White Supremacists Ate My Homework

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

White Supremacists Ate My Homework

By finally returning to the issue that won him the election, President Trump once again has a winning hand. That’s why we’re hearing so much about “white supremacy” this week.

Liberals lie all the time, but when they know they’re vulnerable they lie even more than all the time. They’re vulnerable on immigration. Even heroic, nonstop lying doesn’t help — as CNN has discovered.

So, naturally, the media have turned to their larger project of relentlessly trying to discredit conservatives as “white supremacists.”

Unfortunately for them, apart from a few crackpots — whom I assume exist in a country of 320 million people — there are no “white supremacists.” There were white supremacists 50 years ago, and they were all Democrats. (See my book Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama.)

Today, “white supremacy” is nothing but a comfortable fantasy the left developed to explain its sick preoccupation with white people.

Talk about a manufactured crisis! The same people who love to snicker about Fox News viewers worrying about Sharia law sweeping the country are convinced that mythical “white supremacists” are hiding under every bed.

The whole concept is bogus. In my life, I’ve encountered a number of white people — some of them are my best friends. I’ve never heard any of them suggest that whites should rule over other races. None of them has argued that a substandard white person should get a job over a more competent person just because he’s white — you know, what every other group openly advocates for itself.

There is a whole swath of journalists who have decided that instead of investigating relevant news, they will spend their time doing oppo-research on prominent conservatives, hoping against hope to call them “racists.”

If the facts don’t fit, they’ll make them up. The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd once famously imagined a Republican congressman calling Obama “boy.”

This week, Newsweek’s Nina Burleigh (“I’d be happy to give (Bill Clinton) a b—job just to thank him for keeping abortion legal”) casually asked to interview me about “white identity politics.”

I have nothing to do with “white identity politics.” I don’t know anyone who knows anyone who even knows what that means. (Nor do I know anyone who’s seen a copy of Newsweek in at least a decade.)

When will we get around to talking about the media’s actual hatred of whites?

Last year, The New York Times hired Sarah Jeong, a Korean journalist who has posted such venomous anti-white tweets as:

“White men are bullshit.”

“(F)**k white women lol.”

“White people have stopped breeding. (Y)ou’ll all go extinct soon. (T)hat was my plan all along.”

“Dumbass f**king white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.”


“Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins?”

“(O)h man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.”

There’s no question but that such racist attacks would never be tolerated toward any other group. Jeong never apologized and happily took her seat on the Times’ editorial board.

Our cultural institutions regard the statement “It’s okay to be white” as hate speech. Colleges instigate investigations whenever signs with that phrase appear on campus. Second-graders in this country are being indoctrinated into “white privilege” ideology.

Eventually people get tired of the left’s fixation on “white people” -– the gratuitous dumping on Western civilization, the incessant sneering about “old white men,” and the nonsense about “white privilege,” as if every white person knows every other white person and is greased into jobs and promotions.

But if you ever respond to the hate by noting that the contributions from the parts of the world loathed by The New York Times dwarf the contributions of other cultures, they threaten you.

Any references to white male accomplishments are merely defensive.

Consider the current Gillette ad, “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be” (after the board of directors rejected the more accurate title, “ANNOUNCEMENT TO SHAREHOLDERS: WE’RE FOLDING THE COMPANY”). The ad shows only white men harassing women — and being corrected by minority men.

As long as they brought it up, every culture in the universe is galaxies more misogynistic than Western European culture. The ad should have been titled, Hey, white America, you’ve got to stop doing the things that everyone BUT you does.

When other groups talk about themselves, they instantly go to: We rock, we’re awesome! Only the descendants of white Western Europeans are not allowed to be proud of their culture.

There is still casual racism, and that should be quickly and severely condemned. Iowa Rep. Steve King, for example, was fanatically obsessed with vindicating a white defendant accused of, first, murdering a half-Pakistani woman, and, second, falsely accusing a Congolese man of the murder.

Except King never did that. Newsweek’s Burleigh did, writing an entire book in defense of alabaster-white Amanda Knox, after she was convicted of the brutal murder of her half-Pakistani roommate — later overturned — and also convicted of falsely accusing an innocent Congolese man of the crime, for which she served four years.

