The CNN Town Hall Only Demonized The NRA Whilst Ignoring The Systemic Failure That Could Have Prevented The Parkland Shooting

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter; Authored by Jon Hall

Last week, CNN hosted a town hall with the survivors of the Parkland, Florida school shooting.

Sheriff Israel and Dana Loesch.
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Among the attendees of the town hall were Senators Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson, Rep. Ted Deutch, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, and NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch.

In particular, we’ll focus on the segment featuring both Israel and Loesch fielding questions from the audience.

After Emma Gonzalez, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High, asked whether or not Loesch believes “that it should be harder to obtain the semi-automatic weapons and the modifications for these weapons to make them fully automatic“, Loesch confirmed she agrees with common sense:

I don’t believe that this insane monster should have ever been able to obtain a firearm, ever. I do not think that he should have gotten his hands on any kind of weapon…

However, after exposing an uncomfortable truth found within our system, the audience shouted her down:

It is not federal law for states to report convictions to the NICS system. It’s not federally mandated. That’s the big question and I wish that this network had also covered this more, as other media networks would have covered it.

Throughout the night, Loesch pointed out the numerous inconsistencies with our system:

How was he [the Parkland shooter] able to pass a background check? He was able to pass a background check because we have a system that’s flawed. The Southerland Springs murderer was able to pass a background check because the Air Force did not report that record.

No matter how hard Loesch hammered the point, she was ignored and instead forced to constantly be on the defensive.

…We have to develop better protocol to follow up on red flags. This monster carrying bullets to school, carrying knifes to school, assaulting students, assaulting his parents, 39 visits in the past year.

Instead of discussing any of Loesch’s suggestions, the audience instead saw it better to shout her down when she made valid points. The questions directed toward Loesch only demanded her stances on nothing-issues for reactionary politics… not for any actual progress.

Loesch, offering solutions, was instead only lambasted and unfairly accosted.

LOESCH: I want to make a couple — one point. This is the eighth tragedy, the eighth tragedy where we have seen numerous tips that have been reported and red flagged — I mean — are we talking about prevention or not? I mean I think it’s incredibly important —


It seems the entire crux of the town hall culminated with Loesch’s portion, vilifying and demonizing the NRA on a national stage. The audience booed and shouted down Loesch at multiple points throughout the night instead of even attempting to listen to her. Instead of any actual discussion of change or solution, everyone – save for Loesch – seemed content on wallowing in the cesspool that is supercharged, polarizing, identity politics for the entire town hall.

(Editor’s note: As we pointed out earlier this week, security was forced to escort Loesch and her husband Chris from the stage after the crowd became violent and approached her in a menacing manner.)

With where we’re at, after the recent spate of mass shootings, the inability to even discuss solutions to this terrible problem is a shame.

It’s an even bigger shame that most can find justification within themselves to place the blame on the NRA when it’s now been revealed that Broward’s Sheriff Israel knew of the 3 deputies that never entered the school during the shooting before he spoke at the town hallIsrael made it clear, however, that the actions of the deputies were not his responsibility – as ridiculous as that may sound, he believes the buck does not stop with him.

CNN made sure that Loesch’s appearance on their town hall would be set up to demonize and make an easy enemy of the NRA – and, overwhelmingly, it’s been a success.

No matter what is said about the NRA, at least they aren’t using the children survivors of a less than two-week old school shooting as political pawns as the Mainstream Media is. Furthermore, lest we forget, an NRA instructor cut short the murderous rampage of a shooter that opened fired in a Sutherland Springs, Texas church last November.

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February 26, 2018 7:43 pm

The NRA has overplayed their hand this time. Before I go any further, let me say this. If I were Dana Loesch or anybody else, I would never speak to those idiot kids. I’d tell them to shut up and go home. Children have no place in an adult debate. The NRA is like any other lobbying shop. Every now and then they kind of wobble out of their lane. I don’t see them defending the Second Amendment as much as they are defending the NRA. People around this joint say you can’t criticize Jews. And now the same people are telling me I can’t criticize the NRA. I like the NRA, they do some good work. They do some critical work. But they also lose their minds at times, and they shouldn’t be above criticism. Hiring Never Trumper Loesch for a spokeswoman was as dumb as it gets. Honest work is hard to find for her ilk, I guess. Trotting her out instantly to take on children was as dumb as it gets. I see the same three or four pieces of information, or probably disinformation, on every website I go to. I see 250 people in line and a gun show in Tampa and they tell me it’s 7000. I see one guy sign up for the NRA from Australia and I hear they’re going global. I see a little hockey stick chart that shows Google searches and I’m told that membership is skyrocketing. Makes my head hurt after a while.

