Get Cynical, Get Angry, And Stay Free

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Get Cynical, Get Angry, And Stay Free

At least Mayor Daley and the rest of the Chicago corruptocrats had the common decency to do their vote-thieving behind the doors of the local mortuaries. Today, in Florida and elsewhere, the Democrats are doing it right in front of our faces. In fact, they’re rubbing it in our faces.

Understand the truth.

Accept the truth.

Get woke.

The only thing they care about is their own power, they absolutely intend to steal every election they can, and everything they say is a lie.

When is the last time one of these “The Republican won oh wait looky here it’s a whole bunch of new votes that Lou found in the basement” scenarios ever turned out with a Republican gaining votes? Defying the laws of probability and common sense, never. If it wasn’t a fraud, once in a while the Republican would win. But he never, ever does. Hmmmm.

Well, not quite never – back in 2000, the Bushes and their Conservative, Inc., Ahoy Elite pals showed the spine and toughness defending their own interests that they would never show defending your interests and fought back. They took the Al Gore vote scam up to the Supreme Court, which punched the brakes on the hanging chad grift, and the Democrats have still never forgiven them for not rolling over.

But ever since, Republicans have been afraid to fight back. The Dems and the media will be mean to them, and that’s scary.  But it looks like they’re finally fighting back in Florida, and it looks like we’re going to win – at least as of this writing. There’s a lesson there. 

What is rewarded is repeated.

These antics are no fluke; it’s part of a plan. They have exported the Chicago model across the country to all the Democrat strongholds in the sea of red that is America. They wait until the returns come in and, if it’s close enough to be plausible, they go into ballot creation mode and – surprise! – votes mysteriously appear and good golly if they don’t always every single time inevitably happen to total just enough to push the moribund liberal over the finish line.

Count every vote, especially the ones they invent. Count those twice.

It’s obvious, it’s blatant, and they are not even pretending they aren’t doing it. Is our glorious press, those defenders of democracy that seek to keep it from dying in darkness and stuff, on the case? Not, they are on our case. Who is shocked that the Democrat dictation-takers of the media are already in full effect covering for their pinko masters? The press whistled a happy tune as, behind closed doors that the law requires to be open, the Broward County crooks cooked the books. But it got super upset that Jim Acosta can’t filibuster. Cramping his narcissism is the real threat to democracy. And it got super upset that – let me see if I understand the theory – Donald Trump won the election by paying off the chicks he was scoring with back a decade ago when they were hot, which is a campaign finance violation somehow, and therefore he did treason something for some reason. Huh?

Wait, I thought the Russians stole the election. Perhaps I just didn’t get the latest media’s lib talking points du jour mass email explaining what I’m supposed to pretend to freak out about. Add me back on the “To:” line, dudes: [email protected].

As I recall, these are the same liberal weirdos who freaked out about how some Facebook ads from Vladivostok stopped Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit in her cankley tracks. Sounds legit. But actual cheating? Not interested, because it helps Democrats.

They are not even trying to pretend this isn’t a giant plot to steal elections – they’re just defaulting to “Well, you’re racist for wanting fair elections.” The law says you have to announce the total number of votes you received shortly after the polls close? Rule of law, schmool of law, who cares what some judge says? That law makes it hard for new votes to be “found,” so it’s racist somehow.

Of course, everything is racist. Expecting minorities to show the ID they already have – well, that’s racist. So is clearing the rolls of deadwood. That’s super racist. Democrats don’t believe that requiring voter ID will suppress legal votes. They don’t think clearing the rolls of non-voters will either. It’s just more lies. They don’t actually think these things are racist. If measures requiring ID or clearing up the rolls helped Democrats, it would be racist not to do them. No, they understand that these basic election security measures, used across the globe – why do you liberals refuse to learn from our moral superiors, the foreigners? – make it harder to cheat. They want to cheat. They are for cheating. Cheating is not a bug but a feature.

Cheating is their goal, because they believe you have no right to vote. As my new book Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy, explains, they don’t want you Normal Americans to have a say in your own governance. To the limited extent the notion of morality enters into what they do, they do not consider it immoral to cheat. They consider it a positive good. As in, good for them.

You need to understand that our opponents do not believe in democracy or the right of all citizens to be heard. It’s all lies, like everything they say. They believe they should have power and that you should shut up and obey.

To the marginal extent that they are willing to tolerate dissent, the dissenters must channel noted conservagimp Mitt Romney. Suit up in your vinyl costume and zipper your mouth-hole shut until it’s time to open it up to go on MSNBC and stab your fellow conservatives in the back.

You can sort of disagree, softly and politely, but most of all ineffectually, and everything you do must acknowledge that your duty is to defer, accept, and lose. You’ll take what you’re given, and if you are given contempt and abuse for torturing dogs or giving people cancer, well, you can just stick those in your Binders Full of Humiliations.

Here’s how bad the Broward County corruption is – even Marco Rubio took a break from being useless to complain on Twitter that Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis’s election victories were being stolen. When Foamy Marco gets woke, the awokening is in full effect.

But fussing and fuming was not enough. We needed to fight and did. Hard and ruthlessly. It looks like we won, at least there. But in the rest of the country?

