America’s painful self-delusion

by Allen Marshall (Crimson Avenger) of Defiant Living

America is the only nation brought forth by a set of beliefs, and those beliefs, captured so eloquently in our founding documents, are some of the most powerful and inspiring ever conceived. We consider this to be the land of the free, where the individual is supreme and nothing prevents us from going as far as our talents can take us. That image of America – that “brand” – is incredibly strong.

However, there’s a very large gap between that long-held image and the reality of America today. What was once a government built for the people is now a government run for the rich and powerful, one that throws the people under the bus whenever their interests differ from those of the corporate and political leaders who run the show.

And living in one world (the corrupt) while stubbornly believing you live in another (the ideal), despite mounds of evidence, causes a distinct kind of stress, often called cognitive dissonance.

Psychologists suggest that when people are in a state of cognitive dissonance, they’ll search for a way to resolve it, either by rejecting one view or the other as either wrong or unimportant. If you’re a smoker looking at the link between smoking and cancer, for example, you’ll either quit smoking or decide that the research is biased, wrong, or doesn’t apply (in other words, that you’re smart enough to quit before the long-term damage is done).

But what happens if you can’t resolve the two?

For most of us Americans, resolving our cognitive dissonance would mean either accepting that we’re impotent and living futile (and feudal) lives, or rejecting our lifestyles and actively fighting the rot in the system. If we’re not willing to do either of those, the dissonance stays – and eats at us.

People carrying this kind of ongoing, underlying stress find ways of coping with it; in America we’re doing it with self-medication, compulsive behaviors and distractions. Consider the following examples of the way we cope with the ever-present stress in our lives:

  • Drugs – Our country is awash in drugs, both legal and illegal, that keep us numb. In 2014, there were 245 million prescriptions filled for opioid pain relievers. The number of deaths from drug overdoses has risen from around 30,000 in 2005 to 64,000 in 2016. And communities across the country are being devastated by the opioid epidemic, as explained in this in-depth reporting by
  • Drinking – People don’t only use drugs to self-medicate; drinking does the trick as well, and we’re doing a lot more of it than we used to. According to a new study in JAMA Psychiatry, overall drinking in the US increased by 11% between 2002-13, while high-risk and problem drinking rose even higher: high-risk drinking rose by 29.9%, while problem drinking rose by 50%.
  • Mental Illness In 2015, 17.9% of adults held a diagnosis for a mental disorder, while a 2010 study found that 46.3% of children ages 13-18 had a mental disorder at some point in their young lives, and the majority of those adults and children are given prescriptions. This includes a dramatic increase in ADHD diagnoses for children: According to SharpBrains, “Among children aged 5 to 18, between 1991-92 and 2008-09, rates of ADHD diagnosis increased nearly 4-fold among boys – from 39.5 to 144.6 per 1000 – and nearly 6-fold for girls – from 12.3 and 68.5 per 1000 visits.”
  • Obesity – If drinking and drugs aren’t your thing – or even if they are – more of us are coping with stress by overeating, and it’s showing up on our waistlines. From 1990 to 2016, the average percentage of obese adults increased from 11.1% to 29.8%; when you add in the number of people who are overweight but not obese, it rises to more than two in three adults.
  • Sleeping problems – Sleep has a significant impact on our physical and mental health, and in America we’re not getting enough of it: The CDC states that 50-70 million American adults have a sleep or wakefulness disorder.
  • Media Usage – Is there any better distraction from life’s problems than media? We certainly spend a lot of our time being passively entertained: In 2016, Americans consumed an average of 10 hours of media per day, compared with 7.5 hours per day globally. Nielson reports that lower income adults spend much more time with media than do affluent adults, with adults in households with include under $25,000 watching 211 hours/month of television, versus 113 hours/month for adults in households earning $75,000 or more. (The trend is similar across other media as well.)
  • The Disease of DebtAccording to the New York Fed, household debt reached a new peak in the third quarter of 2017, at $12.8 trillion. Part of our debt problem comes from the compulsive shopping we do as a distraction; the other results from denying the reality that our wages aren’t keeping up with the increase in the cost of living, meaning that we use debt to plug the gap rather than reducing our living standards to align with our reality.

We’re collectively doing so much damage to ourselves, solely to protect our psyches from the reality that the America that used to be is no longer the America we have. And who does that help? As you can see from the points above, it doesn’t help us: Instead, it helps the rich and powerful who are subverting the system. They’re corrupting everything this country once was, and by willfully refusing to acknowledge that reality, we’re inadvertently helping them to do it.

The best thing we can do – for our mental and physical health, as well as for our country – is to open our eyes to what America has become, not what we wish it still was. It’s time to face reality and take action.

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December 14, 2017 7:40 am

So much to read again and follow the links to.
And… so much to plagiarize and turn into Maggie prose.

So little time.

Very good discussion on a topic I’ve been struggling with while walking with Jacob, who no longer climbs steps without good reason, so ladders are OUT of the question.

