By What Authority?

Guest Post by The Zman

When you start out in your life, you have no conception of right and wrong, for the same reason you don’t understand string theory. Babies start out with the absolute minimum of knowledge to live. Just as you had to learn to tie your shoes, you had to learn the difference between right and wrong. There are things you should not do and things you should not say. Similarly, there are things you should say or do. Morality is the set of social rules you initially learn from your family and then from your community.

Morality comes from authority. The reason why you accept the moral instruction of your parents is they are your parents. It may be that you are programmed to accept them as moral authorities or simply that they are the default moral authorities in your life as you grow up. Similarly, maybe you accept the morality of your community, because it is what your parents accept. If there is a conflict between what you learn at home versus what you learn outside, you have to decide who is the moral authority.

This is what experts and theologians call “the obvious.” Morality is the code of conduct of your community. For most of human history, the moral authority was the religion of the people. The holy men of the religion, perhaps relying on an oral tradition or written texts, would shape and enforce the moral code of the people..The check on the holy man was that everyone knew the rules and the source of the rules, things like stories and legends, so he could not just wing it. He had to live within the code too.

Again, this is all obvious stuff, but it is worth remembering when thinking about the de-platforming and censorship efforts. Here is a story about the battle going on with Patreon, the fundraising site used by “content creators.” The site has been purging even people mildly skeptical of the Progressive project and that has resulted in some big names like Sam Harris leaving the platform. The Times reporter spoke with the “head of trust and safety” for the company and this is the important bit from the story.

“Jaqueline Hart, Patreon’s head of trust and safety, said her team watches for and will investigate complaints about any content posted on Patreon and on other sites like YouTube and Facebook that violates what it defines as hate speech. That includes “serious attacks, or even negative generalizations, of people based on their race [and] sexual orientation,” she has said.”

Now, everyone with the slightest awareness knows that the rules with regards to “negative generalizations” apply only to non-whites. The people who rule over us want to make it illegal to notice any differences between whites and non-whites, so noticing is strictly prohibited. The exception is non-whites say what they want or even call for harm against white males. It’s why white males in TV ads and in movies are always the bad guy or the bungler, while non-whites are brave and wise.

That bit of hypocrisy has become so internalized that even the steam whistles of cable chat shows don’t bother mentioning it. The more important question is upon what authority did it become immoral to make “negative generalizations” about anyone? It’s certainly not coming from Christian authorities. In fact, the Abrahamic religions are chock full of “negative generalizations” about all sorts of people. Up until fairly recent, the basis of comedy was “negative generalizations of race and sexual orientation.”

It’s one of those things that just seems to happen in late empire America. The usual pattern is a call for tolerance, which quickly becomes intolerance of the lack of tolerance and then finally, the enshrinement of the minority view or identity as a holy item. To paraphrase Chris Caldwell, we quickly go from a situation where the new anti-white identity is too weak to end special protections to a situation where the new anti-white identity is too strong to challenge the special protections.

Again, how does this happen? By what authority are these people deciding that it is not permissible to question the moral superiority of people based on “their race or sexual orientation?” This question is never posed to people like Jaqueline Hart of Patreon and she would never expose herself to people who would dare question her authority on these matters. In fact, our friends the Bible believing Christians never question it either, despite that fact that Jesus was a guy fond of asking these sorts of questions.¹

That said, you get the sense that the people demanding the rest of us abide by this new morality know they lack the moral authority. This video, by a popular YouTuber, where he recounts his conversation with Jacqueline Hart, is instructive. At one point, she hints that Patreon is being forced by their “partners” to purge people. The implication is that the banks are really behind this effort. When pressed on it she changes the subject. What she is doing is conjuring a authority to justify her actions.

This is instructive and something dissidents should train themselves to press whenever dealing with the Left. In the work setting, for example, diversity training should always be referred to as moral instruction. It’s a subtle thing that is effective at letting normal people know that they are being preached to be people who see themselves as our moral superiors. It nibbles away at the false consensus and plants a seed of doubt about whose authority upon which these new moral codes rest.

That’s the important aspect of all radicalism, especially American Progressivism. It is just an appeal to mob rule when you dig into it. They browbeat people into conforming to some new moral code and then point to public acceptance of it as their source of moral authority when called on it. It’s why vinegar drinking scolds like Jacqueline Hart decorate their sermons with the word “community” all the time. The enforced conformity is the only moral authority they have to support their codes of conduct.

