The 9/11 Deception Remains In Control Of America’s Destiny

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The 18th anniversary of 9/11 is over, but 9/11 isn’t.  September 11, 2001, is the defining event of America’s 21st century.  The neoconservatives used their false flag event to destroy the Bill of Rights and turn the American people over to a police state, and they used the New Pearl Harbor that they orchestrated to launch their wars of aggression in the Middle East for the purpose of reconstructing the Middle East in Israel’s interest.  The new American police state will become more oppressive as time goes by, and now that Israel has the bit in its teeth the United States will likely be forced into a war that will result in nuclear Armageddon.

The evil inherent in Washington’s attacks on Islamic countries has resulted in the intervention by other powerful countries who are threatened by the chaos that Washington has sowed for two decades in the Middle East. Russia for one intervened in Syria and stopped the neoconservative orchestrated overthrow of the Syrian government, thereby making the world aware that American unilateralism was over.  This realization together with the constant stream of lies and threats issuing from Washington has undermined America’s influence in the world and will lead to the breakup of Washington’s empire.

Edward Curtin explains how the insouciant American people were set up in advance through a form of linguistic mind control to accept the utterly implausible official explanation of 9/11.  Indeed, the term 9/11 is itself part of the mind control.  Curtain disavows its use.  I agree with him. We need a different way of naming the event. I am open to suggestions.

I found convincing Curtin’s explanation of how language was used to set up the American people in advance to accept the official explanation of the defining event of 21st century America.  I recommend it to you:

Why I Don’t Speak of the Fake News of “9/11” Anymore

Edward Curtin

September 11, 2019

This article was posted last year but is still pertinent, so I am re-posting it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001, was a non-teaching day for me.  I was home when the phone rang at 9 A.M.  It was my daughter, who was on a week’s vacation with her future husband.  “Turn on the TV,” she said.  “Why?” I asked.  “Haven’t you heard?  A plane hit the World Trade Tower.”

I turned the TV on and watched a plane crash into the Tower.  I said, “They just showed a replay.”  She quickly corrected me, “No, that’s another plane.”  And we talked as we watched in horror, learning that it was the South Tower this time.  Sitting next to my daughter was my future son-in-law; he had not had a day off from work in a year.  He had finally taken a week’s vacation so they could go to Cape Cod.  He worked on the 100th floor of the South Tower.  By chance, he had escaped the death that claimed 176 of his co-workers.

That was my introduction to the attacks.  Seventeen years have disappeared behind us, yet it seems like yesterday.  And yet again, it seems like long, long ago.

Over the next few days, as the government and the media accused Osama bin Laden and 19 Arabs of being responsible for the attacks, I told a friend that what I was hearing wasn’t believable; the official story was full of holes. I am a born and bred New Yorker with a long family history rooted in the NYC Fire and Police Departments, one grandfather having been the Deputy Chief of the Fire Department, the highest ranking uniformed firefighter, and the other a NYPD cop; a niece and her husband were NYPD detectives deeply involved in the response to that day’s attacks. Hearing the absurd official explanations and the deaths of so many innocent people, including many hundreds of firefighters, cops, and emergency workers, I felt a suspicious rage. It was a reaction that I couldn’t fully explain, but it set me on a search for the truth.  I proceeded in fits and starts, but by the fall of 2004, with the help of the extraordinary work of David Ray Griffin, Michael Ruppert, and other early skeptics, I could articulate the reasons for my initial intuition.  I set about creating and teaching a college course on what had come to be called 9/11.

But I no longer refer to the events of that day by those numbers.  Let me explain why.

By 2004 I had enough solid evidence to convince me that the U.S. government’s claims (and The 9/11 Commission Report) were fictitious.  They seemed so blatantly false that I concluded the attacks were a deep-state intelligence operation whose purpose was to initiate a national state of emergency to justify wars of aggression, known euphemistically as “the war on terror.”  The sophistication of the attacks, and the lack of any proffered evidence for the government’s claims, suggested that a great deal of planning had been involved.

