The End Game

Guest Post by The Zman

A popular topic on the Right for a long time has been the looming economic trouble that everyone agrees is inevitable, due to the spiraling debt. The political parties lost interest in the debt during the Obama years, but the problem remains. The Federal government adds another trillion or so every year and we’re just at the start of the great Baby Boomer retirement, which promises to bankrupt Social Security and Medicare. All of the things Reagan warned about, and did nothing about, are still there and getting worse every day.

Now, as I mentioned in the podcast last week, one reason no one cares about this stuff anymore is nothing every happens. The politicians never do anything to address the problem and the warnings about the disaster never come true. The 2008 mortgage meltdown can probably be blamed for the public’s indifference to these issues now, and maybe the politicians too, because the disaster was averted. That problem was worse than the predictions, but the consequences were nothing like predicated.

For the Right and increasingly for the Left, the hand-wringing over the looming financial troubles has always been a proxy for the general angst about democracy. After all, the primary driver for the debt trouble is the public’s insatiable desire for free stuff and the politicians need to give it to them. The creative ways in which the U.S. government finances its spending is driven by the need to feed the beast that is democracy. They say necessity is the mother of invention and we see that in our fiscal situation.

The thing is though, a financial crash, even a debilitating one, is never enough to bring down a nation. For example, the Long Depression lasted in the United States from 1873 to 1896, with the most severe portion being the first decade. The Great Depression lasted for over a decade and was followed by world war. There was never a fear of revolution in these economic disasters because the public trusted itself and the institutions of the nation to work through the problems. People just kept working the problem until it got better.

Revolts come when people no longer trust their rulers. The king bungles a series of issues and the people decide they need a new king. The ruling class gets reckless and lazy and they find themselves on the run. Revolutions come when the system itself is no longer trusted. The economic crisis that triggers it is just an excuse for doing what people have been thinking about doing for a long time. The radicals were able to overthrow the French monarchy because no one could think of a reason to not overthrow the system.

That’s the dangerous waters we seem to be in today. Now, elites love to confuse the institutions with the people occupying them. Despite being replaceable and often replaced, they see themselves as indispensable. That’s just their arrogance, not a sign the public has lost faith in the system. After all, no one trusts Congress, but the voters can replace all of the congressmen with more trustworthy people in a series of elections. Is that a loss of faith in the institution or just the normal process of democracy?

Still, there is a growing distrust of the system and it is something you see in the Progressive coalition, Trump voters and the Dissident Right. The reasons are different, but all around, people are losing faith in the system itself. Team Brown wants to begin the great replacement today and they see the system as a hindrance to their efforts. The MAGA-pedes see the system as an impediment to Trump’s reform efforts. The Dissident Right sees the system as part of the cancer that is destroying white society.

Cultural discontent is not a new thing, so it is temping to think that we are reliving the period from the 1970’s into the 1980’s. Smart people in the Nixon years thought the country was headed for civil war. By the middle of the 1980’s everyone was happy again due to the robust economy. Trump’s approval rating is his highest as the economy is finally showing that old dynamism again, but people are even more angry now than before the election. Maybe this time is different and a good economy is not enough.

Of course, the troubles half a century ago were different than today, despite the similarities. The culture war of the 60’s and 70’s was between white people in a country that was 90% white. The fight today is between whites and non-whites in a country rapidly moving to majority-minority. Then we have the brown waves of migrants washing up on the southern border, that serve as a daily reminder of what the future holds for white people. This is a very different crisis than we saw in the 60’s.

History buffs like to look at the French Revolution for clues as to how the American experiment ends. The alt-right thinks the interwar period in Germany is a good model for what comes next. Of course, the Roman Empire is always a handy example. All of that is probably wrong. In fact, the alt-right is laughably wrong about what comes next. The better example may be the Holy Roman Empire. The slow disintegration of that political construction is a less glamorous story, but it may be a more relevant one for us

After all, America has always been a multi-cultural empire. It was just confined to this continent and composed of white people. Even today, the cultural difference between the people of New England and those of the Midwest are obvious. The whites of the west coast are wildly different in temperament than the whites of New York. When someone from the Northeast visits Texas for the first time, they almost always say that they feel like they are in a different country. That’s because Texas is a different country.

Since Gettysburg, American has been a collection of cultural regions held together by the Yankee hegemony. The rest of America has functioned like Puerto Rico to the winners of the Civil War. That is, they retained some local autonomy, but were never allowed to have a say in the big issues. A fun way to see this is to to examine the list of President before the Civil War and after the Civil War. Heck, the GOP is a party based in the South and Southwest, yet the President is the quintessential New Yorker.

Maybe instead of a dramatic collapse or a great revolution, maybe the future for this empire is to just stagger along from one crisis to the next, losing a little bit of influence here, a little bit of land over there. A long, episodic process where the American Empire slowly disintegrates, returning to its natural parts. A generation from now, America will be out of Asia. Another generation and Europe is free. All the while the role of the central government recedes domestically as the local cultural regions re-assert their authority.

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Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
October 25, 2018 4:53 pm

The USA is too large and populous to govern. It needs to break up. But breaking up is hard to do.

For nearly 40 years money was borrowed and IOU’s issued. The borrowed money bought new industrial growth and new jobs, and the people working those jobs largely plowed their savings (and their pension/retirement-income expectations) back into funding the borrowing.

It’s like this: A dollar was borrowed and spent. It created a dollar-making job, and the debtholder counted the IOU-a-dollar as his wealth, too. The dollar-making job created with a borrowed dollar yielded another dollar of “savings,” which the saver loaned to the borrower to create a new dollar-making job, and the saver thinks he still “has” that IOU-dollar as wealth.

