What would it look like? Would you recognize it if you saw it? What would you say if I said that Draining The Swamp has already begun? What if I told you World War III has already begun? 

Is it possible that you might not even recognize it?


I can’t definitively say what is going on. Hell, most of you know I have not been a Trump supporter. I’m of the opinion that ALL of our (s)elected leaders are vile, villainous scum that cannot be trusted and who would blame me based on the last nine years and even the last fifty years or more?

I want to give a Hat Tip to T4C for turning me on to all of this. I am of course referring to the now infamous Q or Q clearance or Q Anon. (google Q clearance & Q group)

This Q character set up a message board called “CALM BEFORE THE STORM” (keep that name in mind) originally on 4chan but not long afterwards the board became corrupted or compromised in such a way that Q moved the board to 8chan.

I’d like to take a moment to apologize for some of the posts I’ve made previously on the subject of Q. Truth is I was working from a point of ignorance as I’m only vaguely aware of 4/8chan culture and much like TBP, 4/8chan definitely has a culture of it’s own. I was running on little time and less sleep so in my excitement over the potential reality of Q I was a bit hasty.

Who is Q?

That remains unanswered. Whoever he, she or they are they seem to have access to some rather high level intel and they appear to be part of the Executive Branch. Some evidence suggests Q was on AF-1 with Trump during his trip to Asia. This is all based on quite a number of things that you will have to read and investigate for yourself. Personally I suspect DJT himself is Q. He has a penchant for social media as he cannot trust the MSM to do it’s job. Operation Mockingbird anyone? (google it) The only reason I would doubt that it is DJT is because of his statements about not tipping off the enemy to his true intent. He seems to be following Sun Tzu’s Art of War strategies.

Why is Q posting on 4/8chan message boards?

I don’t know for certain. The “anons” on 8chan euphemistically refer to themselves as “Autists, “Autistic” and my favorite “Weaponized Autism. You’ll have to google why.

To try and answer why Q is posting on 4/8chan I offer the following taken from the top of each Calm Before The Storm thread page. (disregard the poor grammar):

We are Restoring the Republic of America

Military/Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with ”’over 4,289 sealed indictments”’ fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

We are living in historic times, and we’ve been handed a Map of what’s to come, and what’s going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here’s the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].

”We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we’ve been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.”

Our goal is simple: To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends. We’re lost without a normie to redpill, because we can take these ideas into all sorts of directions. What resistance do you meet when you talk about Q-topics? Share that here. We will map the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse. Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our memetic spread.

I’ll add that I believe that the True Patriots that still exist in our govt, including Q, wants it to be the people, the citizens, the PATRIOTS that expose the scum who are oppressing us and their various schemes to do it so that WE have a hand in Making America Great Again. A people vested in their own salvation are more likely to fight for it. Q has commented to the effect that examples need to be made of these people to prevent anyone from ever attempting a take over of the USA again.

Is Q breaking the law?

No. Q appears to be parsing his words very carefully and cleverly. In effect he is “dropping breadcrumbs” and attempting to get people to follow the trail. Q is encouraging people to research publicly available info that can be found on the internet so no secrets are being dropped as that would be illegal. Two wrongs don’t make a right and if anything, Q seems to be laying out a legal means to bring the scumbags down.  


Many believe that the answers to Q’s questions will paint a map or picture that reveals the whole sordid truth about those who seek to control us. Q has stated that the vast majority are not going to be able to handle the truth and may even end up in the hospital because the exposed knowledge is so out there. Imagine being the parent of a missing child and then learning that cannibalistic satanic, child sacrifice cults are real? Q seems to want the anons to red pill the public slowly so they don’t lose their minds. He’s even said steps are being taken to prevent vigilantism. I saw the outrage here the other day about the dude killed by cops while crawling on his hands and knees. Multiply that outrage by thousands of times and you start to understand how happy-go-lucky blue-pilled sheep might react to be forcibly red-pilled.

Why now?

I believe, based on Q’s postings but mostly based on info provided by the “Autistic Anons”, that Trump has been quietly going to great lengths to lay groundwork to attack our enemies and drain the swamp from day one. Word is that he literally began implementing policies and strategies on inauguration day and he has been building on that ever since. I believe that Calm Before The Storm is the next phase designed to get the long suffering oppressed, Patriotic Americans involved in draining the swamp.

Watch the short two minute video below. Turn up your speakers and pay close attention to who the people are and what is being said between the President and the media after the 1:19 second mark. At the 0:33 second mark the President seems to be spreading some plausible misinformation while possibly acknowledging the CBTS message board Anons when he says: “….and I look forward to hearing from you and your ideas.” That line seems a bit odd given that he’s talking to the lying MockingBird media.  And who are the “revisionist powers” he mentions? NWO Cabal perhaps? ISIS is no threat to the USA. but as a sovereign nation they are no threat to the USA. Iran, I have no real idea about but I doubt they are a threat either. This entire video is about misdirection.

Transcript here: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/us/politics/trump-calls-meeting-with-military-leaders-the-calm-before-the-storm.html

That video was made almost two months before the Calm Before The Storm message board appeared.

When will we start seeing the things Q is talking about take place?

I don’t know. How long do you think it might take? If you think of the enormity of the task at hand, it could take days, weeks or months before we start to see hard evidence of the more sensational things Q has alluded to like arrests and trials. The ongoing mission to drain the swamp will likely take most, if not all, of Trumps first term but I believe he is moving with a sense of urgency. Q has already posted clues/questions well in advance of events before they appear in the news with the NYC subway bombing being the most recent. He has repeatedly said in his posts that “future will prove the past”.

Is Q legit?

Who fucking knows. When T4C made her post about The Book of Q I was not much of a believer but in very short order I noticed that there was enough legitimate “stuff” going on that I became extremely intrigued.

If it’s not true then it’s probably the biggest hoax ever pulled on the innerwebs and an awesome distraction from the daily diet of doom porn.

If it is true….in the words of the immortal Stucky…..”HO LEE FUK”!!! The ramifications are a doomers wet dream fantasy.

Why post about it here?

Well, the collection of mostly INTJ shit throwing monkeys here are my bellwether for all things doom. The regulars here probably represent one of the best Bullshit-O-Meters on the planet. I’d greatly appreciate it if those of you who are inclined could dig into it a bit and let me know what you think. (instructions below)

I’d especially be grateful if SSS could read a little and post his thoughts. I know SSS to be True Blue and an honorable man. He is also the only one here to admit to being a former CIA officer. Because of that I’m hoping he may be hearing some chatter from his former colleagues that he could share.

I’d really love to hear admins opinions if he has time to read a couple hundred rows from the spreadsheet.

I’m open to all ideas and opinions.

How do we do get started?

Start with the Q spreadsheet: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444

This is a collection of all Q posts in chronological order followed by the most likely answers/explanations, followed by other less likely but potentially relevant info followed by a confidence rating for the info collected so far. It’s pretty self explanatory IMO but could be a bit confusing at first. My advice is to read down the page skipping anything that is too confusing. Please try and read down to at least row number 200 (light colored numbers on left edge) before giving up. The spreadsheet is much longer that that but the first 200 rows of Q&A should give everyone a pretty damned good feel for what Q is all about. I’m hoping that the first 200 rows will also inspire you to read further and if you come up with your own, plausible ideas you can actually add to the knowledge base on 8chan.

You Trumpeteers should be especially excited about this as this looks like this is evidence that the swamp is being drained…..drop by drop at first but I strongly suspect that before it’s over it will look like Hoover Dam broke at high flood stage.

You will need a legend to understand some of the abbreviations but so far I’ve not found a comprehensive legend. For now use this:  https://media.8ch.net/file_store/0fd8f5a8bbea9b3d99a89490633da51a48062854c3014b73acfbdf2a2ba5f4d3.png and this: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/aeae43ecd55388b867ccfb6e15b773025819883c01ef84ef76e6635aa77eec25.png

I have not had time to search for a better legend but I’m sure one exists. For unfamiliar initials or references that are not on the legend try to think logically given the context of the info. This is what the “Autistic Anons” are doing after all.  

What if I want to peruse 8chan myself?

Go ahead! Start here on the CATALOG page: https://8ch.net/cbts/catalog.html

Everything on the catalog page is related to Calm Before The Storm (CBTS) in some way. Each block represents some tangent that is being explored. Only threads with this picture:

are the CBTS threads where Q posts. Each thread contains 751 comments once full, most of which can be gibberish, but there are some real gems in each. Look for the highest numbered CBTS thread, currently #104. Start by reading each line. You can hover over red and light blue linked numbers to see how they relate to a comment. You can also right click and open in a new tab if you like. Look for a line not far below the above image that says: “!!! Latest Q posts !!!:” These will be the latest posts by Q. His most recent post is # 92710.

Perhaps someone here can post more info on how to read 8chan boards because I’m a newbie to all of it. Feel free to explore any of the other tangential threads besides the CBTS ones. I would definitely seek guidance before posting over there as you can have your ass handed to you quick. (remind you of any place?)

I hope this is enough to get you started without too much confusion. Good luck!

My overall theory on this shit…….

For quite sometime (many decades) there has been an ongoing, imminent or attempted coup d’etat by the globalists and Satanists against the USA. This would be HRC, BO, G Soros, Rothschild family, House of Saud and a host of others. I believe it was imminent and would be carried out obce HRC took office.

The story I find plausible and appealing is that for an equally long period of time Military Intelligence and the NSA have been aware of this. Word is that JFK and Reagan both attempted to disrupt their plans. We know what happened to JFK and Reagan apparently was ultimately convinced not to pursue it by papa Bush who convinced him to focus on S. American narcos instead. Papa Bush was the first President to mention building a NWO and since that time, all efforts under Baby Bush, Clinton and Obama have been toward that end hence the ramp up in oppression over the last two decades. Someone asked why not attempt the coup before Obama left office? The answer seems to be that the NWO scum had finally perfected their election rigging apparatus and they were 100% certain it had been rigged for Felonia in 2016. Kinda explains Felonia’s

Trump was supposedly asked to run and agreed but only if the rigging could be prevented and via a technology/program called TEMPEST the MI/NSA figured out how to prevent the rigging. Trump wins.

