As the Games Begin: The One about the Jews, the Baby, & the Bathwater

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


Certainly any one who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.

– Voltaire. (1765). “Questions sur les Miracles”.


This blogger has posted over 120 original essays since the fall of 2016. With topics ranging from politics to philosophy, I’ve strived to be true for the most part; and, at the very least, accurate.  In so doing, I would attempt to find three separate ways to vet source material – and, in my mind at least, I’ve built some trust with the readers and believe my essays, so far, have stood the test of time.  But if I ever wrote anything blatantly false, everything written henceforth by me, as well as my past articles, should be viewed with greater suspicion by the readers; and for good reason.

Accordingly, we are very fortunate to have the internet; at the very least, for its processing capabilities.  It is in the digital rooms of the interwebic blogosphere where intelligent people face-off in a virtual mixed-martial-arts cage fight where free thought and speech, link attributions, and interactive media, are traded like jabs, uppercuts, body-blows, and roundhouse kicks.  Using the ethernet to test ideas could also be compared to running software at the speed of light, with multiple programming variations, and zero real life consequences; until, that is, we choose to apply the computations. And this is when it becomes risky business.

All in all, it would have been nice not to write this article; if only because of the emotional investment people have with the various subjects about to be discussed; and also due to the abstract intuitive subjectiveness inherent to these topics.  In truth, the following subject matter could be organized into the table of contents for a book entitled “Some of the Most Controversial  Subjects Ever Debated by Anyone Who’s Ever Lived” .  This one has it all, folks:  The Jews, Israel, the Bible, Christianity, Zionism, Islam, prophecy, global hegemony, fascism, socialism, communism, climate change, and more.  In other words, I’m about to piss off a percentage of the readers.

First, I’ll start out with a disclaimer. Actually, the fact I even need a disclaimer is telling in and of itself, isn’t it:

Just know the person whose words you are now reading has an open mind.  For the record: I’m not Jewish. I’m not a Zionist or at all cowed to Talmudic puppet-masters.  My ancestors were Irish, Scott, and Saxon; as well as eighteenth century settlers on this continent: coal-miners, educators, law-enforcement, military, ranchers, farmers, administrators, physicians, and pioneers who passed through New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, Montana, and into Northern California and Washington State.

The only real friendship I’ve had with a Jewish person in my life (beyond acquaintances) was with a neighbor who is now dead. At his funeral, I learned their tribe encouraged friends and family of the deceased to occasionally place rocks on their graves in commemoration.  A little bizarre, but okay. They gave me a pebble at the service and I threw it in his grave that day and haven’t been back.  I think I did it wrong, but no one complained then or since.  My point is that some groups of people have varying orthodoxies and as long they don’t interfere with mine, then, to each his own.

So this won’t be a pro-Jew article, per se, because I’m not invested one way or the other beyond my own opinions. But I’d like to think it is a fair assessment and one I can use as a future “disclaimer” going forward.  Because, at times after I post my articles, there are those who will often place accusatory and unproven comments, links, videos, jokes, or cartoons into the commentary of the threads on various websites of which I am commenting as well – and I want them to know that my silence, or lack of response to their perspectives, does not mean consent (on my part) to their particular assertions.  At the same time, of course, they are as entitled to their views as I am to mine.

In other words, this isn’t personal and I may repost the link to this piece into my threads occasionally when I deem necessary and for purposes of posterity.

In accordance to past debates, it should be furthermore noted that logic does sometimes change minds. But in the end, more often than not, belief systems are like rubber bands: They stretch and take new form temporarily, before bouncing right back into place; to the sounds of front doors locking, mouse clicks, and heads hitting pillows.

If someone asked me what I stood for, I could honestly look them in the eyes and say “truth, justice, and the American way”. But then I would qualify that statement, additionally, with these words:  “Under the United States Constitution”.

You see, growing up in a small Midwestern town in the fading light of Norman Rockwell’s America, I came of age during the saccharine seventies.  During the eighties, I became an optimistic young Republican under the stewardship of Ronald Wilson Reagan; a moderately successful businessman in the nineties; and, later, a concerned patriot of the new millennium.

Over that time, I’ve witnessed the carnage executed by social Marxism and the decay consummated by leftist politics in this country.  Over the same time period, a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, has all but perished from the earth.  It is a paradox how the decline of social order has brought about augmented authoritarianism in not only America, but around the world.

Common sense, fairness, and law have been upended by politically correct orthodoxies, societal divisions, and tyranny.

Over the past six decades, the degeneration of the American educational system and the embrace of Fabian Socialism combined with a pervasive cultural degradation, has led to Orwellian-style surveillance societies all over the Brave New World.

Massive media companies have become the propaganda arm of an elite global establishment as the armed forces of sovereign nations serve the whims of transnational corporations, and politicians are sold to the highest bidders in order to pacify plebeians agitated by leftist foundations.

By means of the Hegelian Dialectic chaos delivers order and the Left-Right March to Tyranny moves forward.

So here’s a question:  Is there one particular group pulling the strings?

Obviously, anyone half-awake would answer that inquiry in the affirmative and if you are reading these words then, being more than half-awake, you are very likely thinking the name of that particular group right now.

Well, for one thing, the group must be powerful.   Moreover, since no single group could direct the affairs of entire nation-states remotely by phone calls, faxes, e-mails, or texts from secret locations – they must be a network of like-minded individuals.  And if money equals power in this world, logic would dictate they must have the access and ability to direct funds to their network around the globe.

That’s it! They’re BANKERS. And the network is set up in concentric circles of influence, or perhaps a pyramid of power, as it were.

However, if these bankers are tyrannical to the extent of undermining nations around the globe via war, open borders, the propagation of both moral decline and authoritarianism, as well as the promotion of Marxism and the subversion of constitutional law in the United States – they must be evil, right?

So what elite powerful group had the motive, means, and opportunity to establish a global network in control of the world’s economic system, introduce orthodoxies designed to undermine liberty, propagandize  the wealthy western nations into degrading their educational systems and culture and while accepting massive migrations of immigrants who were displaced by wars instigated by said elite powerful group?

Well, it could have been the “Military Industrial Complex” as referenced by former U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower.  Or, perhaps,  the “secret societies” as mentioned by former U.S. President John F. Kennedy  that had, in his words, “conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations” and in ways that were “repugnant in a free and open society”.

To be sure, the mysterious elite powerful group now leading the nations into hell is all of the above. They are also commonly referred to as the Deep State, illuminati, luciferians, satanists, freemasons, round-table participants, neocons, elite bankers, Zionists, and Jews; but maybe not all together or all at once.

Now, about the last two so identified. We should probably address those particular designations.  Before the readers go and start calling me an anti-Semite, I just want to clarify I’m only reporting facts here; so don’t kill the messenger.  Go to any number of websites throughout the free internet, bookstore, or library, and you’ll see the latter two designations of Zionists and Jews conflated to the other, previous, names including, once again, Deep State, illuminati, luciferians, satanists, freemasons, round-table participants, neocons, and elite bankers.  Yet, those who do so will, at the same time, acknowledge only SOME Jews and Zionists are in any way connected to the evil, tyrannical hegemons as defined by the other appellations.

Some Jews, but not all.

Personally, I believe my aforementioned now-deceased Jewish neighbor would have resented being lumped in with devil-worshipping megalomaniacs even more than alt-right bloggers and commenters hate being called anti-Semites.

And, don’t get me wrong, I understand the confusion. Because, yes, there have been evil Jews engaged in mysticism, secret knowledge, and esoteric movements from the times of ancient Babylon.  Furthermore, the Babylonian Talmud is still worshipped today by some of the Jews now attempting to the rule the world.

But, it is one thing to say the blood-affiliated members of the House of Rothschild are slime because they love mammon and the love of mammon is the root of all kinds of evil, and quite another to say they’re slime because they are Jewish.  In fact, to call the modern Rothschilds and other infiltrators like the Hungarian George Soros and sons “Jews” is, in this blogger’s opinion, akin to calling Adolf Hitler a Lutheran.

What is a Jew, anyway?  One who wears a kippah? One who frequents a synagogue? One whose mother descended from Jews?

Perhaps those who-would-be-our-rulers are Jews, but not all Jews, and including some who are not Jews?

Or, is it ALL Jews and ONLY Jews now occupying the innermost concentric rings in the uppermost penthouses of the pyramid of power?

Which is it? And how can one know for sure?  Because, it seems the same ones who sell you with great conviction on the second option, are often the same people who argue that correlation does not equal causation in climate change.

But, ask them again, and they will tell you:  “It’s the JEWS PERIOD”.

As for me, however, I will discern my friends and enemies by their actions.  In these times, everything distills down to liberty versus tyranny. Whether by fascism, or communism, Islam, Talmudism, statism, globalism, secularism, or by any other name – it’s the pursuit power and control by empty souls.

If the enemy of my enemy is my friend, why would I want to alienate any U.S. Constitution-abiding people like my neighbor when they could aid me in the fight?  Is it wise to alienate such folks merely over a name?  That seems nonsensical, especially, when we have many other more accurate designations we could use.

