Headed to November – How to Keep Pressure on Anti-Gun Democrats

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter – Authored by Josh Montgomery

With midterm elections looming, Democrats seem hopeful about regaining seats in the House and recovering the majority in the Senate. However, critics have some solid doubts.

The 2018 Democratic Party in the United States of America is the “anti” party – anti-Trump, anti-business, anti-tax cuts… and anti-gun.

The other platform component is heavy-handed identity politics. They guilt supporters into buying the anti platform (and related ideologies) wholesale, squashing diverse opinion, debate, and individuality.

One can expect a party implosion come election time. However, those who would oust the current liberty-limiting politicians should seize the opportunity for action, and show that knowing the difference between fear-based policy and honest change is crucial.

The Midterm issue is gun control, and (bear with me here) men with guns are crucial to the defense of the Constitution and liberty. If more women had guns, especially stylish, business-type moms, and didn’t get shunned for defending their rights, they would be unstoppable against gun-grabbing agendas. It is unfathomable how any feminist could oppose gun rights, especially concealed carry, when guns are the great equalizer.

And this is relevant because the Democratic Party has painted a picture of the 2018 feminist, and they are some of the most anti-gun activists around. Smart women who own guns, not getting interrupted constantly on TV news, could obliterate identity politics. They could destroy the narrative that features only theSarahs Palin and Sanders, as sponsored by Cabela’s.

Since that shift is a distant dream in the political arena of shouting matches, men with guns will have to get the job done this election cycle.  Here’s why men with guns can defy Democrats to protect liberty in November and beyond:

Democrats don’t know where they stand.

The rhetoric screams, “No guns! At all!” Conversations with Democrats say, “Don’t try to discredit our views by taking them to extremes!”

There are more gun owners in the United States than Republicans (an estimated 33% of Americans own guns, and a Gallup poll demonstrated that 24% of Americans identified as Republicans). Statistically, some Democrats own guns. They probably do not want their guns confiscated any more than Republican or Independent gun owners do.

Furthermore, accept the silver lining in frustration at Mainstream Media (MSM). They are demonstrably hypocritical, unreliable, and ridiculous, and America is noticing. Instead of stating known facts, most networks are exploiting a semi-captive audience to push causes. Even if they agree with the teenage pundits or qualified anchors, Americans are finally leery of who paid for the “news.” Liberal media is shooting itself in the foot with the gun it wants banned.

Pictured – Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords With An AR-15

As Democrats campaign with the anti-Trump centerpiece, there is little time to unify behind proposed legislation for “common-sense gun control.” They drive themselves to extreme, absolutist messaging. The party of “anti” can’t unify, and a house divided cannot stand. An extreme-looking anti-gun group won’t keep the support of gun owners.

Gun-supporting men get heard.

As 80% of the legislature, men have the microphone often in the House and Senate. And Republicans have the majority. Pro-gun politicians are postured to their thought processes on the facts. They must refuse to engage in anti-gun balderdash or debates that aren’t founded on equal respect.

Political talk shows featuring gun supporters should use the Democratic Party’s nonsensical messaging to convert confused voters. Instead of talking down anti-gunners, they should explain all their personal reasons for being pro-gun and the vast regulations already in place on guns in the United States, combat fake news, and teach people what an “assault weapon” isn’t (anything concrete at all, namely). Pundits should showcase the weapons safety training hours that most gun owners undertake before they ever fire a weapon.

Without question, gun owners could (and should) be doing better at defending their position.

People who own guns have more debate fuel than anti-gunners.

Democrats demand the ban of the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad “assault weapon” without knowing technicalities. Whether willful ignorance or a strategy of emotional exploitation, it’s a weak foundation to debate. Gun owners have an enormous leg up with facts, a Constitution, and a logical response to every grief-based Left claim.

AR-15’s are excellent choices for home defense. Contrary to popular belief, .223 rounds tend not to over-penetrate, and are ideal for reducing collateral damage. In fact, an AR-15 finally made the news lately for a DGU when homeowners fought off burglars.

Many TV shows and movies portray accidental shootings where a character fires a weapon merely by brushing the trigger. Either the threshold for comedy is low, or Hollywood has never touched a real gun. Gun owners know that many missteps go into the accidental discharge of a weapon, and how to avoid them habitually.

Gun owners also know not only safety, but also safeties – those switches that prevent a firearm from being discharged until the user engages the trigger. Practitioners of proper gun safety should not be thrown under the legislative bus, as those whose negligence results in accidental discharges (or worse) can already be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Gun owners know that gun education is so much more than target practice. They learn proper precaution for owning a weapon and carrying it, how to draw and re-holster their weapon, and effective self-defense (like shooting center-mass and protecting others). Furthermore, shooters gain confidence knowing they can stop criminals from attacking innocent people. Practice breeds belief in oneself, and therefore the capability to act under duress.

Finally, gun owners know gun laws.They know that assault weapons bans don’t work, and what questions they answered on their concealed carry application. They keep tabs on legislative moves so that they don’t inadvertently become illegal gunmen. Democrats complain about under-regulation without a clue of what regulations exist.