Liberals could never, in a million years, survive the standards of “racism” applied to conservatives.

Even famed defense attorney Alan Dershowitz said that the only reason journalists defended “Foxy Knoxy” was that “she’s pretty and she doesn’t look like she did it and Americans care about what people look like. She’s the all-American young woman and we don’t care about the evidence.”

If you want to know about white supremacy, Nina, interview yourself. After that, maybe you can learn your maid’s name.

I’m getting back to the subject you desperately don’t want to discuss: How uncontrolled low-skilled immigration is slaughtering our working class — white, black and brown.

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January 17, 2019 9:11 am

Us whites have been “n!66ers” in our own country for some time now.
We have been blamed for almost every social ill by the “elites” and those who would not take advantage of the many opportunities that are canted toward the “underprivileged” and that deny us whites our rightful place in American society.
Witness the various “civil-rights (for some)” acts, “affirmative action” scams based solely on race, and other social programs that effectively disenfranchise us whites, while still expecting us to “foot the bills” through confiscatory taxes, demanding that we avert our eyes from the elites and so-called “downtrodden” while these elites and “downtrodden” expect us to declare our “guilt” despite creating the greatest system of opportunity in all in the world.
It is “dead white males” who formed the greatest social experiment in the history of humanity, declaring that our “rights” do not come from men, but are ordained by our Creator, placing government in the role of “servant”, and declaring that we are “free men”, NOT “subjects” while creating the greatest documents ever formulated by mankind – the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States – both which place real and constructive limits on what our government can do. To wit: “Congress shall make no law…”
Us whites are very slow to anger, and do put up with a lot of abuse, BUT, when the SHTF, will unleash true “justice” with great fury and rage, and will “set things right”.

January 17, 2019 8:16 pm

Except, the U.S. Constitution is regarded as just about null and void, by the marxists. And, most Whites are to terrified to even defend themselves, never mind their people, and their civilization.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 17, 2019 9:26 pm

They won’t be missed by us or the minorities.

January 17, 2019 9:14 am

Whites can and should take note of the protected classes and their abilities to commit to solidarity and supporting their own people’s best interests. White altruism must be internalized, just like every other racial group. There is no shame in looking out for our own interests first.

Us whites are the only population who are expected to be color-blind and to put the interest of everyone else before our own. Everyone has the right to live and enjoy the fruits of their own labor, but they do not have the right to live parasitically off of our labor, nor do they have the right to kill us off, either through bleeding out or breeding out.

I am PROUD to be considered racist and profusely thank my accusers while (attempting to) shake their hands. The incredulous, confused looks on their faces is priceless.

Multiculturalism and diversity are code words for white genocide.
As whites comprise approximately 6% of the world’s population, us whites should be the most protected and cherished of all races.

All one has to do is honestly look at all of the positive things whites have accomplished, making the world a much better place.

A number of years ago, a prominent university group took a poll among non-white students with the question: What would life be like without white people? After a considerable pause, one minority student spoke up: “We’d be screwed”.

January 17, 2019 9:17 am

Let me know when Africa places a man in orbit, then we can talk about the equality of the races.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 17, 2019 2:51 pm

Let me know when Africa claims to have placed a man on the moon, then we can talk about the equality of the races.

January 17, 2019 9:20 am

Let’s look at American “popular culture” and see how the American white heterosexual male is portrayed and treated. Today’s popular culture and the culture going back forty years or so has portrayed white males as bumbling idiots, controlled and insulted by, a know-it-all domineering “wife”, with snotty and bratty children insulting him at every turn.
Us adult white males are not looked upon as leaders and protectors of society and their families as we once were, but are relegated to the lowest level of humanity, to be used and abused by everyone else.
It doesn’t stop there, Hollywood’s negative portrayal of white males, with minorities being in positions of power and responsibility, the (inferior) white male is always answering to a black superior, supervisor or leader, despite reality dictating otherwise.
The “education system” is no better, being geared for females, who have totally feminized the system, relegating boys to the status of being dysfunctional, to be drugged and even ostracized, just for being boys.
The condemnation of white males is almost complete. It is long overdue to take back our rightful place in society. Start out by boycotting Hollywood and letting program sponsors know why…

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 17, 2019 9:32 pm

And the MSM, all Democrats, all liberal retailers, organizations, charities, products, etc.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 17, 2019 9:31 am

I say, fight fire with fire.

