The Saker Warns “Alas, This Is Far From Over”

Via The Saker,

Let’s begin by a short summary of events.

  • About a month ago Nikki Haley announces to the UNSC that the USA is ready to violate the rules of this very self-same UNSC should a chemical attack happen in Syria
  • Then the Russians announced that they have evidence that a chemical false flag is being prepared in Syria
  • Then a chemical attack (supposedly) takes place (in a location surrounded and, basically, controlled by government forces!)
  • The OPWC sends investigators (in spite of western powers loudly proclaiming that no investigation was needed)
  • The AngloZionists then bomb Syria
  • Next, the UNSC refuses to condemn the violation of its own rules and decisions
  • Finally, the US Americans speak of a ‘perfect strike’

Now tell me – do you get a sense that this is over?

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If you tell me that 32/103 is hardly perfect, I will reply that you are missing the point.  In fact, if anything, 32/103 is further incentive to bomb again!

Let’s look at the differently for a second and ask this: what has the AngloZionist attack actually demonstrated?

  • The western general public is so terminally zombified that false flag attacks can now be announced 4 weeks in advance
  • The Europeans now live by the motto “my honor is called solidarity” (a variation of the SS motto “my honor is loyalty“)
  • Lead by the USA, western countries have no objections to wars started in violation of their own national laws
  • The UN Security Council has no objections to wars started in violation of the UN Charter and International Law
  • The PRC leaders, in their infinite wisdom, act as if they have nothing personal at stake and act like bystanders
  • The Israelis, via the UN Neocons, are now in total control of the Empire and use it to “clean house” next door

Oh, I hear the objections.  They go something like this:

– But the attack was a dismal failure!

– So what? the Empire did not pay any price for executing it.

– But the US Americans did blink! The attacked from Jordanian airspace and from the Red Sea! They avoided the Russians completely!  They are afraid of them!

– So what? They still bombed a Russian ally with total impunity.

– But, surely you are not suggesting that the Russians should have started a war against the USA over a strike which did not even kill a single person?

– No, of course not, but by not taking any action the Russians also failed to deter any future attacks.

– But what could the Russians have done?

Now *that* is the right question!

Let’s look at it a little closer.

Roughly speaking, the Russians have a choice of 3 types of retaliatory measures: political, economic and military.

However, each one of them has a specific set of prerequisites which are currently problematic to say the least:

This really can be summarized a simple sentence: the AngloZionist Hegemony is a threat for the entire planet, but nobody besides Russia and Iran is willing to take it on.  Ain’t that an irony!

The so-called “Christian West” has become a willing parasite for its Zionist host and the only ones with the courage and moral integrity to take it on are Orthodox Christians and Muslims! Sic transit gloria mundi indeed…

But what is even more important is this: while it is true that the US Neocons did not succeed in delivering the kind of massive attack they would have wanted to, and while it is true that the US attack was just about as lame as can be, you need to completely forget about these facts.  Facts simply don’t matter.  And neither does logic.  All that matters are perceptions!

And the perception is that “we” (the AngloZionist rulers and their serfs) “kicked” Assad’s “ass” and that “we” will “do it again” if “we” feel like it.  That is all that matters in the Empire of Illusions which the AngloZionist Hegemony has become.

As soon as you understand that, you also will have to agree that Trump was right: it was a “perfect strike” (again, not in reality, but in the world of illusions created around it).

So now we come full circle.

The AngloZionist Hegemony demands that the entire planet bows down and worships it.  Except for Russia and Iran, everybody meekly goes down on their knees or, at most, meekly looks away.  In their own delusional reality, the ‘Mericans feel empowered to smack down Russia or Iran at anytime.

There is nothing Iran can do to stop them, and while Russia can, she can only do that at the risk of the future of our entire planet.

Now you tell me – do you really think this is over?


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April 17, 2018 8:52 am

It appears that the USA is Israel’s b!tch, and is doing Israel’s “dirty work” once again…

The United States government gets its “marching orders” from Israel. THAT is a major problem, with dual-nationality Israelis running our government and formulating both our foreign and domestic policy.

“Cleaning the swamp” should involve getting rid of ALL dual-nationality types. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for anyone having “dual loyalties” in MY country.

In addition, Israel holds a “Damocles sword” over the rest of the world with its “undocumented nukes”…
If a nuclear device is “lit off” in an American or European city, it will have Israel’s fingerprints all over it. Israel is desperate to keep the American money spigot running, as well as sabotaging the Palestinian “peace process” that the world wants it to take seriously.

In fact, if a nuclear device is “lit off” anywhere in the world, it will have come from Israel’s secret nuclear “stockpile”.

The “power outage” in Atlanta was a convenient excuse for Israel to perform a logistical “sleight of hand”, as an Israeli plane was allowed to land and take off during the “power outage” without receiving customs clearance or inspection. Just maybe another one of Israel’s nukes was just being pre-positioned, getting ready for “the big one”. As most Americans are tired of all of the foreign wars being fought for Israel’s benefit, another “incident” on American soil would be enough to galvanize the American public, once again, (just like WTC 9-11) to support another war for Israel’s benefit. Israel’s “samson option” is a real threat to “light one off” in a European or American city, if Israel’s interests are not taken seriously.

Israel refuses to abide by IAEA guidelines concerning its nukes as they are already distributed around the world. Israel would not be able to produce all of them as most of them are not in Israel, proper. No delivery systems are needed as Israel’s nukes are already “in place”. Look for another “false flag” operation with the blame being put on Iran or Syria. You can bet that some Iranian or Syrian passports will be found in the rubble.

Israel also threatens to detonate nuclear devices in several US cities. Talk about total INSANITY; the so-called “Samson Option” is it.