Rinse and repeat a few hundred trillion times. We have $250 or $500 trillion in IOU-dollars “wealth.” We have huge numbers of jobs whose existence is owed to borrowing. What happens to people if the IOU-dollars evaporate as rising interest rates and declining trust arrive “on schedule?”

People’s savings evaporates at the same time their jobs evaporate. Oops.

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
October 25, 2018 4:57 pm

Everything is one of these:
Adversarial competition.

All of life is biology. Biology is what we live.
We’re leaving a period of widespread commensalism and mutualism, transitioning through a mass quantity of parasitism, on our way to adversarial competition, which will renew the cycle and lead to again to mutualism and commensalism.

Death to the parasites.

Lucky Strike
Lucky Strike
October 25, 2018 6:45 pm

In case anyone still has faith in the dollar……..China having loaned billions of dollars to various African nations has told them they don’t want to be repaid in dollars, but in precious and rare earth minerals.

Rather, Not
Rather, Not
October 25, 2018 6:50 pm

While that is a plausible scenario…it strikes me as one of the mildest, most optimistic and best possible outcomes. If that is scenario A, scenarios B, C and D are worse and bloodier.

October 25, 2018 8:22 pm

My money is on the Roman Empire path as we’ve adopted their Bread & Circus method of entertainment and pacification. The loss of power abroad will be replaced by oppression at home but by then we’ll be living in a two tiered society and the poor will accept bread & circus over making any kind of fuss which would bring unwanted attention from the A.I. keeping 24/7 surveillance on the powerless.

So long as we have electricity, rebellion will be impossible.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 25, 2018 8:46 pm

Looking at Rome and France are close but look at Haiti, the Congo, and Rhodesia if you want to see what will happen here when TSHTF and the FSA isn’t getting all the groceries, utilities, jobs etc that they feel Whites owe them.

mark branham
mark branham
October 26, 2018 5:03 am

As is often the case, a worker is paid by direct deposit to his bank account. He uses his credit/debit card to pay for purchases. With the universal acceptance of cards, he never has to touch paper or coins again.

Is he spending money or debt?

The answer is debt. The only real money any of us has is paper and coins(because they’re free of debt and interest AND issued by a sovereign nation). EVERYTHING else is debt, created by a commercial bank which MUST be paid back.

EXCEPT, FED created “money.” The FED can buy bank created debt and make it disappear… simply by not redeeming it. That’s called monetizing the debt… and we’ve been trained to believe it’s a bad thing. Because we’ve been trained to think that fiat money is not money at all.

But of course, Fiat money is the only real money we’ve ever had BECAUSE it is backed by the full faith and credit of the issuer, in this case, the U.S. government. Those who say the dollar is backed by nothing have accepted the lie that something physical must back a currency. That is 16th century thinking. IF nation states are ever to exist in perpetuity they must be recognized as sovereigns with the power to stand behind their own currency.

{and now you know why the elites are so anxious to make borders irrelevant, essentially making nations irrelevant, keeping the debt slaves ever and forever debt serfs; which answers the question, why is each succeeding generation dumber than the last}

That, of course, implies a civilized nation with responsible adults willing to accept responsibility for their actions. Is there any such nation existent these days?

So what must come first? fiat money or a civilized nation responsible enough to manage fiat money?

Who is John Galt?
Who is John Galt?
October 26, 2018 8:05 am

Zman if the lefties read this they would be gushing with pride and hope and anticipation. they just cannot wait to stand in bread lines, dodge military in our streets, and be stopped for their papers every so often. They are envious of multi culti even if it means destroying the reason why heavily pigmented skinned peoples walk thousands of miles and sneak into here. Only in their envious future the wall will be to hold us captive like in berlin, or north korea does today. And all those heavily pigmented skinned peoples will be free to walk right back “home”after invading here and like locust sucking all the free benefits while funneling any ill gotten income back “home” to their families in thier originating country all the while never paying any taxes or their fair share. All the while screaming americans are bad, are racist and selfish. All the while watching the americans having patience, paying the taxes, providing them free benefits, never jailing them as criminals even though they break the laws, providing them our constitutional protections, and all the while watching americans turning their cheeks, and mostly welcoming them. Like locusts, they will return home and when the american is bled dry and needs to migrate and take refugee statuts in their country surely they would be just as welcoming? You see it today with 7,000 strong caravan, they burn our flag and raise their home countrys flag. Then why are they coming here. Trump being called the racist but Mexico refuses to help them with asylum or refugee status as a neighboring country. Mexico forces them to walk 1000 miles, sleep in the street and starve and die. WHen they arrive at our border our own media bitch about the living quarters , provided meals and shelter we give and how Trump is a truly bad bad man by making sure to separate pedophiles from falsely claimed children. Will they be so kind to americans when we show up! Will they take responsibility for being locusts and causing americas downfall? They are good people right? They will do the right thing for americans when americans start migrating there. CNN says so…….

  Who is John Galt?
October 27, 2018 3:19 am

Great, another Trumptard who thinks the Orange One is their saving grace. Here’s a clue moron: your boy Donald is on the scam to keep the oligarchs as our slave masters.

October 26, 2018 11:03 am

“The politicians never do anything to address the problem and the warnings about the disaster never come true. ”

People need to stop worrying about this debt thingy. The politicians have a secret weapon which they will mint when the time is right.

A dozen or so of these, and we’ll be all square.

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