Well-Gotten Gains

Time for a change.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Albert Jay Nock wrote one of the best essays ever written, “Isaiah’s Job,” which first appeared in The Atlantic Monthly in 1936. The Wikipedia biography of Nock is linked here, a Mises Institute reprint of the essay here. If you take the time to read the essay, I can almost guarantee that somewhere in the future, you will take the time to reread it. The essay is about the prophet Isaiah, and here in three paragraphs is its central premise.

The prophet’s career began at the end of King Uzziah’s reign, say about 740 B.C. This reign was uncommonly long, almost half a century, and apparently prosperous. It was one of those prosperous reigns, however — like the reign of Marcus Aurelius at Rome, or the administration of Eubulus at Athens, or of Mr. Coolidge at Washington — where at the end the prosperity suddenly peters out and things go by the board with a resounding crash.

In the year of Uzziah’s death, the Lord commissioned the prophet to go out and warn the people of the wrath to come. “Tell them what a worthless lot they are.” He said, “Tell them what is wrong, and why and what is going to happen unless they have a change of heart and straighten up. Don’t mince matters. Make it clear that they are positively down to their last chance. Give it to them good and strong and keep on giving it to them. I suppose perhaps I ought to tell you,” He added, “that it won’t do any good. The official class and their intelligentsia will turn up their noses at you and the masses will not even listen. They will all keep on in their own ways until they carry everything down to destruction, and you will probably be lucky if you get out with your life.”

Isaiah had been very willing to take on the job — in fact, he had asked for it — but the prospect put a new face on the situation. It raised the obvious question: Why, if all that were so — if the enterprise were to be a failure from the start — was there any sense in starting it? “Ah,” the Lord said, “you do not get the point. There is a Remnant there that you know nothing about. They are obscure, unorganized, inarticulate, each one rubbing along as best he can. They need to be encouraged and braced up because when everything has gone completely to the dogs, they are the ones who will come back and build up a new society; and meanwhile, your preaching will reassure them and keep them hanging on. Your job is to take care of the Remnant, so be off now and set about it.”

I suppose I knew, deep down, before I wrote the first word of my first novel, The Gordian Knot, that I would be writing for the Remnant. That’s not to say I’m in the same league as the prophet Isaiah. My sales, and the sales of my next two novels, The Golden Pinnacle and Prime Deceit, certainly confirm that I wasn’t writing for the masses. As a first novel The Gordian Knot had its flaws, and perhaps only merited its small, presumably indulgent, readership. I’m a quick study, though, and I try to be as rigorously self-critical and open to improvement as a fallible human with an ego can be. The next two novels were much better, and years after I’ve written them, I can’t see anything in either one that I’d change. They deserve a wider audience, and some day they may get it.

Not that I’ve ever wanted to be a bestseller machine. We Remnant writers know that’s never going to happen, and the whole routine seems quite distasteful. Keep writing books that are just like that first bestseller, only a little different. Resign yourself to whatever pigeonhole agents, publishers, and the bestseller lists consign you. Pull away from the tedious job of writing until you reach the next-to-highest level of the contemporary writing pyramid: your name on the cover selling books ghostwritten by the name in much smaller print below. Finally, that highest level, attained by only a few: hefty sales of new books with your name on the cover, written after you’re dead. I can’t begin to imagine the joy those elite authors must feel.

I suppose I also knew, deep down, when I started Straight Line Logic that I was blogging for the Remnant. The hit counter on my site indicates that here again, I’m not writing for the masses. However, by the standards of the alternative media I’ve done relatively well in a relatively short time. My articles are regularly reposted on sites with much greater readership than mine. Occasionally I’m invited by people who like what I write to give speeches to groups with which they are affiliated.

Unfortunately, we’ve reached Peak Insanity, and I’m tired of chronicling and commenting upon it. Regular readers know the insane litany, rehashing it here would be tedious. It’s become a struggle to find something new to write about, or even to write about something old in an interesting new way.

