Hollywood Midterm Endorsements Reveal Dwindling Celebrity Influence

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter – Authored by Jon Hall

Ahead of the 2018 Midterm elections, many Hollywood celebrities threw their hat in the ring to back a particular candidate in hopes of boosting their chances of winning their respective races.

For instance, Taylor Swift made headlines last month when she endorsed Democratic Senator Phil Bredesen in Tennessee’s elections

Bredesen, however – even with Swift’s endorsement – lost handily to Republican Marsha Blackburn on election night.

Ominously for the left, Swift’s failure is anything but a one-off case.

Corrupt Democrat Stacey Abrams, who ran for Georgia’s Governorship, was endorsed by a plethora of stars – Oprah, Mark Ruffalo, Michael B. Jordan, and even Will Ferrell. Although she refuses to concede the race, Abrams lost to Republican Brian Kemp – by about 64,000 votes.

A handful of celebrities thought to use their “star power” in a bid to boost Abrams over the finish line but it didn’t go quite as planned.

Even then, the string of spectacular failures doesn’t end there. Andrew Gillum, the Democrat vying for Florida‘s Governor spot was endorsed by Diddy, DJ Khaled, and Tiffany Hadish; Gillum ended up losing and conceding to his Republican opponent.

Beto O’Rourke, who went against Ted Cruz in Texas, was endorsed by Beyoncé, Lebron James, Ellen DeGeneres, Jim Carrey, and Lin-Manuel Mirandaand again, lost by several points in the race.

Ben Jealous, who ran for Governorship of Maryland was even endorsed by acclaimed comedian Dave Chappelle and still ended up losing by a large margin in his race. It goes to show it’s not exactly about the star-power behind any potential endorsement but instead, that people are sick of Hollywood elite telling them how they should act and think.

The Cruz campaign even blasted Beto for his empty endorsements, saying in a statement on October 31st:

We think endorsements from the Texans who lead our state’s communities and represent our state’s values— like the 171 Texas county sheriffs and the Texas Farm Bureau— outweigh that of any Hollywood celebrity or star athlete.

Although the Midterm elections were billed as a referendum against President Trump and his movement, it seems that instead they were a referendum against celebrity endorsements. By and large, every celebrity-endorsed candidate lost their election bid – which should tell the Hollywood elite all they need to know about interjecting their opinions and stances on issues where they don’t belong and attempting to shove their views down unwilling consumer’s throats.

Maybe after their rampant failures concerning their precious Midterm endorsements, Hollywood celebs will realize that they are totally encapsulated in an isolating vacuum – unaware and ignorant of any actual plights ordinary citizens face and therefore inexperienced in telling anyone how they should vote. But then again, with dollar signs improperly clouding their egos and true worth, they will likely continue to endlessly virtue-signal and spew their improperly placed opinions to the cringing masses.

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November 8, 2018 12:31 pm

I appreciate Hollywood endorsements.

I have saved tons of money not going to movies made by certain shitheads. Saved me a lot of time too … for example, I won’t watch any DiNero movies (really truly) and a bunch of other fuktards … people I used to like, like Streep.

Colin Kaper Dick has single handily cured me of watching football. Really. Haven’t watched one minute of one game this year … not even as noise in the background.

LeNigga James and his ilk of bouncing bongo monkees have cured me of pro basketball.

So keep it up Hollyweird! You have truly made my life better.

EL Cinico
EL Cinico
November 8, 2018 12:56 pm

That’s just totally disrespectful! The damn idiots hijacked a perfect Cinderella candidate and made it about them. Seriously, it was an effort to finally get some respect for El Paso. CenTex has always had the idea that Texas ends at the Nueces. Don Haskins broke the color line in basketball in ’66 and got university status for Texas Western College. But for that Woodrow Bean flap that had put El Paso on the back burner in ’56.

EC's Brother from another Mother
EC's Brother from another Mother
  EL Cinico
November 8, 2018 3:02 pm


EL Cinico
EL Cinico
  EC's Brother from another Mother
November 8, 2018 5:35 pm

Who down voted my bro?