The Political Left absolutely hates the author and philosopher, Ayn Rand. Of course you know why. Because of how her writings have inspired generations to self-reliance and common sense; this blogger included. Yet it was the Bolsheviks who seized Rand’s father’s pharmacy business in 1917, when Ayn was 12 years old.  This forced her family to move to Crimea where they lived in extreme poverty, to the point of near starvation and that, in turn, caused Rand to spend the rest of her life ideologically disassembling collectivism.

Why risk excluding a future Ayn Rand in our fight? Why throw the proverbial baby out with the bath water?

Rand, in spite of her Jewish lineage, was the anti-Bolshevik. This is why conflating ideology with lineage is not logical.

What if Jews were merely genetically intelligent, for good, or bad?  Admittedly, they have made amazing contributions to mankind from the Barbie doll to nuclear fission. Einstein was a Jew like George Soros, but Soros renounced God on 60 Minutes in the same manner Adolph Hitler threw Einstein out with the untermenschen in the bathwater. No wonder the Germans lost the war when they bombed Pearl Harbor.

What is it about those Jews? If one were to correlate lineages to the percentages of Nobel Prize winners, it would appear Jews do have high intelligence. Yet they’ve been so despised throughout history and, even today, there are those who would deny them their own nation; perhaps because wicked Jewish bankers were instrumental in the establishment of said nation. But is it any different than America being founded by Freemasons and Deists?

Well, part of the reason could be the central role Jews have been assigned regarding the foundations of the world’s three major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, to be exact and in the historical order of their respective formation.

Obviously, the seeds of conflict between Islam and Judaism date back circa 3,800 years ago to the Biblical patriarch, Abraham, and his sons Ishmael and Isaac. If the reader is not familiar with the story, a simple internet search should do the trick. The point is, hatred and the Jews goes back a long ways. Heck, one even claiming to be the Jewish Savior was crucified by Romans at the request of his own tribe, near 2,000 years ago.

So why now let these “has beens” aggravate in the modern world?  The Jews had their turn, right?  Except for one little problem now possessing .06% of resuscitated middle-eastern desert located dead center in the middle of several Muslim nations.

Yes, folks, I’m talking about the secular nation of Israel.  But if it’s secular, what’s the problem?  Good question.  The problem is, in accordance to Biblical canon:  From the time Adam and Eve relocated to East of Eden, the bloodlines of the tribes that later became known as Israel have been first rate screw-ups to the point God decided to make them examples of His glory.  Or so the good book says. Lucky them.

In fact, Israel, in the tribal vernacular, means “wrestles with God”.

Supposedly, God did not choose the Jews because they were superior to other tribes, but solely because the Big Guy wanted to use them like pack mules in order to bless all the nations of the earth.

In the book of Genesis chapter 26, verses 3 through 5, God told Abraham’s son, Isaac, the following:

Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father;  And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed

And, in the Book of Deuteronomy chapter 26, verses 7 and 8, God tells the Biblical nation of Israel this:

The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: But because the Lord loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers…

Like I said before, isn’t the internet great for processing?

Regardless, for non-believers, including atheist and agnostics, that all is some real spooky stuff right there.

But even for the believers of various faiths, they remain divided over the ancient scriptures.

In Judaism, for example, there are Jews and Israelis who adhere to the first five books of Moses; also called the Torah or Tanakh. Then there are those who worship at the altar of the aforementioned Babylonian Talmud, consisting of Babylonian secret knowledge, and written as a commentary to the Torah while the Jews were in Babylonian captivity circa 2,600 years ago.

On the Christian side of the equation, there are those who believe modern Israel is counterfeit and could even be central to the authoritarian rule of the (claimed-to-be) forthcoming Antichrist; who will rule the nations of the world by forcing everyone to take what the Bible’s Book of Revelation alludes to as the “mark of the beast” on their right hand or forehead.

Other Christians believe the modern state of Israel was installed by God (even if at the hands of Jewish Bankers) as a sign of the end of the age just before Jesus Christ will return and enter by the east gate of a third (not yet constructed) Jewish temple in Jerusalem.

The Jews and Christians and others who support modern Israel are called Zionists.  Torah adherents and Talmudic Jews expect a future messiah to one day rule the world; as Zionist Christians also believe God still directs the affairs of Man and that the following verses came in to play when Israel became a nation again, in one day, on May 14, 1948.

Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.

– Isaiah 66:8


On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.

– Zechariah 12:3


I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them

– Amos 9:15

But that’s not all. There are some Christian prophecy experts who claim the nations immediately surrounding Israel including “Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian people”, will soon commence a Psalm 83 war  whereby this prayer will come to pass:

Make them like tumbleweed, my God, like chaff before the wind.

 As fire consumes the forest or a flame sets the mountains ablaze,

So pursue them with your tempest and terrify them with your storm.

Cover their faces with shame, Lord, so that they will seek your name.

 May they ever be ashamed and dismayed; may they perish in disgrace.

Let them know that you, whose name is the Lord-  that you alone are the Most High over all the earth.

Voodoo?  Maybe so.  But there is even more.

Some of the same Christian Zionists believe the entire world would embrace the Psalm 83 war as the Book of Revelation’s “Armageddon” thus setting the stage for planet earth to accept a false messiah; like Islam’s Twelfth Imam, a Talmudic strongman, a fake return of Christ, or possibly even an outer-space alien (i.e. metaphysical demon / fallen angel) as all of the above – and delivering a false peace and prosperity thus fulfilling the “strong delusion” or “great deception” or “falling away” of the Bible’s 2nd Thessalonians, chapter 2, verses 3-12:

 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

(emphasis added)

Some of the saved also believe their Savior, Himself, actually referred to the false messiah occupying the (not yet built) Third Temple in Jerusalem when some of the Jews asked:  “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”:

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.

And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

(emphasis added)

Other Christians claim the Psalm 83 prophecy is credible because none of those nations are named in the Ezekiel 38 and 39 war when Russia, Iran, Turkey and other countries come against Israel or, even later, in the Sixth Trumpet War of Revelation 9 when the Kings of the East (China?) march up the Euphrates river to Israel in the battle just prior to Armageddon.

Crazy, no? Again, don’t kill the messenger.  All of this is on the internet and, as some claim, in the Bible.

Moreover, for good, or bad, true or false, the Jews and Israel are right smack in the center of it all.

Honestly, I can see how it would be enough to make even a saved-by-the-blood Christian to curse the Jews and their nation. Except for a few paragraphs in the Bible’s Book of Romans by the Apostle Paul quoting a prophecy from Israel’s ancient King David regarding the “Remnant of Israel”.  As it was written:

God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that could not see and ears that could not hear, to this very day.

And David says:

May their table become a snare and a trap, a stumbling block and a retribution for them.

 May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see, and their backs be bent forever.

Then, a few verses later, Paul wrote this in Romans, chapter 11, verses 28 through 32:

 As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. Just as you who were at one time disobedient to God have now received mercy as a result of their disobedience,  so they too have now become disobedient in order that they too may now receive mercy as a result of God’s mercy to you.  For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.

So, should believers and non-believers alike have mercy on the Jews? Up to you. As for me, I think I’ll hedge my bets.  What’s frustrating about that, though, is this:  In so doing, those who would curse the Jews then accuse me of being part of the conspiracy.  Can you believe it? This blogger who is out here in the worldwide web trying to kick some ass and take some names is, by some commenters, conflated to being controlled opposition by the illuminati.

How can I prove, therefore, that I don’t beat my wife?  Watch me.  Because by their actions they are known. Even so, in the meantime, these alt-right inquisitors seem very much like leftists who make similar ad-homonym arguments against conservatives.

It’s like the way snowflakes preach climate change because they want to believe it. They need to believe it, almost as if it adds meaning to their identity, or atonement for their sins, or perhaps they feel the need to oversimplify their enemy.  For the Socialists, it’s White Power and the Weather Monster and for the fascists, its mostly about the Kikes. Mostly.  But whatever the flavor, it’s almost spiritual in nature, or at the very least, emotional.  Either way, it’s like a faith. And as stated in the second paragraph at the beginning of this piece, once we act in faith to “apply the computations”, this is when it becomes “risky business”.

Just as the left conflates colors and genitalia, fascists sublimate ideas to DNA and kippahs. In so doing, in my humble opinion, they’re not only wasting time, but dividing our ranks and providing the means to strengthen our mutual enemies.

As the Loony-Toons Left saves spotted owls while advocating for infanticide and war against White Oppression – the fascists moan about being called anti-Semites and white supremacists; even as they condemn the filthy Jews.  Certainly, it is like a spiritual condition, or even a sickness, how some people will insert “Jew” into the commentary of every blog post. But don’t you dare call them anti-Semites.

I get it, okay?

You call them Jews even when only some of them are. It may be true, but it’s not accurate. Yet, why do they persist in pounding out that inaccuracy over and over and over again, ad-nauseum?

Certainly, however, they can do what they want.  As for me? I will use the terms military industrial complex, secret societies, round-table groups, deep state, illuminati, luciferians, Satanists, freemasons, neocons, elite bankers, global elite, or similar. This way the full target remains in my sights and in focus.