I’m not closing Straight Line Logic down, but I’m scaling it way back. Once in a while I’ll put up an article when I think I’ve got something interesting to say, but with nowhere near the frequency I have been. And once in a while I’ll put up other writers’ articles that I feel have singular merit. However, there will be days, perhaps weeks, when I put up nothing at all. If you receive regular emails about the site you’ll know when something new goes up. If you don’t, just check the Home page every so often. I hope that Western Rifle Shooters Association, NCRenegade, The Burning Platform, Zero Hedge, Lew Rockwell, and the many other fine websites that have featured my work will continue to do so, intermittent though it may be. I thank all of them and the people who make them go, particularly Peter White, David DeGerolamo, Jim Quinn, and the Tyler Durdens.

Straight Line Logic has been invaluable to me. While the commentary has been on current events, I believe the best of my essays will endure, embraced by the Remnant of this and future generations. Just as important, I have met some wonderful people and made friends for life through Straight Line Logic. As I get older those friendships age like fine wine, and I cherish them as perhaps only an older connoisseur can.

Which brings up the fact that I’m not getting any younger. I’m sixty now and as I ponder the remainder of my days, it’s become an imperative to spend that time wisely and happily. I am involved with a startup, 4Ry Inc., whose technology has the potential to upend several multi-billion industries. One example: our nozzle at the end of a diesel fuel injector could potentially increase diesel engine efficiency by 10 to 15 percent and cut particulates and other noxious emissions by a like percentage. We are working now with a leading fuel injector research firm to develop that product.

If 4Ry is successful, we will vindicate and enrich a genius—and our majority shareholder—Dr. Arnold Kelly, who has been innovating (he has over 30 patents) and consequently fighting the system all his life, as most innovators must. He deserves much more that he has so far received. This, to me, is a challenge worth undertaking, exponentially more worthwhile and interesting than excoriating insane idiots for their insanity, about which I can do nothing but make people aware, and which I know in my bones is leading inevitably to cataclysmic disaster. I want to devote as much time as I can to 4Ry. For those who want more information about 4Ry, see 4rysprays.com, and three articles on SLL I wrote about it, “The Choice,” Parts One, Two and Three.

I have at least two more novels in me, probably more. I also have plays, screenplays, and short stories. Use a good part of the time I’ve been spending every day on Straight Line Logic and all those prospective works have a chance of getting written. Keep doing what I’m doing and only if I live far beyond the years the actuarial tables indicate I’ll live—and stay healthy—will I accomplish what I want to accomplish. Writing is in my bones, chromosomes, genes, and every vital organ. I can no more not write than a fish cannot swim or Arnold Kelly cannot invent. However, it’s time to concentrate on writing what I enjoy writing most. Writing, as I recently told a dear friend, for the ages, not the reviews or the sales.

I once proposed an alternative news agency, dedicated to truth and fighting the mainstream media and fake news (see “Breaking the Alternative Media’s Dependence on the Mainstream Media,” SLL). To me, that idea now seems like more chronicling of the insane and their insanity, but anyone who sincerely wants to run with it is welcome to it. If you’d like, contact me and after I vet you and your plans, I’ll try to help with funding. However, I will assume no operational role under any circumstance.

Rest assured, I’m not dropping off the planet. Someday the Remnant “will come back and build up a new society.” In the interim, they know where to find me and my works. As for the rest, they have never been my concern.

h/t Holly O for the title of this piece.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 2, 2019 8:44 am

I look over to the bookcase beside my bed and nestled among the titles by Xenophon, T.C.Boyle and Sinclair Lewis are three novels by my friend Robert Gore. I’ve read Prime Deceit (my favorite) and The Gordian Knot but haven’t got to The Golden Pinnacle yet although it’s on deck. I read all your articles and enjoy them very much and I know I am not alone. If you have any thoughts that what you’ve done hasn’t had an impact and created a niche, you should reconsider. In fact, a couple of weeks ago I received a letter of encouragement from a reader who told me they only found my writing because of you. The wishes of that one person made my day, so there’s that.

You are right though, we are writing for the remnant, but that’s a lot of people. TPTB are clearly in the final stages of their censorious march to victory, but they haven’t won yet. We are smarter, and we are better communicators because we aren’t offering corn pone opinions. As Admin has pointed out, despite all the shadow banning and whatever nefarious crap they throw at him, the number just keep rising. There’s more than one way to read the weather and it seems like a springtime for us if you look for the signs.

I know we haven’t met in person- I hope we may, one day- but I feel a fellowship with you because everything you’ve ever written has been an example of a life that is angling for the truth, whatever it may be.

