Crimes of a Monster: Your Tax Dollars at Work

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

Let us not mince words.

We are living in an age of war profiteers.

We are living in an age of scoundrels, liars, brutes and thugs. Many of them work for the U.S. government.

We are living in an age of monsters.

Ask Donald Trump. He knows all about monsters.

Any government that leaves “mothers and fathers, infants and children, thrashing in pain and gasping for air” is evil and despicable, said President Trump, justifying his blatantly unconstitutional decision(in the absence of congressional approval or a declaration of war) to launch airstrikes against Syria based on dubious allegationsthat it had carried out chemical weapons attacks on its own people. “They are crimes of a monster.”

If the Syrian government is a monster for killing innocent civilians, including women and children, the U.S. government must be a monster, too.

In Afghanistan, ten civilians were killed—including three children, one an infant in his mother’s arms—when U.S. warplanes targeted a truck in broad daylight on an open road with women and children riding in the exposed truck bed.

In Syria, at least 80 civilians, including 30 children, were killed when U.S.-led air strikes bombed a school and a packed marketplace.

Then there was a Doctors without Borders hospital in Kunduz that had 12 of its medical staff and 10 of its patients, including three children, killed when a U.S. AC-130 gunship fired on it repeatedly. Some of the patients were burned alivein their hospital beds.

Yes, on this point, President Trump is exactly right: these are, indeed, the crimes of a monster.

Unfortunately, this monster—this hundred-headed gorgon that is the U.S. government and its long line of political puppets (Donald Trump and before him Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.), who dance to the tune of the military industrial complex—is being funded by you and me.

It is our tax dollars at work here, after all.

Unfortunately, we have no real say in how the government runs, or how our taxpayer funds are used.

We have no real say, but we’re being forced to pay through the nose, anyhow, for endless wars that do more to fund the military industrial complex than protect us, pork barrel projects that produce little to nothing, and a police state that serves only to imprison us within its walls.

Consider: we get taxed on how much we earn, taxed on what we eat, taxed on what we buy, taxed on where we go, taxed on what we drive, and taxed on how much is left of our assets when we die.

Indeed, if there is an absolute maxim by which the federal government seems to operate, it is that the American taxpayer always gets ripped off.

This is true whether you’re talking about taxpayers being forced to fund high-priced weaponrythat will be used against us, endless warsthat do little for our safety or our freedoms, or bloated government agencies such as the National Security Agencywith its secret budgets, covert agendas and clandestine activities. Rubbing salt in the wound, even monetary awards in lawsuits against government officials who are found guilty of wrongdoing are paid by the taxpayer.

Not only are American taxpayers forced to “spend more on state, municipal, and federal taxes than the annual financial burdens of food, clothing, and housing combined,” but we’re also being played as easy marks by hustlers bearing the imprimatur of the government.

With every new tax, fine, fee and law adopted by our so-called representatives, the yoke around the neck of the average American seems to tighten just a little bit more.

Everywhere you go, everything you do, and every which way you look, we’re getting swindled, cheated, conned, robbed, raided, pickpocketed, mugged, deceived, defrauded, double-crossed and fleeced by governmental and corporate shareholders of the American police state out to make a profit at taxpayer expense.

Yet as Ron Paul observed, “The Founding Fathers never intended a nation where citizens would pay nearly half of everything they earn to the government.”

We are now ruled by a government consumed with squeezing every last penny out of the population and seemingly unconcerned if essential freedoms are trampled in the process.

If you have no choice, no voice, and no real options when it comes to the government’s claims on your property and your money, you’re not free.

You’re not free if the government can seize your home and your car (which you’ve bought and paid for) over nonpayment of taxes.

You’re not free if government agents can freeze and seize your bank accounts and other valuables if they merely “suspect” wrongdoing.

And you’re certainly not free if the IRS gets the first cut of your salary to pay for government programs over which you have no say.

Somewhere over the course of the past 240-plus years, democracy has given way to kleptocracy(a government ruled by thieves), and representative government has been rejected in favor of a kakistocracy(a government run by the most unprincipled citizens that panders to the worst vices in our nature: greed, violence, hatred, prejudice and war) ruled by career politicians, corporations and thieves—individuals and entities with little regard for the rights of American citizens.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the American kleptocracy continues to suck the American people down a rabbit hole into a parallel universe in which the Constitution is meaningless, the government is all-powerful, and the citizenry is powerless to defend itself against government agents who steal, spy, lie, plunder, kill, abuse and generally inflict mayhem and sow madness on everyone and everything in their sphere.

But what if we didn’t just pull out our pocketbooks and pony up to the federal government’s outrageous demands for more money?

What if we didn’t just dutifully line up to drop our hard-earned dollars into the collection bucket, no questions asked about how it will be spent?

What if, instead of quietly sending in our checks, hoping vainly for some meager return, we did a little calculating of our own and started deducting from our taxes those programs that we refuse to support?

If we don’t have the right to decide what happens to our hard-earned cash, then we don’t have very many rights at all.

If the government can just take from you what they want, when they want, and then use it however they want, you can’t claim to be anything more than a serf in a land they think of as theirs.

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Shit is fucked up and bullshit
Shit is fucked up and bullshit
April 17, 2018 7:05 am

It couldn’t be more clear.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
April 17, 2018 7:08 am

I always thought we were founded as a ‘republic’, and that democracy was nothing more than majority rules- two wolves and a sheep voting on what they would eat for dinner.

