How Long is Long Enough?

Indigenous (Adjective) 1. Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place.

How long must one’s people live in any given geographical area before they can be considered “indigenous” to the land. My people have been in North America for nearly 400 years. My son is, if my research is correct, the 14th generation of my family to live on this continent.By that definition, the only ancestors of mine who came as foreigners to North America were the family of Rowland Stebbins who first set foot here in 1634. Everyone since then, down to the present day, “originated and occurred naturally” in this particular place. Clearly, I am an indigenous American.

Now, the reason I laid out that argument is by way of preamble to the main thrust of this post. If, I can make a valid argument to lay claim to my right to call America my home, and if the bones of a dozen generations of my ancestors rest in the soil of this land, then no one can tell me that I and mine are not native to this place. By virtue of that truth, I have the inherent right to defend my place in the land that I call home. That is a right pre-existing any written law. It is a natural right bestowed by God and not subject to the whims of man or the winds of popular opinion.

Are the Boers of South Africa any different? They have lived and died in Africa as long as whites have lived and died in America. If they can rightly claim Africa as their ancestral home (I suggest they indeed have the historical and cultural right to make that claim), then how will the world react when they fight back against those who would dispossess and murder them? How will the world deal with the coming genocide of the native white population of South Africa? Will the slaughter of the Afrikaners go unnoticed, unreported, and unavenged? Will the violence and death inflicted on them be decried as racist genocide or dismissed as retribution for past injustice, or will it simply be ignored? Are Afrikaners as native to the continent as any black tribe or are they simply temporary interlopers in the native home of others? As is often the case, a reasonable look at history provides, if not the answer, then at least grist for the mill of debate.

The Dutch arrived in southern Africa in 1652 and gradually spread inland, taking possession of a virtually empty land. Historical revisionism notwithstanding, 150 years passed before the first significant confrontation occurred between whites and blacks in southern Africa when Boers moving north clashed with Zulus moving south. The fact is that white babies had been “originating, and occurring naturally” in that place for a century and a half before their parents faced any serious competition from black Africans. Now, at this point, the historically illiterate and politically ovine will begin to bleat about white racism, colonial oppression, and every other politically correct distraction they can come up with to avoid any serious thought or debate.

They will ululate about how the Boers usurped and “stole” the land from the natives. It may be a hard truth to swallow for myopic racists who see whites as easy scapegoats for the condition of sub-Saharan Africa, but the fact remains that the Boers of South Africa are indeed Africans and have been for nearly four centuries. Skin color does not dictate the place that a human being calls home. The brainless posturing of the unhinged does not change the truth of history. The fact is that the first squalling white baby to draw breath on the African shore was African and his descendants are as native to that land as the blackest denizen of any kraal, hut, or house on the continent.

Intellectual honesty demands then, does it not, that the same standard applies to every Mohammedan or Latino whelped in London or Los Angeles. In a very narrow sense, I suppose that is true but in the broader sweep of history, the comparison does not hold up. The Boers settled a land and built a prosperous nation. They carved out their destiny with their own hands. The invaders of Europe and America carve out nothing but their own entitled niche in the welfare states of the white civilization they did not build.

I remember the days when anti-apartheid hysteria was reaching its apotheosis and it seemed that a bloodbath was imminent in South Africa. Full on racial war seemed not only possible, but probable. Somehow, political power passed relatively peacefully into the hands of the black majority and the specter of racial slaughter receded into the background. Given the current position of the native whites of South Africa and the accelerating slide toward the abyss of race war, many Afrikaners may be wishing they had made their stand then. Instead, they now face a greater threat when their numbers are fewer and their position weaker.

The harbingers of the coming genocide are clear for any thinking person to see. It will not be long before the whites are dispossessed of their land and homes. The political power recently crossed that particular Rubicon. Of course, the necessary actions must be taken to “right past wrongs,” and redress “historical injustice.” They will seek to cloak naked theft with the rag of “constitutional amendment.” Can the camps and the mass graves be far behind? Even now, the bloody handwriting is on the wall of many a Boer farmhouse. Atrocities so wicked they strain the credulity of civilized men are being visited upon white men, women, and children by savages more beast than human. These things are happening now. This is not subject to debate.

The land will be taken and given into the hands of black “farmers.” Famine will follow as surely as Zimbabwe followed Rhodesia. When a hungry population has been whipped into a sufficient frenzy of hatred toward their white “oppressors,” the killing will spread from Boer farms to the streets and suburbs of Pretoria, Johannesburg, and Cape Town. A black and bloody tide of pent up hatred and imagined grievance will engulf the rainbow nation. My guess is that when the crunch comes, the Boers will not go quietly into the night.

The descendants of the voortrekkers and the 500 of Blood River do not seem to me to be the kind of people who will meekly submit to their own extinction. The fight is coming whether they want it or not. It is coming whether they fear it or not. I hope they will fight to defend their families and homes. I hope they will stand astride the graves of their fathers and howl defiance into the teeth of those who seek their blood. Perhaps their fight will show the emasculated remnants of European manhood what it means to know who you are and where you come from. Perhaps their fight will give the white majority in America reason to ponder the fate of a nation that relinquishes power to those who hate them.

Every thinking white person around the world must come to understand that what is unfolding in South Africa is what awaits every white nation that allows itself to be swamped by third world demographics. The white world is reaping that whirlwind even now and if the fate of the Afrikaners serves as a canary in the coal mine, then we would do well to remember that for the canary to do its job, it must die.

Demographic hurricanes are building all over the world, stoked and energized by the race baiters and demagogues who seek to lay all the world’s ills at the feet of the white race. Perceived injustice can be a powerful motivator and finding scapegoats to assuage the pain and shame of one’s own failings is a common thread in human history. South African whites are the perfect scapegoats for the societal and political failure of blacks in their own lands. Who will be next I wonder?

