Actual article on Page of 5 of the Washington Post (aka Bezos Propaganda Journal)

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January 3, 2018 11:19 am

This is perfect for all the underpaid and overworked national capitol region staffers to wrap the garbage in……..

kokoda Raccoon
kokoda Raccoon
January 3, 2018 11:24 am

Here is the glaring results from HadCRUT (dataset of monthly instrumental temperature records formed by combining the sea surface temperature records compiled by the Hadley Centre of the UK Met Office and the land surface air temperature records compiled by the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia).

0.8 degree warming in 168 years (According to Hadcrut) shows that we are heading towards a burning future. Each year it will be hotter by nearly 0.005 °C!

GloBull Warming is Alive; Alive I tell you. Earth is Burning up.
I’m getting hotter already after reading that Hot result.

January 3, 2018 11:35 am

Today at about 6:00 AM, I’m getting my lunch together. I turn on our small, under counter TV in the kitchen. I wanted to see the traffic report. Two air-head babes are discussing a ‘news’ story: a scientist predicts that because of global warming, there will be no more chocolate by 2050.

WTF – what scientist? for what reason? what data? why 2050?

How in the fuck can you broadcast shit like this?

So much of the news is stupid – the local TV news is horrible – you would get better news from the Weekly Reader.

kokoda Raccoon
kokoda Raccoon
January 3, 2018 12:28 pm

Dutch…you would be amazed at their ridiculous predictions There are literally hundreds to laugh at. But, they publish the garbage just to put the fear-mongering in the heads of the mentally challenged (1/2 of US adult population).

January 3, 2018 11:57 am

Don’t be fooled by the orthodoxies of the messengers.

Anymore, I peruse the corporate media to determine what they want me to believe. Then I believe the exact opposite.

In this case:

“Real superheroes remain unconcerned about Climate Change. It’s just the weather.”

22winmag - ZH refugee who just couldn't take the avalanche of damn-near-hourly Bitcoin and doom porn stories
22winmag - ZH refugee who just couldn't take the avalanche of damn-near-hourly Bitcoin and doom porn stories
January 3, 2018 12:02 pm

Breakup Amazon (and WaPo)!


If you’re proposing a break-up under the Sherman Antitrust Act, let’s start with Wal-Mart.

January 3, 2018 5:01 pm

Bitcoin boom may be a disaster for the environment
by Daniel Shane @CNNTech

In 2010, journalist and caffeine aficionado Murray Carpenter visited the Keurig facilities in Waterbury, Vermont, reporting for The New York Times that the K-Cup idea posed environmental concerns, as the pods were not recyclable or biodegradable. It was that same year that the Keurig model seemed to take off, doubling in sales. In a 2011 local-boys-make-it-big story in the Boston Globe magazine, Eric Anderson, a professor of marketing at Northwestern University, likewise noted that the coffee machines could invite significant backlash because they “generate a ton of plastic waste.”

Stop eating Nutella and save the forests, urges French ecology minister
Ségolène Royal says Nutella is made using palm oil, which is contributing to deforestation, and urged Ferrero to make the spread with ‘other ingredients’

(CNN)Glitter is the ultimate supervillain of the craft and makeup world: Charming, but insidious. Use it once, and you’ll be vacuuming it out of the carpet and picking it from under your nails until the day you die.
On top of it all, scientists are saying it’s dangerous for the environment.

Let’s just cut to the chase…
Humans are bad for the environment.
I suggest that those who adhere to that notion,
go first.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 3, 2018 7:46 pm

There is some truth the the Bitcoin energy use…in fact a LOT of truth.

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January 3, 2018 6:42 pm

When I was young, I read about Spider man in the comic section. My parents referred to them as the funny papers. Well, they were right. Funny papers it is. Not funny like ha,ha, but funny like in funny money.