Doug Casey on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Via Casey Research

Justin’s note: America can’t stop talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC).

AOC, if you haven’t heard, is a 29-year-old democratic socialist. Earlier this month, she became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.

And that concerns me. I say this because her platform is every socialist’s dream. She wants Medicare to be free. She wants college education to be free. She wants to cancel student debt. She wants to hike the minimum wage to $15. And she wants to replace oil and gas with green energy by 2030.

Now, I realize these ideas might sound good to some people. But none of this would come free. It would require massive tax hikes and a lot more national debt. In short, she’s advocating for policies that often destroy entire economies.

Yet, she’s one of today’s most popular political figures.

I wanted to see what Casey Research founder Doug Casey thinks of AOC and her policies. So I got him on the phone to discuss his thoughts for this week’s Conversations With Casey…

Justin: Doug, AOC has been getting a lot of press lately. What are your thoughts on her? Specifically, what do you think of her platform and her idea for a Green New Deal?

Doug: Most likely she’s the future of the Democratic Party – and of the U.S. Why? She’s cute, vivacious, charming, different, outspoken, and has a plan to Make America Great Again. And she’s shrewd. She realized she could win by ringing doorbells in her district, where voter turnout was very low, and about 70% are non-white. There was zero motivation for residents to turn out for the tired, corrupt, old hack of a white man she ran against.

She’s certainly politically astute – but doesn’t seem very intelligent. In fact, she’s probably quite stupid. But let’s define the word stupid, otherwise, it’s just a meaningless pejorative – name-calling.

But in fact it doesn’t seem like she has a very high IQ. I suspect that if she took a standardized IQ test, she’d be someplace in the low end of the normal range. But that’s just conjecture on my part, entirely apart from the fact a high IQ doesn’t necessarily correlate with success. Besides, there are many kinds of intelligence – athletic, aesthetic, emotional, situational…

A high IQ can actually be a disadvantage in getting elected. Remember it’s a bell-shaped curve; the “average” person isn’t terribly smart, compounded by the fact half the population has an IQ of less than 100. And they’re suspicious of anyone who’s more than, say, 15 points smarter than they are.

However, there are better ways to define stupid than “a low score on an IQ test,” that apply to Alexandria. Stupid is the inability to not just predict the immediate and direct consequences of actions, but especially the indirect and delayed consequences of your actions.

She’s clearly unable to do that. She can predict the immediate and direct consequences of the policies she’s promoting – everybody getting excited about liberating all other people’s wealth that just seems to be sitting around. Power to the People, and Alexandria! But she’s unable to see the indirect and delayed consequences of her policies – which I hope I don’t have to explain to anyone now reading this.

If you promise people unicorns, lollipops, and free everything, they’re going to say, “Gee, I like that, let’s do it.” She’s clever on about a third grade level.

But there’s an even better definition of stupid. Namely, “an unwitting tendency to self-destruction.” All the economic ideas that she’s proposing are going to wind up absolutely destroying the country.

It’s as if she thinks that what’s happened recently in Venezuela, Zimbabwe – not to mention Mao’s China, the Soviet Union, and a hundred other places – was a good thing.

That’s my argument for her being stupid. And ignorant as well. But perhaps I’m missing something. After all, Karl Marx was both highly intelligent, and extremely knowledgeable; he was actually a polymath. The same can be said of many academics, left-wing economists, and socialist theoreticians.

So perhaps a desire for “socialism” isn’t just an intellectual failing. It’s actually a moral failing.

Justin: What do you mean?

Doug: Socialism is basically about the forceful control of other people’s lives and property.

I’m afraid Alexandria is evil on a basic level. I know that sounds silly. How can that be true of a cute young girl who says she wants just sunshine and unicorns for everybody? It’s too bad the word “evil” has been so compromised, so discredited, by the people who use it all the time – bible-thumpers, hysterics, and religious fanatics. Evil shouldn’t be associated with horned demons and eternal perdition. It just means something destructive, or recklessly injurious.

The world would be better off if she went back to waitressing and bartending.