I will also, at the same time, not trust Israel and will agree no person, tribe, or nation, is immune from criticism. Let the best ideas win. Do not give Israel one penny. If God is behind them, they don’t need money from the U.S. anyway.  If they are counterfeit Israel, then they can sink or swim on their own accord.  Either way, it’s not our country’s business advocating for them with either American treasure or blood.  We should bring our troops home from foreign shores rather than fighting to benefit Israel; especially if God is involved.  Because if God and the devil are, indeed, going at it – then this Fourth Turning is going to be a bitch.

I truly don’t know if unseen deities are managing the modern nation of Israel, but I do know the Bible is very clear that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is a Zionist.  And if the Bible were true, then it’s also clear he manhandles Israelites for His own purposes, especially, whenever Israelites act like Satan’s mistress.

There are those who point out ten prophecies that were fulfilled by modern Israel in 1948, as well as 54 prophecies fulfilled in the last 60 years.

Not true, right?

But then, in 2014, events like this were reported in the media:

The commander said the Hamas-fired rocket was headed for Tel Aviv when a strong, unexpected gust of wind pushed it out to sea — saving countless lives, according a translated version of the story published by Israel Today.

Israel Today also reported an account from Givati Infantry Brigade Col. Ofer Winter of a “mysterious fog” that covered his troops as they advanced on a Hamas stronghold earlier in the conflict. Winter claimed his men were saved by divine intervention after they were unable to carry out a planned nighttime raid.

Then you look at every war Israel has fought since 1948; really study those wars, and more questions are raised.

At the end January of 2019 there were reports that a team of Israeli scientists might have found the first complete cure for cancer.  Although I hold strong reservations regarding the accuracy of any cancer cure as reported – at the same time, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a team of Jews who ultimately figure it out.  Would you?

In another piece about that alleged discovery, it said this:

Israel has become a technology superpower, despite a tiny population and many discriminatory practices overseas, including the noxious BDS movement (boycott, divestment, sanctions) that seeks economic strangulation of Israeli enterprise.

Success in foiling Israeli entrepreneurship would stifle one of the world’s most important sources of scientific and technological innovation, one that has fostered a unique hi-tech ecosystem that generates new firms and new technology, offering innovations that can change the world for the better.  The normally anti-Israel BBC examined Israel’s success in cyber-security innovation and pointed to a number of factors that may not be reproducible anywhere else in the world.

Indeed. Innovations that can “change the world for the better”. And maybe even for the worse. Like Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; or two faces on the same coin flipping through the air to see which side lands face down.  Obviously, Jews on average have high intelligence. If it wasn’t bestowed by God, then it must have been their kosher diet and lack of inbreeding. I don’t know.

In any event, as far as this blogger is concerned, the jury is still out on SOME Jews. I’m also not sure if the secular nation of Israel factors in completely with the New World Order; or not.  But I do believe a strongman is on the way and could be either a nationalist fascist or a globalist communist.  A reader on my blog once e-mailed me a fascinating breakdown of how he thought the forthcoming strongman could be one who sacrifices the swamp and, by the appearance of cleaning house, draws the unified adoration of the global population.  But I also would not be surprised if the dark powers elevate someone with their doctorate in Liberation Theology.

Whether by secularism or a theocracy, I still contend ideology trumps (((DNA))).

The new boss could even be driven by an anima mundi or zeitgeist that doesn’t (necessarily) require supernatural or metaphysical roots, so to speak. Of course, anything is possible; including the “spirit” of the “new religion” as being simply an evolutionary faith in men becoming “like gods”.

Look to history: How many tin-pot dictators believed they were either god, or like god. This, perhaps, explains why power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Just because we have advanced technology in our time, does not mean we are any better or more spiritually advanced. When Man gains new power, he always uses it to further his own ends; then later always justifies the means.

The modern technocracy could be just like that; except even worse than in the past.

Consider totalitarianism in all its various forms. Whether the hell on earth is delivered via theology, secularism, fascism, or Marxism – regardless of whoever is paying the bills, they all have one thing in common: They’re all administered by men trying to establish their own versions of heaven on Earth.

Could Israel be that faux cherry on top of the devil’s cake? Maybe.  But right now, by no means is Israel even close to being Orwell’s Oceania.  Quite the opposite in fact.  Israel is a thriving parliamentary democracy with more freedoms than we have here in the United States. The reason is because they have a vibrant political system with at least 17 political parties participating, whereas America has only two parties, or rather, more accurately, fast becoming a uniparty system (like Orwell’s Oceania).

And there is where those who wish to simplify the vilification of ideologies into (((DNA))) might begin to accuse me of being part of the conspiracy. After all, that would be easier, and more gratifying, then considering my perspectives as a free man.

The commonality shared by fascism and Marxism is statism which mandates thought control and we can identify our enemies by their ideas and actions.

I sometimes wonder if we’re all stumbling around the internet like the proverbial blind men circling the elephant and stubbornly and proudly identifying its diverse features like we got it all figured out; and other times like a circular firing squad with guns and fingers pointed around in perfect 360 degrees.

In the end however, in three dimensions, and given the trinity of Man’s body, mind, and spirit – the new Phoenix that will arise from the ashes will very likely take the form of a totalitarian economic, political, and religious technocracy. Of course the economy would be cashless, the laws unjust, and all wrapped into a new religion; or an old one by another name.

In other words: The more things stay the same, the more they change.

Nothing new under the sun.

Certainly the games are well underway as the programming variations complete their final sequences for the concluding computations soon to be applied. Just like clockwork.  If we are known by our actions, how will you be remembered?  Risky business, indeed.


———–Optional Musical Interlude———–

(Crank it up & hand me my sunglasses)


“Games People Play”

Oh the games people play now
Every night and every day now
Never meaning what they say now
Never saying what they mean

While they wile away the hours
In their ivory towers
Till they’re covered up with flowers
In the back of a black limousine

La-da da da da da da da
La-da da da da da de
Talking ’bout you and me
And the games people play

Oh we make one another cry
Break a heart then we say goodbye
Cross our hearts and we hope to die
That the other was to blame

Neither one will give in
So we gaze at an eight by ten
Thinking ’bout the things that might have been
It’s a dirty rotten shame


People walking up to you
Singing glory hallelulia
And they’re tryin to sock it to you
In the name of the Lord

They’re gonna teach you how to meditate
Read your horoscope, cheat your faith
And further more to hell with hate
Come on and get on board


Look around tell me what you see
What’s happening to you and me
God grant me the serenity
To remember who I am

Cause you’ve given up your sanity
For your pride and your vanity
Turn your back on humanity
And you don’t give a da da da da da


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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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February 15, 2019 10:33 am

While I agree with many statements, and enjoyed the article, there are a myriad of biblical references I disagree with. Or perhaps stated a different way, are incomplete, taken out of context, or used without seeing the completeness of the entire bible.
I do not see that God is a Zionist. In the Old Testament, yes, Israel was God’s people. He protected, sheltered, saved, gave to, provided for and guided them to the Promised Land. But once Christ came, He came for all, both Jews and Greeks; Romans 1:16. And stated in Acts 10:34 that “God is no respecter of persons.” We are no longer under the “old law” (that being the Old Testament) as Paul pointed out in Romans 7:6 “…and now you can really serve God; not in the old way, mechanically obeying a set of rules, but in the new way, with all of your hearts and minds.”
Though many “coincidences” have occurred for Israel throughout recent history, I believe there are equally a number of interventions that many would say are “miraculous” spanning the years since Christ came, died, and rose again. I see Israel as an elite nation, not because God keeps them there, but because so many people around the world choose to still believe they are the chosen people, and act accordingly, preserving their “status” and placing that nation on a pedestal, believing in doing so they keep them there so as to gain favor with God.
All that being said, I completely agree with your assertion that Israel needs to stand on its own. The US is a broken country, both financially and morally. Our focus should be on its own citizens, return to being governed under the Constitution written by such Godly, Christian men, and financial responsibility. The majority of America’s ruling class (a term used loosely) have little to no use for God, Christ, or our documents on which this country was founded. Until we return to a nation of Christianity, we will continue to crumble until we become the modern day Rome.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 15, 2019 12:15 pm

Most likely because of the Black Coat Regiment, there was tremendous Christian influence in the early days….but the founding fathers were principally deists.

annuit coeptis novus ordo selorum- and the pagan influence of the freemason theocracy is evidenced by the layout and architecture of DC.

February 15, 2019 3:49 pm

OutWithLibs says:

I do not see that God is a Zionist. In the Old Testament, yes, Israel was God’s people.

As a Christian, would you say Revelations has not happened yet?


Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount ZION, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.