It just might be that we are currently living under military rule right now though I think that is less likely than I did a few days ago. I do believe that if conditions are right Trump will not hesitate to declare Martial Law. In fact, that may be our first real proof of the more sensationalistic side of Q. Now I think Trump has been working with the MI/NSA to drain the swamp since before he announced his candidacy. I also think that this effort is a world wide effort and is an informational World War III. For one, a JUST war is being carried out and only the guilty are going to suffer this time. Keep in mind that disinformation, misinformation and misdirection are MAJOR components of an informational war. We already know these tactics are used daily but I believe Trump is employing them in an effort to end their use against us by our own intel agencies once and for all. I think he is giving these people all the rope they need to hang themselves.

Newest Post from Q….the plot thickens:

Q !ITPb.qbhqo  12/13/17 (Wed) 20:35:55  267271

“Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.”


Shockingly quiet.

No leaks?

Presidential libraries are put in place to retain control over self-incriminating c-doc releases.


Review the law.

What is different re: Hussein’s PL?

Who controls?

These people really are stupid.


Notify of
December 14, 2017 8:39 am

I’m first!


Let’s start with the obvious … WTF is 4chan? What are the basics, how did it get started, what kind of info is available, what about verifications, what are the rules … etc. Don’t assume you know!

Everything you need to know about 4chan …


It’s a pretty informative and fair piece discussing all aspects, pro and con. But, is is WaPo and many here hate them (like, me) and won’t read it even if the info is valid.

So, those people can try this one

4chan — the underbelly of the internet explained



4chan is not a total free for all … there IS some moderation.

For the stuff not even 4chan will allow …. then go to 8chan

“8chan is an image board site that gained notoriety in 2014; users can create their own boards there. Members of 4chan flocked there in the wake of moderator abuse during Gamergate. 8chan is a magnet for some of the most vile, obnoxious, and sociopathic people on the internet. Constantly generates mayham and troll-wars which seep upward into 4chan, Reddit, and even Twitter, despite it’s tiny size.”

December 14, 2017 9:15 am

At the 1:10 mark, it’s YOU and Me… Deniro (stucky, rdawg and other first-posters and last-worders) and Stiller (me)…

December 17, 2017 10:10 am

Seems to me, the corruption is so deep that Q was put forth to bring the power of autists all over the internet to gather additional information for the administration to look into to piece the whole thing together. In other words, it’s like Trump hired all these researches for free to help him tie up all loose ends and information even Trump’s team was unaware of. Brilliant if you ask me.
I even sent the white house a video of Titus frost interviewing the hacker that found child porn videos on comet ping pong’s website. Emails to the police and fbi were shown, conversations with police about why they weren’t pursuing actionable evidence of child exloitation. IT is very credible and I am 100% convinced that James Alefantis was selling child porn from his website. which was revamped 2 weeks after the hacker informed police and sent them the information to access said child porn. See for yourselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTRewHDOr90&t=2127s

December 14, 2017 8:43 am

Sundance over at the Conservative Treehouse lays out a/the most convincing roadmap I have seen this morning. Its plain and easy to follow and it looks set to take out everyone up to and including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Rod Rosenstein’s appearance before the House Judiciary Committee yesterday was revealing as was Andrew McCabe’s cancellation. We haven’t yet peeled back the layers around FISA court judge Contreras being ‘recused’ from General Flynn’s case but its part of the same smoking embers that will become a Watergate like wildfire in the weeks ahead.

It promises to be a most Merry Christmas for Trump and America!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 14, 2017 12:32 pm

Rosenstien, yeah, it does not take very much imagination and he looks like a rat. Even sounds like one.

  Mary Christine
December 14, 2017 10:50 pm


Crimson Avenger
Crimson Avenger
December 14, 2017 9:01 am

The question I had through all of this was, why 4chan as a conduit? But I do understand the audience – autists with time on their hands – and looking at Alexa it’s much more popular than I ever thought, ranked 72 in America/198 overseas, probably the biggest site of its kind. (8ch is 2142/5340, not as big but these threads probably got the necessary pullover from 4chan). Interesting.

  Crimson Avenger
December 14, 2017 9:30 am

Excellent article, btw.

Those who know the whole Family of Families group in Oklahoma story from my saga can jump to the next paragraph. Including the OP and CA. But, when we were in true “what would you do if they came for you tomorrow” mode in those first troubling years after the government handed 700 billion dollars of taxpayer IOUs to a bunch of histotheoristical banker thieves who turned around and gave themselves million-dollar bonuses for being cronies with important Members of Congress, when we were in outraged citizen come together to form political voice MODE, we looked into some odd scenarios and tried to prepare for them.

We had one guy who was a real prepper kook who had studied the writings of Samuel Adams intensely and convinced some of the group we needed to form a sort of Committees of Correspondence network with some of the other similarly formed groups in the country. He suggested code words, symbols used to denote current information, pointer words… all sorts of things that would give us a way to let other groups know we had valid “intel” to share concerning what the enemy was doing. He was in contact with (and brought to a meeting for a show-and-tell of gadgets) a retired US marine who was in a similar, but more discreet or is it discrete?, group of outliers in Arizona, planning to maintain peace and order when tyranny came to call. A lot of the marine’s gadgets were pretty high tech and I could see he planned to be able to communicate via internet for a LONG time on dark web sort of connection, even if at intermittent times. It is why I purchased my own antenna, radios and even a solar charger. Which is stored out there in the barn somewhere and I’m glad I have it and know enough about signals since I was a red rope radar technician at one time. Because there are enough monkeys out there who recognize the underlying meaning I signaled to EC with “red rope” must grasp that I suspect Q is more than one person using similar coded phrases/symbols/motifs to communicate some information and to actually ASK the network for feedback.

I also think it could just be some overactive imaginations (like ours) run amuck with the interwebs and trying to create a giant hoax, not unlike George Orwell’s War of the World’s when radio shows became popular enough to hold the attention of a mass audience. Surely, if the trip to the moon was indeed a George Kubrick hoax and the incursion into Iran after 9-11 was a George Bush production and the current rush into madness is at George Soros funding, then why didn’t Q call itself George Washington to further confuse the matter. Can we really trust any of the George’s? Can we believe both the Cory’s? Does that make sense?

It would not surprise me to know he is part of the 4/8chan network of people who “understand” how to read Q for meaning.

I would try to edit further to harness my train of thought, but my husband is coming down for breakfast and I must start the BACON.

Minerva Arizona
Minerva Arizona
December 15, 2017 8:00 am

H.G. Wells and NOT Orwell re: “War of the Worlds,” immortalized by Orson Wells and the Mercury Theater in the 1938 radio broadcast.

  Minerva Arizona
December 17, 2017 8:28 am

And EC didn’t even notice I called Stanley Kubrik “George” just to annoy him. Sigh. I have so little time to get here and read these days. I have Christmas guests coming. Yes, I’m the idiot who got all sentimental and invited holiday guests.

With baby rabbits ready to show to little children, who will pester parents relentlessly asking for that Christmas morning bunny. Stucky will be happy to know I make an effort to find the kits HOMES now and don’t just fatten them up for jars. His calling me bunny killer has gotten under my skin. A bit.

This is the first “real” Christmas in our log home since we embarked on this crazy plan in 2009 and purchased this plot of acreage surrounded by ponds and cattle and more than a few old school hillbillies of both the mild Jed Clampett and troubling Deliverance varieties. I have begun organizing the photos for digitizing and putting into those framed digital displays you hang on walls. I realized that what we did here is really kind of amazing. From suburbia to podunkia in five years or less, pressed into action by a group of prepper types around a military base of some import to the country and a crash course presented at a series of meetings. We did it. We really did it.

As I’ve begun to assess the future in a world I very much believe is teetering on the precipice of enormous change, I realize that for better or worse, richer or poorer and for all the reasons in my conscious mind which I cannot express to you here, I wanted to have a sense of stability and home again this year. It may very well be the last chance we have to do so. That is why I’ve broken my basic rule to never accept invitations for holiday visits in order to never have to extend them. I have done the extending and it has been accepted. I am now in Produce Mode.

I will be popping in as I can, but life is what happens while all of us are trying to converse with our cyberfriends on TBP and, as yet, the two have not merged. I have a house to decorate and neighbor kids to teach how to be country charming. I have baking to do and floors to scrub. Beds to make, walls to dust and all those things one does when one is expecting COMPANY.

So, while I want to believe the swamp is being drained, I really believe the Grey Champion will not right this ship of state so very easily. I am bringing those I care about to me. To the Ozarks.

Sometimes, when I hear the odd news from the world outside the little cozy valley wherein I’ve chosen to live, I really do HOPE it is all a conspiracy. Otherwise, it appears to be more chaotic than even I’d thought it possible.

i forget
i forget
December 17, 2017 1:22 pm

Started watching a Netflix series. “Ozark.” A Lake of the Ozarks by way of Chicago Mexican drug cartel one man money laundering operation is the story. Pretty good, so far.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Crimson Avenger
December 14, 2017 9:53 am

Do you know about the “He will not divide us” project?

You should research that to see why 4Chan was selected.

I wish that is was true, but if wishes were horses and all that jazz.

My gut feeling is that is a too clever by half PsyOp intended to track the level of dissent in the country. Enough of it is insider material to prove that whoever is behind it must at some level be connected to Intel, but never enough to prove that what they are leaking is 100% authentic, and clearly it isn’t. That’s why I lean towards the live study angle.

