Our Dictators Aren’t Going To Evolve Into ‘Humble Public Servants’

Via Blue State Conservative

It takes a history of pathology for a person to develop into someone who thinks he is so much better than everyone else that he is entitled to tell them how to live–or whether they should be allowed to live at all.

Issues of character as deep as those rarely change, but they do fester.

The proliferation of attitudes that either tolerate or reward this evil notion has been the true pandemic. It is a historical reality that the variants get progressively worse, not better.

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Authoritarianism Pandemic is the Real Threat

Guest Post by Ron Paul

Cook County, Illinois, Judge James Shapiro reached a new low in covid tyranny by forbidding Rebecca Firlit from seeing her 11-year-old son until she receives a covid vaccine. Judge Shapiro is not alone in abusing judicial power to force individuals to get vaccinated. Judges across the country have ordered defendants to get covid vaccines, sometimes as a condition of avoiding prison. This outbreak of judicial tyranny is a symptom of the authoritarianism pandemic that is the real threat to America.

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100 Years of Authoritarian Dreams of Control Have Been Realized

Via Blue State Conservative

The ultimate control of our world has devolved into the hands of an oligarchy with great influence.  Their status in international society is determined by three factors: wealth, expertise, and slavish social conformity therein.  Being included in the elite circle bestows personal recognition of one’s importance to society and is relentlessly pursued by those who are emotionally bereft.

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Authoritarians Drunk on Power: It Is Time to Recalibrate the Government

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

“The executive power in our government is not the only, perhaps not even the principal, object of my solicitude. The tyranny of the legislature is really the danger most to be feared, and will continue to be so for many years to come. The tyranny of the executive power will come in its turn, but at a more distant period.”― Thomas Jefferson, Democracy in America

It is time to recalibrate the government.

For years now, we have suffered the injustices, cruelties, corruption and abuse of an entrenched government bureaucracy that has no regard for the Constitution or the rights of the citizenry.

By “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law.

We are overdue for a systemic check on the government’s overreaches and power grabs.

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“There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” – George Orwell 1984


“People will agree with you only if they already agree with you. You do not change people’s minds.”Frank Zappa

Orwell and Zappa’s words of wisdom have never been truer than they are today. The level of untruth proliferated by the government, mainstream media, central bankers, military leaders, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Corp., and billionaire oligarchs has reached prolific heights. We are lost in a whirlwind of lies, destined to grow into a tornado of tragedy and ultimately result in a cascade of consequences.

Since the installation of the illegitimate dementia patient as president of this dying empire of debt by the Deep State (billionaire oligarchs, surveillance state agencies, military industrial complex, Silicon Valley censorship tyrants, corrupt bought off state politicians, Soros installed bureaucrats, and their propaganda arm – fake news media outlets), the country has further fractured into warring factions.


Gradually, then suddenly: Authoritarianism

Guest Post by Marty Bent

I woke up this morning and saw this tweet from Michael Krieger urging his followers to read an excerpt from They Thought They Were Free The Germans, 1933-45 and I am very happy that he did so. We talk a lot about the gradually, then suddenly nature of Bitcoin acceptance, adoption and domination. Today, I’d like to turn your attention towards another gradually, then suddenly trend we follow from time to time in this rag but needs more attention at this current juncture; the slow creep towards Authoritarianism. We’ve touched on isolated instances of this slow creep in many issues throughout the past, but I’d like to attempt to bring some of these disparate instances into hyper focus using this retrospective on Nazi Germany as a guide to help highlight how we may be embarking on a similar path at the moment.

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“THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.” – Harrison Bergeron – Kurt Vonnegut

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Short Story Bundle Common Core Aligned

Kurt Vonnegut’s short story – Harrison Bergeron – was written in 1961, and in Vonnegut’s darkly satirical style, portrayed America in 2081 as an disgracefully dystopian nightmare. Little did Vonnegut know what he considered outrageous and 120 years in the future, would be far closer to our current dystopian reality just 60 years later. The story was brought to my attention by my wife a week ago when we were talking about the absurdity of masks, their uselessness in stopping viruses, how they are nothing more than a means to control the population, being used to spread fear, and as a dehumanizing technique.



“The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” – Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning 

How a contested election could send the U.S. into a constitutional crisis - MarketWatch It's not the chairman of the Joint Chiefs' job to remove Trump from office if he won't leave.