February 27, 2018 12:39 pm

Naive twit wrote this. Premise growing thin – weedhopper. Assuming a fictional event occured, and then assigning blame, I’d rather read a treatise on the chemistry of paint. There was no “shooting” outside the orchestration of this little kosher hollywood media occurence.

February 26, 2018 7:52 pm

The town hall by CNN was designed to make anyone except a progressive gun grabbing hater look bad. Why would Rubio or Loesch participate in their own beating?

Mad as hell
Mad as hell
February 27, 2018 10:49 am

Because it is all theater. All of it. The crowd was picked based on their politics. Anyone remember the ROTC student that was approached by CNN and told the “script”. Rubio and this Loesch are not fools. As much as they are miscalculating certain responses, this was all designed and staged to throw red meat at the typical liberal useful idiot and the common, everyday sheeple to get them “outraged” about the “indifference” of the NRA. The “gun” is the bad guy – get it? I suspect that Rubio wanted some campaign snippets to use later, and Loesch was looking at “being the voice of reason” for donations, NOT for the constitution or gun rights. What do you suppose the water cooler talk was the next day in break rooms around the country of people that watched this mainstream trash? Exactly the narrative that these people wanted. This is the problem with anyone now that watches MSM. The best any thinking person can do now is simply walk away from any discussion that begins with “did you see that ____ on CNN, or MSNBC, or even Faux news”. It is all contrived theater with little if any usable or factual substance. The players on the stage are there for their own ends, definitely not for any cause that matters to us, and any “debate” will be carefully scripted to have maximum emotional effect on the target sheep, for some future money or vote grab. This I can assure you of.

February 26, 2018 8:00 pm

It’s just Loesch’s gig. Rubio’s just kind of a man without a country. He’ll never recover from Chris Christie waxing his ass in that debate. Everyone always told him he could be a contender in the new Mexican America. And he believed that shit. And now the country will forever think of him as Little Marco. You can’t recover from that

February 26, 2018 8:25 pm


February 26, 2018 8:01 pm

I can’t download the page from the chain gun store Shoot Straight but it shows they are out of stock on almost all AR-15 models. That is what CNN and its teen spokeskids have done. Caused a rush to buy these weapons.

February 27, 2018 8:24 am

“Caused a rush to buy these weapons.”

All of which now have a direct paper trail right to the purchaser/owner to make confiscation easier when they they are outlawed for civilian ownership except in special licensing circumstances the way machine guns currently are.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 27, 2018 8:27 am

Which is why the “gun show loophole” should remain. Keep the fuckers guessing.

  Iska Waran
February 27, 2018 9:36 am

A number of States have already eliminated that, banning private sales without a background checks.

And it is a trend I expect to grow in numbers with more States joining in with it.

There is very little that can be done to avoid it, but there sometimes a few loopholes that let you get away with avoiding it, even if not entirely legally, if you have the intent to (a plausible deniability sort of thing). Be careful if you go this way.

February 27, 2018 9:05 am

In theory yes but the reality is guns don’t stay in the same hands for years. People sell, trade, gift them or have them stolen so using the point of first sale data to track them down becomes fruitless after a few years.

February 27, 2018 10:25 am

The purpose of universal background checks on all transfers of ownership.

February 26, 2018 8:07 pm

Forget about the CNN town hall kangaroo meeting…it was a staged event with a selected crowd and agitators flown in to incite the masses and questions written by CNN for students who served as useful idiots. CNN should be indicted for fraud and Jake the Snake arrested for propaganda and subversion. The US cannot allow a Deep State-controlled, propaganda and subversive MSM to wage a war against the American people. Shut it down now and indict the owners and propaganda agents…then hang those found guilty of sedition.