November 8, 2018 12:58 pm

Yep, that kneeling ended my sports watching. No more deniro movies. I am gonna miss watching will ferrel. He was a funny guy. My friend in philly used to teach deniros retard kid. Maybe it was contagious and deniro got tarded.

November 8, 2018 1:10 pm

I think most of these celebrities are letting the liberal progressives Jews who run Hollywood know where their loyalty resides. I have read it’s about the only way some can survive in that shithole . But I am very careful about what I watch and I never watch sports . Not since the mid 90s

November 8, 2018 4:02 pm

Don’t worry, scro! Lots of tards are living really kick ass lives. My ex-wife is tarded. She’s a pilot now!

November 8, 2018 4:54 pm


November 8, 2018 1:05 pm

Truer words Stucky !!

November 8, 2018 3:18 pm

Here’s the warm thought of the day: How many brown stained undies did these hollywood pukes get when they heard Rude Bitter Ginzberg is in the hospital?

And I thought McShit’s funeral was fun…

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
November 8, 2018 3:40 pm

They will prop her up in a chair and have her embalmed that way.

Inquiring Minds Want to Know
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
  Mary Christine
November 8, 2018 4:00 pm

How do you know she wasn’t embalmed several years ago? She has that look about her when she is displayed in public. The Breakfast at Bernie’s routine works for a while, but eventually a dead body starts to fall apart when moved frequently. Guess the people behind her decided to give up the charade when chunks started falling off.

At the Kavanaugh swearing ceremony, somebody forgot to install the neck brace, so her head hung forward during the whole shendig and she didn’t appear to be breathing. Not breathing is a dead giveaway that someone is dead.

EL Cinico
EL Cinico
  Inquiring Minds Want to Know
November 8, 2018 4:36 pm

I should have given Consarned Citizen the mirror test. Can he fog a mirror or cast a reflection.

Bob P
Bob P
November 8, 2018 3:40 pm

Hollywood celebrity scum are every bit as delusional as the Democratic Party leadership. They won’t perceive their failure to influence the voters as a personal failure any more than the Democrats will question their bankrupt strategies that evaporated their blue wave. They’re all stupid, corrupt, and full of themselves–shit, that is. The celebrities will double down in 2020 behind their beloved Demons, and let’s hope they do, since they drive sensible people toward the right.

The Mind Boggle
The Mind Boggle
  Bob P
November 8, 2018 4:15 pm

I want to see every second of the Crazy Maxine Waters committee hearings for the next 2 years. The mind boggles at the prospect. I think I have some idea of what an insane side show it will be, but I am sure that Crazy Maxine and her posse will provide entertainment that I can not now even imagine.

If Maxine had competent aides, they would work to keep her on track and somewhat under control, but that idea is unrealistic. I would wager five of my best cantaloupes against a quart of maple syrup that Sideshow Bob, at his wackiest, would be an improvement on anyone Crazy Maxine has as a staffer.

If the Repugnants work this situation right, the Demoncrap people (and I use the word “people” loosely) will not be able to pass a single bill. All it will take is for the Repugnants to vote as a block and convince 4 Democrats to defect on every vote. All they must do is find the 5 or 10 Democrats who are not insanely delusional and ask them if they would like to be reelected in 2020. Surely there are at least 5 or 10.

Watch the Hollyweird wackjobs go ballistic then. Obstruction!! Obstruction!!

November 8, 2018 9:24 pm

I hate it when Canadians like Jim Carrey and Seth Rogen opine publicly on US politics. They left Canada because our country is too large and has too few people for them to make a living at their chosen profession, which is completely understandable, but they have little knowledge of US culture, the US constitution or US law nevermind what a republic is compared to the constitutional monarchy we have in Canada. They should keep their mouths shut. It’s also very disrespectful to the US that let them in and enabled them to become rich and famous for them to speak any crap about the US.

US immigration services should revoke their special talent visas/green cards/dual citizenship and deport them back to Canada. Last I checked foreign nationals don’t enjoy the same protections in the US as US citizens. In Canada, all you have to do is make to our country and our government foolishly passed laws granting foreign nationals on our soil the same protections as Canadian citizens.