Thank-you for fighting the good fight.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 2, 2019 4:02 pm

What he said!

  hardscrabble farmer
February 3, 2019 12:06 am

I second that. I found this place because ZH posted Jim’s articles. ZH has gotten more difficult to read lately, and it’s comment section has really gone down hill as well. Most of us long time posters on there think it’s when drudge started picking it up, but who know. Either way, without ZH I wouldn’t have found Robert or yourself, so for that I am grateful.

I haven’t written many posts here, and nothing in a long time. I haven’t even been commenting much lately, a lot of it to do with what Robert said. I’ve never written anything that will survive the ages, as he has, mostly just bitching about the same stuff on the internet. I don’t even talk about any of this stuff with anyone anymore because it’s literally pointless. Obviously I’m no prophet like in the original essay (and you are right. Read it once and it’s a guarantee you’ll be back to it again). I don’t get all spun up and preach to people either. I just point certain things out. Things like ‘what have you, as an American, gotten out of our endless sand wars?’ And just asked people things like if they have any idea what will happen to our trillion dollar deficit once the Medicare trust runs dry in a few short years. How long can we keep borrowing a trillion a year? Things like that. I usually just get a glassy eyed stare in return, a shrug of the shoulders. It’s apparent that they just aren’t interested. Why bother? Most people flat out do not care. Aren’t even interested. Ask one of the ardent trump supporters demanding he ‘build that wall’ how many people we allow to immigrate here legally each year, and the percentage of them on some sort of assistance compared to the percentage of people born here and I guarantee you they will not have a clue. So, again, it’s pointless. My dad calls it ‘mental masturbation’ and he really isn’t wrong. Most of the people in this country are just too stupid. If they aren’t too stupid to understand, they are indifferent to it. They don’t want to be saved or to see what’s coming. It’s like offering a drowning person a lifering and having them request and anchor instead. They have no idea what’s coming or what’s being done to them and I increasingly believe that’s how they want it.

Anyways, the internet will be losing one of its best writers. Porter over at kakistocracyblog rarely posts anything anymore either. I went from checking his site every day to maybe once a week. I’ll still read everything you write, though. That’s a promise. Be well and good luck with your startup.

No one
No one
  hardscrabble farmer
February 3, 2019 7:58 am

I once told a friend who believes herself to be “called” to provide shelter to certain people at a certain end time event that she might feel free to seek shelter here should that event occur while I’m able to host. She contacted me for the first time in almost two years the other day to touch base and say hello. Scared the crap outta me. Really. I hate coincidences.

It feels like the first chapter of One Second After out here in the boonies on some days.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 3, 2019 8:42 am

As a humble member of the Remnant, I wish you God speed, Mr. Robert Gore. And also to so many fellow TBP writers and readers who continue to inform and enlighten me. High among them, you sir, Hardscrable Farmer.

Mongoose Jack
Mongoose Jack
  Robert Gore
February 3, 2019 3:07 pm

It is so true that one never knows what they’ve got until it’s gone. I see where you’re stepping back, not quitting, but still we will see less of you and for that we are the poorer. I, for some reason, did not get around to commenting on your posts very frequently. But I read them all, and your blog name describes your writing style and you. Straight Line Logic. Everything you wrote was logical, thought provoking, and well laid out. I appreciated them all. And I must say that I consider you a poster boy for presenting yourself with rare humility for someone that is both capable and credentialed. The world is full of blowhards who spend most waking moments telling us how great they are. You sir, are the antithesis to that, and it is indeed refreshing to see.

The very best of luck to you in your myriad of endeavors. I don’t mean for these words to sound like smoke being hurricaned in your direction. Just telling you how I saw it, and trying to remedy not saying so sooner while you were around more. Oh, that’s a cool graphic at the top of the page. Looks just like you! Generated by HollyO I presume? I think she likes you ?

Mongoose Jack
Mongoose Jack
  Robert Gore
February 3, 2019 5:00 pm

Yeah, it does! You are two people who should be friends. Her talents are highly regarded here as well, kindly tell her all the best. Till later, soldier on…….as I am confident you will…..and well!

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
February 2, 2019 8:58 am

I hope that you finish another couple of books in my lifetime, Bob. The Golden Pinnacle entertained and enlightened me. It will always be one of my all time favorites. And because of SLL I discovered TBP and a number of other writers who pretty much saw the world as I do, including people like Hard Scrabble Farmer. All of you have given me hope, and affirmed that I’m not crazy or just an old curmudgeon living in the past.

