wealthy will get “THE HELP” on the cheap and not end up with spit in their food or pee in their pool ! The wealthy have overplayed their hand in America and the importation of cheap labor is the last straw . Even bull shit wars and conflicts won’t cover up this mess the combined efforts have created . Those efforts have only made things worse and the chickens are coming home to roost . Real privileged people should be afraid especially those who where born on third base and strut about like they hit a home run . The people that watched their parents and grandparents sweat and toil building a future for themselves and family will not settle for that minimum wage and work 3 jobs to get by . This is the generation that saw everything their elder family members work for evaporate . Many will put up with the indignities of servitude forced upon them but most will wait it out and eat the privileged classes left or right a new ass .

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 13, 2017 8:43 am

I know two women up here who were cleaning people’s toilets three years ago. Now they have 30 employees making very good wages and have gross sales of about 3.5 million annually taking care of people’s homes.

Hard work, honesty, diligence and a respect for the privacy of their clients has made them very successful. There are no Mexicans up here to hire so their entire staff looks like something out of a J.Crew catalog.

I am very proud to be considered a “dirt person” by those who consider themselves “cloud people” because it ensures that they keep their distance.

This world today is so polluted with falsehoods- jobs Americans won’t do, for example- that very few people are able to discern what is true or authentic any longer. It is a society whose very foundation rests upon rank hypocrisies and fabulist fantasies and one day in the not too distant future it will have to atone for its errors.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
  hardscrabble farmer
September 13, 2017 2:07 pm

You are full of shit . The cleaning service is not paying $35 bucks per hour with another $30 per hour paying for health and retirement benefits and that’s what it cost to do the dirty handy work in America and thrive . You can start a business pay shit wages no benefits and some desperate people will put up with your shit it you will not have loyal concienous people that give a flying fuck about you or your dead end job .

  Boat Guy
September 13, 2017 2:56 pm

We’re probably subsidizing that payroll with food stamps, section 8 housing, free school lunches for their kids, etc. Whenever you hear vague terms like “very good wages” they are hiding something.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Boat Guy
September 13, 2017 5:59 pm

U mad, bro?

I’m a lot of things, but full of shit isn’t one of them.

I assume from what you posted you believe people need to earn the equivalent of $65 an hour to have a “very good wage”. That’s a 135K a year without an hour of overtime. You must live in Tokyo or Palo Alto, but around here a person can do very well on substantially less, especially if they have more than one income earner in the family or several ways of mitigating other costs- like growing some of their own food, producing some of their own energy, living within their means, etc.

It does help to explain the disconnect so many people feel from the perceived reality of those who constantly agitate for entitlements and those who live great lives providing for themselves. It also illuminates the simmering hostility that flows throughout our culture between those who provide for themselves and those who expect the world to be handed to them on a silver platter…

  hardscrabble farmer
September 13, 2017 7:17 pm

So what are they earning per hour?

September 13, 2017 8:18 pm

Hmmm, 3.5mil / 30 employees = over 100k each, before expenses and taxes… so yeah, I’d say they are doing pretty well

September 13, 2017 9:49 pm

The company is grossing $3.5 million. Why are you presuming the 30 employees are each getting 1/30 of the gross?

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
  hardscrabble farmer
September 13, 2017 10:44 pm

Not mad just angry when I hear urban legends of success that I am certain the facts are truly hidden under a false front . Like the plumbing contractor that inherited the building the business leases and he shows his people his W-2 that he only makes a modest amount more than his best mechanics . Turns out his wife rents the building to the business for $300,000 a year . So there are no raises or bonuses just the bull shit line Hey Guys we are a team and we are going to be ok but we all got to hustle . Or the 2 companies where the owners Mom and wife are on the payroll but only work from home or the ocean front condo in the summer and again just squeaking by . I don’t know where you live but get your calculator out and take that $65 per hour multiply times forty hours and multiply times 52 and now take 28% away then put money away for kids college retirement mortgage health insurence etc … Yes you would barely be holding on to a middle class life . Remember private employers rarely fund health or retirement the employee does on shrinking wages yet the private worker is expected to fund health and retirement for government employees while the private employee gets bent over a barrel

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
  hardscrabble farmer
September 13, 2017 11:01 pm

Employees were at one time skilled assets and paid and treated as such but now it’s a Dixie. Up mentality as for the silver platter I earned mine all the way . Today’s job market is not that lucrative and anybody with some serious abilities to see who what and where and why things are going the way they are for our young people in the job markets it’s not a promising future for them for us or our nation and my friend growing your own food is a quaint idea but how much could you supply before you would be taxed out of your property . Things are fixable but it requires drastic measures that no side wants to consider !