Yet I was chagrined and amazed by so many people’s insouciant lack of interest in questioning and researching the most important world event since the assassination of President Kennedy.  I understood the various psychological dimensions of this denial, the fear, cognitive dissonance, etc., but I sensed something else as well.  For so many people their minds seemed to have been “made up” from the start.  I found that many young people were the exceptions, while most of their elders dared not question the official narrative.  These included many prominent leftist critics of American foreign policy, such as Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Alexander Cockburn, and others, whose defenses of the official government and media explanations (when they even made such defenses; often they just trashed skeptics as “9/11 conspiracy nuts,” to quote Cockburn) totally lacked any scientific or logical rigor or even knowledge of the facts.  Now that seventeen years have elapsed, this seems truer than ever.  There is a long list of leftists who refuse to examine matter to this very day.  And most interestingly, they also do the same with the assassination of JFK, the other key seminal event of recent American history.

I kept thinking of the ongoing language and logic used to describe what had happened that terrible day in 2001 and in the weeks to follow.  It all seemed so clichéd and surreal, as if set phrases had it been extracted from some secret manual, phrases that rung with an historical resonance that cast a spell on the public, as if mass hypnosis were involved.  People seemed mesmerized as they spoke of the events in the official language that had been presented to them.

So with the promptings of people like Graeme MacQueen, Lance deHaven-Smith, T.H. Meyer, et al., and much study and research, I have concluded that my initial intuitive skepticism was correct and that a process of linguistic mind-control was in place before, during, and after the attacks.  As with all good propaganda, the language had to be insinuated over time and introduced through intermediaries.  It had to seem “natural” and to flow out of events, not to precede them.  And it had to be repeated over and over again.

In summary form, I will list the language I believe “made up the minds” of those who have refused to examine the government’s claims about the September 11 attacks and the subsequent anthrax attacks.

  1. Pearl Harbor.  As pointed out by David Ray Griffin and others, this term was used in September 2000 in The Project for the New American Century’s (PNAC) report, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” (p.51).  Its neo-con authors argued that the U.S. wouldn’t be able to attack Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. “absent some catastrophic event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”  Then on January 11, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s “Space Commission” warned that the U.S. could face a “space Pearl Harbor” if it weren’t careful and didn’t increase space security.  Rumsfeld urged support for the proposed U.S. national missile defense system opposed by Russia and China and massive funding for the increased weaponization of space.  At the same time he went around handing out and recommending Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision (1962) by Roberta Wohlstetter, who had spent almost two decades working for The Rand Corporation and who claimed that Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack that shocked U.S. leaders. Pearl Harbor, Pearl Harbor, Pearl Harbor – those words and images dominated public consciousness for many months before 11 September 2001, and of course after.  The film Pearl Harbor, made with Pentagon assistance and a massive budget, was released on May 25, 2001 and was a box office hit.   It was in the theatres throughout the summer.  The thought of the attack on Pearl Harbor (not a surprise to the U.S. government, but presented as such) was in the news all summer despite the fact that the 60th anniversary of that attack was not until December 7, 2001, a more likely release date. So why was it released so early?  Once the September 11 attacks occurred, the Pearl Harbor analogy was “plucked out” of the social atmosphere and used constantly, beginning immediately. Another “Day of Infamy,” another surprise attack blared the media and government officials.  A New Pearl Harbor!  George W.  Bush was widely reported to have had the time that night, after a busy day of flying hither and yon to avoid the terrorists who for some reason had forgotten he was in a classroom in Florida, to allegedly use it in his diary, writing that “the Pearl Harbor of the twenty-first century took place today.  We think it is Osama bin Laden.”  Shortly after the 50th anniversary of Pearl Harbor on December 7th, Bush then formerly announced, referencing the attacks of September 11, that the U. S. would withdraw from the ABM Treaty. The examples of this Pearl Harbor/ September 11 analogy are manifold, but I am summarizing, so I will skip giving them.  Any casual researcher can confirm this.