As an aside, American “foreign aid” is prohibited from being given to any country that has not signed the “Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty” or refuses to abide by “International Atomic Energy Agency” (IAEA) guidelines regarding its nuclear devices. Guess what?? Israel does not abide by EITHER and still gets the majority of American “foreign aid”. This prohibition also applies to countries that do not register their “agents of a foreign government” with the U S State Department. Guess what?? Israel (again) with its “American Israel Political Action Committee” (AIPAC) still gets “foreign aid” in contravention of American law..

There are forty or so congressmen, senators and thousands of high-level policy “wonks” infecting the U S government who hold “dual citizenship” with Israel. Such dual citizenship must be strictly prohibited. Those holding dual citizenship must be required to renounce said foreign citizenship. Refusal to do so should result in immediate deportation with loss of American citizenship. Present and former holders of dual citizenship should never be allowed to serve in any American governmental capacity.

When Netanyahu addressed both houses of congress, it was sickening to see our politicians slobber all over themselves to PROVE that they were unconditional supporters of Israel…just who the hell do they work for? Certainly not for the interests of the American people and the United States…they should renounce their United States citizenship and be deported to Israel…

Joe Fahy
Joe Fahy
April 17, 2018 11:35 am

Wouldn’t it be more straightforward to immediately eliminate immigration from all states allowing dual citizenship and then begin the process of deporting all current dual citizenship holders from the aforementioned states? I do not want to trust a simple renunciation. We have had enough problems with double agents that only had U.S. citizenship.

Yeah, I know: I’m anti(whatever and whomever, IDGAS).

Yep, I’m a strict U.S. nationalist, wanting MY government to develop working relationships with ALL other countries that further the interests of the PEOPLE(not corporations) of the U.S. You know, the Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness stuff.

Yep, guilty as charged.

Your move.

April 17, 2018 12:05 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

Joe Fahy
Joe Fahy
April 17, 2018 6:41 pm

Not to nitpick, ……. much. But “duel”? Why give anything to the opposition?

April 18, 2018 10:13 am

I see exactly ONE “R” in that list above-not that there’s a dime’s worth of difference between the Crips and the Bloods…

Joe Fahy
Joe Fahy
April 18, 2018 10:19 am

My wife pointed out that the list is not current as Frank Lautenberg(D-NJ) died in 2013.

Point taken on D=R.

April 17, 2018 9:14 am

I was literally about to google this guy and visit his site since no one was linking any of his content and I figured he would have something to say. I was hoping for a bit more though. Why does this plainly demonic force have to sit atop the pyramid of the greatest culture known to man? It’s like they want muslims and buddhas to take over the world and halt all human progress. What is the point of that? (Other than a need for mass death and spilled blood?)

April 17, 2018 7:19 pm

Buddha never said a word against science. And if the Japanese are any indication, Buddhism promotes science in a serious way – care to see how many US Patents are assigned to Japanese corporations?
Buddha himself was said to have developed “the most accurate, most scientific cure for the spiritual diseases of the human race ever known” – the Eightfold Path.
But progress was never dependent on any given religion, to begin with, so maybe you have a minor point. Just be glad we got away from the Church that stifled Galileo and burnt the Library of Alexandria, and spent some time learning from nature rather than listening to “authorities”.

April 17, 2018 9:30 am

Israel has not destroyed Syria, but it has destroyed the US. There is no turning back and no saving it. For the sake of all mankind, the US must be broken up into little countries none of which pose a threat to anyone and are thus not worth corrupting. As for Washington DC, it can become a tourist attraction because of the fine museums. The rest of it should be razed…too many bad memories.

April 17, 2018 6:10 pm

AGREE – ” There is no turning back and no saving it.” The “Fourth Turning”/winter for the “Merkaan” Empire is dead ahead.
Inland, rural, on a portion of arable, UNencumbered ground, gathered/grouped, gunned, gardened and . . . S-I-M-P-L-I-F-I-E-D yet? Wanna venture a guess on the [very uncomfortable] survival span of an “urbie” compared to a “ruralite”?

April 17, 2018 10:55 am

On the night of the bombings, I tuned in to our local 10pm news, and the most bizarre thing happened: they didn’t even mention it. WWIII is about to kick off, and someone decided it wasn’t newsworthy? What fucking bizarro world alternate reality is this?

April 17, 2018 11:37 am

I was just finishing up work on the west coast when I got a popup from saying that the POTUS was giving a live speech, so I opened it. When Trumpy said the missiles were flying, I packed up, bought a case of beer and retired to my hotel room to see what the fuck was happening. I half expected ww3 to start that night and I was prepared to get shitty drunk.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
April 17, 2018 11:33 am

Since Russia seems to be reluctant to destroy the planet to stop the mighty USA, the only solution is for our country to go bankrupt or our internal strife gets bad enough that we break apart from the inside.

I’m fine with either alternative.

  Trapped in Portlandia
April 17, 2018 12:42 pm

Absolutely true. I am, too.

April 17, 2018 12:50 pm

Several commenters here are chanting “Iran is next”.

Working for the communist jooish NWO? BiBi?

All are QCultists.

April 17, 2018 1:31 pm

Or we are watching God accomplish His plan for the end times. Isaiah17 and Psalm83. It’s coming no matter what they or we do. Getting ready by trusting Jesus Christ as savior would be in your best interest.

April 17, 2018 8:22 pm

When Israel is destroyed and Damascus still stands, are you going to say you worship a false god?

April 17, 2018 9:52 pm


April 18, 2018 10:11 am

The so-called “Christian West” has become a willing host for its Zionist parasite and the only ones with the courage and moral integrity to take it on are Orthodox Christians and Muslims! Sic transit gloria mundi indeed…

There-fixed it for ya….