Cognitive dissonance sounds, at first, like some sort of problem your harpsichord might have, requiring a tuner.

It is the Crux of the matter at hand, I believe.

December 14, 2017 11:12 am

The Crux and the Southern Cross, not the star Beta Crucis, play well as we lead our puny band of ruby conned soldiers. May CaesarSusie gain victory over any forbidding generals who venture to cross or enter the stream without gall. Like a pigeon liver’d I play this:

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
December 14, 2017 12:47 pm
John B
John B
December 14, 2017 8:09 am

Diagnosis but what is the prescription and what is the prognosis?

  John B
December 14, 2017 9:37 am

Masturbate more often. This releases stress. The only side effect is possible blindness.

Can’t type more than that … I can’t find my fucken glasses.

December 14, 2017 10:27 pm

Good post, I laughed out loud and thought of this video from the Wolf of Wall Street!
See time 3:20

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
December 14, 2017 9:03 am

Yes. Even if you are right a call to arms is not sufficient. At least the Q article gives the reader something to do about what is proclaimed to be “the problem.” Well, my suggestion has been to never return any person to a political position. No this is not term limits. It is voters realizing that someone who wants to be in government is a criminal by definition and can not be trusted with any government post after one term in office. Any office. President. Dog Catcher. Chief of Police. It doesn’t matter. And if you think that one term isn’t long enough to learn how to make the system work and we need knowledgeable people ruling over us I would simply point out that there isn’t one single knowledgeable person today in any position of government. They are destructive, stupid, assholes who need to be stopped before they get us all killed.

So what are you going to do about it? Just make sure that nobody gets a second term…EVER.

Mad as hell
Mad as hell
  Hollywood Rob
December 14, 2017 10:28 am

Hollywood, that is a great point. It goes along with my frequent posts of making your goal to live as close to debt free as possible. However, what I have also found is that most of the sheeple just don’t have the discipline to do it, or their paycheck depends on one of the scams we are all too familiar with.
Unfortunately, it takes a very strong person to admit that their paycheck is derived from misery and the organ they work for is actively oppressing (and in the case of the medical scam or processed food industry) actually bankrupting/ killing people. Ask a Realtor if they would prefer high housing prices, and limited buyers (present situation) or lower housing prices, and more buyers (because they could afford it). They look at you like you have 3 heads. The math is clear though, if there were more buyers, at lower prices, they would actually make MORE money (steady money) over a longer period, as they make their money on transactions, but their LOBBY and BOSSES want higher and higher prices……that is the problem with the average working person, they don’t think long term and most could not do math to save their life. They just blissfully take the word of their “leaders” and conflate that as well reasoned fact.
A tough nut to crack…

December 14, 2017 9:34 am

That’s where liberals enjoy a real advantage … they aren’t ideologically blind to the widening disparity between the ambitions of its founders and the ugly reality of what the United States has become. War on drugs, my ass.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
December 14, 2017 9:54 am

End drugs obesity and debt by
1) Drugs, stop doing drugs. Get help if you need to.
2) Obesity, consume fewer calories than you burn. We need the extra food for the starving in third world countries. Get help if you need it.
3) Debt, get a job. Pay off your debt. Don’t spend more than you make. No help for you if you can’t figure this one out.
4) Follow Stuckey’s suggestion. It will give you some amusement while your pathetic life is getting back on track. Don’t worry about the blindness, that comes much later.

Bleak. Few will follow this simple plan.

Robert (QSLV)

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 10:38 am

In order to fix any of those problems you’d have to have a different set of human behaviors than the ones hardwired into our genetic design.

Just like a very big, very strong and very experienced boxer can easily beat the stuffing out of a handicapped woman, those who scramble to the top of the political edifice are that much smarter, cunning, duplicitous and informed as to the masses and so use their own weaknesses against them for their own ends.



Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
  hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 11:23 am

Agreed. But you seem to have cleaned up your spot, as have I. This is the first step. Being mentally, physically and spiritually fit makes us strong enough to better brave the firestorm around us, and maybe pull a few from the inferno.

Robert (QSLV)

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
December 14, 2017 1:08 pm

Interesting. I have no desire to go chasing rabbits. Opportunity costs being the sole reason. Just personal preference.

Whether it is Trump or not, draining the corrupt, pro-war Clinton, Bush, Obama swamp, and replacing it with a corrupt, pro-war Trump swamp is hardly a winning strategy. Israel is corrupt by their own admission, is horrifically oppressive, even more so than America, and Saudi Arabia is the only nation whose government has financed and conspired to launch a major attack during most of our lifetimes, yet Trump just decided to hand them $115 billion more in weapons.

.Wikileaks: Israel: A Promised Land for Organized Crime


Israel Tel Aviv


— Not Assigned —


Department of Homeland Security | Israel Jerusalem | Italy Rome | RHMFIUU US CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION | RUCNFB FBI INTD CTD CT WATCH | Secretary of State

“Lappin told conoffs that the new style of crime features knowledge of hi-tech explosives acquired from service in the Israeli Defense Forces, and a willingness to use indiscriminate violence, at least against rival gang leaders. New OC business also includes technology-related crimes, such as stock market and credit card fraud, and operates on a global scale.