– Revelation 14:1


That’s all I was sayin’…

February 18, 2019 8:21 am

Rather amazingly, one of the publications we hand out in our worship Sunday (Gospel Minutes, Vol 68, No 7) includes an article on the 144,000 if you would like to read it online.
The book of Revelations, as stated by John (the writer) himself, is a book of vision, dreams (Rev. 4:2) This parallels the book of Daniel beginning in chapter 10, again vision/dream. Therefore, what is written in the majority of Revelation beginning in chapter 4, are symbolic, not actual prophesies, and in the opening of Revelation, Chapters 1-3, the letter is addressed to the 7 churches of Asia.
Believing in a rapture (this word is no where in the bible) and tribulation period, and Christ coming back to rule on this earth completely contradicts what Jesus himself has said in Matt 24. That no one, not even the angels in heaven or Jesus himself knows the HOUR when He will return. And Christ tells us that He will sit at the right hand of God forever. Why would the Son of God, who died and rose in three days to descend into heaven, come back to this evil planet to rule again?? The earth will be burned up (II Pet 3:10) and those in Christ will rise to be with Him forever (I Thes 4:16-17) first those who are dead, then those that are still living.

I am no Bible scholar, so I recommend anyone who wants to understand the book of Revelation watch videos that are offered here:
This website, which uses only scripture from the bible, has a multitude of information on every subject regarding the Bible and it’s relation to multiple subjects today. “The Separation of Church and State” is a fabulous study by Dr. Dave Miller, Historian and Bible Scholar, and how the Founding Fathers used the Bible to establish our country on the majority of issues in the Constitution

Side Note: I actually wrote this yesterday, but my computer froze up……
Thanks for the comment and indulging me. Tammy

February 15, 2019 12:23 pm

Let it be clear once and for all as to (((WHO))) determines our foreign policy in the Middle East!!!

***************** BREAKING NEWS !!! ***************************

This past Wednesday, before the opening of the Warsaw Ministerial conference on the Middle East, which included 60 nations (including Arab countries), Benny NetanyaJoo said this on Israeli television;

He said the meeting is an important step in pursuing their “COMMON INTEREST IN ADVANCING WAR WITH IRAN” (He says this will be done with the backing of Washington)

An hour later his office changed that to “combating Iran” claiming a translation error. But as noted in the link below, he meant WAR.


So, perhaps someone can give me a good reason as to why I shouldn’t hate the state of Israel??

February 15, 2019 1:01 pm

Is this joint about politics or, ….. religion? I haven’t had so many Scriptures thrown at me since the last time a Jehovah’s Witness came a knockin’.

Ok then, so be it. Can’t we all just pray for the peace of Jerusalem? What’s so fucken hard about that??

[imgcomment image[img]

February 15, 2019 1:05 pm

Now that me and Stucky are online let me stir some more controversy.
This article was written because of me and Stucky. Not because of Mary’s fine article despite my buddy Dougs assertions.
I yelled fire in a crowded theater on 9 Feb. at 10:40 and Doug replied that he would now have to write a rebuttal to IT’S THE JEWS PERIOD. stucky then took him to task at 4;46 on the 10th. We now have nearly 900 comments in a very short time. All the many good points Mary brought up have barely been discussed. Not because I hollered IT’S DA DGUEZE but because that’s what’s on everyones mind and they have been reluctant to even discuss it for fear of being labeled either a Nazi or a Jooo Lubber. All I did was scratch a festering boil. People don’t care about that other stuff. How many articles on finance has Jim posted and barely got 20 replies. How many articles on Commies, Nazi’s, Christians and Muslims have ever gotten so many peoples panties bunched up as the combined articles by Mary C and Doug Uncola Lynn. Suppose it isn’t the Jews but somebody behind the curtain using them as cover like someone mentioned. The possibility is now being discussed. Mary said we need to Identify the Enemy. That cannot be done if we don’t ruffle some feathers. As Maggie of the magnificent Double D’s said, “only Mary could have pulled this off”. And only Crazy Uncle Frankie Fleabaggs who lives in the attic could pull off screaming FIRE in a crowded theater to act as a lightning rod. So let the games begin.

February 15, 2019 1:20 pm

Well, damn, it’s always nice to receive some attribution … even if not necessarily warranted. Nevertheless, thank you, sir!

Regarding comment counts …. you’ll go crazy trying to figure it out. Sometimes really great articles (both by our own contributors and those copied and pasted) get very few comments, while some “MEH!!” articles do swimmingly well. Generally speaking, though, JC (Joo Crap) does pretty well. Mary Christine and Uncola know their audience.

The author posts his real name (unbelievably) as Doug “Uncola” Lynn. However, this is a lie. His real name (sorry to dox you, pal) is Doug “Uncola”(((LynnSTEIN))). Like I said, everybody has an agenda. lol

Enrique Covarrubias EC
Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 15, 2019 1:37 pm

“As Maggie of the magnificent Double D’s said”

Careful, Unkle Frankie, I got in hot water for continually mentioning a certain nurse’s greatest asset.

  Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 15, 2019 1:51 pm

C note..
Yes I had you two in mind with that pun. I think I got your 300 this morning but my laptop doesn’t have a counter by the comments.

Enrique Covarrubias EC
Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 15, 2019 2:19 pm

Ah, you never saw the beach pic, there was enough ass there to cover a multitude of offences.

On a separate but equal note: most women have the facility to forget offenses or to help a man forget but Horse Face Coulter has neither. I mean, I’m pretty sure he’s a dude.

  Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 15, 2019 2:34 pm

El C..
It would help her get a date if she were a dude. She wouldn’t look too bad as a dude and he’s got money. It’s always about the money. Bless her heart, my late wife thought her mission in life was to improve the bottom line of Neiman Marcus. She fessed up to it on her death bed. Said she was afraid I would leave her if we weren’t in debt.

Enrique Covarrubias EC
Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 15, 2019 2:59 pm

Debt is the American Way as Old Pangloss noted.

I heard on the radio about a dude who blew through $3M in ten years. Today, he is homeless, has no car and works in the lumberyard. Says he’s never been happier.

February 15, 2019 1:48 pm

That’s funny, I don’t care who you are, that’s funny.

February 15, 2019 3:51 pm


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 16, 2019 10:48 am

When did you stop beating her, Uncola?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 15, 2019 3:07 pm

My effort to “clear my mind” was somewhat achieved. I have at least accomplished my mission to share a lot of my questions with others in the hopes they would look further into the “problem areas” that I have been grappling with.

White Rationalist
White Rationalist
February 16, 2019 10:37 am

The Jews hate us for our fleadom.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  White Rationalist
February 16, 2019 12:12 pm

Now that I really really like.

Mister Anderson
Mister Anderson
February 15, 2019 2:43 pm

I have been reading TBP for a few months now and for the most part enjoy it. Uncola, you made a valiant effort to explain to all of your “Joo Haters” that the real enemy is Unseen and not defined by borders, language, or DNA. Nice try but it fell on deaf ears and I’ll prove it,

“No wonder the Germans lost the war when they bombed Pearl Harbor.”

Not a single comment on this and you know why? ( I actually only read through the first 200-300 comments)

Because every single person here was thinking about their response to your article instead of really reading it. You can not educate people that are blinded by hate.

If you would have mistakenly said “No wonder the Jews lost the war when they bombed Pearl Harbor” instead of correctly blaming the Germans you would have been hailed as a prophetic genius.

LOL. No worries Uncola, they didn’t see the German / Pearl Harbor joke. They were too busy typing their response to my “Joo Haters” comment.

Seriously though, Germany?

  Mister Anderson
February 15, 2019 3:00 pm

I noticed it as well but was immediately transported to Animal House and the Speech..

I thought it was intentional. Maybe not.. I just laughed.

And Mister Anderson please spare me the righteous virtue. Yeah there are some who are blinded by hatred. But not that many. Most of us would just like to see some balance in the narrative.

It is unfair to label as Antisemitic anyone who has the gall to protest the out sized influence the State of Israel has on Foreign Policy in the West.

Thats all..

February 15, 2019 4:03 pm

It is unfair to label as Antisemitic anyone who has the gall to protest the out sized influence the State of Israel has on Foreign Policy in the West.

For the record, in this article and commentary, I never used the term anti-semite in an accusatory or labeling manner; only that alt-righters resent being called that – and that is true

Speaking of the comedic Bluto & the Ironic Mr. Anderson:

Einstein was German. Little Albert completed physics for Atom Bomb. Hitler threw the baby out with the bathwater. Hitler’s Axis allies, the Japs, are tricked into bombing Pearl Harber marking the United States’ formal entry into World War II. Uncle Sam kicks Adolph’s ass and drops little Albert’s toys on Japs. War won.

So Bluto was right. And this is why I put into my piece above:

Adolph Hitler threw Einstein out with the untermenschen in the bathwater. No wonder the Germans lost the war when they bombed Pearl Harbor.

I was wondering if anyone would pick that up

Enrique Covarrubias EC
Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 15, 2019 5:11 pm

I thought Uncle Albert petitioned FDR but it was Oppenheimer, Fermi and General Groves who got the wall built. Boo.

  Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 15, 2019 7:58 pm

comment image

February 16, 2019 9:05 am

Hey Fish, just to be clear, the accusation was directed at Mister Anderson and his preening virtuous twattery.

