Setting the Stage for OIG Report

1) Let me do a stage-setter for tomorrow’s OIG report. Based on the McCabe report of a few months ago, it will likely not immediately come with indictment referrals attached.

2) It would not surprise me, but I think the indictments will be rolled out separately.

3) No, Zero and Cankles will not be indicted in this round. However, since this does involve Cankles’ e-mails, it would not surprise me to see a recommendation to “unring the bell” as FBI director Wray put it and re-open the Cankles email investigation. For real, this time.
4) Although it is unlikely to be clearly visible here, we are going to see at some point that the intelligence service of Great Britain & possibly the Australian government were both deeply involved in shaping the evidence used for the FISA warrants. The FISA report still not out

5) I think this factor alone—not even considering Zero’s role in all this—has Sessions & Trump in a quandry. At best it will embarrass an allied government, at worst it could bring down May’s coalition.

May be necessary, but it doesn’t mean it’s enjoyable.

6) Once you squirt that toothpaste out of the tube, you’ll never get it back in.

7) Meanwhile, Sessions alluded to further potential firings as a result of the report, to which we all go, “About time, but where is jail?”

8) I have no way of knowing where this will go, but understand that reasonable people can view the same evidence with totally different perspectives and come to different conclusions about what it means.

What I’m saying is that it may be POSSIBLE that instead of viewing

8) all these investigations–McCabre, this email investigation, & the FISA investigation as cumulative wholes that reveal a criminal coup to take down a president, they might be portrayed as “incompetence,” “insubordination,” or “bad judgment,” worthy of firing, but not of jail.

9) It will all come down to, “Do you want to think your fellow Americans, especially the leaders in whom we have entrusted much, are so completely corrupt that they would engage in treason to overturn an election?”

If you say yes, I believe, you would see the evidence one way.

9) contd. But if you say, “No I don’t think there was a systematic, organized effort by American law enforcement to overturn the election, then you would see the evidence entirely another way.

10) So pray tomorrow that our justice officials are fully enlightened, that they don’t care about the feelings of allies—only about what our allies may have done to us—and that Sessions/Wray/Huber all say, “No, boys, this was a coup.”

And act accordingly.

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June 14, 2018 7:03 am

With all due respect Francis, there has to be a political will. Outside of Gaetz, Nunez, DeSantis and the guy from Ohio (ain’t getting old grand?) there seems to be little. I listened to that asshat from CA-Eric Swalwell denigrating Nunez as essentially a liar and hitman for Trump. There are probably more on the “Hill” that see it Swalwell’s way as perverse as that is. What a disgusting POS that guy is. I digress; they are either for protecting Cankles or too afraid to tread in the deep end of the pool out of fear of being drowned later by the machine.
Lord knows I hope you’re right.

Steve C
Steve C
June 14, 2018 7:13 am

I think that there is at least a chance that they will eventually throw Madam-V0n-Pantsuit under the bus.

Not only is she no longer useful to the liberals/progressives/socialists/communists or whatever they call themselves these days in an effort to sound superior, she has become a liability.

They might decide to offer her up as a sacrifice in order to protect their beloved Obozo…

But as the saying goes, ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned (assuming she is one).

She would name names and take a lot of people down with her if she thought she had been abandoned.

June 14, 2018 7:22 am

#9 – Yes, I do think they should go to jail; just like the Banksters should have gone to jail for laundering Drug Cartel Hundreds of Billions.

But these scum won’t go to jail.

June 14, 2018 8:06 am

Maybe I’m just being cynical in my old age, but the only indictments I expect to see in the near future are going to be against Trump associates and maybe even Trump himself.

The left and the deep state seem to have some sort of immunity against being held to account for their actions, no matter how serious they have been.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 14, 2018 8:11 am

Exposing British intelligence could bring about the downfall of Theresa May? Sounds like a two-fer to me.

June 14, 2018 8:17 am

Based on past performancrs, any plan along these lines that requires some sort of action from Sessions has a slim to none chance of happening.

June 14, 2018 8:21 am

you are forgetting the 10D chess; yuk, yuk

June 14, 2018 9:06 am

The only two people to be indicted will be Mr. Jack and Mr. Schitt. This IG report isn’t going to amount to a fucking hill of beans. The protected class shall remain so.