¹Mark 11:27

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Captain Willard
Captain Willard
December 27, 2018 1:00 pm

The importance of Cash cannot be overemphasized here. If the oligarchs succeed in making our society cashless, we will almost certainly lose the rest of our Constitutional rights.

December 27, 2018 1:02 pm

Sometimes I follow the authority of a vengeful and sometimes rather nasty desert god named Jehobah. (Usually on those days when I believe he will actually torture my fat ass in hell forever over some stupid shit).

Sometimes I follow the authority of Odin …. usually when his prophet RiNS speaks words of wisdom.

But, most days I am my own moral authority. This has worked out brilliantly well so far.

December 27, 2018 1:33 pm

What she is doing is conjuring authority to justify her actions.

It’s pandemic, and likely impossible for the Unregulated Internet to ever set straight; because it’s now a religion of sorts. Virtue signaling has become the new asceticism; or even self-flagellation in the extreme.

Case in point: Last night I watched a pretty decent film on Netflix called “Wind River” starring Jeremy Renner.

The screenplay was written by the same guy who wrote one of my favorite films from last year, a modern western called “Hell or High Water”.

In Wind River, Renner plays a tracker in Wyoming helping law enforcement solve the murder of a young Native-American girl. Actually, I thought the film was quite good so, after watching, I thought I’d read some of the reviews to see what others might have taken away from the story.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the reviewers exhibited the kind of neo-racism that has become so commonplace in the new world. In short, the reviewers castigated Renner’s (and other characters’) lack of melanin in solving the murder of Native-Americans:

He [Renner], in the end, is the great white savior – which is a plot device Hollywood has been using since well before the days of John Ford and Howard Hawks.

…. how is a murder mystery centered on white characters the right way to address that particular problem?

– Source


Part of the problem with that lies in the framing of the story, which presents the Native American characters as victims who are strong and capable, but are mostly robbed of their agency and left to watch from the sides as the movie’s white male protagonist (and to a lesser degree, white female protagonist) saves the day.

– Source

Today, even in Westerns, white people can’t win. Can’t fight ‘em. Can’t join ‘em. Make’s one wonder how the conjurers of the new faith are praying the stories will end.

no one
no one
December 27, 2018 2:08 pm

Warning… the last link is a graphic truth bomb about what is slouching toward us.

In case you missed it…

WARNING GRAPHIC: Shocking TORTURE of WHITE African Farmers

Now, look what you’ve done Unapologetic! I’m hooked. This article is less graphic, more information.

70,000 Whites Murdered in ‘Modern’ South Africa; Obama’s African Legacy

Look… I don’t know if the numbers are exaggerated in this second article, but I read a few comments to get the “feel” for the page/publication and came across this JEWEL… I have taken the liberty of correcting punctuation, capitalization and spelling, adding many paragraph breaks to help grasp the full meaning. Also, I did not name the commenter on the article at,although I doubt they care…

From the comment thread…

“Where in 6000 years of recorded history have whites ever had a nation for just themselves????????? [I left just a few question marks. Originally, there were three rows, making this quite an important point, I assume. Reasoning is below.]

The FACT is whites have NEVER had their own nation in all of history. We have been hunted down for our women since the time of Adam and we have been raped, butchered and enslaved by the dark races of Satan since he deceived white Adam & Even in the garden.

MANY MANY Arab nations for all the Arabs.

MANY MANY Asian nations for all the Asians.

S. America, Central America, N. America, Canada and Alaska all for the Indians.

Ignorant people say you Europeans go back to Europe your own country but the fact is Europe was inhabited by blacks before whites migrated there from Asia which the Asians claim is all their land. (Ahem… what about the Nordic lines?)

The whole planet belongs to all races but the white race. Why has that been the case for 6000 years whites may ask? Let me tell you who YOU are and who the real devils are.

Strong’s #119: ‘adam (pronounced aw-dam’). to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy in the cheeks. Adam & Eve were your white ancestors. A white couple does not produce black, Arab, Asian or Indian babies. They only produce white babies.

Gen 3:15 I will put enmity=hatred=racism between you (Satan) and the woman (White Eve), and between your ****offspring**** and hers.

Satan was a black angel in the flesh in the garden and he tempted Adam & Eve into having sex with him. That is where all the races today come from. They are white or black or a mix of the two genes.

