What A Bunch Of Idiots!?

Authored by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com,

Tell me this isn’t crazy…

A few days ago the creator of the most famous consumer ‘credit score’ in the United States announced a major overhaul in how it rates borrowers.

Consumers live and die by this ‘FICO score’. A high FICO score means that it’s easy to obtain loans at lower interest rates.

And a bad FICO score (in theory) means that you have a history of not paying your debts… hence making it difficult to obtain loans.

Well it turns out there are tens of millions of people in the US who either don’t have FICO scores at all (i.e. NO credit history), or they have BAD credit.

So FICO decided that they would reinvent the way they calculate the scores– giving a big boost to people with bad credit.

Virtually overnight, people who have a history of not paying their bills will immediately be deemed creditworthy.

And poof… they’ll have access to more debt than ever before.


No offense, but what a bunch of idiots.

This company is deliberately lowering its standards and pretending that people with a terrible credit history are actually top quality borrowers.

Gee where have we seen this before?

Oh that’s right… just before the massive financial crisis ten years ago! It’s genius!

It wasn’t even that long ago during the housing boom in the early 2000s that banks were doing EXACTLY the same thing– deliberately lowering their lending standards and providing loans (WITH NO MONEY DOWN) to borrowers with bad credit.

Everyone was in on it. The big ratings agencies like S&P and Moody’s all played along.

Even the federal government gave its seal of approval to this ridiculous charade.

But eventually the bubble burst. Interest rates started rising and the borrowers could no longer pay.

Housing prices tanked. Banks lost billions. The stock market plummetted. The economy went into a tailspin.

It unraveled so quickly… and it all started with a system that churned out far too much debt, far too easily, to borrowers who had no hope of paying it back.

And that’s precisely what we’re seeing now.

It starts at the top: the US government is sitting on a record $21.7 trillion in debt.

That’s several trillion dollars more than the size of the entire US economy.

Each year the government burns around a trillion dollars, and the Treasury Department expects to sustain those grim deficits for the foreseeable future.

State and local governments are in a similar position– in debt up to their eyeballs and drowning in unfunded pension obligations.

And each year it gets worse. The government’s own projections show the debt only increasing– they have no chance of paying it off.

Even in the private sector, most corporations aren’t much better off.

Not including banks, companies in the US have around $7 trillion in total debt.

Go figure, that’s the highest amount on record. Ever.

More than 40% of all corporate debt is rated just one notch above ‘junk’ status.

And a full 14% of companies in the S&P 500 don’t even generate enough revenue to make interest payments.

Then there’s the consumer– supposedly the rock solid pillar that drives the US economy.

Consumer debt is on pace to reach a record $4 trillion this year.

Credit card debt is at an all-time high. Auto loans are at an all time high. Student debt is at an all time high.

And the average American has little chance of repaying that debt.

According to a recent study published by the Federal Reserve, 40% of adults don’t have enough money to cover a $400 emergency expense like a medical bill or flat tire.

 And 21% of Americans have ZERO savings.

Neither governments, nor most businesses, nor the consumer, has any chance of paying down these debts.

And yet the money keeps flowing.

Companies like FICO are even lowering their standards to give even MORE debt to consumers who are already too heavily indebted.

And investors across global financial markets clamor to buy bonds of companies and governments that routinely burn through billions of dollars in cash.

It’s pretty extraordinary how history repeats itself.

The financial system creates gigantic problems caused by too much debt… then tries to solve that problem with more debt.

The house of cards eventually collapses… people lick their wounds for a few years… and the whole cycle begins anew.

If you’re looking for a great book on the topic, check out Howard Marks’ Mastering the Market Cycle: Getting the Odds on Your Side.

Marks is the billionaire founder of Oaktree Capital and one of the most successful investors in history.

In short, his book describes what we have been discussing for months–  There are always ups and downs, booms and busts. NOTHING moves in a straight line forever.

The economy (and financial markets) have been moving UP in a straight line for most of the last ten years.

And by any historical perspective, this is one of the LONGEST up cycles on record.

We’re seeing the same foolish shenanigans that we almost always see– too much money, too much debt, too much stupidity.

Could it last for several more months, or even years? Absolutely.

Or perhaps it’s possible that the tide has already started to turn.

We won’t know until some point in the future when we look back and say, ‘Oh yeah, that was the top. Duh. Shoulda seen that coming… All the signs were there.’

Just remember last time– the US stock market peaked in October 2007. The big meltdown didn’t take place until almost a year later.

And all along the way– the pundits, the government, the Federal Reserve– everyone kept saying that the economy was strong and healthy… right up until the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression hit.

We’re seeing so many of the same signs that we saw ten years ago.

It would be foolish to think that it will be rainbows and buttercups forever… that this time will be any different.

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Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 5:00 pm

In the end who wins, the thrifty or the debtors?

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 6:35 pm

The people with guns who also have friends with guns will win in the end.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 8:02 pm

That depends on whether or not the 5G IOT and the Social Credit System are up and running (even in shadow form) when all the bills come due. Remember, your Social Credit Score will be determined by some narrow A.I. sitting in the cloud and just like in China, there will be no one to appeal to.

If we follow the path of China, those that have not paid their bills will find themselves unable to access credit, rent a home or travel. Perhaps the local grocery store will require a certain score just to enter and with facial, body and movement recognition, it will be impossible to hide yourself and your score.

The outcasts will have to live in shadows.

