Obama Re-Emerges and Re-Inserts Himself Into Politics – But This Time, He’s On Defense

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter – Authored by Jon Hall

Last week, Barack Obama spoke at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Beverly Hills. He hit on several subjects – the current state of the Democratic party, the supposed “failings” of the Trump administration, and his biggest regret: that people were “so focused” on him throughout his Presidency that progress faltered.

Telling the crowd that they were “right to be concerned”, Obama instructed:
Do not wait for the perfect message, don’t wait to feel a tingle in your spine because you’re expecting politicians to be so inspiring and poetic and moving…

For once, Obama is correct. If Democratic voters wait for a magical savior candidate, they’ll be waiting well past the November mid-terms and likely even 2020. There are no fresh, inspiring faces within the Democratic party – only far-left candidates with extremist views that don’t pertain to the average, ordinary American.

Obama nearly took fault for the current state of his party, but – as usual – made it about him…
I’ll be honest with you, if I have a regret during my presidency, it is that people were so focused on me and the battles we were having, particularly after we lost the House, that folks stopped paying attention up and down the ballot…

Yes, Obama actually suggested that the Democratic party’s failings were because the nation was too focused on him. More likely, Obama is ignoring another major problem – his huge ego – as he attempts to shift the blame to the GOP for the DNC’s own cognitive dissonance on America.

President Trump has taken the opposite approach to Obama, and made his platform all about America. For his eight years, Obama was sure to make it all about him.  And still, Obama spoke on everyday Americans, hitting on “fearful” Trump supporters and the President’s supposed rhetoric:

Fear is powerful. Telling people that somebody’s out to get you, or somebody took your job, or somebody has it out for you, or is going to change you, or your community, or your way of life — that’s an old story and it has shown itself to be powerful in societies all around the world.

To Obama, it seems that any attempt to protect the sovereignty and identity of a nation will be type-cast as attempting to strike fear in the hearts of voters. The truth of it is, illegal immigrants sap benefits and aid from citizens and are a massive expenditure on taxpayers.

Perhaps Americans are just sick of hypocrisy and disgusting Democrat double standards, instead of “fearful” or “afraid” of the party.
Hitting on Trump’s approach to healthcare, Obama said he wasn’t surprised “that instead of replacing what we had done with something better, they’ve done their best to undermine and erode what’s already in place.” Obama has all but ignored the many problems with his own (disastrous) healthcare law, as well as ignoring the fact that Trump’s platform of “something better” -AKA undoing Obamacare’s failures – is one of the primary reasons he is President in the first place.

Finally, Obama complimented the clear-headed nature of the left and attacked “the other side” for peddling untrue information…
Reality has an interesting way of coming up and biting you, and the other side has been peddling a lot of stuff that is so patently untrue… The Democrats’ job is not to exaggerate…

Obama brings up “reality” – but somehow manages to ignore it in the process. With how reactionary and knee-jerk his party’s politics are, it should come as no surprise that the Democratic party’s “savior” is just as out of touch with the country as the party itself.

With his recent speaking engagement, Obama misconstrued and ignored the true errors of the Democratic party, instead attempting to shift the blame to Trump and the GOP. Instead of admitting that the President and the Republicans have a real agenda and are putting America first, Obama has decided to ignore real problems and write them off as something else – which was typical for his overzealous and overreaching administration.

With November mid-terms just months away, Obama has proven that the Democrats are content with spinning their wheels in the mud, attempting to only point fingers and reject the problems in front of their noses. The GOP is fortunate that the opposition has behaved in such a feckless and obstinate manner – if they can run on a platform of revitalizing and refreshing America, they could be in for some big wins in this year’s elections.

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Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
July 3, 2018 9:18 am

The nattering of effete popinjays.

July 3, 2018 9:32 am

The “failings’ of the Trump administration as seen by some are seen as its successes by others.

An irreconcilable point of view in the irreconcilably divided nation we became under Obama.

Don’t expect Obama and his crowd to try contributing anything positive in an attempt to heal that division, in fact you should expect the opposite and be prepared for it.

July 3, 2018 11:55 am

Please get your nose out of Americans’ business Kenyan.

July 3, 2018 12:05 pm

The Trump admin will be working to destroy the legacy of obozo, and for that, I am deeply grateful.

Imagine the history books, re-written without any nod toward the worst admin in the 21 century:
they destroyed the middle east, but somehow still managed to loose Syria to Russia
they destroyed Libya so that Hildabeast would have some street cred if she won the election
they were again destroyed by their own lies, when seth rich leaked all of the DNC shenanagins to wikileaks.
and now they are just about the most pathetic bunch of crying babies, and their only hope to win is to follow the lead of maxine the beast

so, yes, let’s what as obozo inserts himself into the body politics, what could go wrong?

ursel doran
ursel doran
July 3, 2018 1:51 pm

Beverly Hills.
Back to the trenches in the heartland of America toiling away to do God’s work for the benefit of the poor sheeples. All of the three hundred million can bee comforted.

