Remember if you plan to buy gifts this Christmas online through Wal-Mart, use the Wal-Mart buttons on the right side of the page so TBP gets a 4% gift too. It seems most people still use Amazon, since the Wal-Mart button brings in about $3 per month.

If you really want to surprise the doomer in your life, check out the TBP Store of Doom.

Who wouldn’t want to wake up to a We Are Doomed cup of coffee every morning?

burning_platform_logo, ARE, DOOMED, WE Coffee Mug

Or a more traditional mug?

And how about a Baby Boomers Eat Shit tee shirt in honor of our old dear departed friend Smokey?

Zazzle appears to be having a blowout sale on all merchandise today. Hurry!!! While supplies last and before Trump’s tariffs shut down my Chinese slave factory.

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November 30, 2018 2:56 pm

Can I use the button to buy a Mexican house cleaner?

Big Ed
Big Ed
December 2, 2018 12:30 am


November 30, 2018 4:02 pm

What does BBES stand for, I can’t read the small print. BB Eats Shit?

November 30, 2018 10:22 pm

comment image

I couldn’t help but think of llpoh when I saw this… if it doesn’t post, I’ll try again.

November 30, 2018 11:30 pm

funny pitch, Mr. Quinn. I laughed. Although tempted,
I have more mugs than a Detroit homicide division binder.
Ditto for Tees. I’ll just pony up the usual, after the holiday budget crunch passes. For the ’19 fun-da-thon.
Maybe Santa Claws, the guy wit da hair on his jaws, will see to a monetary bonus this fine Christian holiday upcoming, for us good little boys. Or, a lump of coal, for us naughtier ones.
This winter, burning that might bring a lil more warmth. Saw a fire hydrant looking for a dog yesterday.
I’m guessing the Walmartians venture in to bricks & mortar, vs. online purchases.
Maybe to see some freaks live and in person. Who knows. Either way, sucks that link isn’t producing for ya.
To this day, I refuse to patronize Amazon, for pulling financing from your site.
Maybe one day, he’ll be Amagone.