February 16, 2019 5:53 pm

No worries. Odin himself couldn’t break you and me apart, RiNS. Even when we disagree you will have my respect

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 17, 2019 10:24 pm

Hear that, RiNsey? He’ll still respect you in the morning. I don’t know…

  EL Coyote
February 18, 2019 6:21 am

I did… and just to clear I kinda like ya too varmit….

Mister Anderson
Mister Anderson
February 15, 2019 4:54 pm

No doubt Israel punches above their weight. Abraham, Moses, Jesus…. Those are some pretty heavy hitters. They’ve had more influence for good in this world than everyone else combined.

Who gives a flying Monkey Side Plank pose what DNA the people living on the historic lands we call Israel have? Didn’t GOD say he would bring his people back there in the last days? If the people there now are imposters then we are not in the last days.

I find it VERY hard to believe we can ever come back from where we are without serious violence and bloodshed. Are you listening to what the Collectivist Totalitarians are saying every day. They are out for blood and thinking people aren’t welcome in their utopia. This might not be the Last days for the World but I’m pretty sure it’s the last days for most of the likes of us.

Enrique Covarrubias EC
Enrique Covarrubias EC
  Mister Anderson
February 15, 2019 5:34 pm
Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Mister Anderson
February 16, 2019 10:45 am

” If the people there now are imposters then we are not in the last days.”

The only way to find that out for sure is to stop aiding and abetting.

February 15, 2019 5:25 pm

Mr. Anderson, Neo I presume?, are you the One?

I enjoyed your points to some degree, but as RiNS says, Doug’s tone suggests he intended the flub. You gotta watch him. He’s a sneaky little jfish.

  Mister Anderson
February 15, 2019 3:21 pm

You’re madly in love with yourself and the sound of your keystrokes.

Mister Anderson
Mister Anderson
February 15, 2019 3:53 pm

I’m pretty sure Everyone one this post is guilty of the above.

  Mister Anderson
February 15, 2019 5:27 pm
February 15, 2019 5:39 pm

🙂 Great minds Double D, I was thinking the same tune.

  Mister Anderson
February 15, 2019 5:54 pm

Mister A- So what do you think of TBP, what prompted you to jump in and add to the conversation? 🙂

Just curious, did you read Mary Christine’s article?

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Mister Anderson
February 16, 2019 12:14 pm

I’m with RiNS. I was pretty sure that he was making a funny.

February 15, 2019 3:34 pm

Here is the name of the enemy.
When Baron Edmund De Rothchild set out to establish a Zionist State of Israel back in the late 1800’s, that was not some pet family project of the family, it was their entire endgame. Israel is the most important thing to this family and they will drag the world into the fires of hell to make sure their vision of a Greater Israel is made manifest.
If you want to find the Ancient Dragon, then follow the money, and that money leads back to the Rothchilds controlling interest in the region.
AIPAC is the monied Deep State and Trump is one of their many Swamp Creatures that are playing his christian Zionist supporters better than Obama, the Bush’s and Clinton’s could do combined.
He is the perfect Zionist Operative!
From Russia insider by Jason Charles 2/15/19
“The Israeli Lobby is The Deep State”.

February 15, 2019 5:58 pm

Doug, I finally got around to emailing a link to my, um, Christian Zionist Minister’s Wife friend (gcp, thanks for the nice intent but for what it is worth to you, I am pretty sure she’d call herself saved and so would I. LOL)

I just wanted to suggest to her in the email that we are all on that Hebrews walk of faith together and our faith is only valid if we are open to discernment and wisdom. I figured you could come up with a good Word but then decided mine seemed to work. So, I emailed her the link to this post on this page and asked her to both comment on Doug’s effort to both respond and elaborate upon Mary’s toe in the water which thrust us right up to the liminality.

Whether we step through and open ourselves up to opinions which conflict with our own is what determines whether we play a game worth playing or whether we continue tic-tac-toe. The biggest part of having a conversation is listening.

Even when we know we are absolutely right and everyone else is wrong.

February 16, 2019 8:44 am


This has been an awesome thread and the commentary will pair with the piece perfectly for posterity.

QUESTION: Would anyone be interested in a sequel that correlates modern Israel to the to the foretellings of the Old Testament’s prophet, Daniel, that (supposedly) predicted the baptism and crucifixion of Christ and including (and I’m not kidding) mathematical formulas that counted the days to Israel’s rebirth as a nation, the coming of the Antichrist and a seven-year tribulation period?

Upvote for yes, and downvote for no.

Thank you in advance

February 16, 2019 9:02 am

Fer fuck sakes just write the Gawd dammed thing..

Looking down at earf I can already see a few Ripples in the pond….

February 16, 2019 12:05 pm

Guess who voted down? Me.

The things you want to write about have already been done, many many times.

All one has to do is read The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey. Or, anything by Hagee. Or, anything put out by Moody Bible Institute, Dallas Theological Seminary, and ilk.

Maybe you just want to summarize stuff? Nothing wrong with that, I suppose. Although for folks like me — already quite familiar with the concept — it would be boring as hell.

It would be much more interesting if YOU came up with something NEW. For example, Jesus is actually living in the Great Whale (described in the book of Jonah) and He will return when the whale has no more sardines to eat …. which according to Alexandria Occasional Cotex will be in 12 years. Now, that would get my attention.

February 16, 2019 1:59 pm


Man. You just hit the nail on the head for me when you said this:

The things you want to write about have already been done, many many times.

And that’s how I feel every time I see a post or comment on da joos. Yawn. No one’s mind will ever be changed.

So – for me this was about two things:

1.) As a matter of ideological proximity, drawing the focus back enough to show what some out there would call the bigger picture.


2.) The pipe dream of maybe allowing Jim’s advertisers who have dropped him to see what a free speech forum actually looks like. Then maybe they would acknowledge some sort of balance and see the value of the people here on both sides of every argument so as to reconsider and help to subsidize this venue again. I know it was probably a fools errand, tilting at windmills and all that, but I didn’t have anything more important to do this week, anyway.

You say:

All one has to do is read The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey. Or, anything by Hagee. Or, anything put out by Moody Bible Institute, Dallas Theological Seminary, and ilk.

I get that. Truly. And it’s been said the “30 minutes of silence in heaven” of Revelation 8:1 is so all of the experts can adjust their charts.

But, they keep dialing the down the “appointed times” (just like clockwork) over time; while quoting Matthew 24:36 :

No one knows, however, when that day and hour will come–neither the angels in heaven nor the Son; the Father alone knows.

Then saying it’s OK to know the approximate times and seasons and talking about apples of eyes and fig leaves and stuff like that.

Of course, this piece was born on Mary’s previous “Israel” article and you encouraged me to try writing about the Jews in a (more) positive way, so I did.

But, that said, and for the record – here are some comments I made to MC via e-mail after she reached out to me in the wake of her piece (while I was writing this one):

Your essay was important in many ways and, therefore, I believed it deserved balance in the commentary. The Uncola moniker is meant to be my effervescing “best” self online. But if we’re not careful, TBP’s commentary will degrade like Zero Hedge’s into a name-calling echo-chamber of low-grade analysis. Admin is in a tough spot because… if Jim censures free speech,….then he looks bad….

I’ve tried to politely deal with the Jews even engaging fairly deeply into the subject with Hollywood Rob on one of my threads last year. But, this time, given your excellent contribution, and the fact Flea responded to my first comment on your thread directly, I decided to deal with it…. shall we say…. a little more… directly.

Because, I will tell you, Mary, more who frequent TBP read than comment and if we let the “proud and accusatory” take over, the center won’t hold and those readers will be gone. I know, because I’ve vacated sites before for that very reason and, mostly, because it gets boring after awhile.

But your piece was thoughtful, well-balanced, and backed-up with documentation. By my taking the bull by the horns (so to speak) in the commentary, I was gratified to see other commenters encouraged to join in – like the jewish guy who said he “never got the memo on world domination” and asked when will he get “his cut”. That was funny, and so appropriate on a free-speech forum like TBP. Also the Christian guy who said he lived in Israel. Balance is so key to discussion, but many readers feel intimidated and that’s why I threw down the way I did using my “Uncola” moniker instead of Unother. I wanted to own it and the aggression and profanity were simply for shock value in pushing back. The debate also brought in Bea and Yo whose stated positions on your thread gave me the green light to go the full monty. Hold onto to your hat, girl, because, after you fired up the engines, I’m about to engage the warp drive.

My only regret is that the readers saw my bad (real) self engage with Flea under a moniker I’ve taken such great pains to correlate with my better self. Mission failure on that one. Or maybe not. I don’t know.

Anyway, thank you again for the reasons as I stated on your thread. You made TBP history and I was glad to be a part of it.

Again, I wrote this piece as something I can reference back to whenever I want. And the comments on both Mary’s and this thread show what makes TBP more specialer than other sites and why that’s worth fighting for.

I could not say another word on the Jews, but I know others here can’t do that. Fine. It’s a free country. They have every right to post whatever they want and (as you say) “the things” we “…want to write about have already been done, many many times“.

It’s my right to yawn and not engage too. But silence does not mean consent.