Remember the real insiders don’t worry about us AT ALL. They know they’re safe and they troll back twice as hard as the combined forces of 4/8Chan. I think that they actually get off on rubbing our noses in their dirty behavior and knowing that they will never be held accountable. It must be quite a high.

[imgcomment image[/img]

We’ll see.

Crimson Avenger
Crimson Avenger
  hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 10:09 am

“He will not divide us” was a hilarious escapade. I have a hard time reconciling that Shia LaBeouf with the one in this video.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 10:47 am

Bacon eaten, dishes washed. Yes. A bit.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 12:37 pm

Farmer, this is why there is a hell! That man makes my stomach turn just to look at him. If there is no justice in this life, there will be in the next, and it will be far worse than anything we can think up.

  Mary Christine
December 15, 2017 1:01 pm

Or he won’t and will die laughing at us, tattoos still in hand and unscathed…

I’d rather go with a bit of boiled rope justice.
Much moar satisfying and most importantly real….

[imgcomment image[/img]

and permanent. That way we both win. I get to see him hang and folks who believe can be rest assured that he will rot in hell as well.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 16, 2017 5:37 pm

According to Lt. Col. Potter, Barron Trump is extremely smart. Potter says the entire Trump family, including Melania, have very high IQs, but Barron has the highest IQ of them all. Perhaps that’s why he looks preoccupied with his own thoughts whenever you see him on TV.

December 14, 2017 9:01 am

This whole Q thing does make one have some optimism. Then again it could not be. Kind of like posting under Anonymous on the TBP Something to say,but will only go so far. So many of us hope that this is real. Patriotic Americans have been on the losing side of this s**t for so long it is depressing. It seems like a lifetime I have waited for these scum to get what is due to them(because it has been). Remember….”The worm always turns”

December 14, 2017 9:02 am

Last time I looked, every crook on both sides of the aisle are still in their positions. The crooks in all three branches of the government are still bending over the citizens and healthcare is still the biggest shakedown in history while our troops are also STILL guarding the poppy fields. What has changed ?

December 14, 2017 9:34 am

BINGO !!!!!! BL.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 17, 2017 12:21 am

It sucks to always believe the glass is empty…BL Just kill me now.

  Mary Christine
December 17, 2017 8:33 am

I’ve invited my friend from Maryland for Christmas, as she has recently had a loss in the family. I thought a hillbilly Christmas (a show at Branson? Perhaps?) might cheer her.



kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
December 14, 2017 9:02 am

Yada, Yada, Yada

Excuse the pessimism, but I’ve been around long enuf to at least consider this Q business as all BS. Could easily be a bright teen providing entertainment to adults.

Consider: Why haven’t some of these FBI personnel been fired? Why is Mueller still leading the investigation? Why hasn’t Comey been arrested?

edit: add – why hasn’t Peter Strzok, and Andy McCabe been arrested due to Hatch Act?


Give it time. If you were around during Watergate all we had at first was a burglary of the DNC Hq and some odd people caught doing it. Nothing to connect it to the Nixon White House. It was only when Woodward and Bernstein began publishing leaks from Deep Throat in the WaPo that the investigation began to move up the food chain. It took 18 months.

We are much further along the road than that today. We already know the principals and the outline of the scheme right up to the Director of the FBI Comey and Deputy Attorney General Yates. We just have to wait until McCabe, Priestap, McCabe, Page and the rest of the underlings are put under oath and see who flips first.

I doubt we will see any G. Gordon Liddy’s in this gang willing to do 5 years in Federal prison rather than talk.

December 14, 2017 10:50 am

As soon as Trump is removed from office the whole thing stops. No investigation and no prosecution beyond that point.

And no matter how much trouble they are having at doing it, they slowly but surely move closer and closer to it by the day.

December 14, 2017 6:43 pm

Who are the Bernstien and Woodward today? HRC and her gang were never put under oath or cross examined what indication do we have the five you named will ot be hiven the same deference? What happened to the disgusting and compromising emails that the NYPD saved from destruction on the computer shated by Huma and Carlos Danger? What is similar to Watergate: a lust for presidential blood by the media, Congress and the unremoveable law enforcement/intelligence commun ity. Sadly, Nixon had more support than Trump. Tuesday’s Alabama showdown demonstrates that it is futile to fight city hall. Susan Collins and Flake will switch parties after the holidays.

December 15, 2017 10:04 am

Yes a deep was FBI wow


KoKo- I answered your question about the HIVE in the other thread. Can you solve this? M fancies himself the King maker. Maybe if we do things the “Q” way, light bulbs will turn on on.

December 14, 2017 9:33 am

KoKo- That’s V F NOT VT….see above.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
December 14, 2017 9:34 am

BL….do a favor and tell me what your answer was from the other Post.

And, who is ‘M’?

Maybe it is too early in A.M. for me.


KoKo- My answer to your question is in the : Stucky QOTD; ALABAMA thread.

“M” is the billionaire cat lover and King maker. Do an in depth on M and then think back over the last couple years, you will see his hidden hand all over the place. My point was, Hearst played both sides against the sheep to sell papers, same as it ever was.

December 14, 2017 9:09 am

No offense, but I see things like that all the time on reddit, 4chan, voat, etc etc. I have yet to see much evidence of his grand machivellian schemes, and in fact the few times he tries to do anything in office it looks like he has forgotten just who put him in the White House.

I do think he golfs so much because he doesn’t trust the White House, rather than because of his love of the sport. I also think he uses his tweets to distract the MSM and others from what he actually wants to accomplish.

But while he is dancing around with our problems back home he is letting us get too flirty with overseas wars.

If he yanks us out of Syria and proclaims victory due to the death of ISIS then I might revise my opinion.

December 14, 2017 10:53 am

Keep in mind that those overseas wars were started by someone else, he just inherited them.

It takes time to get out of them without doing damage that will put us into another and maybe larger one.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
December 14, 2017 2:33 pm

Agreed, upon the condition that no new wars are started.

Trump said,”We are going to start winning wars.” The only wars that are won, are those averted through diplomacy. Provoking war with North Korea, Iran, or any other country, will earn him a place in hell.

What fucking psycho would think America was great again for slaughtering people, who are without question, at a military disadvantage, since we have the largest and most expensive military in world history?!

It’s the equivalent of picking a fight with a kindergartener, beating the daylights out of him, and then bragging about how macho and superior you are.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Andrea Iravani
December 15, 2017 1:32 am

Well done comment, Andrea.

December 14, 2017 9:09 am

He aint doing shit. Notice how they just quietly placed SALT deductions back into the final bill, making it completely meaningless. Getting rid of SALT is how you drain the swamps, all of them not just DC. And they killed it. Its just a giant circlejerk. Before the end of his term they will pass an amnesty bill and that orange bastard will sign it.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 14, 2017 9:50 am

Only $10,000, though. To a lot of people in NY, NJ, CT, IL, MA, HI and especially CA, that’s a big change. The Bay Area would feel it bigly.

December 14, 2017 10:56 am

Well, hopefully he’ll be removed from office soon before his term ends so that won’t be happening.

Nothing good can come of having an “orange bastard” in office, quit bitching and get active supporting his removal so we can get something useful done.

December 15, 2017 10:09 am

And who would that be no body all s–ts up there

December 14, 2017 9:23 am

Smells like ‘controlled opposition,’ but only time will tell. Throwing us tidbits to give us hope often works. It keeps us sedated and gives our owners more time to do their nasty stuff.

However, it’s not a conspiracy unless you consider human nature a conspiracy. Our owners are neither monolithic nor all paddling in the same direction. Greedy psychopaths are constantly jockeying for position and throwing one another under the bus. It’s been this way for thousands of years.

The best we can do is increase our understanding to avoid the pitfalls and the shit that falls from upon high, but we’re never going to change human nature. Plan for the best, prepare for the worst, but I’m not holding my breath. I’ve seen this movie before.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 14, 2017 12:41 pm

“Plan for the best, prepare for the worst”

A cliche I live by, also, Gerold.

December 14, 2017 9:31 am

“Smells like controlled opposition”______________Gerold

Uh huh……….like the NJ garbage dump on a very hot summer day.

December 14, 2017 9:37 am

Draining? Hopefully. Not optimistic. I still have a sinking feeling that Trump is a Trojan Horse. Sessions,Rosenstein and MacMaster are disappointments in a major way.

Q? could just be making shit up. We all could just be making shit up.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 9:56 am

You know there’s always the possibility that Trump is a Trojan Horse who hasn’t been let in on this fact. What better way to locate the last pockets of resistance than to put in a guy who thinks he got there legitimately to change things building himself a force of real patriots to combat the Deep State. Now they have them all, not just the vocal ones, but the really smart and decent ones who’ve been crypto through the last couple of Administrations.

This whole thing may simply be a mop up operation. And in light of all the obvious felonies that are completely ignored, it’s probably a very likely scenario.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 10:15 am

What you’re describing seems beyond the limits of human ability. The Deep State is made of people with wives and children and there is little structure or opportunity to collude to the required degree. That is why I think there is a nonhuman intelligence involved lol.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 10:21 am

“The Deep State is made of people with wives and children and there is little structure or opportunity to collude to the required degree.”

And so was the Third Reich and the Soviet system and yet they were able to do it. Maybe we lost the instructions along with the Moon shot technology.

This is no different than war planning, they work 50-70 hours a week, have unlimited budgets, clearances that keep people from ever knowing what’s going on, a political class that is so neutered by their own egos and lusts that they only show up for the perks and a completely complicit media/academia/corporate machine that works in virtual lockstep that it would be hard to imagine that it was anything BUT that.

But then what do I know, I’m just an uneducated dirt person.

