How to Save the Planet With Pushing a Button

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I have previous told the story about attending a dinner in Washington and being seated with the entire Environmental group. It was a Washington elite political dinner and because I attended with my friend Dick Fox who was Chairman of Temple University and I was an adviser to the University, whoever it was that made the seating arrangements for these tables of 10  seated us with the environmental groups. This was in the mid-90s.

Dick was the one who kept trying to drag the truth out and there it came. These were the heads of the top three environmental organizations. They admitted that the real goal was to reduce human population by making it difficult to expand and build houses. Labeling everything wetlands would reduce the ability to expand housing and thus shrink the population. When Dick got them to admit that, he moved in for the bottom-line question and asked: “So who’s grandchild are you trying to prevent from being born? Your’s or mine?”

Well now this is the constantly reappearing theme with both the environmentalists and the Global Warming crown. The Swedish Lund university has come out with a list with “live options” that can rescue the climate and save the world. The number one recommendation with the biggest impact is to stop having babies. I previously wrote how Canada wanted to solve the problem by having companies lay off workers and thus fewer people driving cars every day.

Obviously a war will do were we kill 50% of the population to keep with their reasoning. We should ask Rocketman to please eliminate 50% of the world population and he will be the hero of the environmentalists and Global Warming Crowd. It would be so nice if they volunteered to be the first casualties. Then perhaps they can lead the way for the rest of us.

So please can you push that button but target a few universities first? Perhaps we can save the planet that way.


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kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 1, 2017 6:53 am

“Ominous Changes In the World’s Weather. Climatologists now blame those recurring droughts and floods on a global cooling trend.”
-FORBES MAGAZINE, February 1974

October 1, 2017 7:01 am

could start by wiping out a billion muzzies before the other half get a drivers lic.

October 1, 2017 8:04 am

Publicly funded (read “taxpayer”) science has always been subject to the whims of those government agencies providing the funding. In all cases, FOLLOW THE MONEY. . . Here are a number of examples:

First was the marijuana “study” that was funded during the Nixon administration. The “results” of the study showed marijuana to be relatively innocuous and safe. Since the “results” of the study did not “square” with what those who funded it wanted, it was quietly closed. The government agency wanted the results to show marijuana as a “dangerous drug”.
Global warming (aka “climate change”) has been shown to be a fraud (climate is always changing) and has attracted the snake charmers (al gore) and hustlers out of the woodwork. The so-called “hockey stick” model has been shown to be fraudulent. The attempts to foist “carbon credits” and other scams on the public was unsuccessful. Once again FOLLOW THE MONEY.
Fraud in science is not only limited to those who are providing the funding. There was a case in the Pacific northwest where so-called scientists “planted” lynx fur in certain forests to make them “off-limits” to logging. Fortunately, these government Fish and Wildlife Service scientists were caught. Of course, they received NO punishment for their behavior. The so-called “endangered species act” is actually more detrimental to humanity . . . species are always changing . . .

Environmentalists have been some of the most dishonest people in their misguided attempts to “save the planet”. Our earth is much more resilient than they would have you believe. Environmentalists see humans as a “pestilence”. They would like to see the human population reduced (by any means necessary) by around 90%. The survivors would be walled-off in soviet-style high-rise apartments, riding bicycles, taking trains and buses while the wilderness areas would be available only to the “anointed” environmentalists.
I, for one, have no use for these limp-wristed, birkenstock-wearing, prius-driving, tofu-eating poor excuses for human beings. I would suggest that environmentalists take their own advice and eliminate themselves first.
Environmentalists are like watermelons–green on the outside and red (communist) on the inside. It’s always been about control.
I CHEER when I hear a of a “greenpeace” ship getting blown out of the water. . .

October 1, 2017 9:59 am

Wish you had provided some links to back up your statements, particularly the one about the marijuana study.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 1, 2017 4:55 pm

MJ and Hash are not called dope for nothing. I’ve seen studies that show smoking MJ fags clog nerve synapses and that causes decreases in IQ, taste, smell, hearing, libido, reflexes etc proportional to the amount smoked. There are many more dangerous chemicals in dope smoke than cigarettes; they estimated one dope fag causes lung damage equal to ten cigarettes. MJ cracks chromosomes and significantly increases the birth defect and cancer rates for dopers. PS: I strongly encourage all Useful Idiots to maximum their dope use.

October 1, 2017 12:21 pm

There’s been hundreds of Marijuana studies, but the results are either lost, forgotten or the paper got all greasy from the French fries and was throw out. Had me own marijuana study about the time of the Nixon administration. Absolute proof that good pot could be grown in MN was the goal. Paying $10 for an ounce of imported weed was unacceptable. Before the results could be tabulated, the entire study was lost to a fire. I think.

October 1, 2017 1:21 pm

Marijuana is a tranquilizer. Alcohol is not.

Hippies did not do attitude-adjustment sessions at stoned-thirty at night.

Rednecks do attitude-adjustment sessions at drunk-thirty at night.

I guess government hates peace and quiet but really goes orgasmic on fights.

October 1, 2017 1:39 pm

Depopulation/eugenics really is the answer to many world problems. Think of all the problems that would, not be eliminated maybe but, be substantially reduced.

October 1, 2017 4:59 pm

There’s another solution for the universities. People are catching on to what a swindle higher ed is now. More administrators are sucking in more students & living high off the proceeds because the Guaranteed Student Loan Program guarantees the loans. So they get the money whether or not the students graduate, or even get jobs. Professor Doom has a great series of dispatches from the trenches at
So what happens if the loan program is taken out & shot?
You get to defund the SJW factories at the same time, so it would be a great MAGA move (just sayin’. That is sort of Machiavellian).
The free college programs will only make everything worse.

October 1, 2017 5:07 pm

If these fuckers want to reduce the population of humans on the planet…fine. Set the example and blow you fucking heads off.

A guy I work with is always complaining of how there’s too many people. People need to stop having babies…blah blah blah. He has set a partial example in that he has no kids (in mid 40’s). One day I’m going to snap and tell him to go the full monty and fucking kill himself.