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I think today is an appropriate day to re-post this. If there were any REAL journalists in the MSM like I saw when I was growing up, they would have been on this like stink on shit.

It would be interesting to identify the brass in that room (vid below) and see which ones work for the JAG Corp. I’ll bet the tribunal judges are in that room as well as MI/NSA.

I thought Hardscrabble Farmer summed up recent doings quite eloquently:

I wish I had something to offer that wasn’t based on my gut. I can clearly see that our political system has been corrupted for such a long time that if any kind of fix were to happen it could only be one of three ways- external invasion, domestic insurrection or something that follows the script of the Q saga- a long, drawn out, meticulously planned and precisely executed “lawful”deconstruction of the entire administrative framework.

For once I might be able to be *succinter* than HSF:

Elegant simplicity.

It’s a masterpiece and a real joy to watch unfold in real time. I’ve recently been accused here of being “unhinged”. I’m not unhinged…not mad…not even pissed off. It’s actually three months of pent up anticipation and joy. I’m elated. I feel like a Krakatoa Super Volcano ten seconds away from becoming an Earth based Supernova! I’ve long felt in my gut that a peaceful solution was not only plausible but possible. I sincerely wish more of you had been following along with Q so you could experience exactly what I mean. It’s incredible.

Turn up the volume and listen closely to the banter between Trump and the reporters.

“Do you guys know what this represents?”

“Maybe it’s The Calm Before the Storm.”

What’s the storm?

What Storm Mr. President?

“You’ll see.”

Indeed! He’s shoving it right up their ass and they have no clue!


Until *very* recently, the MSM got their 4am media talking points and narratives from Gannet Media via the CIA and their Operation Mockingbird. This explains why all the MSM outlets would parrot the exact same propoganda, word for word. Word is that the Mockingbird is dead.

Nearly everything you’ve heard in the MSM for the last 20 years has been lies or half truths at best. Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes truth. Once you see it, it becomes impossible not to see it.




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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 3, 2018 9:47 am

The mistake is thinking that journalists were better in the past.

  Iska Waran
February 3, 2018 10:01 am

The mainstream media has always been dishonest. From the “yellow journalism” of the late 1800s and early 1900s to today’s “fake news”, journalism has shown its true (communist) roots.
From the lies about the Spanish-American war to the New York Times’ walter duranty hiding the truth about and denying the artificially engineered and forced communist “famine” in the Ukraine, to the lies about the 1968 Viet Nam communist Tet offensive (a military victory for the South Vietnamese and American troops) reported by walter cronkite as a military defeat, cronkite and his ilk were successful in prolonging the Viet Nam war for years, giving “aid and comfort” to the enemy, who bragged about being supported by the U S media.
Look at NBCs doctoring of GMC truck gas tanks, rigging them to explode, and the deliberate mischaracterization of George Zimmerman’s conversation withe the 911 dispatcher, deleting a key phrase, as well as showing Trayvon Martin as a 12-year-old rather than his more recent “thug” facebook picture.
The media has become a “fifth column” of the government and is not to be trusted.
To our advantage, we now have the internet, which gives the ability for ordinary citizens to be real “journalists”, quite often getting and reporting the story TRUTHFULLY before the mainstream media.
In fact, there are calls by “mainstream media” to “license” journalists, in an attempt to keep these “citizen journalists” out…twenty years ago, any journalist suggesting such a scheme would have been thrown out, but nowadays…

February 3, 2018 9:47 am

hashtag me too.

Whatever that means.

Saw Iska’s comment above and returned to edit:
I really did return to college post military service/career to study journalism. And, yes, at least three students I attended OU in the “J-School” were successful in their own media careers, as far as ratings and exposure go, but I would rather not mention their names HERE since guilt by association on all parts.

About journalists being “better.”

In the late 1990s, when I returned to college amidst the Contract with America hoopla, shortly before the Murrah Building fertilizer bomb caused a landscape change, OU had a small “school” of journalism where I completed a bachelor’s degree and entered but never completed the master’s program, which is too bad, since I could have graduated from a World Class Mass Communication and Journalism College because the Media Moguls of the Sooner State, the Gaylords, gifted the University of Oklahoma with a big wad of cash and a new empire was born. Good grief, how many words is that sentence? Is it, in fact, a sentence? I do apologize for this… I am editing it now.