2. Homeland.  This strange un-American term, another WW II word associated with another enemy – Nazi Germany – was also used many times by the neo-con authors of “Rebuilding America’s Defenses.”  I doubt any average American referred to this country by that term before.  Of course it became the moniker for The Department of Homeland Security, marrying home with security to form a comforting name that simultaneously and unconsciously suggests a defense against Hitler-like evil coming from the outside.  Not coincidentally, Hitler introduced it into the Nazi propaganda vernacular at the 1934 Nuremberg rally. Both usages conjured up images of a home besieged by alien forces intent on its destruction; thus preemptive action was in order.  Now the Department of Homeland Security with its massive budget is lodged permanently in popular consciousness.

3. Ground Zero.  This is a third WWII (“the Good War”) term first used at 11:55 A.M. on September 11 by Mark Walsh (aka “the Harley Guy” because he was wearing a Harley-Davidson tee shirt) in an interview on the street by a Fox News reporter, Rick Leventhal. Identified as a Fox free-lancer, Walsh also explained the Twin Towers collapse in a precise, well-rehearsed manner that would be the same illogical and anti-scientific explanation later given by the government: “mostly due to structural failure because the fire was too intense.” Ground zero – a nuclear bomb term first used by U.S. scientists to refer to the spot where they exploded the first nuclear bomb in New Mexico in 1945 – became another meme adopted by the media that suggested a nuclear attack had occurred or might in the future if the U.S. didn’t act. The nuclear scare was raised again and again by George W. Bush and U.S. officials in the days and months following the attacks, although nuclear weapons were beside the point in terms of the 11 September attacks, but surely not as a scare tactic and as part of the plan to withdraw from the ABM treaty that would be announced in December.  But the conjoining of “nuclear” with “ground zero” served to raise the fear factor dramatically.  Ironically, the project to develop the nuclear bomb was called the Manhattan Project and was headquartered at 270 Broadway, NYC, a few short blocks north of the World Trade Center.

4. The Unthinkable.  This is another nuclear term whose usage as linguistic mind control and propaganda is brilliantly analyzed by Graeme MacQueen in the penultimate chapter of his very important book, The 2001 Anthrax Deception.  He notes the patterned use of this term before and after September 11, while saying “the pattern may not signify a grand plan …. It deserves investigation and contemplation.”  He then presents a convincing case that the use of this term couldn’t be accidental.  He notes how George W. Bush, in a major foreign policy speech on May 1, 2001, “gave informal public notice that the United States intended to withdraw unilaterally from the ABM Treaty”; Bush said the U.S. must be willing to “rethink the unthinkable.”  This was necessary because of terrorism and rogue states with “weapons of mass destruction.”  PNAC also argued that the U.S. should withdraw from the treaty.  A signatory to the treaty could only withdraw after giving six months notice and because of “extraordinary events” that “jeopardized its supreme interests.” Once the September 11 attacks occurred, Bush rethought the unthinkable and officially gave formal notice on December 13 to withdraw the U.S. from the ABM Treaty, as previously noted.  MacQueen specifies the many times different media used the term “unthinkable” in October 2001 in reference to the anthrax attacks.  He explicates its usage in one of the anthrax letters – “The Unthinkabel” [sic].  He explains how the media that used the term so often were at the time unaware of its usage in the anthrax letter since that letter’s content had not yet been revealed, and how the letter writer had mailed the letter before the media started using the word.  He makes a rock solid case showing the U.S. government’s complicity in the anthrax attacks and therefore in the Sept 11 attacks.  While calling the use of the term “unthinkable” in all its iterations “problematic,” he writes, “The truth is that the employment of ‘the unthinkable’ in this letter, when weight is given both to the meaning of this term in U.S. strategic circles and to the other relevant uses of the term in 2001, points us in the direction of the U.S. military and intelligence communities.”  I am reminded of Orwell’s point in 1984: “a heretical thought – that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc – should be literally unthinkable, at least as far as thought is dependent on words.”  Thus the government and media’s use of “unthinkable” becomes a classic case of “doublethink.”  The unthinkable is unthinkable.