[At this point, I deleted a LOT of more of the same, choosing to get to the main point less painfully.]

The white Adamic seedline are the true Israelites of the bible.

The JEWS run the banks, the government and they run most of the worlds media. It is them who promote white genocide in every Christian white nation. Yes they look white and that’s how they get elected but they all have brown eyes. You will not find a blue, green or hazel eyes JEW. (Really? Not one?) They are contaminated white Adamites.

Revelation 3:9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars.

These fake Jews put the word JEW in the bible in the 1800’s. None of the 1500, 1600 or 1700 bibles had the word JEW in them. Like Satan they have successfully deceived the world into thinking they are the apple of God’s eye and the true Israelites of the bible.”

Now, I included this for a good reason. It is great example of how to drop a couple of nuggets of truth to promote one’s version of the truth. I am curious is anyone has any academic knowledge of when and how the term “Jew” came to be in the first printed bibles. Could it be the idea of the Israelites being Jews was planted long after the Origin story?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  no one
December 27, 2018 7:45 pm

“Satan was a black angel in the flesh in the garden and he tempted Adam & Eve into having sex with him.”

Show me the scripture.

“The white Adamic seedline are the true Israelites of the Bible.”

Show me the scripture.

This is absolute complete and total nonsense.

no one
no one
  grace country pastor
December 27, 2018 8:58 pm

I was quoting a comment from another site… very much, like you, NOT in agreement. And, there was no scripture reference there either…

However, I am somewhat intrigued by the mention of “early” Bibles regarding the term “Jew.”

EL Coyote the Ape
EL Coyote the Ape
  grace country pastor
December 27, 2018 9:51 pm

These are neo-Nazi adaptations like American History XXX. It’s a shame unsuspecting folks run into them online and believe the bullshit. Pretty soon, they have the impression that Jesus was a Southerner and rode a Harley.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  no one
December 27, 2018 8:36 pm

You’re forgetting the world-wide flood. Only Noah and his sons and their spouses survived. Did Satan take his offspring to Hell to wait out the flood or did everyone else perish? My Bible says they perished.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 27, 2018 1:35 pm

“In fact, our friends the Bible believing Christians never question it either, despite that fact that Jesus was a guy fond of asking these sorts of questions.¹”

I beg your pardon…?

Eerily Creepy
Eerily Creepy
  grace country pastor
December 27, 2018 4:47 pm

Wow. When Billy was championing the idea of invading SA and bringing the white south africans here, he got little traction. He talked up the German effort of WW2, cited the mal-treatment of the Nazi prisoners and had lots of respect for whites with plenty of criticism for non-whites like MLK. How was the outsider back then. Today, all his themes are popular here. We should just bring him back as this article is most likely something he posted back then, if you care to look him up in the TBP archives.

December 27, 2018 2:04 pm

I’m not so sure ‘right and wrong’ are learned. Obviously no controlled studies have been done with infants but even toddlers seem to have boundaries even if they have worthless parents. Is conscience learned or is it something we are born with and our environment molds or perverts. I don’t really know but there seems to be some evidence in looking at how some races behave and others don’t.

Asians and European peoples, e.g. , seem to have developed a high degree of social cooperation while Africans didn’t. Police, as we know them today, are a fairly modern invention. Oh there was the ‘Sheriff of Nottingham’ and various praetorian guards but they functioned as the muscle of the noblemen or king not as law enforcement. Monotheistic religions had codes of conduct but ancient Rome, Greece and China seem to have gotten along fine without any firm religious guidance.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 27, 2018 8:41 pm

If you read Roman history, you will find their religion is entwined in everything, from government to harvests. They did allow some other religions during that time, but the Romans gods were worshiped throughout the government and military.

green acres
green acres
December 27, 2018 3:43 pm

in other words “you’re not the boss of me”!

December 27, 2018 5:43 pm

Yeah, anyone tired of “I have the right not to be offended, and worried it might catch on?
How about “Housing is a Right “” A real sneaky one there as housing does involve some rights which are really individual rights like anti-discrimination. Houses though are property with clear ownership.

Since the communist now have a majority control of the city council here, I am preparing an initiative to remove the authority of the council to enact rent control. What I have so far is linked to my blog and not checked by a lawyer, yet.

Don’t know how far I will get as most people are waiting to see how far these folks go and their pocket books actually threatened before acting. There is disagreement as to what to do. This is my idea. Take the matter out of governments hands.