The American Psychological Association just made it harder to maintain strong marriages

Guest Post by Suzanne Venker


I‘m finishing up a manuscript for a new book that helps women find Mr. Right and keep him by embracing sexual inequality, aka the innate differences between women and men. So-called gender equality presumes the sexes are interchangeable, and they are not. Masculinity and femininity represent the yin and yang of any romantic relationship and are crucial for lasting love. When they cease to exist, children suffer and families disintegrate.

So you can imagine my shock and disdain for the American Psychological Association’s new guidelines that claim traditional masculinity is “harmful.” We’ve known about the war on men for years, but to have the the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the country formally reject the inherent nature of men is both profound and appalling.

The APA guidelines understandably triggered a huge backlash. They emphasize such absurd ideas as “gender role strain,” defined as “a psychological situation in which gender role demands have negative consequences on the individual or others,” and “gender role conflict,” defined as “problems resulting from adherence to rigid, sexist, or restrictive gender roles, learned during socialization, that result in personal restriction, devaluation, or violation of others or self.”

As a result, the Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities of the American Psychological Association issued a rebuttal to its own guidelines in an effort to appease the masses. It reads:

When we report that some aspects of ‘traditional masculinity’ are potentially harmful, we are referring to a belief system held by a few that associates masculinity with extreme behaviors that harm self and others. It is the extreme stereotypical behaviors — not simply being male or a ‘traditional male’ — that may result in negative outcomes. For example, people who believe that to be a ‘real man’ is to get needs met through violence, dominance over others, or extreme restriction of emotions are at risk for poor physical, psychological, and social outcomes (e.g., increased risk for cardiovascular disease, social isolation, depression relationship distress, etc.).

When a man believes that he must be successful no matter who is harmed or his masculinity is expressed by being sexually abusive, disrespectful, and harmful to others, that man is conforming to the negative aspects associated with traditional masculinity.

Sorry, APA, you can’t backtrack on your own report by suggesting you were only referring to outliers. Your missive, which you concede was years in the making, is about men and masculinity in general.

Like all card-carrying members of the Left, your members clearly believe that anything that smacks of tradition is harmful and must be changed or fixed. You can’t see what everyday Americans can see for themselves: It isn’t masculinity that causes pathological behaviors (such as the belief that a “real man” is violent). Bad behavior, on the part of both sexes, is learned behavior. It’s a problem within the individual that stems from his or her upbringing and environment. Are you not aware that the vast majority of prison inmates come from violent, broken, or otherwise dysfunctional homes?

Not only is traditional masculinity not bad, it is necessary for children, marriages, and a stable society. The boys and men with whom you appear so concerned become pathological because they lacked a traditional model of masculinity.

Since you appear not to know what traditional masculinity looks like, allow me to enlighten you. The traits you refer to in your report (such as stoicism, aggressiveness, breadwinning, and even dominance) are admirable traits, not destructive ones. Here’s a doozy for you: Women like those traits in men. They make women and children feel safe and secure. They elicit women’s respect, which is crucial for a marriage to last. By every measure, studies have shown that when men are feminized, there’s a break down of marriage, families, and society.

As for your fantasy about men’s and women’s interchangeability with respect to gender roles, you’re clearly unaware of the data. Or perhaps you ignore it (I’m not sure which is worse). For decades, feminist academics and intellectuals believed the sexes would become more alike as we sloughed off our supposedly confining sex roles and became more free, more self-actualized human beings.

They were wrong.

The freedoms conferred by effective contraceptives and women’s economic independence have made men and women similar in some ways, yes. But the cruel irony is they’ve also allowed sex differences to become more pronounced. In other words, the more the line between masculine and feminine behavior is blurred, the more the innate differences between the sexes appear.

I think you may need some new guidelines.

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January 12, 2019 4:15 pm

Hope you fare better than I did with that article. Brought it up twice and went over like a lead balloon.
When the AMA recognized those witch doctors as legitimate we were doomed.
Pure Psychobabble. Psychology creates the disorders it claims to treat.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 12, 2019 5:08 pm

This is pretty interesting. Only 8 minutes, well worth it.

  Mary Christine
January 12, 2019 6:15 pm

Mary C..
Excellent video.
The “My body” line got me barred from City Data. I told a woman I didn’t care what she did with her skanky ole body, it was the baby’s body I was concerned about. I was chauvinist enough to ask her if she baby’s opinion first.

January 12, 2019 6:05 pm

Feminism is from communism

The redistribution of wealth is a basic tenet of communism. Women love communism here in the U.S. That’s why they love getting married. You see women don’t marry for the purpose of getting married, they marry for the purpose of getting divorced $$$$$$. A man is a walking cash register$$ for them. They mostly vote Democrat, i.e. big government. The government is their new husband and will defend them in court.

The “Divorce Industrial Complex” has it’s roots in Communism. And Communism espouses the “redistribution of wealth” concept. When wealth is redistributed it has to come from someone and go to someone. When a man and a woman get divorced, who is the forfeiter of wealth and who is the recipient of wealth? DUH ! This is why a man cannot go to court against a woman and win. They serve as ‘equity courts’ to extort, i.e. redistribute the wealth away from the man to the woman.

The National Association of Women Lawyers is the premier organization that spearheaded the “no-fault divorce law”, with it’s first passage in California.

Former Governor, U.S. president and self-proclaimed conservative, and self proclaimed anti-communist Ronald Reagan signed this portion of the Communist Manifesto into American law!

Here is the communist connection:

“The earliest precedent in no-fault divorce laws was originally enacted in Russia shortly after the Bolshevik Revolution. They were legislated in the series of decrees that issued in early 1918. The decrees included nonjudicial dissolution of marriage by either party and mandatory provision of child-support.”

“In the 1925 Soviet conference to draft the Family Law of 1926, people debated whether marriages should even be registered. Nikolai Krylenko, a chief architect of the Soviet law of marriage and leading theorist of “socialist legality” in the 1920s and 1930s, described the purpose of divorce without restraint as a step toward the ultimate goal of the abolition of marriage, thereby establishing the socialist transformation of society.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 13, 2019 7:28 am

Never heard of that before, Ned. Thanks for the information. I always wondered why divorce laws were changed.

January 12, 2019 7:58 pm

Corrupted institutions are another sign of the decline of civilization I suppose.

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