February 19, 2019 10:42 am


Just wanted to acknowledge that I read your fine response.

By all means, go for it. I didn’t mean to say you should not do it … just because I might be bored!! Fact is, other people aren’t as well read as I am on the topic — as such, your writing would be interesting and helpful to them.

I might even chime in …. if you; 1) have something new to say or, 2) make such an egregious error that I cannot remain silent.

I suspect #2 will be the more likely scenario …. as I reject pretty much everything put forth by Hal Lindsey, Hagee, and the Dallas Theological Seminary crowd. We might even get the thread to 1,000!!

February 19, 2019 11:12 am

I read between the lines if it means anything. A couple of interesting commenters at least showed up to announce they are here, whether they are here often is another issue.

The reason I was disappointed in my Christian Zionist friend’s reaction (to Mary’s Awful Truth) is because I felt Mary brought up valid topics in an honest and reasonable manner. While her citations may not have met the approval of scholars, at least she was willing to show the supporting evidence for her conclusions or implications.

But, instead of offering a teaching moment through me (am supposed to be a friend?), she informed me Mary was anti-Semitic whether she knows it or not and has yet to respond to the question for clarification on Mary’s belief in Replacement Theory.

I believe the question is still a good one to explore and perhaps, like Stucky suggests, we will come up with a new way to look at it.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
February 17, 2019 5:18 pm

Jesus is living in a trailer in Pacoima just off the 5. We had some beers the other day, I think it was Thursday, and he said that he really liked TBP but that Stucky has it all wrong. I do apologize for forgetting the whole thing but we did get really drunk and I fell asleep in his bathroom.

Oh and he did say that AOC is right. It’s twelve years and out so plan accordingly.

February 19, 2019 10:58 am

It is Twenty Nineteen but not to the Jew who claims Fifty- seven Seventy-nine is the date that is true.

Let’s not be deceived by what Eve was told, perhaps there is use for some things that are old.

My friend, whom I won’t criticize too harshly, is too busy to bother with reading the essays. Perhaps she is or perhaps she’s angry I’ve been reading opinion which do not agree with her own.

It is very easy to be open minded about issues with which you agree completely. Same with people. I know that better than anybody.

My little goat got banded early this morning. The veterinarian visit was 50 bucks and I gave her a gallon bucket of eggs. A veterinarian who comes to your animals is a precious resource. I share her name with no one.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 16, 2019 9:30 am


February 16, 2019 12:21 pm


I read both your and Mary’s posts twice, every comment on both to date, every link that interested me and occasionally up/down voted. I do that sparingly and have to be significantly moved to congratulate or disagree unless it’s a direct conversation with another TBPer. I don’t like to pile on so I often pass by massive swings. I understand the time, energy and labor of love involved in pouring out your heart and intellect, congratulations to you both.

I have moved both essays and some links into my Jewish Question file for further study as that’s my way…building individual files on the big issues. My position on the JQ issue has evolved over time with expanding knowledge and especially with my determination that ‘truth’ has been proven, pointed out, unveiled, revealed and gained. I have gained much from both essays and from many who commented.

My journey on the JQ started in my early 40’s when I decided to investigate the Fed having been raised by my Father to not trust Bankers as he told me: “Always count your fingers after you shake hands with a banker”. However, soon after I started digging I took an unexpected stroll down the Damascus Road (stunning everyone who knew me including me) and spent the rest of my 40’s during the rest of the 90’s mostly with my nose buried in the Bible while slowly transforming my life.

As I said on Mary’s post I had brought up a minor point in the context of the two essays tied into bloodlines/DNA and got a lot of grist for that mill out of both essays and from many comments.

I especially liked your KISS principle Pyramid Banking system structure little graph as I can pass that on to my circle of family and friends I having been waking up for years. I’m making progress with some trying to guide them to take steps to not get wiped out in what is coming, that is Bankster formed and caused, and to prepare for what I believe is coming with other common sense steps.

I made a point of my ‘Accelerated Prep’ in a comment to Mary and she seconded that emotion. I’m spending less time on the net just starting the massive project of building a second home on my farm/homestead/compound/Last Stand that will remove most of the digital fiat I have left in the Banksters hands (no matter their bloodline or DNA) and provide shelter and a degree of self-sufficiency for the 17 people, from blood and marriage, from 92 to 12 I could shelter if its gets that ugly…and I think it will…eventually.

February 16, 2019 12:54 pm

Is it time for the discussion about the gypsies yet?

February 16, 2019 2:34 pm

A quick Gypsy story:

Summer 1965, A Motel/Bar on Route 1 in Edison NY. Just outside NYC, next to a Southern run truck stop (it’s been over used but) the bar on a Saturday night was similar to the bar scene in the first Star Wars movie.

Summer job, 9 to 5, Monday through Friday, $1.00 an hour cash at the end of the day, paid hour long lunch break – plus two hotdogs and two cokes no charge at the bar – plus I usually got a $10.00 tip on Friday, because I was a hard worker and as the Italian owner would say to me in his broken English: “You a gooda boy.” I’m the 15 year old year old room painter, slapper of tar on the roof, occasional maid, trash hauler, grunt odd job kid, and babysitter for the owner’s 15 year old retarded son who worked with me. Sweet kid, mind of a 5 or 6 year old, became quite fond of him.

A caravan of Gypsies moved in and took almost every room besides parking a number of Air Streams all over the place. The owner (Big Sal) was thrilled with the full house. The Gypies cut a deal with him to stay a week at a time.

After about 5 weeks one night they all disappeared like the Road Runner at 4:00 am, owing a full weeks rent, but the big surprise was when Sal opened the doors to the rooms that morning.

Almost every single room was stripped bare. I mean naked bare. I mean beds, chairs, light bulbs, light fixtures bedding, lamps, ironing boards, a few sinks, you name what you found in a motel room in 1965 that can be stolen…and it was. They must have worked all night.

Gypsies clean out motels.

Banksters clean out countries.

February 16, 2019 4:18 pm

Not a Gypsie story but it meshes well with your finish.

Dad put himself through college during the Depression largely through earnings from working summers on Martha’s Vineyard as a bell hop. In the evening he showed promising signs of becoming a “doer” rather than a “watcher”. He had connections that allowed him to come through when the fat cats requested something in a brown bag. Even though Papa Joe controlled most of the booze flow all the players up and down the chain were generally rewarded pretty well; Dad, dealing with the well heeled funning it up out on the island was very well rewarded. Tips from bell hopping were nominal, tips from the brown bags were substantial and put him through college.

We never talked about other evening pleasures he might locate for the gentlemen from Boston. When Chappaquiddick became famous he knew the bastard was guilty as hell. I think his disdain for the Kennedys had something to do with his brown bag enterprise; not that they were banksters, but sure acted like it at times.

February 16, 2019 5:47 pm

Another quick Gypsy story:

1995 North Carolina (older mid-sized 50,000 square foot) retail store. The remembered Reader’s Digest abridged version of a report written by one of my Loss Prevention district managers on the theft of about a $25,000 bank deposit after full investigation.

Just before the daily Armored Car pick up a well-endowed young woman in a short skirt and tight blouse has a sudden screaming, convulsing epileptic type fit, withering on the floor, just around the corner outside the office door leading to all the offices and the Money Room…where the deposit was prepared and waiting for the Armored Car pick up. Her ear piercing horrific screams emptied the offices.

During the spastic fit the young woman ripped her blouse open and her skirt was up to her waist. A number of people eventually tried to help her after their shock wore off. The male managers there later said she was about 19 or 20, one said her fit was one of the most erotic sights he had ever seen. Then suddenly her fit stopped as unexpectedly as it had started…an ambulance was on the way but a middle aged couple showed up out of nowhere, draping a jacket over her while leading her out of the store, consoling her, ignoring everyone, putting her into a waiting car driven by a fourth person who pulled up at the front doors…all four speeding away. It was then the missing deposit was discovered.

Later, a couple of employees remembered seeing the young woman in the office filling out an application the morning before and the older couple there later in the day doing the same thing. Matter of fact the middle-aged woman who helped escort her out of the store had even wandered into the Money Room looking for the ladies room. It was right before the Armored Car pick up. She had even chatted up the counters preparing the deposit.

Three applications were found and all three held fictions names and phony data.

The report ended with the fact there had been a rash of crimes throughout the town and the Chief of Police had said the Gypsies were in the area.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 17, 2019 10:04 am

“Gypsies clean out motels. Banksters clean out countries.” I like that, although some would trot out the “R” word, ya know.

I used to work in sales with a native Romanian. He was hands down the best salesman there. He could charm the pants off a nun. I was trying to remember it it was him or the Russian I worked with later that told me that the Russians hated Romanians because of the gypsies.

Anyway, here are some fun facts about gypsies.

Romanian Gypsies: A History of Problems & Particularies

“Rich Roma build palaces, but they are more likely to live in the backyard”

The Roma have a king, Dorin Cioabă…

He wrote President Trump that the Roma would come help build the wall between Mexico and the US. He was detained by Romanian authorities in September, 2017 for tax evasion.