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The reason I had to preface the comment with the above is because I realized I had no clue who the original school of journalism was named after. Now, after having read a couple small articles about him, I know even less. It almost seems that the guy went to college at OU right out of high school and managed to become a full professor there, at the University of Oklahoma, in 1913, at the ripe age of 26. So… it wasn’t that he just hadn’t experienced anything in life to qualify him to TEACH journalism to young people about to face the first major upheaval of the modern century. It was that a lot of the things that were about to break down society’s foundations and set the cornerstones for the new century hadn’t yet happened. What Herbert didn’t know then and what people need to realize NOW is that revolutions are fought on battlegrounds between first and third world, financed and supplied by a military industrial complex class born of what Herbert’s peers might have dubbed the “bourgeoisie.” The bourgeoisie is allowed to finance and supply both sides of the conflict because of the same doublespeak introduced into our education system during the turn of the nineteenth into twentieth century. The double speak gave us the Federal Reserve Act which replaced, finally, the Divine Right of Kings with a less supernatural sounding name.

“H. H. Herbert was born in 1888 and became a professor as the University of Oklahoma School Of Journalism in 1913. Herbert remained at the university until 1945, although he took leave to teach at other schools, such as Oklahoma City University. Besides his work as a journalism professor, Herbert was also involved with campus organizations such as Sigma Delta Chi, a journalistic fraternity, and teacher associations such as the American Association of Teachers of Journalism. Herbert was an active participant in the Young Men’s Christian Association and an elder in the First Presbyterian Church, where he and his wife were members. In 1916, Herbert founded the Interscholastic Press Association.”

I’m sorry, but exactly WHY did they name a freaking journalism school after a guy who basically just ATTENDED that school and stayed there to teach. Kind of like a child actor who never did anything but act in a sitcom then a soap opera then in college acting classes then in television and now big screen. And they tell us how we all should live our “real” lives.

February 3, 2018 10:52 am

Sigh… I was still editing that. I gotta get out of here though… is why I have returned to pen and paper/page to outline and draft my written stuff now. I am retraining my hand-thought connection. If you haven’t done it for a while, try it… it is amazing to actually be able to edit, revise and delete without sharing all the first drafts with all you monkeys here. Of course, it is also merciful that you no longer have to read all my first drafts of late night ideas.

I know you miss me.

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I am improving greatly, me hoe. I ramble far less than I once did.

You might wonder why this charming photo of a bull is here. Another silly nonsequiturial photo, a pseudo-selfie Maggie tosses in here and there to either support a point or distract from her ignorance.

The bull, the most dangerous of cattle when the bovine ladies are in season (and even when they are NOT), depends upon the power of his head and shoulders when charging against a threat. You might have seen that at a bullfight in Spain. My old friend Alejandro told me about that, before he fell in with the wrong crowd there in Torrejon. When we were little girls, my sister and I were terrified to enter the barnyard when there was a bull in the barnlot with the lady cows. I wasn’t “in the know” then about what was hanging between that guy’s back knees, but I could tell it wasn’t a milk sack like our Jersey milker. We would try to be brave, but even our hand on the gate latch would cause that nasty old bull to snort and charge at us, forcing us to bypass the barnlot via brambles, tall brush and chigger and tick laden blackberry vines. I hated that bull.

My father would force an old tire over the head of our bull, forcing him to carry the weight and cope with the awkward load. I suppose he would be charged with animal cruelty now, but it really did make the bulls a lot more manageable. For him. My sister and I had a system: If the bull was further away from US than the second fence we needed to reach, climb and be OVER was from both us and him, we would run for it. If one of us fell, the other was to keep going until getting over the gate, then turn around to distract the bull by throwing dirt clods or something. We weren’t more than 4 (me) and 7 (sister) years old, but we had a survival plan.

The media needs a big tire around its neck, to stop its snorting and shouting over voices trying to debate and discover truth. And, if the media can’t be brought to heel and learn that its purpose is to SERVE the truth, then the media must be brought under control of the truth by other means. My father once walked up to that bull who refused to stop threatening him and hit him top of the head, centered between the ears with a crowbar, driving the bull to his knees and causing blood to drip from his nose. The bull never threatened him again, but, he also got turned into a lot of hamburger the next time we fired up the bandsaw and grinder.

