The Only Good Republican Is A Dead Republican

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

The Only Good Republican Is A Dead Republican

The death of President George H. W. Bush provided liberals and their Fredocon houseboys yet another opportunity to lament the fact that all Republicans aren’t dead. Their feigned amnesia about what libs were saying while Bush 41 was still in the arena, and their latest hack attempt to tsk tsk tsk tsk about how the Bad Orange Man isn’t like [Insert Name of Dead Republican Here] serves to justify the prophylactic cynicism that we Normals should strive to cultivate.

President Bush was an imperfect man and a frustration to hardcore conservatives like me, but he was also a WW II hero and patriot, and he was my Commander-In-Chief when I went to war for the first time. I knew he would stand behind my troops and he did, and the good things I have to say about him on the occasion of his passing are proper and sincere. Patriot, war hero and my commander: that is how I choose to remember him.

The difference is that when conservatives like us focus on his positives, we are not trying to exploit his passing to score cheap points on the present president. Liberals are. They hated Bush 41 with a cold fury. Now, most of the juice box nimrods on social media or piping up on MSNBC were maybe three years old when he was the prezzy, so maybe they don’t remember that the liberals slimed him mercilessly. From the grocery scanner lie to the Willie Horton racism lie, to the wimp lie, it was all lies, all the time. In fact, even today, some libs are off-message and celebrating on Twitter.

Shhhh. You’re supposed to be pretending to revere him!

They did it with John McCain too, through his funeral and its endless sequels. “If only the Republican Party were dominated by a Republican like [Insert Name of Dead Republican Here] instead of that awful, awful Trump!” they sobbed as they shed their crock-adile tears, because it was a crock. There’s never going to be a Republican with a pulse who is not Der Führer reborn. Not McCain. Not Mitt. Not Bush 1.0 or 2.0. And Jeb!, had he become 3.0, would have been Hitler too.

Tell me that’s not so. Come on. Try.

Nope. You failed.

To understand what liberals are doing when they hold up Bush 41 (or any other past Republican) as a model for the GOP’s future, we need to confront his flaws. None of this assessment is intended disrespectfully – his service outshines the things that we conservatives found frustrating. But you cannot understand why the left is seeking to exploit him without understanding why the left prefers him to Trump. Bush 41 was a good guy, and his flaw is that he thought other members of the ruling class were good guys too, which is why he never suspected that that his “friends” were not his friends. He was too deeply imbedded in the elite, too bought-into the establishment.

Bush 41 was an Establishment Republican, and he was therefore deeply suspicious of conservatism. Ideology is scary because sometimes its dictates require you to be Al Cervik at the country club, and that just won’t do. He thought Reagan was slightly nuts and kind of slow, and thought the same about Reagan’s base, that is, us Normal Americans (though his eulogy to Reagan was gracious and moving). He thought people like him should prudently and carefully manage things for the proles and not get all wrapped up in annoying ideas about changing things.

This is why he trusted those in his class over those who elected him. He told us to “Read my lips,” but he never really believed that we expected him to do what he said he would do. That tax promise was Bush 41 playing at Reaganism, but not understanding it. Reagan was serious about this ideology stuff. Reagan’s base was serious about it too. But to Bush 41 it was a pose, something you did for the campaign, and so he held his nose and held the pose, thinking he could just say the stuff Reagan said and get that same support.

The Democrats played him like a fiddle, convincing him to raise taxes because, well, everyone thought raising taxes was the right thing to do. At least, everyone he hung out with in DC and read in the papers. And Bush 41 was stunned to find that the people who elected him were really serious about it. By breaking his word – we cannot sugarcoat it – he prompted the rise of populist Ross Perot, thereby allowing the sordid Clintons into the White House. We’re still dealing with their stench today.

Democrats want Republicans to be more like Bush 41 not because they want war heroes or “truth-tellers” but because they want Republicans who split the base and lose. They want a Republican they can cajole into breaking his campaign promises then crucify him at the next election for doing it. They don’t want someone so gauche and vulgar that he fails to care what the WaPo thinks and who punches back three times as hard. They want a Republican who understands that his job is to try, unsuccessfully, to slow the inevitable and unstoppable spread of progressivism, and to lose that struggle like a gentleman.

RIP George H. W. Bush. Good riddance, GOP Establishment.

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Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
December 3, 2018 8:05 am

No Bush has ever been a good guy and no Bush has ever thought that his ruling class buddies were good guys too. Kurt, your glorious memories cloud your judgement. He was a shit of a man for his entire political career at the very least and most likely a shit of a man for his entire life. A turd does not change it’s color, even when it gets flushed.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 3, 2018 8:27 am

Just think – if the pattern continues, when Trump dies (assuming it’s at least ten years from now), libs will laud him as one of the few good republicans. At the moment I can’t imagine what they’ll laud him for. Maybe something unimportant like signing a ban on bump stocks.

Bob McDoanld
Bob McDoanld
December 3, 2018 8:38 am

Another evil corrupt elitist gone. Keep them dropping. You can blame 41 for the beginning of the end. He gave us Clinton that led to the retarded son which begot Obama……. 4 failed presidencies, unrivaled corruption and abuse of power and now “the orange man” whom I am full behind. Someting has to break this cycle.

December 3, 2018 9:54 am

Reagan doesn’t get a pass, he raised the debt 2.5 times, and his administration began re-interpreting Glass-Steagall culminating in Clinton’s repeal.

Carter is the last best POTUS we had, since Nixon took us completely off the gold standard in 1972, inheriting double digit inflation. Goldwater never dreamed we would be borrowing $T to keep up the charade. The sooner it collapses, the better. Either repeal the Fed and repudiate the national debt, or hand over sovereignty to a blood thirsty cabal of globalist bankers.

Cheney and Rumsfeld were in the Nixon WH. Carter was just a lull in the war machine. Ron Paul failed on foreign policy, but paved the way for Trump. We have the same enemy in the status quo as Bernie’s occupiers. Until we recognize this and join forces, the establishment will keep winning. I wish Trump has selected Bernie as a running mate. He would have won 80 percent of the vote. Why not give the people what they want?

December 3, 2018 10:02 am

Read my lips “no new taxes” – he was a fucking liar. Not only that he was responsible for getting Clinton elected.

Remember the giant sucking sound – he’s the cock sucker who was the start of the ruination:

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 3, 2018 10:07 am

Wow, what a field of mixed weeds and flowers you sow but glad to have you on our side, assuming you really are a Patriot and not a NWO supporter.

December 3, 2018 12:10 pm

Jr. is smiling for the camera. The old man has that look,as if Lucifer is standing there. Letting him know that soon he will come to collect on that deal they made. Telling him he will not be reuniting with his wife,but not to worry.Where he is going he will have plenty of friends.Oh….and enemies to.