Justin: Why do you think she’s resonating with so many people then? Is it because she represents something different from status quo, or is it because people actually like her ideas?

Doug: It really helps to be young, good looking, and have a nice smile. But there are immense problems in the U.S., at least just under the surface. Wouldn’t it be nice if everybody had a job paying at least $15 an hour, free schooling, housing was a basic human right, free medical, free food, and 100% green energy? I know it doesn’t sound evil – it just sounds stupid. But it’s actually both.

The problem isn’t just that she got elected on this platform in a benighted – but increasingly typical – district. The problem is that most young people in the U.S. have her beliefs and values.

The free market, individualism, personal liberty, personal responsibility, hard work, free speech – the values of western civilization – are being washed away, everywhere. But it’s hard to defend them, because the argument for them is intellectual, economic, and historical. While the mob, the capita censi, the “head count” as the Romans called them, is swayed by emotions. They feel, they don’t think. Arguments are limited to Twitter feeds. Or 30-second TV sound bites.

Justin: Can you elaborate?

Doug: When somebody says, for instance, “Why can’t we have free school for everybody? The university buildings are already built. The professors are already there. So why can’t everybody just go to class, and learn about gender studies?” The same arguments are made for food, shelter, clothing, entertainment, communication – everything in fact.

To counter that, you have to come up with specific reasons for why not. You end up sounding like a Negative Nelly because you’re telling people they can’t have something.

I guess I’ve given too much credit to the goodwill and the common sense of the average American. The proof of that is the success of AOC. The psychological aberrations of the average human are being brought to the fore.

It’s exactly the type of thing the Founders tried to guard against by restricting the vote to property owners over 21, going through the Electoral College. Now, welfare recipients who are only 18 can vote, and the Electoral College is toothless. Some want to totally abolish the College, and have even 16-year-olds and illegal aliens voting.

Justin: What are the chances that the U.S. adopts her Green New Deal plan or something similar? It seems increasingly likely that America will head in that direction in the coming years.

Doug: The U.S. will absolutely adopt something like that once Trump is out of office. They’ll do it for a half dozen cockamamie reasons that aren’t germane to this conversation. For the last couple of generations, everybody who’s gone to college has been indoctrinated with leftist ideas. Almost all of the professors hold these ideas. They place an intellectual patina on top of nonsensical emotion and fantasy-driven ideas.

Nobody, except for a few libertarians and conservatives, are countering the ideas AOC represents. And they have a very limited audience. The spirit of the new century is overwhelming the values of the past.

When the economy collapses – likely in 2019 – everybody will blame capitalism, because Trump is somehow, incorrectly, associated with capitalism. The country – especially the young, the poor, and the non-white – will look to the government to do something. They see the government as a cornucopia, and socialism as a kind and gentle answer. Everyone will be able to drink lattes all day at Starbucks while they play with their iPhones.

The people that will control the government definitely won’t want to be seen as “do nothings.” Especially while the ship of state is sinking in The Greater Depression. They’ll want to be seen as forward thinkers and problem solvers.

So we’re going to see much higher taxes, among other things. There’s no other way to pay for these programs, except sell more debt to the Fed – which they’ll also do, by necessity.

The government is bankrupt. But like all living things from an amoeba to a person to a corporation, its prime directive is to survive. The only way a bankrupt government can survive is by higher tax revenue and money printing. Of course, don’t discount a war; these fools actually believe that would stimulate the economy – the way only turning lots of cities into smoking ruins can.

I don’t see any way out of this.

Justin: Doug, AOC is proposing a 70% marginal tax rate to finance the Green New Deal? Could something like that actually happen?

Doug: Of course, you’ve got to remember that as recently as the Eisenhower administration the top marginal tax rate was 91%. The average person didn’t pay that because it was a steeply progressive tax rate. Nobody did, frankly, because there were loads of tax shelters, which no longer exist, including hiding money offshore.

In Sweden during the 1970s, the marginal tax rate, including their wealth tax, was something like 102%. So, almost anything is possible in today’s world.

Of course they’ll raise taxes. It’s time to eat the rich. But, perversely, many of the rich will deserve it, since many made their money as cronies during the long inflationary boom.