Fighting is hard, which is why the GOP softies don’t like it. Yeah, the Dems will get covered for by the lying garbage pail kidz of the media. They already lie about us, so what else is new? Yeah, the Fredocons will howl. Let those betas cry. Yeah, the left will call us “racists,” but they are going to do that anyway. When we fight, we can win. It’s time to stop letting our freedom be stolen by these lib fascist creeps. It’s time to get militant.

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November 12, 2018 7:59 am

Re vote. Once the fraud begins, how else can you un-fraud it and have legitimacy in the outcome?

November 12, 2018 8:01 am

There is only one solution to this vote cheating problem. Make every American citizen re-register to vote, requiring proof of citizenship. This would be done on a standard form, at the federal level, after which a permanent voter ID card would be issued. This one move would nip voter fraud in the bud…
There is enough time before the next federal election to make this work.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
November 12, 2018 8:10 am

Since I don’t believe in voting (never have, never will) it’s hard to get ANGRY over voter fraud.

Getting cynical and staying free aren’t too hard to maintain.


you guys that tuck your tail between your legs & don’t vote are bigger _ussies then the fredocons–
i’ll take mitt or mitch over you–

November 12, 2018 8:24 am

It would seem there is a simple solution to the issue. Throw out all the votes of that county. I know, I know there would be cry-in and howling from both parties most likely but, maybe the people of that county would take some responsibility and clean up the problem. If not, do what anarchyst suggests, make them all re-register to vote, requiring proof of citizenship. I would also suggest the folks responsible for any fraud have their citizenship revoked, assets seized, given a plane ticket to the country of choice and not allowed to return under penalty of life in prison. This might help some officials make better choices in the future.

November 12, 2018 10:50 pm

x2 Would have to be imposed from the outside at the same time as arrests.

November 12, 2018 8:58 am

Why expect the commie light party of republicans to do anything ? fight back ? bah they are enablers… when the American party shows up I will back them, republicans and democrats ? useless traitors

I Have Seen The Light!!
I Have Seen The Light!!
November 12, 2018 9:23 am

I really like the way Kurt writes and agree wholeheartedly with what he says. I just wish he would mention his latest book, “Militant Normals”, more often.

Sometimes, he will write two whole paragraphs without mentioning his book even once. That’s just not right.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  I Have Seen The Light!!
November 12, 2018 10:39 am

They weren’t militant enough on 11/6/18.

  I Have Seen The Light!!
November 12, 2018 10:51 pm

Where’s my ROFL smiley? 🙂

November 12, 2018 9:31 am

The simple solution is something Ron Paul and the Libertariantards have spent a lifetime fighting.

A national I D card which is your Passport.

Drivers licence and registration for your car should mandate it as well.

Let it start at the state level first. So cops can pull over Mexicans driving out of state plates.

November 12, 2018 9:53 am

The dems lost a rigged election in 2016. They WON a rigged election in 2018.

November 12, 2018 10:29 am

If the Republicans let them get away with this cheating then He will lose Florida in the next Election because the Democrats will for sure cheat. If Trump loses Florida it will be almost impossible for him to be win Presidential election .
White Americans are just to comfortable for them to get pissed off and rise up. Something has got to happen to wake them from their slumber. Looks like the only thing that will work is a lot of suffering and hardship.I hate that it has come down to this.

November 12, 2018 10:54 pm

If Kranky Kunstler is right, pretty soon those normies will have nothing left to lose.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 12, 2018 10:40 am

What good is it to have most of the guns if nobody uses them?

November 12, 2018 10:59 am

None of this makes a difference. Trump and the Republicans cannot stop the inevitable march to the crisis of the 4th Turning. They can’t, won’t and do not want to stop the piling on of debt. The debt is the plutonium that will explode and destroy the United States. I pray America will survive.

Big Ed
Big Ed
November 12, 2018 12:59 pm


Not Sure
Not Sure
November 12, 2018 11:00 am

History repeats, where once again, citizens ignore court rulings, without fear of repercussions as in the day of Eric Holder being held in contempt for his refusal to cooperate in the fast and furious debacle. Today it is Snipes who ignores court rulings in the recount fiasco and the help she receives from the media who declare election fraud is a conspiracy theory.
This is nothing new to her, as a few years back she was found guilty of destroying ballots, but somehow she was not sentenced and amazingly she still has the same job. Go figure.
Now apparently the sheriff of Broward County is involved in declaring a bomb scare and collecting the evidence, cleverly disguised as another box of ballots left by a driver at an Avis facility (reported by a rising star journalist Laura Loomer). It would seem it will take more than a few good men to turn the tide, unless there is more going on behind the scenes, in continuing the MAGA fight.
I do believe the desperation of the democrats are reaching epic proportions and the attempts to stop the president will soon become the attempts to overturn the government in a vain attempt to regain power. Unless more in power rise up to expose the fraud, it will just be a matter of time.

November 12, 2018 11:19 am

rick scott deserves to lose this race,though i hope for our sake he doesn’t–
broward & all the counties on the lower east coast from palm beach down are known for both their fraud & incompetence,w’snipes simply being the poster girl–
he should have had the state atty general convene a grand jury that was not under the control of the local prosecutors & go to town on this corruption–
i can also guarantee w/o a doubt that if he had gone to the legislature asking for tougher laws 4 voting fraud he would have gotten what he wanted–this is a state that is totally dominated at the state level by the reps–