  Mary Christine
February 17, 2019 4:27 pm

Oh, Lois Lerner finally found another job?

February 16, 2019 1:18 pm

400+ comments and a personal record for one of my articles. Thank you to all of the commenters here for your thoughts and perspectives on both MC’s article and this one.

Without a doubt, this is the coolest little digital airport bar on the web.

I took this photo while coming back this morning and was thinking how great it is not to be on the road alone. I take your ideas, humor, wit, and irony, with me where I go. (now queue up EC to talk about tears and sunsets) (insert winking emoji here).

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February 16, 2019 1:46 pm

I’m watching the last of an obscure documentary about UFOs, abductions, time travel and the moon landing hoax.

By the way, terrain like you show above? Perfect for abduction and then we all know what gets examined and how.

The discussion of reptillian aliens is starting… gotta go.

February 16, 2019 4:24 pm

Reminds of I-80, heading west through Wyoming; not enough snow fence to cover all those miles. Blue sky like that this morning, snowing now. Wonder what it is like in Cleveland?

Enjoy your stuff, Unc.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 17, 2019 9:58 am

I’m glad you wrote a follow up. There is so much more to look into if one is so inclined.

Looks like eastern Colorado or Western Kansas. I traveled I-70 more times than I can remember. I needed a book on CD to get me through it without falling asleep.

  Mary Christine
February 17, 2019 5:03 pm

Many years ago when I entered Ks I would stop at the DOT office at Oakley and ask the sweetie behind the counter (sometimes would have to wait 5 minutes for her to show up as she was “multi-tasking” out back) for the latest official highway map. Not only were they the most up to date, they were often colorful (but that depended on state finances from year to year), they were informative, and the price was right (something my rabbi would tell me, if only I had one). Not that it is possible to get lost in Ks. One year I noticed all the small Indian reservations that were outlined in different colors/hues/shades-there were so many of them. And I thought most all the reservations were down in Ok.

I often heard I-70 prisoners share their boredom of the long drive. Being an observer, I could find interesting stuff out the window to occupy the mind and imagination. Recently we had an extra day to burn so we focused on the Abilene area. Ike’s home and library; well done Greyhound museum (the dog, not the bus); delightful B&B operated by an east coast Jewess. Rich history in nearby Cottonwood Falls including the beautiful courthouse. And of course: friendly people all around. Next swing thru we will stay at B&B operated by a ranch family-but have to be careful as there is a creek to ford just before getting to the place (it does rain in Ks from time to time).

Having said that, I always pack two thermos bottles full of coffee and plenty of danish-screw the diet.

Next time be sure to wave if you see me rolling through.

February 17, 2019 9:17 am

“AIPAC is the monied Deep State and Trump is one of their many swamp creatures that are playing his blinded Christian Zionist supporters better than Obama, the Bush’s, the Clintons could do combined. He is truly the perfect Zionist operative.”

“Trump has proven himself to be the ultimate Judas goat betrayer. Christians need to wake up to the fact that the devil, not God is running the show on this planet and that includes the Rothschild State of Israel.”
The Israeli Lobby Is the Deep State

The apex of the pyramid is the Rothschild Criminal Banking Syndicate.

February 17, 2019 12:07 pm

We need to stop using words like Neocons, zionists, Bolsheviks, etc. and start speaking truth.
For example:
Jewish Federal Reserve, Bank of England and system of central and fractional reserve banks
Jewish Wall Street
Jewish International Criminal Banking Syndicate
Jewish Congress
Jewish Presidency
Jewish sick culture eminating from Jewish Hollywood
Jewish propaganda Main Stream Media
Jewsih 9/11 and the War OF Terror
Jewish wars…period
Jewish fake money called fiat currency

…just the start of a list a mile long.

February 17, 2019 12:27 pm

See Preterism…
zionism is a co-opted hoax.

By The Way
By The Way
February 17, 2019 12:41 pm

‘Here’s the problem with Preterism. Revelation 16:12 states that at the time of Armageddon, the Great River Euphrates will be dried up to make way for the Kings of the East to come down against Israel for the Battle of Armageddon (verse 16).

Preterists say that the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD was this Battle of Armageddon. Big problem: the Euphrates did not dry up. In 70 A.D. the troops who were to destroy Jerusalem at Armageddon, were to be kings of the East. However, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D. from the West not from the East.

This doctrine was founded by the Jesuits back in the time of the Reformation.’

  By The Way
February 17, 2019 12:59 pm

Prophesied events were clearly not 1000’s of years down the road!
And, there is no solid evidence for the late dating of Rev.
Either way, this ‘chosen’ group is an imposter using fear to their benefit.

By The Way
By The Way
February 17, 2019 1:21 pm

Prophesied events could not have happened unless 1000’s of years down the road!

And, there is no solid evidence for the early dating of Rev.

Fixed it for you!

  By The Way
February 18, 2019 6:03 pm

You have every right to be wrong! Cheers!

February 17, 2019 4:16 pm

I respect MC and un kola’s words on this subject. And the general suspicion of anything Jewish, by many. Doubtless much of hollyhood’s product is antisocial and antithesis to my preferred beliefs. Cue Frankfort philosophy et al.

I watched NPR’s and AARP’s recent awards show for Movies For Grownups. It was odd, different programs running simultaneously on two different PBS stations. I surfed between the two shows highlighting current movies. I realize many see PBS as just another conduit for progressive programming. So much so, any movie or TV show I watch, I am on the look out for SJW themes to tout diversity and denigrate white maleness.

However sometimes I see Jewish Hollyhood exposing something worthy of my attention, or shining a spotlight on dark things. One is the movie Spotlight. It is about how the Boston Globe exposed the pedophiles preying on the good people of Boston, and elsewhere in the Catholic dominion. Who here on TBP would see it as nothing less than a good thing.

It was directed by Tom McCarthy whom I assume is not Jewish. Central to the plot is how a new editor of the Boston Globe is Jewish and is central to the support of mostly Catholic reporters and lawyers to take on the Catholic church’s dominance of politics and the press.

“a challenge to the cultural status quo in Boston. I mean, the paper had been sold to The New York Times and now they were sending a Jew from Miami to run the place.”

Liev Schreiber plays Marty Baron in role of the new editor. His part is small but central to the plot. In the movie Marty’s hair looks like he had just taken off his kippah, leaving his hair depressed.

So I see the award winning movie as signaling virtue as a Jewish trait, enabling non jews do the right thing. And in this view I am in agreement. Some could see it as Jewish action to debase goys and Christian society, but not me, this time.

And then there is the movie Molly’s Game, directed by Ashkenazi Jew Aaron Sorkin. He champions Molly Bloom and her battle with the FBI.

“The film Molly’s Game (up for two Golden Globes on Sunday) is based on a memoir by Molly Bloom, an Olympic-level skier whose athletic career ended in a dramatic wipe-out. While looking for something to occupy her time before law school, Bloom stumbled onto the world of underground, high-stakes celebrity poker. Eventually, she found herself in the sights of U.S. prosecutors, who targeted her for her role in organizing illegal games. They wanted to her to name the powerful men who played at her table — but she refused.”

Maybe Aaron took on her story because she did not rat on some powerful persons ensconced in Hollywood. But I see it as helping a goy tell a story of struggle against AGW’s who leave her broke and in serious legal trouble.

What’s not to like? I recommend both movies should anyone be inclined to view them. I was not offended by either of them. And I saw no satanic secret messages.

(I assume no children were abused in the making of the movies and all sex was consensual among adults involved, even if quid pro quo. )

Dickweed Wang
Dickweed Wang
February 17, 2019 4:37 pm

When a group of people that comprises about 2% of the population has such an extreme influence in virtually all aspects of life in America by holding 80+% of the positions of power in areas such as banking, main stream media, the movie industry and education that’s a problem. Last I checked there was only one group that meets that criteria. Until that changes nothing else will change for the better in the USA.

  Dickweed Wang
February 17, 2019 5:02 pm

but that is what this post is about. define exactly what makes them a ‘group’ dickweed. intelligence? their mothers being tribal members? clothing? curly hair? brown eyes? the rejection of jesus as the jew who saves? synagogue attendance? what exactly?

Barry G.
Barry G.
February 17, 2019 5:15 pm

Jew hating is no different than any other ancient superstition. Paranoia creates patterns that become evil dieties to either condemn or appease.

  Dickweed Wang
February 18, 2019 11:32 am

Knew a guy who toiled in the Ticket Resolution office for a big NYC based (now defunct) airline. The most obnoxious callers who would ALWAYS try to swindle the airline for better compensation of their “grievance”-amounted to about 2% of his calls and the worst for that kind of abuse were the JFK to Palm Beach flights in the winter. Abe never won and the clerk, well, he doesn’t much care for certain groups anymore.

But that was before the days of “Sensitivity Training”.

February 17, 2019 5:15 pm

Looks like all you smarties are getting most of the layers of this stinking onion peeled off. So, time for a question, please?

In your opinion, and in light the 6,000,000 story, should that A. Hitler fellow be deemed a good guy or a rascal?