But look at the bright side. Look at this from AOC’s point of view. She doesn’t just get $200,000 a year plus massive benefits. That’s chicken feed. But lucrative speaking fees, director’s fees, consulting fees, emoluments from the inevitable Ocasio-Cortez Foundation, multimillion-dollar book deals, and sweetheart investment deals. Not counting undisclosed bribes. She’ll be worth $100 million in no time, like Clinton and Obama.

That’s not even the best part. She’ll be idealized, lionized, and apotheosized by an adoring public. The media will hang on her every word. That’s pretty rich for a stupid, evil dingbat. Other young socialist idealists will try – and succeed – in replicating her success. Congress will increasingly be filled with her clones.

Frankly, at this point, resistance is futile.

Justin: Thanks for speaking with me today, Doug.

Doug: You’re welcome.

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Bob P
Bob P
January 12, 2019 3:31 pm

Look at the bright side. Okay, the economy implodes, unemployment explodes, people blame it on capitalism or Trump, and idiots like AOC form the next administration and Congress. They begin to implement their nefarious agenda, printing trillions, raising taxes, and implementing ruinous policies. But . . .

With the economy already teetering, the new policies represent the death knell. No one will lend money to the bankrupt nation, the currency will be useless, so they won’t be able to accomplish any of their idiotic goals. With America on a fast track to becoming the next Venezuela and people eating their pets to survive a bit longer, AOC and gang will be lucky to avoid the end of a pitchfork.

January 12, 2019 3:34 pm


Sad but true – Chiquita Khrushchev is an honest and accurate representation of the district that elected her. Going forward it will be necessary to figure out what can not be stolen by these people and put resources there. Her generation certainly doesn’t like or know how to use tools so that is a start. When they go full retard and begin confiscating things, tools will probably not be on the list. I’m not too sure that this will be true of land as most idiots like her come from the city so confiscation of land that has to be worked may not be a popular prospect. Of course, they can tax you out of your land but that may be a difficult thing to do during hyperinflation as you can always pay your taxes in yesterday’s worthless script.

The dullards are quickly figuring out that they can vote themselves other people’s wealth and it isn’t going to go well for any of us if this continues. We need voter reform but that will never ever happen.

January 12, 2019 6:41 pm

“Chiquita Khrushchev”


Capn Mike
Capn Mike
January 12, 2019 9:52 pm

Shoulda scrolled down.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
January 12, 2019 9:51 pm

“Chiquita Khrushchev”!!!
LOVE it! Thanks.

January 12, 2019 10:22 pm

She is a symptom of the terminal illness of the USA. Venezuelas free shittus. Caused by the Capitaistus corrupt us virus. I don’t know who is worse crack ho baby mamas or the likes of Elon Musk.

January 12, 2019 3:36 pm

NFW I’m letting this stand. I’ve been a fan of Doug since I read ‘Crisis Investing’ in the 80’s. And this is a typically thoughtful and salient breakdown of the disaster that is socialism. But my girl A-OC deserves a defense.

Is she stupid? Who knows but if she is she’ll have plenty of company in congress. Is she suppose to espouse laissez-faire capitalism instead of collectivism? She was taught by my and Doug’s generation of teachers that democracy and socialism are the standard of a moral country. She learned capitalism by watching dick cheney and robert rubin. Finally she sees the federal government and the MIC gorging on taxpayer loot without the slightest notice from anybody and is suppose to take the high road? She represents a generation of kids fucked over with expensive and nearly worthless college degrees, accompanied by a crushing debt that stays with you like ALS until you choke your last breath. No, my princess wants to stick her nose in the trough also. Anyhoo it’ll self destruct before she gets much anyway.

So stop shitting on my gal. I’m hoping she’ll throw me a bang someday. Who knows she might have a thing for fat old white guys. Laugh, I don’t care.

January 12, 2019 6:20 pm

AOCRider, those kids chose to get expensive and worthless college degrees and crushing debt. Caveat Emptor.

