The Good News About Automated Cars

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Automated cars are being pushed on us harder than crystal meth in a West Virginia trailer park – by a tag team of the government apparat (which salivates at the prospect of heightened control over our movements) and a car industry which is becoming indistinguishable from the government, except that it wants to profit from all this controlling.

Automated cars are complex cars and that means expensive cars. It also means ride-sharing/renting of cars (perpetual payments) rather than owning them, which the car industry sees as a new “growth opportunity” for its business. Much more money in that than selling people $15,000 Corollas driven by them.

The good news – if you prefer not to be controlled – is that automated cars are still a long way off. They will probably not be able to force us into them for another several decades and maybe – with any luck – never.

So, breathe easy.

Yes, it’s true that elements of automated car technology are already on the road. Many new cars can park themselves, partially steer themselves and stop (and accelerate) themselves. But only some of the time, under certain conditions and with the ironic proviso that the driver must always be ready to step in.

In which case, what is the point of this automated car technology? Either the technology is competent enough to drive the car all the time or the driver must be competent to drive and ready to drive all the time. 

Otherwise, it’s like sugar that isn’t sweet.

If the driver must be competent and ready to drive all the time, then the automated technology is essentially useless. Worse than useless, actually. Because it promotes incompetent, inattentive driving – as witness the recent several crashes of auto-piloted cars, which either ran into things or ran people over because the person behind the wheel – we won’t call him a driver – was not driving. 

But in such a case, who is responsible for the crash? Is it the automated car – or the person behind the wheel?

Who will pay?

The liability problems are probably more of an obstacle to automated cars ever being more than a technocratic wet dream than the technology problems. In a fully automated car scenario, the car’s occupants – no more drivers, in expectation or otherwise – cannot be faulted for what the car does. Or what it doesn’t do. If it runs into a concrete barrier – or fails to not run over a child by swerving off the road and into a barrier instead – who gets the ticket?

Who gets sued?

It has to be the manufacturer of the automated car – or the software company. Anyone except the people along for the ride. In an automated car scenario, insurance becomes a thing of the past. How can you hold passengers accountable for what the bus – so to speak – does?

If this thought has occurred to the insurance mafia – a likely thing – they know that they stand to lose billions in premiums which will no longer be mandatory for precisely the reason one is not obliged to carry insurance in order to board a bus.

They are also probably aware of the huge payouts that they will be liable for in the event drivers are still expected – legally obliged – to pay attention to what their not-really-automated car is doing. Because drivers won’t pay attention if they don’t have to.

Many already don’t.

Imagine what they will do when they can press a button and let the car drive. It is risible to expect that they will supervise what the automated car does. And when it does something like drive into a tree or over a child . . .

Or, maybe the insurance mafia is looking at all of this from a different angle. They won’t be able to justify forcing individual owners (riders) to buy policies. But they will be able to hold corporations liable for the inevitable “glitches” that end up costing people their lives. This is an appealing idea. A shark-on-shark feeding frenzy. Let’s all watch them bloody the waters, safe in our deck chairs on the pier. 

There is an absurd presumption that automated cars will function infallibly. You know, like laptops and sail fawns do. Plus out on the road, being jostled and shaken and bumped. In winter and summer. In the rain and the snow. After many years and many miles and many potholes hit, too. Always pristine, always perfectly working.

Anyone interested in a time-share deal on the Brooklyn Bridge?

At the same time, there are tens millions of not-automated cars on the road. Millions of brand-new ones are rolling off the line – drivers behind the wheel – right now. These will be on the road for decades to come.

Plus motorcycles.

It is always possible, of course, that the creatures in the apparat will attempt to fatwa off the roads all cars not-automated (and motorcycles, too). And that may finally rouse the old hound to get up off the floor and shake loose the fleas. But if not, the liability and technology hurdles will serve the same purpose.

Our grandchildren may face a future of meat-sackery. But I think we are safe for the present.

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Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
June 18, 2018 11:34 am

What is a sail fawn?

Yancey Ward
Yancey Ward
  Hollywood Rob
June 18, 2018 12:12 pm

Cell phone, I think.

June 18, 2018 12:17 pm

For once I agree with Eric. These autonomous driving cars are all hype. But Uber and other ride share companies are cumming in their pants – if they could eliminate drivers – then they would have a grand slam.

There are too many situations to consider – even rain or snow or ice. Auto manufactures have run out of gimmicks, and shyster’s like Musk, love to stir the pot, just to get publicity.

I’m with Eric – if it doesn’t work 100% of the time – then it’s not worth anything.

June 18, 2018 1:16 pm

As a business lawyer, I have been pointing out these liability issues for years, to much skepticism on the part of the legally ignorant…The manufacturers need to get legislation dumping the liability on someone else, or they can’t market these dangerous vehicles…And Eric is right, only idiots would pay for liability insurance over which they have no control…Keep an eye on Congress…

June 18, 2018 2:50 pm

Tesla Responds To Viral Video Of Spontaneously Combusting Model S

Most folks don’t understand that those batteries have to have the aquivalent amount of energy as gasoline – to power that car. Lithium-ion batteries are notorious for overheating.

June 18, 2018 3:13 pm

Just happened this weekend ….. actress Mary McCormick’s husband has (had) a Tesla and it just spontaneously caught fire … no accident involved, and it was not in autopilot mode. Luckily, no one was injured. A Tesla spokesman said they would look into it as noting that such an event is highly unusual. Ha. I’ll bet that’s comforting to Tesla drivers!

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Immediately after the fire Tesla stock went up 100 points … and starfcker bought another 1000 shares on this “can’t miss” deal.

June 18, 2018 3:20 pm

It’s all about car rental. With the destruction of the middle class comes the lack of ability to actually purchase a new car even with 10 year financing. So they have to bring in easy convenient rental cars, which means they have to be able to deliver and return themselves. And we get to pretend we still have a decent standard of living even though in 10 years half the people who bought a new car in the last 10 years will not ever be able to afford another ever again.

Ham Roid
Ham Roid
June 18, 2018 7:05 pm

I’d trust a horse over an autonomous vehicle. At least the horse fears for its’ own life. Another bonus, they seldom spontaneously combust.

June 18, 2018 10:42 pm

No way would I ever trust a self-driving car, because to do so is to trust it with your life. Now, I have an I-7 Dell tower with a ton of memory and Win 10 Pro. It’s a helluva stable, fast computer. But I wouldn’t trust it with my life.
We need to push back on our politicians about this and bring it to a vote.