Who is John Galt?
Who is John Galt?
October 26, 2018 7:24 am

I will absolutely shut off all electronics expect a work provided limited phone and laptop if and when social credit becomes the norm. UNtil then I have zero real social footprint. I refuse to have twatter, fakebook etc. and never will. When you must post stuff, Stay anonymous my friends.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 26, 2018 7:43 am


Who in the end wins?

Same as last time around. The debtors.. Democracy is the tyranny of the majority. And right now they get to vote for their continued existence. The thrifty seem to be the fools in this game. At least so far..And as long as the world is run by fiat of central banks, as Mark pointed out on another thread, it will stay that way.

The only way to fix this is pull a Jackson and End the Fed.

October 25, 2018 5:50 pm

Bug or feature? Depends who wants what from this decision.

October 25, 2018 5:55 pm

Come on!!!!! What could go wrong?

October 25, 2018 5:58 pm

In the end though, “retarded” never works…

Lucky Strike
Lucky Strike
October 25, 2018 6:39 pm

I’m a stone capitalist and I love America. I was a freakin’ zero at 40 and thanks to capitalism I was able to pull myself up and become a propertied individual with a positive net worth. For the past 20 plus years I’ve watched the perversion of the greatest economic system ever devised by man. This has to be stopped. It has to be reversed. The American middle class must be restored and debt slavery must be abolished.

October 25, 2018 7:02 pm

I do not have much of a credit score. When you do not have any debt, it is hard to get.

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 8:10 pm

I actually aspire to get to a point in life where my credit score matters not a wit. I’m actually almost there. Well, I can at least see the white light at the end of the tunnel.

Friday False Flag
Friday False Flag
  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 26, 2018 4:39 pm

Your insurance rates and employment applications will be impacted

October 25, 2018 10:48 pm

If you don’t borrow money, who gives a crap about your credit score? Dave Ramsey is right; if you don’t have the cash, don’t buy it. Many of our “needs” are actually wants. If your wants exceed your needs, you definitely need a better paying or second job, or just accept that you can’t afford it.

October 25, 2018 11:36 pm

“Who gives a crap about your credit score?” Thats what I thought until I recently tried to sign up for mySocialSecurity to change the bank account my SS check was deposited into. I was denied access to the program because information from the rating agencies was not available even though I have maintained an active credit card account with Chase bank and never missed a payment for 30 years. Prior to retiring in Thailand about 10 years ago, I placed a credit freeze with the 3 rating agencies. I wrote the SS office in Manila which handles Thailand and explained the situation and asked why the government requires me to use the service of a private company to conduct purely government business. No answer and they never changed the deposit as requested. So now my ex-wife still has access to a joint account where my pensions are deposited. I can’t get her name off it and the two companies that I have pensions with are pretty much non-responsive. I wasted 2 hours trying to change my mailing address from Bend, Oregon to Bangkok, Thailand and amazingly got a letter addressed to me at Bend, Thailand.

October 26, 2018 8:13 am

Care to explain the down vote?

Jawboning the Morans (EC)
Jawboning the Morans (EC)
October 26, 2018 1:37 pm

Care to explain the divorce and sudden move to the sex-tourism capital of the world?

  Jawboning the Morans (EC)
October 26, 2018 4:35 pm

Well, it wasn’t a sudden move and my wife and I decided to retire here so I wasn’t specifically looking for pussy but found it soon enough.

October 25, 2018 10:59 pm

‘scuse me, sir. Any spare change? Can ya help me out? My kids are goin’ hungry.
I’ll work for food. Thanks. God Bless.

It’s already here, but will get much worse.
They’ll be on every street corner, outside of stores and restaurants after the tsunami hits.

Cold hard indifference to their plight will be the response, because there will be just too many begging.

Lincoln: “There’s too many piglets, and not enough teats.”

October 26, 2018 2:24 am

Lincoln had a way with words.

Jawboning the Morans (EC)
Jawboning the Morans (EC)
October 26, 2018 1:42 pm

Cleveland had a way with the ladies

Who is John Galt?
Who is John Galt?
October 26, 2018 7:38 am

When they start noticing the blue haired ones are dying off faster from starvation I guess at least they wont be showing their democratic colors as much. Why would i want to help the idiots that caused their own misery. Never interrupt your enemy when you see them making a mistake. They wanted solcialism now they can all starve together all at the same time. They wanted to destroy capitalism and refused to study or understand socialism or visit socialist countries and see how it really would be. Their own damned fault. Charity begins at home. And i wont be charitable to socialist, democrats, left winger family members either. They can starve with the worst of them. And I will gladly remind them often their hunger pain was caused by their own makIng. And those that survive maybe they will have been taught a much needed lesson and maybe vehemently oppose even violently, any future politician that lies to them about the future benefits of socialism……they may have a chance at restoring their lives to some degree. They surely would hve earned it. MAybe they will understand hard work, pride, soloism, and real altruism. Surely the survisors on the left wont be part of the problem going forward after such an intense and painful lesson. But then again you cant fix stupid….

  Who is John Galt?
October 26, 2018 1:25 pm

At first glance “solcialism” looked like SoCal ism.

October 26, 2018 6:56 am

Debt is slavery. Having a credit score at all is a badge of slavery.

October 26, 2018 8:16 am

When the ‘dollar’ is only used as kindling…
… What do we call the new stuff?

Peon (PN) – promissory note
Food Stamps
FFACS (full faith and credits) pronounced “fakes” or “faux” or “fuks”
OPM (other peoples money)