Big Dick
Big Dick
January 12, 2019 6:24 pm

When this turd and her ideas put people in your driveway demanding to eat your dog and maybe your children to survive ,maybe you will change your mind, or maybe you will just get down on your knees bend over and get multiple entries to satisfy the masses.

  Big Dick
January 12, 2019 7:48 pm

Bend Over. Big Dick. Multiple entries. This is disturbing.

  Big Dick
January 13, 2019 7:38 am

I got bad news for you skippy. We’re going to get there anyway. I hope you have a tasty dog.

January 12, 2019 10:26 pm

I think CC might have had his tongue in cheek.

January 13, 2019 7:39 am

Thank you Over. Tell these assholes to leave my Spic Chick the fuck alone. There’s no shortage of crooked, stupid repos to kick around. In fact there are ONLY crooked stupid repos to kick around.

Ruso Paisa
Ruso Paisa
January 12, 2019 3:54 pm

Doug Casey was the single most important thinker in my life. His ideas and views convinced me that it was time to abandon the sinking ship of the U.S.S.A. It took 12 years, and at 33 years old I made the move. Best decision of my life. Thank you for your wisdom Doug.

  Ruso Paisa
January 12, 2019 4:53 pm

I wish he would have summed it up by calling her a Cunt.

ursel doran
ursel doran
January 12, 2019 4:06 pm

Paul Krugman tax the rich is the leader of the pack, looks like.

With the Pentagon losing $21 trillion and all the other government run stupids theft, it is astounding to me that these lefty loons are incapable, or want to, grasp that sending money to government will trickle down to the Sheeples.

I have said repeatedly that the Demorats are doing anything possible to the current guys with the purse strings to get the stealing rights back. Clinton foundation Billion or two, Obama $150 Billion to Iran, (Skim Unknown for sure), $100 Million to the Paris climate scam to give money to whoever, on and on.

Big Ed
Big Ed
January 12, 2019 4:39 pm

Look at the eyes….Da bitch crazy!!

January 12, 2019 4:50 pm

Well shit, between this article and the one of Michelle O running in 2020, I’m depressed as fuck.

January 12, 2019 6:07 pm

“cute, charming, different, outspoken, and has a plan to Make America Great Again”- Is that really what ‘the people’ see in her? I don’t see any of that. You could have called her ‘cute’ in her college days but not now. Charming- what? Different, yeah, I’ll give her that but different isn’t necessarily a GOOD thing (ei: Obama). Her plan is socialism/communism light, which has been an EPIC failure everywhere.

January 12, 2019 8:07 pm

I picture her in a Cuban army uniform. Telling kids to turn their family in if they don’t live the party line.
Yeah, print money and give it to everyone! The current system doesn’t work that well for the average person, so this stupid communist talk will fly really well with the many retards that make up our country.

January 12, 2019 10:48 pm

She’s a loon but I lean towards the idea that if someone is rich enough to buy politicians or get a law passed for their own benefit, then perhaps they aren’t paying enough in taxes. If Soros or the Kock brothers think there should be open borders, and they pay their politicians to make that happen, then maybe their taxes should be higher to pay for the upkeep on their new pets and what their bribes to do our society.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
January 13, 2019 12:07 am

Proof positive that not only is the literacy rate of this nation in the fucking tank, but the average person is also innumerate. 1+1= BRAWNDO. Fuck it dude. I am just going to spend any extra cash on the only precious metals worth having now: rifles and bullets.

  Zulu Foxtrot Golf
January 13, 2019 1:03 am

Would you like another Extra Big Ass Fries?!?! Don’t worry scro! Occasional Cortex is just another tard out there living a really kickass life!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 13, 2019 7:18 am

A sad future outline, indeed.

January 13, 2019 10:26 am

Lets for a moment assume the government owns it all. Lets further assume all the people are sitting on their butts. Can someone explain to me what are we or whom are going to tax? Where will the food, shelter and heat come from? With who’s labor will all the goods and services be provided? If you are thinking AI, then I suggest you have your head in the sand and your butt in the air. What you will hear next will not be kind to most. The only thing left to provide all these services and goods will be, SLAVES! Just saying