December 14, 2017 10:03 am

Be fair. Trump could not nominate as Attorney General or FBI director a non swamp entity and get Senate approval because the Democrats were in fear of having what we are now learning ever coming to light. They would have stalled, filibustered, shut the government down done any and everything to prevent Trump from controlling those agencies. They knew what they had done and who was behind it. Hello Hillary, hello Obama! They probably unleashed weaponized sexual innuendo against Roy Moore as part of their defense even though they knew some of their own would have to be sacrificed. Hello Al Franken goodby John Conyers. Doesn’t matter this is a war to the finish. People and careers are going down and federal prison gates opening up.

By the time of the 2018 elections its likely many of Obama’s lieutenants will have been arrested or Trump will be assassinated. Its that serious.

December 14, 2017 9:43 am

It smells like trollage to me.

December 14, 2017 9:44 am

I have been following Q to some degree. I don’t think it’s Trump, but the individual knows enough to seem legit.

If the swamp was suddenly and dramatically drained, there would be mass upheaval. Don’t forget 50% of the country loves Hillary and Obama and the mass delusion needs to be slowly lifted. Better to let the swamp rats twist in the wind as the revealing of their true crimes and motives are gradually exposed.

My sense from Q is that there is an intense conflict behind the curtain, the white hats battling the bad guys to get the country back. The most encouraging thing I find about Q’s posts is the repeated assurance that Trump is being well protected and to have faith that the good guys will prevail. We shall see.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
December 14, 2017 9:52 am

We can hope (in spite of my pessimism).

December 14, 2017 9:50 am

So, based on the last Q post quoted above, I looked into Obama’s library. So, it seems that he really is not going to have one. All the records will be controlled by the Fed government, scanned in and made available to the public as the law allows.

Obama is building a psuedo-library for himself in Chicago, but it won’t contain any presidential papers, so it’s really just an Obama worship center I guess. So, if I am reading between the Q lines correctly, he is saying Obama is dumb by not keeping control of his presidential papers because Q and his minions can access them and use them against Obama?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 14, 2017 9:56 am

I’m highly skeptical of this Q stuff, but if Trump were to drain the swamp (and I’m talking more about the intelligence community and FBI than the corporate cronyism Swamp), it would take years to uproot the vilest parts – especially since they’re probably able to hear every word spoken in the White House, at Camp David and on Air Force One. So if he were trying to drain the swamp, it might not look much different than what we see now, especially if he lost months before he fully comprehended how he was being spied upon. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I don’t think we can tell either way.

December 14, 2017 10:06 am

“Imagine being the parent of a missing child and then learning that cannibalistic satanic, child sacrifice cults are real?” ——- article

Ho Lee Fuk.

Fantastic claims require fantastic proofs. Where are they??

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 10:16 am

Are you suggesting that humans do not engage in cannibalism-


Or that the only people who would never engage in it are elites?

[imgcomment image[/img]

Let’s start there and work our way through this puzzle.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 11:03 am

A few people acting independently does not constitute a cult, much less a Satanic one (a Satanic cult being one committed to the worship of Satan).

Are all serial killers members of a Satanic cult even though they rarely or never even know one another?

  hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 11:09 am

You just love snarky endings, don’t you? Talking to me like I’m a first grader … “OK, Stucky, here’s a cannibal story, now let’s see if you can work through it.”

Stop putting words in my mouth and/or erecting Straw Men. No way in hell did I suggest or imply that cannibalism doesn’t exist. But, yeah, go ahead and pretend I did, so that you can set up a snarky comment.

So you post a Brit news article about a dating site where some eat pussy, literally. As if it proves anything. We all know that a certain percentage of humans do horrible degenerate things. You know there are men who fuck CORPSES??

You know darn well and good to what I was referencing. That is, the claim that 100,000+ (!!!) children have been abducted in the USA, tortured, and then eaten. Because, pineal gland.

It’s a horrible thought so, I understand somewhat your attempt at misdirection.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 1:50 pm

Mea culpa, I was snarky.

So yeah, people eat other people, it happens. And yeah, people abduct children and infants and torture and murder them for their own pleasure, so that happens too.

We’re arguing definitions when the truth is that there are people at the top who are sick and twisted and they don’t bother hiding it. You’ve seen enough of the spirit cooking/Comet Ping-Pongs bizarre taste in music and art/the Podesta emails, etc. to get a glimpse into their mindset.

If they aren’t actually doing it, they are absolutely thinking about it, decorating their houses and offices with it, participating in celebrations of it and surrounding themselves with people who revel in some kind of proxy pedophilia/cannibalism/satanic worship. So the big defense is that there isn’t a definitive count? Or that you haven’t actually witnessed it? Or that pineal glands are involved? These are the same people that sit around in rooms where orders to bomb the shit out of someone’s wedding or a children’s hospital have gone out with regularity. They actually DO horrific, vile and unfathomable things to all kinds of innocents- many of whom are children- and are never held accountable because muh war on terror. And that’s what we know about.

Listen, we’re just a bunch of nobodies trying desperately to make sense of an insane period in history while the movers and shakers go about their illegal and immoral business unfettered by any type of constraints. They expose themselves for what they are by their actions, by their associations and by their proclivities and tastes and the problem it seems is not them, but us. Why aren’t we producing ironclad court cases with flawless evidence, just these theories? Because THEY control the investigative and the judicial branches of government, not us. It doesn’t mean we’ve been so demeaned and cowed that we no longer have the powers of human perception and when you link all the pieces together it doesn’t look like some poor misjudged naifs just doing their best to serve the American people, it looks like a cult of satanic cannibals who commit crimes with complete impunity while cake bakers and hate speakers get prison time or have their lives ruined.

Whatever, I shouldn’t even be dwelling on this as there is nothing I can do about it anyway. Let them go full blown Caligula if that’s their thing, we’re just the dirt people.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 4:25 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

December 15, 2017 8:31 am

Good idea Uncola. Put it on my to do list.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
  hardscrabble farmer
December 15, 2017 10:07 am

Never forget: even if Satan does not exist, the Satanistas do.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 4:37 pm

Truthfully I feel worn out and beat down by the whole situation. It’s like being in hell and bitching about the temperature (Fucking waste of time). Also this “Q” thing reminds me of the “rapture” bullshit. Don’t worrry Jesus is going to remove you before the 4th Turning. It’s the Kali Yuga Bitcheeeeeeeez!

December 14, 2017 10:12 am

Thanks for posting this excellent summary. I DO think there’s something to this.

December 14, 2017 10:13 am

I have not yet kept my promise to Indentured Servant to read the spreadsheet. It won’t open on my tablet, so I need to go to the library.

But, holy shit … how many people have time to chase down 140, 200, and more rows … each a separate story … chasing down near endless links …. seems pretty fucking daunting.

December 14, 2017 11:42 am

I scanned through about 500 rows. A few barbs tossed at the Rothschilds, quite a few at the Saudis but absolutely nothing about the Great Satan, Israel (and very little about neocons, other than McVain). Q is probably Bannon. I felt like I was reading WND, really. Anyone who thinks Pelosi or Maxine Waters matter in America are clueless.

December 14, 2017 2:32 pm

Z- I trust your observations. Telling who does not get mentioned, is it not?

My offer still goes to help you value your Confederate notes. Even the low grade common notes are worth more than you think.

December 14, 2017 4:19 pm

BL, I have a few confederate notes tucked away somewhere…probably in an old book. I dont remember anything about them. I found them in an envelope in the attic of a house we moved into when I was a kid.

December 14, 2017 6:00 pm

I’ve been following the Q threads closely since Halloween. His first post was 10/30.

He has proven repeatedly reliable on many things.

I have printed the spreadsheet out (174 legal size pages) and have read them all with a required magnifier due to font size.

I believe this is legit. Whether the Q group & Trump can win is another matter that remains to be seen. Targets are already seeking deals, and the Saudi reform coup cut of the single largest DNC financial backer, Alaweed bin Talal, bosom buddy to the Bushes, Clinton, & Obama. He was one of the puppeteers, and the strings have been cut.

There ARE over 4200 sealed indictments issued in 97 Districts by the DoJ in the last 6 weeks. These are open records, so check your local District. So something IS up!

The move from 4 Chan was necessitated by an avalanche of spam against the CBTS threads that overwhelmed security. 8 Chan is orders of magnitude stronger, and has held up thus far to the Clowns In America attacks.

Now off to a middle school orchestral performance!!!

December 16, 2017 10:46 am

Exactly how (by the numbers please) does someone check his local or any of the Federal District Courts to find if there are any sealed indightments filed? If they are sealed under what circumstances or time targets to they become unsealed?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 15, 2017 1:44 am

Daunting is right. That’s why I watch Lt. Col. Potter, so I don’t have to spend time I don’t have trying to read this stuff. I’m just waiting to see what happens.

December 14, 2017 10:35 am

“What would it look like? Would you recognize it if you saw it?”

Regarding pornography, someone once said they don’t know how to define it, but they know it when they see it. The same applies to Da Swamp.


“What would you say if I said that Draining The Swamp has already begun? ”

I would ask you to give me concrete proofs via examples. Not interested in guessing, conjecture, secret codes, reading between the lines, relying on fuzzy internet characters, etc. Proofs and examples, buddy.

For example, Da Swamp is made up of Swamp PEOPLE. I would recognize that Da Swamp was draining if Trump’s closest advisors and Cabinet were NOT Swamp Monsters. But, from his too influential Joofuk son-in-law to war mongering Generals to billionaire ex Wall Street fuks … all I see are Swamp Monsters. Maybe Trump is playing 4D Swamp Draining?


“What if I told you World War III has already begun?”

I would say we have differing definitions of WORLD War.

Milton's granddaughter
Milton's granddaughter
December 17, 2017 2:50 am

Let’s all just call it what it is – the American civil war we poor bastards are getting in our stocking for Christmas.

This is first and foremost an NSA/Trump/Army/Navy/Marines war against CIA/AirForce with the CIA controlled NKnuke test as the trigger. Did I forget anyone?