The highlight of last year was meeting you in Murphy and discussing the Golden Pinnacle book study. Perhaps our paths will cross again, but regardless, I wish you every success. It’s rare to meet someone as genuinely interesting and kind as you.

  Robert Gore
February 2, 2019 12:35 pm

FYI – We hold 2 PatCons a year at Tarboro. We’d be glad to see you there.

February 2, 2019 8:59 am

Robert, you have done what you can and done it well. It’s real quiet now before the battle. We are going to go through Hell, hope to see you on the other side.
Having done all stand.

February 2, 2019 9:14 am

Thank you, Robert. We should do what we think we should do at all times. And, as Nock’s essay (and the commentary here) illustrates, the words and the remant will remain.
comment image

  Robert Gore
February 2, 2019 1:15 pm

Yessir and right back at you. I’ve also enjoyed our previous e-mail exchanges on topics such as the alternative news agency, Ayn Rand, et al.

I know you are busy and so prefer the… shall we say… pithier pieces – but now, with all the extra time spared by your diminished engagement with SLL, perhaps you might circle back at some point to read my “Most Interesting Man” piece? At 4,200 words, maybe you could just pretend it’s three fourteen-hundred-worders? 🙂

In any case, I would like to see if you would have any additional perspectives. No pressure and no hurry as you could always let me know your thoughts via e-mail any time. Moreover, in the commentary, Ayn Rand did pop up a couple of times, so there’s that.

If I could make one clarification to my earlier comment to you above, I would change “We should do what we think we should do at all times” to “We should do what we believe we should do almost always“.

In other words, to follow our hearts after our brains give us the green light.

You’ve made it clear this isn’t retirement and I look forward to all of your future writings. I’m glad to know ya. Full steam ahead…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Robert Gore
February 2, 2019 3:38 pm

My erstwhile buddy, Unc really is a great guy. Your a lucky guy, Bob.

old white guy
old white guy
February 2, 2019 9:14 am

” Peak Insanity “, yes, that sums up what I see most days.

  old white guy
February 3, 2019 12:10 am

I’ve thought we’d seen it plenty of times, but unfortunately I don’t even think we are close. Just wait until the people proposing the most batshit insane, cringe inducing ideas are fully in power. The insanity hasn’t topped out yet, in fact it’s probably still only in second or third gear.

February 2, 2019 9:27 am

Good stuff Robert! You have a calling, that is, you have been called.

A few days ago HSF posed a question. “If the media propaganda is so overwhelming, how is it we have escaped, and now only escaped but have become more resistant to their garbage.” ( or words like that)

As you assert, it is because we are part of the Remnant.

God has always worked with the remnant. See Elijah, or Noah..

The quote that stand out most to me is Jesus declartion “many are called, but few are chosen.” Also, Psalm 91 can only be for the Remnant.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 2, 2019 9:40 am

Well, dang-enjoyed your articles/comments

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum-it’s comin no matter where or what we’re doin-although I still believe a nation repenting on it’s knee’s could stay the decision.

Since you’ll be writin to the Remnant:

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee;

The Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

February 2, 2019 9:48 am

“As a first novel The Gordian Knot had its flaws, and perhaps only merited its small, presumably indulgent, readership. I’m a quick study, though, and I try to be as rigorously self-critical and open to improvement as a fallible human with an ego can be. The next two novels were much better, and years after I’ve written them, I can’t see anything in either one that I’d change”

Earl Nightengale said something to this effect, in 1 of the 12 sessions of “Lead the Field”

Something along the lines of:

Every aspiring writer will go back over his earlier work, and invariably see errors, or where he could have done better, and may cringe a bit.
But, there’s a very good reason for this.
It means he’s grown as a writer, and improved.
Continuing to hone the tools of one’s craft is the definition of success.
Success lies in the journey, not the destination.

Mr. Bob, you probably have more fans than you’re aware of, but everyone has the option to explore other paths, to stave off burning out.

Those little small world type connections that HSF mentioned…those are the rewards, often obscure, that prove the value of producing an effort and just putting it out there for the remnant to ponder.

Best of luck, in your future endeavors.

