Tucker Carlson and the Plight of the Yellow Vests

Guest Post by Tom Luongo

I have to hand out sincere kudos to Tucker Carlson. His opening salvo for 2019 was one for the ages. It was a broad-ranging, fifteen-minute rhetorical tour de force.

Tying together Mitt Romney’s vulture capitalism, unchecked immigration, political corruption and the destruction of the middle class family, Carlson laid out a story that if everyone took off their ideological blinders for a few minutes (myself included) would see as simply a horror show.

Carlson’s thesis is that the American family is disintegrating. He’s right. But it’s not just America. It’s everywhere globalism has been the watchword of public policy, ie. Europe as well.

The Yellow Vests in France began protesting over a rise in diesel fuel tax to support climate change initiatives and has morphed into a full-blown revolt against globalism, neoliberalism and French government institutions.

It is the next stage of the dreaded populist uprising of Hillary Clinton’s ‘deplorables.’ And it’s jumped borders. This is the kind of color revolution I can support, not the fake ones ginned up by oligarchs like George Soros.

But what I found interesting was how Carlson was tying together all of the strands of public policy decisions which has created this web of perverse incentives we live under.

In short, globalism has gentrified the cities and impoverished the countryside. Rural job prospects are gone in many areas, not just in the U.S. but also in France and Italy and Greece, etc.

But, at the same time the cost of living through excessive financialization of the economy in the cities has reached a point where middle class workers live like ants to survive the crushing expenses.

This is what the Yellow Vests are protesting about in France –and now Canada, Taiwan, Belgium and even for a brief moment, the U.K.

The only ones #winning in this environment are the ones who print, direct and disseminate the money — the Mitt Romneys, the Jamie Dimons and the Nancy Pelosis.

And if you notice any time someone proposes something rational about changing this dynamic they are denounced as ‘reactionary’ or ‘threatened’ or, in the worst case, ‘populist.’

This, to me, signals that this dynamic, this process, hasn’t been an accidental confluence of factors. That its not the unfortunate consequence of garden variety corruption of our political system but something far more sinister.

It was designed policy.

Which brings me back to Tucker Carlson. As a follow up to his first rant Carlson went off of Rick Wilson, a picture of vile punditry if there ever was one.

This is the next stage of the attack on rural America. First it was destroy their ability to live a stable life, raise children and pass wealth down through the generations.

Then it was import the worst people from the rest of the world, zip code targeting immigrants to flip certain states to destroy potential revolt through the ballot box.

And now we’re into the vilification stage, the dehumanization stage. This is the foundation our leaders always lay before going to war with someone.

In the past it’s always been some group of evil brown people across the ocean.

Today it’s the deplorable, ten-toothed white people who are too stupid to recognize why they need to be exterminated.

Hillary’s ‘basket of deplorables’ rant lost her the election, but today it is animating a large swath of the country to hate Trump voters, not just Trump.

So, that when the inevitable collapse of this system occurs it will be blamed first on Trump accompanied by the insufferable cries of “I told you so” and then on Trump voters.

Make no mistake, this was policy. This was the point of the long march through the institutions. And the collapse that is coming, that everyone on Wall St. and K Street are preparing for, needs a scapegoat.

Meanwhile, the real solution stares us in the face and if we want to avoid this outcome, we need to stop ab-reacting to the words people say and look for the reasons why they are saying them, the meaning behind them.

In a world saturated with communication, we are engaging in a stunning lack of it. As I touch on in this video, I don’t begrudge Carlson his rant against market capitalism being a religion. I know there’s a person there who is asking the right questions and is looking for solutions.

Because if we start talking to each other again versus at each other we may just figure out who was behind all this in the first place.

I’ve got my yellow vest, do you?

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January 6, 2019 10:08 am

This process of emasculating America started a hundred years ago when capitalism had produced people of wealth vast enough to be able to buy politicians with their pocket change. Lincoln had blazed the trail by neutering the constitution. It’s when honor was replaced by expediency, Jefferson replaced by Machiavelli and Liberty replaced by democracy. “Make the world safe for democracy” from the pure evil that was woodhead wilson replaced “Give me liberty or give me death” by the distinguished statesman Patrick Henry-who refused to sign the constitution because he correctly saw that it would morph into the monster federal government it now is. The point is to stop playing their game of a ruling elite governing by force. That game is rigged and unwinnable. We must destroy any credibility of “consent of the governed”, a pure farce.

The plan I like is what Jim Rickards suggested that a million or so of us stage a peaceful rally ringing the capitol while shouldering our rifles. Hey, d.c. is open carry. We’re just exercising our franchise of a different sort. It will take something dramatic like that to stem the tide. No less.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 6, 2019 11:15 am

“The point is to stop playing their game of a ruling elite governing by force. That game is rigged and unwinnable. We must destroy any credibility of “consent of the governed”, a pure farce.”