Saudi held a sword dance when Trump visited. Line them up in his corner. King went to Russia. Don’t know their stance. Probably neutral?
China treated Trump to dinner at the forbidden palace. One more for Trump.
Best I can tell CIA wants a bigger sandbox than Africa.
Trump wants smaller gov’t and the CIA back in a box or gone.

Please read the posts of “I forgot” in this thread.

Trump has been targeted (real or not I don’t know) but Details are in the Weekly Addresses. Watch them. Read THEM. Watch what is said when he shifts his head.
It is a hiding in plain sight.
Media are prepping everyone for the possible eventuality.

I thought Q was just a game at first or LARP but it was definitely a Redpill for me.
The comments of “I forgot” made it plain, although the language referring to the “Cian….” by the Qkids helped me realize it too.

Lindsey Grahm said he was willing to sacrifice 100k Americans over this.
I am just an audist-like apparatchik in my day job but my Ancestors have been fighting for this country since the Pequot war of 1621.


I know no one likely cares what I think!
History will judge and it will judge harshly. The victors do not always write history.

God help us all.

December 14, 2017 10:42 am

This whole Q topic reminds me of the PizzaGate topic.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 11:00 am

And New Town. And 9/11, etc., etc.

December 14, 2017 10:45 am

I hope this is the real deal . Trump needs to declare martial law and remove these Treasonous son of bitches from power.Both Demoncrats and most Republicans are vile to the cord.I hate them with a passion.
Good post Indent Service ,I can tell you feel better after you got that stuff off your private parts. No more black gals .Do what Stucky does from now on.Have a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.

December 14, 2017 11:06 am

What would be the Constitutional authority Trump would have to declare martial law?

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 14, 2017 11:15 am

Just noticed your post. I would say that to purge the cancer, one would have to move outside the constitution to re establish the constitution. Sounds crazy, right? Unfortunately in my opinion, we have no other recourse. Sadly, the outcome of such a move is not guaranteed and we may move in the direction of France’s independence instead of America’s . It will truly be in Gods hands.

  Not Sure
December 14, 2017 2:19 pm

One thing is certain, what will emerge will bear little resemblance to what we have been in the past and will likely involve a good deal of foreign control over us since they wouldn’t sit out and watch the resulting civil war without getting involved.

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 15, 2017 10:57 am

Amen. We aren’t the power we thought we once were.

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 19, 2017 9:16 am

I hope with all my heart your right, I find having a critical eye helps in not being fooled into believing something I hope to be true.
The options here are in the current condition we are hopelessly screwed, unless Q is on to something, where there is a chance justice will victorious in purging the dross.
I’m with Q.

December 14, 2017 10:47 am

On entry 1866……..wow. When this is proven true, I can’t wait to listen to the naysayers above proclaim their faith in the good forces that were playing out – including Trump. According to these people, there is no good anywhere – not one good person in an branch, level, department or other in our government. Now who’s being naive Kate?

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 14, 2017 11:08 am

In any operation, the more preparation the better the outcome. The better the research and the more accurate the results. Time and patience are always the ingredients of a successful offensive.
It sounds like we truly are the “bic lighter generation.” We want results now, dammit.
Some of the extrapolaters of Q are positing that a roll up operation is taking place, where a bottoms up take down is happening that will eventually lead to the kingpins, who will fall because their foundation is already decimated. Sounds like a good plan of action, but all of it is unverifiable and subject to interpretation.
If it is all happening, we won’t know until martial law is imposed and when that hits, who knows how we will come out of it. One thing is for sure; for the last 50 or even 100 years, the country has been slowly infiltrated with activists who live for a new world order and as such, elections alone will have no effect on returning the country to any semblance of a constitutional republic. Martial law may be the greatest blessing or the worst possible scenario for us and our kids. All one can do is hope that the “patriots” are in place with a true sense of Seneca’s selflessness in their ambitions.
If you are aware of the unseen Almighty hand over human affairs, now would be a good time to start praying.

  Not Sure
December 14, 2017 12:25 pm

As I understand it, martial law allows for military tribunals – that swift justice so many seek. Obviously great if it’s conducted for a brief time by a fair, responsible hand that needs change – good change – for the very same populace demanding action……likely to be even demanded by a citizenry that will come to hear, see, and understand the horrors perpetrated. Horrors so awful they can’t accept them without the crumbs this Q references.
Think about it, just back off and think of standard issue economic doom……how many people have you encountered over the years that can’t, won’t, or refuse to accept the totality of what you swear is true? Even people who know and trust you. Those are just tame little econ data points!

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 14, 2017 12:50 pm

how many people have you encountered over the years that can’t, won’t, or refuse to accept the totality of what you swear is true?

Agreed, but the basis of normalcy bias is normalcy. In the chaos of martial law/economic chaos, people are much more open to new ideas; problem is they can be swayed any number of directions, some good some bad. In a downturn folks turn vicious, something despots are aware of and use to their advantage; how can this downward spiral be reversed?

  Not Sure
December 14, 2017 2:01 pm

So your choice is between the unknown and the devil you know. In effect, you supposing that Trump represents another ‘leg down’………? If I’m wrong, please correct.

How many times in history has ‘proof’ been bullshit? I’d say those who stomp around demanding proof before anything proceeds – and I’m referring to any.fucking.thing., either operate in a calm, stable environment that permits such behavior, can’t think for themselves in ways OTHER than this ‘proof’ which is historically subjective, stupid, or just a lemming that goes with the herd.

Proof in mostly a function of trust in the provider of the proof. Trump has it all. He doesn’t need this hassle, mess, threats, and more. Every president could be – and rightfully so, accused of another agenda. We’re a jaded lot we are.

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 15, 2017 6:49 am

Hi Tommy, a little slow today, so bear with me as I try to understand your question. I didn’t get the “leg down” image and I’m not sure what the proof is your questioning. We are both supportive of melissa’s Post so I think we are on the same page, just trying to understand your point. Do you think I’m dissing Trump (or Q) by not trusting in his proof? Or should I be more positive about the outcome of the war Q is bringing to light? Not sure if you’ll read this as it an old article already, but I try to reply to any questions I receive from what I post. Take care. Not Sure

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Not Sure
December 15, 2017 1:57 am

Martial law basically equates to dictatorship in ancient Rome. After the civil war with Gaius Marius, Sulla became a dictator to right the Republic “in his view” and then he gave up the dictatorship. After the civil war with the Roman Senate and Pompey Magnus, Julius Caesar became dictator to right the Republic “in his view” and planned to give up the dictatorship as Sulla did, but was stabbed before he could do so. So what happens if Trump declares martial law to correct the constitutional government, and the next president decides Trump did it wrong and declares martial law to correct the constitutional government that existed before, or worse? It would be precedent setting for the next presidents, don’t you think?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 11:19 am

Your best post yet.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
December 14, 2017 11:28 am

Interesting. I have no desire to chase rabbits. Opportunity costs being the sole reason. Just personal preference.

If it is in fact Trump, or even if if is not, draining the corrupt Clinton. Bush, Obama pro war swamp and replacing it with a Trump pro war swamp which is selling weapons to the only country that has ever financed and orchestrated an overwhelming attack on U.S. soil in most of our lifetimes, in addition to siding with the phenomenally corrupt, by its OWN ADMISSION and human rights abusing, war mongering nation is not exactly a winning strategy !
Wikileaks: Israel: A Promised Land for Organized Crime


Israel Tel Aviv


— Not Assigned —


Department of Homeland Security | Israel Jerusalem | Italy Rome | RHMFIUU US CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION | RUCNFB FBI INTD CTD CT WATCH | Secretary of State

“Lappin told conoffs that the new style of crime features knowledge of hi-tech explosives acquired from service in the Israeli Defense Forces, and a willingness to use indiscriminate violence, at least against rival gang leaders. New OC business also includes technology-related crimes, such as stock market and credit card fraud, and operates on a global scale.

8. (SBU) As the reach of Israeli OC has grown, so have the stakes. Crime families are working further from home and exporting violence abroad. Older gambling schemes have grown to include sprawling casino franchises in Eastern Europe. The Abutbul family began its gambling business in Romania over a decade ago, and now owns the Europe-wide Casino Royale network. In 2002, Israeli OC turf wars spilled into Europe when Yaakov Abergil and Felix Abutbul were killed two months apart. Abutbul was gunned down in front of his casino in Prague in a show of force by the Abergils as they attempted to capture a portion of the European gambling market.

26. (SBU) As recently as March 2009, Zvika Ben Shabat, Yaacov Avitan, and Tzuri Rokah requested visas to attend a “security-related convention” in Las Vegas. According to local media reports, all three had involvement with OC. Post asked the applicants to provide police reports for any criminal records in Israel, but without such evidence there is no immediate ineligibility for links to OC. Luckily, all three have so far failed to return for continued adjudication of their applications. Nevertheless, it is fair to assume that many known OC figures hold valid tourist visas to the United States and travel freely.”



Omerta Has Destroyed America – Andrea Iravani

Omerta Has Destroyed America

December 14, 2017 12:54 pm

Dunno. Having issues connecting the dots with “cui bono?”
All that work to leak often ambiguous info. My first guess is that it’s done to distract. Perhaps the underground intelligence world truly is as big as they depict in fictional movies after all?

December 14, 2017 1:09 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

December 14, 2017 2:06 pm

…….why, exactly?

December 14, 2017 1:18 pm

…..the vast majority are not going to be able to handle the truth and may even end up in the hospital because the exposed knowledge is so out there.


Keep in mind that disinformation, misinformation and misdirection are MAJOR components of an informational war.

