Question of the Day, Nov 19

Is it embarrassing to the voters in any way that voted these morons in? Is sexual misconduct in the past a reason to remove someone from office?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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November 19, 2017 10:04 am

1. If there is no proof .. only allegations —- NEVER remove.

2. If it involved children …. ALWAYS remove. And, kill.

3. Time matters. 40 years later? Not sure about that.

4. Blow jobs don’t count.

5. Masturbators are exempt.

6. Ya gotta know the circumstances. An 18 year old might be convicted for rape with his 16 year old girlfriend …. but, we know it ain’t.

That’s all I got.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 19, 2017 10:17 am

No and Yes

Thanx for the pics – gave me my 1st morning laughs.


The Republicans and Democrats alike are the equivalent of the Gambino and the Bonano Crime families. After our so called representatives leave office that go and give speeches that are nothing but Crimiinal Payoffs for catering to Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex. My family served in the Military. My Dad with George Patton in the 3rd Armored Division. He went through Normandy, the Battle of the Bulge and into Germany. He was 25 when the war ended and told his wife to be, my Mom, that many young men lost their lives because of the Greed and Corruption of their leaders. My brother went to Iraq at the age of 48 as a Major in the US army reserves serving as a Medical Doctor helping the Iraqis to restore the hospitals the U.S. bombed. He went in 2003 and 2004 and was in Baquoba. He left his 3 children and wife and could have obtained a deferment but couldn’t live with himself because what example would he be for his children. Fortunately he came home with the Bronze Star and his daughter graduated from the University of South Carolina’s Honor’s College with the Woman of the Year Award for representing the best ideLs of the University. Can you name one Representative who would do the same. A young 19 year old girl from the National Guard of Wisconsin was sent to my brother’s base in Baquoba and my brother told me she cried every day holding onto her teddy bear. She joined the National Guard to help pay for her College. 3 weeks after arriving she was killed in a roadside bong while traveling in a Humvee without any protection from roadside bombs. The military asked Rumsfeld for better equipment and he said, “This is the army we have and not what we want.” The problem would be immediately resolved if Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush’s children served in Baquoba and had to travel in Humvees. Mitch McConnell in 2004, during the Republican convention was asked by a reported what he had to say about the 500+ US soldiers that were killed in Iraq when he said the death toll would approximate the death toll from the last Iraq War. He said “ITS NOT THAT MUCH WHEN YOU CONSIDER THE NUMBER OF SOLDIERS WHO DIED DURING THE INVASION OF NORMANDY.”

I am sink of the murdering cowards spreading death and destruction around the world all in the name of spreading Democracy. Why was there no thorought examination of who really attacked the US on 9/11. At 8 AM on 9/11, the Army Demolition squad from New Jersey was present at WTC building 7 to discuss with Silverstein’s representatives how to prevent bombs from being placed in the towers. He conveniently took out insurance regarding such an attack and made billions from insurance. WTC 7 that was not hit went down in 7 seconds. The Warnings systems were deactivated at the Pentagon and NORAD was sent to do exercised in the Atlantic. The 757 aircraft miraculously was able to hit the first floor of the pentagon and impossible feat given the size of the aircraft and its aluminum shell and managed to go through the building leaving a perfect hole at the other end.

One week after 9/11 General Wesley Clark was in the Pentagon and was informed that the US was going to attack 7 countries in the Middle East in 5 years. Clark asked why and the other General said, I don’t know.

Former Secretary Treasurer Paul O’NEILL reported that soon after Bush came into office he was informed by Bush that he must find a reason in which to attack Iraq. He had drawn up plans to develop Iraq’s oil.

Chenney’s Firm Halliburton was given a no bid contract and overcharged the U.S.