No one
No one
February 2, 2019 12:25 pm

you know what is spook ooh ooh key? It almost seems like folks are closing down shop ahead of the big storm.

Robert Gore, like others at TBP, feel the call of another muse. I’m sure there are other contributors ready to fill the void. Uncola can only write fifteen articles a week, and Stucky has a load on his free hand. I believe, Robert, that you have inspired others to seek truth in a world overrun with lies. I will continue to “save” your articles to read when I have time to read and ponder. I hope you take that as the compliment it is meant to be: respectfully.

No one
No one
February 2, 2019 12:37 pm

Good for you, Robert! You have become one of the contributors I will return for a later “re-visit” from farm duties because reading your essays require focus and thinking. I am betting the story continues to be well told through your able voice, in future essays or novels.

Ron B. Saunders
Ron B. Saunders
February 2, 2019 12:49 pm

Thanks, Mr. Gore. You’ve been an inspiration to this Remnant.

  Ron B. Saunders
February 2, 2019 1:44 pm

Robert ,I do wish you the best.You are one of my favorite bloggers.I don’t have any of your books as of yet but I do eventually plan on reading them .

Well ,as you can see I didn’t die last night in the emergency room. They did blood work and my potassium levels were way low. Caused my heart to go ” crazy ” . It was scary for a while.The doctors told me that could cause a heart attack but I’m much better now after drinking some potassium . My heart returned to normal in less than 5 minutes and a little while later I walked out .

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 2, 2019 2:27 pm

A banana a day over fifty pal.

EL Coyote - T4C alert
EL Coyote - T4C alert
  hardscrabble farmer
February 2, 2019 3:33 pm

My wife says I’m part monkey cause I keep stocked in bananas. The old crew chief said one old guy got box or two of ripe bananas from a buddy, he went crazy with banana bread and stuff and soon enough had a heart attack. Turned out he had a weak heart.

My mamacita told a story about a little girl who died from eating bananas. The mama’ and papa’ had bought a bunch of bananas and late at night the little girl sneaked into the kitchen and had her fill of bananas. Sounds like a fable but that’s my mamacita’s story and she’s sticking to it.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  EL Coyote - T4C alert
February 2, 2019 3:36 pm

Tomatoes are also a great source of pot. One old guy here posted a link to some survival supply dried tomato can on sale.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
February 2, 2019 2:00 pm


Admin- what’s up with the sudden explosion of appfuelus malware on every link on this site?

Probably a direct attack on this much esteemed blog!


Something’s going on…I commented on the heels of Plato’s notification of weird Ads popping up, over on the DEMONITIZATION BEAT GOES ON thread.

Across all devices…PC, mobile.
Usually reliable links are causing gremlins to appear.
Will be interesting to see what Admin or TMWNN finds, and reports.

February 2, 2019 2:38 pm

Tried a new ad company. It is a fail. I turned it off. Are you still having problems?

February 2, 2019 3:33 pm

Not on the PC. It seems to have subsided. Haven’t tried Chrome again on the mobile,
after running anti-virus scan, which came up empty, but it only scans all the useless apps still on the mobile.

Thanks for the update and explanation.
Something headed your way next week, from sudsy.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
February 2, 2019 4:05 pm

As of 2:30 CST all is well.

February 2, 2019 2:55 pm

Yes, now that you mention it. They are maddeningly difficult to x out on my cellphone.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson

I got some Apple malware bullshit site that was highly aggressive and hard to get out of this morning every time I clicked to read an article here. I was going to try to send an e-mail but the e-mail for Quinn Advisers disappeared in the process as well. No doubt some nefarious shit is under way.
We are at war ladies and gents. Just no shooting involved for the time being. In case anyone wishes to misinterpret that statement I will add I expect to be shot at by “them and they” first.

February 2, 2019 2:49 pm

Damn, there are some real men that post to this site.

February 2, 2019 3:20 pm

I’m planning on retiring in luxury from the sale of two of your personally autographed books when you become famous.
We had a good run with My War and you were one of just 2 who returned my email at the lowest point in my 71 years when I was a prisoner of the Healthcare Goolag. A name I ruthlessly plaguerized from the title of one of your articles.
I have noticed a difference this last year compared to the gems stored in your archives on SLL.
I think you may have answered Uncola’s question about why we haven’t been infected by the media circus despite being immersed in it daily. People like you, preaching to the choir to remind us they’re the crazy ones.
God told Isaiah or another prophet not to worry, I’ve made you as hard headed and stubborn as the people I’m sending you to.