For anyone of average intelligence who is, at the very least, moderately engaged, there have been so many opportunities to “wake up” in red-pilled fashion. Over the past two decades in particular: the biased reporting of the corporate media regarding Lewinskygate, 911, the certain inevitability of the Patriot Act, Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, Edward Snowden, and especially the events just prior to and ensuing the election of Obama; namely, TARP, the passing of Obamacare, Chief Justice John Roberts saving Obamacare, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Louis Lerner and the IRS, et al. It’s true, America has been fundamentally changed in profoundly perverted ways.

Regarding Trump, and setting aside all of this Q business for a moment, there are only three scenarios:

1.) everything is as it seems (Deep state in control – Team Trump fighting back)

2. ) nothing is as it appears (Deep state controls Trump as a Trojan Horse)

3.) Some things are not as they seem and other things are exactly as they appear

As for us dirt people, we can only speculate.

But for now, let us explore option # 3. We know the Deep State / military industrial complex is entrenched and has been for decades. But is Trump actually a monkey wrench in their gears?

There have been many fascinating headlines recently. With all of the sexual hari-kari – is Team Trump draining the swamp, or was all if it long-con by the establishment to take out Judge Moore and as a pussygrabbergate back-up for when the Russian collusion charges collapse?

Last night I watched NBC nightly news for one reason. I wanted to see how they reported the Peter Strzok and Lisa Page FBI bias against Trump. My expectations were confirmed. In other words, if was a blue-pilled, hypnotized and programmed American drone I would only know of Strzok’s dislike for Trump and of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s final assurances that Strzok’s dislike for Trump in no way affected the investigation. Nothing was reported on the key elements of Strzok’s texts which, of course, was his collusion with Lisa Page and “Andy” (Andrew McCabe?) and the “insurance policy” against Trump (i.e. – phony “golden shower” dossier via Fusion GPS and paid for by Hillary Clinton & DNC).

In effect, and as expected, NBC left out key facts in order to massage the perspectives of their viewers. To call this Orwellian, goes without saying. But what kind of power can do this? Only very entrenched power; the kind of power that shapes the narrative and premises for every public debate.

The Clinton’s are the eight-hundred pound gorilla in all of this. Can you imagine the impact on the country if Hillary Clinton would be arrested for her crimes? The majority of blue-pilled people I know might, indeed, go the hospital because their collective shock would be that great. This is, in fact, my most fervent wish. But it never, ever, ever, seems to happen.

On the contrary, now even Roger Stone, who was deemed so important that he, allegedly, was poisoned by the dark powers, now seems to be worried about Trump and is even writing a book about Trump’s forthcoming downfall.

That last hyperlink (regarding Stone’s book) is from USA Today; the very same publication who, just this week, claimed that Trump is not fit to clean toilets at Obama’s presidential library.

No matter what you may perceive about Roger Stone, in truth, he is a very saavy, very experienced, longtime political insider who has won more battles than he has lost. But, is it is all purposeful disinformation and distraction for what is about to come down in a very real war for the soul of America? Is this Q correct? Others, like Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who on Infowars.com have stated similar claims to Q prior to Trump’s election. But, so far, it seems the Deep State remains completely, even confidently, in control.

According to this post above, this Q entity has stated that the “future will prove the past”. This reminds me of one of Roger Stone’s famous idioms: past is prologue; a phrase borrowed from Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”, where Antonio attempts to persuade Sebastian to murder his father so that Sebastian can be king. I have no doubt, whatsoever, regarding the truth behind either Q’s, or Roger Stone’s (and Shakespeare’s) statements.

But is this the calm before the storm? Sure. One way, or another it’s gonna rain.

December 15, 2017 8:15 am


I am poppying (see what I did there?) on as a early morning rest on the way to a very busy day. I saw this reply of yours and remembered why I liked you longagofaraway in a little pond near Mayberry. ‘Nuf ’bout that.

I think you should back up from the Clintons just a tadfish. George Elder rode into the White House on the coattails of another very, very popular leader who came from the nonpolitical class. Ronald Reagan attempted to turn the Habitat for Humanity MODEL of business imposed on the US Ship of State to a more rational course to enrich the country and alleviate foreign threats, as he perceived them through the type of media filters a Midwest raised football player turned actor turned California governor turned World Leader that broke the USSR’s back economically, albeit by creating a military industrial LEVIATHAN out of the threat Eisenhower mentioned, in passing. *

Do you ever notice that most of these warnings from military presidents come at the end of their service? In passing? If Eisenhower saw that alliance between business and military to pursue defense contracts was becoming a threat, why did he create the military industrial complex with his Administration’s policies? Didn’t it benefit the Eisenhower Administration to have a thriving industrial complex designing better and bigger equipment to compete for those highway construction contracts to connect everything with highways and communication networks? Once the foundation for that was in place with the Marshall Plan in Europe completed, starting the natural cohesion of cultures on the European Continent which took only one additional generation. In the US, the findings of the first National Education Assessments performed in the aftermath of Sputnik, suggested consolidating schools into large, concentrated areas to test, assess and train the talent pools of the nation’s children. The findings of the test were skewed by the bias of the man selected to ask the questions. (I will need to get his name later, but this is from my grad school days when I got fascinated with the idea of School Choice and Charter Schools and researched the origins of the Department of Education.) The researcher was a retired military guy who’d been PART of the engineering design team thinking up the Marshall Plan for Europe. He saw a national effort to build and connect schools as a good way to create a whole bunch of post-war jobs. He was right.

Husband’s up. Good day. EDIT… I hadda come fix this, so read on.

Back to Sputnik and the desperate need to BEAT THE RUSSIANS. When the guys in D.C. get shortmanitis (known in lewd circles as shortdicksyndrome), they start doing some crazy shit. So, in the race to create an environment where American children would all have access to the best “science and math” education possible to train those minds most able to create and invent (to beat the Russians), we allowed the teachings of people like Edward Bernays to override the concerns of Marconi regarding advertising on the radio and, by extension, future media mass communication methodologies and let business purchase part of our time available for information transfer. We allowed business interests to claim a right to the financial stream available through the entertainment and information value of mass communications. And, once business saw profit in blending information with entertainment via advertising, how long could it possibly be before the politicians start sniffing around to figure out how to use that infotainment style to frame their campaigns? Why should they be forced to be honest?

Oh, my. I digressed. George Bush Sr. started the whole New World Order crapola. Sometimes Occam gets it right. Elitists really are in it for themselves.

Also, I think Coyote should write me a ditty.

The Clintons went down to Arkansas, they were looking to make a Deal…

EC? You up to the challenge?

December 14, 2017 1:34 pm

I just had an entire (very long) post disappear from this thread. It was there and then it was gone. So, I am going to repost it here again and if the other one mysteriously pops back up, I apologize in advance. Here goes:

December 14, 2017 1:37 pm

…..the vast majority are not going to be able to handle the truth and may even end up in the hospital because the exposed knowledge is so out there.


Keep in mind that disinformation, misinformation and misdirection are MAJOR components of an informational war.

For anyone of average intelligence who is, at the very least, moderately engaged, there have been so many opportunities to “wake up” in red-pilled fashion. Over the past two decades in particular: the biased reporting of the corporate media regarding Lewinskygate, 911, the certain inevitability of the Patriot Act, Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, Edward Snowden, and especially the events just prior to and ensuing the election of Obama; namely, TARP, the passing of Obamacare, Chief Justice John Roberts saving Obamacare, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Louis Lerner and the IRS, et al. It’s true, America has been fundamentally changed in profoundly perverted ways.

Regarding Trump, and setting aside all of this Q business for a moment, there are only three scenarios:

1.) everything is as it seems (Deep state in control – Team Trump fighting back)

2. ) nothing is as it appears (Deep state controls Trump as a Trojan Horse)

3.) Some things are not as they seem and other things are exactly as they appear

As for us dirt people, we can only speculate.

But for now, let us explore option # 3. We know the Deep State / military industrial complex is entrenched and has been for decades. But is Trump actually a monkey wrench in their gears?

There have been many fascinating headlines recently. With all of the sexual impropriety hari-kari – is Team Trump draining the swamp, or was it all a long-con by the establishment to take out Judge Moore and as a pussygrabbergate back-up for when the Russian collusion charges collapse?

Last night I watched NBC nightly news for one reason. I wanted to see how they reported the Peter Strzok and Lisa Page FBI bias against Trump. My expectations were confirmed. In other words, if I was a blue-pilled, hypnotized and programmed American drone I would only know of Strzok’s dislike for Trump and of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s final assurances that Strzok’s dislike for Trump in no way affected the investigation. Nothing was reported on the key elements of Strzok’s texts which, of course, was his collusion with Lisa Page and “Andy” (Andrew McCabe?) and the “insurance policy” against Trump (i.e. – phony “golden shower” dossier via Fusion GPS and paid for by Hillary Clinton & DNC).

In effect, and as expected, NBC left out key facts in order to massage the perspectives of their viewers. To call this Orwellian, goes without saying. But what kind of power can do this? Only very entrenched power; the kind of power that shapes the narrative and premises for every public debate.

The Clinton’s are the eight-hundred pound gorilla in all of this. Can you imagine the impact on the country if Hillary Clinton would be arrested for her crimes? The majority of blue-pilled people I know might, indeed, go the hospital because their collective shock would be that great. This is, in fact, my most fervent wish. But it never, ever, ever, seems to happen.

On the contrary, now even Roger Stone, who was deemed so important that he, allegedly, was poisoned by the dark powers, now appears to be worried about Trump to the point of writing a book about Trump’s forthcoming downfall.

That last hyperlink (regarding Stone’s book) is from USA Today; the very same publication who, just this week, claimed that Trump is not fit to clean toilets at Obama’s presidential library.

No matter what you may perceive about Roger Stone, in truth, he is a very saavy, very experienced, longtime political insider who has won more battles than he has lost. But, is it all just purposeful disinformation and distraction for what is about to come down in a very real war for the soul of America? Is this Q correct? Others, like Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who on Infowars.com, have stated similar claims to Q prior to Trump’s election. But, so far, it seems the Deep State remains completely, even confidently, in control.