5.  9/11.  This is the key usage that has reverberated down the years around which the others revolve. It is an anomalous numerical designation applied to an historical event, and obviously also the emergency telephone number.  Try to think of another numerical appellation for an important event in American history.  It’s impossible.  But if you have a good historical sense, you will remember that the cornerstone for the Pentagon was lain on September 11, 1941, three months before the attack on Pearl Harbor, and that the CIA engineered a coup against the Allende government in Chile on Sept 11, 1973.  Just strange coincidences?  The future editor of The New York Times and Iraq war promoter, Bill Keller, introduced the emergency phone connection on the morning of September 12th in a NY Times op-ed piece, “America’s Emergency Line: 911.”  The linkage of the attacks to a permanent national emergency was thus subliminally introduced, as Keller mentioned Israel nine times and seven times compared the U.S. situation to that of Israel as a target for terrorists.  His first sentence reads: “An Israeli response to America’s aptly dated wake-up call might well be, ‘Now you know.’”  By referring to September 11 as 9/11, an endless national emergency fear became wedded to an endless war on terror aimed at preventing Hitler-like terrorists from obliterating us with nuclear weapons that could create another ground zero or holocaust.  Mentioning Israel (“America is proud to be Israel’s closest ally and best friend in the world,” George W. Bush would tell the Israeli Knesset) so many times, Keller was not very subtly performing an act of legerdemain with multiple meanings.  By comparing the victims of the 11 September attacks to Israeli “victims,” he was implying, among other things, that the Israelis are innocent victims who are not involved in terrorism, but are terrorized by Palestinians, as Americans are terrorized by fanatical Muslims.  Palestinians/Al-Qaeda.  Israel/U.S.  Explicit and implicit parallels of the guilty and the innocent.  Keller tells us who the real killers are.  His use of the term 9/11 is a term that pushes all the right buttons, evoking unending social fear and anxiety.  It is language as sorcery. It is propaganda at its best. Even well-respected critics of the U.S. government’s explanation use the term that has become a fixture of public consciousness through endless repetition.   As George W. Bush would later put it, as he connected Saddam Hussein to “9/11” and pushed for the Iraq war, “We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.”  All the ingredients for a linguistic mind-control smoothie had been blended.

I have concluded – and this is impossible to prove definitively because of the nature of such propagandistic techniques – that the use of all these words/numbers is part of a highly sophisticated linguistic mind-control campaign waged to create a narrative that has lodged in the minds of hundreds of millions of people and is very hard to dislodge.

It is why I don’t speak of “9/11” any more. I refer to those events as the attacks of September 11, 2001, which is a mouth-full and not easily digested in the age of Twitter and texting.  But I am not sure how to be more succinct or how to undo the damage, except by writing what I have written here.

Lance deHaven-Smith puts it well in Conspiracy Theory in America. The rapidity with which the new language of the war on terror appeared and took hold; the synergy between terms and their mutual connections to WW II nomenclatures; and above all the connections between many terms and the emergency motif of “9/11” and “9-1-1” – any one of these factors alone, but certainly all of them together – raise the possibility that work on this linguistic construct began long before 9/11….It turns out that elite political crime, even treason, may actually be official policy.

Needless to say, his use of the words “possibility” and “may” are in order when one sticks to strict empiricism.  However, when one reads his full text, it is apparent to me that he considers these “coincidences” part of a conspiracy.  I have also reached that conclusion.  As Thoreau put in his underappreciated humorous way, “Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk.”

The evidence for linguistic mind control, while the subject of this essay, does not stand alone, of course.  It underpins the actual attacks of September 11 and the subsequent anthrax attacks that are linked.  The official explanations for these events by themselves do not stand up to elementary logic and are patently false, as proven by thousands of well-respected professional researchers from all walks of life – i.e. engineers, pilots, scientists, architects, and scholars from many disciplines (see the upcoming 9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation by David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth, to be released September 11, 2018).  To paraphrase the prescient Vince Salandria, who said it long ago concerning the government’s assassination of President Kennedy, the attacks of 2001 are “a false mystery concealing state crimes.”  If one objectively studies the 2001 attacks together with the language adopted to explain and preserve them in social memory, the “mystery” emerges from the realm of the unthinkable and becomes utterable. “There is no mystery.” The truth becomes obvious.