September 13, 2017 9:58 am

When I was a kid back in the fifties I made spending money mowing neighbors’ grass. The lawn mowers of the time could be dangerous if you were really stupid, but I don’t know anyone who was ever hurt. Then along came all the laws to protect people from themselves and “child” labor laws and pretty soon no one could take the risk of hiring a kid to mow his grass for fear of a lawsuit. Children were thus cut off from both learning to work and a source of money. That was three generations ago. We are reaping what we sowed.

September 13, 2017 1:31 pm

My fifth grade teacher (around 1970) had some fingers amputated by a lawnmower, I’m sure because she did something stupid. She was black. The beginning and the end of the black middle class…

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 13, 2017 10:41 am

Landscaping services are a huge industry here in Modor on the Potomac land. Literally hundreds of companies doing both residential and business park grounds work.

Where I live there are oak trees everywhere and I have to rake at least 4 times in Nov-Dec, and I only have a 1/4 acre lot.

One of those crews stopped by and offered to rake and bag my yard for $200. I told them to get lost.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
September 13, 2017 10:51 am

I think Zman is overthinking this issue a bit. The reasons non-whites get hired for domestic jobs like landscaping and housecleaning and taking care of children is that they work harder and they don’t sue you for violating some bullshit labor law.

I will always hire a Mexican to cut my grass or clean my roof and dig some holes in my yard. I used to use a white guy but he was a lazy SOB who spent to much time drinking beer. Oh, that was me. Never mind.

September 13, 2017 10:57 am

In the 1960’s around Washington, D.C. black women were maids. They’d take the bus out from the District in the morning and clean suburban houses. Not the ‘rich’ either. My father, a civil engineer, had Mildred come twice a week. I did the yard work once I was big enough to push a lawn mower. Edging was done manually with a barbaric yard tool that had a wheel with spikes attached to it. No leaf blowers either.

With the advent of the birth control pill in 1962 the supply of white teen age labor dried up in suburbia. The ‘Great Society’ and its welfare programs did away with “Mildreds” waiting at the bus stops as taxes went up to pay for the FSA and middle class fathers, like mine, could no longer afford to pay for a maid.

September 13, 2017 11:12 am

I think you all miss the fact that Wealthy people know the crime figures better than most.There is a huge crime problem in Black America . Blacks are not to be trusted under any circumstance Especially with children.Even ” dirt people” are wiser to this reailty since the Internet.Crime plus all the other bullshit that comes with blacks is a red flag all the way to Mars. Fuck, I just realized I am ” dirt people “.I own and drive a commercial truck.

Big Dick
Big Dick
September 13, 2017 4:07 pm

But you must know Black Lives Matter. We hear it every day. However the Black Community based on who is killing who must have not gotten the message yet.

September 13, 2017 7:50 pm

Maybe so but he also said he cant see any white landscapers or maids. Their absence cant be explained by going for a cushy affirmative action position instead either.

September 13, 2017 11:24 am

It’s simple really. The folks coming up from Latin America are for the most part, agrarian. They for centuries have worked the land. They work hard and are honest. They will do the jobs blacks will not do. The black feels its beneath him to perform these menial tasks. They came off the southern plantation and went on the DC plantation and “ain’t” no way they will get off. Without being thrown off, which opens a whole new dialogue. That time has come; Workfare, a wonderful concept.

September 13, 2017 11:32 am

White’s that hire blacks would be stupid. The blacks would just tell other blacks when the White’s weren’t home.

September 13, 2017 3:09 pm

That practice is not limited by race. As a defence attorney, I’ve known dozens of clients of many races/ethnicities who passed inside info to associates (when someone won’t be home, provide a duplicate key, tip off when a business will receive a big delivery of goods, disable alarm system, location of cash drawers, etc)

September 13, 2017 3:39 pm

Is one ethnicity represented more than others (particularly in relation to their percentage of the local population)?

A serious question, not something looking for a bias in advance of an answer.