According to this post above, this Q entity has stated that the “future will prove the past”. This reminds me of one of Roger Stone’s famous idioms: past is prologue. This is a phrase borrowed from Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”, where Antonio attempts to persuade Sebastian to murder his father so that Sebastian can be king. I have no doubt whatsoever regarding the truth behind either Q’s, or Roger Stone’s (and Shakespeare’s) statements.

The calm before the storm? Sure. One way, or the other, it’s gonna rain.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 2:04 pm

Glad you saved it, that was powerful, eloquent and well presented.

You are becoming quite the writer.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 2:27 pm

Thank you Hardscrabble. Is nice of you to say. I thought about doing a stand-alone post but then figured it was more appropriate right here on Indentured’s thread. I appreciate his (and T4C’s) time and efforts in reporting on Q.

For longer comments, and from painful, time-consuming experience, I have learned to save beyond any website. Whether it got spammed or NSA jammed is beside the point. Either way, I always try to remain:

[imgcomment image[/img]

(Edit: I saw that on another site and it reminded me of me. Not who I used to be, but who I am now and hope to always be. 🙂

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 2:51 pm

Good for you. I wish I could say the same, but people I care about are always able to fuck with me if the urge strikes them because I care what they think.

The rest of the world, not so much.

When I was in the 82nd we had this poster in my barracks and I always thought it was the ultimate in badassery that I have tried to live up to-

[imgcomment image?1414742894[/img]

  hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 6:20 pm

ok. since you dont care.. Did you enjoy being cannon fodder for Jewish bankers?? How do you feel about the USS Liberty? How do you feel about Henry Kissinger and what he feels about you ?

“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”

― Henry Kissinger

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 14, 2017 8:03 pm

Hey buddy,

We don’t need raging antisemites like you fucking up this blog. This is a place of love, safety, and sharing. Now pack up your horns and your pink slippers and take your trash talk somewhere else.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Jacob Goldstein
Jacob Goldstein
  Francis Marion
December 14, 2017 8:14 pm

Great. Another newbie who thinks they are original. Hey Mix. Fuck off before I fuck up your shit for good.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Francis Marion
December 14, 2017 9:04 pm

Wow! I missed out on the flamethrowing! I thought that was a people of Walmart! lol!

December 14, 2017 8:54 pm


You are a worthless flannel mouth.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 9:02 pm

I don’t know ow to answer your question, I’m just a stupid animal.

But thanks for asking.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 15, 2017 2:14 am

I take it, Mix16, you were not in the military. Lucky for you, you missed the draft. Must be young. But you’ll learn. Life has much to teach.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 15, 2017 11:09 am

HF says:

“I wish I could say the same, but people I care about are always able to fuck with me if the urge strikes them because I care what they think.”

Yeah, but you and Stucky always seem to make up. So there’s that. ?

December 15, 2017 11:46 am

I love HF. That’s why I make up with him.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 16, 2017 7:25 am


i forget
i forget
December 14, 2017 4:59 pm


But also reminds me of the db shotgun poking out of the p\u truck window. It’s just a ride – but it ain’t always easy. Sometimes middle fingers get answered.

“Son, treat every weapon as if loaded, even when you know it’s not.” Corollary is treat every autistic you meet as weaponized, too. Goes double for assburgers in p\u’s.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  i forget
December 14, 2017 5:51 pm

I Forget..that was an awesome movie! I think I watched it after Maggie recommended it. I don’t watch much anymore. There’s hardly anything worth my time anymore.

  Mary Christine
December 14, 2017 9:10 pm

Which movie?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 14, 2017 9:51 pm

Grog, The Accountant.

i forget
i forget
  Mary Christine
December 15, 2017 3:30 pm

I liked it too. Rainman forensic accountant \ $ launderer \ & all around combat master…who would like to “be better with people.” lol…. Plus autistic oh-so Able meets up makes up with brother Cain, at the end, nice twist.

Burry has Aspergers. He’s the guy – the only guy – who read the contents of bunches of the mortgage backed securities, instead of just taking the rating agencies’ word for what was in them. And then he went short, $1.3B worth.

Temple Grandin. This flick, based on her life, was pretty good:

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 15, 2017 2:10 am

I absolutely love that, Uncola. I’m going to use it the first chance I get. 🙂

  hardscrabble farmer
December 17, 2017 2:49 pm

I saw that in him, early, you know. You might say I baited the hook. Of course, EC might say different.

December 14, 2017 2:14 pm

Well, if you voted for Trump – it’s time to double down.

Love to read the comments, but nobody saw JFK or Reagan coming. Same with Trump.

So where do you suppose we’d be now if the cunt had prevailed? Yeah, thought so.

December 14, 2017 2:31 pm

Very well written. A few thoughts. The military are not “patriots” for fucks sake. Geebus it was the military who dreamed up Operation Northwoods. Democrats are not the deep state. Q is just another venue of disinformation.

December 14, 2017 6:15 pm

” Democrats are not the deep state.” Hows the weather in Tel Aviv ??

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 14, 2017 7:50 pm

I love new guys. I’m sure Zara the Zionist will appreciate that comment.

  Francis Marion
December 14, 2017 8:22 pm

I’m turning over a new leaf. I have discovered that I can make a shit ton of money…I mean like over 200k/yr and that’s salary only, if I convert to judaism and I dont even have to embrace zionism, all I have to do is stfu about it . It doesnt affect me anyway, does it?

The funny part is this probably exactly why all those europeans converted to judaism during the middle ages in the first place. Jews look out for each other and you were an enterprising young man looking to a place in this world to advance yourself, I’m sure it was an attractive offer.

Jacob Goldstein
Jacob Goldstein
December 14, 2017 8:41 pm

$200k? I couldn’t live on that.

  Jacob Goldstein
December 14, 2017 8:48 pm

Its a lot for an engineer.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 15, 2017 2:22 am

Actually, it was the Joint Chiefs of Staff that came up with Operation Northwoods, not the everyday soldier and the guys on the front lines. By the time you reach the Joint Chiefs, you’re already becoming a psychopath.

December 14, 2017 2:44 pm

I have spent many nights reading Q’s material and researching some of his clues and subject material. I’m not an insider and much of the information is confusing. As unbelievable as it is, to me, it is very believable. Corrupt human beings are capable of incomprehensible deeds. A lie, is a lie, is a lie, is a lie. When money is involved grandiose deceit is as normal as a the little white lie the middle aged women tells when she denies getting botox. “Q” does infer draining of the swap has occurred at the introductory level 1 by naming the NUMEROUS politicians not seeking re-election. This helps to validate TRUMP is making it happen behind the scenes. The underlying theme of this great big cluster@#ck is GOOD vs evil. I believe it takes faith to believe in evil. Just like it takes faith to believe there are good people willing to risk their safety for the betterment of others. Over the years, my high expectations of people involved in politics, religion, education…you name it…have diminished to a low, ugly , bubbling cynicism. It’s embarrassing. And ..and …and…I consider myself a patriot! Well. I am choosing to believe Q is the real deal. If anything he inspires me, he instills HOPE inside my heart that GOD (Good, beauty, light -whatever you call it) is capable of using others to show us HE is still in control. Personally, I think it takes an incredibly BRAVE and selfless person to come forward in whatever way they can to empower others to (literally) change the world. My cynicism tries to intervene with this thought but the history of our country is enriched by ppl just like this.
As a side note- TBP is also the real deal. All of the contributors here have educated me in some way, whether it be articles or dialog in the comments. All has been valuable to me . In turn, I educate my sons on these issues. It is important to me that they recognize there are a LOT of things that are RIGHT with our world. TBP is my witness.

December 14, 2017 2:57 pm

Yeah……what she said…..

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 15, 2017 2:26 am

Liked your comment, Melissa.

December 14, 2017 3:37 pm

“Draining The Swamp”
But wait! a swamp is a protected ecosystem!
Someone tell Tump before he drains the swamp he better use this form and apply for a Section 404 waiver. The EPA will be all over him if he doesn’t. lol

[imgcomment image[/img]

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 15, 2017 2:31 am


December 14, 2017 3:55 pm

A very good post Indent.

I would hope that this Q fellow is for real. However the drips and drabs that are flowing from the swamp don’t seem to be going anywhere or amount to much of anything. So far. One can hope but like Bea and Koko said above all the critters still have their reserved seats at the Circus.

Started reading the book Win Bigly by Scott Adams and finding it a very interesting read. Seems to me that red and blue pillers alike sense a tear coming in the story. Maybe this Q fellow is just doing groundwork and repairs to prepare everyone for the ultimate shock and awe McGurk Effect.

Humans see what they want to hear. The best trick is done with impunity in full view.

Is Q Trump? Not likely.
Are they one and the same? Maybe.

Might the secret be about to be exposed…

i forget
i forget
December 14, 2017 4:42 pm

I recognize the creature from the black lagoon, but also the creature from the white one, too.

Are you a good witch, or a bad witch? The white witch asked the girl with the head injury who didn’t, couldn’t, know which weigh was up or witch curds were down.

Storm or anthropomorphized calm? Well, I love storms, so am appreciative, as well as calm, when they blow. All calm all the time can be boring.

As for anthropo’s pov(erty), very large segments are always marching to the eastern front, the other cardinal cliffs, too; calm doesn’t seem to be a popular seller.

Nothing happens until something moves – or is sold – and tho everything is moving all the time, most of those kineticisms are beyond my perception. But I like to be able to see movement. The more calming storms the better I like it. Maybe it’s sorta like ADD people taking speed.

Qball (lotsa’ English on it Qarlito)?* Qpie (dolls)? Quixhotic (mainline those vanes)? Qargo Qults (o’ “person”ality). Where’d we be w\o q’s (&p’s)?