Now, I’m not saying we might have to do that to the media, but… sometimes you really do have to kill the bull.

Hey, between the two of those, there could be a decent story, huh? Maybe Maggie is getting her online writing groove back?

February 3, 2018 11:12 am

My niece is a 2014 Gaylord Journalism graduate who got her credential in marketeering. OU is a good school but like all good schools it teaches the basics and then you go out and really learn in the real world. In her first 2+ years out she was hired and laid off as firms would lose a client they would lay off staff……and of course “last in is first out”.

But that is when she began to learn from her mother and father who are grizzled veterans of the IT wars. She listened and executed and is now a full timer doing good things in a good location with good people and is very happy.

BTW The Gaylord family has their name on everything in schooner land…….just look at the football stadium as well…….Money talks and b/s walks everywhere……

February 3, 2018 1:40 pm

At least your guy, H. H. Herbert , was real FLESH & BLOOD …. unlike this digitized Q feller, or gal, or cis, etc.

February 3, 2018 9:53 am

I’m with the author on this one. It will take years to play out, countries all around the world will be sucked in. I picked up on Q very early and it has taken a lot of persuading, but I am a 99%er now too.

Q has had more than 650 posts and it is interesting to go back and reread them as events unfold. There is no way to fabricate this I can see. I believe William Binney is part of the Q group, smartest most honest man in America.

February 3, 2018 9:53 am

FWIW, I’ve long thought the media was FOS. Years ago, I had a classmate in gradschool who was a former NBC news employee. Her job, she told me, had been to write the evening news for the NBC affiliate feed. That was the 5 or 530 (I forget, I don’t watch TV) evening local news you got before the national show started. She also edited the film they used that you saw on the screen behind the news reader. She told me they had no illusions about what they did there being anything but entertainment. That’s why they have 1-2 stories from every topic; it appeals to the most people possible.

I’ve mentioned this before recently, but another time, I was in Russia in August 1998. The entire time I was there, and for some time before, maybe 1-2 months, the media was running constant stories about Yeltsin devaluing the ruble, about Russian internal chaos and the near-collapse of the economy, food riots and bank runs, and Soros demanding Yeltsin devalue. None of it was true, though. The entire time I was there, I saw nothing that was being reported. I was reading and watching BBC, CNN, Manchester Guardian, World Tribune, NYT, etc. All the stories were nearly word-for-word identical. All the reports were fake. The food was everywhere and teh banks were fine. I had the distinct impression the articles were dictated to everyone and they just copy/pasted them with no fact checking. And eventually, Soros got what he wanted- Yeltsin devalued at the end of August. The night before, Yeltsin went on TV and stated he would never lower the Ruble. That was the annoucement that all Russians knew meant it would happen the next day. And it did. At 6am Moscow time, the US news was already reporting the Ruble was devalued, but they didn’t report the amount. Nobody local knew, since none of the money kiosks and current currency value signs had been changed. Only at noon, Moscow time, did the actual devaluation happen and then it was a sudden lurch that saw the Ruble tumble several times over the coming weeks. It felt like we were catching up to the Western media. I never saw the media the same after seeing them all reporting identical stories from so many locations in 2 different countries.

February 3, 2018 9:53 am

IS, I think you express the exhilaration all of us who have been following Q since October feel.

We also understand the reluctance of others to accept what is obvious to us, because they haven’t shared that journey. That’s why on 8chan we describe is as “red-pilling”, ala the movie, “The Matrix”.

As I’ve said previously, Q has over these 4 months “told us” about events about to occur enough times that, when they occur, it serves as confirmation. One time, it might be a coincidence. But when it happens again and again, you start having confidence in the source. That only took a couple of weeks for me to be quite confident. I shared it with my wife earlier, but no one else. Then close friends and family. Finally forums like this once.

This is the inception of an epochal battle to try to alter the arc of history, and avoid institutional evil ruling the entire world. The drip, drip, drip may seem like water torture, but there is a method to the madness. Readers here know much of what we have discussed, though still express skepticism about what Q’s followers reveal.

That’s fine! Just keep an open mind to the Red Pill concepts. Some are harder to swallow than others, especially if you are a big consumer of MSM as a trusted information source. I see MSM as a torrent of disinformation meant to obscure the truth hidden in the stream. As “The X Files” used to say, “The Truth Is Out There”.