February 26, 2018 8:27 pm

Jake Tapper of CNN and Time-Warner chairman Jeffrey Bewkes are members of the Rockefeller CFR, along with Michael Bloomberg, Diane Feinstein, and the Clintons. See lists in the CFR annual report.

The socialist utopia cannot be achieved until the proles are disarmed.

Non–Violence or The Knotted Gun by Carl Fredrik Reutersward, UN New York

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 26, 2018 10:51 pm

I believe it’s spelled Jake Fapper.

Ken Wood
Ken Wood
February 26, 2018 9:07 pm

Always forced to play their game. Why can’t we just say “no” and ignore them? Why let them weigh in on our rights? That video made me sick. Pure, unbridled emotionalism.

  Ken Wood
February 27, 2018 8:34 am

The difference between the Left and the Right is that the Left wants to take rights away from people and the Right wants to protect the rights they already have from being taken away.

That’s the game being played, the Left is making the moves and the right is on the defensive against them. The Left knows how to get out and fight and the Right only knows how to talk about fighting without actually doing it.

Mad as hell
Mad as hell
February 27, 2018 11:01 am

Let me correct you on one point – This whole Left Right paradigm is a bunch of crap. It is designed to get the people on the right “outraged” at the people on the left. The people on the left are supposed to get “outraged” at the people on the right. And both sides are then supposed to write checks, as in vote, produce etc. to “support” those they identify with. That is the point of the whole charade. When you look at these phony theater productions “town halls” as they call them, they are nothing but 2 hours of emotion, hosted by “authority” figures that are both hopelessly clueless, but somehow their stupidity seems to make sense to the crowd of supposedly normal everyday “joe six packs”. The point is to get you to identify with one of these audience members, and agree. Then get mad, then “do something”. Of course the “do something” is always controlled, and comes down to voting for or funding your “side” in the debate.
It is all staged. All. Of. It. I suspect that they changed the format of the audience to children this time because enough people started to flinch, and start to not identify with the libtard millennial college kid, or token old guy from “the steel mill in the heart land”. They needed a new trick, and now the “children” are the living virtue signal of choice. Same racket, but now this one will get more traction for a bit, as now getting rid of your gun rights is “for the children’s safety, from the children’s own mouths”. You don’t want unsafe children, do you?

  Mad as hell
February 27, 2018 11:08 am
February 26, 2018 9:48 pm

The basic premise of the 2nd amendment is to have the ability to fight back a tyrannical government that does not listen to the voice of the people.

And I disagree with starfcker that children should not be part of the debate. They may be young and not experienced but that is why we teach them. In the case of the shooting they are learning from experience rather than books. Books don’t create understanding; experience does.

Just wondering. Starfcker are you a parent that keeps your children in captivity?

We are in a debate with people who want to take away our guns one event at a time. If you notice the media is only presenting only one side of the debate. We need both sides presented so the people can make their own choice. The children need to be exposed to this debate.

We know from history and the present that people with no guns have no say. We Americans like our independence and don’t like being told how we should live our lives. And we know full well there are organized groups that would deny us our independence. Just look what the Bolsheviks did to Russia. Unfortunately most people do not know that because they do not study history.

Pragmatic people know that taking away guns in our society will not prevent what happened in Florida. It is stupid people who do not know this. And it is stupid people who the communists in this country recruit to do their bidding.

What do I mean by stupid people? It is people who have not studied history nor have they studied natural or moral philosophy. So their reasoning is nether rational nor moral. It is based on their reactional self. And what does that mean? It means nothing.

Unfortunately many people in American society are like this. So what can be done to wake the people up. Those of us that see have to communicate to others we know what we see. It starts from the bottom up.

February 26, 2018 9:54 pm

So, Thunderbird, do you think bump stocks and silencers have anything to do with fighting a tyrannical government? You are exactly what I’m talking about, we are smart, they are stupid, and there’s no room to even talk about it, so shut up. If the subject is school SHOOTINGS, guns are damn sure a part of it.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 26, 2018 10:57 pm

Neither the NRA nor most Second Amendment defenders are going to go to the mat over bump stocks or silencers. “Closing the gun show loophole” will be fought tooth and nail – as it should be. Efforts to limit magazine capacity to, say, seven rounds will be fought tooth and nail – as they should be.