8. (SBU) As the reach of Israeli OC has grown, so have the stakes. Crime families are working further from home and exporting violence abroad. Older gambling schemes have grown to include sprawling casino franchises in Eastern Europe. The Abutbul family began its gambling business in Romania over a decade ago, and now owns the Europe-wide Casino Royale network. In 2002, Israeli OC turf wars spilled into Europe when Yaakov Abergil and Felix Abutbul were killed two months apart. Abutbul was gunned down in front of his casino in Prague in a show of force by the Abergils as they attempted to capture a portion of the European gambling market.

26. (SBU) As recently as March 2009, Zvika Ben Shabat, Yaacov Avitan, and Tzuri Rokah requested visas to attend a “security-related convention” in Las Vegas. According to local media reports, all three had involvement with OC. Post asked the applicants to provide police reports for any criminal records in Israel, but without such evidence there is no immediate ineligibility for links to OC. Luckily, all three have so far failed to return for continued adjudication of their applications. Nevertheless, it is fair to assume that many known OC figures hold valid tourist visas to the United States and travel freely.”

More here:
Omerta Has Destroyed America – Andrea Iravani

Omerta Has Destroyed America

And here:
Chumps – Trump and Congress- Redefining Stupidity and Bad Deals – Andrea Iravani

Chumps – Trump and Congress- Redefining Stupidity and Bad Deals

I notice that someone deleted my previous post which said nearly the same exact thing, over an hour ago.

With a world full of so many assholes, it is not surprising that there is so much bullshit!

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
  Andrea Iravani
December 14, 2017 1:12 pm


December 14, 2017 5:01 pm

Elegantly stated, Allen / C.A.. In the end, reality smashes all delusions. And, right now, there seem to be various worldview trains running on intersecting tracks. One is the dream of Global One-Worldism and the other consist of Making America Great Again. Sadly, only one will survive the forthcoming derailment.

In the latter worldview, “justice” and “equality” means before the law. In the former, these mean allowing cross-dressing middle-aged men into the bathrooms of our young daughters, while Hillary Clinton escapes prosecution for treason. That is some real cognitive dissonance right there. No doubt. Yet that is exactly what former president Obama, Hillary Clinton, the political establishment, big business, and near fifty-percent of Americans have embraced.

I haven’t written one word of my next piece yet. But when I do, maybe I will call it Language, the Weapon of Orthodoxies and it might be why America doesn’t deserve to become great again.

I’ll either write it or I won’t.

In any event, thank you for the provocative post and for the inspiration.

December 14, 2017 8:33 pm

I don’t get it. What’s the problem here?

Getting clean won’t save America, but if lots of Americans kill themselves off, at least traffic will be lighter at 5pm.

December 14, 2017 8:37 pm

And how many people really believe the ideals anymore? Seems like they know they’re in a free-for-all and are out to get theirs. Just look at the Black Friday shoppers and tell me they really believe in those old dead white dudes and their Constipation and the Pill of Frights.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
December 14, 2017 8:43 pm

Hey, Egghead, workin people know they’re fucked. We’ve been getting fucked for 30 years. Take your cognitive dissonance and stuff it up your cunt.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 15, 2017 12:42 am

Working people in America were thrown overboard over 40 years ago in America and we are completely fucked into a position where we cannot do shit about with out some badge wearing leach locking us up with the Nuremberg excuse “ Just doing my job” ! Then we also have the few lucky stiffs that hit right place right time or were born on third and strut about like they hit a home run . Oh and let’s not forget the Your shit is shit but my shit is stuff , this is where a government employee tells you your retirement is a legacy cost breaking the business climate in the country but their retirement must be paid because they earned it . Fuck it all , I will be in the bunker with the bourbon and the bullets saving the last 2 shots for myself ….

  Boat Guy
December 15, 2017 1:03 am

” I will be in the bunker with the bourbon and the bullets saving the last 2 shots for myself ….”

I will be in the bunker with the bourbon and the bullets; using all of the bullets on them and saving the last 2 shots of bourbon for myself ….

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 15, 2017 7:20 am

Exactly Grog , not quitting just fed up !

Middle-aged Mad Gnome
Middle-aged Mad Gnome
December 15, 2017 10:30 am

The article is a good restatement of what a lot of people already know, or at least agree with. The best comment for me: HSF – “In order to fix any of those problems you’d have to have a different set of human behaviors than the ones hardwired into our genetic design.”

While there are certainly bad “solutions” such as genocide, I do believe there are good solutions available. Implicit in HSF’s comment is the understanding that good solutions must be compatible with how humans are constructed. I would propose that “hardwired into our genetic design” (from a group perspective) is the instinct to follow good leaders. So the only solution with any decent hope of succeeding is for good leaders to actually…lead.

December 15, 2017 10:53 am

Saw this on Zero Hedge. Congrats.