September 13, 2017 7:28 pm

Depends on the jurisdiction & charge. In Baltimore City, most of my clients were African-American. By charge, DWI’s were overwhelmingly white, and bookies were almost exclusively Italian or Jewish.

Big Dick
Big Dick
September 13, 2017 4:09 pm

Just like murders. Right DA?

sionnach liath
sionnach liath
September 13, 2017 12:12 pm

The answer to his problem is quite simple. Blacks won’t work for the low wages, and Hispanics and Asians have to feed their families. They won’t accept welfare.

  sionnach liath
September 13, 2017 7:44 pm

“Asians have to feed their families. They won’t accept welfare.”

Asian grocery with an EBT sign.
[imgcomment image[/img]

  sionnach liath
September 13, 2017 8:00 pm

There is no welfare available to the asian maids where they are from. They are on work visas from overseas so they can be paid 100$ a week for 6 x 12 hr days. Some countries like singapore give them 1 day off a month, not week.

Pepin the Short
Pepin the Short
September 13, 2017 12:43 pm

I agree with Portlandia that Zman is overthinking this one, but I have a different reasons than Port. I think sionnach liath hit the nail on the head.

Cloud people don’t hire blacks for these positions for the simple reason that blacks don’t apply for these positions.

Big Dick
Big Dick
  Pepin the Short
September 13, 2017 4:10 pm

You have to have education and skills fool.

September 13, 2017 3:24 pm

I’m being politically incorrect today.
How many black men have you ever seen holding up a slow-stop sign on a road crew. I see armies of Mexicans working those road crews in the hot sun and winter snow. Go to the construction site. How many young strong black men do you see framing walls, hanging drywall, soldering copper pipe, installing electrical outlets, on the hot roof mopping hot tar, running a backhoe. I see very few young black men ( or women) behind the counter at the fast food joints making tacos or burgers. I see a majority of older Mexican women working their asses off.
We have historically low unemployment rates but still skyhigh black youth unemployment. All of the above jobs are honorable hard work. I don’t expect young black men to be cleaning toilets or working the trash truck. None of the above jobs require a high IQ or collage education.
But our nations criminal justice system is infested with young black men. Our prisons are full of them. They are being stack 10 high at the morgue every weekend in Chicago.
I blame the whites for this. The liberal whites, who destroyed the black family with the welfare state starting in 1965. It wasn’t always like this.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
September 14, 2017 12:44 am

None of the above jobs require a high IQ or collage education.

I have neither, I have an average IQ and I’m not very creative with mucilage glue.

September 13, 2017 3:45 pm

Stop beating around the bush. Niggers won’t work because they don’t have to. They get welfare sell dope and steal. It’s what they do.

September 13, 2017 5:44 pm

I occasionally price services and check out providers using Angie’s List and Home Advisor. Nearly everyone is white or brown. And most of the browns are employed by whites. Interestingly, when the business is hispanic, a lot of times they give it an innocuous name with no spanish surnames present. Also- they can work hard, but they need to be closely supervised. They do a shitty, slap-dash job if they aren’t being watched and they throw your job trash in the neighbor’s yard. With all the illegals around here, I don’t like to hire hispanics at all, because I don’t want to support illegals in any way. I don’t like to give to local food banks or other similar charities for the same reason. If there were a citizenship-testing charity, I would whole-heartedly support them. If I knew for a fact I was doing business with citizens, I would change my mind, but this area is packed to the rafters with illegals.

I almost never see a black guy doing work, except for an aeration and grass seeding service owned by a very dedicated black guy who takes grass as a serious issue. He’s good all day. I don’t think most blacks are willing to work a manual labor job. I usually see them in gas stations, vape shops, and waitressing.

There are a lot of asians here doing work. They’ll do anything and they do a good job. I’ll hire one any time.

You also don’t see blacks or many browns peddling things. The door-to-door assholes are usually white, usually male, and usually young. Occasionally, I see street teams of 2-3 people in matching shirts, and one might be black, but they’re almost never alone.

September 13, 2017 8:19 pm

“As a defence attorney, …” —– Marsh Rabbit

Huh! What kind of DEFENSE does a fence need?

September 14, 2017 6:36 pm

Did you understand what he meant?

September 14, 2017 7:42 pm

I understand all things.