In truth, we were founded (and here I will once again, use the forbidden “F” word) by freemasons. And to this day, from local municipalities to state and federal governments, we are ruled by freemasons. Have you ever taken the time to read Albert Pikes book- Morals and Dogma? Or perhaps The Secret Destiny of America, written by Manly P. Hall, who is known as ‘freemasons greatest philosopher ? The same secretive group responsible for our national emblem (it’s printed right on your dollar bill thanks to, yet again, another freemason). The prophecy for the return to the golden age, “where men once again co-mingle with gods” !

April 17, 2018 8:22 am

His last few paragraphs are critical. Resistance by abstention. If we all, or some large group of us simply stop complying then the whole rotten edifice collapses-like the USSR. The ONLY way the few rules the many are through their acquiescence. Forget the violent revolution-government thrives on violence or the threat thereof. Gandhi and King showed the way.

Huck Finn
Huck Finn
April 17, 2018 11:25 am

CC, I agree the only viable action for the ordinary citizen to fix the mess we’re in is to starve the beast. However it is easier said than done. Try to buy anything without paying sales tax. Try to buy gasoline without paying gas tax. Try to license a vehicle without paying taxes on it. See what happens to your real property when you stop paying property tax. Try to get your employer to stop pulling out payroll taxes and FICA. You can go the self employment route, but if the IRS gets any hint that you are holding out or evading their goons will show up to confiscate all your belongings and lock you up. How do you end hidden taxes like inflation of the currency?

I have been working for several years on this, trying to design my life in such a way that I contribute the least amount legally possible to feeding the beast, but despite all my efforts the beast is still getting a cut. Even if I was able to become entirely self sufficient in producing all my needs here on my own land, I don’t see a way to get out of paying property taxes.

My hope is that the beast will give itself a coronary from it’s own gluttony. I think that is inevitable. The big concern then will be to keep a new beast from taking it’s place.

April 17, 2018 8:46 am

Silly Wabbit, don’t you know that everyone Amerika kills was done to save our democracy. USA USA USA!

April 17, 2018 9:04 am

There is something deeply wrong with our whole society. It is becoming increasingly difficult to believe that mere humans could screw things up so badly. Whatever demon or alien entity these people worship… I wish it would just show itself and be done with the pretense.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 17, 2018 10:43 am

If it shows itself the jig is up.

April 17, 2018 9:12 am

We are the evil empire.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2018 9:29 am

Oh come on John. You know that not paying taxes just plays right into (((their))) hands. That is a stupid suggestion and I have to believe that you know that. (((They ))) don’t need your tax money. Any time they need more money they just print it into existence. That is what the word Fiat means…That and a car company.

Mad as hell
Mad as hell
  Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2018 10:16 am

Ah, but the salient point here is that they could print all they want, but it is not WORTH anything if no one accepts it or needs it. The ONLY reason they can continue with this nonsense is that everyone needs CREDIT. They need it like a drug addict needs their fix. See, folks without debt, can choose TOMORROW that they have had enough of this war shit and ripoff of their treasure. Simply stop participating. Get with your accountant or tax adviser, and figure out, logically EXACTLY how much money you can make before you start running in to the laws of diminishing returns – IE: They start to get more from you, than you are willing to give. Then, logically figure out how you can live on just under that. Period.
No government forces you to buy a new car every few years (and the debt with it). No government forces you to buy a $260,000 “starter home” on credit, and then draw out the mortgage payments the ENTIRE 30 years or serially refinance so you can have cash out for toys. No, this is a self imposed prison, but a bunch of debt slaves convinced by their own greed and stupidity, and by Madison avenue that it is “necessary” and “they deserve it”. Well they deserve it alright. It is NOT necessary, and YOU have a very real choice to vote with your wallet and time. IRS, and government in general cannot (yet) force YOU to participate in trade with others (taxable exchange) if you don’t want or need to. Living debt free enables YOU to vote with the one, and frankly ONLY vote that counts – the power of the purse. Think of all of the daily things you do that you are charged various taxes on? What if you made a stand, and refused to participate anymore. Think of the $1000’s of dollars in sales taxes you deny them by simply foregoing a new car purchase at a dealership? Think of what you are denying the insurance monopoly, not having to carry full coverage (comprehensive insurance) on a new car? That is just one example….think of others….
What is even more amusing to those of us that have made this decision, is that between inflation and taxes, no matter how much money you make (as a wage slave, not 1 percenter) you will NEVER get to the point you want to be. The math says it is a carrot that is dangled in front of you, that you will never actually get. Think about it.
Once the sheeple of this country wake up to this simple reality (if ever), the War Party, the crooks on the Potomac, and their enablers in all of the corporate board rooms and stupid little “think tanks” are all going to find themselves out of money and out of time. That will be when liberty re-emerges in America.

Huck Finn
Huck Finn
  Mad as hell
April 17, 2018 11:46 am

Mad, You hit the nail on the head. The way things currently work with fractional reserve banking all the currency is lent into existence. People stop borrowing and currency stops being created. Not to say they wouldn’t have other ways to create currency from thin air, but if people would quit stealing from their future self it would be a giant step forward, for them and society at large.