I recently came across a videographer on youtube under the name of ‘James Freeman’ who is actively doing exactly that. The oldest video seemed to be from feb. 2018, and from there to present date, he has traveled through Texas, Missouri, Okla., NewMex., Ariz. and the southern border, Utah, Colorado, Idaho. (There seems to be a group of many different videographers doing this sort of thing).

They ‘tour’ public facilities, exercising their various constitutional rights afforded us, and this guy who goes by the name ‘Freeman’ is incredibly bold as he has challenged public ‘authorities’ from small unincorporated towns to cities like Phoenix, Dallea, Salt Lake city…….

Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum !

January 6, 2019 12:21 pm

Depending on where this rally takes place, you will need a permit from the National Park Service or the US Capitol Police, possibly both. Any group of 25 or more without a permit will be told to disperse. Also, while DC may be open-carry, firearms are prohibited on Capitol Hill grounds and National Park Service grounds in DC. Things are always more complicated than they initially appear.


January 6, 2019 1:01 pm

Breaking the rules is a requirement to regaining our freedom. They very well could stop 25 of us. A million, not so much. The larger point is it’s going to require civil disobedience-NOT violence. Doing so in large numbers is also required. It’s the organized few against the unorganized many. That needs to be switched around.

January 6, 2019 1:30 pm

I support civil disobedience to bring change. But do you understand part of civil disobedience is being arrested, in which case your firearm will be confiscated?

January 6, 2019 2:12 pm

Yes. We come from men who put a lot more on the line to be free than a gun. Tyranny, I’m sorry to report, is the natural state of mankind. Humans are the only animal that fears death-it’s what the rulers rely upon. Freedom requires determined resistance in the face of evil. You can’t vote it away. In the end it’s disrupt the system in mass numbers (not necessarily a majority) or accept your servitude.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 7, 2019 12:51 am

Humans may fear death but, as a Christian, I don’t. Early Christians didn’t either, which is one reason they went to their deaths willingly, deaths caused by the government. Principles are important.

  Vixen Vic
January 7, 2019 9:35 am

I am an unbeliever, although one with deep respect for Judaism and Christianity. But I am an old man. We have no fear of death.

January 7, 2019 12:18 pm

Expect lots of us being there and old. Hope we can do this before we die off.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Vixen Vic
January 7, 2019 9:44 am

It’s not death so much, it’s how I die that I’m concerned about.

Quickly and nearly painless, sure no problem. Slowly through torture would take my faith to the limit and beyond.

no one
no one
  Mary Christine
January 7, 2019 10:17 am

Spoken by a woman who has endured long hours of pain helped very little by medication.

Childbirth and/or painful surgery and medical treatment. I have added praying for NO MORE surgery to my Novena prayer (2 more days! not that it appears to help but maybe the miracle occurs only on day 9, like the mennorah miracle. Oops, am mixing up the rituals, aren’t I?)

I am not afraid to die, either, but hope to gently fade to sleep on a lovely sunny day.

However, if I must go in pain, I will simply do the best I can. That’s all He asks of any of us.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Mary Christine
January 7, 2019 10:53 am

I hear you, Mary Christine.

no one
no one
  Vixen Vic
January 7, 2019 10:10 am

I bet you have read some of Corrie Ten Boom’s writings.


Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  no one
January 7, 2019 10:56 am

No, I haven’t heard of Corrie Ten Boom, No One, but I’ll look at it. You are Some One that has suffered pain, and it’s very hard to endure. Like you, I believe painless is better.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  no one
January 7, 2019 11:00 am

Yes I have, and I’m not her.

January 7, 2019 9:31 am

“Tyranny is the natural state of man”
So true, so sad.

January 7, 2019 12:17 pm

True, but we could get them back and if not we should bring our cheapest unloaded arms as this at first has to be peaceful. If they take one million American arms and do not return them. Then we got a real movement coming. Perfect propaganda for our side. How to organize????????

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 6, 2019 10:14 am

Regarding the clip and Pelosi’s claim that walls are immoral: Scott Adams made the point yesterday that the best way to neuter that assertion is not to point out that we’ve funded walls in other countries or to point out that Pelosi lives behind a wall (to which she could simply reply “that’s different”) but for some enterprising journalist (if such exists) to ask her whether we should remove the walls and fences that already exist along the US-Mexico border.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Iska Waran
January 6, 2019 2:26 pm

Carlson did ask that the other day.

January 6, 2019 11:21 am

Twenty odd years ago I found myself in the mountains of SW Virginia. Walmart had already destroyed the block or two long central business districts of the small towns there but there was a modern textile mill that I visited. It had state of the art machinery and made yarn. The workers, mostly women, got $9-10/hour manning their machine. This was the mid nineties and given that you could buy a house in these towns for $30 or $40,000 they could do alright on those wages.