July 3, 2018 2:18 pm

obama is on defense, but playing offense via OFA, a full court press. he cant play defense as he cant justify anything he has done to those who are leaving, and have left, “his party”.

July 3, 2018 4:59 pm

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July 3, 2018 6:39 pm

Some defense. By acting like a child he is proving only one thing. It is that he is petty, vindictive and oozing nihilism. Serves only himself. Worrying moar about his precious legacy than trying to find common ground across the aisle.

He promised hope and change.
He delivered divide and conquer.
He should head home to Kenya.
Instead of digging a hole.
Just for spite…

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 3, 2018 8:19 pm

Hussein Obola made it all about himself. Now he wants to rewrite history to deflect on his responsibility in trashing the nation in every way. Sorry Obola, you pressed the lever to flush the US down the drain. Now own it.

July 3, 2018 9:50 pm

Worst POTUS ever.

July 4, 2018 12:33 am

Never in my wildest dreams did I think during the primaries and then before and even after the election would a New York Real estate mogul – aging playboy – crass TV personality (who I could care less about and had a low opinion of) accomplish what he has in reversing Obama’s subservient Globalist’s “RADICAL TRANSFORMATION” of the United States of America to the degree he has…in this brief time. Obama was twice as destructive as Jimmy Carter because he had two terms…but the Peanut farmer was just a Liberal fool…Obama was a Cloward/Pivin intentional Cultural Marxist.

My wife would occasionally watch the Apprentice…I intentionally ignore the vast majority of celebrities and do not feed them anything (especially watching their endless and repetitive self-serving award shows) except occasional disdain for their almost universal well-deserved puffed up narcissism and Leftist PC crap. I especially laugh at actors whose singular claim to fame is pretending to be other people??? Too many celebrities make me gag. I paid the Apprentice and its host zero attention, although he seemed to just be playing an exaggerated version of himself.

I saw him at first as nothing more than a Billionaire cartoon with zero chance to get the nomination let alone become President…I was wrong…really wrong.

I was one of the original “Draft Ben Carson” backers after he exposed Obama’s radical ideologically, empty beliefs and political betrayals to the Constitution. Last but not least Carson also unintentionally exposed Obama’s vindictiveness and abuse of power after surgically slicing and dicing Obama to his face at the 2013 Prayer Breakfast. That was an act of defiance and courage that immediately earned Mr. Carson not one but two back to back IRS Audits lasting two full years and my committed praise, support and loyalty to the bold and fearless TRUTH to POWER speaking Mr. Carson.

Ben Carson Humiliates Obama! Senator Sessions Set It Up! Hindsight Explains A Lot!

Written in 2016 about Carson: “Ben Carson was several years ahead of his time. He was discussing things several years ago that no other person would talk about. He was the pioneer. Trump adopted his game plan. Trump was the best person to relay the message. I love Carson. He actually performed a 14 hour operation on my nephew who would not be alive if it weren’t for Dr. Carson. Where was this fire and passion during the primaries? I think that this was really not in sync with his real personality. It takes a guy like Trump that are use to the conflict and confrontation, but clearly Carson has the intellect and grounding to be a great president!! He may very well be Trump’s replacement. The second part is a video of a Carson speech he gave at the Obama prayer breakfast. He completely caught Obama off guard and crushed him. He was audited by the IRS for the 2 years after that. Our system is so corrupt. Carson was talking about PC years before people even knew what it meant. The importance of this speech by Ben Carson cannot be overstated. He was introduced by Senator Sessions and completely annihilated everything Obama stands for. Watch Obama’s face as Carson continues to press that the foundation of America is a Christian God. At the start Obama is spitting out his gum and sticking it under the table, to the middle where Obama realizes the speech may be directed at him, and then near the end where Obama looks like he’s getting very annoyed and sizing Carson up. Carson subtly, but directly blasts Obama with him seated 5 feet away. Carson touches on topics ranging from education (common core), IRS scandal, Obamacare, the importance of the freedom of speech, and one nation under God. This is the speech that fueled this present election and turned the torch over to Trump. Carson was asked to apologize to Obama following the speech, which he never did. Watch Obamas face as Carson continues to press that the foundation of America is a Christian God. At the start Obama is spitting out his gum and sticking it under the table, to the middle where Obama realizes the speech may be directed at him, and then near the end where Obama looks like he’s getting very annoyed and sizing Carson up. Carson subtly, but directly blasts Obama with him seated 5 feet away. Carson touches on topics ranging from education (common core), IRS scandal, Obamacare, the importance of the freedom of speech, and one nation under God. This is the speech that fueled this present election. Carson was asked to apologize to Obama following the speech, which he never did.”

July 4, 2018 2:59 am