January 17, 2019 9:50 am

Ann’s my touchstone on the Orange Crusader’s campaign promises track record. She pounds away at his letting 2 years go by getting financial aid for hedge fund managers-you know, the ones who financed killery’s campaign, sending MORE troops to Afghanistan and Syria and moving the fucking embassy to Jerusalem, the answer for every middle class family struggling to get by and taking opiates when they can’t. So now build the (fucking) wall or crawl out of the white house on your belly.

Sic em Ann!

January 17, 2019 10:40 am

The money shot:

The same people who love to snicker about Fox News viewers worrying about Sharia law sweeping the country are convinced that mythical “white supremacists” are hiding under every bed.

By The Way
By The Way
January 17, 2019 11:51 am

And Russians around every corner!

  By The Way
January 17, 2019 7:40 pm

I’d prefer a Russian than a nigger, beaner or musloid any day

January 17, 2019 11:21 am

“In my life, I’ve encountered a number of white people — some of them are my best friends. I’ve never heard any of them suggest that whites should rule over other races. “


Someone should e-mail her an invitation to TBP.

January 17, 2019 1:01 pm

This coming from the race-traitor Coulter. FYI Ann, most white “supremacists” don’t give a fuck about ruling the other races (that’s something that just occurs naturally as the strong will always subjugate the weak), we just want to live among our own people, raise our children and deal with our problems our way.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 17, 2019 2:48 pm

“I’m getting back to the subject you desperately don’t want to discuss: How uncontrolled low-skilled immigration is slaughtering our working class — white, black and brown.”

A consultant, it is said, is one who borrows your watch to tell you what time it is. A bitch is one who cuts off your nuts and tells you where you have failed as a man. WTF does Coulter know about men; she’s not a man, is she?

Go back to sucking Trump’s dick and pretending to chafe his balls until he delivers on his campaign promise to build a big beautiful wall and make Mexico pay for it. Oh, she forgot that part of the deal. Now, the story is that he promised to build a big beautiful wall and make America pay for it. Silly me, I got it all backwards.

I guess I also got the part about locking her up backwards. And ending the middle east incursions? Backwards.

That’s what happens when you wake up in Bizarro World, the chicks have the dicks and you have to apologize to them for them ever having to become feminists like Coulter. Look, if she wasn’t feminist, she would be at home cooking her husband a meal and butting out of men’s business instead of sleeping with her, ahem, bodyguard.

January 17, 2019 7:35 pm

I thank my white parents for having me and my siblings, and I enjoy producing a quality result from my awesome Whiteness during my work day and coming home to a white neighborhood and a happy home.
I love my white wife and white children. And I love my dog, even if he’s racist and doesn’t like niggers.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 17, 2019 8:35 pm
January 17, 2019 8:13 pm

Ann has more spine than most White biological male persons, you know, the ones who used to be known as “MEN”.
Bless you, Ann Coulter.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 17, 2019 8:36 pm

Another gender-traitor fucking sellout. How’s Ann’s dick taste, Rob?

  EL Coyote (EC)
January 17, 2019 9:38 pm

Better check have your eyes checked, Ann is a beautiful blond who would taste better than Finger Licking Southern Fried Chicken.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 18, 2019 12:30 am

She’s a dude. I don’t want to know what her balls taste like.

Where does she fall on this matrix?

January 18, 2019 12:23 am

Ahh, the Trumpster and Anna Ni(Coulter)…like a bizarro world opposite match made in cuckservativeland…compared to Chuck and Nancy at least. But for sure, Orange & Anna are more fun than a barrel of monkeys, and I sure as hell haven’t stocked up enough popcorn for the ongoing shudown. I can’t wait to see the exciting climax when the EBT cards stay empty in February!! The upcoming chimp outs will be EPIC!! Orange Man go S.N.A.P., Crackle and Pop, and then Here Comes the Boom!! We now return you to your regularly scheduled (((programming))), goyim.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 18, 2019 12:32 am

Dude, get some help.