Sorry Eva, you do not get a vote in this one.

February 17, 2019 5:38 pm

500! Some games never get old.

February 17, 2019 9:13 pm

500 is unbelievable and there’s much to unpack on this thread. As the games begin, I wanted to thank all of the players once again.

After all is said and done, it is unlikely anyone’s minds were changed, but the comments did get me to thinking in new directions as well as some new potentialities to consider and watch over time.

Going through the comments this evening I kept thinking of this from the piece:

….belief systems are like rubber bands: They stretch and take new form temporarily, before bouncing right back into place; to the sounds of front doors locking, mouse clicks, and heads hitting pillows.

Except I didn’t really see any new forms; not even temporarily taken. So, perhaps, the more our ideas are challenged, the more we adhere to them. And maybe that’s okay to a point.

In any event, I ask myself all the time:

“Am I right? Or do I just THINK I’m right?”

Well, fortunately, time tells.

I guess we’ll see.

February 17, 2019 10:39 pm

500 all on the back of Mary C’s article.
A fine piece of Obfuscation by a Crypto Jew. Only a controlled opposition Jew would come up with a statement disguised as a Question. WHAT IS A JEW? Everyone here knows damn good and well what a Jew is.
Uncola said I protest too much. I didn’t write a 20,000 word rebuttal to Mary’s Jew bashing article plus another 5,000 in replies. The Crypto Jew did.
Mary did a good job of avoiding being labeled a Jew hater even though her videos were full of Jews conspiring against the Goy.
Uncola said he went on a profanity laced tirade for Mary’s sake. To save her article from the Nazi Jew Haters. Smacks of Dudley Dooright “I’ll save you Nell”.
What I think has been established after 1,000 replies is that 97% of you have been well cowed by the Pro Joo propaganda to the point where you are inwardly saying I JUST LOVE BIG BROTHER.
Talk about Jewholm Syndrome.

Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer
February 17, 2019 11:06 pm

Can there be any doubt that Fleabags is fucking retarded?
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  Jack Hammer
February 17, 2019 11:22 pm

Or that Jack loves circumcised dick. Suck away Soros Boy.

By The Way
By The Way
February 18, 2019 4:15 am


Simple minds need easy foes and those who can’t answer questions whine about them like little bitches.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Jack Hammer
February 18, 2019 5:05 pm
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
February 17, 2019 10:51 pm

Busy day at the outdoor gun range today.

Really busy given the weather.

Actually, perhaps just so-so busy given the “current conditions”.

With no comment on this article and no offense whatsoever to the author, the Asymmetrical Warfare [Shit] Piece from yesterday should also be FEATURED… right above or below this one, based on the subject and number and depth of comments.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 18, 2019 11:35 am
Taras 77
Taras 77
February 18, 2019 11:58 am

Not sure if this article has been posted but here it is-the drum beat seems to be getting louder and louder:

There is another article over on american conservative by Robert Merry that focuses primarily on the “Deep State.” I am not sure if there is a distinction between deep state and israeli lobby but at the end of the day, I doubt that there is. Anyway, I did not post the merry article because i did not want to blur the issues and the picture-to my mind, the israeli lobby is the evil power operating thru the deep state but that may be obvious.

February 18, 2019 1:24 pm

“No wonder the Germans lost the war when they bombed Pearl Harbor.”

Say what ?

February 18, 2019 2:36 pm


That was my attempt to be ironical in combination with Bluto’s speech in the 1978 comedy “Animal House”

It was also addressed further up in the commentary as follows:

Einstein was German. Little Albert completed physics for Atom Bomb. Hitler threw the baby out with the bathwater. Hitler’s Axis allies, the Japs, are tricked into bombing Pearl Harbor marking the United States’ formal entry into World War II. Uncle Sam kicks Adolph’s ass and drops little Albert’s toys on Japs. War won.

So Bluto was right. And this is why I put into my piece above:

“Adolph Hitler threw Einstein out with the untermenschen in the bathwater. No wonder the Germans lost the war when they bombed Pearl Harbor.”

PooPoo Bongo
PooPoo Bongo
February 18, 2019 5:15 pm

I don’t discount Li’l Al was a smart one but not by magnitude (((they))) attribute to him… a little diggin’ never hurt anybody:

Proponents of Einstein have acted in a way that appears to corrupt the historical record.

Albert Einstein (1879 -1955), Time Magazine’s “Person of the Century”, wrote a long treatise on special relativity theory (it was actually called “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”, 1905a), without listing any references. Many of the key ideas it presented were known to Lorentz (for example, the Lorentz transformation) and Poincaré before Einstein wrote the famous 1905 paper.

As was typical of Einstein, he did not discover theories; he merely commandeered them. He took an existing body of knowledge, picked and chose the ideas he liked, then wove them into a tale about his contribution to special relativity. This was done with the full knowledge and consent of many of his peers, such as the editors at Annalen der Physik.

The most recognizable equation of all time is E = mc2.
It is attributed by convention to be the sole province of Albert Einstein (1905).

However, the conversion of matter into energy and energy into matter was known to Sir Isaac Newton (“Gross bodies and light are convertible into one another…”, 1704). The equation can be attributed to S. Tolver Preston (1875), to Jules Henri Poincaré (1900; according to Brown, 1967) and to Olinto De Pretto (1904) before Einstein. Since Einstein never correctly derived E = mc2 (Ives, 1952), there appears nothing to connect the equation with anything original by Einstein.

Arthur Eddington’s selective presentation of data from the 1919 Eclipse so that it supposedly supported “Einstein’s” general relativity theory is surely one of the biggest scientific hoaxes of the 20th century. His lavish support of Einstein corrupted the course of history. Eddington was less interested in testing a theory than he was in crowning Einstein the king of science.

The physics community, unwittingly perhaps, has engaged in a kind of fraud and silent conspiracy; this is the byproduct of simply being bystanders as the hyperinflation of Einstein’s record and reputation took place.

This silence benefited anyone supporting Einstein.

Hat Tip:
by Richard Moody, Jr

Extracted from Nexus Magazine

Volume 11, Number 1

(December 2003-January 2004)

from NexusMagazine Website

February 18, 2019 1:44 pm

#RobertDavidSteele #Unrig #OpensourceEverything
ROBERT DAVID STEELE: What Trump’s About To Do Is SHOCKING! (Powerful Interview)

At 30 minutes Steele addresses his opinion on Zionism and Judaism.

Say what you want about Steel and any of his positions he doesn’t chew his cabbage twice.

Taras 77
Taras 77
February 18, 2019 1:51 pm

Wasserman schultz election fraud in broward county: this is what “they do>”

20 min tape with Jimmy dore on latest on this coverup, rosenstein reinstating election supervisor after she was fired for fraud.

February 18, 2019 2:29 pm

Ideology does trump dna, regardless of the dna
One clear example is an NRA convention

The idea that ALL of any group are one , then all the Catholics I know must be pedo’s, and I know better.

Thanks a for an interesting read

February 19, 2019 12:03 pm

The 2 main keys time wise to where we are all VERY soon heading wether we believe it or like it or not is in Hosea 6:1&2 and Matthew 24:34.

Hosea tells of the 2 day or 2000 year spiritual diaspora or setting aside, not abandoning, of national Israel by God and then it’s binding up and healing for 1 day or 1000 years also by God. Beginning with the crucifixion of Jesus at the end of the 69th week of Daniel at His triumphal entry and crucifixion and ending 2000 years later at the end of the 70th week of Daniel at His second coming at Armageddon.

The Matthew 24 parable of the fig tree tells us that the generation present at the 1948 Ezekiel 36 reformation of national Israel will live to see the second coming of Jesus at Armageddon.

Psalm 90 verse 4 conveniently tells us 1ooo years to us is like a day to God and a generation is 70-80 years. This gives us the interpretation of the above verses.

2 days or two thousand years from the temporary cutting of national Israel spiritually at Jesus crucifixion is approximately 2033 and a max 80 year generation from 1948 is 2028. Thus the 70th week of Daniel or last 7 year reign of the Revelation 13 Antichrist and false prophet by the Dragon or Satan and the return of Jesus at Armageddon MUST occur by approximately 2033.

If you subtract the seven year 70th week of Daniel or tribulation period the global satanist NWO by the Antichrist MUST begin by approximately 2026.

DO the homework. Do the math.
Disbelieve at our own peril.
He who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

This Comment is for All People Not Just White Ones
This Comment is for All People Not Just White Ones
February 19, 2019 4:36 pm

‘DO the homework. Do the math.
Disbelieve at our own peril.
He who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’

The 2032-2033 Tetrad

25-04-32 (Pesach 27-03-32), 18-10-32 (Sukkot 20-09-32), 14-04-33 (Pesach), 08-10-33 (Sukkot)

Here, only the blood moons in 2033 coincide with Pesach and Sukkot. But the time alignment is closer than for the 1493-94 tetrad. So again, this may be a crucial time for Israel and for the world. For instance, NASA says there is a remote possibility of a huge asteroid impact in 2032, and the Bible suggests such an impact in Rev 8.8.