Not to mention insiders of the realms speaking in coded tongues to the always strictly minoritized chosen ones, or 4\8chansen ones? Chase those e•soterics all the way down the rabbithole o’ denutted but chock full o’ nuts internetted truth. Yeah, that’ll set yer free to teething.

Disguise & anonymity is as compelling&clickbaity as sex…maybe even warren beatty sex (who knows? ).

“We are restoring…” We•steros.

GOT – both life imitated & imitatee versions (sponsor\sponsee it’s called in AA…that’s alc, not aut anons) – also as C&C as sex.

We•steroidal love of thrones. That python is nothing if not precedented. (The colt python, 6” barrel, ventilated rib, silky smooth trigger, was possibly unprecedented, tho. Dark blued over stainless white’d be my choice, every time. Once you go blue-black you never go back, etc.)

All times are of\in history, historic. Maps of the future are histrionic. Or hystero-theoretical.

Patriots are sc(lown)oundrels.

Q, no normie kettle, calls normie pot fantasy land black.

Mimetic spread : metastasis on bread. (Feedom, & This Isn’t What the Government, are good tunes.)

Have been dipping into King’s Dr. Sleep. No insomnia hacks, so far. But the dark force in it is called the True Knot. “True Patriot” is Don Knotts, Knottsberry Farm stuff. And the kiddies just can’t get enough of that patria OT.

Pogo (typically Pogo the We•Oui) oppresses itself, & his\her inner spring – esp when WEmalgamated – projects that oppression, all over the place. The jerk in circle refers to the twitching that starts milliseconds after the hang-together trapdoor drops.

Property is property, despite it’s unknown idealness. Patriotism is proprietarianism of ‘the commons’ commie comrades, Putanesca sauce majeurors. And that’s as oxymoronic as it gets.

1st rule of fight club is “fuck me *up.*”

Breadcrumbs is another ferrytail reference for to wag the puppies. R. Crumb’s better. Notes from underground comics. (& S. Clay Wilson meets Hansel & Gretel, amongst others.) And his American Splendor pal Pekar, too, prolly – but this tune from that flick is a cover that hovers well above the original (or might say it is so uniquely interpreted it stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Marvin’s version). Pecu-people *are* peculiar, despite moojority status, WEthane flatus, & free gratis mesmeratus-s-s-s-ness:

And this one.

And next time you hear: is paying you back
From faces of bread and nightfall or trap
Of treacherous blood or weak fits of will
The one that you save could be the one set to kill
Don’t go astray, don’t even try
Keep it away, cause your just can’t lie

(breakin’ bread with those bad ozymandias others & selves in exchange for crumbs…)


  i forget
December 15, 2017 10:38 am

I wish I had some of the same stuff he/she’s having! OMFG!

December 14, 2017 5:59 pm

Watch POTUS when he speaks to you.
Open your eyes and LOOK at him.
POTUS: “You guys know what this represents?”
Bill: Yes, it is a ‘Q’. You drew a ‘Q’.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 14, 2017 6:00 pm

HSF said:

“If they aren’t actually doing it, they are absolutely thinking about it, decorating their houses and offices with it, participating in celebrations of it and surrounding themselves with people who revel in some kind of proxy pedophilia/cannibalism/satanic worship.”

Yesterday, Vox Day posted a book review:


A true story about pedophelia in the science fiction industry.

Then there is the vatican and the pedo coverups there.

It all needs to come out into the light of day.

December 14, 2017 6:12 pm

NO . and it should be very clear to everyone hes not draining shit.. .It should be painfully evident with the Jerusalem move … Q is a psyops on suckers..You really think if the guy cared about his presidency or YOU… hed wait this long.??? . Nothing but crumbs as a distraction. Continues to allow the jews to rob the country with your , cough cough “stock market” The end goal is war in the ME while the fools are sniffing around, wasting their time with what Q says.. Gimme a break. Quit wasting your time.. Though im sure some of the intelligent posters here have heard the Cody Snodgres interview? Not THAT is a listen for the ages, but even that i wouldn’t rule psyops. .. This is intense shit and you wont be able to turn it off


Jeff & Cody Snodgres – BLOCKBUSTER! – Deep Black Ops Contractor Exposes OKC! and So Much More

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 14, 2017 6:25 pm

Inthemix, John B Wells interviewed Cody Snodgres. I wondered whether it was true or not but it is quite a compelling story.. I remember hearing about there being a middle eastern man with McViegh when he was buying fertilizer. There was even a composite drawing if memory serves. Then they stopped publishing the drawing and soon it just seemed to disappear. Sound familiar?

It is hard to tell what is real and what isn’t anymore in this rabbit hole we are living in.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Mary Christine
December 15, 2017 2:43 am

Attorney Jesse Trentadue can tell you more about OKC. His brother, Kenneth Michael Trentadue, was arrested as the third man (John Doe) and was killed in his jail cell. Look it up. It’s easy to find. It’s a horrific story.

December 14, 2017 8:10 pm

The 4 Possibilities?

1. Q is too good to be true
2. Q is what the smart ass globalist/RINO magicians call nationalist/Deplorable miss-direction
3. Nothing can stop these black hat soul sucking NWO secret society real lady finger eating elites
4. The 4th Turning will be the last corner we run around as it leads into the End of Days brick wall

1. Q is too right and righteous to be wrong
2. Q is what the brainwashed zombies call a Nazi but we call a Constitutional Patriot
3. Q will tell U.S. how the white hats are trapping these soul sucking NWO secret society real lady
finger eating elites
4. This 4th Turning will be yet another bloody God breathed American renaissance

1. The shit is going to hit the fan
2. The shit is going to hit the fan
3. The shit is going to hit the fan
4. The shit is going to hit the fan

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 14, 2017 9:14 pm

Mark, that is the long way of saying :

The glass is half full
The glass is half empty
The glass is..well I need to sit by the tap.

December 14, 2017 9:44 pm

A good comment thread. Even a few ‘heavyweights’ weighed in. I won’t state my opinion about Q, but I will say that the Media Industrial Complex that now dictates the narrative by influencing minds meets the criteria of the False Prophet as described by John in his Book of Revelation.

People who read sites like this are such a tiny fraction of the majority. And we all know who will ultimately ‘rule’ in a democracy. Democracy was a great mistake. Much scarier times await.

December 14, 2017 9:47 pm


Yea, your right, but all 9 bullets points have flashed through my mind.

Either way what we are heading for is two things: big & ugly.

December 14, 2017 11:50 pm

What if all he is doing is changing out the water using new, GOP swamp water? Because that is exactly what it looks like from here.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 15, 2017 9:32 am

Is that really what you see? The GOP has been hamstringing him since he threw his hat in the ring. Now it looks like Ryan is stepping down.

If anything it is the GOP that has presented him with his greatest challenge since the other guys were the known enemy, they were the traitorous ones he thought he could count on.

But what do I know.

i forget
i forget
December 15, 2017 3:37 pm

GOPump runs potable thru it’s impeller, out comes swampwater.

December 15, 2017 7:21 am

I sure don’t know what’s coming, and am no fan of Lenin, but his words come to mind:

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”

I suspect we will see some weeks where “decades happen”, and either way this works out, it will be one hell of a ride.

December 15, 2017 8:19 am

“SEC Conf will be analyzed.” —- Q

Finally, something I know a little about.

The South Eastern Conference will likely be won(again) by the Kentucky Wildcats. Although. Florida and Vanderbilt will give them a challenge.

This Q person sure has his fingers in a lot of pots!

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 15, 2017 8:34 am

The up/down voter tab should have a wait, what?

December 16, 2017 7:51 am

If you believe the above memes you’re dumber than I thought.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 15, 2017 7:46 am

Damn good, IS.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 15, 2017 9:26 am

That image froze up my computer for about ten minutes. Not sure if there’s a keystroke logger on it or a virus as I’m still running a diagnostic, but caution is warranted before clicking.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 15, 2017 12:52 pm

Worked fine for me.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 16, 2017 7:55 am

Trump is a virus… he will execute the final blow on our freedoms via the NWO, he’s their puppet. Never forget that. He just approved a new NDAA and pulled this Jerusalem stunt… he’s bucking for WW3. It’s shameful.

December 15, 2017 8:57 am

Manias are painful to watch. Bitcoin and Q are prime examples.

I will be blowing leaves at the doomstead, have a nice weekend everyone. 🙂

December 15, 2017 11:20 pm

Who’s Leaves?

Rather Not
Rather Not
December 15, 2017 10:05 am

I am not firmly convinced of whether Q is real, or a GOAT LARP, but I am leaning towards the former. There are a few too many things that could easily be coincidences on their own, such as the BD and BDT references before the bengladeshi tried to blow up NY. The photos that were posted almost immediately after being taken on AF1 during POTUS asian trip. It is theoretically possible to have taken an earlier picture and modified the metadata to make it seem like it was just taken from AF1, but they would either have to have a bunch of places ready and found out AF1’s location real time, or known AF1’s flight path ahead of time, which would be a big no-no.

I wonder if ‘enjoy the show’ was actually a reference to the latest episode of Mr. Robot. Near the end of the last episode was a weird and out of place scene with a brand new never seen before character where they were talking about ‘taking down the top 1% of the top 1%’ and there was a jarringly out of place line calling the hellscape they were fictionally walking though (NYC, intermittent power, trash piled on the street, massive economic disruption, homelessness)…the Calm Before The Storm. The title of the thread Q posts under. That could be Mr. Robot independently touching on the Q phenomenon, or Q planting yet another easter egg. If you look, there are a lot of them, but it is natural for the human mind to find patterns, even where none exist, but there seems to be even more than that would account for.

So I am not sure Q is ‘real’ …but Lord I hope so.

December 15, 2017 1:15 pm

If you think anyone is going to drain the swamp, you’ve been duped!