How to communicate this when the corporate mainstream media serve the function of the government’s mockingbird (as in Operation Mockingbird), repeating and repeating and repeating the same narrative in the same language; that is the difficult task we are faced with, but there are signs today that breakthroughs are occurring, as growing numbers of international academic scholars are pushing to incorporate the analysis of the official propaganda surrounding 11 September 2001 into their work within the academy, a turnabout from years of general silence.  And more and more people are coming to realize that the official lies about 11 September are the biggest example of fake news in this century.  Fake news used to justify endless wars and the slaughter of so many innocents around the world.

Words have a power to enchant and mesmerize.  Linguistic mind-control, especially when linked to traumatic events such as the September 11 and the anthrax attacks, can strike people dumb and blind.  It often makes some subjects “unthinkable” and “unspeakable” (to quote Jim Douglass quoting Thomas Merton in JFK and the Unspeakable: the unspeakable “is the void that contradicts everything that is spoken even before the words are said.”).

We need a new vocabulary to speak of these terrible things.  Let us learn, as Chief Joseph said, to speak with a straight tongue, and in language that doesn’t do the enemies work of mind control, but snaps the world awake to the truth of the mass murders of September 11, 2001 that have been used to massacre millions across the world.

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old white guy
old white guy
September 14, 2019 9:51 am

The use of language to obscure truth just never gets old. Allowing one’s enemies to live in your country sure became a good idea. Let them vote, let them lie, let them occupy seats in government and then blame your own people for what they have done and continue to do.

Steve C.
Steve C.
September 14, 2019 10:24 am

And one of the mantra’s shouted by the mindless masses was, “We’re fighting them over there so that we won’t have to fight them over here.”

Fast forward 18 years and we’re still fighting them over there and now we’re BRINGING them over here – by the boatload. And who’s paying for all of their boats, clothes, supplies, etc?

Once here we are providing these stone age barbarians with free healthcare, free schooling (I won’t call it education), and a free pass to commit all sorts of crimes and atrocities against us while vowing to kill us all as non-believers…


Vote Harder
Vote Harder
  Steve C.
September 14, 2019 11:54 am

I guess you didn’t vote hard enough Steve.

September 14, 2019 10:32 am

The bastards still live free among us. What other despicable acts have they got in store for us?
I expect more “gun violence” false flag operations. They have to get those guns.
“From my dead hands”.

September 14, 2019 1:00 pm


I think Civil War 2 is a definite Win/Win/Win for the Luciferian Globalists, and Gun Control could be the Fort Sumter they will push for/force to trigger it.

After the war ends, no matter how it goes:

1. The U.S. will no long be a Superpower. The killing will be massive.

2. The U.S. will be broken up into enclaves and regional powers. We will have become Balkanized.

3. Countless millions of useless eaters will be dead. Georgia Guide Stones 101.

Mix in other potential black swans that will follow, and the U.S. is off the world stage, and The ‘Luciferian Powers That Be’ (TLPTB – new acronym I am coining to replace TPTB at the tippy tippy top of the Pyramid) can then deal with what has survived, and still opposes their NWO separately and much more easily.

That also explains why the U.S. cannot be found in Bible end time’s prophecy.

That’s my best theory at this time. I am preparing accordingly.

September 14, 2019 1:06 pm

So bluntly stated you scared me speechless.

  M G
September 14, 2019 1:22 pm

M G,

One way to force it is to pop the Everything Bubble before 2020 along with more mass shootings, get the Dems back in full power (just replay 2007/8) full court media press throwing gasoline on the fires, eventually go for ‘forced buybacks’ then sit back, fund/encourage both sides, and just let U.S. tear ourselves apart.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 14, 2019 1:34 pm

Yea, that’s about the size of it.