Q has been a Pole Star, showing the way!! We don’t know for certain if Q is an individual or a group, but Q is well connected and there is a definitive Plan in motion that was well thought out and being well executed.

Trump is a mix of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and P.T. Barnum. “The Donald” puts on “The Show” to distract from the real work that POTUS, our loyal military, and Q’s army of invisible Anons are accomplishing in waking the population from the dream state that the MSM has created. Done too fast, it would be convulsive and violent. Done too slow and nothing gets accomplished. Rolled out at a proper speed, and it varies widely (there was a pre-announced 10 days of silence awhile back), and the regular population can digest it peacefully, and act on it with a resolve to achieve reform. That is the goal, and it is directed at many levels of global society.

February 3, 2018 12:27 pm

Jerome Corsi’s interpretations/decoding of Q “drops” are excellent.

February 3, 2018 1:47 pm

“Q has been a Pole Star, showing the way.”

And the Legend Of Q continues to grow and grow with each passing day, and with each telling of his wonderful works.

Reminds me of a fellow who once walked on water, and later rose from the dead. Not quite a Pole Star. Merely the Bright and Morning Star.

Soon, Q will surpass even that, and take on a new name; Q-JHVH.

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 3, 2018 5:57 pm

Stuck, why are you such a downer all the time?

“Loosen up, Sandy baby.” -Redskins Hall of Fame running back John Riggins to Sandra Day O’Connor.

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  Rise Up
February 3, 2018 6:20 pm

I’m a downer ALL the time? C’mon man, don’t I make you LOL once in a while?

February 3, 2018 9:02 pm

Why the down votes on Stucky’s comparison? C’mon! That was funny,and I’m as in the tank for Q as IS.

Sketchy Detail
Sketchy Detail
February 3, 2018 10:11 am

Like many here I have been watching the ‘Q’ droppings since last year, and as IS said it’s not anger or anything but a mixed feeling of relief and jubilation. There is hope for America indeed there is hope for the whole world !

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 3, 2018 10:26 am

I listen to a local “news” talk show in the afternoons. A man and a woman, both have degrees in journalism and the woman used to be an investigative reporter for a local TV station. I listen because I like to know what is going on locally and the local tv news is useless. I don’t read the local paper, it’s useless, as well. But mostly, they are just amusing more than informative, as they spend a lot of time just joking around. The producer, Rod, dropped out of school, never went to college and seems to have more common sense than anyone else there.

It’s amazing how, when encouraged to research things further, they refuse to use the internet to try to weed out the truly crazy and look into things that don’t add up. Anyone who calls in with an alternate idea for say..the Las Vegas shooting is shut down.

When they get into the talking about “fake news” they always say that they believe CNN is the most balanced and reliable. When they look at the times that the network let slip through that they are pushing a narrative, even to the point that you can see it’s a lie and they have been caught, they defend CNN saying that everyone makes mistakes. I have to turn it off for a while.

February 3, 2018 10:32 am

“It’s a masterpiece and a real joy to watch unfold in real time. I’ve recently been accused here of being “unhinged”. I’m not unhinged…not mad…not even pissed off. It’s actually three months of pent up anticipation and joy. I’m elated. I feel like a Krakatoa Super Volcano ten seconds away from becoming an Earth based Supernova! I’ve long felt in my gut that a peaceful solution was not only plausible but possible. I sincerely wish more of you had been following along with Q so you could experience exactly what I mean. It’s incredible.”

Ditto! Following this has given me hope, something I haven’t had in many years. I keep telling my somewhat skeptical husband that if Team Trump pulls off Revolution 2.0 in a largely peaceful fashion, he’ll be president for life, even if he wants to quit.

I quit with the media, particularly teevee, and hollyweird about 40 years ago. Somehow, intuitively, I KNEW they were lying to us and promoting an agenda. Once the internet came along, I quickly discovered I was right, thanks to independent journalists, alternative media, and other truth seekers. God bless them all!

February 3, 2018 1:39 pm

Normally, the fiftieth anniversary of just about any event is commemorated with at least a little “blurb” in the media, especially if it was an event or situation of national or international significance.
Not so for the fiftieth anniversary of the deliberate Israeli attack on the USS Liberty (GTR-5) on June 8, 1967.
This is merely more PROOF of who “owns” the American media empire. Hint: “It ain’t Americans”.