I Have to Admit to Some Embarrassment

I started to write for you all in an effort to hon my skills at writing.  I was inspired by HSF and Doug and others who could sit down and explain what they were thinking clearly and concisely with eloquence and beauty.  Beauty in the language.

And now I find that I have fallen into the trap of just throwing up videos for you to comment on.  Not that one can’t communicate through videos, but it just doesn’t make me a better writer to post a video.  Having said that, I don’t think that I can make a more informed contribution to the discussion that we have all been having than to offer up this exchange between Bret Weinstein and Dave Rubin.  It is actually in two parts but Dave eventually throws up the whole hour in one video.  It might be there when you go to Youboob.

Some of you will inevitably focus on the religious part of the discussion, but I would hope that you can accept that as an opposing opinion which is formulated by a very smart man.  His insights through the lens of evolutionary biology are far beyond mine.  I learned something.  I am interested in seeing how you all see it.

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November 21, 2018 10:54 am

Hollywood Rob – I applaud your open mind to present something that is a risk but please remember this…I have always felt ridicule is the argument of mean spirit…and respect is always a two way street.


  Hollywood Rob
November 21, 2018 12:35 pm

Come on…you didn’t miss my point…it wasn’t my ridicule. There are lots of ways for a monkey to throw some shit…I was curious to see how you would react to your own feces??? I have always know my shit stinks…but not everyone does.

Now that we have had our first fight we can kiss and make up.

Later, I have to do some chores, I’ll watch your submission to the fine people of TBP and if a I have something worthy to express or comment I’ll jump in…if not I won’t waste space or time.

Happy Thanksgiving Rob…really.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
November 21, 2018 8:23 pm

Now that we have had our first fight we can kiss and make up.

This is so fucking gay, I had to check to see if it was TBP. There can be no kissing and making up until you have had a shitfest of epic proportions with supporting documentation, counter arguments, name-calling and questioning each other’s mom’s virginity on the wedding night. You guys just let me down. LLPOH and Stuck, I hope you didn’t have to see this.

  EL Coyote (EC)
November 21, 2018 10:20 pm

Come on EC…I was just tease’in ole Hollywoody…with some with wit and charm.

I’m just hoping no one eviscerates him with a ray gun from the sky!

  Hollywood Rob
November 22, 2018 10:41 am

Who said there wasn’t some’thin wrong with it?

Hey, it takes a real toxic masculine man to jab with the jib of the opposite.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
November 21, 2018 11:04 am

Thank you Rob. Always refreshing to see the Left destroying itself with injustice, unConstitutional Affirmative Discriminations, ignorance, lies, Hatreds and Fascism. He’s a smart man but still hasn’t escaped the Left’s Morass. Please bring him back when he does. They never did discuss Evolution and Biology.

  robert h siddell jr
November 21, 2018 12:19 pm

Please bring him back if he ever has a Conservative Epiphany.

November 21, 2018 7:14 pm

Rob – In the first two sentences you made two mistakes. Hon is hone. And much as I love HSF’s writing, concise he is not. Hemingway, for example, was concise. HSF uses words to convey emotion and visual imagery. But it is not concise.

November 21, 2018 9:24 pm

I remember when this ambush victim of his own PC infested ideology was on Tucker and the Evergreen blackflakes and then the Evergreen administration starting devouring him alive. He thought he was part of a Progressive movement…but of course being the wrong identity and actually believing in free speech to his shock and horror he actually was an expendable soon to be old white guy.

So the Professor and his wife stand up for a noble, true and just component of the Constitution and both their careers are destroyed. He and his wife get only $500,000 (he said he could have sued for 4 Million if Washington State had punitive damages) and now they find themselves completely banished from Progressive academia for daring to not immediately bend over and firmly grab their ankles.

One thing he said I thought was interesting was he wanted to: “Save them (progressives) from themselves.” He should have just substituted the word “them” with the word “racists” but he is defiantly not “evolved” enough in his journey from being a single cell PC unicellular organism into a full-fledged walking upright, heavily armed, TEA Party Constitutional originalist.

However he is right about evolution: A child is brainwashed into becoming an adult Libtard…then percolates with propaganda into a Progressive…then festers into a puss filled Socialist…then forms a cocoon…finally bursting forth into a full-fledged Commie!

What worries me is he and his wife will end up in San Antonio (as the interviewer suggested) further polluting that great state and future country (again) with their subdued but unrepentant Leftist bull shit further tainting it

  Hollywood Rob
November 22, 2018 10:41 am


Without a doubt the term: “Poetic Injustice” for them came to my mind. I can see why you posted it now as it was interesting to see them hoisted on their own ideological petards.

Now, he and his wife need to swallow the Black Pill, join the NRA, move to a Red State, become a Prepper, and join in on the TBP verbal brawl awakening!

Now there is an evolution I can get behind!

November 23, 2018 1:22 am

Weinstein believes that lefties were the ones who championed racial equality and for gay people to operate openly in society. He credits the left with advocating for “a fair society that doesn’t burden one part of society to enrich another.” Further, he remains a progressive, unchanged from what he was before being sent out in the cold by leftists and bases his position on study into evolutionary biology and observation of society as it is now.

He also says that humans are in such a novel place now in terms of advancing technology that we cannot “adapt” quickly enough to avoid some bad consequences. His remedy for this is to “slow down” the advancement and rely on “wisdom” to get us through to what comes next.

In other words he is a goddamn fool, like all the other leftists.

He has confused racial equality with equality of opportunity. He has not acknowledged the backlash from advancing “equality” with quotas and all the different kinds of racial preferences that exist by the force of law and instead extols the left for its promotion of all that which has caused deep divisions in society because one part of society does indeed enrich itself over another part. He’d do well in his study of evolutionary biology to look into how important and essential “justice” is to humans, and even to dogs and chimps.

As for humans not being able to adapt, give me a fucking break. Humans adapt at breakneck speed. Look at China for one. What causes all the grief in society is the protection of the status quo by legal means where people cannot conduct themselves in a free exchange manner. The people of this land prospered in the beginning like no other people. Before there was a government people here had the highest income per person in the world. As great as the Constitution was, it slowed down progress, but still allowed a vastly freer society to emerge than anywhere else resulting in more innovation and wealth than the world had ever seen. None of this was because of leftist ideology.