September 14, 2019 9:15 pm

My Mercedes dealership just built a huge new facility to allow them to keep tons of cars in stock on the property. Mercedes has gone all out to offer reasonably priced new models for the younger buyers who are not rolling in money. Also, there has been a great deal of expansion in commercial properties around here coupled with a massive addition of pricey apartment complexes that really surprises me.

The amount of money spent on infrastructure here is unbelievable, new bridges tunnels, go down the list. I can assure you that multinational companies KNOW beforehand when the shit is about to hit the proverbial fan and would not be investing huge money in this area if we were targeted for demolition. Northern states are a mess, decay is off the charts so maybe that is the area where the builders are planning some hot spots in order to level the properties that need to go. It is what they do Mark and war is generally the vehicle used to level these areas. If you are living near a northern ghetto, I would get the hell out, another show like 9/11 will be on the menu but I don’t know about the Balkanized theory.

September 15, 2019 1:30 am


Shoot…I hope I’m wrong, but it seems to me no matter how much development there is in pockets or areas or states or regions The ‘Luciferian Powers That Be’ (TLPTB) big picture is moving U.S. towards a split so severe that it sets U.S. attacking one another with far more than words.

If the economy holds together past the election, if the Everything Bubble just continues to inflate I will regroup my thoughts, and be more than pleased and thankful for the time to continue to prep and become self-sufficient…but sooner or later there is a reckoning coming that will make 2008/9 look like the good ole days.

I have found myself leaning more and more to the Brandon Smith point of view.

I would love to see Smith proven wrong for all our sakes but for now I’m focusing on the two P’s:

Pessimism & Prep.

22winmag - Guns now, due process later DJT 2-28-19
22winmag - Guns now, due process later DJT 2-28-19
September 14, 2019 10:46 am

Daily *mainstream* columns from status quo numbnuts like PCR, Pat Buchanan, and others remains firmly in control of America’s destiny.


Disagree Dr Roberts is a truth teller and a patriot Get that straight

Vote Harder
Vote Harder
September 14, 2019 3:03 pm

He’s a rare dude indeed.

  Vote Harder
September 15, 2019 6:34 am

Very rare He’s similar to Gabe Zolna only has a bigger audience At least I think he does anyway

22winmag - Guns now, due process later DJT 2-28-19
22winmag - Guns now, due process later DJT 2-28-19
September 14, 2019 8:45 pm

Writing softball columns and even telling the truth does not make one a patriot.

PCR is a Reagan era hack rehashing old stories on a daily basis.

Hugh guess
Hugh guess
September 14, 2019 11:22 am

Smoke and mirrors
Slight of the hand
Using old tricks still works apparently
Say it long enough to become accepted as true – bummer

john prokovich
john prokovich
September 14, 2019 11:25 am

Trump knows the country who caused the towers to fall. and how much thermite they planted.

  john prokovich
September 14, 2019 12:50 pm

Yup he’s owned by the small hat crowd

Vote Harder
Vote Harder
September 14, 2019 11:52 am

“If I am elected, I’ll show you who was really behind the 9/11 attacks” ~ Donald Trump, 2-17-16

comment image

  Vote Harder
September 14, 2019 12:50 pm

Very true He also said that Hillary belonged in prison I voted for him and I regret it now

Vote Harder
Vote Harder
September 14, 2019 1:00 pm
  Vote Harder
September 15, 2019 6:35 am

Yeah right Dream on

September 14, 2019 1:42 pm

Anyone looking for a treasure trove of sources and documentation regarding our submission to Tel Aviv, get “Against our better judgement” by Allison Weir. The hidden history of how the U.S. was used to create Israel.
We pay them 10.5 billion a day to destroy us. Talk about a case of Jewholm syndrome!

September 14, 2019 1:58 pm

Trump is floating Israel Mutual defense Treaty to save Bibi. It’s Lindsay Grahams Senate treaty he has been working on for awhile which compels US to fight Israels wars and brush fires for them but not the other way around. Look it up, don’t take my word for it.

not sure
not sure
September 14, 2019 3:47 pm

Barring any “act of God,” expect the confiscation to be the first on the order of steps to be taken. This will happen prior to the economy tanking, to keep the 2A fence sitters leaning to a voluntary caving to “keep America Great again.” If they still have jobs, they will not risk losing their livelihood over some metal and lead.