  Robert Gore
February 3, 2019 11:50 am

Sure thing. BTW that part of the new book you sent me way back about “Look at me if you will” was perfect and I’ve passed it on countless times.

  Robert Gore
February 3, 2019 1:08 pm


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 2, 2019 3:52 pm

I thought about the snide, silly comment I made to Fleabo about going into the desert to weep at the base of a cactus. Sometimes, stuff gets you down like Elijah when he ran off to a cave. I thought about my buddy there at the base of a Saguaro communing with god. We all have those moments. I think about Stucky up in the bedroom weeping. I’ve been there. I spent 2 maybe 3 months weeping in private because my grandkid was moving out.

The bible, it is said, has repeating themes. Elijah, Jonah, etc. demonstrated that Jerusalem would always crucify the prophets. Jonah sat pissed off under a leafy plant like my buddy Fleabo does on occasion wondering if the 3 days in the pit of hell; the war and the shit was all worth it. The lord answered him, you didn’t build this, I did. As much as it hurts you, it hurts me worse. Get over it.

  EL Coyote
February 2, 2019 4:19 pm

I was going to say, the idea of sitting under the tree is to get rid of the white noise and then realized, darn! Even noise is a white Racist.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 2, 2019 4:24 pm

Sounds like you sit under a tree communing with Bacchus.

No one
No one
  EL Coyote
February 3, 2019 12:50 pm

I thought that was what God said to Job, who is the only character in the whole damn book scarier than freaking Abraham, who was willing to kill his own son.

Where were YOU when God built the foundations of the world?

[NO ONE said that.]

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 2, 2019 4:05 pm

Bob, with regard to your new direction: it may be a sign of the times that advertisers are cutting back. When does a businessman ever depend on conscience to conduct business? No, these fools are trimming back for some economic reason. They are tightening their belts.

Even the vaunted Amazon is feeling the pinch. Malls are crumbling, manufacturers falling back onto Amazon. Advertisers are crumbling. It’s as if we are seaside watching the sand fall slowly into the water as the shore comes closer to our feet.

Crowds know nothing but they react according to their gut. That they voted for a guy promising to build a wall is a sign that they knew instinctively that the coastline was disappearing and soon America would be threatened like Fiji. Our modern Atlantis has to prepare for inundation.

There isn’t a lot of space available in the Ark.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
February 2, 2019 7:54 pm

Robert, I’m going to miss your regular posts, but at least we’ll still be seeing something occasionally, so we still have that to look forward to. I enjoyed discussing the merits of Twain’s Tom Sawyer vs Huck Finn with you. I have to confess that I haven’t read your novels, but you’ve got a body of work in your articles that are worthy of much esteem. Wishing you the best of success with your new venture.

I’ve enjoyed reading Albert Jay Nock in the past and will spend some time later reading the article you linked to. Thanks for all your insights.

No one
No one
February 3, 2019 7:00 am

Robert, your academic and scholarly style has always reminded me of some of the more stubborn professors I worked with on a project as editor, revising and re-writing the entire syllabus for a new college at OU to accommodate all sorts of new social science interests. The professor who gave me the most grief about her choice of words not commonly used in that particular context, well, suffice it to say I still see her published work for sale from time to time and I gave up my editing pens (red for spelling check, green for grammar, and blue for revise and reword!) for goats and hens, though I still like to play with words. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. My son recently entered the double dog secret world of software engineering for Big Agra and Big Pharma, so some things are best left unsaid and slightly implied.

“But Isaiah was a preacher and Plato a philosopher; and we tend to regard preachers and philosophers rather as passive observers of the drama of life than as active participants. Hence in a matter of this kind their judgment might be suspected of being a little uncompromising, a little acrid, or as the French say, saugrenu. We may therefore bring forward another witness who was preeminently a man of affairs, and whose judgment cannot lie under this suspicion. Marcus Aurelius was ruler of the greatest of empires, and in that capacity he not only had the Roman mass man under observation, but he had him on his hands 24 hours a day for 18 years. What he did not know about him was not worth knowing and what he thought of him is abundantly attested on almost every page of the little book of jottings which he scribbled offhand from day to day, and which he meant for no eye but his own ever to see.”