The problem Americans are facing today a very grave and will soon lead to the U.S. demise given the mountenous debt that was enabled as a result of Saudi Arabia agreeing to accept US dollars as the means of payment. It will not be long before the IMF takes control. China today has not engaged in wars and neither has Russia since the end of Soviet rule. Instead, they have spent their resources building a military arsenal far superior to that of the U.S. The U.S. has military basis around the world and it vast air craft carriers have now become sitting ducts for China’s and Russia’s advanced missile systems. Saudi Arabia today is making deals with the Chinese in the billions.

The fault with the U.S. government is the fact that it no longer represents the American people. The U.S. is going the path of the British and the Romans before them

God bless us all. Sadly, too many Americans are not prepared. I called the 2000 stock market crash in August 1998 and the 2008 crash in June 2007. The next crash will be far worse and last 10 or more years and will be world wide. I truly hope we will be able to avoid WWIII. I am doubtful we can given Bush’s doctrine e of Preemptive War. Now there is a perfect example of a idiosyncratic term.

  W V M
November 20, 2017 4:28 pm

“I called the 2000 stock market crash in August 1998 and the 2008 crash in June 2007.”

Okay then, call this one. We can all use the bucks.

November 19, 2017 11:10 am

Not a reason to “remove” them after the fact but a reason to leave them by the wayside next time the elections come around.

Character counts and I want leaders with better character than myself, otherwise why would I have them lead me?

November 19, 2017 11:17 am

Third pic is hillaryious

November 19, 2017 12:15 pm

did franken actually touch her or was he just pretending to?

November 19, 2017 12:41 pm

I hear that he was only pretending to touch her, a childish thing that might be expected from a sexually emerging 13 year old but not from a grown and presumably sexually mature man.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 19, 2017 1:44 pm

Nothing has been proven regarding Roy Moore and we all know the Modus Operandi of TPTB. Assuming he actually was guilty, I’m sure he Repented 40 years ago and is a better choice than any Democrat.

November 19, 2017 1:55 pm

Dutch, where are you on this one? I need some of your humor…Can you say WhyTF Minnesota voted into Congress a former comedian / writer at SNL? What qualified him to vote on new laws that the rest of the country has to abide by? Never have liked Frunkenfuk. I guess the same qualifications that the junior Senator from Illinois, with a pretty skimpy record of achievement, before Ziggy B. and TPTB helped him leap frog Felonia von Pantsuit to gain the Presidency nine years ago. Too many free shit mooches with no tax liability are allowed to vote, which is preposterous.
Same wondering, for Jesse Ventura, Ahnuld da Termunator out in the land of fruits and nuts…
Madness. Entertainers make good politicians, huh? Ronnie wouldn’t even take off his suitcoat in the Oval Office, where slick was droppin’ trou & gettin’ hummers from Monica the harmonica player, when stogies weren’t involved. She still had the dress as a keepsake. Attagirl. Evidence. But what say ye, der Schtuckmeister to that one? Young interns and hummers don’t get free passes, in my book.
As for the future…Kid Rock? Hell no…Tedly Nugent? Probably wouldn’t want the job. But, he does have the cajones to say what he feels, much like D.Thump. I could think of worse candidates. .. k…enough for a Sunday. Come on, Dutchy! Weigh in.

November 19, 2017 2:05 pm

Are you kidding??!! These people are fucking HEROES to the idiots that voted for them!

Miles Long
Miles Long
November 19, 2017 3:01 pm

“Is it embarrassing to the voters in any way that voted these morons in? ”

No. They are true believers in the tripe.

“Is sexual misconduct in the past a reason to remove someone from office?”

Depends on circumstances & if it really happened.

November 19, 2017 5:21 pm

Only when someone outside the district / state notices misbehavior or stupidity and points it out.
It should be a reason not to elect them in the first place! However, assuming they are able to pull the wool over their electorate’s eyes long enough to get elected, performance might be a mitigating factor; if Roy Moore gets elected and actually SERVES his state and writes intelligent / effective legislation that improves their lives, I’d say he get a pass. Has Al Franken written anything besides condescending books where he tells us how to think? Did it pass?