I’m guessing 80 to 90% will give in just to keep their jobs, but that security will be short lived, as their jobs will vanish a few short weeks later, when the economy finally does do a nose dive; at the behest of TLPTB (hat tip Mark), while the 10 to 20% remaining to resist will be a much easier number to “manage.”

The solution to stop this train? Pray for Earthquake/ Tsunami/Meteor Strike etc. as this will be the only way to take the control from the hands of the Luciferians; their loss will be the prepared ones gain. Seems like a weird thing to consider, but with no indictments forthcoming and Gowdy suggesting that we should “lower our expectations,” I don’t think “Q” Calvary will be riding in anytime soon.

  not sure
September 14, 2019 8:01 pm

NJs large capacity magazine ban was a dud. Nobody turned them in. I expect few will part with their ARs. Maybe some old POS AR just gor appearances. At least I hope.

  not sure
September 14, 2019 8:04 pm

Anyone who has investigated 9/11 or even just briefly looked at the evidence would come to the conclusion it was an inside job.The mass of people are just so brainwashed that it seems hopeless. Our nation is going down hard and there is nothing that’s going to stop this train wreck. I hoped Trump would change things but if he tried he would probably be killed so here we are.

September 15, 2019 6:37 am

No doubt he would be taken out if he even talked about who was really responsible

Vote Harder
Vote Harder
September 14, 2019 9:42 pm

Even in the Age of Trump, the greatest false flag operation in our time is yet to be acknowledged by any US agency, or the White House. Worse, the false adulation towards the war industry’s incumbent president, coupled with the elimination of presidential candidates opposed to Pentagon budget, are all indicative that the victims of the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers will never get justice anytime soon.

If the event was coordinated by MOSSAD-CIA operatives, and financed by the House of Saud, under the instruction of the UK MI6, then not even Trump, who serves the British Crown and everything Jewish, could facilitate the incarceration of those linked to the high crime.

But hope springs eternal for those who truly believe that Trump is God’s Redemmer, so…

Dear President Trump,

As a military officer and also contractor for Booz Allen Hamilton, I was assigned to the Joint Interagency Operations Center at U.S. Central Command, where I identified, tracked, and reported on terrorists, their financial donors, networks, banks, and activities.

Part of my mission was to investigate, discover, and expose all acts of “waste, fraud, and abuse” by Terrorist Financing Operations Director Dov Zakheim who was my senior supervisor. It was known that Dov Zakheim had secretly arranged for $2.3 trillion dollars to be mis-appropriated through Pentagon channels when he had been the Pentagon Comptroller.

I was assigned the task of penetrating Dov Zakheim’s terrorist financing operations, which involved his son Roger Zakheim (a lawyer at the House Armed Services Committee), an Iraqi named Abdullah Azziz (with close ties to Rudy Gulliani) and the law firm Covington and Burling.

The auditors investigating this matter were conveniently killed in a missile strike upon the Pentagon Office of Naval Intelligence on September 11, 2001. This missile strike was concealed as a “plane attack”, which was a deception operation.

I briefed your attorney Michael Cohen about these matters in 2015 and 2016—which may be one of the reasons he has been targeted by Deep State Shadow Government loyalists.

Evidence and expert testimony confirm without a doubt that the attacks on September 11, 2001 against the Pentagon (as well as the World Trade Center and the Solomon Building in N.Y.) were a well-planned, well-financed, psychological operation – a false flag attack on American soil – designed to trigger and manipulate the American people, the Congress, and the U.S. Military into a full-scale war-mobilization posture with the intent of overthrowing, scattering, and re-making the Middle East and Africa for the direct political, cultural, and economic benefit of the Zionist state of Israel.