  Iska Waran
February 27, 2018 8:45 am

So today you have the unquestioned right to buy and own a “bump stock” if you want to, or even make your own if you want to go that rout, the choice is yours.

Trump has ordered this choice, the basic freedom you now have, to be outlawed.

So tell me, after it has been done will you be more free or less free? Will you still have the freedom of that choice as your own to make or will the government have already made it for you by deciding against it before you make it?

February 26, 2018 11:21 pm

And it’s a total leftist tactic to put children in the debate. Their parents have a screw loose, you have a tough time reasoning with them much less their little devil spawn. Send them home. With no dinner. And I disagree with you Iska, on the silencer issue. The NRA gets a lot of funding from gun manufacturers. Gun manufacturers want a new toy to sell. Look at all the money they’ve spent lobbying for it already. Trying to rename them, coming up with all kind of bullshit about how wonderful it is to not have to wear earplugs. No conscience whatsoever about what it would do to crime and law enforcement. Fuck the NRA. Just another lobbyist.

Rdawg the fascist
Rdawg the fascist
February 26, 2018 11:48 pm

Silencers don’t exist.

  Rdawg the fascist
February 27, 2018 8:47 am

“Silencer” of “muffler” is the legal term used in the NFA and by the ATF.

It’s not some kind of secret thing, look the law up online.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
February 27, 2018 11:08 am

Mouse, that’s not what dawg meant. What he said was that silencers don’t exist and he is exactly correct. Silencers in reality reduce the noise of the explosion of the powder as it exits the barrel. Silencers in your mind make it so the police can’t hear the gun go off. Your mind does not grasp the difference but it is significant. Of course there is a definition. We all know there is a definition. There is a stupid definition of everything so how could there not be a definition. But in the end, the sound from a gunshot is not eliminated, it is just reduced. If the bullet used travels at faster than the speed of sound, the silencer does nothing to reduce the noise from the shock wave that the bullet produces. So using a silencer does not eliminate the sound of a gunshot. It literally does nothing about the sound of supersonic rounds and most rounds are very supersonic. (Not all of course, don’t derail the conversation with that.) Silencers are a red herring. Nobody needs to be concerned with silencers. Nobody is ever going to carry one around as they are too big and nobody has ever used one in any gun crime.

As for bump stocks, if you have never fired a gun before you might assume that full auto is in some way better than single fire. It is actually not. It is so much actually not that the army took the full auto off of the M16 because the morons that it sent to Vietnam were wasting too much ammo killing trees and not hitting any of the enemy. The reason they were not hitting the enemy is that spray and pray is never a good approach to personal defense. It might look impressive on film but it is useless if you have to hit a target. And that is full auto on a gun designed to fire full auto. If you put a bump stock on any gun you can get it to fire rapidly. You won’t hit anything but it will look impressive. Maybe that’s enough for some situations but by in large you will only expend your stores of ammunition in a useless display of sound and fury. Nobody would carry a bump stock on an AR that they intended to use for anything. Nobody has ever shot anybody, or anything, with a bump stock and that includes the shooter in Vegas. He didn’t use a bump stock and he didn’t use .223 from an AR. You can know this by listening to the rate of fire from the video and comparing it to the rate of fire of an AR. The smaller bullet from the AR allows for a smaller and lighter bolt that cycles at a much higher rate. It’s a momentum thing.

So what is my point? I mention these things because the NRA knows this. The sheriff knows this. CNN knows this and even Donald Trump knows this because somebody has told him. The fact that they don’t mention it. The fact that the question that they gave to that bald headed twat was about something that had nothing to do with school shootings or gun violence at all is the only indicator that you need that the whole thing was staged for the benefit of the blue haired harpies and the soy boys. They know they can’t win if they tell the truth so they lie. When they get called on their lie they just lie harder because they know that the next big thing will blow this out of the news (and I use that term loosely) cycle.

The NRA twat knew that she could blow the silencer/bumpstock thing out of the water but she didn’t. She did later at CPAC but not there on CNN. This tells you that she has one set of talking points for CNN and one for CPAC. They all lie. The NRA is not your friend. Trump is not your friend. The local PD is not your friend. Your soy boy fudge packer congressman is not your friend. Who the hell is your friend? If you don’t have any friends then you are on your own and your voice is useless. If you do have friends but they can’t talk about this then you have the wrong friends. If you can’t remember your own talking points then you can’t persuade your friends, if you have any, that your ideas have more merit than their ideas, and if you can’t do that then you can’t change their minds.