When the bloodletting begins, what will the world do? The answer will tell us much about what majority white nations can expect to confront in the darkening world to come.

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kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
March 12, 2018 8:50 am

No Worries Mate, the UN will finally take action IAW its charter to ensure peace among nations. How is that for humor, eh.

OK, the next BIG shot to ensure peace is the US. Well, before the US rides into S. Africa on a white horse, they will research if it has sufficient natural resources which can be taken by US conglomerates and whether the current dictator, er President, of S. Africa can be convinced to take IMF loans via the World Bank, to also ensure bankruptcy and financial enslavement to also ensure they follow USA diktat.

The way of the world.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
March 12, 2018 9:16 am

Boat Guy worked with some South Africaners that split when the getting was good following the initial wave of black rule . They tell a very different story regarding the racial divide and apartheid . Corrupt politicians were poised and ready to take full advantage of the ignorance of a low IQ black majority and they did ! Here in America and world wide we only heard the one man one vote blather and Hollywood liberals ran with it (Lethal Weapon) movie regarding South Africans as white mafia criminal types . The fact is you cannot have a poorly educated bushman that was a subsistence dweller in the wild assimilate into a modern society without some gradual process to educate first . Look at the black population of the inner cities of America or the Muslim refugees that are such a poor fit in many modern societies around the world . Many once pristine streets of Italy Germany and France are now dangerous places to walk due to the people and the fecal matter infesting the area . Yes we actually have people so ignorant they shit where they eat . Look at Baltimore !

March 12, 2018 9:32 am

Whew, great writing Xrugger!

Not Sure
Not Sure
March 12, 2018 9:37 am

After the civil war, there was a great movement to establish full rights of the former, now freed slaves to vote and hold office. The same dilemma occurred when the emancipated slaves were put into office and then taken advantage of by the powers that put them there.
I can only wonder at what plan Lincoln would have pursued if he were not taken by an assiasins bullet.

March 12, 2018 10:05 am

Maybe the races were never meant to mix in the first place, none of them -none as in none- seem to have a very good historical track record of getting along with others, each seeming to have spent most of its time trying to conquer other ones.

March 12, 2018 10:12 am

Very well written.

Why do so many effectuate calamitous change? Why import failed policies from shithole regions?

Destruction by design. Winning.

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March 12, 2018 10:34 am

Excellent article! What will the “world “ do? Absolutely nothing. If we allow (((them))) to disarm us, this will be our fate too. Not right away, but certainly in our children’s lifetime.

Foot in the Forest
Foot in the Forest
March 12, 2018 10:48 am

The msm will ignore it. The democrats will ring their hands and the republicans will suggest a bi-partisan study which will take until it has been verified that the last white has been killed. At that time all will claim it a terrible shame what happened and then get busy writing the “TRUE FACTS” about the evil done by generations of whites to poor, helpless, childlike natives exploited by evil corrupt white people. South Africa = Wakanda if only “WHITEY” had just left them alone.

March 12, 2018 11:38 am

Great point. My own family was here in the mid- late 1600s.
One fact seems to always be ignored; the Zulu were an aggressive expansionist power and a very strong and capable military power. The head-butt was inevitable.
Yep, this world is heading for some very interesting, and bloody, days ahead.

March 12, 2018 12:50 pm

Dang xrubber. 1634, 14 generations.

I thought I had this. My ancestors came here in 1793, Andrew Zerver, and built a log cabin on 600 acres – the log cabin still stands and is lived in to this day.

I am the sixth generation (5th born here).

March 12, 2018 12:59 pm

I saw the photo of the young girl who had a joker’s(like in Batman) grin carved into her face at her family’s farmhouse. Such savagery is guaranteed to be in the farmers future. No help coming imo.

March 12, 2018 2:30 pm

I come from an ancient Scottish clan that can be traced back to Ireland when an ancestor was a follower of St Columba, an early Christian, when he was banished with his followers and ended up on the Isle of Iona, off the coast of the western isles. That was in the 7th century about 1400 years ago.

My point is that anyone can claim to be indigenous of the land they are born in, plus all the lands their family has settled in. Exactly where do you draw a line? I’m a true Heinz 57, a mongrel. Born in England but with Scottish, English, Welsh and of course Irish roots. Are all of my Scottish ancestors, in Scotland for centuries, truly Irish by origin or indigenous Scots?

I have always though of myself as a Celt. My colouring of red hair, white skin, blue/grey eyes and a name in Gaelic that means white girl. But then recently there has been a report that the Celts are a made up ‘race’ that didn’t exist until someone made them up in the 18th century.

So who is truly indigenous anywhere? What does indigenous mean? Is it from when you’re born or after several generations have lived somewhere? If we are to believe the ‘out of Africa’ theory for the origin of modern humans does that mean we are all Africans? Or only those born in Africa? Maybe we’re all just indigenous to the Earth wherever we may be.

Think I’ll stick to Anglo Scot with brown speckled pink skin and orange hair! The latter description solemnly given to me by an English boy born of Cameroonian and Columbian parents. Love to know which country he would be considered indigenous in.

billy bob burbon
billy bob burbon
March 12, 2018 3:21 pm

this is how the conversation goes, over at soros house:

what shall we do about the blacks?
“nothing, they will self destruct, it is in their nature”
what shall we do about the whites?
“move the blacks next to the whites, so that they destroy the white culture”
why do we do these evil things?
“it is our nature , you see, we own everything, this is just what we do for fun”

March 12, 2018 5:03 pm

Excellent article, xrugger. Very well written. Thanks.
Here’s another article on SA by Lara Johnstone that is very insightful that you may find interesting.

Apartheid as Seen by the Boers: The Population History of South Africa