9/11, although seemingly coherent, has led to a multi-trillion dollar nightmare for Americans. Because of your success in attacking the Deep State with your sealed indictments and other measures, and because of the failure of the DNI-CIA-FBI-DOJ “Russian Hoax” as well as great fear that your forthcoming summit with President Vladimir Putin will be a great success, I fear for your life and pray for your safety.

You are our Chief Law Enforcement Officer, not just our Commander-in-Chief. It is my hope that this memorandum, combined with the other memoranda you are receiving from other informed patriots, will be helpful to you during the Helsinki summit, where I and many others hope that you and President Putin will share intelligence on 9/11 – who did it, how they did it, why they did it – face to face.

I believe that your leadership in placing the truth about 9/11 before the public will finish the job of taking down the Deep State and the Shadow Government – it will help you shut down the pernicious Zionist/Saudi penetration and subversion of the US economy, government, and society and it will help you demonstrate to the larger public, most of whom did not vote for you, that under your leadership, the US Government can be trusted to clean house and tell the truth.

Very respectfully,
Scott Bennett

Scott Bennett, a U.S. Army Psychological Operations Officer, worked at U.S. Central Command’s Joint Interagency Operations Center. Bennett was assigned to “Terrorist Threat Financing” and tasked with discovering terrorist financing networks (domestic and foreign), instruments, and bank accounts being used to fund Islamic terrorists. He is the author of Shell Game: A Whistleblowing Report (CreateSpace, 2016). His website is:

  Vote Harder
September 15, 2019 12:40 pm

Vote Harder,

I’m going to spend some time digesting this., thanks!

September 15, 2019 1:02 pm


September 15, 2019 2:31 am

As the years have passed since Sept. 11, 2001, it appears there’s become an increasing willingness among more and more people to subscribe to the theory that the attacks were a “deep state operation.” Given the level of propaganda, “fake news” and sheer extremism we’ve seen exhibited by the Deep State and the Democrat Party turned into the Social Democrat Extremist Party fueled by media, the tech power brokers and millions of sheeple in America, which I don’t see abating anytime soon, I wouldn’t be surprised to see in 20 years that the idea is fully embraced as reality.

I meet more and more people who are smart and well-versed in the issues of today and yesterday who believe the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were indeed a false flag operation. It’s hard not to at least give pause when people whose opinion I wouldn’t dismiss out of hand speak of the attacks in this way.

That being said, I still tend towards the most obvious scenario, which is that terrorists used commercial passenger planes to attack the United States. If there were deep state involvement to align with that for a “controlled demolition,” all the obvious questions arise immediately as to how a tremendous quantity of explosives could have been set up surreptitiously and how the number of people involved in such a conspiracy could be induced to remain quiet. Maybe I’m advancing the scenario more than the writer did, and perhaps he was simply saying that a terrorist attack was allowed to happen.

Of course, either represents sheer evil.

Yes, certainly, the communications team jumps in immediately to serve the needs of the direction that has been chosen to follow. How much of that is in response to a crisis at hand vs. a predetermined playbook? Again, if this were a vast conspiracy, how could it be kept under wraps?

Clearly, some evil f _ _ _ _ were onhand during the W administration, including Wolfowitz, Perle and Bill Kristol, the neoconservative war mongering machine. At the risk of raising the cry of “Anti-Semitism,” they all share a common thread which might indicate they put Israeli interests well above American interests.

The article focuses on the propaganda elements, and those are a major concern now, in recent years, and in the foreseeable future. If the Fourth Estate, the government, businessses and organizations are not transparent, fair and honest, we will indeed disintegrate as a country.

These are scary times.

September 15, 2019 6:39 am

You’re NOT anti Semitic Your just right

September 15, 2019 7:00 am

Excellent ?

September 16, 2019 6:56 am

I believe he is correct about the coincidences which indicate but do not prove a thing.

If you agree the country was prepped for Pearl Harbor Redux by neocons, then it shouldn’t take much to realize we are being prepped for EMP type crisis with cannibals and zombie hordes roving the countryside.

But, if you’re aware of it and paying attention, you do not have to let “coincidences” direct your life. Put on your armor.

Believe the hounds of hell are coming.

They are.