And that’s what it’s really all about now isn’t it. You need to start changing peoples minds. This is why Stephan Crowder does the Change my mind bit on Louder with Crowder. They drive me nutty because he frequently wanders off message but the concept is sound. Challenge your acquaintances to change your mind and change theirs. Step into the fray…don’t run away. And yes, those sheriffs in fla were cowards of the highest order and they can never argue their way out of it. The pussies hid while children died. How can you sleep at night knowing that you stood by and let it happen?

  Hollywood Rob
February 27, 2018 11:18 am

On something like a .22 rifle you can pretty much eliminate the sound of the shot. The sound of the bullet creating a sonic crack if using supersonic ammo is still there, that can’t be silenced by any means I know of (the main reason for subsonic ammo).

I’ve heard some that are quiet enough that you cannot hear them from just a few feet away. At least after the first round pop which is usually minimal on a .22 rifle. Generally though, the quieter they are the more expensive they are and most people opt for the slightly louder ones.

  Hollywood Rob
February 27, 2018 7:02 pm

“The army took the full auto off of the M16 because the morons that it sent to Vietnam were wasting too much ammo killing trees and not hitting any of the enemy.”

Some of blather mouth Hollywood Rob’s morons.

February 27, 2018 9:02 am

Silencers on guns could be very important in a war against a tyrannical government such as the Bolshevik regime that slaughtered up to 66 million people in Russia. It allows you to take out the leaders of tyranny while reducing the chances of being detected. The same is true for high powered sniper guns.

February 27, 2018 9:44 am

An echo from a building, assuming you know what you are doing, is more effective at directing attention away from yourself and hiding your true location.

And on anything of higher caliber, such as maybe a 30 caliber hunting rifle, a silencer is not quiet enough to escape detection and reduces the calculated echo hiding of your actual location by a significant amount.

FWIW, everyone should watch the old movie (maybe 10 years old) called “Vantage Point”. You can derive a lot of useful and realistic information from it even if it is a fictional film.

February 26, 2018 10:17 pm

This is all BS. Remember this is the same sheriff that was in control of Broward county last year when they had an active shooter at Ft Lauderdale Airport. Nothing has changed. The cops do not know what to do when an idiot go’s full dimmocrat with guns and starts shooting innocent civilians.

Massive fail two times over.

February 27, 2018 8:53 am

But there are things he does do well:

Fla. Governor orders investigation of terror-tied CAIR Sheriff Scott Israel whose deputies did nothing during school shootout yet he provided weapons training to radical mosque

February 27, 2018 7:47 am

In the end.There is nothing that any of us can really do if they want to put even more restrictions on firearms. Just get pissed off and hate them(politicians and liberals) even more. We here know that you are never going to win when arguing with idiots. I say F**k um. If they want to go and just wipe out the 2nd amendment. Let them try. There are to many safeguards for that to happen at the moment. However they will continue to chip away. Mental health is their vehicle. One of their professionals will determine what thoughts are allowed to own firearms,and who but they will determine what those thoughts should be. This Marxist march has been in force for a very long time. To use their phrase “They have won hearts and minds” Most here at the TBP have procured what they need,and are well ahead of the ban curve than the average dolt on the street. They will have what they need in advance,and will also know when said items need to disappear.

February 27, 2018 8:56 am
February 27, 2018 8:26 am

CNN treated those kids the way Bill Clinton treated Monica Lewinsky.

February 27, 2018 4:47 pm

I suspect most here that own a gun or two never owned a bump stock…many probably never new what one was until that shit show in Vegas. I’m always scouring for where I can buy .223/5.56 the cheapest, so why would I want some contraption to make me expend more for no good reason? Quality or accuracy is way more important than quantity…and quantity of magazine capacity is far more important than quantity of rounds fired.
Fuck bump stocks.
They can stay or go. I could care less.
Seems folks are backing off the 21 age requirement. Except for maybe that knucklehead gov in FL.
So bump stocks get banned. Trump claims he did more for gun control than the colored guy before him…which is true. Will never be enough for the lefties but makes for good campaigning for the next election.