“For his own eyes to see.” Thank you Robert for the link to the Isaiah piece. It is one of those gems I often find in your articles, which is why I save them for reading when I get up early enough to have a good hour to read and think before feeding goats, chickens and bunnies. And big white dogs who keep the predators away from us all.

I have just finished the first bit of it after reading your piece again, but will have to return to Isaiah later. There is but a small remnant of the darkness before day breaks.

The writing in that fine essay makes we wax poetical. There’s some good stuff there.


No one
No one
  No one
February 3, 2019 7:53 am

Like this wonderful pairing of words… didn’t flapper gate occur during the Clinton Administration?

“The picture which Isaiah presents of the Judean masses is most unfavorable. In his view, the mass man — be he high or be he lowly, rich or poor, prince or pauper — gets off very badly. He appears as not only weak minded and weak willed, but as by consequence knavish, arrogant, grasping, dissipated, unprincipled, unscrupulous. The mass woman also gets off badly, as sharing all the mass man’s untoward qualities, and contributing a few of her own in the way of vanity and laziness, extravagance and foible. The list of luxury products that she patronized is interesting; it calls to mind the women’s page of a Sunday newspaper in 1928, or the display set forth in one of our professedly “smart” periodicals. In another place, Isaiah even recalls the affectations that we used to know by the name “flapper gait” and the “debutante slouch.” It may be fair to discount Isaiah’s vivacity a little for prophetic fervor; after all, since his real job was not to convert the masses but to brace and reassure the Remnant, he probably felt that he might lay it on indiscriminately and as thick as he liked — in fact, that he was expected to do so. But even so, the Judean mass man must have been a most objectionable individual, and the mass woman utterly odious.

Mass woman demonstrates increasing odiousness, while the effeminate men big pharma has spawned are both despicable and objectionable.

Real men wear plaid and look like lumberjacks. Or at least have the heart of one. For no eyes but your own…

February 3, 2019 12:37 pm

Well,while I will miss your musings or at least not see them as much do wish you and your cohorts all the best in your venture,when it works you will be set financially and have time to write more articles/books/screenplays what ever you like(oh,and maybe a well earned vacation).I look forward to the new injector as am looking at a 1 ton with a Cummings diesel and if I buy the beast will want to improve it’s mileage performance while not cutting down on it’s beast capabilities.

February 3, 2019 4:26 pm

Robert…come South and enjoy what’s left of it…before the rest of the Yankees move here and turn it into a Socialist,gun hating,free stuff for everyone crap hole .

I hope one day that when the history books are written about this era of our Country’s decline the footnote will be that the South and those whose roots go back generations were the bulwark of freedom when those in charge opined for less freedom and more control of the population .

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
February 3, 2019 5:42 pm

It sucks to get older, but the alternative is worse …
60 huh? nearly there myself; should be looking at retirement plans (and am), but they moved that goalpost to 67 or so back when I was still a kid; doubt anything will pay out at this point anyway, so stackin’ and packin’ is more of a plan.
Cut back as you must, but please don’t stop. Not enough good writing to keep me busy reading out there now. Lots of good, solid people got de-platformed, silenced, what-will-you by the SJWs. Glad Jim Quinn found a payment processor with some balls.
Keep going, Robert, as long as the steam inside keeps pushin’. I’ll read everything you and Jim write as long as you do. The world needs it’s Isaiahs ….

  james the deplorable wanderer
February 4, 2019 10:42 am

Mr Gore, having turned 59 last month we kinda grew up in the same world. I have sincerely enjoyed your work for some time now. I used to come to the platform and read everything written, with time I relaxed this practice for times sake and started focusing more on specific authors. You have been one of them. Opinion and outlook through someone else’s eyes is sometimes reassuring, enlightening, and very informative. The gifts in the life we have been given are the treasures that puts the gleam in men’s eyes. The appreciation and satisfaction, that life IS good! Through terror, tribulation, trials and accomplishment, it still is. We REMNANT understand this, and wish for all the same and better. We were born for such a time as this. I wish you well in all your endeavors,and will be signing up for SLL soon (if memory holds)

yes but I am Praying for a JOSHUA!!