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December 22, 2017 8:32 am

When was the last time you saw an ATM? When was the last time you saw a hundred dollar bill? When was the last time you heard trump or any of our other prison guards speak about this? When do you suppose we’ll get the chance to vote on it?

Cats, Dogs, Humans
Cats, Dogs, Humans
December 22, 2017 9:45 am

The white paper is just a presentation. The de-cashing may just be relegated to countries, Primary Dealers (Banksters), and Major International Corp’s, like the SDR plan.

cletus the slack jawed yokel
cletus the slack jawed yokel
December 22, 2017 9:15 am

O goody, lets all have electronic currency of wildly fluctuating value. And what, like 2 pounds of wheat for a days wages, and do not harm the oil and wine?

December 22, 2017 10:02 am

The Good News: Article One, Section Eight, paragraph six of the … wait for it…
“ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION”, pre-“Organic Act of 1871”, makes NO allowance whatsoever, the American People must be placed on the hook for the behaviors of foreign, criminal bankers that are currently counterfeiting what are described as “US Currency (bonds, bills and notes)”. Please watch, “All the Plenary’s Men”, by John Titus. ~ Michael Keane 12/22/17 Please visit “” Merry Christmas.

December 22, 2017 11:06 am

The turn away from cash has already started. I’ve read many articles on this subject. The EU got rid of the 500 euro note because ‘drug dealers’ and criminal elements used that denomination. The largest amount of US currency is in $100 bills, the majority are physically located outside the US. The US govt wants to eliminate the $100 bill. To be honest, the elimination of coins and paper scares the crap out of me. Between that and the US Govt’ / Banks ability to freeze ones’ 401ks etc, its not good.

December 22, 2017 11:40 am

It’s already failing miserably in India……

December 22, 2017 1:31 pm

It is privacy the beast is after, the elimination of cash is but one appendage, the beast wants total information awareness. Zero privacy for you, zero. It will know your heart rate when you ejaculate, the Internet of Things will accelerate this data collection process substantially, phones will become ever more aware of their environment, eventually crossing the biological barrier in significant ways, collecting data the whole way, right into your fuckin head.
The all seeing eye, atop the pyramid, but distinctly detached from it, comes into view…..
Stay low ( very fuckin low)
Move fast

Where the fuck is Frodo?

December 22, 2017 1:48 pm
December 22, 2017 2:10 pm

It’s worth reading in it’s complete form.
From the “working paper”:

“… should governments impose de-cashing without the general approval of the population, de-cashing may lead to social tensions, mistrust, walkouts, demonstrations, and, as a result, GDP losses”.

“… electronic payments may also lead to new forms of tax evasion and could incentivize barter, facilitated by improved technology, which will hamper tax collection”.

“The implementation of many electronic payment procedures is technically complex, and requires extensive training of personnel, procurement of new equipment and technology, redrafting of domestic regulation, and the corresponding institutional changes, including strengthening enforcement capacity”.

“Coordinated efforts on de-cashing could help enhance its positive effects and reduce potential costs. At least at the level of major countries and their currencies, the authorities could coordinate their de-cashing efforts. Such coordinated efforts are, in particular, important in the decisions to phase out large denomination bills for all major currencies, to use ceilings and other restrictions on cash transactions, and to introduce the reporting requirements for cash transactions or their taxation. For currency areas, a single de-cashing policy would be clearly preferable to a national one. Finally, consensus between the public and the private sector and outreach on the advantages and modalities of gradual de-cashing should be viewed as key preconditions for its success”.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 22, 2017 4:42 pm

Agenda 21 anyone world economic control on a personal level . Yes it will be great no more cash to carry around and a government service tracking and monitoring every move you make . FUCKEM Can’t buy what we want when we want or where we want ? Time to go completely rogue and steal everything we can to survive on . Yes a libtards utopia may be close at hand . PREPARE TO DEFEND YOUR SELVES

December 22, 2017 4:54 pm

If they do this, it will be a disaster.
I think it would push lots of people out of the economy. I think it would be impossible in the periphery areas, like Alaska, where electricity and ATMs are not necessarily reliable.
I think it would drive value out of the economy. Under this system, my first inclination upon being paid would be to pay off my bills, then convert as much “money” as possible into physical goods, i.e. groceries, clothes, shoes,PMs, ammo, etc, lest the value of my “money” vanish at any time. I think many people would feel inclined to trade their fake E-money into physical goods before it loses value, disappears, or whatever else.

December 23, 2017 12:33 am

“my first inclination upon being paid would be to pay off my bills, then convert as much “money” as possible into physical goods, i.e. groceries, clothes, shoes,PMs, ammo, etc, lest the value of my “money” vanish at any time. I think many people would feel inclined to trade their fake E-money into physical goods before it loses value, disappears, or whatever else.”

Except that a purely digital “currency” allows them to stop your purchases at any time, electronically, without you having any real ability to fight back. Assume they would limit your purchase of all those things and would keep you on a purely day-to-day, hand-to-mouth subsistence level, regardless of how many digital credits you might nominally have.

It’s all about control, and evil.

December 22, 2017 7:19 pm

I was planning on fucking Heather Locklear when I was 20. That did not turn out as planned either.

December 22, 2017 7:59 pm

There’s still time!

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 22, 2017 10:57 pm

De-cash=FedCoin=Slavery to The Beast/Satan