As a majority force, gun supporters can lead the charge for long-lasting liberty against oppressive gun control demands. The Democratic Party is the “anti” party, and firearms are the November centerpiece.

With mobilization and education, gun owners should defeat anti-gun agendas and candidates as a priority.

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June 12, 2018 8:13 am

Join the NRA or the GOA. Strength in numbers… Chip

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
June 12, 2018 9:22 am

There is also a 2nd Amend Foundation (SAF).

  robert h siddell jr
October 3, 2018 4:46 pm

And don’t forget your state rifle and/or pistol associations as well.

June 12, 2018 8:19 am
June 12, 2018 9:00 am

THAT was fantastic!!! It gave me the smallest glimmer of hope for today… Chip

June 12, 2018 8:34 am

The gun control will end up being won or lost in the courts.

They’re the ones that end up authorizing or rejecting it.

FWIW http://www.guns.com/2018/06/08/bill-in-congress-would-require-all-gun-owners-to-be-licensed-sales-tracked/

June 12, 2018 9:06 am

The legislative part of firearm so called control will end up in the courts.

I view gun control as handling a firearm safely/hitting my target(or practicing like hell with a safe back drop!)/keeping firearms not needed locked somehow so do not come home to a robber who armed them self with my firearm/having on person a rifle or hand gun to deal with robber who broke into my home.These views/actions on gun control will not change no matter what the “legislative” part does as millions will NOT give up their firearms,even with a constitutional amendment change.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
June 12, 2018 9:19 am

As soon as there is a problem with Welfare to the shitholes on that map, Obama Supporters will turn those states “Red”.

June 12, 2018 9:29 am

LOL. The ‘blue wave’ may turn out to be just a flush of the toilet.


June 12, 2018 9:37 am

James: excellent points! Self defense is a God-given “right”. It is simply reinforced in our Constitution. We must stop calling it “gun control”. It is confiscation, pure and simple. Our answer must be “NO”, you will not get our weapons, you will not deprive us of our best means of self defense. Your turn!

June 12, 2018 11:42 am

Isn’t it precious that the color blue has become associated with Democrat politics when all signs point to Red. In the movie Democrats are watching, guns equal power a la Mao Tse “Dung”, “power comes from the barrel of a gun”. So, to them, you can’t have power spread out over the country not in the control of legislators. Indeed, guns are a source of power, but to mentally unchallenged gun owners, the only power represented is control over their individual circumstances. Revise and extend.

October 3, 2018 4:51 pm

Don’t forget that when the decision to ‘color code’ the country, it was democRATs who decided which color went to which party. They KNEW that if they picked red, it would reinforce the attitude that many had even then that they were closely identified as defacto communists.

June 12, 2018 1:33 pm

One way to keep up pressure would be to circulate the picture of the Democrat low IQ goon squad led by John Lewis at the top of the article. My favorite Lewis quote is: “Aaahh, have been HIT, upside mah haid!” No shit. Probably more than once.

June 12, 2018 2:24 pm

I will continue to do what I can to support gun ownership rights and fight restrictions. Regardless of any restrictions or laws enacted, I will NEVER surrender my ownership of weapons. That is a line worth dying for. Should you not draw that line now, it will be your demise later.
I’ll bet I’ve spent 100 hours looking at Sandy Hook. I can tell you without reservation, it never happened. The school had been closed for 3 years. Hundreds of homes ($billions in real estate) were paid in full on Christmas day 2009. CHRISTMAS DAY!!!! Think about that. A Psych-op in the first degree.

John Prokovich
John Prokovich
June 12, 2018 4:02 pm

Gun control is hitting what you aimed at.

June 12, 2018 8:04 pm

Because Sandy HOAX matters. It was a psych-op of grand proportions on the American public primarily led by Eric Holder

June 13, 2018 9:26 am

When Wayne LaPierre says you can thank the NRA for that wonderful instant background check, instead of a two week waiting period, my support for the NRA becomes nonexistent. If I had any money GOA would get some.
What seems to be missing from this debate seems to me, are the facts that anything that goes against shall not be infringed, is TREASON!!! Civilians are supposed to defend our soil, and a standing army under government aegis should not exist, let alone be better armed than WE THE PEOPLE. At least that is what I understood when I read the Constitution. (Nuclear Weapons anyone).

I think a few illustrations would change a few liberal minds, most people know and understand intimidation. We need to show up at a crowd of liberals with three or four groups, and get a liberals attention and tell them you see those groups, they are here for Ill purposes, and they are watching you. That group are slavers,that group is just plain EVIL, and you will probably end up in a ditch by morning, and we don’t know about the other one, but they have someone between you and your car. If you are not armed, what are you going to do. Should you surrender to the lesser evil? If you were armed, would you stand a chance of not waking up in Guadalajara??

R Daneel
R Daneel
October 1, 2018 9:33 pm

[email protected] or call 603-748-6917″

What a joke. HSF won’t answer my emails.