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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 3, 2018 2:02 pm

Fucking Pompeo and the rest of the Deep State goons hate Assange. Even if Trump gave him a full and unconditional preemptive pardon for whatever bogus charges the US wants to levy against Assange, he probably wouldn’t be safe. It’s a goddamn crime what’s being done to him.

Bob P
Bob P
May 3, 2018 2:57 pm

WikiLeaks has played an invaluable role shining a spotlight on key criminal shenanigans of the deep state, which is why they have to muzzle Assange. I signed the petition to end his isolation by restoring his internet privileges. Please consider doing likewise:


May 3, 2018 9:04 pm

Gee, according to the Q Anon crowd, Assange was supposed to be have been extricated to freedom in Switzerland 2-3 months ago. Remember that, Q followers? Sure, Trump is on his team alright. “Trust the Plan” , “Trust the Plan”.
Assange is another hero of this era, fighting against the Western Deep State and US hegemony, and most importantly, for the release of truthful information on any important world topic.
Assange is a person we can judge based on definitive actions and evidence produced from his work, while under assault and risk of execution by the Deep Sate.
Assange is a man of truth, conviction and great courage. He has accomplished GREAT DEEDS against insurmountable odds.