What caught my eye was a local man who ran some cattle on his land. It seemed every family in the area owned some land and either raised cattle or did some logging to supplement their day jobs. The cattleman wanted to get the lint the textile machinery created. It was ‘waste’ and a fire hazard to the textile mill so it had to be collected and gotten rid of. Well, his hill billy cattleman had determined it could also be used as cattle feed and he wanted it. Never did find out how that worked out because the textile mill was scheduled to be shut down and its machinery sent abroad where the workers in Bangladesh or Vietnam could be paid $9 or 10 dollars per day or less. The rural woman who worked there lost their jobs so some Mitt Romney type could make millions by completing the destruction of the little economic ecosystem these people had left.

January 6, 2019 11:59 am

“I was a Severely Conservative Governor ” Mittwit Romney

“You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means” Inigo Montoya

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 6, 2019 12:24 pm

Many of us White farmers/ranchers started with nothing and worked hard all our lives swimming against destructive Cultural Communism and Democrat Affirmative Discrimination currents while working other jobs to pay for our land and to develop it. When the SHTF, we will have no sympathy for hungry Metrosexuals who vote Democrat to destroy us; you were never our good neighbors and you better pray you never make it this far into Flyover Country.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
January 6, 2019 2:23 pm

I liked this a lot. Many good points made.
His idea that we should be asking who is behind this reminds me of the Black conservatives in Chicago on Rebel Pundit if I recall correctly. They did a video where they repeat the mantra of how the white man is doing X,Y and Z to “them.” The guy says, “Look around. Ain’t no white folks here! So who is doing this to us?” I think they then show Jesse Jackass and other Democrat Black “leaders.” Same with the Republicans are doing X,Y and Z to them. “Look around. Ain’t no Republicans around here. So who is doing this to us?” Again followed by images of Jackson etc.

January 6, 2019 4:09 pm

The author says this: “The Yellow Vests in France began protesting over a rise in diesel fuel tax to support climate change initiatives and has morphed into a full-blown revolt against globalism, neoliberalism and French government institutions.”

Those yellow vests would not have a clue what globalism or neoliberalism are. Yup, they hate French govt institutions.

What they want, best anyone can tell is lower taxes for themselves, higher taxes for “the rich” and an increased minimum wage – all of which if they get will work against their own interests. Globalism? Neoliberalism? They would not undertsand what those things are.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 7, 2019 12:56 am

I agree with you, Llpoh. The French have been Socialists since the Revolution.

  Vixen Vic
January 7, 2019 1:23 am

VV – the French know how to protest, that is for sure. But they are stupid lazy socialist asses, as you point out. This is going nowhere.

I have more than my fair share of yellow vest types in my family. They buy in to anything that they think will make themselves better off – more free shit, less tax for me but more for thee, etc etc etc. They have zero understanding of the repercussions of what would happen if they got what they want.

The French are socialist, they are addicted to free shit, not working, jobs where you cannot be fired, etc. And of course, because of all that stuff, their country is floundering. Add in the immigrant issue, and it is a basketcase.

These yellowvests are getting what they asked for, in fact demanded for decades, good and hard. They as a nation put themselves into this situation, and now it is time to pay the piper. Hoping that they can soak the rich is dreamland stuff – the rich, esp. in the EU – just move to a better spot if the soak becomes too severe.

The frogs are stipid beyond belief. If they want to help themselves, they need to kill the welfare state, give away all that shit about climate change, get on board with lots of nuclear power, wipe out the influx of immigrants, lower taxes, abolish the bullshit 35 hour week, make it possible for employers to fire unproductive employees easily, get rid of the mounds of red tape that are everywhere, etc. Then they would have a chance.

But screaming for lower taxes on those that already pay no tax, higher wages, and tax the rich is not going to do anything but make matters worse. Sounds like a plan ignorant sheeple would come up with, and they did.

This is going to be a fizzer. I was right with OWS, and I am right with this.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 7, 2019 1:46 am

Can’t argue with that reasoning. Socialists to the core, and then they whine when it bites them in the ass. I wonder if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ever visited France. She has the same mindset.

  Vixen Vic
January 7, 2019 3:10 am

She came to mind as I typed that. This will end poorly for all nations that embrace the welfare state.

January 7, 2019 3:48 am

I’m too lazy to look it up, but didn’t the French have like 80% nuclear power at one point?

January 7, 2019 8:06 am

Nearly true, but they are like so many others wanting renewables.

Taras 77
Taras 77
January 6, 2019 6:04 pm


January 7, 2019 12:10 pm

Great article, . First I have seen from a main stream outlet like fox. Yes I have my vest and lots more.