“There is no darkness but ignorance. The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.” William Shakespeare

I read The Fourth Turning in 2006, after seeing it described in John Mauldin and Doug Casey’s newsletters as an uncannily accurate assessment of American history based upon generational configurations which recur on eighty-year cycles, a long human life. Strauss and Howe wrote the book in 1997 and used their generational theory to predict the Crisis that would begin in the mid-2000’s and come to an indeterminate climax in the mid-2020’s.


A dystopian look ahead at a lost decade of oligarchy, xenophobia, and soul-crushing surveillance

Guest Post by Yanis Varoufakis

ATHENS, Greece (Project Syndicate) — To exorcise my worst fears about the coming decade, I chose to write a bleak chronicle of it. If, by December 2030, developments have invalidated it, I hope such dreary prognoses will have played a part by spurring us to appropriate action.

Before our pandemic-induced lockdowns, politics seemed to be a game. Political parties behaved like sports teams having good or bad days, scoring points that propelled them up a league table that, at season’s end, determined who would form a government and then do next to nothing.

Many on the left still cling to the hope that the COVID-19 crisis will translate into the use of state power on behalf of the powerless. But those in authority have never hesitated to harness government intervention to the preservation of oligarchy, and a pandemic alone won’t change that.

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Several States Issue Orders Requiring People To Run Around In Giant Hamster Balls

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S.— Americans in several states are readily adopting new social distancing measures that will guarantee that no one ever gets sick again. California, New York, Michigan and Washington state legislatures have all issued new orders to their citizens to indefinitely don a plastic hamster ball whenever they decide to travel outside their home.  The human-sized hamster balls are made to be impervious to all foreign particulate matter from the outside world including viruses, bacteria, and oxygen.

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‘Expect MASSIVE protests?’ Gavin Newsom catches heat ahead of expected beach closures in California

Via Marketwatch

They had their chance, and they blew it.

That appears to be the stance of California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is about to issue an order to close all state beaches starting Friday, according to a memo cited by CNN.

“We wanted to give all of our members a heads up about this in order to provide time for you to plan for any situations you might expect as a result, knowing each community has its own dynamics,” the widely circulated memo said, blaming the overcrowding of beaches last weekend.

Here’s the full memo:

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Guest Post by Skinny

What do Authoritarians do when can they no longer Authoritate?

There has been a great deal of thought put into what will happen when things get back to normal.  We can go to work again, take in a ball game, play golf or tennis, take the kids to the park, all good things.  Well, almost all good things.  It’s time we start to think of the losers who will be created when all this ends.  The soon to be marginalized, the left out, the ignored, yes, the politicians.  I’m not talking about our Tweeter in Chief; good luck ignoring him.  Love him, hate him, makes no difference.

Our non-stop 24 hour news cycle will insure that he is never ignored.  No, I am talking about our lesser Trumps.  The governors and mayors who occupy our time between White House daily briefings.  Who is going to watch Coffee with Cuomo when all he has to talk about is transgender bathrooms in the Capitol Building?  Or Bill DiBlasio ramble on about new bike lanes or how people of color are underrepresented in the albino community.


As the Games Begin: The One about the Jews, the Baby, & the Bathwater

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com


Certainly any one who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.

– Voltaire. (1765). “Questions sur les Miracles”.


This blogger has posted over 120 original essays since the fall of 2016. With topics ranging from politics to philosophy, I’ve strived to be true for the most part; and, at the very least, accurate.  In so doing, I would attempt to find three separate ways to vet source material – and, in my mind at least, I’ve built some trust with the readers and believe my essays, so far, have stood the test of time.  But if I ever wrote anything blatantly false, everything written henceforth by me, as well as my past articles, should be viewed with greater suspicion by the readers; and for good reason.

Accordingly, we are very fortunate to have the internet; at the very least, for its processing capabilities.  It is in the digital rooms of the interwebic blogosphere where intelligent people face-off in a virtual mixed-martial-arts cage fight where free thought and speech, link attributions, and interactive media, are traded like jabs, uppercuts, body-blows, and roundhouse kicks.  Using the ethernet to test ideas could also be compared to running software at the speed of light, with multiple programming variations, and zero real life consequences; until, that is, we choose to apply the computations. And this is when it becomes risky business.

Continue reading “As the Games Begin: The One about the Jews, the Baby, & the Bathwater”