June 14, 2018 9:49 am

I’m not getting my hopes up.

a) There is an unwritten protocol prohibiting criminal charges against former presidents and opposition leaders otherwise no one would run for office.

b) Half the country consists of mentally ill Libtards supported by most of the media and an entrenched Deep State that protects its own.

I expect much disappointment, but enough theatre to keep conservatives from revolting.

  Francis Marion
June 14, 2018 2:10 pm

As I feared; this is how the Deep State will whitewash it and the ass media will spin it:

“CNN News Alert: Report faults Comey but finds no political bias 1:51 PM”

“The Justice Department’s internal watchdog found that former FBI Director James Comey’s actions in the Hillary Clinton email investigation deviated from the department’s norms but that Comey was not motivated by political bias, according to two sources familiar with the report.”

It’s a white wash. Comey breaks the law and CNN reports “no political bias.” WTF does political bias have to do with breaking the law? It’s a red herring. In other words, lots of finger wagging, but no action. Don’t hold your breath for anything substantial.

Not Sure
Not Sure
June 14, 2018 10:18 am

Reading this has tempered my expectations, bummer.

But it is practical, factual and realistic. It does seem like the status quo will win out and a lot of firings and hand slaps will result. But, if the left/right divide is smoldering anyway, I would feel much better if the righteous demand for jail time should trigger the revolt, rather than the pink hats and antifa kicking things off.

Let downs seem to be a way of life for Patriots.

Just remembered a bumper sticker “Well behaved women rarely change history.” I wonder if the same could be said about patriots?

June 14, 2018 12:17 pm

Silly Wabbit laws are for serfs.

June 14, 2018 12:44 pm

They’ll throw us a bone or two laced with Zoloft and Prozac to keep us calm.

June 14, 2018 2:53 pm

I was wrong about throwing us a bone. They did rub a terd in our face though. Thank you sir, I’ll have another please.

Steve C
Steve C
June 14, 2018 3:53 pm

Move along. Nothing to see here.

Just ‘we the people’ getting fucked again…

June 14, 2018 8:09 pm

Well we know what will come next.
I, for one am going to enjoy my summer because it’s all downhill from here.
Btw, it’s turd. of your resident spelling Nazis. Please correct me if I spell a word wrong. It is a form of OCD that I suffer fr0m.

June 14, 2018 9:52 pm

I corrected it in the follow up.

June 14, 2018 3:10 pm

Indeed!! Well said, what are the dates when statutes of limitations run out??

Not Sure
Not Sure
June 14, 2018 3:58 pm

Well, thanks for keeping my expectations low, it looks like a few will get fired for incompetence and the rest will lay low for a few weeks and it will be business as usual. The criminals are free and I’m a little relieved that I won’t have to wait for any more breaking news stories about how the cabal will go down. Everyone go back to whatever you were doing, nothing to see here. Just remember; crime and position does pay and in spades, if your a liberal democrat.

June 14, 2018 4:08 pm

I wonder how the Q-anons will spin this turd into a sirloin.
I couldn’t help looking at El rushbos spin. Pretty limp.

June 14, 2018 4:44 pm

36DD chess

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 14, 2018 5:07 pm

A broken system cannot fix itself.

This requires outside agency to correct.

Or not.

June 14, 2018 10:00 pm

Me thinks Schweikert, or whatever his name is is smoking meth. Or maybe he is just doing his immorality part for press sakes in trying to make us believe.

I’m sorry, but no one named Horowitz is gonna recommend indictments for anyone, especially his brethren Rosenstein. If he did, it would be all others other than Rosenstien, but not his brethren. They will never prosecute each other, but they will prosecute gentiles unethically…….

June 14, 2018 10:03 pm

My concept of optimism requires an ounce of possibility. Anything less is pipe dreams and pure wishful thinking.
The possibility of the Don not being a swamp creature fits the latter.

June 14, 2018 10:39 pm

I bet Q consists of Rosenstein, Horowitz, Feinstein and Schiff, all just sitting there and laughing their asses off at all of you…..

June 14, 2018 11:09 pm

near the beginning of this thread,at 8:06 am,anonymous posted that he expected indictments of trump & his people–
how many of you heard that mueller added more charges on manafort late last week while trump was heading to toronto?

June 15, 2018 9:14 am

“Remember that ‘streak of light’ that was seen on the coast of Washington state the other day? If the public really knew what that was they would collectively faint.”

What the hell are you babbling about? Was that Q coming down from the heavens??? Get a grip.