Image result for funny college move in day

No more posts for the rest of the day. We are doing the 8 hour roundtrip to State College to move my son into his house for his senior year. I hope the day is less exciting than previous trips to Penn State. Of course, the forecast is for rain. That’s a given. Here are some previous articles about trips to Penn State:







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August 18, 2018 8:27 am

I’m right there with ya except we’re southbound to Williamsburg, VA. Love Virginia, wish I could stay, Bergen County NJ sucks!

August 18, 2018 9:01 am

Been there, done that.

August 18, 2018 10:40 am

Oh my, these move-in stories are some of the best on TBP!!! Cant wait to hear about your latest insights when you get back!

Craig Johnson
Craig Johnson
August 18, 2018 10:42 am

Fathers of daughters sending them away to college to be a slore. Why am I not surprised. #repealthe19th, #keepthepimphandstrong, #keepherPHbalanced, #femaleempowermentisfuckingcancer

Craig Johnson
Craig Johnson
  Craig Johnson
August 18, 2018 10:46 am
  Craig Johnson
August 18, 2018 12:45 pm

Gee, I dunno. Suppose the woman is smarter/responsibly motivated/skilled/higher status than the man? Would she not make better successful decisions? Sure would, but men don’t usually pick those as partners unless they are relatively at or higher up society in those traits. So in general, yeah, there is then usually something to what you say for many pairs of people partners, but not all , and certainly can’t be extrapolated to random pairings of men and women (i.e. chance meetings, work, clubs, etc). Maybe Prager U left out the kind of default authority you propose for a reason?

August 18, 2018 2:24 pm

You have my sympathy, for the drive, for the city, for the money, and for the quality of the education it will buy.

August 18, 2018 5:12 pm

For all of you driving today be safe . As you all know I’m basically a truck driver and I have seen a couple of terrible car accidents this week . God bless and be safe

August 18, 2018 6:11 pm

No good place to put this today so here it goes.

Rt. click, View Image>>left click to enlarge. You might have to scroll rt/lft as well as up/down.

comment image

August 19, 2018 10:48 pm
August 20, 2018 11:44 am

Holy smokes. I’m looking forward to taking time to indulge these past rants, Admin.
…always like when you repost some gem(s) from before.
For me, it must have been late July, 2017.
A good, wise friend sent me an email, with a link to “Navigating Through The Storms” by JQ.
Article blew me away, and I felt the link within, to TBP warranted a more in depth, lookie-see.
Like a blind man suddenly given sight, or a struggling gold panhandler being shown a more clear creek holding an adundamce of sizeable nuggets, my life changed, and another intrigued lurker was pulled in.
My unread emails have been piling up ever since.
A new, more enlightening content had supplanted email as the winner of my limited time to read digital content online.
Then the comment stream was discovered as full of brothers in arms, + a few exceptional gals that pack a knowledgeable punch combination with their contributions.
Unable to stifle a longing to enter the rapids of commentary, this amateur writer dipped his toe in a sometimes brutally cold body of water.
Tentatively, my first comment ponied up the desire to chime in, yet fearful of catching verbal reprimands and chastising, if I should err, as one new little yapper doggie wanting get off the porch, and try running with a few of the big dog regyoolahs this newbie in 2017 saw commenting so frequently.
First, what moniker?
Ahh, let’s keep some semblance of privacy for now, and use an acronym of a nickname received years ago. LGR will do for now.
First responder: Yoji, with encouraging words: “Comment. If you misstep, learn from it, and react accordingly.”
Next up, a comment by me with cautionary respect for the BDRs, to which I received a modest stamp of approval from Herr Stuckmeister.
To those 2, I will always be grateful for the welcome mat they laid before me.
Shortly afterwards, Stuck posted “10 Rules For Newbies”, which helped me navigate more clearly.
One of those 10 explicitly warned noobs to strap on a thick skin,cuz easily offended, and sensitive feewings would be mocked mercilessly. Sage advice.
Since then, I’ve seen some fall prey to the ignoring of that rule, only to slink away, and never be heard from again.
One early good rapport was with the Divine Miss M, who I thought correctly I had befriended. Upon commenting to her as Mags in the early days, one ornery coyote came in fast, nipping at my heels, for referring so fondly to Ozarks by such a friendly nickname.
Something to the effect of: “Hey noob, stand down…you haven’t paid your dues yet, to be afforded the privelige of addressing a fellow BDR with such familiarity!” Ouch.
Even with the mild jab came his likeable habit of altering a commenters moniker with funny wit, as LaGeR was rebranded at that time.
But, I defended meself to the beaner from the Southwest, in a follow-up comment, and questioned his reprimand authority. To which Herr came in on the tail end of that exchange in defense of EC, with a comment about his good nature, and being worthy of respect and slack.
Stuck healing of minor disputes, a pattern that would repeat.

Thanks, again early friends. Maggie seemed touched, by Wily’s defending of her honor.
Soon after, more good rapport got established with two sharp minds that frequent the platform…
RiNS and nkit became good buds cuz of the hockey bond common ground, but like EC and Nick, are not shy about lobbing a well deserved grenade toward commenters that need an opposing viewpoint.
Call a spade a spade, bullshit when they see it, and it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows around here. Hypocrits take heed.
Mags & EC early on had good tips.
No sucking up, she said. Better to use a rebuttal with a sharp edge, some mild jab, or a criticism with humor, vs. a tail-between-the-legs, whimpering mea culpa, smooch to the arse of critics, etc.
The hombre was quick to advise: “Strap on a set, and fire back, Wimpy.”
Sensitive skins around these parts will be rubbed raw, and get a sprinkling of salt applied.
…As it should be.
Still, tread lightly, newbies.
Personal offenses sometimes really require an apology.
That’s just human decency.

Now, I might’ve missed, check that, I know I’ve missed many others who have been huge influences on me, with their posts and commentary.
But, I gotta stop listing all the ones I routinely click on, as priority opinions I’m drawn to, due to their smarts, experience, fine writing, and tough love.
It’s frowned upon by a few, if one gets too generous with the verbal compliments, even if issued from a core, default demeanor of gratitude and appreciation.
So, no offense, to many others not listed. You’re appreciated more than you know.

Regards this site of free speech,
The best bennies: Threefold…
1. New, profound truths, and many lies exposed.
2. Funny humor and biting wits.
3. Amazing support when a member is grieving from illness, severe challenges, and/or the loss of a loved one.
The sympathy and well wishes I’ve read from all, at those rare times, makes this place a very fine, rare place to hang out, like a friendly, digital airport bar, I think Uncola once stated.
Or maybe it was somebody else.
To err is human; forgive: Divine.
Comraderie. Fight Club. Caring.
But, when we stumble, monkeys won’t always pick you up, and dust you off.
Quite often theyll call you a Moran, and howl with laughter at your sorry ass, with the mocking insults one deserves, after tripping.
Bring your A game, bitches, or go back to lurker status. The wolf pack gets mean at times, and a hierarchy of sorts, or pecking order, if you will, exists.

All of it, courtesy of Mr. Quinn, TMWNN, and the many honorables that chime in from T2T.
Keep the retro-flashbacks coming every so often, Sir.
I shall try to do likewise w JOTW.
Crack one open, even if a NA Bev.
To Our Health! and